it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common pt <09> recomendado que seja executada a Configura<72><61>o para atualizar as tabelas para a vers<72>o atual.
jamaica common pt JAMAICA
january common pt Janeiro
japan common pt JAPAN
jordan common pt JORDAN
july common pt Julho
june common pt Junho
kazakstan common pt KAZAKSTAN
kenya common pt KENYA
kiribati common pt KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common pt KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
korea, republic of common pt KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
kuwait common pt KUWAIT
kyrgyzstan common pt KYRGYZSTAN
language common pt Idioma
lao peoples democratic republic common pt LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
last name common pt <09>ltimo nome
lastname common pt <09>ltimo nome
latvia common pt LATVIA
lebanon common pt LEBANON
lesotho common pt LESOTHO
liberia common pt LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common pt LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
liechtenstein common pt LIECHTENSTEIN
list common pt Lista
lithuania common pt LITHUANIA
login common pt Conectar
logout common pt Desconectar
low common pt Baixo
lowest common pt Mais baixo
luxembourg common pt LUXEMBOURG
macau common pt MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common pt MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
madagascar common pt MADAGASCAR
main category common pt Cetegoria principal
main screen common pt Tela principal
malawi common pt MALAWI
malaysia common pt MALAYSIA
maldives common pt MALDIVES
mali common pt MALI
malta common pt MALTA
march common pt Mar<61>o
marshall islands common pt MARSHALL ISLANDS
martinique common pt MARTINIQUE
mauritania common pt MAURITANIA
mauritius common pt MAURITIUS
may common pt Maio
mayotte common pt MAYOTTE
medium common pt M<>dia
message common pt Mensagem
mexico common pt MEXICO
micronesia, federated states of common pt MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
moldova, republic of common pt MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
monaco common pt MONACO
monday common pt Segunda
mongolia common pt MONGOLIA
montserrat common pt MONTSERRAT
morocco common pt MOROCCO
mozambique common pt MOZAMBIQUE
myanmar common pt MYANMAR
name common pt Nome
namibia common pt NAMIBIA
nauru common pt NAURU
nepal common pt NEPAL
netherlands antilles common pt NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
netherlands common pt NETHERLANDS
new caledonia common pt NEW CALEDONIA
new entry added sucessfully common pt Entrada adicionada com sucesso
new main category common pt Nova categoria principal
new value common pt Novo Valor
new zealand common pt NEW ZEALAND
next common pt Pr<50>ximo
nicaragua common pt NICARAGUA
niger common pt NIGER
nigeria common pt NIGERIA
niue common pt NIUE
no common pt N<>o
no history for this record common pt Nenhum hist<73>rico para este registro
none common pt Nenhum
norfolk island common pt NORFOLK ISLAND
normal common pt Normal
northern mariana islands common pt NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
norway common pt NORWAY
no subject common pt No Subject
note common pt Note
notes common pt Notas
notify window common pt Janela de notifica<63><61>o
november common pt Novembro
october common pt Outubro
ok common pt OK
old value common pt Antigo Valor
oman common pt OMAN
only yours common pt somente as suas
open notify window common pt Abrir janela de notifica<63><61>o
original common pt Original
other common pt Outro
overview common pt Vis<69>o geral
owner common pt Dono
pakistan common pt PAKISTAN
palau common pt PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common pt PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
panama common pt PANAMA
papua new guinea common pt PAPUA NEW GUINEA
paraguay common pt PARAGUAY
parent category common pt Categoria pai
password common pt Senha
password has been updated common pt Senha foi alterada
personal common pt Pessoal
peru common pt PERU
philippines common pt PHILIPPINES
pitcairn common pt PITCAIRN
please enter a name common pt Por favor digite um nome !
please run setup to become current common pt Por favor execute a configura<72><61>o para atualizar o sistema
please set your preferences for this application common pt Configure suas prefer<65>ncias para este aplicativo
insert/edit link tinymce pt Inserir Hiperliga<67><61>o
unlink tinymce pt Remover hiperliga<67><61>o
insert/edit image tinymce pt Inserir Refer<65>ncia a imagem externa
cleanup messy code tinymce pt Limpeza de c<>digo
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce pt Uma inst<73>ncia do editor dever<65> estar seleccionada antes de utilizar este comando.
do you want to use the wysiwyg mode for this textarea? tinymce pt Deseja utilizar o modo visual de edi<64><69>o para ezta <20>rea de texto?
insert/edit link tinymce pt Inserir/editar hiperliga<67><61>o
insert tinymce pt Inserir
update tinymce pt Actualizar
cancel tinymce pt Cancelar
link url tinymce pt URL de hiperliga<67><61>o
target tinymce pt Destino
open link in the same window tinymce pt Abrir endere<72>o na mesma janela
open link in a new window tinymce pt Abrir endere<72>o numa nova janela
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce pt Copiar/Cortar/Colar n<>o est<73> dispon<6F>vel em Mozilla and Firefox.\nPretende obter mais informa<6D><61>o acerca desta quest<73>o?
bold tinymce pt Negrito
italic tinymce pt It<49>lico
underline tinymce pt Sublinhar
striketrough tinymce pt Riscado
align left tinymce pt Alinhar <20> esquerda
align center tinymce pt Alinhar ao centro
align right tinymce pt Alinhar <20> direita
align full tinymce pt Justificado
unordered list tinymce pt Lista n<>o ordenada
ordered list tinymce pt Lista ordenada
outdent tinymce pt Retirar indenta<74><61>o
indent tinymce pt Indentar
undo tinymce pt Desfazer
redo tinymce pt Refazer
insert/edit link tinymce pt Inserir Hiperliga<67><61>o
unlink tinymce pt Remover hiperliga<67><61>o
insert/edit image tinymce pt Inserir Refer<65>ncia a imagem externa
cleanup messy code tinymce pt Limpeza de c<>digo
a editor instance must be focused before using this command. tinymce pt Uma inst<73>ncia do editor dever<65> estar seleccionada antes de utilizar este comando.
do you want to use the wysiwyg mode for this textarea? tinymce pt Deseja utilizar o modo visual de edi<64><69>o para ezta <20>rea de texto?
insert/edit link tinymce pt Inserir/editar hiperliga<67><61>o
insert tinymce pt Inserir
update tinymce pt Actualizar
cancel tinymce pt Cancelar
link url tinymce pt URL de hiperliga<67><61>o
target tinymce pt Destino
open link in the same window tinymce pt Abrir endere<72>o na mesma janela
open link in a new window tinymce pt Abrir endere<72>o numa nova janela
copy/cut/paste is not available in mozilla and firefox.\ndo you want more information about this issue? tinymce pt Copiar/Cortar/Colar n<>o est<73> dispon<6F>vel em Mozilla and Firefox.\nPretende obter mais informa<6D><61>o acerca desta quest<73>o?
preview tinymce pt Pr<50>-visualiza<7A><61>o
inserts a new table tinymce pt Insere uma nova tabela
insert row before tinymce pt Inserir linha antes
insert row after tinymce pt Inserir linha depois
delete row tinymce pt Eliminar linha
insert column before tinymce pt Inserir coluna antes
insert column after tinymce pt Inserir coluna depois