forked from extern/easydiffusion
406 lines
14 KiB
406 lines
14 KiB
* Enum of parameter types
* @readonly
* @enum {string}
var ParameterType = {
checkbox: "checkbox",
select: "select",
select_multiple: "select_multiple",
custom: "custom",
* JSDoc style
* @typedef {object} Parameter
* @property {string} id
* @property {ParameterType} type
* @property {string} label
* @property {?string} note
* @property {number|boolean|string} default
/** @type {Array.<Parameter>} */
id: "theme",
label: "Theme",
default: "theme-default",
note: "customize the look and feel of the ui",
options: [ // Note: options expanded dynamically
value: "theme-default",
label: "Default"
icon: "fa-palette"
id: "save_to_disk",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Auto-Save Images",
note: "automatically saves images to the specified location",
icon: "fa-download",
default: false,
id: "diskPath",
type: ParameterType.custom,
label: "Save Location",
render: (parameter) => {
return `<input id="${}" name="${}" size="30" disabled>`
id: "sound_toggle",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Enable Sound",
note: "plays a sound on task completion",
icon: "fa-volume-low",
default: true,
id: "ui_open_browser_on_start",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Open browser on startup",
note: "starts the default browser on startup",
icon: "fa-window-restore",
default: true,
id: "turbo",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Turbo Mode",
note: "generates images faster, but uses an additional 1 GB of GPU memory",
icon: "fa-forward",
default: true,
id: "use_cpu",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Use CPU (not GPU)",
note: "warning: this will be *very* slow",
icon: "fa-microchip",
default: false,
id: "auto_pick_gpus",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Automatically pick the GPUs (experimental)",
default: false,
id: "use_gpus",
type: ParameterType.select_multiple,
label: "GPUs to use (experimental)",
note: "to process in parallel",
default: false,
id: "use_full_precision",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Use Full Precision",
note: "for GPU-only. warning: this will consume more VRAM",
icon: "fa-crosshairs",
default: false,
id: "auto_save_settings",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Auto-Save Settings",
note: "restores settings on browser load",
icon: "fa-gear",
default: true,
id: "confirm_dangerous_actions",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Confirm dangerous actions",
note: "Actions that might lead to data loss must either be clicked with the shift key pressed, or confirmed in an 'Are you sure?' dialog",
icon: "fa-check-double",
default: true,
id: "listen_to_network",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Make Stable Diffusion available on your network",
note: "Other devices on your network can access this web page",
icon: "fa-network-wired",
default: true,
id: "listen_port",
type: ParameterType.custom,
label: "Network port",
note: "Port that this server listens to. The '9000' part in 'http://localhost:9000'",
icon: "fa-anchor",
render: (parameter) => {
return `<input id="${}" name="${}" size="6" value="9000" onkeypress="preventNonNumericalInput(event)">`
id: "test_sd2",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Test SD 2.0",
note: "Experimental! High memory usage! GPU-only! Not the final version! Please restart the program after changing this.",
icon: "fa-fire",
default: false,
id: "use_beta_channel",
type: ParameterType.checkbox,
label: "Beta channel",
note: "Get the latest features immediately (but could be less stable). Please restart the program after changing this.",
icon: "fa-fire",
default: false,
function getParameterSettingsEntry(id) {
let parameter = PARAMETERS.filter(p => === id)
if (parameter.length === 0) {
return parameter[0].settingsEntry
function getParameterElement(parameter) {
switch (parameter.type) {
case ParameterType.checkbox:
var is_checked = parameter.default ? " checked" : "";
return `<input id="${}" name="${}"${is_checked} type="checkbox">`
case ParameterType.select_multiple:
var options = (parameter.options || []).map(option => `<option value="${option.value}">${option.label}</option>`).join("")
var multiple = (parameter.type == ParameterType.select_multiple ? 'multiple' : '')
return `<select id="${}" name="${}" ${multiple}>${options}</select>`
case ParameterType.custom:
return parameter.render(parameter)
console.error(`Invalid type for parameter ${}`);
return "ERROR: Invalid Type"
let parametersTable = document.querySelector("#system-settings .parameters-table")
/* fill in the system settings popup table */
function initParameters() {
PARAMETERS.forEach(parameter => {
var element = getParameterElement(parameter)
var note = parameter.note ? `<small>${parameter.note}</small>` : "";
var icon = parameter.icon ? `<i class="fa ${parameter.icon}"></i>` : "";
var newrow = document.createElement('div')
newrow.innerHTML = `
<div><label for="${}">${parameter.label}</label>${note}</div>
parameter.settingsEntry = newrow
let turboField = document.querySelector('#turbo')
let useCPUField = document.querySelector('#use_cpu')
let autoPickGPUsField = document.querySelector('#auto_pick_gpus')
let useGPUsField = document.querySelector('#use_gpus')
let useFullPrecisionField = document.querySelector('#use_full_precision')
let saveToDiskField = document.querySelector('#save_to_disk')
let diskPathField = document.querySelector('#diskPath')
let listenToNetworkField = document.querySelector("#listen_to_network")
let listenPortField = document.querySelector("#listen_port")
let testSD2Field = document.querySelector("#test_sd2")
let useBetaChannelField = document.querySelector("#use_beta_channel")
let uiOpenBrowserOnStartField = document.querySelector("#ui_open_browser_on_start")
let confirmDangerousActionsField = document.querySelector("#confirm_dangerous_actions")
let saveSettingsBtn = document.querySelector('#save-system-settings-btn')
async function changeAppConfig(configDelta) {
try {
let res = await fetch('/app_config', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(configDelta)
res = await res.json()
console.log('set config status response', res)
} catch (e) {
console.log('set config status error', e)
async function getAppConfig() {
try {
let res = await fetch('/get/app_config')
const config = await res.json()
if (config.update_branch === 'beta') {
useBetaChannelField.checked = true
document.querySelector("#updateBranchLabel").innerText = "(beta)"
if (config.ui && config.ui.open_browser_on_start === false) {
uiOpenBrowserOnStartField.checked = false
if ('test_sd2' in config) {
testSD2Field.checked = config['test_sd2']
let testSD2SettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry('test_sd2')
| = (config.update_branch === 'beta' ? '' : 'none')
if ( && === false) {
listenToNetworkField.checked = false
if ( && !== undefined) {
listenPortField.value =
console.log('get config status response', config)
} catch (e) {
console.log('get config status error', e)
saveToDiskField.addEventListener('change', function(e) {
diskPathField.disabled = !this.checked
function getCurrentRenderDeviceSelection() {
let selectedGPUs = $('#use_gpus').val()
if (useCPUField.checked && !autoPickGPUsField.checked) {
return 'cpu'
if (autoPickGPUsField.checked || selectedGPUs.length == 0) {
return 'auto'
return selectedGPUs.join(',')
useCPUField.addEventListener('click', function() {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry('use_gpus')
let autoPickGPUSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry('auto_pick_gpus')
if (this.checked) {
| = 'none'
| = 'none'
autoPickGPUsField.setAttribute('data-old-value', autoPickGPUsField.checked)
autoPickGPUsField.checked = false
} else if (useGPUsField.options.length >= MIN_GPUS_TO_SHOW_SELECTION) {
| = ''
| = ''
let oldVal = autoPickGPUsField.getAttribute('data-old-value')
if (oldVal === null || oldVal === undefined) { // the UI started with CPU selected by default
autoPickGPUsField.checked = true
} else {
autoPickGPUsField.checked = (oldVal === 'true')
| = (autoPickGPUsField.checked ? 'none' : '')
useGPUsField.addEventListener('click', function() {
let selectedGPUs = $('#use_gpus').val()
autoPickGPUsField.checked = (selectedGPUs.length === 0)
autoPickGPUsField.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (this.checked) {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry('use_gpus')
| = (this.checked ? 'none' : '')
async function getDiskPath() {
try {
var diskPath = getSetting("diskPath")
if (diskPath == '' || diskPath == undefined || diskPath == "undefined") {
let res = await fetch('/get/output_dir')
if (res.status === 200) {
res = await res.json()
res = res.output_dir
setSetting("diskPath", res)
} catch (e) {
console.log('error fetching output dir path', e)
async function getDevices() {
try {
let res = await fetch('/get/devices')
if (res.status === 200) {
res = await res.json()
let allDeviceIds = Object.keys(res['all']).filter(d => d !== 'cpu')
let activeDeviceIds = Object.keys(res['active']).filter(d => d !== 'cpu')
if (activeDeviceIds.length === 0) {
useCPUField.checked = true
if (allDeviceIds.length < MIN_GPUS_TO_SHOW_SELECTION || useCPUField.checked) {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry('use_gpus')
| = 'none'
let autoPickGPUSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry('auto_pick_gpus')
| = 'none'
if (allDeviceIds.length === 0) {
useCPUField.checked = true
useCPUField.disabled = true // no compatible GPUs, so make the CPU mandatory
autoPickGPUsField.checked = (res['config'] === 'auto')
useGPUsField.innerHTML = ''
allDeviceIds.forEach(device => {
let deviceName = res['all'][device]['name']
let deviceOption = `<option value="${device}">${deviceName} (${device})</option>`
useGPUsField.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', deviceOption)
if (autoPickGPUsField.checked) {
let gpuSettingEntry = getParameterSettingsEntry('use_gpus')
| = 'none'
} else {
} catch (e) {
console.log('error fetching devices', e)
saveSettingsBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {
let updateBranch = (useBetaChannelField.checked ? 'beta' : 'main')
if (listenPortField.value == '') {
alert('The network port field must not be empty.')
} else if (listenPortField.value<1 || listenPortField.value>65535) {
alert('The network port must be a number from 1 to 65535')
} else {
'render_devices': getCurrentRenderDeviceSelection(),
'update_branch': updateBranch,
'ui_open_browser_on_start': uiOpenBrowserOnStartField.checked,
'listen_to_network': listenToNetworkField.checked,
'listen_port': listenPortField.value,
'test_sd2': testSD2Field.checked
asyncDelay(300).then(() => saveSettingsBtn.classList.remove('active'))