# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality. # Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Donovan Glover set -U fish_greeting "" export VISUAL="nvim" export EDITOR="nvim" export BROWSER="firefox" export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP="KDE" export QT_FONT_DPI="192" # Use rg instead of ag / ack / grep for fzf (much faster) export FZF_DEFAULT_COMMAND='rg --files --no-ignore --hidden --follow --glob "!.git/*"' export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS='--height 40% --reverse --border --color=16' # Required to make gpg-agent work in cases like git commit export GPG_TTY=(tty) # Always use the default keybindings in fish fish_default_key_bindings # Use exa as a drop-in replacement for ls and tree (faster, more colors, etc.) alias ls="exa --group-directories-first" alias tree="exa --group-directories-first --long --tree -I 'node_modules|lib|.git'" # Abbreviations are aliases that expand if not set -q set_abbr set -U set_abbr abbr g "git" abbr ga "git add" abbr gaa "git add --all" abbr gap "git add --patch" abbr gb "git branch --verbose" # List all branches abbr gc "git commit -m" abbr gca "git commit --amend" abbr gd "git diff" # Show all file changes not staged yet abbr gds "git diff --staged" # Show changes staged but not committed abbr gg "git grep" abbr gi "git init" abbr gl "git log --oneline --decorate --all --graph -n 10" abbr gp "git push" # Push your commits to a remote server abbr gs "git status" abbr gss "git status -s" abbr gr "git reset HEAD~" # Undo the last commit but keep changed files abbr gre "git remote --verbose" # List all remotes abbr grh "git reset HEAD" abbr grr "git reset --hard HEAD~" # Remove the last commit and all changes with it abbr t "task" abbr ta "task add" abbr te "task edit" abbr tc "task completed" abbr dl "youtube-dl" abbr back "feh --bg-fill" # Change the background abbr vol "amixer set 'Master'" # Change the volume, e.g. vol 10%+, vol 10%-, vol 100% abbr copy "xclip -sel clip <" # Easily copy the contents of any file abbr dog "pygmentize -g" # "dog" is a colorful version of cat abbr cf "tput reset" # Clear the terminal completely abbr c "clear" # Because 5 letters is too much abbr e "exit" abbr l "ls -l" abbr f "launch feh --auto-zoom" # Easy image viewing with f abbr z "launch zathura" # Easy document browsing with z abbr m "launch mpv" # Easy media playing with m abbr T "tree" abbr lium "launch chromium" # Launch chromium separate from the terminal abbr lfox "launch firefox" # Launch firefox separate from the terminal abbr nano "vim" # The explanation is in the name abbr emacs "vim" # No need to start another operating system end # Start X at login if status --is-login if test -z "$DISPLAY" -a $XDG_VTNR = 1 exec startx -- -keeptty end end