forked from extern/egroupware
333 lines
13 KiB
333 lines
13 KiB
* EGroupware XSS protection and other security relevant functions
* Usually loaded via or api/src/loader/common.php
* @link
* @author Ralf Becker <>
* @package api
* @license GPL - GNU General Public License
* @version $Id$
use EGroupware\Api;
* check $_REQUEST data for XSS, vars containing script tags are moved to $GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars']
* @internal
* @param array &$var reference of array to check
* @param string $name ='' name of the array
function _check_script_tag(&$var,$name='')
static $preg=null;
//old: '/<\/?[^>]*\b(iframe|script|javascript|on(before)?(abort|blur|change|click|dblclick|error|focus|keydown|keypress|keyup|load|mousedown|mousemove|mouseout|mouseover|mouseup|reset|select|submit|unload))\b[^>]*>/i';
if (!isset($preg)) $preg =
// forbidden tags like iframe or script
// on* attributes
// ="javascript:*" diverse javascript attribute value
// benavior:url and expression in style attribute
if (is_array($var))
foreach($var as $key => $val)
if (is_array($val))
elseif(strpos($val, '<') !== false) // speedup: ignore everything without <
if (preg_match($preg,$val))
// special handling for $_POST[json_data], to decend into it's decoded content, fixing json direct might break json syntax
if ($name == '_POST' && $key == 'json_data' && ($json_data = json_decode($val, true)))
_check_script_tag($json_data, $name.'[json_data]');
$_REQUEST[$key] = $var[$key] = json_encode($json_data);
error_log(__FUNCTION__."(,$name) ${name}[$key] = ".$var[$key]);
$GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars'][$name.'['.$key.']'] = $var[$key];
// attempt to clean the thing
$var[$key] = $val = Api\Html\HtmLawed::purify($val);
// check if we succeeded, if not drop the var anyway, keep the egw_unset_var in any case
if (preg_match($preg,$val))
error_log("*** _check_script_tag($name): unset(${name}[$key]) with value $val***");
// in case some stupid old code expects the array-pointer to be at the start of the array
/* some _check_script_tag tests, should be commented out by default
if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == __FILE__) // some tests
if (!defined('EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT'))
define(EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT, realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../..'));
define(EGW_API_INC, realpath(dirname(__FILE__)));
$total = $num_failed = 0;
$patterns = array(
// pattern => true: should fail, false: should not fail
'< script >alert(1)< / script >' => true,
'<span onMouseOver ="alert(1)">blah</span>' => true,
'<a href= "JaVascript: alert(1)">Click Me</a>' => true,
// from
'<body onload=alert("XSS")>' => true,
'<body background="javascript:alert("XSS")">' => true,
'<iframe src=””>' => true,
'<input type="image" src="javascript:alert(\'XSS\');">' => true,
'<link rel="stylesheet" href="javascript:alert(\'XSS\');">' => true,
'<table background="javascript:alert(\'XSS\')">' => true,
'<td background="javascript:alert(\'XSS\')">' => true,
'<div style="background-image: url(javascript:alert(\'XSS\'))">' => true,
'<div style="width: expression(alert(\'XSS\'));">' => true,
'<object type="text/x-scriptlet" data="">' => true,
// false positiv tests
'If 1 < 2, what does that mean for description, if 2 > 1.' => false,
'If 1 < 2, what does that mean for a script, if 2 > 1.' => false,
'<div>Script and Javascript: not evil ;-)' => false,
'<span>style=background-color' => false,
'<font face="Script MT Bold" size="4"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Hugo Sonstwas</span></font>' => false,
'<>' => false,
foreach($patterns as $pattern => $should_fail)
$test = array($pattern);
$failed = isset($GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars']) !== $should_fail;
if ($failed) $num_failed++;
echo "<p style='color: ".($failed?'red':'black')."'> ".Api\Html::htmlspecialchars($pattern).' '.
$x = 1;
// urls with attack vectors
$urls = array(
// we currently fail 76 of 666 test, thought they seem not to apply to our use case, as we check request data
'' => file(
// we currently fail 44 of 140 tests, thought they seem not to apply to our use case, as we check request data
'' => call_user_func(function() {
$payloads = $items = null;
if (!($items_js = file_get_contents('')) ||
!preg_match_all("|^\s+'data'\s+:\s+'(.*)',$|m", $items_js, $items, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER) ||
!($payload_js = file_get_contents('')) ||
!preg_match_all("|^\s+'([^']+)'\s+:\s+'(.*)',$|m", $payload_js, $payloads, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER))
return false;
$replace = array(
"\\'" => "'",
'\\\\'=> '\\,',
'\r' => "\r",
'\n' => "\n",
foreach($payloads[1] as $n => $from) {
$replace['%'.$from.'%'] = $payloads[2][$n];
return array_map(function($item) use ($replace) {
return strtr($item, $replace);
}, $items[1]);
foreach($urls as $url => $vectors)
// no all xss attack vectors from are relevant here! (needs interpretation)
if (!$vectors)
echo "<p style='color:red'>Could NOT download or parse $url with attack vectors!</p>\n";
echo "<p><b>Attacks from <a href='$url' target='_blank'>$url</a> with ".count($vectors)." tests:</b></p>";
foreach($vectors as $line => $pattern)
$test = array($pattern);
_check_script_tag($test, 'line '.(1+$line));
$failed = !isset($GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars']);
if ($failed) $num_failed++;
echo "<p style='color: ".($failed?'red':'black')."'>".(1+$line).": ".Api\Html::htmlspecialchars($pattern).' '.
die("<p style='color: ".($num_failed?'red':'black')."'>Tests finished: $num_failed / $total failed</p>");
foreach(array('_GET','_POST','_REQUEST','HTTP_GET_VARS','HTTP_POST_VARS') as $n => $where)
$pregs = array(
'order' => '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_,]*$/',
'sort' => '/^(ASC|DESC|asc|desc|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7){0,1}$/',
foreach(array('order','sort') as $name)
if (isset($GLOBALS[$where][$name]) && !is_array($GLOBALS[$where][$name]) && !preg_match($pregs[$name],$GLOBALS[$where][$name]))
$GLOBALS[$where][$name] = '';
// do the check for script-tags only for _GET and _POST or if we found something in _GET and _POST
// speeds up the execusion a bit
if (isset($GLOBALS[$where]) && is_array($GLOBALS[$where]) && ($n < 2 || isset($GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars'])))
//if (is_array($GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars'])) { echo "egw_unset_vars=<pre>".htmlspecialchars(print_r($GLOBALS['egw_unset_vars'],true))."</pre>"; exit; }
// $GLOBALS[egw_info][flags][currentapp] and die if it contains something nasty or unexpected
if (isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']) && isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']) &&
isset($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']) && !preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/',$GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']))
error_log(__FILE__.': '.__LINE__.' Invalid $GLOBALS[egw_info][flags][currentapp]='.array2string($GLOBALS['egw_info']['flags']['currentapp']).', $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]='.array2string($_SERVER[REQUEST_URI]));
die('Invalid $GLOBALS[egw_info][flags][currentapp]!');
// neutralises register_globals On, which is not used by eGW
// some code from the hardend php project:
if (ini_get('register_globals'))
function unregister_globals()
// protect against GLOBALS overwrite or setting egw_info
if (isset($_REQUEST['GLOBALS']) || isset($_FILES['GLOBALS']) || isset($_REQUEST['egw_info']) || isset($_FILES['egw_info']))
die('GLOBALS overwrite detected!!!');
// unregister all globals
$noUnset = array('GLOBALS','_GET','_POST','_COOKIE','_SERVER','_ENV','_FILES','xajax');
isset($_SESSION) && is_array($_SESSION) ? array_keys($_SESSION) : array())) as $k)
if (!in_array($k,$noUnset) && isset($GLOBALS[$k]))
* Unserialize a php serialized string, but only if it contains NO objects 'O:\d:"' or 'C:\d:"' pattern
* Should be used for all external content, to guard against exploidts.
* PHP 7.0+ can be told not to instanciate any classes (and calling eg. it's destructor).
* In fact it instanciates it as __PHP_Incomplete_Class without any methods and therefore disarming threads.
* @param string $str
* @return mixed
function php_safe_unserialize($str)
if (PHP_VERSION >= 7)
return unserialize($str, array('allowed_classes' => false));
if ((strpos($str, 'O:') !== false || strpos($str, 'C:') !== false) &&
preg_match('/(^|;|{)[OC]:\d+:"/', $str))
error_log(__METHOD__."('$str') contains objects --> return NULL");
return null; // null, not false, to not trigger behavior of returning string itself to app code
return unserialize($str);
/* some test for object safe unserialisation
if (isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) && $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] == __FILE__) // some tests
if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') echo "<pre>\n";
// things unsafe to unserialize
"O:34:\"Horde_Kolab_Server_Decorator_Clean\":2:{s:43:\"\x00Horde_Kolab_Server_Decorator_Clean\x00_server\";" => false,
"O:20:\"Horde_Prefs_Identity\":2:{s:9:\"\x00*\x00_prefs\";O:11:\"Horde_Prefs\":2:{s:8:\"\x00*\x00_opts\";a:1:{s:12:\"sizecallback\";" => false,
"a:2:{i:0;O:12:\"Horde_Config\":1:{s:13:\"\x00*\x00_oldConfig\";s:#{php_injection.length}:\"#{php_injection}\";}i:1;s:13:\"readXMLConfig\";}}" => false,
'a:6:{i:0;i:0;i:1;d:2;i:2;s:4:"ABCD";i:3;r:3;i:4;O:8:"my_Class":2:{s:1:"a";r:6;s:1:"b";N;};i:5;C:16:"SplObjectStorage":14:{x:i:0;m:a:0:{}}' => false,
serialize(new stdClass()) => false,
serialize(array(new stdClass(), new SplObjectStorage())) => false,
// string content, safe to unserialize
serialize('O:8:"stdClass"') => true,
serialize('C:16:"SplObjectStorage"') => true,
serialize(array('a' => 'O:8:"stdClass"', 'b' => 'C:16:"SplObjectStorage"')) => true,
// false positive: failing our php<7 regular expression, because it has correct delimiter (^|;|{) in front of pattern :-(
serialize('O:8:"stdClass";C:16:"SplObjectStorage"') => true,
) as $str => $result)
if ((bool)($r=php_safe_unserialize($str)) !== $result)
if (!$result)
if (PHP_VERSION >= 7)
if (preg_match_all('/([^ ]+) Object\(/', array2string($r), $matches))
foreach($matches[1] as $class)
if (!preg_match('/^__PHP_Incomplete_Class(#\d+)?$/', $class))
echo "FAILED: $str\n";
continue 2;
echo "passed: ".array2string($str)." = ".array2string($r)."\n";
echo "FAILED: $str\n";
echo "false positive: $str\n";
echo "passed: $str\n";
//echo "result=".array2string($result).", php_save_unserialize('".htmlspecialchars($str)."') = ".array2string(php_safe_unserialize($str))." --> ".array2string((bool)php_safe_unserialize($str))."\n";
* Unserialize a json or php serialized array
* Used to migrate from PHP serialized database values to json-encoded ones.
* @param string $str string with serialized array
* @param boolean $allow_not_serialized =false true: return $str as is, if it is no serialized array
* @return array|str|false
function json_php_unserialize($str, $allow_not_serialized=false)
if ((in_array($str[0], array('a', 'i', 's', 'b', 'O', 'C')) && $str[1] == ':' || $str === 'N;') &&
($arr = php_safe_unserialize($str)) !== false || $str === 'b:0;')
return $arr;
if (!$allow_not_serialized || $str[0] == '[' || $str[0] == '{' || $str[0] == '"' || $str === 'null' || ($val = json_decode($str)) !== null)
return isset($val) ? $val : json_decode($str, true);
return $str;