diff --git a/CHANGES.md b/CHANGES.md
index 4b225b32..752111f6 100644
--- a/CHANGES.md
+++ b/CHANGES.md
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 Our focus continues to remain on an easy installation experience, and an easy user-interface. While still remaining pretty powerful, in terms of features and speed.
 ### Detailed changelog
+* 2.5.30 - 28 Mar 2023 - Refactor task entry config to use a generating method. Added ability for plugins to easily add to this. Removed confusing sentence from `contributing.md`
 * 2.5.30 - 28 Mar 2023 - Allow the user to undo the deletion of tasks or images, instead of showing a pop-up each time. The new `Undo` button will be present at the top of the UI. Thanks @JeLuf.
 * 2.5.30 - 28 Mar 2023 - Support saving lossless WEBP images. Thanks @ogmaresca.
 * 2.5.30 - 28 Mar 2023 - Lots of bug fixes for the UI (Read LoRA flag in metadata files, new prompt weight format with scrollwheel, fix overflow with lots of tabs, clear button in image editor, shorter filenames in download). Thanks @patriceac, @JeLuf and @ogmaresca.
index 02ce6fc6..c01d489a 100644
@@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ or for Windows
 10) Congrats, now any changes you make in your repo `ui` folder are linked to this running archive of the app and can be previewed in the browser.
 11) Please update CHANGES.md in your pull requests.
-Check the `ui/frontend/build/README.md` for instructions on running and building the React code.
 ## Development environment for Installer changes
 Build the Windows installer using Windows, and the Linux installer using Linux. Don't mix the two, and don't use WSL. An Ubuntu VM is fine for building the Linux installer on a Windows host.
diff --git a/ui/media/css/main.css b/ui/media/css/main.css
index 88b8fc58..e6a95cda 100644
--- a/ui/media/css/main.css
+++ b/ui/media/css/main.css
@@ -572,6 +572,11 @@ div.img-preview img {
     margin-bottom: 5pt;
     margin-top: 5pt;
+.taskConfigContainer {
+    display: inline;
 .img-batch {
     display: inline;
diff --git a/ui/media/js/main.js b/ui/media/js/main.js
index e254956b..313f4012 100644
--- a/ui/media/js/main.js
+++ b/ui/media/js/main.js
@@ -5,6 +5,28 @@ const MIN_GPUS_TO_SHOW_SELECTION = 2
 const IMAGE_REGEX = new RegExp('data:image/[A-Za-z]+;base64')
 const htmlTaskMap = new WeakMap()
+const taskConfigSetup = {
+    taskConfig: {
+        seed: { value: ({ seed }) => seed, label: 'Seed' },
+        dimensions: { value: ({ reqBody }) => `${reqBody?.width}x${reqBody?.height}`, label: 'Dimensions' },
+        sampler_name: 'Sampler',
+        num_inference_steps: 'Inference Steps',
+        guidance_scale: 'Guidance Scale',
+        use_stable_diffusion_model: 'Model',
+        use_vae_model: { label: 'VAE', visible: ({ reqBody }) => reqBody?.use_vae_model !== undefined && reqBody?.use_vae_model.trim() !== ''},
+        negative_prompt: { label: 'Negative Prompt', visible: ({ reqBody }) => reqBody?.negative_prompt !== undefined && reqBody?.negative_prompt.trim() !== ''},
+        prompt_strength: 'Prompt Strength',
+        use_face_correction: 'Fix Faces',
+        upscale: { value: ({ reqBody }) => `${reqBody?.use_upscale} (${reqBody?.upscale_amount || 4}x)`, label: 'Upscale', visible: ({ reqBody }) => !!reqBody?.use_upscale },
+        use_hypernetwork_model: 'Hypernetwork',
+        hypernetwork_strength: { label: 'Hypernetwork Strength', visible: ({ reqBody }) => !!reqBody?.use_hypernetwork_model },
+        use_lora_model: 'Lora Model',
+        preserve_init_image_color_profile: 'Preserve Color Profile',
+    },
+    pluginTaskConfig: {},
+    getCSSKey: (key) => key.split('_').map((s) => s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)).join('')
 let imageCounter = 0
 let imageRequest = []
@@ -952,6 +974,29 @@ function onTaskEntryDragOver(event) {
+function generateConfig({ label, value, visible, cssKey }) {
+    if (!visible) return null;
+    return `<div class="taskConfigContainer task${cssKey}Container"><b>${label}:</b> <span class="task${cssKey}">${value}`
+function getVisibleConfig(config, task) {
+    const mergedTaskConfig = { ...config.taskConfig, ...config.pluginTaskConfig }
+    return Object.keys(mergedTaskConfig)
+        .map((key) => {
+            const value = mergedTaskConfig?.[key]?.value?.(task) ?? task.reqBody[key]
+            const visible = mergedTaskConfig?.[key]?.visible?.(task) ?? value !== undefined ?? true
+            const label = mergedTaskConfig?.[key]?.label ?? mergedTaskConfig?.[key]
+            const cssKey = config.getCSSKey(key)
+            return { label, visible, value, cssKey }
+        })
+        .map((obj) => generateConfig(obj))
+        .filter(obj => obj)
+function createTaskConfig(task) {
+    return getVisibleConfig(taskConfigSetup, task).join('</span>,&nbsp;</div>')
 function createTask(task) {
     let taskConfig = ''
@@ -960,33 +1005,8 @@ function createTask(task) {
         let w = task.reqBody.width * h / task.reqBody.height >>0
         taskConfig += `<div class="task-initimg" style="float:left;"><img style="width:${w}px;height:${h}px;" src="${task.reqBody.init_image}"><div class="task-fs-initimage"></div></div>`
-    taskConfig += `<b>Seed:</b> ${task.seed}, <b>Sampler:</b> ${task.reqBody.sampler_name}, <b>Inference Steps:</b> ${task.reqBody.num_inference_steps}, <b>Guidance Scale:</b> ${task.reqBody.guidance_scale}, <b>Model:</b> ${task.reqBody.use_stable_diffusion_model}`
-    if (task.reqBody.use_vae_model.trim() !== '') {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>VAE:</b> ${task.reqBody.use_vae_model}`
-    }
-    if (task.reqBody.negative_prompt.trim() !== '') {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>Negative Prompt:</b> ${task.reqBody.negative_prompt}`
-    }
-    if (task.reqBody.init_image !== undefined) {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>Prompt Strength:</b> ${task.reqBody.prompt_strength}`
-    }
-    if (task.reqBody.use_face_correction) {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>Fix Faces:</b> ${task.reqBody.use_face_correction}`
-    }
-    if (task.reqBody.use_upscale) {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>Upscale:</b> ${task.reqBody.use_upscale} (${task.reqBody.upscale_amount || 4}x)`
-    }
-    if (task.reqBody.use_hypernetwork_model) {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>Hypernetwork:</b> ${task.reqBody.use_hypernetwork_model}`
-        taskConfig += `, <b>Hypernetwork Strength:</b> ${task.reqBody.hypernetwork_strength}`
-    }
-    if (task.reqBody.use_lora_model) {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>LoRA:</b> ${task.reqBody.use_lora_model}`
-    }
-    if (task.reqBody.preserve_init_image_color_profile) {
-        taskConfig += `, <b>Preserve Color Profile:</b> true`
-    }
+    taskConfig += `<div class="taskConfigData">${createTaskConfig(task)}</span></div></div>`;
     let taskEntry = document.createElement('div')
     taskEntry.id = `imageTaskContainer-${Date.now()}`
@@ -1085,7 +1105,6 @@ function getCurrentUserRequest() {
         numOutputsTotal: numOutputsTotal,
         batchCount: Math.ceil(numOutputsTotal / numOutputsParallel),
         reqBody: {
             used_random_seed: randomSeedField.checked,
@@ -1117,7 +1136,6 @@ function getCurrentUserRequest() {
     if (IMAGE_REGEX.test(initImagePreview.src)) {
         newTask.reqBody.init_image = initImagePreview.src
         newTask.reqBody.prompt_strength = parseFloat(promptStrengthField.value)
         // if (IMAGE_REGEX.test(maskImagePreview.src)) {
         //     newTask.reqBody.mask = maskImagePreview.src
         // }