""" Django Helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise. (c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. Copyright 2018 Timothy Hobbs. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details. """ # import base64 import email import imaplib import logging import mimetypes import os import poplib import re import socket import ssl import sys from datetime import timedelta from email.utils import getaddresses from os.path import isfile, join from time import ctime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.db.models import Q from django.utils import encoding, timezone from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from email_reply_parser import EmailReplyParser from helpdesk import settings from helpdesk.lib import safe_template_context, process_attachments from helpdesk.models import Queue, Ticket, TicketCC, FollowUp, IgnoreEmail # import User model, which may be a custom model User = get_user_model() STRIPPED_SUBJECT_STRINGS = [ "Re: ", "Fw: ", "RE: ", "FW: ", "Automatic reply: ", ] def process_email(quiet=False): for q in Queue.objects.filter( email_box_type__isnull=False, allow_email_submission=True): logger = logging.getLogger('django.helpdesk.queue.' + q.slug) logging_types = { 'info': logging.INFO, 'warn': logging.WARN, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'crit': logging.CRITICAL, 'debug': logging.DEBUG, } if q.logging_type in logging_types: logger.setLevel(logging_types[q.logging_type]) elif not q.logging_type or q.logging_type == 'none': # disable all handlers so messages go to nowhere logger.handlers = [] logger.propagate = False if quiet: logger.propagate = False # do not propagate to root logger that would log to console # Log messages to specific file only if the queue has it configured if (q.logging_type in logging_types) and q.logging_dir: # if it's enabled and the dir is set log_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(join(q.logging_dir, q.slug + '_get_email.log')) logger.addHandler(log_file_handler) else: log_file_handler = None try: if not q.email_box_last_check: q.email_box_last_check = timezone.now() - timedelta(minutes=30) queue_time_delta = timedelta(minutes=q.email_box_interval or 0) if (q.email_box_last_check + queue_time_delta) < timezone.now(): process_queue(q, logger=logger) q.email_box_last_check = timezone.now() q.save() finally: # we must close the file handler correctly if it's created try: if log_file_handler: log_file_handler.close() except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) try: if log_file_handler: logger.removeHandler(log_file_handler) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) def pop3_sync(q, logger, server): server.getwelcome() try: server.stls() except Exception: logger.warning("POP3 StartTLS failed or unsupported. Connection will be unencrypted.") server.user(q.email_box_user or settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_USER) server.pass_(q.email_box_pass or settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_PASSWORD) messagesInfo = server.list()[1] logger.info("Received %d messages from POP3 server" % len(messagesInfo)) for msgRaw in messagesInfo: if type(msgRaw) is bytes: try: msg = msgRaw.decode("utf-8") except UnicodeError: # if couldn't decode easily, just leave it raw msg = msgRaw else: # already a str msg = msgRaw msgNum = msg.split(" ")[0] logger.info("Processing message %s" % msgNum) raw_content = server.retr(msgNum)[1] if type(raw_content[0]) is bytes: full_message = "\n".join([elm.decode('utf-8') for elm in raw_content]) else: full_message = encoding.force_text("\n".join(raw_content), errors='replace') ticket = object_from_message(message=full_message, queue=q, logger=logger) if ticket: server.dele(msgNum) logger.info("Successfully processed message %s, deleted from POP3 server" % msgNum) else: logger.warn("Message %s was not successfully processed, and will be left on POP3 server" % msgNum) server.quit() def imap_sync(q, logger, server): try: try: server.starttl() except Exception: logger.warning("IMAP4 StartTLS unsupported or failed. Connection will be unencrypted.") server.login(q.email_box_user or settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_USER, q.email_box_pass or settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_PASSWORD) server.select(q.email_box_imap_folder) except imaplib.IMAP4.abort: logger.error( "IMAP login failed. Check that the server is accessible and that " "the username and password are correct." ) server.logout() sys.exit() except ssl.SSLError: logger.error( "IMAP login failed due to SSL error. This is often due to a timeout. " "Please check your connection and try again." ) server.logout() sys.exit() try: status, data = server.search(None, 'NOT', 'DELETED') if data: msgnums = data[0].split() logger.info("Received %d messages from IMAP server" % len(msgnums)) for num in msgnums: logger.info("Processing message %s" % num) status, data = server.fetch(num, '(RFC822)') full_message = encoding.force_text(data[0][1], errors='replace') try: ticket = object_from_message(message=full_message, queue=q, logger=logger) except TypeError: ticket = None # hotfix. Need to work out WHY. if ticket: server.store(num, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted') logger.info("Successfully processed message %s, deleted from IMAP server" % num) else: logger.warn("Message %s was not successfully processed, and will be left on IMAP server" % num) except imaplib.IMAP4.error: logger.error( "IMAP retrieve failed. Is the folder '%s' spelled correctly, and does it exist on the server?", q.email_box_imap_folder ) server.expunge() server.close() server.logout() def process_queue(q, logger): logger.info("***** %s: Begin processing mail for django-helpdesk" % ctime()) if q.socks_proxy_type and q.socks_proxy_host and q.socks_proxy_port: try: import socks except ImportError: no_socks_msg = "Queue has been configured with proxy settings, " \ "but no socks library was installed. Try to " \ "install PySocks via PyPI." logger.error(no_socks_msg) raise ImportError(no_socks_msg) proxy_type = { 'socks4': socks.SOCKS4, 'socks5': socks.SOCKS5, }.get(q.socks_proxy_type) socks.set_default_proxy(proxy_type=proxy_type, addr=q.socks_proxy_host, port=q.socks_proxy_port) socket.socket = socks.socksocket email_box_type = settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_TYPE or q.email_box_type mail_defaults = { 'pop3': { 'ssl': { 'port': 995, 'init': poplib.POP3_SSL, }, 'insecure': { 'port': 110, 'init': poplib.POP3, }, 'sync': pop3_sync, }, 'imap': { 'ssl': { 'port': 993, 'init': imaplib.IMAP4_SSL, }, 'insecure': { 'port': 143, 'init': imaplib.IMAP4, }, 'sync': imap_sync } } if email_box_type in mail_defaults: encryption = 'insecure' if q.email_box_ssl or settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_SSL: encryption = 'ssl' if not q.email_box_port: q.email_box_port = mail_defaults[email_box_type][encryption]['port'] server = mail_defaults[email_box_type][encryption]['init']( q.email_box_host or settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_HOST, int(q.email_box_port) ) logger.info("Attempting %s server login" % email_box_type.upper()) mail_defaults[email_box_type]['sync'](q, logger, server) elif email_box_type == 'local': mail_dir = q.email_box_local_dir or '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/' mail = [join(mail_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(mail_dir) if isfile(join(mail_dir, f))] logger.info("Found %d messages in local mailbox directory" % len(mail)) logger.info("Found %d messages in local mailbox directory" % len(mail)) for i, m in enumerate(mail, 1): logger.info("Processing message %d" % i) with open(m, 'r') as f: full_message = encoding.force_text(f.read(), errors='replace') ticket = object_from_message(message=full_message, queue=q, logger=logger) if ticket: logger.info("Successfully processed message %d, ticket/comment created.", i) try: os.unlink(m) # delete message file if ticket was successful except OSError as e: logger.error("Unable to delete message %d (%s).", i, str(e)) else: logger.info("Successfully deleted message %d.", i) else: logger.warn("Message %d was not successfully processed, and will be left in local directory", i) def decodeUnknown(charset, string): if type(string) is not str: if not charset: try: return str(string, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') except UnicodeError: return str(string, encoding='iso8859-1', errors='replace') return str(string, encoding=charset, errors='replace') return string def decode_mail_headers(string): decoded = email.header.decode_header(string) return u' '.join([ str(msg, encoding=charset, errors='replace') if charset else str(msg) for msg, charset in decoded ]) def create_ticket_cc(ticket, cc_list): if not cc_list: return [] # Local import to deal with non-defined / circular reference problem from helpdesk.views.staff import User, subscribe_to_ticket_updates new_ticket_ccs = [] for cced_name, cced_email in cc_list: cced_email = cced_email.strip() if cced_email == ticket.queue.email_address: continue user = None try: user = User.objects.get(email=cced_email) except User.DoesNotExist: pass try: ticket_cc = subscribe_to_ticket_updates(ticket=ticket, user=user, email=cced_email) new_ticket_ccs.append(ticket_cc) except ValidationError: pass return new_ticket_ccs def create_object_from_email_message(message, ticket_id, payload, files, logger): ticket, previous_followup, new = None, None, False now = timezone.now() queue = payload['queue'] sender_email = payload['sender_email'] to_list = getaddresses(message.get_all('To', [])) cc_list = getaddresses(message.get_all('Cc', [])) message_id = message.get('Message-Id') in_reply_to = message.get('In-Reply-To') if in_reply_to is not None: try: queryset = FollowUp.objects.filter(message_id=in_reply_to).order_by('-date') if queryset.count() > 0: previous_followup = queryset.first() ticket = previous_followup.ticket except FollowUp.DoesNotExist: pass # play along. The header may be wrong if previous_followup is None and ticket_id is not None: try: ticket = Ticket.objects.get(id=ticket_id) except Ticket.DoesNotExist: ticket = None else: new = False # Check if the ticket has been merged to another ticket if ticket.merged_to: logger.info("Ticket has been merged to %s" % ticket.merged_to.ticket) # Use the ticket in which it was merged to for next operations ticket = ticket.merged_to # New issue, create a new instance if ticket is None: if not settings.QUEUE_EMAIL_BOX_UPDATE_ONLY: ticket = Ticket.objects.create( title=payload['subject'], queue=queue, submitter_email=sender_email, created=now, description=payload['body'], priority=payload['priority'], ) ticket.save() logger.debug("Created new ticket %s-%s" % (ticket.queue.slug, ticket.id)) new = True # Old issue being re-opened elif ticket.status == Ticket.CLOSED_STATUS: ticket.status = Ticket.REOPENED_STATUS ticket.save() f = FollowUp( ticket=ticket, title=_('E-Mail Received from %(sender_email)s' % {'sender_email': sender_email}), date=now, public=True, comment=payload['body'], message_id=message_id ) if ticket.status == Ticket.REOPENED_STATUS: f.new_status = Ticket.REOPENED_STATUS f.title = _('Ticket Re-Opened by E-Mail Received from %(sender_email)s' % {'sender_email': sender_email}) f.save() logger.debug("Created new FollowUp for Ticket") logger.info("[%s-%s] %s" % (ticket.queue.slug, ticket.id, ticket.title,)) attached = process_attachments(f, files) for att_file in attached: logger.info( "Attachment '%s' (with size %s) successfully added to ticket from email.", att_file[0], att_file[1].size ) context = safe_template_context(ticket) new_ticket_ccs = [] new_ticket_ccs.append(create_ticket_cc(ticket, to_list + cc_list)) notifications_to_be_sent = [sender_email] if queue.enable_notifications_on_email_events and len(notifications_to_be_sent): ticket_cc_list = TicketCC.objects.filter(ticket=ticket).all().values_list('email', flat=True) for email_address in ticket_cc_list: notifications_to_be_sent.append(email_address) # send mail to appropriate people now depending on what objects # were created and who was CC'd if new: ticket.send( {'submitter': ('newticket_submitter', context), 'new_ticket_cc': ('newticket_cc', context), 'ticket_cc': ('newticket_cc', context)}, fail_silently=True, extra_headers={'In-Reply-To': message_id}, ) else: context.update(comment=f.comment) ticket.send( {'submitter': ('newticket_submitter', context), 'assigned_to': ('updated_owner', context)}, fail_silently=True, extra_headers={'In-Reply-To': message_id}, ) if queue.enable_notifications_on_email_events: ticket.send( {'ticket_cc': ('updated_cc', context)}, fail_silently=True, extra_headers={'In-Reply-To': message_id}, ) return ticket def object_from_message(message, queue, logger): # 'message' must be an RFC822 formatted message. message = email.message_from_string(message) subject = message.get('subject', _('Comment from e-mail')) subject = decode_mail_headers(decodeUnknown(message.get_charset(), subject)) for affix in STRIPPED_SUBJECT_STRINGS: subject = subject.replace(affix, "") subject = subject.strip() sender = message.get('from', _('Unknown Sender')) sender = decode_mail_headers(decodeUnknown(message.get_charset(), sender)) # to address bug #832, we wrap all the text in front of the email address in # double quotes by using replace() on the email string. Then, # take first item of list, second item of tuple is the actual email address. # Note that the replace won't work on just an email with no real name, # but the getaddresses() function seems to be able to handle just unclosed quotes # correctly. Not ideal, but this seems to work for now. sender_email = email.utils.getaddresses(['\"' + sender.replace('<', '\" <')])[0][1] cc = message.get_all('cc', None) if cc: # first, fixup the encoding if necessary cc = [decode_mail_headers(decodeUnknown(message.get_charset(), x)) for x in cc] # get_all checks if multiple CC headers, but individual emails may be comma separated too tempcc = [] for hdr in cc: tempcc.extend(hdr.split(',')) # use a set to ensure no duplicates cc = set([x.strip() for x in tempcc]) for ignore in IgnoreEmail.objects.filter(Q(queues=queue) | Q(queues__isnull=True)): if ignore.test(sender_email): if ignore.keep_in_mailbox: # By returning 'False' the message will be kept in the mailbox, # and the 'True' will cause the message to be deleted. return False return True matchobj = re.match(r".*\[" + queue.slug + r"-(?P\d+)\]", subject) if matchobj: # This is a reply or forward. ticket = matchobj.group('id') logger.info("Matched tracking ID %s-%s" % (queue.slug, ticket)) else: logger.info("No tracking ID matched.") ticket = None body = None counter = 0 files = [] for part in message.walk(): if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue name = part.get_param("name") if name: name = email.utils.collapse_rfc2231_value(name) if part.get_content_maintype() == 'text' and name is None: if part.get_content_subtype() == 'plain': body = part.get_payload(decode=True) # https://github.com/django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk/issues/732 if part['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] == '8bit' and part.get_content_charset() == 'utf-8': body = body.decode('unicode_escape') body = decodeUnknown(part.get_content_charset(), body) body = EmailReplyParser.parse_reply(body) # workaround to get unicode text out rather than escaped text try: body = body.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') except UnicodeEncodeError: body.encode('utf-8') logger.debug("Discovered plain text MIME part") else: try: email_body = encoding.smart_text(part.get_payload(decode=True)) except UnicodeDecodeError: email_body = encoding.smart_text(part.get_payload(decode=False)) payload = """ %s """ % email_body files.append( SimpleUploadedFile(_("email_html_body.html"), payload.encode("utf-8"), 'text/html') ) logger.debug("Discovered HTML MIME part") else: if not name: ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(part.get_content_type()) name = "part-%i%s" % (counter, ext) else: name = ("part-%i_" % counter) + name # FIXME: this code gets the paylods, then does something with it and then completely ignores it # writing the part.get_payload(decode=True) instead; and then the payload variable is # replaced by some dict later. # the `payloadToWrite` has been also ignored so was commented payload = part.get_payload() if isinstance(payload, list): payload = payload.pop().as_string() # payloadToWrite = payload # check version of python to ensure use of only the correct error type non_b64_err = TypeError try: logger.debug("Try to base64 decode the attachment payload") # payloadToWrite = base64.decodebytes(payload) except non_b64_err: logger.debug("Payload was not base64 encoded, using raw bytes") # payloadToWrite = payload files.append(SimpleUploadedFile(name, part.get_payload(decode=True), mimetypes.guess_type(name)[0])) logger.debug("Found MIME attachment %s" % name) counter += 1 if not body: mail = BeautifulSoup(str(message), "html.parser") beautiful_body = mail.find('body') if beautiful_body: try: body = beautiful_body.text except AttributeError: pass if not body: body = "" smtp_priority = message.get('priority', '') smtp_importance = message.get('importance', '') high_priority_types = {'high', 'important', '1', 'urgent'} priority = 2 if high_priority_types & {smtp_priority, smtp_importance} else 3 payload = { 'body': body, 'subject': subject, 'queue': queue, 'sender_email': sender_email, 'priority': priority, 'files': files, } return create_object_from_email_message(message, ticket, payload, files, logger=logger)