; Script generated by the HM NIS Edit Script Wizard. Target amd64-unicode Unicode True SetCompressor /FINAL lzma RequestExecutionLevel user !AddPluginDir /amd64-unicode "." ; HM NIS Edit Wizard helper defines !define PRODUCT_NAME "Easy Diffusion" !define PRODUCT_VERSION "3.0" !define PRODUCT_PUBLISHER "cmdr2 and contributors" !define PRODUCT_WEB_SITE "https://easydiffusion.github.io" !define PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY "Software\Microsoft\Easy Diffusion\App Paths\installer.exe" ; MUI 1.67 compatible ------ !include "MUI.nsh" !include "LogicLib.nsh" !include "nsDialogs.nsh" !include "nsisconf.nsh" Var Dialog Var Label Var Button Var InstDirLen Var LongPathsEnabled Var AccountType ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This function returns the number of spaces in a string. ; The string is passed on the stack (using Push $STRING) ; The result is also returned on the stack and can be consumed with Pop $var ; https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Check_for_spaces_in_a_directory_path Function CheckForSpaces Exch $R0 Push $R1 Push $R2 Push $R3 StrCpy $R1 -1 StrCpy $R3 $R0 StrCpy $R0 0 loop: StrCpy $R2 $R3 1 $R1 IntOp $R1 $R1 - 1 StrCmp $R2 "" done StrCmp $R2 " " 0 loop IntOp $R0 $R0 + 1 Goto loop done: Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Exch $R0 FunctionEnd ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; The function DirectoryLeave is called after the user chose the installation directory. ; If it calls "abort", the user is sent back to choose a different directory. Function DirectoryLeave ; check whether the installation directory path is longer than 30 characters. ; If yes, we suggest to the user to enable long filename support ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------- StrLen $InstDirLen "$INSTDIR" ; Check whether the registry key that allows for >260 characters in a path name is set ReadRegStr $LongPathsEnabled HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" "LongPathsEnabled" ${If} $InstDirLen > 30 ${AndIf} $LongPathsEnabled == "0" ; Check whether we're in the Admin group UserInfo::GetAccountType Pop $AccountType ${If} $AccountType == "Admin" ${AndIf} ${Cmd} `MessageBox MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION 'The path name is too long. $\n$\nYou can either enable long file name support in Windows,$\nor you can go back and choose a different path.$\n$\nFor details see: shorturl.at/auBD1$\n$\nEnable long path name support in Windows?' IDYES` ; Enable long path names WriteRegDWORD HKLM "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem" "LongPathsEnabled" 1 ${Else} MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Installation path name too long. The installation path must not have more than 30 characters." abort ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ; Check for spaces in the installation directory path. ; ---------------------------------------------------- ; $R0 = CheckForSpaces( $INSTDIR ) Push $INSTDIR # Input string (install path). Call CheckForSpaces Pop $R0 # The function returns the number of spaces found in the input string. ; Check if any spaces exist in $INSTDIR. ${If} $R0 != 0 ; Plural if more than 1 space in $INSTDIR. ; If $R0 == 1: $R1 = ""; else: $R1 = "s" StrCmp $R0 1 0 +3 StrCpy $R1 "" Goto +2 StrCpy $R1 "s" ; Show message box then take the user back to the Directory page. MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Error: The Installaton directory \ has $R0 space character$R1.$\nPlease choose an installation directory without space characters." Abort ${EndIf} ; Check for NTFS filesystem. Installations on FAT fail. ; ----------------------------------------------------- StrCpy $5 $INSTDIR 3 System::Call 'Kernel32::GetVolumeInformation(t "$5",t,i ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN},*i,*i,*i,t.r1,i ${NSIS_MAX_STRLEN})i.r0' ${If} $0 <> 0 ${AndIf} $1 != "NTFS" MessageBox mb_ok "$5 has filesystem type '$1'.$\nOnly NTFS filesystems are supported.$\nPlease choose a different drive." Abort ${EndIf} FunctionEnd ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Open the MS download page in a browser and enable the [Next] button Function MSMediaFeaturepack ExecShell "open" "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/mediafeaturepack" GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $0 1 FunctionEnd ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Install the MS Media Feature Pack, if it is missing (e.g. on Windows 10 N) Function MediaPackDialog !insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Windows Media Feature Pack" "Required software module is missing" ; Skip this dialog if mf.dll is installed ${If} ${FileExists} "$WINDIR\system32\mf.dll" Abort ${EndIf} nsDialogs::Create 1018 Pop $Dialog ${If} $Dialog == error Abort ${EndIf} ${NSD_CreateLabel} 0 0 100% 48u "The Windows Media Feature Pack is missing on this computer. It is required for Easy Diffusion.$\nYou can continue the installation after installing the Windows Media Feature Pack." Pop $Label ${NSD_CreateButton} 10% 49u 80% 12u "Download Meda Feature Pack from Microsoft" Pop $Button GetFunctionAddress $0 MSMediaFeaturePack nsDialogs::OnClick $Button $0 GetDlgItem $0 $HWNDPARENT 1 EnableWindow $0 0 nsDialogs::Show FunctionEnd Function FinishPageAction CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\Easy Diffusion.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Start Stable Diffusion UI.cmd" "" "$INSTDIR\installer_files\cyborg_flower_girl.ico" FunctionEnd ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MUI Settings ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_ICON "cyborg_flower_girl.ico" !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP "cyborg_flower_girl.bmp" ; Welcome page !define MUI_WELCOMEPAGE_TEXT "This installer will guide you through the installation of Easy Diffusion.$\n$\n\ Click Next to continue." !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME Page custom MediaPackDialog ; License page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "..\LICENSE" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "..\CreativeML Open RAIL-M License" ; Directory page !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_LEAVE "DirectoryLeave" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ; Instfiles page !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES ; Finish page !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME "" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_NOTCHECKED !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "Create Desktop Shortcut" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_FUNCTION FinishPageAction !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN "$INSTDIR\Start Stable Diffusion UI.cmd" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH ; Language files !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; MUI end ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name "${PRODUCT_NAME} ${PRODUCT_VERSION}" OutFile "Install Easy Diffusion.exe" InstallDir "C:\EasyDiffusion\" InstallDirRegKey HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" ShowInstDetails show ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; List of files to be installed Section "MainSection" SEC01 SetOutPath "$INSTDIR" File "..\CreativeML Open RAIL-M License" File "..\How to install and run.txt" File "..\LICENSE" File "..\scripts\Start Stable Diffusion UI.cmd" File /r "${EXISTING_INSTALLATION_DIR}\installer_files" File /r "${EXISTING_INSTALLATION_DIR}\sd-ui-files" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\installer_files" File "cyborg_flower_girl.ico" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\scripts" File "${EXISTING_INSTALLATION_DIR}\scripts\install_status.txt" File "..\scripts\on_env_start.bat" File "C:\windows\system32\curl.exe" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\models\stable-diffusion" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\models\gfpgan" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\models\realesrgan" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\models\vae" CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\profile\.cache\huggingface\hub" SetOutPath "$INSTDIR\profile\.cache\huggingface\hub" File /r /x pytorch_model.bin "${EXISTING_INSTALLATION_DIR}\profile\.cache\huggingface\hub\models--openai--clip-vit-large-patch14" CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\Easy Diffusion" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Easy Diffusion\Easy Diffusion.lnk" "$INSTDIR\Start Stable Diffusion UI.cmd" "" "$INSTDIR\installer_files\cyborg_flower_girl.ico" DetailPrint 'Downloading the Stable Diffusion 1.5 model...' NScurl::http get "https://github.com/easydiffusion/sdkit-test-data/releases/download/assets/sd-v1-5.safetensors" "$INSTDIR\models\stable-diffusion\sd-v1-5.safetensors" /CANCEL /INSIST /END DetailPrint 'Downloading the GFPGAN model...' NScurl::http get "https://github.com/TencentARC/GFPGAN/releases/download/v1.3.4/GFPGANv1.4.pth" "$INSTDIR\models\gfpgan\GFPGANv1.4.pth" /CANCEL /INSIST /END DetailPrint 'Downloading the RealESRGAN_x4plus model...' NScurl::http get "https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN/releases/download/v0.1.0/RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth" "$INSTDIR\models\realesrgan\RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth" /CANCEL /INSIST /END DetailPrint 'Downloading the RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime model...' NScurl::http get "https://github.com/xinntao/Real-ESRGAN/releases/download/v0.2.2.4/RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth" "$INSTDIR\models\realesrgan\RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth" /CANCEL /INSIST /END DetailPrint 'Downloading the default VAE (sd-vae-ft-mse-original) model...' NScurl::http get "https://huggingface.co/stabilityai/sd-vae-ft-mse-original/resolve/main/vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt" "$INSTDIR\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt" /CANCEL /INSIST /END DetailPrint 'Downloading the CLIP model (clip-vit-large-patch14)...' NScurl::http get "https://huggingface.co/openai/clip-vit-large-patch14/resolve/8d052a0f05efbaefbc9e8786ba291cfdf93e5bff/pytorch_model.bin" "$INSTDIR\profile\.cache\huggingface\hub\models--openai--clip-vit-large-patch14\snapshots\8d052a0f05efbaefbc9e8786ba291cfdf93e5bff\pytorch_model.bin" /CANCEL /INSIST /END SectionEnd ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Our installer only needs 25 KB, but once it has run, we need 25 GB ; So we need to overwrite the automatically detected space requirements. ; https://nsis.sourceforge.io/Docs/Chapter4.html# ; The example in section seems to be wrong: the number ; needs to be provided in Kilobytes. Function .onInit ; Set required size of section 'SEC01' to 25 Gigabytes SectionSetSize ${SEC01} 26214400 ; Check system meory size. We need at least 8GB ; ---------------------------------------------------- ; allocate a few bytes of memory System::Alloc 64 Pop $1 ; Retrieve HW info from the Windows Kernel System::Call "*$1(i64)" System::Call "Kernel32::GlobalMemoryStatusEx(i r1)" ; unpack the data into $R2 - $R10 System::Call "*$1(i.r2, i.r3, l.r4, l.r5, l.r6, l.r7, l.r8, l.r9, l.r10)" # free up the memory System::Free $1 ; Result mapping: ; "Structure size: $2 bytes" ; "Memory load: $3%" ; "Total physical memory: $4 bytes" ; "Free physical memory: $5 bytes" ; "Total page file: $6 bytes" ; "Free page file: $7 bytes" ; "Total virtual: $8 bytes" ; "Free virtual: $9 bytes" ; Mem size in MB System::Int64Op $4 / 1048576 Pop $4 ${If} $4 < "8000" MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "Warning!$\n$\nYour system has less than 8GB of memory (RAM).$\n$\n\ You can still try to install Easy Diffusion,$\nbut it might have problems to start, or run$\nvery slowly." ${EndIf} FunctionEnd ;Section -Post ; WriteRegStr HKLM "${PRODUCT_DIR_REGKEY}" "" "$INSTDIR\installer.exe" ;SectionEnd