#!/bin/sh # Simple Arch Linux install scripts, tailored to my use case. # End the script on any errors set -e # Change the working directory to this one cd "$(dirname "$0")" # Download the install scripts if they don't exist yet URL="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GloverDonovan/dotfiles/master/.archlinux/install-scripts" [ -f 001-preinstall ] || curl -L "$URL/001-preinstall" -o 001-preinstall [ -f 002-install ] || curl -L "$URL/002-install" -o 002-install [ -f 003-configure ] || curl -L "$URL/003-configure" -o 003-configure [ -f 004-postinstall ] || curl -L "$URL/004-postinstall" -o 004-postinstall chmod 755 001-preinstall 002-install 003-configure 004-postinstall # Prompt for the required information echo -n "Enter the size (in GiB) to give the primary partition: " read DISTSIZE echo -n "Enter a username for the user with sudo rights: " read USERNAME echo -n "Enter a hostname for this machine ($USERNAME@_____): " read HOSTNAME echo -n "Type YES to enable HiDPI support in the virtual console: " read HIDPI echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "Arch Linux will be installed with the settings above." echo "NOTE: You should not run this script if you do not" echo " understand what it does. Bad things may happen." echo -n "Type YES to continue, or Ctrl+C to abort. " read CONFIRM if [ "$CONFIRM" != "YES" ]; then echo "YES was not given, exiting..." exit fi echo "=====================================================" echo "Running install scripts..." # Run the install scripts env DISTSIZE="$DISTSIZE" ./001-preinstall ./002-install env HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME" HIDPI="$HIDPI" ./003-configure env USERNAME="$USERNAME" ./004-postinstall echo "Enter a password for $USERNAME..." arch-chroot /mnt passwd "$USERNAME" echo "=====================================================" echo "Done. Now reboot into Arch Linux!"