diff --git a/ui/server.py b/ui/server.py
index 2f428894..fae34dec 100644
--- a/ui/server.py
+++ b/ui/server.py
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ APP_CONFIG_DEFAULT_MODELS = [
     'sd-v1-4', # Default fallback.
-import asyncio
 from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
 from fastapi.staticfiles import StaticFiles
 from starlette.responses import FileResponse, JSONResponse, StreamingResponse
@@ -42,7 +41,6 @@ from typing import Any, Generator, Hashable, List, Optional, Union
 from sd_internal import Request, Response, task_manager
-LOOP = asyncio.get_event_loop()
 app = FastAPI()
 modifiers_cache = None
@@ -362,54 +360,39 @@ logging.getLogger('uvicorn.access').addFilter(LogSuppressFilter())
 config = getConfig()
-async def check_status(): # Task to Validate user config shortly after startup.
-    # Check that the loaded config.json yielded a server in a known valid state.
-    # When issues are found, try to fix them when possible and warn the user.
-    device_count = 0
-    # Wait for devices to register and/or change names.
-    THREAD_START_DELAY = 5 # seconds - Give time for devices/threads to start.
-    for i in range(10): # Maximum number of retry.
-        await asyncio.sleep(THREAD_START_DELAY)
-        new_count = task_manager.is_alive()
-        # Stops retry once no more devices show up.
-        if new_count > 0 and device_count == new_count: break
-        device_count = new_count
-    if 'render_devices' in config and task_manager.is_alive() <= 0: # No running devices, probably invalid user config. Try to apply defaults.
-        print('WARNING: No active render devices after loading config. Validate "render_devices" in config.json')
-        task_manager.start_render_thread('auto') # Detect best device for renders
-        task_manager.start_render_thread('cpu') # Allow CPU to be used for renders
-        await asyncio.sleep(THREAD_START_DELAY) # delay message after thread start.
-        print('Default render devices loaded to replace missing render_devices', config['render_devices'])
-    display_warning = False
-    if not 'render_devices' in config and task_manager.is_alive(0) <= 0: # No config set, is on auto mode and without cuda:0
-        task_manager.start_render_thread('cuda') # An other cuda device is better and cuda:0 is missing, start it...
-        display_warning = True # And warn user to update settings...
-        await asyncio.sleep(THREAD_START_DELAY) # delay message after thread start.
-    if display_warning or task_manager.is_alive(0) <= 0:
-        print('WARNING: GFPGANer only works on GPU:0, use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES if GFPGANer is needed on a specific GPU.')
-        print('Using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES will remap the selected devices starting at GPU:0 fixing GFPGANer')
-        print('Add the line "@set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" where N is the GPUs to use to config.bat')
-        print('Add the line "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" where N is the GPUs to use to config.sh')
 # Start the task_manager
 task_manager.default_model_to_load = resolve_model_to_use()
-if 'render_devices' in config: # Start a new thread for each device.
+# Check that the loaded config.json yielded a server in a known valid state.
+# When issues are found, try to fix them when possible and warn the user.
+if 'render_devices' in config:  # Start a new thread for each device.
     if isinstance(config['render_devices'], str):
         config['render_devices'] = config['render_devices'].split(',')
     if not isinstance(config['render_devices'], list):
         raise Exception('Invalid render_devices value in config.')
     for device in config['render_devices']:
+    if task_manager.is_alive() <= 0: # No running devices, probably invalid user config.
+        print('WARNING: No active render devices after loading config. Validate "render_devices" in config.json')
+        print('Loading default render devices to replace invalid render_devices field from config', config['render_devices'])
+display_warning = False
+if task_manager.is_alive() <= 0: # Either no defauls or no devices after loading config.
     # Select best GPU device using free memory, if more than one device.
     task_manager.start_render_thread('auto') # Detect best device for renders
-    task_manager.start_render_thread('cpu') # Allow CPU to be used for renders
+    if task_manager.is_alive(0) <= 0: # without cuda:0
+        task_manager.start_render_thread('cuda') # An other cuda device is better and cuda:0 is missing, start it...
+        display_warning = True # And warn user to update settings...
+    if task_manager.is_alive('cpu') <= 0:
+        # Allow CPU to be used for renders
+        task_manager.start_render_thread('cpu')
-# Task to Validate user config shortly after startup.
+if display_warning or task_manager.is_alive(0) <= 0:
+    print('WARNING: GFPGANer only works on GPU:0, use CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES if GFPGANer is needed on a specific GPU.')
+    print('Using CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES will remap the selected devices starting at GPU:0 fixing GFPGANer')
+    print('Add the line "@set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" where N is the GPUs to use to config.bat')
+    print('Add the line "CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=N" where N is the GPUs to use to config.sh')
+del display_warning
 # start the browser ui
 import webbrowser; webbrowser.open('http://localhost:9000')
\ No newline at end of file