# Vim I use neovim as my main text editor, and vim elsewhere. ## Dependencies - `vim` - If you're reading this, you probably already know what vim is - `neovim` - An improved version of vim (cursor modes, sane defaults, etc.) - `wal` - Changing color schemes support - `fzf` - Fuzzy search support - `ripgrep` - Jump between lines in files - `git` - Git diff support - Any other features you want to use (e.g. TeX support with `texlive`) ## Installation ```sh make package=vim ``` ## Usage I use [vim-plug][vim-plug] as my plugin manager of choice. Install it, then run: ``` vim +PlugInstall +qall ``` Now you can use my vim config with all the plugins installed! [vim-plug]: https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug