Donovan Glover
neovim: Swap tree toggle with window switch
This makes it easier to press enter after switching to the tree window.
2023-06-06 14:04:56 -04:00
Donovan Glover
neovim: Add vim-startify
2023-06-06 12:24:49 -04:00
Donovan Glover
Revert "neovim: Focus tree when empty buffer"
This actually causes QuitPre to not close neovim since the tree is
closed first when quitting while the tree is focused. For simplicity,
the tree should always be unfocused to avoid ambiguity.
2023-06-06 10:52:39 -04:00
Donovan Glover
neovim: Close tree with QuitPre
This fixes an issue where neovim would automatically close when opening
it with a directory.
2023-06-06 07:50:37 -04:00
Donovan Glover
neovim: Focus tree when empty buffer
2023-06-06 07:40:16 -04:00
Donovan Glover
neovim: Toggle tree with <leader>a
To switch between the tree and the file being edited, use <leader>;
2023-06-06 07:27:32 -04:00
Donovan Glover
neovim: Open tree by default
2023-06-06 07:27:04 -04:00
Donovan Glover
neovim: Close tree if only buffer
2023-06-06 07:18:59 -04:00
Donovan Glover
nix: Format with alejandra
Alejandra is written in Rust, has more tests than nixfmt, and handles
non-trivial code examples in Nix better.
2023-06-05 20:50:10 -04:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Move terminal files to modules
Since all of these files do roughly the same thing (that is, configure
the system in a specific way that a separate file seems necessary), this
should reduce the overall complexity of the project tree.
2023-06-05 11:44:37 -04:00