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220 lines
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from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from django.db.models import Q
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.html import escape
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
from helpdesk.serializers import DatatablesTicketSerializer
import json
from model_utils import Choices
def query_to_base64(query):
Converts a query dict object to a base64-encoded bytes object.
return b64encode(json.dumps(query).encode('UTF-8')).decode("ascii")
def query_from_base64(b64data):
Converts base64-encoded bytes object back to a query dict object.
query = {'search_string': ''}
if query['search_string'] is None:
query['search_string'] = ''
return query
def query_to_dict(results, descriptions):
Replacement method for cursor.dictfetchall() as that method no longer
exists in psycopg2, and I'm guessing in other backends too.
Converts the results of a raw SQL query into a list of dictionaries, suitable
for use in templates etc.
output = []
for data in results:
row = {}
i = 0
for column in descriptions:
row[column[0]] = data[i]
i += 1
return output
def get_search_filter_args(search):
if search.startswith('queue:'):
return Q(queue__title__icontains=search[len('queue:'):])
if search.startswith('priority:'):
return Q(priority__icontains=search[len('priority:'):])
filter = Q()
for subsearch in search.split("OR"):
subsearch = subsearch.strip()
filter = (
filter |
Q(id__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(title__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(description__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(priority__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(resolution__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(submitter_email__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(assigned_to__email__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(ticketcustomfieldvalue__value__icontains=subsearch) |
Q(created__icontains=subsearch) |
return filter
('0', 'id'),
('1', 'title'),
('2', 'priority'),
('3', 'queue'),
('4', 'status'),
('5', 'created'),
('6', 'due_date'),
('7', 'assigned_to'),
('8', 'submitter_email'),
# ('9', 'time_spent'),
('10', 'kbitem'),
def get_query_class():
from django.conf import settings
def _get_query_class():
return __Query__
return getattr(settings,
class __Query__:
def __init__(self, huser, base64query=None, query_params=None):
self.huser = huser
self.params = query_params if query_params else query_from_base64(
self.base64 = base64query if base64query else query_to_base64(
self.result = None
def get_search_filter_args(self):
search = self.params.get('search_string', '')
return get_search_filter_args(search)
def __run__(self, queryset):
Apply a dict-based set of filters & parameters to a queryset.
queryset is a Django queryset, eg MyModel.objects.all() or
params is a dictionary that contains the following:
filtering: A dict of Django ORM filters, eg:
{'user__id__in': [1, 3, 103], 'title__contains': 'foo'}
search_string: A freetext search string
sorting: The name of the column to sort by
filter = self.params.get('filtering', {})
filter_or = self.params.get('filtering_or', {})
queryset = queryset.filter(
(Q(**filter) | Q(**filter_or)) & self.get_search_filter_args())
sorting = self.params.get('sorting', None)
if sorting:
sortreverse = self.params.get('sortreverse', None)
if sortreverse:
sorting = "-%s" % sorting
queryset = queryset.order_by(sorting)
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30487056/django-queryset-contains-duplicate-entries
return queryset.distinct()
def get(self):
# Prefilter the allowed tickets
tickets = self.huser.get_tickets_in_queues().select_related()
return self.__run__(tickets)
def get_datatables_context(self, **kwargs):
This function takes in a list of ticket objects from the views and throws it
to the datatables on ticket_list.html. If a search string was entered, this
function filters existing dataset on search string and returns a filtered
filtered list. The `draw`, `length` etc parameters are for datatables to
display meta data on the table contents. The returning queryset is passed
to a Serializer called DatatablesTicketSerializer in serializers.py.
objects = self.get()
order_by = '-created'
draw = int(kwargs.get('draw', [0])[0])
length = int(kwargs.get('length', [25])[0])
start = int(kwargs.get('start', [0])[0])
search_value = kwargs.get('search[value]', [""])[0]
order_column = kwargs.get('order[0][column]', ['5'])[0]
order = kwargs.get('order[0][dir]', ["asc"])[0]
order_column = DATATABLES_ORDER_COLUMN_CHOICES[order_column]
# django orm '-' -> desc
if order == 'desc':
order_column = '-' + order_column
queryset = objects.all().order_by(order_by)
total = queryset.count()
if search_value: # Dead code currently
queryset = queryset.filter(get_search_filter_args(search_value))
count = queryset.count()
queryset = queryset.order_by(order_column)[start:start + length]
return {
'data': DatatablesTicketSerializer(queryset, many=True).data,
'recordsFiltered': count,
'recordsTotal': total,
'draw': draw
def get_timeline_context(self):
events = []
for ticket in self.get():
for followup in ticket.followup_set.all():
event = {
'start_date': self.mk_timeline_date(followup.date),
'text': {
'headline': ticket.title + ' - ' + followup.title,
'text': (
if followup.comment else _('No text'))
'<br/> <a href="%s" class="btn" role="button">%s</a>'
(reverse('helpdesk:view', kwargs={
'ticket_id': ticket.pk}), _("View ticket"))
'group': _('Messages'),
return {
'events': events,
def mk_timeline_date(self, date):
return {
'year': date.year,
'month': date.month,
'day': date.day,
'hour': date.hour,
'minute': date.minute,
'second': date.second,