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django-helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise.
(c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details. - Common functions (eg multipart e-mail)
chart_colours = ('80C65A', '990066', 'FF9900', '3399CC', 'BBCCED', '3399CC', 'FFCC33')
from base64 import urlsafe_b64encode as b64encode
except ImportError:
from base64 import encodestring as b64encode
from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode as b64decode
except ImportError:
from base64 import decodestring as b64decode
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('helpdesk')
from django.utils.encoding import smart_str
def send_templated_mail(template_name, email_context, recipients, sender=None, bcc=None, fail_silently=False, files=None, extra_headers={}):
send_templated_mail() is a warpper around Django's e-mail routines that
allows us to easily send multipart (text/plain & text/html) e-mails using
templates that are stored in the database. This lets the admin provide
both a text and a HTML template for each message.
template_name is the slug of the template to use for this message (see
email_context is a dictionary to be used when rendering the template
recipients can be either a string, eg '', or a list of strings.
sender should contain a string, eg 'My Site <>'. If you leave it
blank, it'll use settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL as a fallback.
bcc is an optional list of addresses that will receive this message as a
blind carbon copy.
fail_silently is passed to Django's mail routine. Set to 'True' to ignore
any errors at send time.
files can be a list of tuple. Each tuple should be a filename to attach,
along with the File objects to be read. files can be blank.
from django import VERSION
from django.conf import settings
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template import loader, Context
from helpdesk.models import EmailTemplate
from helpdesk.settings import HELPDESK_EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE
import os
# RemovedInDjango110Warning: render() must be called with a dict, not a Context.
if VERSION >= (1, 8):
context = email_context
context = Context(email_context)
if hasattr(context['queue'], 'locale'):
locale = getattr(context['queue'], 'locale', '')
locale = context['queue'].get('locale', 'en')
if not locale:
locale = 'en'
t = None
t = EmailTemplate.objects.get(template_name__iexact=template_name, locale=locale)
except EmailTemplate.DoesNotExist:
if not t:
t = EmailTemplate.objects.get(template_name__iexact=template_name, locale__isnull=True)
except EmailTemplate.DoesNotExist:
logger.warning('template "%s" does not exist, no mail sent' %
return # just ignore if template doesn't exist
if not sender:
sender = settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL
footer_file = os.path.join('helpdesk', locale, 'email_text_footer.txt')
# get_template_from_string was removed in Django 1.8
from django.template import engines
template_func = engines['django'].from_string
except ImportError: # occurs in django < 1.8
template_func = loader.get_template_from_string
text_part = template_func(
"%s{%% include '%s' %%}" % (t.plain_text, footer_file)
email_html_base_file = os.path.join('helpdesk', locale, 'email_html_base.html')
''' keep new lines in html emails '''
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
if 'comment' in context:
html_txt = context['comment']
html_txt = html_txt.replace('\r\n', '<br>')
context['comment'] = mark_safe(html_txt)
# get_template_from_string was removed in Django 1.8
html_part = template_func(
"{%% extends '%s' %%}{%% block title %%}%s{%% endblock %%}{%% block content %%}%s{%% endblock %%}" % (email_html_base_file, t.heading, t.html)
# get_template_from_string was removed in Django 1.8
subject_part = template_func(
"subject": t.subject,
if isinstance(recipients, str):
if recipients.find(','):
recipients = recipients.split(',')
elif type(recipients) != list:
recipients = [recipients,]
msg = EmailMultiAlternatives( subject_part.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', ''),
msg.attach_alternative(html_part, "text/html")
if files:
for attachment in files:
file_to_attach = attachment[1]
return msg.send(fail_silently)
def query_to_dict(results, descriptions):
Replacement method for cursor.dictfetchall() as that method no longer
exists in psycopg2, and I'm guessing in other backends too.
Converts the results of a raw SQL query into a list of dictionaries, suitable
for use in templates etc.
output = []
for data in results:
row = {}
i = 0
for column in descriptions:
row[column[0]] = data[i]
i += 1
return output
def apply_query(queryset, params):
Apply a dict-based set of filters & parameters to a queryset.
queryset is a Django queryset, eg MyModel.objects.all() or
params is a dictionary that contains the following:
filtering: A dict of Django ORM filters, eg:
{'user__id__in': [1, 3, 103], 'title__contains': 'foo'}
other_filter: Another filter of some type, most likely a
set of Q() objects.
sorting: The name of the column to sort by
for key in params['filtering'].keys():
filter = {key: params['filtering'][key]}
queryset = queryset.filter(**filter)
if params.get('other_filter', None):
# eg a Q() set
queryset = queryset.filter(params['other_filter'])
sorting = params.get('sorting', None)
if sorting:
sortreverse = params.get('sortreverse', None)
if sortreverse:
sorting = "-%s" % sorting
queryset = queryset.order_by(sorting)
return queryset
def safe_template_context(ticket):
Return a dictionary that can be used as a template context to render
comments and other details with ticket or queue parameters. Note that
we don't just provide the Ticket & Queue objects to the template as
they could reveal confidential information. Just imagine these two options:
* {{ ticket.queue.email_box_password }}
* {{ ticket.assigned_to.password }}
The downside to this is that if we make changes to the model, we will also
have to update this code. Perhaps we can find a better way in the future.
context = {
'queue': {},
'ticket': {},
queue = ticket.queue
for field in ( 'title', 'slug', 'email_address', 'from_address', 'locale'):
attr = getattr(queue, field, None)
if callable(attr):
context['queue'][field] = attr()
context['queue'][field] = attr
for field in ( 'title', 'created', 'modified', 'submitter_email',
'status', 'get_status_display', 'on_hold', 'description',
'resolution', 'priority', 'get_priority_display',
'last_escalation', 'ticket', 'ticket_for_url',
'get_status', 'ticket_url', 'staff_url', '_get_assigned_to'
attr = getattr(ticket, field, None)
if callable(attr):
context['ticket'][field] = '%s' % attr()
context['ticket'][field] = attr
context['ticket']['queue'] = context['queue']
context['ticket']['assigned_to'] = context['ticket']['_get_assigned_to']
return context
def text_is_spam(text, request):
# Based on a blog post by 'sciyoshi':
# This will return 'True' is the given text is deemed to be spam, or
# False if it is not spam. If it cannot be checked for some reason, we
# assume it isn't spam.
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.conf import settings
from helpdesk.akismet import Akismet
return False
site = Site.objects.get_current()
site = Site(domain='')
ak = Akismet(
blog_url='http://%s/' % site.domain,
if hasattr(settings, 'TYPEPAD_ANTISPAM_API_KEY'):
ak.setAPIKey(key = settings.TYPEPAD_ANTISPAM_API_KEY)
ak.baseurl = ''
elif hasattr(settings, 'AKISMET_API_KEY'):
ak.setAPIKey(key = settings.AKISMET_API_KEY)
return False
if ak.verify_key():
ak_data = {
'user_ip': request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', ''),
'user_agent': request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''),
'referrer': request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', ''),
'comment_type': 'comment',
'comment_author': '',
return ak.comment_check(smart_str(text), data=ak_data)
return False