forked from extern/nix-config

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# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality.
# Copyright (C) 2017 Donovan Glover
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
alias i="pacman --noconfirm -S"
i zsh # Install zsh, our shell of choice
i grml-zsh-config # Install grml, sane defaults to make zsh more functional
i zsh-syntax-highlighting # Install syntax highlighting for colorful shell commands
i vim # Install vim, our text editor of choice
i git # Install git, our version control system of choice
i tree # Install tree, used to show the contents of entire directories
i wget # Install wget, used for downloading files from websites
i httpie # Install httpie, used to manipulate HTTP requests
i diff-so-fancy # Install diff-so-fancy, a nicer git diff
i ntp # Install ntp, used to sync the system time with one on the internet
2017-10-29 02:39:44 +02:00
i zip # Install zip, used to zip files
i unzip # Install unzip, used to unzip files
i p7zip # Install p7zip, used to extract 7z files
i unrar # Install unrar, used to extract rar files
i openvpn # Install openvpn, used to connect to VPNs
i openssh # Install openssh, used to connect via SSH
i elixir # Install elixir, our functional language of choice
i ruby # Install ruby, another programming language of choice
i rust # Install rust, a dependency to build other packages
i go # Install go, another dependency to build other packages
i php # Install php, used when we need to test php stuff
i php-cgi # Install php-cgi, used to make php work with local servers
i lua # Install lua, in case we ever want to use it
i jdk-9-openjdk # Install java, if for some reason we need to use it
i crystal # Install crystal, a ruby-like language with a binary compiler
2017-11-20 03:19:48 +01:00
i nodejs # Install node.js, used as a javascript runtime environment
i jq # Install jq, used to manipulate JSON in the terminal
i tmux # Install tmux, used to run terminal programs in the background
i fzf # Install fzf, used to easily search for things in vim
i pygmentize # Install pygmentize, used as a variant of cat with syntax highlighting
i firejail # Install firejail, a simple and straightforward way to sandbox programs
2017-11-13 08:48:09 +01:00
i ctags # Install ctags, used with vim to create tags for formal languages
i shards # Install shards, a package manager for crystal
2017-11-20 03:19:48 +01:00
i npm # Install npm, a package manager for node.js
2017-11-22 18:38:45 +01:00
i the_silver_searcher # Install ag, used to easily search through files
2017-11-24 23:41:35 +01:00
i fdupes # Install fdupes, used to quickly find duplicate files
2017-11-22 18:38:45 +01:00
2017-11-29 03:45:19 +01:00
i tig # Install tig, used to browse git commits
i ncdu # Install ncdu, used to easily see disk usage
i w3m # Install w3m, our text-based web browser of choice
i virtualbox-guest-modules-arch # Install Arch-specific VirtualBox modules
i virtualbox-guest-utils # Install the core VirtualBox functionality
i xorg-server # Install xorg-server, used to manage graphical elements on the display
i xorg-xinit # Install xorg-xinit, allowing us to start the X server with .xinitrc
i xclip # Install xclip, our clipboard manager of choice
2017-12-05 05:52:28 +01:00
i xdo # Install xdo, used to show and hide windows such as polybar
i xorg-xprop # Install xorg-xprop, used to determine whether or not a window is visible
i libmad # Install libmad, needed so that we can recognize and process mp3 files
i alsa-utils # Install alsa-utils, required to make the sound system work
i termite # Install termite, our terminal of choice (with true color support)
i compton # Install compton, our compositor of choice
i ranger # Install ranger, our file explorer of choice
i feh # Install feh, a quick and simple way to view images
i cmus # Install cmus, our music player of choice
i mpv # Install mpv, a no-bloat content-first video player
i mps-youtube # Install mps-youtube, allowing us to use youtube straight from the terminal
i youtube-dl # Install youtube-dl, a straightforward way to download youtube videos
i zathura # Install zathura, our document viewer of choice
i zathura-djvu # Install zathura-djvu, enabling djvu support for zathura
i zathura-pdf-mupdf # Install zathura-pdf-mupdf, enabling pdf support for zathura
i texlive-core # Install texlive-core, the basic functionality required for TeX and LaTeX
i texlive-science # Install texlive-science, allowing us to easily use mathematics with TeX
i texlive-pictures # Install texlive-pictures, used to make graphics with TeX
i texlive-publishers # Install texlive-publishers, a collection of publisher formats
i texlive-latexextra # Install texlive-latexextra, giving us more LaTeX support
i texlive-humanities # Install texliive-humanities, an easier way to write text
i texlive-fontsextra # Install texlive-fontsextra, used for font variety
i texlive-formatsextra # Install texlive-formatsextra, additional support for TeX formats
i texlive-bibtexextra # Install texlive-bibtexextra, more features for BibTeX
i minted # Install minted, used for syntax highlighting in LaTeX
i ttf-hack # Install Hack, our primary terminal font of choice
i ttf-fira-mono # Install Fira Mono, our secondary terminal font of choice
i noto-fonts # Install the Noto fonts, our primary fonts used for everything else
i ttf-liberation # Install the Liberation fonts, our secondary fonts used for everything else