IBM Plex is a nice alternative to Hack, and includes serif and
sans-serif variants as well. AFAIK, it came out last year and
uses the Open Font License (OFL). The different font variants
make it a great choice for ricers.
Although rofi-calc was certainly cool to use, it is not in the
official repositories. Instead of trying to rely on it as a
dependency, I've gone ahead and removed it instead.
It turns out that 'window' (as of this writing) does not work very well
when trying to use it as an alt-tab replacement. It's simply easier to
just use the functionality provided by your window manager instead.
I have never used rofi's 'run' feature, since any time I'd need to run
a command I'd just do it from a terminal, which also lets me see any
output from that program as well.
Instead of manually setting the DPI to 192 or other values, we can
just take the value from xrdb instead.
This script, in combination with GTK's settings.ini if you are in a
non-GNOME environment, is everything you need to launch both GTK and
Qt applications at the appropriate DPI, with their respective themes
applied as well.
It turns out that placing similar config files (i.e. bspwm-related) in
the same directory is not the way to go about handling dotfiles since
each config file (or dotfile) *should* manipulate only a single program.
This was not the case back when I used urxvt (which would require the
old method of .Xresources), but now that I understand more about how
*modern* dotfiles work (with $XDG_CONFIG_HOME), separating dotfiles by
program became the obvious choice.