django-helpdesk installation isn’t difficult, but it requires you have a bit of existing know-how about Django.
Try using pip install django-helpdesk. Go and have a beer to celebrate Python packaging.
git clone git://
Copy the helpdesk folder into your PYTHONPATH.
You can download the latest PyPi package from
Download, extract, and drop helpdesk into your PYTHONPATH
Edit your file and add helpdesk to the INSTALLED_APPS setting. You also need django.contrib.admin in INSTALLED_APPS if you haven’t already added it. eg:
'django.contrib.admin', # Required for helpdesk admin/maintenance
'django.contrib.markup', # Required for text display
'helpdesk', # This is new!
Make sure django-helpdesk is accessible via Add the following line to
(r'helpdesk/', include('helpdesk.urls')),
Create the required database tables. I’d suggest using South, however the following will work:
./ syncdb
Inside your MEDIA_ROOT folder, create a new folder called helpdesk and copy the contents of helpdesk/htdocs into it. Alternatively, create a symlink:
ln -s /path/to/helpdesk/htdocs /path/to/media/helpdesk
Inside your MEDIA_ROOT folder, inside the helpdesk folder, is a folder called attachments. Ensure your web server software can write to this folder - something like this should do the trick:
chown www-data:www-data attachments/
chmod 700 attachments
(substitute www-data for the user / group that your web server runs as, eg 'apache' or 'httpd')
If all else fails ensure all users can write to it:
``chmod 777 attachments/``
This is NOT recommended, especially if you're on a shared server.
Ensure that your attachments folder has directory listings turned off, to ensure users don’t download files that they are not specifically linked to from their tickets.
If you are using Apache, put a .htaccess file in the attachments folder with the following content:
Options -Indexes
You will also have to make sure that .htaccess files aren’t being ignored.
Ideally, accessing http://MEDIA_URL/helpdesk/attachments/ will give you a 403 access denied error.