{ programs.fish = { enable = true; shellAliases = { ls = "exa --group-directories-first -I 'lost+found'"; tree = "exa --group-directories-first --all --long --tree -I 'node_modules|.git|public|lost+found'"; mv = "mv -i"; rg = "rg --max-columns=2000"; }; shellAbbrs = { g = "git"; ga = "git add"; gaa = "git add --all"; gap = "git add --patch"; gb = "git branch"; # List all branches gc = "git commit -m"; gca = "git commit --amend"; gcl = "git clone"; gco = "git checkout"; gd = "git diff"; # Show all file changes not staged yet gdi = "git difftool --no-symlinks --dir-diff"; gds = "git diff --staged"; # Show changes staged but not committed gdsi = "git difftool --no-symlinks --dir-diff --staged"; gi = "git init"; gl = "git log --oneline --decorate --all --graph -n 10"; gm = "git merge"; gp = "git push"; # Push your commits to a remote server gr = "git reset HEAD~"; # Undo the last commit but keep changed files gra = "git remote add"; gre = "git remote --verbose"; # List all remotes grh = "git reset HEAD"; grr = "git reset --hard HEAD~"; # Remove the last commit and all changes with it gs = "git status"; gst = "git stash"; gstp = "git stash pop"; gt = "git tag"; gts = "git tag -s"; d = "sudo docker"; dc = "sudo docker-compose"; dcu = "sudo docker-compose up"; dcd = "sudo docker-compose down"; dcp = "sudo docker-compose pull"; dcl = "sudo docker-compose logs"; y = "yarn"; ya = "yarn add"; yar = "yarn remove"; yi = "yarn init"; yin = "yarn install"; yu = "yarn upgrade-interactive"; v = "vagrant"; vu = "vagrant up"; vh = "vagrant halt"; vs = "vagrant ssh"; vp = "vagrant provision"; dl = "yt-dlp"; vol = "wpctl set-volume '@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@'"; # Change the volume, e.g. vol 10%+, vol 10%-, vol 100% cf = "tput reset"; # Clear the terminal completely nf = "tput reset; and neofetch --size 56%"; df = "df --human-readable --type=ext4 --total"; du = "du --human-readable --summarize"; jis = "recode shift_jis..utf8"; # Easily convert shift_jis-encoded files to utf8 utf16 = "recode utf16..utf8"; # Rarely, some files from Japan are utf16 instead jp = "LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8"; a = "ansible-playbook"; b = "swaybg -m fill -i"; # Change the background c = "clear"; # Because 5 letters is too much e = "exit"; k = "kitty @ set-colors -c -a ~/.cache/wal/kitty"; l = "ls -l"; r = "ranger"; w = "wal -o ~/.config/wal/done.sh"; T = "tree"; }; }; }