forked from extern/easydiffusion
During getModel(), the server picklescans the model files for potential malicious code in the pickled python objects. If a malicious file is found, the web UI will show a big red error message, the makeImage button will be disabled, and the user must remove the malicious file and reload the UI page.
402 lines
26 KiB
402 lines
26 KiB
@echo off
@copy sd-ui-files\scripts\on_env_start.bat scripts\ /Y
@copy sd-ui-files\scripts\bootstrap.bat scripts\ /Y
if exist "%cd%\profile" (
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
@rem activate the installer env
call conda activate
@REM Caution, this file will make your eyes and brain bleed. It's such an unholy mess.
@REM Note to self: Please rewrite this in Python. For the sake of your own sanity.
@REM remove the old version of the dev console script, if it's still present
if exist "Open Developer Console.cmd" del "Open Developer Console.cmd"
@call python -c "import os; import shutil; frm = 'sd-ui-files\\ui\\hotfix\\9c24e6cd9f499d02c4f21a033736dabd365962dc80fe3aeb57a8f85ea45a20a3.26fead7ea4f0f843f6eb4055dfd25693f1a71f3c6871b184042d4b126244e142'; dst = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'huggingface', 'transformers', '9c24e6cd9f499d02c4f21a033736dabd365962dc80fe3aeb57a8f85ea45a20a3.26fead7ea4f0f843f6eb4055dfd25693f1a71f3c6871b184042d4b126244e142'); shutil.copyfile(frm, dst) if os.path.exists(dst) else print(''); print('Hotfixed broken JSON file from OpenAI');"
@>nul findstr /m "sd_git_cloned" scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Stable Diffusion's git repository was already installed. Updating.."
@cd stable-diffusion
@call git reset --hard
@call git pull
@call git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout f6cfebffa752ee11a7b07497b8529d5971de916c
@call git apply ..\ui\sd_internal\ddim_callback.patch
@call git apply ..\ui\sd_internal\env_yaml.patch
@cd ..
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading Stable Diffusion.." & echo.
@call git clone && (
@echo sd_git_cloned >> scripts\install_status.txt
) || (
@echo "Error downloading Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!"
@exit /b
@cd stable-diffusion
@call git -c advice.detachedHead=false checkout f6cfebffa752ee11a7b07497b8529d5971de916c
@call git apply ..\ui\sd_internal\ddim_callback.patch
@call git apply ..\ui\sd_internal\env_yaml.patch
@cd ..
@cd stable-diffusion
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_env_created" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Packages necessary for Stable Diffusion were already installed"
@call conda activate .\env
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for Stable Diffusion.." & echo. & echo "***** This will take some time (depending on the speed of the Internet connection) and may appear to be stuck, but please be patient ***** .." & echo.
@rmdir /s /q .\env
@REM prevent conda from using packages from the user's home directory, to avoid conflicts
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set TMP=%cd%\tmp
set TEMP=%cd%\tmp
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
@call conda env create --prefix env -f environment.yaml || (
@echo. & echo "Error installing the packages necessary for Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@call conda activate .\env
@call conda install -c conda-forge -y --prefix env antlr4-python3-runtime=4.8 || (
@echo. & echo "Error installing antlr4-python3-runtime for Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('python -c "import torch; import ldm; import transformers; import numpy; import antlr4; print(42)"') do if "%%a" NEQ "42" (
@echo. & echo "Dependency test failed! Error installing the packages necessary for Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@echo conda_sd_env_created >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
set PATH=C:\Windows\System32;%PATH%
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_gfpgan_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction) were already installed"
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction).." & echo.
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set TMP=%cd%\tmp
set TEMP=%cd%\tmp
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
@call pip install -e git+ || (
@echo. & echo "Error installing the packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@call pip install basicsr==1.4.2 || (
@echo. & echo "Error installing the basicsr package necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('python -c "from gfpgan import GFPGANer; print(42)"') do if "%%a" NEQ "42" (
@echo. & echo "Dependency test failed! Error installing the packages necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@echo conda_sd_gfpgan_deps_installed >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_esrgan_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
@echo "Packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) were already installed"
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling).." & echo.
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set TMP=%cd%\tmp
set TEMP=%cd%\tmp
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
@call pip install -e git+ || (
@echo. & echo "Error installing the packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('python -c "from basicsr.archs.rrdbnet_arch import RRDBNet; from realesrgan import RealESRGANer; print(42)"') do if "%%a" NEQ "42" (
@echo. & echo "Dependency test failed! Error installing the packages necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@echo conda_sd_esrgan_deps_installed >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_ui_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" EQU "0" (
echo "Packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI were already installed"
) else (
@echo. & echo "Downloading packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI.." & echo.
set USERPROFILE=%cd%\profile
set TMP=%cd%\tmp
set TEMP=%cd%\tmp
set PYTHONPATH=%cd%;%cd%\env\lib\site-packages
@call conda install -c conda-forge -y --prefix env uvicorn fastapi || (
echo "Error installing the packages necessary for Stable Diffusion UI. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!"
exit /b
call WHERE uvicorn > .tmp
@>nul findstr /m "uvicorn" .tmp
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo. & echo "UI packages not found! Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@>nul 2>nul call python -m picklescan --help
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo. & echo Picklescan not found. Installing
@call pip install picklescan || (
echo "Error installing the picklescan package necessary for Stable Diffusion UI. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!"
exit /b
@>nul findstr /m "conda_sd_ui_deps_installed" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo conda_sd_ui_deps_installed >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
if not exist "..\models\stable-diffusion" mkdir "..\models\stable-diffusion"
if not exist "..\models\vae" mkdir "..\models\vae"
echo. > "..\models\stable-diffusion\Put your custom ckpt files here.txt"
echo. > "..\models\vae\Put your VAE files here.txt"
@if exist "sd-v1-4.ckpt" (
for %%I in ("sd-v1-4.ckpt") do if "%%~zI" EQU "4265380512" (
echo "Data files (weights) necessary for Stable Diffusion were already downloaded. Using the HuggingFace 4 GB Model."
) else (
for %%J in ("sd-v1-4.ckpt") do if "%%~zJ" EQU "7703807346" (
echo "Data files (weights) necessary for Stable Diffusion were already downloaded. Using the HuggingFace 7 GB Model."
) else (
for %%K in ("sd-v1-4.ckpt") do if "%%~zK" EQU "7703810927" (
echo "Data files (weights) necessary for Stable Diffusion were already downloaded. Using the Waifu Model."
) else (
echo. & echo "The model file present at %cd%\sd-v1-4.ckpt is invalid. It is only %%~zK bytes in size. Re-downloading.." & echo.
del "sd-v1-4.ckpt"
@if not exist "sd-v1-4.ckpt" (
@echo. & echo "Downloading data files (weights) for Stable Diffusion.." & echo.
@call curl -L -k > sd-v1-4.ckpt
@if exist "sd-v1-4.ckpt" (
for %%I in ("sd-v1-4.ckpt") do if "%%~zI" NEQ "4265380512" (
echo. & echo "Error: The downloaded model file was invalid! Bytes downloaded: %%~zI" & echo.
echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
) else (
@echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for Stable Diffusion. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@if exist "GFPGANv1.3.pth" (
for %%I in ("GFPGANv1.3.pth") do if "%%~zI" EQU "348632874" (
echo "Data files (weights) necessary for GFPGAN (Face Correction) were already downloaded"
) else (
echo. & echo "The GFPGAN model file present at %cd%\GFPGANv1.3.pth is invalid. It is only %%~zI bytes in size. Re-downloading.." & echo.
del "GFPGANv1.3.pth"
@if not exist "GFPGANv1.3.pth" (
@echo. & echo "Downloading data files (weights) for GFPGAN (Face Correction).." & echo.
@call curl -L -k > GFPGANv1.3.pth
@if exist "GFPGANv1.3.pth" (
for %%I in ("GFPGANv1.3.pth") do if "%%~zI" NEQ "348632874" (
echo. & echo "Error: The downloaded GFPGAN model file was invalid! Bytes downloaded: %%~zI" & echo.
echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for GFPGAN (Face Correction). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
) else (
@echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for GFPGAN (Face Correction). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@if exist "RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth" (
for %%I in ("RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth") do if "%%~zI" EQU "67040989" (
echo "Data files (weights) necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus were already downloaded"
) else (
echo. & echo "The GFPGAN model file present at %cd%\RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth is invalid. It is only %%~zI bytes in size. Re-downloading.." & echo.
del "RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth"
@if not exist "RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth" (
@echo. & echo "Downloading data files (weights) for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus.." & echo.
@call curl -L -k > RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth
@if exist "RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth" (
for %%I in ("RealESRGAN_x4plus.pth") do if "%%~zI" NEQ "67040989" (
echo. & echo "Error: The downloaded ESRGAN x4plus model file was invalid! Bytes downloaded: %%~zI" & echo.
echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
) else (
@echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@if exist "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth" (
for %%I in ("RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth") do if "%%~zI" EQU "17938799" (
echo "Data files (weights) necessary for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus_anime were already downloaded"
) else (
echo. & echo "The GFPGAN model file present at %cd%\RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth is invalid. It is only %%~zI bytes in size. Re-downloading.." & echo.
del "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth"
@if not exist "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth" (
@echo. & echo "Downloading data files (weights) for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus_anime.." & echo.
@call curl -L -k > RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth
@if exist "RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth" (
for %%I in ("RealESRGAN_x4plus_anime_6B.pth") do if "%%~zI" NEQ "17938799" (
echo. & echo "Error: The downloaded ESRGAN x4plus_anime model file was invalid! Bytes downloaded: %%~zI" & echo.
echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus_anime. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
) else (
@echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for ESRGAN (Resolution Upscaling) x4plus_anime. Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@if exist "..\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt" (
for %%I in ("..\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt") do if "%%~zI" EQU "334695179" (
echo "Data files (weights) necessary for the default VAE (sd-vae-ft-mse-original) were already downloaded"
) else (
echo. & echo "The default VAE (sd-vae-ft-mse-original) file present at models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt is invalid. It is only %%~zI bytes in size. Re-downloading.." & echo.
del "..\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt"
@if not exist "..\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt" (
@echo. & echo "Downloading data files (weights) for the default VAE (sd-vae-ft-mse-original).." & echo.
@call curl -L -k > ..\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt
@if exist "..\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt" (
for %%I in ("..\models\vae\vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.ckpt") do if "%%~zI" NEQ "334695179" (
echo. & echo "Error: The downloaded default VAE (sd-vae-ft-mse-original) file was invalid! Bytes downloaded: %%~zI" & echo.
echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for the default VAE (sd-vae-ft-mse-original). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
) else (
@echo. & echo "Error downloading the data files (weights) for the default VAE (sd-vae-ft-mse-original). Sorry about that, please try to:" & echo " 1. Run this installer again." & echo " 2. If that doesn't fix it, please try the common troubleshooting steps at" & echo " 3. If those steps don't help, please copy *all* the error messages in this window, and ask the community at" & echo " 4. If that doesn't solve the problem, please file an issue at" & echo "Thanks!" & echo.
exit /b
@>nul findstr /m "sd_install_complete" ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@if "%ERRORLEVEL%" NEQ "0" (
@echo sd_weights_downloaded >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@echo sd_install_complete >> ..\scripts\install_status.txt
@echo. & echo "Stable Diffusion is ready!" & echo.
@set SD_DIR=%cd%
@cd env\lib\site-packages
@cd ..\..\..
call where python
call python --version
@cd ..
@set SD_UI_PATH=%cd%\ui
@cd stable-diffusion
@uvicorn server:app --app-dir "%SD_UI_PATH%" --port %SD_UI_BIND_PORT% --host %SD_UI_BIND_IP%