From 8613af7d8558fb61866a983d0c7730109fe307da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Donovan Glover Date: Tue, 24 May 2022 16:38:14 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] sxhkd: Change fn keys to super + F1-F12 This change has 3 main benefits: 1. We no longer have to worry about switching between the fn keys and F1-F12 keys, and can benefit from both keybinds at the same time. 2. Keys that don't return anything under xev (such as the chat icon and telephone icons) can now be customized. 3. We no longer have to worry about accidentally pressing the networking key that disables the internet connection. --- sxhkd/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc | 34 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------ 1 file changed, 22 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/sxhkd/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc b/sxhkd/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc index fc10ae7..97ec7e1 100644 --- a/sxhkd/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc +++ b/sxhkd/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc @@ -94,30 +94,40 @@ super + c # ======= fn keys ======= # ======================= -XF86AudioMute +super + F1 pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle && notify-send -t 2000 "Changed muted to" "$(pamixer --get-mute)" -XF86AudioLowerVolume +super + F2 pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -5% && notify-send -t 2000 "Lowered volume to" "$(pamixer --get-volume)%" -XF86AudioRaiseVolume +super + F3 pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +5% && notify-send -t 2000 "Raised volume to" "$(pamixer --get-volume)%" -XF86AudioMicMute +super + F4 pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle -XF86MonBrightnessDown +super + F5 brightnessctl set 5%- -XF86MonBrightnessUp +super + F6 brightnessctl set +5% -XF86Display - notify-send -t 2000 "XF86Display" "No command defined." +super + F7 + notify-send -t 2000 "F7" "No command defined." -XF86WLAN - notify-send -t 2000 "XF86WLAN" "No command defined." +super + F8 + notify-send -t 2000 "F8" "No command defined." + +super + F9 + notify-send -t 2000 "F9" "No command defined." + +super + F10 + notify-send -t 2000 "F10" "No command defined." + +super + F11 + notify-send -t 2000 "F11" "No command defined." + +super + F12 + notify-send -t 2000 "F12" "No command defined." -XF86Favorites - notify-send -t 2000 "XF86Favorites" "No command defined." # vim:ft=sxhkdrc