{ pkgs, ... }: { i18n.inputMethod.enabled = "fcitx5"; i18n.inputMethod.fcitx5.addons = [ pkgs.fcitx5-mozc ]; home-manager.sharedModules = [{ xdg.configFile."fcitx5/config".force = true; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/config".text = '' [Hotkey] # Enumerate when press trigger key repeatedly EnumerateWithTriggerKeys=True # Temporally switch between first and current Input Method AltTriggerKeys= # Enumerate Input Method Forward EnumerateForwardKeys= # Enumerate Input Method Backward EnumerateBackwardKeys= # Skip first input method while enumerating EnumerateSkipFirst=False # Enumerate Input Method Group Forward EnumerateGroupForwardKeys= # Enumerate Input Method Group Backward EnumerateGroupBackwardKeys= # Activate Input Method ActivateKeys= # Deactivate Input Method DeactivateKeys= [Hotkey/TriggerKeys] 0=Super+space [Hotkey/PrevPage] 0=Up [Hotkey/NextPage] 0=Down [Hotkey/PrevCandidate] 0=Shift+Tab [Hotkey/NextCandidate] 0=Tab [Hotkey/TogglePreedit] 0=Control+Alt+P [Behavior] # Active By Default ActiveByDefault=False # Share Input State ShareInputState=No # Show preedit in application PreeditEnabledByDefault=True # Show Input Method Information when switch input method ShowInputMethodInformation=True # Show Input Method Information when changing focus showInputMethodInformationWhenFocusIn=False # Show compact input method information CompactInputMethodInformation=True # Show first input method information ShowFirstInputMethodInformation=True # Default page size DefaultPageSize=5 # Override Xkb Option OverrideXkbOption=False # Custom Xkb Option CustomXkbOption= # Force Enabled Addons EnabledAddons= # Force Disabled Addons DisabledAddons= # Preload input method to be used by default PreloadInputMethod=True ''; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/profile".force = true; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/profile".text = '' [Groups/0] # Group Name Name="Group 1" # Layout Default Layout=us # Default Input Method DefaultIM=mozc [Groups/0/Items/0] # Name Name=keyboard-us # Layout Layout= [Groups/0/Items/1] # Name Name=mozc # Layout Layout= [GroupOrder] 0="Group 1" ''; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/classicui.conf".force = true; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/classicui.conf".text = '' # Vertical Candidate List Vertical Candidate List=False # Use Per Screen DPI PerScreenDPI=True # Use mouse wheel to go to prev or next page WheelForPaging=True # Font Font="Noto Sans CJK JP 11" # Menu Font MenuFont="Noto Sans CJK JP 11" # Tray Font TrayFont="Noto Sans CJK JP Medium 11" # Tray Label Outline Color TrayOutlineColor=#49483e # Tray Label Text Color TrayTextColor=#f8f8f2 # Prefer Text Icon PreferTextIcon=True # Show Layout Name In Icon ShowLayoutNameInIcon=True # Use input method language to display text UseInputMethodLangaugeToDisplayText=True # Theme Theme=default ''; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/clipboard.conf".force = true; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/clipboard.conf".text = '' # Trigger Key TriggerKey= # Paste Primary PastePrimaryKey= # Number of entries Number of entries=5 ''; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/mozc.conf".force = true; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/mozc.conf".text = '' # Initial Mode InitialMode=Hiragana # Vertical candidate list Vertical=True # Expand Usage (Requires vertical candidate list) ExpandMode="On Focus" # Fix embedded preedit cursor at the beginning of the preedit PreeditCursorPositionAtBeginning=False # Hotkey to expand usage ExpandKey=Control+Alt+H ''; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/notifications.conf".force = true; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/notifications.conf".text = '' # Hidden Notifications HiddenNotifications= ''; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/unicode.conf".force = true; xdg.configFile."fcitx5/conf/unicode.conf".text = '' # Trigger Key TriggerKey= ''; }]; }