forked from extern/nix-config
Alejandra is written in Rust, has more tests than nixfmt, and handles non-trivial code examples in Nix better.
152 lines
3.4 KiB
152 lines
3.4 KiB
{pkgs, ...}: {
home-manager.sharedModules = [
services.mpd = {
enable = true;
musicDirectory = "/home/user/Music";
xdg.configFile."mpd/mpd.conf".text = ''
auto_update "yes"
xdg.configFile."ncmpcpp/".source = ./;
programs.ncmpcpp = {
enable = true;
bindings = [
key = "mouse";
command = "dummy";
key = "h";
command = ["previous_column" "jump_to_parent_directory"];
key = "j";
command = "scroll_down";
key = "k";
command = "scroll_up";
key = "l";
command = ["next_column" "enter_directory" "play_item"];
key = "H";
command = ["select_item" "scroll_down"];
key = "J";
command = ["move_sort_order_down" "move_selected_items_down"];
key = "K";
command = ["move_sort_order_up" "move_selected_items_up"];
key = "L";
command = ["select_item" "scroll_up"];
key = "'";
command = "remove_selection";
key = "ctrl-u";
command = "page_up";
key = "ctrl-d";
command = "page_down";
key = "u";
command = "page_up";
key = "d";
command = "page_down";
key = "n";
command = "next_found_item";
key = "N";
command = "previous_found_item";
key = "t";
command = "next_screen";
key = "g";
command = "move_home";
key = "G";
command = "move_end";
key = "w";
command = "next";
key = "b";
command = "previous";
key = ";";
command = "seek_forward";
key = ",";
command = "seek_backward";
key = "f";
command = "apply_filter";
key = "i";
command = "select_item";
key = "x";
command = [
key = "U";
command = "update_database";
key = "m";
command = "add_random_items";
settings = {
ncmpcpp_directory = "~/.config/ncmpcpp";
user_interface = "alternative";
autocenter_mode = "yes";
allow_for_physical_item_deletion = "no";
mouse_support = "no";
execute_on_song_change = "~/.config/ncmpcpp/";
mpd_crossfade_time = 3;
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [mpc-cli];