forked from extern/nix-config

Remove polybar

Time to learn how to configure a new status bar!
This commit is contained in:
Donovan Glover 2021-05-13 13:38:29 -04:00
parent bff988d47b
commit 657789690d
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: EA7408A77AE1BE65
3 changed files with 0 additions and 179 deletions

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@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Donovan Glover
background = ${xrdb:background}
red = ${xrdb:color1}
green = ${xrdb:color2}
yellow = ${xrdb:color3}
blue = ${xrdb:color4}
magenta = ${xrdb:color5}
cyan = ${xrdb:color6}
text = ${xrdb:color7}
background-alt = ${xrdb:color8}
modules-left = bspwm
modules-center = window
modules-right = cpu ram volume date time
monitor = VGA-1
wm-restack = bspwm
include-file = $HOME/.cache/polybar/config
foreground = ${color.background-alt}
background = ${color.background}
border-color = ${color.text}
font-0 = "Fira Mono:style=Bold:size=10"
font-1 = "Noto Sans CJK JP:size=10"
font-2 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Solid:size=10"
font-3 = "Font Awesome 5 Free:style=Regular:size=10"
font-4 = "Font Awesome 5 Brands:style=Regular:size=10"
padding-left = 1
padding-right = 2
module-margin = 1
type = internal/bspwm
pin-workspaces = true
format = <label-state> <label-mode>
label-monocle =  monocle mode
label-locked =  Locked
label-private =  Private
label-sticky =  Sticky
label-monocle-padding = 1
label-locked-padding = 1
label-private-padding = 1
label-sticky-padding = 1
label-monocle-foreground = ${color.yellow}
label-focused-padding = 1
label-urgent-padding = 1
label-occupied-padding = 1
label-empty-padding = 1
label-focused-foreground = ${color.text}
label-urgent-foreground = ${color.yellow}
type = internal/cpu
label =  %percentage%%
type = internal/memory
label =  %gb_used%
type = internal/date
date =  %d.%m.%y
#date =  %B %d, %Y
#date =  %A
type = internal/date
date =  %H:%M
type = internal/battery
battery = BAT0
adapter = AC
full-at = 98
label-full = %percentage%%
label-charging = %percentage%%
label-discharigng = %percentage%
type = internal/mpd
format-offline = No song is currently playing.
label-song-maxlen = 100
label-song-ellipsis = true
format-online =  <label-song>
type = internal/alsa
label-volume =  %percentage%%
type = internal/xwindow
label-maxlen = 120
label-empty = /usr/bin/bspwm
; vim:ft=dosini

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@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Donovan Glover
POLYBAR_DPI=$(xrdb -query | grep Xft.dpi | cut -f 2)
# Terminate any previous instances of polybar
killall -q polybar
bspc_config() {
bspc config top_padding $1 &
bspc config border_width $2 &
bspc config window_gap $3 &
# Set defaults
HOST_WIDTH=$(bspc query -T -m | jq '.rectangle.width')
# Make the bar float
if [ "$1" == "float" ]; then
POLYBAR_BORDER_SIZE=$((1 * $POLYBAR_SCALE)) # Later set to bspwm's border_width
POLYBAR_OFFSET_XY=$((30 * $POLYBAR_SCALE)) # Later set to bspwm's window_gap
# Set the bspwm variables
# Make the polybar config
mkdir -p $HOME/.cache/polybar
cat >$HOME/.cache/polybar/config <<EOL
offset-x = ${POLYBAR_OFFSET_XY:-0}
offset-y = ${POLYBAR_OFFSET_XY:-0}
border-size = ${POLYBAR_BORDER_SIZE:-0}
# Save the top_padding amount for use by other scripts
echo $BSPWM_TOP_PADDING > $HOME/.cache/polybar/bspwm_top_padding
# Wait until there are no more polybar instances running
while pgrep -u $UID -x polybar >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done
# Start polybar
polybar main &

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# polybar
[polybar][polybar] is an information panel for your desktop.
## Use Cases
polybar can be used to:
- Show the current desktop, empty desktops, and occupied desktops
- Show the date, time, volume, CPU statistics, and other information
- Show the current playing song or anything else you want
You should not use polybar if:
- You already use a desktop environment that has an information panel
[polybar]: https://github.com/jaagr/polybar