forked from extern/easydiffusion
19 lines
779 B
19 lines
779 B
@echo off
set suggested_dir=%~d0\stable-diffusion-ui
echo "Please install Stable Diffusion UI at the root of your drive. This avoids problems with path length limits in Windows." & echo.
set /p answer="Press Enter to install at %suggested_dir%, or type 'c' (without quotes) to install at the current location (press enter or type 'c'): "
if /i "%answer:~,1%" NEQ "c" (
if exist "%suggested_dir%" (
echo. & echo "Sorry, %suggested_dir% already exists! Cannot overwrite that folder!" & echo.
xcopy "%SD_BASE_DIR%" "%suggested_dir%" /s /i /Y /Q
echo Please run the %RUN_CMD_FILENAME% file inside %suggested_dir% . Do not use this folder anymore > "%SD_BASE_DIR%/READ_ME - DO_NOT_USE_THIS_FOLDER.txt"
cd %suggested_dir%