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synced 2025-02-14 01:09:36 +01:00
This refactor removes duplicated logic for deciding whom the messages get sent to. It also normalizes behavior ensuring that all CCed addresses are sent to in all cases that CCed individuals should be notified.
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270 lines
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django-helpdesk - A Django powered ticket tracker for small enterprise.
(c) Copyright 2008 Jutda. All Rights Reserved. See LICENSE for details.
lib.py - Common functions (eg multipart e-mail)
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
from django.conf import settings
from django.db.models import Q
from django.utils.encoding import smart_text
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from helpdesk.models import Attachment, EmailTemplate
from model_utils import Choices
from base64 import encodebytes as b64encode
from base64 import decodebytes as b64decode
logger = logging.getLogger('helpdesk')
def query_to_dict(results, descriptions):
Replacement method for cursor.dictfetchall() as that method no longer
exists in psycopg2, and I'm guessing in other backends too.
Converts the results of a raw SQL query into a list of dictionaries, suitable
for use in templates etc.
output = []
for data in results:
row = {}
i = 0
for column in descriptions:
row[column[0]] = data[i]
i += 1
return output
def apply_query(queryset, params):
Apply a dict-based set of filters & parameters to a queryset.
queryset is a Django queryset, eg MyModel.objects.all() or
params is a dictionary that contains the following:
filtering: A dict of Django ORM filters, eg:
{'user__id__in': [1, 3, 103], 'title__contains': 'foo'}
search_string: A freetext search string
sorting: The name of the column to sort by
for key in params['filtering'].keys():
filter = {key: params['filtering'][key]}
queryset = queryset.filter(**filter)
search = params.get('search_string', None)
if search:
qset = (
Q(title__icontains=search) |
Q(description__icontains=search) |
Q(resolution__icontains=search) |
queryset = queryset.filter(qset)
sorting = params.get('sorting', None)
if sorting:
sortreverse = params.get('sortreverse', None)
if sortreverse:
sorting = "-%s" % sorting
queryset = queryset.order_by(sorting)
return queryset
def ticket_template_context(ticket):
context = {}
for field in ('title', 'created', 'modified', 'submitter_email',
'status', 'get_status_display', 'on_hold', 'description',
'resolution', 'priority', 'get_priority_display',
'last_escalation', 'ticket', 'ticket_for_url',
'get_status', 'ticket_url', 'staff_url', '_get_assigned_to'
attr = getattr(ticket, field, None)
if callable(attr):
context[field] = '%s' % attr()
context[field] = attr
context['assigned_to'] = context['_get_assigned_to']
return context
def queue_template_context(queue):
context = {}
for field in ('title', 'slug', 'email_address', 'from_address', 'locale'):
attr = getattr(queue, field, None)
if callable(attr):
context[field] = attr()
context[field] = attr
return context
def safe_template_context(ticket):
Return a dictionary that can be used as a template context to render
comments and other details with ticket or queue parameters. Note that
we don't just provide the Ticket & Queue objects to the template as
they could reveal confidential information. Just imagine these two options:
* {{ ticket.queue.email_box_password }}
* {{ ticket.assigned_to.password }}
The downside to this is that if we make changes to the model, we will also
have to update this code. Perhaps we can find a better way in the future.
context = {
'queue': queue_template_context(ticket.queue),
'ticket': ticket_template_context(ticket),
context['ticket']['queue'] = context['queue']
return context
def text_is_spam(text, request):
# Based on a blog post by 'sciyoshi':
# http://sciyoshi.com/blog/2008/aug/27/using-akismet-djangos-new-comments-framework/
# This will return 'True' is the given text is deemed to be spam, or
# False if it is not spam. If it cannot be checked for some reason, we
# assume it isn't spam.
from django.contrib.sites.models import Site
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from helpdesk.akismet import Akismet
except ImportError:
return False
site = Site.objects.get_current()
except ImproperlyConfigured:
site = Site(domain='configure-django-sites.com')
ak = Akismet(
blog_url='http://%s/' % site.domain,
if hasattr(settings, 'TYPEPAD_ANTISPAM_API_KEY'):
ak.baseurl = 'api.antispam.typepad.com/1.1/'
elif hasattr(settings, 'AKISMET_API_KEY'):
return False
if ak.verify_key():
ak_data = {
'user_ip': request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', ''),
'user_agent': request.META.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', ''),
'referrer': request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', ''),
'comment_type': 'comment',
'comment_author': '',
return ak.comment_check(smart_text(text), data=ak_data)
return False
def process_attachments(followup, attached_files):
max_email_attachment_size = getattr(settings, 'MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE', 512000)
attachments = []
for attached in attached_files:
if attached.size:
filename = smart_text(attached.name)
att = Attachment(
mime_type=attached.content_type or
mimetypes.guess_type(filename, strict=False)[0] or
if attached.size < max_email_attachment_size:
# Only files smaller than 512kb (or as defined in
# settings.MAX_EMAIL_ATTACHMENT_SIZE) are sent via email.
attachments.append([filename, att.file])
return attachments
('0', 'id'),
('2', 'priority'),
('3', 'title'),
('4', 'queue'),
('5', 'status'),
('6', 'created'),
('7', 'due_date'),
('8', 'assigned_to')
def query_tickets_by_args(objects, order_by, **kwargs):
This function takes in a list of ticket objects from the views and throws it
to the datatables on ticket_list.html. If a search string was entered, this
function filters existing dataset on search string and returns a filtered
filtered list. The `draw`, `length` etc parameters are for datatables to
display meta data on the table contents. The returning queryset is passed
to a Serializer called TicketSerializer in serializers.py.
draw = int(kwargs.get('draw', None)[0])
length = int(kwargs.get('length', None)[0])
start = int(kwargs.get('start', None)[0])
search_value = kwargs.get('search[value]', None)[0]
order_column = kwargs.get('order[0][column]', None)[0]
order = kwargs.get('order[0][dir]', None)[0]
order_column = ORDER_COLUMN_CHOICES[order_column]
# django orm '-' -> desc
if order == 'desc':
order_column = '-' + order_column
queryset = objects.all().order_by(order_by)
total = queryset.count()
if search_value:
queryset = queryset.filter(Q(id__icontains=search_value) |
Q(priority__icontains=search_value) |
Q(title__icontains=search_value) |
Q(queue__title__icontains=search_value) |
Q(status__icontains=search_value) |
Q(created__icontains=search_value) |
Q(due_date__icontains=search_value) |
count = queryset.count()
queryset = queryset.order_by(order_column)[start:start + length]
return {
'items': queryset,
'count': count,
'total': total,
'draw': draw