# The GNU/Linux System This file holds information about GNU/Linux in general. ## Root file structure ``` / # Root directory /bin # Binaries for global commands (ls, cat, etc.) /boot # Boot loader files (grub, the linux kernel, etc.) /dev # "Device files" (/dev/null, /dev/random, etc.) /etc # System-wide configuration files /home # Saved files and personal settings of each user /lib # Libraries used by the binaries in /bin /lib64 # 64-bit libraries /mnt # Temporarily mounted filesystems reside here /opt # Applications that don't rely on other dependencies /proc # Provides process and kernel information as files /root # Home directory for the root user /run # Information about the running system since last boot /sbin # System binaries (fsck, init, route, etc.) /srv # Site-specific data served by the system /sys # Contains information about the system /tmp # Temporary files used for processes /usr # Applications that rely on other dependencies /var # Variable files that are supposed to change over time ```