
2087 lines
56 KiB

# django-helpdesk English language translation
# Copyright (C) 2011 Ross Poulton
# This file is distributed under the same license as the django-helpdesk package.
# Ross Poulton <>, 2011.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: django-helpdesk\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2011-02-07 10:33+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2011-02-25 12:56+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: mpasternak <>\n"
"Language-Team: Polish <None>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2)\n"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:10
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msgid "Queue"
msgstr "Kolejka"
msgid "Summary of the problem"
msgstr "Krótki opis problemu"
msgid "Submitter E-Mail Address"
msgstr "Adres e-mail zgłaszającego"
msgid ""
"This e-mail address will receive copies of all public updates to this "
msgstr ""
"Na ten adres e-mail wysyłane będą informacje o zmianach stanu tego "
msgid "Description of Issue"
msgstr "Opis zgłoszenia"
msgid "Case owner"
msgstr "Przypisane do"
msgid ""
"If you select an owner other than yourself, they'll be e-mailed details of "
"this ticket immediately."
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli przypiszesz to zgłoszenie do kogoś innego, niż Ty, to osoba owa "
"otrzyma e-mail ze szczegółami dotyczącymi tego zgłoszenia"
#: management/commands/
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msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorytet"
msgid "Please select a priority carefully. If unsure, leave it as '3'."
msgstr ""
"Wybierz priorytet rozsądnie. Jeżeli nie wiesz, co wpisać, pozostaw '3'."
msgid "Attach File"
msgstr "Dołącz plik"
msgid "You can attach a file such as a document or screenshot to this ticket."
msgstr ""
"Możesz dołączyć plik taki jak dokument lub zrzut ekranu do tego zgłoszenia."
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:33
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msgid "Tags"
msgstr "Tagi"
msgid ""
"Words, separated by spaces, or phrases separated by commas. These should "
"communicate significant characteristics of this ticket"
msgstr ""
"Słowa oddzielone spacjami lub frazy oddzielone przecinkami. Powinny oddawać "
"najważniejsze cechy tego zgłoszenia"
msgid "Ticket Opened"
msgstr "Zgłoszenie otwarto"
#, python-format
msgid "Ticket Opened & Assigned to %(name)s"
msgstr "Zgłoszenie otwarto i przypisano do %(name)s"
msgid "Summary of your query"
msgstr "Krótki opis Twojego zapytania"
msgid "Your E-Mail Address"
msgstr "Twój adres e-mail"
msgid "We will e-mail you when your ticket is updated."
msgstr ""
"Gdy Twoje zgłoszenie zostanie zaktualizowane, otrzymasz informację przez "
msgid "Description of your issue"
msgstr "Opis Twojego zgłoszenia"
msgid ""
"Please be as descriptive as possible, including any details we may need to "
"address your query."
msgstr ""
"Opisz zgłoszenie tak dokładnie, jak to możliwe, ze wszystkimi technicznym "
"szczegółami których możemy potrzebować, aby odnieść się do Twojego "
msgid "Urgency"
msgstr "Pilność"
msgid "Please select a priority carefully."
msgstr "Prosimy o rozsądny wybór"
msgid "Ticket Opened Via Web"
msgstr "Zgłoszenie otwarto przez stronę WWW"
msgid "Show Ticket List on Login?"
msgstr "Pokazuj listę zgłoszeń po zalogowaniu się?"
msgid "Display the ticket list upon login? Otherwise, the dashboard is shown."
msgstr ""
"Wyświetlaj listę zgłoszeń po zalogowaniu się? Jeżeli nie, wyświetlony "
"zostanie panel sterowania."
msgid "E-mail me on ticket change?"
msgstr "Powiadomienie e-mail w razie zmiany zgłoszenia?"
msgid ""
"If you're the ticket owner and the ticket is changed via the web by somebody"
" else, do you want to receive an e-mail?"
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli jesteś osobą do której przypisano to zgłoszenie, a zgłoszenie zostaje"
" zaktualizowane przez przez kogoś innego przy pomocy strony WWW, to czy "
"chcesz otrzymać e-mail w takiej sytuacji?"
msgid "E-mail me when assigned a ticket?"
msgstr "Powiadomienie e-mail w razie przypisania zgłoszenia?"
msgid ""
"If you are assigned a ticket via the web, do you want to receive an e-mail?"
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli jesteś przypisywany do zgłoszenia za pomocą strony WWW, to czy chcesz"
" otrzymywać e-mail w takiej sytuacji?"
msgid "E-mail me when a ticket is changed via the API?"
msgstr "Powiadomienie e-mail w razie zmiany zgłoszenia przez API?"
msgid "If a ticket is altered by the API, do you want to receive an e-mail?"
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli zgłoszenie jest zmieniane przez API, to czy chcesz otrzymywać e-mail "
"w takiej sytuacji?"
msgid "Number of tickets to show per page"
msgstr "Ilość zgłoszeń wyświetlanych na stronie"
msgid "How many tickets do you want to see on the Ticket List page?"
msgstr "Ile zgłoszeń chcesz widzieć na stronie \"Lista zgłoszeń\"?"
msgid "Use my e-mail address when submitting tickets?"
msgstr "Użyj własnego adresu e-mail dla nowych zgłoszeń?"
msgid ""
"When you submit a ticket, do you want to automatically use your e-mail "
"address as the submitter address? You can type a different e-mail address "
"when entering the ticket if needed, this option only changes the default."
msgstr ""
"Czy system ma użyć Twojego adresu e-mail w momencie tworzenia nowego "
"zgłoszenia? Możesz za każdym razem wpisać inny adres e-mail; ta opcja "
"zmienia jedynie wartość domyślną."
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:26 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:44
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msgid "Title"
msgstr "Tytuł"
msgid "Slug"
msgstr "Slug"
msgid ""
"This slug is used when building ticket ID's. Once set, try not to change it "
"or e-mailing may get messy."
msgstr ""
"Slug to krótka etykieta, używana podczas tworzenia identyfikatora "
"zgłoszenia. Postaraj się jej nie zmieniać, gdyż mogą wystąpić problemy z "
"wysyłanymi e-mailami."
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15
msgid "E-Mail Address"
msgstr "Adres e-mail"
msgid ""
"All outgoing e-mails for this queue will use this e-mail address. If you use"
" IMAP or POP3, this should be the e-mail address for that mailbox."
msgstr ""
"Wszystkie wychodzące listy e-mail dla tej kolejki będą używać tego adresu "
"e-mail. Jeżeli korzystasz z protokołu IMAP lub POP3, to ta wartość powinna "
"być adresem e-mail wybranej skrzynki pocztowej."
msgid "Locale"
msgstr "Język"
msgid ""
"Locale of this queue. All correspondence in this queue will be in this "
msgstr ""
"Język dla tej kolejki. Cała korespondencja będzie odbywać się w tym języku."
msgid "Allow Public Submission?"
msgstr "Zezwalaj na publiczne dodawanie zgłoszeń?"
msgid "Should this queue be listed on the public submission form?"
msgstr "Czy ta kolejka powinna wyświetlać się użytkownikom niezalogowanym?"
msgid "Allow E-Mail Submission?"
msgstr "Zezwalaj na zgłoszenia przez e-mail?"
msgid "Do you want to poll the e-mail box below for new tickets?"
msgstr ""
"Czy chcesz co jakiś czas sprawdzać poniższą skrzynkę pocztową na obecność "
"nowych zgłoszeń?"
msgid "Escalation Days"
msgstr "Dni eskalacji"
msgid ""
"For tickets which are not held, how often do you wish to increase their "
"priority? Set to 0 for no escalation."
msgstr ""
"Dla zgłoszeń bez właściciela, jak często chcesz podnosić ich priorytet? "
"Ustaw \"0\", aby wyłączyć. "
msgid "New Ticket CC Address"
msgstr "Adres w polu \"Kopia do\" dla nowych zgłoszeń"
msgid ""
"If an e-mail address is entered here, then it will receive notification of "
"all new tickets created for this queue"
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli wpiszesz tu adres e-mail, to będą na niego wysyłane powiadomienia o "
"wszystkich nowych zgłoszeniach w tej kolejce."
msgid "Updated Ticket CC Address"
msgstr "Adres w polu \"Kopia do\" dla aktualizowanych zgłoszeń"
msgid ""
"If an e-mail address is entered here, then it will receive notification of "
"all activity (new tickets, closed tickets, updates, reassignments, etc) for "
"this queue"
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli wpiszesz tu adres e-mail, to będą na niego wysyłane informacje o "
"wszystkich działaniach (nowe zgłoszenia, zamknięte zgłoszenia, aktualizacje,"
" zmiany przydziałów) dla tej kolejki"
msgid "E-Mail Box Type"
msgstr "Typ skrzynki pocztowej"
msgid "POP 3"
msgstr "POP 3"
msgid "IMAP"
msgstr "IMAP"
msgid ""
"E-Mail server type for creating tickets automatically from a mailbox - both "
"POP3 and IMAP are supported."
msgstr ""
"Nowe zgłoszenia przez e-mail - rodzaj skrzynki pocztowej. Obsługiwane "
"protokoły to zarówno POP3 jak IMAP."
msgid "E-Mail Hostname"
msgstr "Nazwa serwera e-mail"
msgid ""
"Your e-mail server address - either the domain name or IP address. May be "
msgstr "Adres Twojego serwera e-mail: nazwa lub adres IP, a nawet \"localhost\""
msgid "E-Mail Port"
msgstr "Port e-mail"
msgid ""
"Port number to use for accessing e-mail. Default for POP3 is \"110\", and "
"for IMAP is \"143\". This may differ on some servers. Leave it blank to use "
"the defaults."
msgstr ""
"Numer portu używanego do uzyskania dostępu do skrzynki e-mail. Dla POP3 to "
"zazwyczaj \"110\", a dla IMAP to zazwyczaj \"143\". Ta wartość może być "
"różna na różnych serwerach. Pozostaw pole puste, aby użyć wartości "
msgid "Use SSL for E-Mail?"
msgstr "Szyfrowanie e-mail za pomocą SSL?"
msgid ""
"Whether to use SSL for IMAP or POP3 - the default ports when using SSL are "
"993 for IMAP and 995 for POP3."
msgstr ""
"Czy używać SSL do IMAP lub POP3? Domyślny numer portu gdy używasz SSL to "
"\"993\" dla IMAP oraz \"995\" dla POP3."
msgid "E-Mail Username"
msgstr "Adres e-mail"
msgid "Username for accessing this mailbox."
msgstr "Użytkownik z dostępem do tej skrzynki pocztowej"
msgid "E-Mail Password"
msgstr "Hasło e-mail"
msgid "Password for the above username"
msgstr "Hasło dla powyższego użytkownika do powyższej skrzynki pocztowej"
msgid "IMAP Folder"
msgstr "Folder IMAP"
msgid ""
"If using IMAP, what folder do you wish to fetch messages from? This allows "
"you to use one IMAP account for multiple queues, by filtering messages on "
"your IMAP server into separate folders. Default: INBOX."
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli korzystasz z IMAP, to z jakiego folderu chcesz pobrać wiadomości? "
"Dzięki temu ustawieniu możesz używać jednego konta IMAP dla wielu kolejek, "
"korzystając z funkcji filtrowania serwera IMAP. Domyślnie: INBOX."
msgid "E-Mail Check Interval"
msgstr "Jak często sprawdzać e-mail?"
msgid "How often do you wish to check this mailbox? (in Minutes)"
msgstr "Jak często sprawdzać skrzynkę e-mail? (w minutach)"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:10
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msgid "Open"
msgstr "Otwarte"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:92
#: templates/helpdesk/ templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:103
#: templates/helpdesk/
msgid "Reopened"
msgstr "Ponownie otwarte"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:10
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#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:99
msgid "Resolved"
msgstr "Rozwiązane"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:88
#: templates/helpdesk/ templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:100
#: templates/helpdesk/
msgid "Closed"
msgstr "Zamknięte"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:89
#: templates/helpdesk/ templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:108
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr ""
msgid "1. Critical"
msgstr "1. Krytyczn"
msgid "2. High"
msgstr "2. Wysoki"
msgid "3. Normal"
msgstr "3. Normalny"
msgid "4. Low"
msgstr "4. Nisk"
msgid "5. Very Low"
msgstr "5. Bardzo nisk"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:44
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#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:183
msgid "Created"
msgstr "Utworzono"
msgid "Date this ticket was first created"
msgstr "Data utworzenia tego zgłoszenia"
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Zmodyfikowano"
msgid "Date this ticket was most recently changed."
msgstr "Data ostatniej modyfikacji zgłoszenia"
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:16
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:17
msgid "Submitter E-Mail"
msgstr "Adres e-mail zgłaszającego"
msgid ""
"The submitter will receive an email for all public follow-ups left for this "
msgstr ""
"Zgłaszający otrzyma e-mail z powiadomieniem dla każdej nie-tajnej zmiany do "
"tego zgłoszenia."
msgid "Assigned to"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:26
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#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:78
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:183
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stan"
msgid "On Hold"
msgstr "Wstrzymaj"
msgid "If a ticket is on hold, it will not automatically be escalated."
msgstr ""
"Jeżeli zgłoszenie ma status \"Wstrzymaj\", to nie będzie automatycznie "
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:39
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:45
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Opis"
msgid "The content of the customers query."
msgstr "Treść zgłoszenia od Klienta"
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:46
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:52
msgid "Resolution"
msgstr "Rozwiązanie"
msgid "The resolution provided to the customer by our staff."
msgstr "Rozwiązanie dostarczone Klientowi"
msgid "1 = Highest Priority, 5 = Low Priority"
msgstr "1 = najwyższy priorytet, 5 = najniższy"
msgid ""
"The date this ticket was last escalated - updated automatically by "
msgstr ""
"Data, gdy utworzono to zgłoszenie - aktualizowana automatycznie za pomocą "
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:13
#: views/ views/ views/ views/
msgid "Unassigned"
msgstr "Nieprzydzielone"
msgid " - On Hold"
msgstr "- Wstrzymaj"
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:9
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:12
msgid "Ticket"
msgstr "Zgłoszenie"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: views/
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentarz"
msgid "Public"
msgstr "Publiczne"
msgid ""
"Public tickets are viewable by the submitter and all staff, but non-public "
"tickets can only be seen by staff."
msgstr ""
"Publiczne zgłoszenia mogą być oglądane przez zgłaszającego oraz zespół, ale "
"nie-publiczne zgłoszenia mogą być tylko oglądane przez zespół."
msgid "User"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:84
msgid "New Status"
msgstr "Nowy status"
msgid "If the status was changed, what was it changed to?"
msgstr "Jeżeli status został zmieniony, to na jaki?"
msgid "Follow-up"
msgstr ""
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Pole"
msgid "Old Value"
msgstr "Poprzednia wartość "
msgid "New Value"
msgstr "Nowa wartość "
msgid "removed"
msgstr "usunięto"
#, python-format
msgid "set to %s"
msgstr "ustawiono na %s"
#, python-format
msgid "changed from \"%(old_value)s\" to \"%(new_value)s\""
msgstr "zmieniono z \"%(old_value)s\" na \"%(new_value)s\""
msgid "File"
msgstr "Plik"
msgid "Filename"
msgstr "Nazwa pliku"
msgid "MIME Type"
msgstr "Typ MIME"
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Rozmiar"
msgid "Size of this file in bytes"
msgstr "Rozmiar tego pliku w bajtach"
msgid ""
"Leave blank to allow this reply to be used for all queues, or select those "
"queues you wish to limit this reply to."
msgstr ""
"Pozostaw puste aby pozwolić, by ta odpowiedź była używana dla wszystkich "
"kolejek, lub wybierz te kolejki, do których chcesz jej użycie ograniczyć."
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nazwa"
msgid ""
"Only used to assist users with selecting a reply - not shown to the user."
msgstr ""
"Wartość używana jest tylko podczas wyboru odpowiedzi - nie jest widoczna dla"
" użytkownika końcowego."
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Treść"
msgid ""
"Context available: {{ ticket }} - ticket object (eg {{ ticket.title }}); {{ "
"queue }} - The queue; and {{ user }} - the current user."
msgstr ""
"Dopuszczalne tagi: {{ ticket }} - obiekt zgłoszenia (np. {{ ticket.title "
"}}); {{ queue }} - kolejka; {{ user }} - zalogowany użytkownik."
msgid ""
"Leave blank for this exclusion to be applied to all queues, or select those "
"queues you wish to exclude with this entry."
msgstr ""
"Pozostaw puste, aby to wykluczenie dotyczyło wszystkich kolejek, lub wybierz"
" te kolejki, które chcesz wykluczyć. XXXCHECKTHISXXX"
msgid "Date on which escalation should not happen"
msgstr "Data, podczas której eskalacja nie powinna nastąpić"
msgid "Template Name"
msgstr "Nazwa szablonu"
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Temat"
msgid ""
"This will be prefixed with \"[ticket.ticket] ticket.title\". We recommend "
"something simple such as \"(Updated\") or \"(Closed)\" - the same context is"
" available as in plain_text, below."
msgstr ""
"Wartość w tym polu będzie poprzedzona \"[ticket.ticket] ticket.title\" - ID "
"oraz tytułem zgłoszenia. Proponujemy coś prostego, jak np "
"\"(Zaktualizowano)\" lub \"(Zamknięto)\". Możesz zastosować podobne tagi, "
"jak w wersji tekstowej - patrz niżej."
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Nagłówek"
msgid ""
"In HTML e-mails, this will be the heading at the top of the email - the same"
" context is available as in plain_text, below."
msgstr ""
"W e-mailach HTML, nagłówek będzie widoczny na początku e-maila. Możesz "
"zastosować podobne tagi, jak w wersji tekstowej - patrz niżej."
msgid "Plain Text"
msgstr "Wersja tekstowa"
msgid ""
"The context available to you includes {{ ticket }}, {{ queue }}, and "
"depending on the time of the call: {{ resolution }} or {{ comment }}."
msgstr ""
"Dopuszczalne tagi: {{ ticket }} - zgłoszenie, {{ queue }} - kolejka; w "
"zależności od chwili wywołania mogą być dostępne: {{ comment }} - komentarz "
"lub {{ resolution }} - rozwiązanie."
msgid "HTML"
msgstr "Wersja HTML"
msgid "The same context is available here as in plain_text, above."
msgstr "Możesz zastosować podobne tagi, jak w wersji tekstowej - patrz wyżej."
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:10
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Kategoria"
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Pytanie"
msgid "Answer"
msgstr "Odpowiedź"
msgid "Votes"
msgstr "Głosy"
msgid "Total number of votes cast for this item"
msgstr "Całkowita ilość głosów na tą odopowiedź"
msgid "Positive Votes"
msgstr "Głosy pozytywne"
msgid "Number of votes for this item which were POSITIVE."
msgstr "Ilość głosów na tą odpowiedź, które były pozytywne."
msgid "Last Updated"
msgstr "Ostatnia aktualizacja"
msgid "The date on which this question was most recently changed."
msgstr "Data ostatniej aktualizacji tego pytania."
msgid "Unrated"
msgstr "Bez oceny"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:142
msgid "Query Name"
msgstr "Nazwa zapytania"
msgid "User-provided name for this query"
msgstr "Nazwa tej kwerendy, określona przez użytkownika"
msgid "Shared With Other Users?"
msgstr "Udostępnić innym użytkownikom?"
msgid "Should other users see this query?"
msgstr "Czy inni użytkownicy powinni widzieć tą kwerendę?"
msgid "Search Query"
msgstr "Kwerenda wyszukująca"
msgid "Pickled query object. Be wary changing this."
msgstr "Obiekt zapytania, przepuszczony przez Pickle. Zmieniaj ostrożnie."
msgid "Settings Dictionary"
msgstr "Ustawienia - słownik"
msgid ""
"This is a base64-encoded representation of a pickled Python dictionary. Do "
"not change this field via the admin."
msgstr ""
"To jest słownik języka Python, przepuszczony przez Pickle oraz kodowanie "
"base64. Nie zmieniaj tego pola za pomocą panelu administracyjnego."
msgid ""
"Leave blank for this e-mail to be ignored on all queues, or select those "
"queues you wish to ignore this e-mail for."
msgstr ""
"Pozostaw puste, aby zignorować ten e-mail dla wszystkich kolejek lub wybierz"
" kolejki, dla których chcesz zignorować ten e-mail."
msgid "Date on which this e-mail address was added"
msgstr "Data dodania tego adresu e-mail"
msgid ""
"Enter a full e-mail address, or portions with wildcards, eg * or "
msgstr ""
"Wpisz adres e-mail. Możesz użyć gwiazdki, np \"*\" lub "
msgid "Save Emails in Mailbox?"
msgstr "Zapisywać e-maile?"
msgid ""
"Do you want to save emails from this address in the mailbox? If this is "
"unticked, emails from this address will be deleted."
msgstr ""
"Czy chcesz zapisywać listy e-mail z tego adresu w skrzynce? Jeżeli "
"odznaczysz to pole, e-maile z tego adresu będą usuwane."
msgid "User who wishes to receive updates for this ticket."
msgstr ""
"Użytkownicy, którzy chcą otrzymywać e-maile aktualizacyjne dla tego "
msgid "For non-user followers, enter their e-mail address"
msgstr ""
"Wpisz adresy e-mail osób nie posiadających konta w serwisie, które chcą "
"obserwować to zgłoszenie"
msgid "Can View Ticket?"
msgstr "Może obejrzeć zgłoszenie?"
msgid "Can this CC login to view the ticket details?"
msgstr "Czy ta osoba może zalogować się, aby obejrzeć szczegóły zgłoszenia?"
msgid "Can Update Ticket?"
msgstr "Może zmieniać zgłoszenie?"
msgid "Can this CC login and update the ticket?"
msgstr "Czy ta osoba może zalogować się i zmieniać zgłoszenie?"
msgid "Field Name"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"As used in the database and behind the scenes. Must be unique and consist of"
" only lowercase letters with no punctuation."
msgstr ""
msgid "Label"
msgstr ""
msgid "The display label for this field"
msgstr ""
msgid "Help Text"
msgstr ""
msgid "Shown to the user when editing the ticket"
msgstr ""
msgid "Character (single line)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Text (multi-line)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Integer"
msgstr ""
msgid "Decimal"
msgstr ""
msgid "List"
msgstr ""
msgid "Boolean (checkbox yes/no)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
msgid "Date & Time"
msgstr ""
msgid "URL"
msgstr ""
msgid "IP Address"
msgstr ""
msgid "Data Type"
msgstr ""
msgid "Allows you to restrict the data entered into this field"
msgstr ""
msgid "Maximum Length (characters)"
msgstr ""
msgid "Decimal Places"
msgstr ""
msgid "Only used for decimal fields"
msgstr ""
msgid "List Values"
msgstr ""
msgid "For list fields only. Enter one option per line."
msgstr ""
msgid "Required?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Does the user have to enter a value for this field?"
msgstr ""
msgid "Staff Only?"
msgstr ""
msgid ""
"If this is ticked, then the public submission form will NOT show this field"
msgstr ""
#: management/commands/
#, python-format
msgid "Ticket escalated after %s days"
msgstr "Eskalacja zgłoszenia po %s dniach"
#: management/commands/
msgid "Created from e-mail"
msgstr "Utworzone za pomocą listu e-mail"
#: management/commands/
msgid "Unknown Sender"
msgstr "Nadawca nieznany"
#: management/commands/
msgid ""
"No plain-text email body available. Please see attachment "
msgstr ""
"Brak treści listu w wersji tekstowej. Proszę obejrzeć załącznik "
#: management/commands/
msgid "email_html_body.html"
msgstr "email_html_body.html"
#: management/commands/
msgid " (Reopened)"
msgstr ""
#: management/commands/
msgid " (Updated)"
msgstr "(Zaktualizowano)"
#: management/commands/
#, python-format
msgid "E-Mail Received from %(sender_email)s"
msgstr "E-mail otrzymany z adresu %(sender_email)s"
#: management/commands/
#, python-format
msgid "Ticket Re-Opened by E-Mail Received from %(sender_email)s"
msgstr ""
"Zgłoszenie ponownie otwarte z powodu wiadomości e-mail otrzymanej z adresu "
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:7
msgid "Powered by django-helpdesk"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:12 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:9
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:23 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:28
msgid "My Open Tickets"
msgstr "Moje otwarte zgłoszenia"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:13
msgid "All Recent Activity"
msgstr "Cała ostatnia aktywność "
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:14 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:43
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:15
msgid "Unassigned Tickets"
msgstr "Zgłoszenia nieprzydzielone"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:45 templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:3
#: templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:11
msgid "Helpdesk"
msgstr "Helpdesk"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:47
msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Kokpit"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:48 templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:182
msgid "Tickets"
msgstr "Zgłoszenia"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:49
msgid "New Ticket"
msgstr "Nowe zgłoszenie"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:50
msgid "Stats"
msgstr "Statystyki"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:63
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Wyloguj"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:64
msgid "Search..."
msgstr "Wyszukiwanie..."
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:64
msgid "Enter a keyword, or a ticket number to jump straight to that ticket."
msgstr ""
"Wpisz słowo kluczowe lub numer zgłoszenia aby przejść do zgłoszenia "
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:73
msgid ""
"Powered by <a href=''>django-"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:73 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:9
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:12 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:15
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:27 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:28
msgid "RSS Icon"
msgstr "Ikona RSS"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:73 templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:2
#: templates/helpdesk/
msgid "RSS Feeds"
msgstr "Kanały RSS"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:73
msgid "API"
msgstr "API"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:73
msgid "User Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia użytkownika"
#: templates/helpdesk/base.html:73
msgid "System Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia system"
#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:3
msgid "Delete Saved Query"
msgstr "Usuń zapisaną kwerendę"
#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:5
#, python-format
msgid ""
"<h2>Delete Query</h2>\n"
"<p>Are you sure you want to delete this saved filter (<em>%(query_title)s</em>)? To re-create it, you will need to manually re-filter your ticket listing.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
"<h2>Usuń kwerendę</h2>\n"
"<p>Czy jesteś pewny, że chcesz usunąć tą zapisaną kwerendę (<em>%(query_title)s</em>)? Aby utworzyć ją ponownie, będziesz musiał ręcznie przefiltrować listę zgłoszeń.</p>\n"
#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:11
msgid ""
"<p>You have shared this query, so other users may be using it. If you delete it, they will have to manually create their own query.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
"<p>Ta kwerenda była widoczna dla innych użytkowników, więc ktoś jeszcze prócz ciebie mógł jej używać. Jeżeli usuniesz ją, inni użytkownicy będą musieli stworzyć ją ponownie ręcznie.</p>\n"
#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:15
#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:11
msgid "No, Don't Delete It"
msgstr "Nie, nie usuwaj"
#: templates/helpdesk/confirm_delete_saved_query.html:17
#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:13
msgid "Yes - Delete It"
msgstr "Tak, usuń"
#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:3
msgid "Create Ticket"
msgstr "Utwórz zgłoszenie"
#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:6
msgid ""
"<h2>Submit a Ticket</h2>\n"
"<p>Unless otherwise stated, all fields are required. Please provide as descriptive a title and description as possible.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<h2>Utwórz zgłoszenie</h2>\n"
"<p>Wszystkie pola są obowiązkowe, chyba, że oznaczono inaczej. Proszę, podaj tak dużo informacji, jak jest to możliwe.</p>"
#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:17
#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:19
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:31
msgid "(Optional)"
msgstr "(Opcjonalne)"
#: templates/helpdesk/create_ticket.html:26
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:40
msgid "Submit Ticket"
msgstr "Wyślij zgłoszenie"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:2
msgid "Helpdesk Dashboard"
msgstr "Panel sterowania"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:9
msgid "Helpdesk Summary"
msgstr "Statystyka"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:20
msgid ""
"Welcome to your Helpdesk Dashboard! From here you can quickly see your own "
"tickets, and those tickets that have no owner. Why not pick up an orphan "
"ticket and sort it out for a customer?"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:25
msgid "Your Tickets"
msgstr "Twoje zgłoszenia"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:26 templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:44
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:183
msgid "Pr"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:26
msgid "Last Update"
msgstr "Ostatnia aktualizacja"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:38
msgid "You have no tickets assigned to you."
msgstr "Nie masz przypisanych żadnych zgłoszeń"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:52
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:13
msgid "Take"
msgstr "Zajmę się tym zgłoszeniem"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:52
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:23
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:23
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Usuń"
#: templates/helpdesk/dashboard.html:56
msgid "There are no unassigned tickets."
msgstr "Nie ma nieprzypisanych zgłoszeń."
#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:3
msgid "Delete Ticket"
msgstr "Usuń zgłoszenie"
#: templates/helpdesk/delete_ticket.html:5
#, python-format
msgid ""
"<h2>Delete Ticket</h2>\n"
"<p>Are you sure you want to delete this ticket (<em>%(ticket_title)s</em>)? All traces of the ticket, including followups, attachments, and updates will be irreversably removed.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
"<h2>Usuń zgłoszenie</h2>\n"
"<p>Czy jesteś pewien, że chcesz usunąć to zgłoszenie (<em>%(ticket_title)s</em>)? Wszystkie informacje o nim, z odpowiedziami, załącznikami i aktualizacjami włącznie, zostaną nieodwracalnie usunięte.</p>\n"
#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:3
msgid "Edit Ticket"
msgstr "Edycja zgłoszenia"
#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:6
msgid ""
"<h2>Edit a Ticket</h2>\n"
"<p>Unless otherwise stated, all fields are required. Please provide as descriptive a title and description as possible.</p>\n"
"<p><strong>Note:</strong> Editing a ticket does <em>not</em> send an e-mail to the ticket owner or submitter. No new details should be entered, this form should only be used to fix incorrect details or clean up the submission.</p>"
msgstr ""
"<h2>Edycja zgłoszenia</h2>\n"
"<p>Wszystkie pola są wymagane, chyba, że zaznaczono inaczej. Proszę starannie i szczegółowo opisać tytuł i opis zgłoszenia.</p>\n"
"<p><strong>Uwaga:</strong> Edycja zgłoszenia <em>nie</em> powoduje automatycznego wysłania e-mail do właściciela zgłoszenia lub do zgłaszającego. Nie powinieneś w ten sposób dodawać nowych szczegółów do zgłoszenia; ten formularz powinien być raczej używany do korekty literówek lub innych zmian edytorskich.</p>"
#: templates/helpdesk/edit_ticket.html:28
msgid "Save Changes"
msgstr "Zapisz zmiany"
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:3
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:23
msgid "Ignore E-Mail Address"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_add.html:5
msgid ""
"<h2>Ignore E-Mail Address</h2>\n"
"<p>To ignore an e-mail address and prevent any emails from that address creating tickets automatically, enter the e-mail address below.</p>\n"
"<p>You can either enter a whole e-mail address such as <em></em> or a portion of an e-mail address with a wildcard, such as <em>*</em> or <em>user@*</em>.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:3
msgid "Delete Ignored E-Mail Address"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:5
#, python-format
msgid ""
"<h2>Un-Ignore E-Mail Address</h2>\n"
"<p>Are you sure you wish to stop removing this email address (<em>%(email_address)s</em>) and allow their e-mails to automatically create tickets in your system? You can re-add this e-mail address at any time.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:11
msgid "Keep Ignoring It"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_del.html:13
msgid "Stop Ignoring It"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:3
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:12
msgid "Ignored E-Mail Addresses"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:5
msgid ""
"<h2>Ignored E-Mail Addresses</h2>\n"
"<p>The following e-mail addresses are currently being ignored by the incoming e-mail processor. You can <a href='add/'>add a new e-mail address to the list</a> or delete any of the items below as required.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13
msgid "Date Added"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13
msgid "Queues"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:13
msgid "Keep in mailbox?"
msgstr "Zachować w skrzynce pocztowej?"
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:21
msgid "All"
msgstr "Wszystkie"
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:22
msgid "Keep"
msgstr "Zatrzymaj"
#: templates/helpdesk/email_ignore_list.html:29
msgid ""
"<strong>Note:</strong> If the 'Keep' option is not selected, emails sent "
"from that address will be deleted permanently."
msgstr ""
"<strong>Uwaga:</strong> Jeżeli nie zaznaczono opcji \"Zatrzymaj\", listy "
"e-mail wysyłane z tego adresu będą trwale usuwane."
#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:2
msgid "Edit followup"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:9
msgid "Edit FollowUp"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:14
msgid "Reassign ticket:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:16
msgid "Title:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/followup_edit.html:19
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:4
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:11
#, python-format
msgid "Knowledgebase Category: %(kbcat)s"
msgstr "Kategoria Bazy Wiedzy: %(kbcat)s"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:6
#, python-format
msgid "You are viewing all items in the %(kbcat)s category."
msgstr "Przeglądasz wszystkie wpisy z kategorii %(kbcat)s."
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_category.html:12
msgid "Article"
msgstr "Artykuł"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:4 templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:14
msgid "Knowledgebase"
msgstr "Baza Wiedzy"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:6
msgid ""
"We have listed a number of knowledgebase articles for your perusal in the "
"following categories. Please check to see if any of these articles address "
"your problem prior to opening a support ticket."
msgstr ""
"Sugerujemy skorzystanie z Bazy Wiedzy przed utworzeniem zgłoszenia. Być może"
" któryś z poniższych artykułów zawiera rozwiązanie Twojego problemu."
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_index.html:9
msgid "Knowledgebase Categories"
msgstr "Kategorie Bazy Wiedzy"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Knowledgebase: %(item)s"
msgstr "Baza Wiedzy: %(item)s"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:13
#, python-format
msgid ""
"View <a href='%(category_url)s'>other <em>%(category_title)s</em> "
"articles</a>, or continue <a href='../'>viewing other knowledgebase "
msgstr ""
"Wyświetl <a href='%(category_url)s'>inne artykuły w kategorii "
"<em>%(category_title)s</em></a>, lub <a href='../'>przejdź dalej</a>."
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:15
msgid "Feedback"
msgstr "Komentarz zwrotny"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:17
msgid ""
"We give our users an opportunity to vote for items that they believe have "
"helped them out, in order for us to better serve future customers. We would "
"appreciate your feedback on this article. Did you find it useful?"
msgstr ""
"Umożliwiamy użytkownikom głosowanie na artykuły, które ich zdaniem są "
"najbardziej pomocne, aby w przyszłości inni użytkownicy mogli z nich "
"skorzystać. Czy Tobie pomógł ten artykuł?"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:20
msgid "This article was useful to me"
msgstr "Ten artykuł był dla mnie pomocny"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:21
msgid "This article was <strong>not</strong> useful to me"
msgstr "Ten artykuł <strong>nie był</strong> dla mnie pomocny"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:24
msgid "The results of voting by other readers of this article are below:"
msgstr "Wyniki głosowania innych użytkowników są wyświetlone poniżej:"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:27
#, python-format
msgid "Recommendations: %(recommendations)s"
msgstr "Rekomendacje: %(recommendations)s"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:28
#, python-format
msgid "Votes: %(votes)s"
msgstr "Głosy: %(votes)s"
#: templates/helpdesk/kb_item.html:29
#, python-format
msgid "Overall Rating: %(score)s"
msgstr "Ocena sumaryczna: %(score)s"
#: templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:13
msgid "Submit A Ticket"
msgstr "Wyślij zgłoszenie"
#: templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:15
msgid "Log In"
msgstr "Zaloguj się"
#: templates/helpdesk/public_base.html:22
msgid ""
"Powered by <a href=''>django-"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:4
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:4
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:2
msgid "View a Ticket"
msgstr "Wyświetl zgłoszenie"
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:12
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:15
msgid "Your E-mail Address"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:16
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:19
msgid "View Ticket"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:20
msgid "Submit a Ticket"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_homepage.html:22
msgid ""
"All fields are required. Please provide as descriptive a title and "
"description as possible."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_spam.html:4
msgid "Unable To Open Ticket"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_spam.html:6
msgid ""
"<p>Sorry, but there has been an error trying to submit your ticket.</p>\n"
"<p>Our system has marked your submission as <strong>spam</strong>, so we are unable to save it. If this is not spam, please press back and re-type your message. Be careful to avoid sounding 'spammy', and if you have heaps of links please try removing them if possible.</p>\n"
"<p>We are sorry for any inconvenience, however this check is required to avoid our helpdesk resources being overloaded by spammers.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_form.html:8
msgid "Error:"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:8
#, python-format
msgid "Queue: %(queue_name)s"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:11
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:7
msgid "Submitted On"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:46
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:52
msgid "Accept"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:46
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:52
msgid "Accept and Close"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:55
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:48
msgid "Follow-Ups"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/public_view_ticket.html:63
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:59
#, python-format
msgid "Changed %(field)s from %(old_value)s to %(new_value)s."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:3
#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:3
#: templates/helpdesk/report_output.html:6
msgid "Reports &amp; Statistics"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:6
msgid ""
"<h2>Reports &amp; Statistics</h2>\n"
"<p>You haven't created any tickets yet, so you cannot run any reports.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/report_index.html:12
msgid ""
"<h2>Reports &amp; Statistics</h2>\n"
" <li><a href='userpriority/'>by Priority</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='userqueue/'>by Queue</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='userstatus/'>by Status</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='usermonth/'>by Month</a></li>\n"
" \n"
" <li><a href='queuepriority/'>by Priority</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='queuestatus/'>by Status</a></li>\n"
" <li><a href='queuemonth/'>by Month</a></li>\n"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:6
msgid ""
"The following RSS feeds are available for you to monitor using your "
"preferred RSS software. With the exception of the 'Latest Activity' feed, "
"all feeds provide information only on Open and Reopened cases. This ensures "
"your RSS reader isn't full of information about closed or historical tasks."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:10
msgid ""
"A summary of your open tickets - useful for getting alerted to new tickets "
"opened for you"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:12
msgid "Latest Activity"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:13
msgid ""
"A summary of all helpdesk activity - including comments, emails, "
"attachments, and more"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:16
msgid ""
"All unassigned tickets - useful for being alerted to new tickets opened by "
"the public via the web or via e-mail"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:19
msgid ""
"These RSS feeds allow you to view a summary of either your own tickets, or "
"all tickets, for each of the queues in your helpdesk. For example, if you "
"manage the staff who utilise a particular queue, this may be used to view "
"new tickets coming into that queue."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:22
msgid "Per-Queue Feeds"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:23
msgid "All Open Tickets"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/rss_list.html:27
msgid "Open Tickets"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:3
msgid "Change System Settings"
msgstr "Zmień ustawienia system"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:5
msgid ""
"<h2>System Settings</h2>\n"
"<p>The following items can be maintained by you or other superusers:</p>"
msgstr ""
"<h2>Ustawienia systemu</h2>\n"
"<p>Następujące ustawienia mogą być zmieniane przez Ciebie lub innych administratorów:</p>"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:11
msgid "E-Mail Ignore list"
msgstr "Lista ignorowanych e-mail"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:12
msgid "Maintain Queues"
msgstr "Zarządzaj kolejkami"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:13
msgid "Maintain Pre-Set Replies"
msgstr "Zarządzaj gotowymi odpowiedziami"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:14
msgid "Maintain Knowledgebase Categories"
msgstr "Zarządzaj kategoriami Bazy Wiedzy"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:15
msgid "Maintain Knowledgebase Items"
msgstr "Zarządzaj artykułami Bazy Wiedzy"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:16
msgid "Maintain E-Mail Templates"
msgstr "Zarządzaj szablonami e-mail"
#: templates/helpdesk/system_settings.html:17
msgid "Maintain Users"
msgstr "Zarządzaj użytkownikami"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:2
msgid "View Ticket Details"
msgstr "Pokaż szczegóły zgłoszenia"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:34
msgid "Attach another File"
msgstr "Załącz kolejny plik"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:34 templates/helpdesk/
msgid "Add Another File"
msgstr "Dodaj kolejny plik"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:53
msgid "Private"
msgstr "Prywatne"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:70
msgid "Respond to this ticket"
msgstr "Odpowiedz na to zgłoszenie"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:76
msgid "Use a Pre-set Reply"
msgstr "Użyj gotowej odpowiedzi"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:78
msgid ""
"Selecting a pre-set reply will over-write your comment below. You can then "
"modify the pre-set reply to your liking before saving this update."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:80
msgid "Comment / Resolution"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:82
msgid ""
"You can insert ticket and queue details in your message. For more "
"information, see the <a href='../../help/context/'>context help page</a>."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:111
msgid "Is this update public?"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:113
msgid ""
"If this is public, the submitter will be e-mailed your comment or "
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:116
msgid "Change Further Details &raquo;"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:125 templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:53
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:84
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:183
msgid "Owner"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:126
msgid "Unassign"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:139
msgid "Attach File(s) &raquo;"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:145
msgid "Attach a File"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket.html:153
msgid "Update This Ticket"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_add.html:3
msgid "Add Ticket CC"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_add.html:5
msgid ""
"<h2>Add Ticket CC</h2>\n"
"<p>To automatically send an email to a user or e-mail address when this ticket is updated, select the user or enter an e-mail address below.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_add.html:21
msgid "Save Ticket CC"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:3
msgid "Delete Ticket CC"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:5
#, python-format
msgid ""
"<h2>Delete Ticket CC</h2>\n"
"<p>Are you sure you wish to delete this email address (<em>%(email_address)s</em>) from the CC list for this ticket? They will stop receiving updates.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:11
msgid "Don't Delete"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_del.html:13
msgid "Yes, Delete"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:3
msgid "Ticket CC Settings"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:5
#, python-format
msgid ""
"<h2>Ticket CC Settings</h2>\n"
"<p>The following people will receive an e-mail whenever <em><a href='../'>%(ticket_title)s</a></em> is updated. Some people can also view or edit the ticket via the public ticket views.</p>\n"
"<p>You can <a href='add/'>add a new e-mail address to the list</a> or delete any of the items below as required.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:14
msgid "Ticket CC List"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15
msgid "View?"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:15
msgid "Update?"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_cc_list.html:29
#, python-format
msgid "Return to <em>%(ticket_title)s</em>"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:3
msgid "Unhold"
msgstr "Nie wstrzymuj"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:3
msgid "Hold"
msgstr "Wstrzymaj"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:4
#, python-format
msgid "Queue: %(queue)s"
msgstr "Kolejka: %(queue)s"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:12
msgid "Assigned To"
msgstr "Przypisany do"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:18
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Zignoruj"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:27
msgid "Copies To"
msgstr "Kopie do"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_desc_table.html:28
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Zarządzaj"
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:2
msgid "Ticket Listing"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:49
msgid "Change Query"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:52
msgid "Sorting"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:56
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:127
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:94
msgid "Owner(s)"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:107
msgid "Queue(s)"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:113
msgid "Status(es)"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:120
msgid "Tag(s)"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:132
msgid "Apply Filter"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:138
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:153
msgid "Save Query"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:144
msgid ""
"This name appears in the drop-down list of saved queries. If you share your "
"query, other users will see this name, so choose something clear and "
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:146
msgid "Shared?"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:147
msgid "Yes, share this query with other users."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:148
msgid ""
"If you share this query, it will be visible by <em>all</em> other logged-in "
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:160
msgid "Use Saved Query"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:162
msgid "Query"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:167
msgid "Run Query"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:197
msgid "No Tickets Match Your Selection"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:203
msgid "Previous"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:207
#, python-format
msgid "Page %(ticket_num)s of %(num_pages)s."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/ticket_list.html:211
msgid "Next"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/user_settings.html:3
msgid "Change User Settings"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/user_settings.html:5
msgid ""
"<h2>User Settings</h2>\n"
"<p>Use the following options to change the way your helpdesk system works for you. These settings do not impact any other user.</p>"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/user_settings.html:19
msgid "Save Options"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/logged_out.html:2
msgid "Logged Out"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/logged_out.html:4
msgid ""
"<h2>Logged Out</h2>\n"
"<p>Thanks for being here. Hopefully you've helped resolve a few tickets and make the world a better place.</p>\n"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:2
msgid "Helpdesk Login"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:5
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:17
msgid "Login"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:7
msgid ""
"To log in and begin responding to cases, simply enter your username and "
"password below."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:10
msgid "Your username and password didn't match. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:12
msgid "Username"
msgstr ""
#: templates/helpdesk/registration/login.html:14
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Helpdesk: Open Tickets in queue %(queue)s for %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Helpdesk: Open Tickets for %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Open and Reopened Tickets in queue %(queue)s for %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Open and Reopened Tickets for %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Helpdesk: Unassigned Tickets"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Unassigned Open and Reopened tickets"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Helpdesk: Recent Followups"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid ""
"Recent FollowUps, such as e-mail replies, comments, attachments and "
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Helpdesk: Open Tickets in queue %(queue)s"
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Open and Reopened Tickets in queue %(queue)s"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Invalid ticket ID or e-mail address. Please try again."
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Submitter accepted resolution and closed ticket"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Accepted resolution and closed ticket"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Sorry, you need to login to do that."
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Assigned to %(username)s"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Updated"
msgstr ""
#: views/
#, python-format
msgid "Assigned to %(username)s in bulk update"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Unassigned in bulk update"
msgstr ""
#: views/ views/
msgid "Closed in bulk update"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid ""
"<p><strong>Note:</strong> Your keyword search is case sensitive because of "
"your database. This means the search will <strong>not</strong> be accurate. "
"By switching to a different database system you will gain better searching! "
"For more information, read the <a "
"matching\">Django Documentation on string matching in SQLite</a>."
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Ticket taken off hold"
msgstr ""
#: views/
msgid "Ticket placed on hold"
msgstr ""