# Easily change the resolution to 4k # Note: Also changes DPI, but not for the programs you already have open. # TODO: Change this script to support fish function 4k # Get the display type (VGA-1, etc.) local display=$(xrandr | grep -Eo ".{0,20} connected" | awk '{print $1}') # Get the default mode name for 4k local mode=$(cvt 3840 2160 | grep "Modeline" | awk '{print $2}') # If the 4k mode hasn't been added yet if not (xrandr | grep -q 3840x2160) # Create the new mode with cvt settings xrandr --newmode $(cvt 3840 2160 | grep -o '"3840x2160.*') # Add the new mode to the display with xrandr xrandr --addmode ${display} ${mode} end xrandr --output ${display} --mode ${mode} # Change the resolution to 4k sed -i '/Xft.dpi/c\Xft.dpi: 180' ~/.Xresources # Change the dpi line to 180 xrdb ~/.Xresources # Reload .Xresources end