# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.contrib.auth.hashers import make_password from django.contrib.auth.models import User from django.core import mail from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.core.management import call_command from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404 from django.test import override_settings, TestCase import helpdesk.email from helpdesk.email import extract_part_data, object_from_message from helpdesk.exceptions import DeleteIgnoredTicketException, IgnoreTicketException from helpdesk.management.commands.get_email import Command from helpdesk.models import FollowUp, FollowUpAttachment, IgnoreEmail, Queue, Ticket, TicketCC from helpdesk.tests import utils import itertools import logging import os from shutil import rmtree import six import sys from tempfile import mkdtemp import typing from unittest import mock THIS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) # class A addresses can't have first octet of 0 unrouted_socks_server = "" unrouted_email_server = "" # the last user port, reserved by IANA unused_port = "49151" class GetEmailCommonTests(TestCase): def setUp(self): self.queue_public = Queue.objects.create(title='Test', slug='test') self.logger = logging.getLogger('helpdesk') # tests correct syntax for command line option def test_get_email_quiet_option(self): """Test quiet option is properly propagated""" # Test get_email with quiet set to True and also False, and verify # handle receives quiet option set properly for quiet_test_value in [True, False]: with mock.patch.object(Command, 'handle', return_value=None) as mocked_handle: call_command('get_email', quiet=quiet_test_value) mocked_handle.assert_called_once() for _, kwargs in mocked_handle.call_args_list: self.assertEqual(quiet_test_value, (kwargs['quiet'])) def test_email_with_blank_body_and_attachment(self): """ Tests that emails with blank bodies and attachments work. https://github.com/django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk/issues/700 """ with open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files/blank-body-with-attachment.eml")) as fd: test_email = fd.read() ticket = helpdesk.email.object_from_message( test_email, self.queue_public, self.logger) # title got truncated because of max_lengh of the model.title field assert ticket.title == ( "Attachment without body - and a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" "ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." ) self.assertEqual(ticket.description, "") def test_email_with_quoted_printable_body(self): """ Tests that emails with quoted-printable bodies work. """ with open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files/quoted_printable.eml")) as fd: test_email = fd.read() ticket = helpdesk.email.object_from_message( test_email, self.queue_public, self.logger) self.assertEqual(ticket.title, "Český test") self.assertEqual(ticket.description, "Tohle je test českých písmen odeslaných z gmailu.") followups = FollowUp.objects.filter(ticket=ticket) self.assertEqual(len(followups), 1) followup = followups[0] attachments = FollowUpAttachment.objects.filter(followup=followup) self.assertEqual(len(attachments), 1) attachment = attachments[0] self.assertIn('
Tohle je test českých písmen odeslaných z gmailu.
\n', attachment.file.read().decode("utf-8")) def test_email_with_8bit_encoding_and_utf_8(self): """ Tests that emails with 8bit transfer encoding and utf-8 charset https://github.com/django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk/issues/732 """ with open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files/all-special-chars.eml")) as fd: test_email = fd.read() ticket = helpdesk.email.object_from_message( test_email, self.queue_public, self.logger) self.assertEqual(ticket.title, "Testovácí email") self.assertEqual(ticket.description, "íářčšáíéřášč") @override_settings(HELPDESK_FULL_FIRST_MESSAGE_FROM_EMAIL=True) def test_email_with_utf_8_non_decodable_sequences(self): """ Tests that emails with utf-8 non-decodable sequences are parsed correctly The message is fowarded as well """ with open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files/utf-nondecodable.eml")) as fd: test_email = fd.read() ticket = helpdesk.email.object_from_message( test_email, self.queue_public, self.logger) self.assertEqual( ticket.title, "Fwd: Cyklozaměstnavatel - změna vyhodnocení") self.assertIn("prosazuje lepší", ticket.description) followups = FollowUp.objects.filter(ticket=ticket) followup = followups[0] attachments = FollowUpAttachment.objects.filter(followup=followup) attachment = attachments[0] self.assertIn('prosazuje lepší', attachment.file.read().decode("utf-8")) @override_settings(HELPDESK_FULL_FIRST_MESSAGE_FROM_EMAIL=True) def test_email_with_forwarded_message(self): """ Forwarded message of that format must be still attached correctly """ with open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files/forwarded-message.eml")) as fd: test_email = fd.read() ticket = helpdesk.email.object_from_message( test_email, self.queue_public, self.logger) self.assertEqual( ticket.title, "Test with original message from GitHub") self.assertIn("This is email body", ticket.description) assert "Hello there!" not in ticket.description, ticket.description assert FollowUp.objects.filter(ticket=ticket).count() == 1 assert "Hello there!" in FollowUp.objects.filter( ticket=ticket).first().comment def test_will_delete_ignored_email(self): """ Tests if an email will be ignored if configured to do so and throws the correct exception to ensure the email is deleted """ message, from_meta, _ = utils.generate_text_email(locale="es_ES") ignore = IgnoreEmail(name="Test Ignore", email_address=from_meta[1], keep_in_mailbox=False) ignore.save() with self.assertRaises(DeleteIgnoredTicketException): object_from_message(message.as_string(), self.queue_public, self.logger) def test_will_not_delete_ignored_email(self): """ Tests if an email will be ignored if configured to do so and throws the correct exception to ensure the email is NOT deleted """ message, from_meta, _ = utils.generate_text_email(locale="es_ES") ignore = IgnoreEmail(name="Test Ignore", email_address=from_meta[1], keep_in_mailbox=True) ignore.save() with self.assertRaises(IgnoreTicketException): object_from_message(message.as_string(), self.queue_public, self.logger) def test_utf8_filename_attachment(self): """ Tests if an attachment correctly sent with a UTF8 filename in disposition is extracted correctly """ filename = "TeléfonoMañana.txt" part = utils.generate_file_mime_part(locale="es_ES", filename=filename) files: typing.List[SimpleUploadedFile] = [] extract_part_data(part, counter=1, ticket_id="tst1", files=files, logger=self.logger) sent_file: SimpleUploadedFile = files[0] # The extractor prepends a part identifier so compare the ending self.assertTrue(sent_file.name.endswith(filename), f"Filename extracted does not match: {sent_file.name}") @override_settings(VALID_EXTENSIONS=['.png']) def test_wrong_extension_attachment(self): """ Tests if an attachment with a wrong extension doesn't stop the email process """ message, _, _ = utils.generate_multipart_email(type_list=['plain', 'image']) self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 0) with self.assertLogs(logger='helpdesk', level='ERROR') as cm: object_from_message(message.as_string(), self.queue_public, self.logger) self.assertIn( "ERROR:helpdesk:{'file': ['Unsupported file extension: .jpg']}", cm.output ) self.assertEqual(len(mail.outbox), 1) self.assertEqual(f'[test-1] {message.get("subject")} (Opened)', mail.outbox[0].subject) class GetEmailParametricTemplate(object): """TestCase that checks basic email functionality across methods and socks configs.""" def setUp(self): self.temp_logdir = mkdtemp() kwargs = { "title": 'Basic Queue', "slug": 'QQ', "allow_public_submission": True, "allow_email_submission": True, "email_box_type": self.method, "logging_dir": self.temp_logdir, "logging_type": 'none' } if self.method == 'local': kwargs["email_box_local_dir"] = '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/' else: kwargs["email_box_host"] = unrouted_email_server kwargs["email_box_port"] = unused_port if self.socks: kwargs["socks_proxy_type"] = self.socks kwargs["socks_proxy_host"] = unrouted_socks_server kwargs["socks_proxy_port"] = unused_port self.queue_public = Queue.objects.create(**kwargs) def tearDown(self): rmtree(self.temp_logdir) def test_read_plain_email(self): """Tests reading plain text emails from a queue and creating tickets. For each email source supported, we mock the backend to provide authentically formatted responses containing our test data.""" # example email text from Django docs: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/unicode/ test_email_from = "Arnbjörg Ráðormsdóttir " test_email_subject = "My visit to Sør-Trøndelag" test_email_body = "Unicode helpdesk comment with an s-hat (ŝ) via email." test_email = "To: helpdesk@example.com\nFrom: " + test_email_from + \ "\nSubject: " + test_email_subject + "\n\n" + test_email_body test_mail_len = len(test_email) if self.socks: from socks import ProxyConnectionError with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProxyConnectionError, '%s:%s' % (unrouted_socks_server, unused_port)): call_command('get_email') else: # Test local email reading if self.method == 'local': with mock.patch('os.listdir') as mocked_listdir, \ mock.patch('helpdesk.email.isfile') as mocked_isfile, \ mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=test_email)), \ mock.patch('os.unlink'): mocked_isfile.return_value = True mocked_listdir.return_value = ['filename1', 'filename2'] call_command('get_email') mocked_listdir.assert_called_with( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename1') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename2') elif self.method == 'pop3': # mock poplib.POP3's list and retr methods to provide responses # as per RFC 1939 pop3_emails = { '1': ("+OK", test_email.split('\n')), '2': ("+OK", test_email.split('\n')), } pop3_mail_list = ("+OK 2 messages", ("1 %d" % test_mail_len, "2 %d" % test_mail_len)) mocked_poplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_poplib_server.list = mock.Mock( return_value=pop3_mail_list) mocked_poplib_server.retr = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x: pop3_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.poplib', autospec=True) as mocked_poplib: mocked_poplib.POP3 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_poplib_server) call_command('get_email') elif self.method == 'imap': # mock imaplib.IMAP4's search and fetch methods with responses # from RFC 3501 imap_emails = { "1": ("OK", (("1", test_email),)), "2": ("OK", (("2", test_email),)), } imap_mail_list = ("OK", ("1 2",)) mocked_imaplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_imaplib_server.search = mock.Mock( return_value=imap_mail_list) # we ignore the second arg as the data item/mime-part is # constant (RFC822) mocked_imaplib_server.fetch = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x, _: imap_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.imaplib', autospec=True) as mocked_imaplib: mocked_imaplib.IMAP4 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_imaplib_server) call_command('get_email') ticket1 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=1) self.assertEqual(ticket1.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket1.id) self.assertEqual(ticket1.title, test_email_subject) self.assertEqual(ticket1.description, test_email_body) ticket2 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=2) self.assertEqual(ticket2.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket2.id) self.assertEqual(ticket2.title, test_email_subject) self.assertEqual(ticket2.description, test_email_body) def test_commas_in_mail_headers(self): """Tests correctly decoding mail headers when a comma is encoded into UTF-8. See bug report #832.""" # Create the from using standard RFC required formats # Override the last_name to ensure we get a non-ascii character in it test_email_from_meta = utils.generate_email_address("fr_FR", last_name_override="Bouissières") test_email_subject = "Commas in From lines" test_email_body = "Testing commas in from email UTF-8." test_email = "To: helpdesk@example.com\nFrom: " + test_email_from_meta[0] + \ "\nSubject: " + test_email_subject + "\n\n" + test_email_body test_mail_len = len(test_email) if self.socks: from socks import ProxyConnectionError with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProxyConnectionError, '%s:%s' % (unrouted_socks_server, unused_port)): call_command('get_email') else: # Test local email reading if self.method == 'local': with mock.patch('os.listdir') as mocked_listdir, \ mock.patch('helpdesk.email.isfile') as mocked_isfile, \ mock.patch('builtins.open' if six.PY3 else '__builtin__.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=test_email)), \ mock.patch('os.unlink'): mocked_isfile.return_value = True mocked_listdir.return_value = ['filename1', 'filename2'] call_command('get_email') mocked_listdir.assert_called_with( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename1') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename2') elif self.method == 'pop3': # mock poplib.POP3's list and retr methods to provide responses # as per RFC 1939 pop3_emails = { '1': ("+OK", test_email.split('\n')), '2': ("+OK", test_email.split('\n')), } pop3_mail_list = ("+OK 2 messages", ("1 %d" % test_mail_len, "2 %d" % test_mail_len)) mocked_poplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_poplib_server.list = mock.Mock( return_value=pop3_mail_list) mocked_poplib_server.retr = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x: pop3_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.poplib', autospec=True) as mocked_poplib: mocked_poplib.POP3 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_poplib_server) call_command('get_email') elif self.method == 'imap': # mock imaplib.IMAP4's search and fetch methods with responses # from RFC 3501 imap_emails = { "1": ("OK", (("1", test_email),)), "2": ("OK", (("2", test_email),)), } imap_mail_list = ("OK", ("1 2",)) mocked_imaplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_imaplib_server.search = mock.Mock( return_value=imap_mail_list) # we ignore the second arg as the data item/mime-part is # constant (RFC822) mocked_imaplib_server.fetch = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x, _: imap_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.imaplib', autospec=True) as mocked_imaplib: mocked_imaplib.IMAP4 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_imaplib_server) call_command('get_email') ticket1 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=1) self.assertEqual(ticket1.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket1.id) self.assertEqual(ticket1.submitter_email, test_email_from_meta[1]) self.assertEqual(ticket1.title, test_email_subject) self.assertEqual(ticket1.description, test_email_body) ticket2 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=2) self.assertEqual(ticket2.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket2.id) self.assertEqual(ticket2.submitter_email, test_email_from_meta[1]) self.assertEqual(ticket2.title, test_email_subject) self.assertEqual(ticket2.description, test_email_body) def test_read_email_with_template_tag(self): """Tests reading plain text emails from a queue and creating tickets, except this time the email body contains a Django template tag. For each email source supported, we mock the backend to provide authentically formatted responses containing our test data.""" # example email text from Django docs: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/unicode/ test_email_from = "Arnbjörg Ráðormsdóttir " test_email_subject = "My visit to Sør-Trøndelag" test_email_body = "Reporting some issue with the template tag: {% if helpdesk %}." test_email = "To: helpdesk@example.com\nFrom: " + test_email_from + \ "\nSubject: " + test_email_subject + "\n\n" + test_email_body test_mail_len = len(test_email) if self.socks: from socks import ProxyConnectionError with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProxyConnectionError, '%s:%s' % (unrouted_socks_server, unused_port)): call_command('get_email') else: # Test local email reading if self.method == 'local': with mock.patch('os.listdir') as mocked_listdir, \ mock.patch('helpdesk.email.isfile') as mocked_isfile, \ mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=test_email)), \ mock.patch('os.unlink'): mocked_isfile.return_value = True mocked_listdir.return_value = ['filename1', 'filename2'] call_command('get_email') mocked_listdir.assert_called_with( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename1') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename2') elif self.method == 'pop3': # mock poplib.POP3's list and retr methods to provide responses # as per RFC 1939 pop3_emails = { '1': ("+OK", test_email.split('\n')), '2': ("+OK", test_email.split('\n')), } pop3_mail_list = ("+OK 2 messages", ("1 %d" % test_mail_len, "2 %d" % test_mail_len)) mocked_poplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_poplib_server.list = mock.Mock( return_value=pop3_mail_list) mocked_poplib_server.retr = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x: pop3_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.poplib', autospec=True) as mocked_poplib: mocked_poplib.POP3 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_poplib_server) call_command('get_email') elif self.method == 'imap': # mock imaplib.IMAP4's search and fetch methods with responses # from RFC 3501 imap_emails = { "1": ("OK", (("1", test_email),)), "2": ("OK", (("2", test_email),)), } imap_mail_list = ("OK", ("1 2",)) mocked_imaplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_imaplib_server.search = mock.Mock( return_value=imap_mail_list) # we ignore the second arg as the data item/mime-part is # constant (RFC822) mocked_imaplib_server.fetch = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x, _: imap_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.imaplib', autospec=True) as mocked_imaplib: mocked_imaplib.IMAP4 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_imaplib_server) call_command('get_email') ticket1 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=1) self.assertEqual(ticket1.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket1.id) self.assertEqual(ticket1.title, test_email_subject) self.assertEqual(ticket1.description, test_email_body) ticket2 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=2) self.assertEqual(ticket2.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket2.id) self.assertEqual(ticket2.title, test_email_subject) self.assertEqual(ticket2.description, test_email_body) def test_read_html_multipart_email(self): """Tests reading multipart MIME (HTML body and plain text alternative) emails from a queue and creating tickets. For each email source supported, we mock the backend to provide authentically formatted responses containing our test data.""" # example email text from Python docs: # https://docs.python.org/3/library/email-examples.html from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText me = "my@example.com" you = "your@example.com" # NOTE: CC'd emails need to be alphabetical and tested as such! # implementation uses sets, so only way to ensure tickets created # in right order is to change set to list and sort it cc_one = "nobody@example.com" cc_two = "other@example.com" cc = cc_one + ", " + cc_two subject = "Link" # Create message container - the correct MIME type is # multipart/alternative. msg = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = me msg['To'] = you msg['Cc'] = cc # Create the body of the message (a plain-text and an HTML version). text = "Hi!\nHow are you?\nHere is the link you wanted:\nhttps://www.python.org" html = """\

How are you?
Here is the link you wanted.

""" # Record the MIME types of both parts - text/plain and text/html. part1 = MIMEText(text, 'plain') part2 = MIMEText(html, 'html') # Attach parts into message container. # According to RFC 2046, the last part of a multipart message, in this case # the HTML message, is best and preferred. msg.attach(part1) msg.attach(part2) test_mail_len = len(msg) if self.socks: from socks import ProxyConnectionError with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProxyConnectionError, '%s:%s' % (unrouted_socks_server, unused_port)): call_command('get_email') else: # Test local email reading if self.method == 'local': with mock.patch('os.listdir') as mocked_listdir, \ mock.patch('helpdesk.email.isfile') as mocked_isfile, \ mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=msg.as_string())), \ mock.patch('os.unlink'): mocked_isfile.return_value = True mocked_listdir.return_value = ['filename1', 'filename2'] call_command('get_email') mocked_listdir.assert_called_with( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename1') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename2') elif self.method == 'pop3': # mock poplib.POP3's list and retr methods to provide responses # as per RFC 1939 pop3_emails = { '1': ("+OK", msg.as_string().split('\n')), '2': ("+OK", msg.as_string().split('\n')), } pop3_mail_list = ("+OK 2 messages", ("1 %d" % test_mail_len, "2 %d" % test_mail_len)) mocked_poplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_poplib_server.list = mock.Mock( return_value=pop3_mail_list) mocked_poplib_server.retr = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x: pop3_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.poplib', autospec=True) as mocked_poplib: mocked_poplib.POP3 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_poplib_server) call_command('get_email') elif self.method == 'imap': # mock imaplib.IMAP4's search and fetch methods with responses # from RFC 3501 imap_emails = { "1": ("OK", (("1", msg.as_string()),)), "2": ("OK", (("2", msg.as_string()),)), } imap_mail_list = ("OK", ("1 2",)) mocked_imaplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_imaplib_server.search = mock.Mock( return_value=imap_mail_list) # we ignore the second arg as the data item/mime-part is # constant (RFC822) mocked_imaplib_server.fetch = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x, _: imap_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.imaplib', autospec=True) as mocked_imaplib: mocked_imaplib.IMAP4 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_imaplib_server) call_command('get_email') ticket1 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=1) self.assertEqual(ticket1.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket1.id) self.assertEqual(ticket1.title, subject) # plain text should become description self.assertEqual(ticket1.description, text) # HTML MIME part should be attached to follow up followup1 = get_object_or_404(FollowUp, pk=1) self.assertEqual(followup1.ticket.id, 1) attach1 = get_object_or_404(FollowUpAttachment, pk=1) self.assertEqual(attach1.followup.id, 1) self.assertEqual(attach1.filename, 'email_html_body.html') cc0 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=1) self.assertEqual(cc0.email, you) cc1 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=2) self.assertEqual(cc1.email, cc_one) cc2 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=3) self.assertEqual(cc2.email, cc_two) self.assertEqual(len(TicketCC.objects.filter(ticket=1)), 3) ticket2 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=2) self.assertEqual(ticket2.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket2.id) self.assertEqual(ticket2.title, subject) # plain text should become description self.assertEqual(ticket2.description, text) # HTML MIME part should be attached to follow up followup2 = get_object_or_404(FollowUp, pk=2) self.assertEqual(followup2.ticket.id, 2) attach2 = get_object_or_404(FollowUpAttachment, pk=2) self.assertEqual(attach2.followup.id, 2) self.assertEqual(attach2.filename, 'email_html_body.html') def test_read_pgp_signed_email(self): """Tests reading a PGP signed email to ensure we handle base64 and PGP signatures appropriately.""" # example email text from #567 on GitHub with open(os.path.join(THIS_DIR, "test_files/pgp.eml")) as fd: test_email = fd.read() test_mail_len = len(test_email) if self.socks: from socks import ProxyConnectionError with self.assertRaisesRegex(ProxyConnectionError, '%s:%s' % (unrouted_socks_server, unused_port)): call_command('get_email') else: # Test local email reading if self.method == 'local': with mock.patch('os.listdir') as mocked_listdir, \ mock.patch('helpdesk.email.isfile') as mocked_isfile, \ mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=test_email)), \ mock.patch('os.unlink'): mocked_isfile.return_value = True mocked_listdir.return_value = ['filename1'] call_command('get_email') mocked_listdir.assert_called_with( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call( '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename1') elif self.method == 'pop3': # mock poplib.POP3's list and retr methods to provide responses # as per RFC 1939 pop3_emails = { '1': ("+OK", test_email.split('\n')), } pop3_mail_list = ("+OK 1 message", ("1 %d" % test_mail_len)) mocked_poplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_poplib_server.list = mock.Mock( return_value=pop3_mail_list) mocked_poplib_server.retr = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x: pop3_emails['1']) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.poplib', autospec=True) as mocked_poplib: mocked_poplib.POP3 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_poplib_server) call_command('get_email') elif self.method == 'imap': # mock imaplib.IMAP4's search and fetch methods with responses # from RFC 3501 imap_emails = { "1": ("OK", (("1", test_email),)), } imap_mail_list = ("OK", ("1",)) mocked_imaplib_server = mock.Mock() mocked_imaplib_server.search = mock.Mock( return_value=imap_mail_list) # we ignore the second arg as the data item/mime-part is # constant (RFC822) mocked_imaplib_server.fetch = mock.Mock( side_effect=lambda x, _: imap_emails[x]) with mock.patch('helpdesk.email.imaplib', autospec=True) as mocked_imaplib: mocked_imaplib.IMAP4 = mock.Mock( return_value=mocked_imaplib_server) call_command('get_email') ticket1 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=1) self.assertEqual(ticket1.ticket_for_url, "QQ-%s" % ticket1.id) self.assertEqual( ticket1.title, "example email that crashes django-helpdesk get_email") self.assertEqual( ticket1.description, """hi, thanks for looking into this :)\n\nhttps://github.com/django-helpdesk/django-helpdesk/issues/567#issuecomment-342954233""") # MIME part should be attached to follow up followup1 = get_object_or_404(FollowUp, pk=1) self.assertEqual(followup1.ticket.id, 1) attach1 = get_object_or_404(FollowUpAttachment, pk=1) self.assertEqual(attach1.followup.id, 1) self.assertEqual(attach1.filename, 'part-1_signature.asc') self.assertEqual(attach1.file.read(), b"""-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIcBAEBCAAGBQJaA3dnAAoJELBLc7QPITnLN54P/3Zsu7+AIQWDFTvziJfCqswG u99fG+iWa6ER+iuZG0YU1BdIxIjSKt1pvqB0yXITlT9FCdf1zc0pmeJ08I0a5pVa iaym5prVUro5BNQ6Vqoo0jvOCKNrACtFNv85zDzXbPNP8TrUss41U+ackPHkOHov cmJ5YZFQebYXXpibFSIDimVGfwI57vyTWvolttZFLSI1mgGX7MvHaKh253QLdXIo EUih40rOw3f/nYPEKyW8QA72ImBsZdcZI5buiiCC1bgMkKSFSNAFiIanYEpGNMnO 3zYKBpbpBhnWSi5orwx47/v4/Yb/qVr5ppuV23+YoMfEGT8cHPTAdYpnpE27ByAv jvpxKEwmkUzD1WxOmQdCcPJPyWz1OBUVvjj0nn0Espnz8V8esl9+IFs739lpFBHu fWWA315LTmIJMGH5Ujf4myiQeXDo6Gsy6WhE13q7MKTq3tnyi5dJG9GJCBf646dL RwcDf9O7MvKSV2kSPmryLnUF7D+2fva+Cy+CvJDVJCo5zr4ucXPXZ4htpI6Pjpd5 oPHvbqxSCMJrQ7eAFTYmBNGauSyr0XvGM1qmHBZD/laQEJHYgLT2ILrymZhVDHtK W7tXhGjMoUvqAxiKkmG3UHFqN4k3EYo13PwoOWyJHD1M9ArbX/Sk9l8DDguCh3DW a9eiiQ+3V1v+7wWHXCzq =6JeP -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- """) # should this be 'application/pgp-signature'? # self.assertEqual(attach1.mime_type, 'text/plain') class GetEmailCCHandling(TestCase): """TestCase that checks CC handling in email. Needs its own test harness.""" def setUp(self): self.temp_logdir = mkdtemp() kwargs = { "title": 'CC Queue', "slug": 'CC', "allow_public_submission": True, "allow_email_submission": True, "email_address": 'queue@example.com', "email_box_type": 'local', "email_box_local_dir": '/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/', "logging_dir": self.temp_logdir, "logging_type": 'none' } self.queue_public = Queue.objects.create(**kwargs) user1_kwargs = { 'username': 'staff', 'email': 'staff@example.com', 'password': make_password('Test1234'), 'is_staff': True, 'is_superuser': False, 'is_active': True } self.staff_user = User.objects.create(**user1_kwargs) user2_kwargs = { 'username': 'assigned', 'email': 'assigned@example.com', 'password': make_password('Test1234'), 'is_staff': True, 'is_superuser': False, 'is_active': True } self.assigned_user = User.objects.create(**user2_kwargs) user3_kwargs = { 'username': 'observer', 'email': 'observer@example.com', 'password': make_password('Test1234'), 'is_staff': True, 'is_superuser': False, 'is_active': True } self.observer_user = User.objects.create(**user3_kwargs) ticket_kwargs = { 'title': 'Original Ticket', 'queue': self.queue_public, 'submitter_email': 'submitter@example.com', 'assigned_to': self.assigned_user, 'status': 1 } self.original_ticket = Ticket.objects.create(**ticket_kwargs) cc_kwargs = { 'ticket': self.original_ticket, 'user': self.staff_user, 'can_view': True, 'can_update': True } self.original_cc = TicketCC.objects.create(**cc_kwargs) def tearDown(self): rmtree(self.temp_logdir) def test_read_email_cc(self): """Tests reading plain text emails from a queue and adding to a ticket, particularly to test appropriate handling of CC'd emails.""" # first, check that test ticket exists ticket1 = get_object_or_404(Ticket, pk=1) self.assertEqual(ticket1.ticket_for_url, "CC-1") self.assertEqual(ticket1.title, "Original Ticket") # only the staff_user is CC'd for now self.assertEqual(len(TicketCC.objects.filter(ticket=1)), 1) ccstaff = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=1) self.assertEqual(ccstaff.user, User.objects.get(username='staff')) self.assertEqual(ticket1.assigned_to, User.objects.get(username='assigned')) # example email text from Django docs: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/unicode/ test_email_from = "submitter@example.com" # NOTE: CC emails are in alphabetical order and must be tested as such! # implementation uses sets, so only way to ensure tickets created # in right order is to change set to list and sort it test_email_cc_one = "Alice Ráðormsdóttir " test_email_cc_two = "nobody@example.com" test_email_cc_three = "other@example.com" test_email_cc_four = "someone@example.com" ticket_user_emails = "assigned@example.com, staff@example.com, submitter@example.com, observer@example.com, queue@example.com" test_email_subject = "[CC-1] My visit to Sør-Trøndelag" test_email_body = "Unicode helpdesk comment with an s-hat (ŝ) via email." test_email = "To: queue@example.com\nCc: " + test_email_cc_one + ", " + test_email_cc_one + ", " + test_email_cc_two + ", " + test_email_cc_three + "\nCC: " + test_email_cc_one + \ ", " + test_email_cc_three + ", " + test_email_cc_four + ", " + ticket_user_emails + \ "\nFrom: " + test_email_from + "\nSubject: " + \ test_email_subject + "\n\n" + test_email_body test_mail_len = len(test_email) with mock.patch('os.listdir') as mocked_listdir, \ mock.patch('helpdesk.email.isfile') as mocked_isfile, \ mock.patch('builtins.open', mock.mock_open(read_data=test_email)), \ mock.patch('os.unlink'): mocked_isfile.return_value = True mocked_listdir.return_value = ['filename1'] call_command('get_email') mocked_listdir.assert_called_with('/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/') mocked_isfile.assert_any_call('/var/lib/mail/helpdesk/filename1') # 9 unique email addresses are CC'd when all is done self.assertEqual(len(TicketCC.objects.filter(ticket=1)), 9) # next we make sure no duplicates were added, and the # staff users nor submitter were not re-added as email TicketCCs cc1 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=1) self.assertEqual(cc1.user, User.objects.get(username='staff')) cc2 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=2) self.assertEqual(cc2.email, "alice@example.com") cc3 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=3) self.assertEqual(cc3.email, test_email_cc_two) cc4 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=4) self.assertEqual(cc4.email, test_email_cc_three) cc5 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=5) self.assertEqual(cc5.email, test_email_cc_four) cc6 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=6) self.assertEqual(cc6.email, "assigned@example.com") cc7 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=7) self.assertEqual(cc7.email, "staff@example.com") cc8 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=8) self.assertEqual(cc8.email, "submitter@example.com") cc9 = get_object_or_404(TicketCC, pk=9) self.assertEqual(cc9.user, User.objects.get(username='observer')) self.assertEqual(cc9.email, "observer@example.com") # build matrix of test cases case_methods = [c[0] for c in Queue._meta.get_field('email_box_type').choices] # uncomment if you want to run tests with socks - which is much slover # case_socks = [False] + [c[0] for c in Queue._meta.get_field('socks_proxy_type').choices] case_socks = [False] case_matrix = list(itertools.product(case_methods, case_socks)) # Populate TestCases from the matrix of parameters thismodule = sys.modules[__name__] for method, socks in case_matrix: if method == "local" and socks: continue socks_str = "Nosocks" if socks: socks_str = socks.capitalize() test_name = str( "TestGetEmail%s%s" % (method.capitalize(), socks_str)) cl = type(test_name, (GetEmailParametricTemplate, TestCase), {"method": method, "socks": socks}) setattr(thismodule, test_name, cl)