import email import uuid from helpdesk.models import Queue, CustomField, FollowUp, Ticket, TicketCC, KBCategory, KBItem from django.test import TestCase from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model from django.core import mail from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.forms import ValidationError from django.test.client import Client from django.urls import reverse from import object_from_message, create_ticket_cc from helpdesk.tests.helpers import print_response from urllib.parse import urlparse import logging logger = logging.getLogger('helpdesk') class TicketBasicsTestCase(TestCase): fixtures = ['emailtemplate.json'] def setUp(self): self.queue_public = Queue.objects.create( title='Queue 1', slug='q1', allow_public_submission=True, new_ticket_cc='', updated_ticket_cc='') self.queue_private = Queue.objects.create( title='Queue 2', slug='q2', allow_public_submission=False, new_ticket_cc='', updated_ticket_cc='') self.ticket_data = { 'title': 'Test Ticket', 'description': 'Some Test Ticket', } self.user = get_user_model().objects.create( username='User_1', ) self.client = Client() def test_create_ticket_instance_from_payload(self): """ Ensure that a instance is created whenever an email is sent to a public queue. """ email_count = len(mail.outbox) ticket_data = dict(queue=self.queue_public, **self.ticket_data) ticket = Ticket.objects.create(**ticket_data) self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "q1-%s" % self.assertEqual(email_count, len(mail.outbox)) def test_create_ticket_public(self): email_count = len(mail.outbox) response = self.client.get(reverse('helpdesk:home')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) post_data = { 'title': 'Test ticket title', 'queue':, 'submitter_email': '', 'body': 'Test ticket body', 'priority': 3, } response ='helpdesk:home'), post_data, follow=True) last_redirect = response.redirect_chain[-1] last_redirect_url = last_redirect[0] # last_redirect_status = last_redirect[1] # Ensure we landed on the "View" page. # Django 1.9 compatible way of testing this # urlparts = urlparse(last_redirect_url) self.assertEqual(urlparts.path, reverse('helpdesk:public_view')) # Ensure submitter, new-queue + update-queue were all emailed. self.assertEqual(email_count + 3, len(mail.outbox)) ticket = Ticket.objects.last() self.assertEqual(ticket.followup_set.count(), 1) # Follow up is anonymous self.assertIsNone(ticket.followup_set.first().user) def test_create_ticket_public_with_hidden_fields(self): email_count = len(mail.outbox) response = self.client.get(reverse('helpdesk:home')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) post_data = { 'title': 'Test ticket title', 'queue':, 'submitter_email': '', 'body': 'Test ticket body', 'priority': 4, } response ='helpdesk:home') + "?_hide_fields_=priority", post_data, follow=True) ticket = Ticket.objects.last() self.assertEqual(ticket.priority, 4) def test_create_ticket_authorized(self): email_count = len(mail.outbox) self.client.force_login(self.user) response = self.client.get(reverse('helpdesk:home')) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) post_data = { 'title': 'Test ticket title', 'queue':, 'submitter_email': '', 'body': 'Test ticket body', 'priority': 3, } response ='helpdesk:home'), post_data, follow=True) last_redirect = response.redirect_chain[-1] last_redirect_url = last_redirect[0] # last_redirect_status = last_redirect[1] # Ensure we landed on the "View" page. # Django 1.9 compatible way of testing this # urlparts = urlparse(last_redirect_url) self.assertEqual(urlparts.path, reverse('helpdesk:public_view')) # Ensure submitter, new-queue + update-queue were all emailed. self.assertEqual(email_count + 3, len(mail.outbox)) ticket = Ticket.objects.last() self.assertEqual(ticket.followup_set.count(), 1) # Follow up is for registered user self.assertEqual(ticket.followup_set.first().user, self.user) def test_create_ticket_private(self): email_count = len(mail.outbox) post_data = { 'title': 'Private ticket test', 'queue':, 'submitter_email': '', 'body': 'Test ticket body', 'priority': 3, } response ='helpdesk:home'), post_data) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) self.assertEqual(email_count, len(mail.outbox)) self.assertContains(response, 'Select a valid choice.') def test_create_ticket_customfields(self): email_count = len(mail.outbox) queue_custom = Queue.objects.create( title='Queue 3', slug='q3', allow_public_submission=True, updated_ticket_cc='') custom_field_1 = CustomField.objects.create( name='textfield', label='Text Field', data_type='varchar', max_length=100, ordering=10, required=False, staff_only=False) post_data = { 'queue':, 'title': 'Ticket with custom text field', 'submitter_email': '', 'body': 'Test ticket body', 'priority': 3, 'custom_textfield': 'This is my custom text.', } response ='helpdesk:home'), post_data, follow=True) custom_field_1.delete() last_redirect = response.redirect_chain[-1] last_redirect_url = last_redirect[0] # last_redirect_status = last_redirect[1] # Ensure we landed on the "View" page. # Django 1.9 compatible way of testing this # urlparts = urlparse(last_redirect_url) self.assertEqual(urlparts.path, reverse('helpdesk:public_view')) # Ensure only two e-mails were sent - submitter & updated. self.assertEqual(email_count + 2, len(mail.outbox)) def test_create_ticket_public_no_loopback(self): """ Don't send emails to the queue's own inbox. It'll create a loop. """ email_count = len(mail.outbox) self.queue_public.email_address = "" post_data = { 'title': 'Test ticket title', 'queue':, 'submitter_email': '', 'body': 'Test ticket body', 'priority': 3, } response ='helpdesk:home'), post_data, follow=True) last_redirect = response.redirect_chain[-1] last_redirect_url = last_redirect[0] # last_redirect_status = last_redirect[1] # Ensure we landed on the "View" page. # Django 1.9 compatible way of testing this # urlparts = urlparse(last_redirect_url) self.assertEqual(urlparts.path, reverse('helpdesk:public_view')) # Ensure submitter, new-queue + update-queue were all emailed. self.assertEqual(email_count + 2, len(mail.outbox)) class EmailInteractionsTestCase(TestCase): fixtures = ['emailtemplate.json'] def setUp(self): self.queue_public = Queue.objects.create( title='Mail Queue 1', slug='mq1', email_address='', allow_public_submission=True, new_ticket_cc='', updated_ticket_cc='', enable_notifications_on_email_events=True, ) self.queue_public_with_notifications_disabled = Queue.objects.create( title='Mail Queue 2', slug='mq2', email_address='', allow_public_submission=True, new_ticket_cc='', updated_ticket_cc='', enable_notifications_on_email_events=False, ) self.ticket_data = { 'title': 'Test Ticket', 'description': 'Some Test Ticket', } def test_create_ticket_from_email_with_message_id(self): """ Ensure that a instance is created whenever an email is sent to a public queue. Also, make sure that the RFC 2822 field "message-id" is stored on the field. """ msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify the sender (+1) # and the new and update queues (+2) self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) def test_create_ticket_from_email_without_message_id(self): """ Ensure that a instance is created whenever an email is sent to a public queue. Also, make sure that the RFC 2822 field "message-id" is stored on the field. """ msg = email.message.Message() submitter_email = '' msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) ticket = Ticket.objects.get(title=self.ticket_data['title'], queue=self.queue_public, submitter_email=submitter_email) self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify the sender (+1) # and the new and update queues (+2) self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) def test_create_ticket_from_email_with_carbon_copy(self): """ Ensure that an instance of is created for every valid element of the "rfc_2822_cc" field when creating a instance. """ msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # Ensure that exists ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) def test_create_ticket_from_email_to_multiple_emails(self): """ Ensure that an instance of is created for every valid element of the "rfc_2822_cc" field when creating a instance. """ msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' to_list = [self.queue_public.email_address] cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', ','.join(to_list + cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # Ensure that the queue's email was not subscribed to the event notifications. self.assertRaises(TicketCC.DoesNotExist, TicketCC.objects.get, ticket=ticket, email=to_list[0]) for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # Ensure that exists ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) def test_create_ticket_from_email_with_invalid_carbon_copy(self): """ Ensure that no instance is created if an invalid element of the "rfc_2822_cc" field is provided when creating a instance. """ msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['null@example', 'invalid@foobar'] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the submitter (+1) # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # Ensure that exists. Even if it's an invalid email. ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) def test_create_followup_from_email_with_valid_message_id_with_no_initial_cc_list(self): """ Ensure that if a message is received with an valid In-Reply-To ID, the expected instances are created even if the there were no s so far. """ # Ticket and TicketCCs creation # msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify the sender # and contacts on the cc_list (+1 as it's treated as a list), # the new and update queues (+2) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify the sender (+1) # and the new and update queues (+2) expected_email_count = 1 + 2 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # end of the Ticket and TicketCCs creation # # Reply message reply = email.message.Message() reply_message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] reply.__setitem__('Message-ID', reply_message_id) reply.__setitem__('In-Reply-To', message_id) reply.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) reply.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) reply.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) reply.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) reply.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') reply.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) object_from_message(str(reply), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: # Even after 2 messages with the same cc_list, MUST return only # one object ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) # As an update was made, we increase the expected_email_count with: # submitter: +1 # cc_list: +2 # public_update_queue: +1 expected_email_count += 1 + 2 + 1 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # As we have created a FollowUp from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) # Ensure that the submitter is notified # self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[expected_email_count - 3].to) # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # for cc_email in cc_list: # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[expected_email_count - 1].to) def test_create_followup_from_email_with_valid_message_id_with_original_cc_list_included(self): """ Ensure that if a message is received with an valid In-Reply-To ID, the expected instances are created but if there's any overlap with the previous Cc list, no duplicates are created. """ # Ticket and TicketCCs creation # msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.can_view, True) # As we have created a Ticket from an email, we notify the sender # and contacts on the cc_list (+1 as it's treated as a list), # the new and update queues (+2) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify the sender (+1) # and the new and update queues (+2) expected_email_count = 1 + 2 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # end of the Ticket and TicketCCs creation # # Reply message reply = email.message.Message() reply_message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] reply.__setitem__('Message-ID', reply_message_id) reply.__setitem__('In-Reply-To', message_id) reply.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) reply.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) reply.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) reply.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) reply.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') reply.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) object_from_message(str(reply), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As an update was made, we increase the expected_email_count with: # public_update_queue: +1 expected_email_count += 1 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # As we have created a FollowUp from an email, we notify the sender # and contacts on the cc_list (+1 as it's treated as a list), # the new and update queues (+2) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[expected_email_count - 1].to) # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) for cc_email in cc_list: self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[expected_email_count - 1].to) # Even after 2 messages with the same cc_list, # MUST return only one object ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) def test_create_followup_from_email_with_invalid_message_id(self): """ Ensure that if a message is received with an invalid In-Reply-To ID and we can infer the original Ticket ID by the message's subject, the expected instances are created. """ # Ticket and TicketCCs creation # msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.can_view, True) # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) expected_email_count = 1 + 2 + 2 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) # end of the Ticket and TicketCCs creation # # Reply message reply = email.message.Message() reply_message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] invalid_message_id = 'INVALID' reply_subject = 'Re: ' + self.ticket_data['title'] reply.__setitem__('Message-ID', reply_message_id) reply.__setitem__('In-Reply-To', invalid_message_id) reply.__setitem__('Subject', reply_subject) reply.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) reply.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) reply.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) reply.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') reply.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(reply), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: # Even after 2 messages with the same cc_list, MUST return only # one object ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) def test_create_ticket_from_email_to_a_notification_enabled_queue(self): """ Ensure that when an email is sent to a Queue with notifications_enabled turned ON, and a is created, all contacts in the TicketCC list are notified. """ msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that the submitter is notified self.assertIn(submitter_email, mail.outbox[0].to) # Ensure that exist for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) def test_create_ticket_from_email_to_a_notification_disabled_queue(self): """ Ensure that when an email is sent to a Queue with notifications_enabled turned OFF, only the new_ticket_cc and updated_ticket_cc contacts (if they are set) are notified. No contact from the TicketCC list should be notified. """ msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public_with_notifications_disabled.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public_with_notifications_disabled, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq2-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # the new and update queues (+2), # and that's it because we've disabled queue notifications self.assertEqual(email_count + 1 + 2, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that is created even if the Queue notifications are disabled # so when staff members interact with the , they get notified for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on the cc_list are not notified self.assertNotIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) def test_create_followup_from_email_to_a_notification_enabled_queue(self): """ Ensure that when an email is sent to a Queue with notifications_enabled turned ON, and a is created, all contacts n the TicketCC list are notified. """ # Ticket and TicketCCs creation # msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # contacts on the cc_list (+2), # the new and update queues (+2) expected_email_count = email_count + 1 + 2 + 2 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) # end of the Ticket and TicketCCs creation # # Reply message reply = email.message.Message() reply_message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' reply.__setitem__('Message-ID', reply_message_id) reply.__setitem__('In-Reply-To', message_id) reply.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) reply.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) reply.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) reply.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') reply.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) object_from_message(str(reply), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # As an update was made, we increase the expected_email_count with: # submitter: +1 # a new email to all TicketCC subscribers : +2 # public_update_queue: +1 expected_email_count += 1 + 2 + 1 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that exist for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will be notified on the same email (index 0) # self.assertIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[expected_email_count - 1].to) ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) def test_create_followup_from_email_to_a_notification_disabled_queue(self): """ Ensure that when an email is sent to a Queue with notifications_enabled turned OFF, and a is created, TicketCC is NOT notified. """ # Ticket and TicketCCs creation # msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public_with_notifications_disabled.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public_with_notifications_disabled, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq2-%s" % # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify: # the sender (+1), # the new and update queues (+2) expected_email_count = email_count + 1 + 2 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: # Ensure that contacts on cc_list will not be notified self.assertNotIn(cc_email, mail.outbox[0].to) ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) # end of the Ticket and TicketCCs creation # # Reply message reply = email.message.Message() reply_message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' reply.__setitem__('Message-ID', reply_message_id) reply.__setitem__('In-Reply-To', message_id) reply.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) reply.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) reply.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public_with_notifications_disabled.email_address) reply.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') reply.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) object_from_message(str(reply), self.queue_public_with_notifications_disabled, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq2-%s" % # As an update was made, we increase the expected_email_count with: # public_update_queue: +1 expected_email_count += 1 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) def test_create_followup_from_email_with_valid_message_id_with_original_cc_list_included(self): """ Ensure that if a message is received with an valid In-Reply-To ID, the expected instances are created even if the there were no s so far. """ # Ticket and TicketCCs creation # msg = email.message.Message() message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' msg.__setitem__('Message-ID', message_id) msg.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) msg.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) msg.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) msg.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') msg.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) email_count = len(mail.outbox) object_from_message(str(msg), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( # end of the Ticket and TicketCCs creation # # Reply message reply = email.message.Message() reply_message_id = uuid.uuid4().hex submitter_email = '' cc_list = ['', ''] reply.__setitem__('Message-ID', reply_message_id) reply.__setitem__('In-Reply-To', message_id) reply.__setitem__('Subject', self.ticket_data['title']) reply.__setitem__('From', submitter_email) reply.__setitem__('To', self.queue_public.email_address) reply.__setitem__('Cc', ','.join(cc_list)) reply.__setitem__('Content-Type', 'text/plain;') reply.set_payload(self.ticket_data['description']) object_from_message(str(reply), self.queue_public, logger=logger) followup = FollowUp.objects.get(message_id=message_id) ticket = Ticket.objects.get( self.assertEqual(ticket.ticket_for_url, "mq1-%s" % # Ensure that is created for cc_email in cc_list: # Even after 2 messages with the same cc_list, MUST return only # one object ticket_cc = TicketCC.objects.get(ticket=ticket, email=cc_email) self.assertTrue(ticket_cc.ticket, ticket) self.assertTrue(, cc_email) # As we have created an Ticket from an email, we notify the sender (+1) # and the new and update queues (+2) expected_email_count = 1 + 2 # As an update was made, we increase the expected_email_count with: # submitter: +1 # cc_list: +2 # public_update_queue: +1 expected_email_count += 1 + 2 + 1 self.assertEqual(expected_email_count, len(mail.outbox)) def test_ticket_field_autofill(self): cat = KBCategory.objects.create( title="Test Cat", slug="test_cat", description="This is a test category", queue=self.queue_public, ) self.kbitem1 = KBItem.objects.create( category=cat, title="KBItem 1", question="What?", answer="A KB Item", ) cat_url = reverse('helpdesk:submit') + "?kbitem=1&" response = self.client.get(cat_url) self.assertContains(response, '') self.assertContains(response, '') self.assertContains(response, '')