@echo off echo "Opening Stable Diffusion UI - Developer Console.." & echo. cd /d %~dp0 set PATH=C:\Windows\System32;%PATH% @rem set legacy and new installer's PATH, if they exist if exist "installer" set PATH=%cd%\installer;%cd%\installer\Library\bin;%cd%\installer\Scripts;%cd%\installer\Library\usr\bin;%PATH% if exist "installer_files\env" set PATH=%cd%\installer_files\env;%cd%\installer_files\env\Library\bin;%cd%\installer_files\env\Scripts;%cd%\installer_files\Library\usr\bin;%PATH% set PYTHONPATH=%cd%\installer;%cd%\installer_files\env @rem activate the installer env call conda activate @rem Test the environment echo "Environment Info:" call where git call git --version call where conda call conda --version echo. @rem activate the legacy environment (if present) and set PYTHONPATH if exist "installer_files\env" ( set PYTHONPATH=%cd%\installer_files\env\lib\site-packages ) if exist "stable-diffusion\env" ( call conda activate .\stable-diffusion\env set PYTHONPATH=%cd%\stable-diffusion\env\lib\site-packages ) call where python call python --version echo PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH% @rem done echo. cmd /k