At some point I disabled this setting, possibly because of a bug or
other issue at the time, most likely related to my use of w3m or a
similar image preview script.
Now that I take advantage of all of kitty's features in 2022, especially
since it has proper fcitx support, there shouldn't be a reason to not
enable dynamic background opacity, as it seems to work flawlessly.
These are my dotfiles. As of 2022, my operating system of choice is still Arch Linux, although installing Gentoo may prove to be a fun side project.
I have been using GNU/Linux since 2012 and Arch Linux since 2017. My setup was originally i3 before I switched to bspwm. As of 2021, I added Sway, although I like switching between GNOME and Plasma as well.
The biggest advantage my dotfiles have is a consistent setup between GTK and Qt applications across multiple window managers. Making GUIs look nice on bspwm was a major task for me, and I'm satisfied with the result. Qt applications also work well under GNOME, with a consistent theme if you're using Arc for everything.
Old screenshots
Over time my tastes in desktop environments have changed. For nostalgic purposes, here is a collection of screenshots of my usage of GNU/Linux over time.