a template defines the layout of phpgroupware and it contains icons for each application. preferences cs Vzhled definuje rozlo<6C>en<65> eGroupware a ikony pro ka<6B>dou aplikaci
a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences cs T<>ma ur<75>uje barvy a p<>sma pou<6F>it<69> ve vzhledu
acl grants have been updated preferences cs Pr<50>va ACL byla aktualizov<6F>na
any listing in phpgw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences cs Ka<4B>d<EFBFBD> seznam v eGroupWare zobraz<61> nejv<6A><76>e tolik z<>znam<61><20>i <20><>dek na str<74>nku.<br>P<><50>li<6C> mnoho m<><6D>e zpomalit syst<73>m, p<><70>li<6C> m<>lo omez<65> V<><56> rozhled
are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences cs Opravdu chcete smazat tuto kategorii?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences cs Popis nesm<73> p<>es<65>hnout 255 znak<61>!
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences cs Chcete <20>as zobrazit jako 24 hodin nebo jako 12 hodin s p<><70>ponamy odp. a dop.
edit custom fields preferences cs upravit u<>ivatelsk<73> pole
how do you like to display accounts preferences cs Jak se maj<61> zobrazovat u<>ivatelsk<73><20><>ty
how do you like to select accounts preferences cs Jak se maj<61> vyb<79>rat u<>ivatelsk<73><20><>ty
how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.<br>if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. preferences cs O kolik hodin se Va<56>e <20>asov<6F> z<>na li<6C><69> od <20>asu serveru.<br>Pokud jste ve stejn<6A> z<>n<EFBFBD> jako server, zvolte 0, jinak zvolte V<><56> m<>stn<74><20>as.
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. preferences cs Kolik obr<62>zk<7A> (ikon) m<> b<>t zobrazeno v n<>strojov<6F> li<6C>t<EFBFBD> na za<7A><61>tku str<74>nky. P<>eb<65>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD> ikony budou skryty v menu na prav<61> stran<61> li<6C>ty.
how should phpgroupware display dates for you. preferences cs Jak se maj<61> zobrazovat datumy
icon preferences cs Obr<62>zek
icons and text preferences cs Obr<62>zky i text
icons only preferences cs Jen obr<62>zky
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences cs V jak<61> zemi se nach<63>z<EFBFBD>te. Toto nastaven<65> se ovlivn<76> n<>kter<65> v<>choz<6F> hodnoty.
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences cs Pozn<7A>mka: T<>mto *nezm<7A>n<EFBFBD>te* va<76>e heslo pro E-mail. To je t<>eba ud<75>lat ru<72>n<EFBFBD>
please, select a new theme preferences cs Pros<6F>m vyberte nov<6F> barevn<76> t<>ma
select the language of texts and messages within phpgroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences cs Zvolte jazyk pro zobrazen<65> text<78>.<br>V n<>kter<65>ch jazyc<79>ch nemus<75> b<>t p<>elo<6C>eny v<>echny texty, v takov<6F>m p<><70>pad<61> se text zobraz<61> anglicky.
selectbox preferences cs V<>b<EFBFBD>rem
selectbox with primary group and search preferences cs V<>b<EFBFBD>rem s v<>choz<6F> skupinou a hled<65>n<EFBFBD>m
set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences cs Nastavte dle libosti. Z bezpe<70>nostn<74>ch d<>vod<6F> se nedoporu<72>uje ve<76>ejn<6A> zobrazovat p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> jm<6A>no.
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences cs M<> se v<>dy zobrazovat po<70>et p<>ipojen<65>ch u<>ivatel<65>?
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences cs M<> se n<>pov<6F>da p<>i zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>ch nastaven<65> zobrazovat automaticky, nebo jen na vy<76><79>d<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD>?
the default application will be started when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences cs V<>choz<6F> aplikace bude spu<70>t<EFBFBD>na po p<>ihl<68><6C>en<65> do eGroupWare nebo po v<>b<EFBFBD>ru ikony domovsk<73> str<74>nky.<br>Na domovsk<73> st<73>nce m<><6D>e b<>t i v<>ce apliakc<6B>, pokud zde <20><>dnou nezvol<6F>te (v takov<6F>m p<><70>pad<61> je t<>eba upravit nastaven<65> ka<6B>d<EFBFBD> aplikace zvlṻ).
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences cs V<>b<EFBFBD>r zobraz<61> v<>echny dostupn<70> u<>ivatele (m<><6D>e b<>t pomal<61> pokud je mnoho u<>ivatel<65>). Vyhled<65>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> umo<6D>n<EFBFBD> dohledat u<>ivatele podle jm<6A>na <20>i skupiny.
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences cs M<><4D>ete aplikace zobrazit jako obr<62>zky, n<>zvy, nebo oboj<6F>
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences cs Nem<65>te pr<70>vo m<>nit ACL v tomto re<72>imu!