forked from extern/easydiffusion
Runtime cleanup and moved apply_filters to it's own function
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,6 +197,35 @@ def load_model_real_esrgan(real_esrgan_to_use):
print('loaded ', real_esrgan_to_use, 'to', device, 'precision', precision)
def get_base_path(disk_path, session_id, prompt, ext, suffix=None):
if disk_path is None: return None
if session_id is None: return None
if ext is None: raise Exception('Missing ext')
session_out_path = os.path.join(disk_path, session_id)
os.makedirs(session_out_path, exist_ok=True)
prompt_flattened = filename_regex.sub('_', prompt)[:50]
img_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[-8:]
if suffix is not None:
return os.path.join(session_out_path, f"{prompt_flattened}_{img_id}_{suffix}.{ext}")
return os.path.join(session_out_path, f"{prompt_flattened}_{img_id}.{ext}")
def apply_filters(filter_name, image_data):
print(f'Applying filter {filter_name}...')
if filter_name == 'gfpgan':
_, _, output = model_gfpgan.enhance(image_data[:,:,::-1], has_aligned=False, only_center_face=False, paste_back=True)
image_data = output[:,:,::-1]
if filter_name == 'real_esrgan':
output, _ = model_real_esrgan.enhance(image_data[:,:,::-1])
image_data = output[:,:,::-1]
return image_data
def mk_img(req: Request):
yield from do_mk_img(req)
@ -283,23 +312,11 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
opt_prompt = req.prompt
opt_seed = req.seed
opt_n_samples = req.num_outputs
opt_n_iter = 1
opt_scale = req.guidance_scale
opt_C = 4
opt_H = req.height
opt_W = req.width
opt_f = 8
opt_ddim_steps = req.num_inference_steps
opt_ddim_eta = 0.0
opt_strength = req.prompt_strength
opt_save_to_disk_path = req.save_to_disk_path
opt_init_img = req.init_image
opt_use_face_correction = req.use_face_correction
opt_use_upscale = req.use_upscale
opt_show_only_filtered = req.show_only_filtered_image
opt_format = req.output_format
opt_sampler_name = req.sampler
print(req.to_string(), '\n device', device)
@ -307,7 +324,7 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
batch_size = opt_n_samples
batch_size = req.num_outputs
prompt = opt_prompt
assert prompt is not None
data = [batch_size * [prompt]]
@ -327,7 +344,7 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
handler = _img2img
init_image = load_img(req.init_image, opt_W, opt_H)
init_image = load_img(req.init_image, req.width, req.height)
init_image =
if device != "cpu" and precision == "autocast":
@ -339,7 +356,7 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
init_latent = modelFS.get_first_stage_encoding(modelFS.encode_first_stage(init_image)) # move to latent space
if req.mask is not None:
mask = load_mask(req.mask, opt_W, opt_H, init_latent.shape[2], init_latent.shape[3], True).to(device)
mask = load_mask(req.mask, req.width, req.height, init_latent.shape[2], init_latent.shape[3], True).to(device)
mask = mask[0][0].unsqueeze(0).repeat(4, 1, 1).unsqueeze(0)
mask = repeat(mask, '1 ... -> b ...', b=batch_size)
@ -348,12 +365,12 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
assert 0. <= opt_strength <= 1., 'can only work with strength in [0.0, 1.0]'
t_enc = int(opt_strength * opt_ddim_steps)
assert 0. <= req.prompt_strength <= 1., 'can only work with strength in [0.0, 1.0]'
t_enc = int(req.prompt_strength * req.num_inference_steps)
print(f"target t_enc is {t_enc} steps")
if opt_save_to_disk_path is not None:
session_out_path = os.path.join(opt_save_to_disk_path, req.session_id)
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
session_out_path = os.path.join(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id)
os.makedirs(session_out_path, exist_ok=True)
session_out_path = None
@ -366,7 +383,7 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
with precision_scope("cuda"):
uc = None
if opt_scale != 1.0:
if req.guidance_scale != 1.0:
uc = modelCS.get_learned_conditioning(batch_size * [req.negative_prompt])
if isinstance(prompts, tuple):
prompts = list(prompts)
@ -393,7 +410,7 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
partial_x_samples = x_samples
if req.stream_progress_updates:
n_steps = opt_ddim_steps if req.init_image is None else t_enc
n_steps = req.num_inference_steps if req.init_image is None else t_enc
progress = {"step": i, "total_steps": n_steps}
if req.stream_image_progress and i % 5 == 0:
@ -425,9 +442,9 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
# run the handler
if handler == _txt2img:
x_samples = _txt2img(opt_W, opt_H, opt_n_samples, opt_ddim_steps, opt_scale, None, opt_C, opt_f, opt_ddim_eta, c, uc, opt_seed, img_callback, mask, opt_sampler_name)
x_samples = _txt2img(req.width, req.height, req.num_outputs, req.num_inference_steps, req.guidance_scale, None, opt_C, opt_f, opt_ddim_eta, c, uc, opt_seed, img_callback, mask, req.sampler)
x_samples = _img2img(init_latent, t_enc, batch_size, opt_scale, c, uc, opt_ddim_steps, opt_ddim_eta, opt_seed, img_callback, mask)
x_samples = _img2img(init_latent, t_enc, batch_size, req.guidance_scale, c, uc, req.num_inference_steps, opt_ddim_eta, opt_seed, img_callback, mask)
yield from x_samples
@ -447,69 +464,49 @@ def do_mk_img(req: Request):
x_sample = x_sample.astype(np.uint8)
img = Image.fromarray(x_sample)
has_filters = (opt_use_face_correction is not None and opt_use_face_correction.startswith('GFPGAN')) or \
(opt_use_upscale is not None and opt_use_upscale.startswith('RealESRGAN'))
has_filters = (req.use_face_correction is not None and req.use_face_correction.startswith('GFPGAN')) or \
(req.use_upscale is not None and req.use_upscale.startswith('RealESRGAN'))
return_orig_img = not has_filters or not opt_show_only_filtered
return_orig_img = not has_filters or not req.show_only_filtered_image
if stop_processing:
return_orig_img = True
if opt_save_to_disk_path is not None:
prompt_flattened = filename_regex.sub('_', prompts[0])
prompt_flattened = prompt_flattened[:50]
img_id = str(uuid.uuid4())[-8:]
file_path = f"{prompt_flattened}_{img_id}"
img_out_path = os.path.join(session_out_path, f"{file_path}.{opt_format}")
meta_out_path = os.path.join(session_out_path, f"{file_path}.txt")
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
if return_orig_img:
img_out_path = get_base_path(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id, prompts[0], req.output_format)
save_image(img, img_out_path)
save_metadata(meta_out_path, prompts, opt_seed, opt_W, opt_H, opt_ddim_steps, opt_scale, opt_strength, opt_use_face_correction, opt_use_upscale, opt_sampler_name, req.negative_prompt, ckpt_file)
meta_out_path = get_base_path(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id, prompts[0], 'txt')
save_metadata(meta_out_path, req, prompts[0], opt_seed)
if return_orig_img:
img_data = img_to_base64_str(img, opt_format)
img_data = img_to_base64_str(img, req.output_format)
res_image_orig = ResponseImage(data=img_data, seed=opt_seed)
if opt_save_to_disk_path is not None:
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
res_image_orig.path_abs = img_out_path
del img
if has_filters and not stop_processing:
print('Applying filters..')
filters_applied = []
if opt_use_face_correction:
_, _, output = model_gfpgan.enhance(x_sample[:,:,::-1], has_aligned=False, only_center_face=False, paste_back=True)
x_sample = output[:,:,::-1]
if opt_use_upscale:
output, _ = model_real_esrgan.enhance(x_sample[:,:,::-1])
x_sample = output[:,:,::-1]
filtered_image = Image.fromarray(x_sample)
filtered_img_data = img_to_base64_str(filtered_image, opt_format)
res_image_filtered = ResponseImage(data=filtered_img_data, seed=opt_seed)
filters_applied = "_".join(filters_applied)
if opt_save_to_disk_path is not None:
filtered_img_out_path = os.path.join(session_out_path, f"{file_path}_{filters_applied}.{opt_format}")
save_image(filtered_image, filtered_img_out_path)
res_image_filtered.path_abs = filtered_img_out_path
del filtered_image
if req.use_face_correction:
x_sample = apply_filters('gfpgan', x_sample)
if req.use_upscale:
x_sample = apply_filters('real_esrgan', x_sample)
if (len(filters_applied) > 0):
filtered_image = Image.fromarray(x_sample)
filtered_img_data = img_to_base64_str(filtered_image, req.output_format)
response_image = ResponseImage(data=filtered_img_data, seed=req.seed)
if req.save_to_disk_path is not None:
filtered_img_out_path = get_base_path(req.save_to_disk_path, req.session_id, prompts[0], req.output_format, "_".join(filters_applied))
save_image(filtered_image, filtered_img_out_path)
response_image.path_abs = filtered_img_out_path
del filtered_image
seeds += str(opt_seed) + ","
opt_seed += 1
@ -529,9 +526,20 @@ def save_image(img, img_out_path):
print('could not save the file', traceback.format_exc())
def save_metadata(meta_out_path, prompts, opt_seed, opt_W, opt_H, opt_ddim_steps, opt_scale, opt_prompt_strength, opt_correct_face, opt_upscale, sampler_name, negative_prompt, ckpt_file):
metadata = f"{prompts[0]}\nWidth: {opt_W}\nHeight: {opt_H}\nSeed: {opt_seed}\nSteps: {opt_ddim_steps}\nGuidance Scale: {opt_scale}\nPrompt Strength: {opt_prompt_strength}\nUse Face Correction: {opt_correct_face}\nUse Upscaling: {opt_upscale}\nSampler: {sampler_name}\nNegative Prompt: {negative_prompt}\nStable Diffusion Model: {ckpt_file + '.ckpt'}"
def save_metadata(meta_out_path, req, prompt, opt_seed):
metadata = f"""{prompt}
Width: {req.width}
Height: {req.height}
Seed: {opt_seed}
Steps: {req.num_inference_steps}
Guidance Scale: {req.guidance_scale}
Prompt Strength: {req.prompt_strength}
Use Face Correction: {req.use_face_correction}
Use Upscaling: {req.use_upscale}
Sampler: {req.sampler}
Negative Prompt: {req.negative_prompt}
Stable Diffusion Model: {req.use_stable_diffusion_model + '.ckpt'}
with open(meta_out_path, 'w') as f:
Reference in New Issue
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