2000-09-28 16:28:34 +02:00
< ? php
2000-09-28 02:50:18 +02:00
/************************************************************************** \
2000-11-06 04:22:52 +01:00
* phpGroupWare *
2000-09-28 02:50:18 +02:00
* http :// www . phpgroupware . org *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ **************************************************************************/
2000-09-28 03:15:51 +02:00
/* $Id$ */
2000-11-17 16:51:31 +01:00
// Idea: This is so I don't forget. When they are preforming a new install, after config,
// forward them right to index.php. Create a session for them and have a nice little intro
// page explaining what to do from there (ie, create there own account)
2000-09-28 02:50:18 +02:00
$phpgw_info [ " flags " ] = array ( " noheader " => True , " nonavbar " => True , " currentapp " => " home " , " noapi " => True );
2000-11-30 22:20:07 +01:00
include ( " ./inc/functions.inc.php " );
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
/* processing and discovery phase */
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " header " ] = $phpgw_setup -> check_header ();
if ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " header " ] == 10 ){
if ( ! $phpgw_setup -> auth ( " Config " )){
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_setup -> show_header ( " Please login " , True );
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
$phpgw_setup -> login_form ();
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
exit ;
} else { /* authentication settled. Moving to the database portion. */
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_setup -> loaddb ();
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] = $phpgw_setup -> check_db ();
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " config " ] = $phpgw_setup -> check_config ();
2000-12-27 11:39:34 +01:00
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
switch ( $action ){
case " Delete all my tables and data " :
$subtitle = " Deleting Tables " ;
$submsg = " At your request, this script is going to take the evil action of deleting your existing tables and re-creating them in the new format. " ;
$subaction = " deleted " ;
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " currentver " ][ " phpgwapi " ] = " drop " ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] = 5 ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
break ;
case " Upgrade " :
$subtitle = " Upgrading Tables " ;
$submsg = " At your request, this script is going to attempt to upgrade your old tables to the new format. " ;
$subaction = " upgraded " ;
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " currentver " ][ " phpgwapi " ] = " oldversion " ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] = 5 ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
break ;
case " Create " :
$subtitle = " Creating Tables " ;
$submsg = " At your request, this script is going to attempt to the tables for you. " ;
$subaction = " created " ;
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " currentver " ][ " phpgwapi " ] = " new " ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] = 5 ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
break ;
2000-11-30 23:29:06 +01:00
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
/* Display code */
2000-11-30 22:20:07 +01:00
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_setup -> show_header ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " header_msg " ]);
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
if ( PHP_VERSION < " 3.0.16 " ) {
echo " You appear to be running an old version of PHP. It its recommend that you upgrade "
. " to a new version. Older version of PHP might not run phpGroupWare correctly, if at all. " ;
exit ;
/* The stages are as follows :
Stage 1.1 = header does not exists yet
Stage 1.2 = header exists , but is the wrong version
Stage 1.3 = header exists and is current
Stage 2.1 = database does not exists yet
Stage 2.2 = database exists pre - beta tables
Stage 2.3 = database exists but no tables
Stage 2.4 = database and tables exists but need upgrading
Stage 2.5 = tables being modified in some way
Stage 2.6 = database and tables exists and are current
Stage 3.1 = configuration has not been done
Stage 3.2 = configuration has been completed
Stage 4.1 = install new language
Stage 5.1 = something to do with the add - on applications
Stage 5.2 =
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
$phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] = " templates/default/images " ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo '<table border="1" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">' ;
echo ' <tr><td align="left" WIDTH="20%" bgcolor="486591"><font color="fefefe">Step 1 - header.inc.php</td><td align="right" bgcolor="486591"> </td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
if ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " header " ] <= 1 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td><form action="./manageheader.php" method=post>You have not created your header.inc.php yet.<br> <input type=submit value="Create one now"></form></td></tr>' ;
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " header " ] == 2 || $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ] == 3 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td><form action="./manageheader.php" method=post>Your header.inc.php is out of date. Please upgrade it.<br> <input type=submit value="Upgrade now"></form></td></tr>' ;
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " header " ] == 10 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . ' / completed . gif " alt= " X " border= " 0 " ></td><td><form action= " ./ manageheader . php " method=post>
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
Your header . inc . php is in place and current .< br > < input type = submit value = " Edit existing header.inc.php " ></ form ></ td ></ tr > ' ;
echo ' <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="486591"><font color="fefefe">Step 2 - database management</td><td align="right" bgcolor="486591"> </td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
if ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " header " ] < 10 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>Not ready for this stage yet.</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] <= 1 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td><form action="index.php" method=post>Your database does not exist.<br> <input type=submit value="Create one now"></form></td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] == 2 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo '
You appear to be running a pre - beta version of phpGroupWare < br >
We are providing an automated upgrade system , but we highly recommend backing up your tables incase the script causes damage to your data .< br >
These automated scripts can easily destroy your data . Please backup before going any further !< br >
< form method = " post " action = " index.php " >
Select your old version :
< select name = " oldversion " >
< option value = " 7122000 " > 7122000 </ option >
< option value = " 8032000 " > 8032000 </ option >
< option value = " 8072000 " > 8072000 </ option >
< option value = " 8212000 " > 8212000 </ option >
< option value = " 9052000 " > 9052000 </ option >
< option value = " 9072000 " > 9072000 </ option >
< option value = " 9262000 " > 9262000 </ option >
< option value = " 0_9_1 " > 0.9 . 1 </ option >
< option value = " 0_9_2 " > 0.9 . 2 </ option >
</ select >
< input type = " submit " name = " action " value = " Upgrade " >
< input type = " submit " name = " action " value = " Delete all my tables and data " >
</ form > ' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] == 3 ) {
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
/* commented out because I cannot accuratly figure out if the DB exists */
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
//echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="'.$phpgw_info["server"]["app_images"].'/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td><form action="index.php" method=post>Your database exist, would you like to create your tables now?<br> <input type=submit value="Create tables"></form></td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>Make sure that your database is created and the account permissions are set.<br>' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
if ( $phpgw_domain [ $SetupDomain ][ " db_type " ] == " mysql " ){
echo "
< br > Instructions for creating the database in MySQL :< br >
Login to mysql -< br >
< i > [ user @ server user ] # mysql -u root -p</i><br>
Create the empty database and grant user permissions -< br >
< i > mysql > create database phpgroupware ; </ i >< br >
< i > mysql > grant all on phpgroupware .* to phpgroupware @ localhost identified by 'password' ; </ i >< br >
" ;
} elseif ( $phpgw_domain [ $SetupDomain ][ " db_type " ] == " pgsql " ){
echo "
< br > Instructions for creating the database in PostgreSQL :< br >
Start the postmaster < br >
< i > [ user @ server user ] # postmaster -i -D /home/[username]/[dataDir]</i><br>
Create the empty database -< br >
< i > [ user @ server user ] # createdb phpgroupware</i><br>
" ;
echo '<form action="index.php" method=post>' ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" oldversion \" value= \" new \" > \n " ;
echo 'Once the database is setup correctly <br><input type=submit name="action" value="Create"> the tables</form></td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] == 4 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>' ;
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
echo " You appear to be running version " . $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " oldver " ][ " phpgwapi " ] . " of phpGroupWare.<br> \n " ;
2000-12-21 21:43:26 +01:00
echo " We will automaticly update your tables/records to " . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " versions " ][ " phpgwapi " ] . " , but we highly recommend backing up your tables in case the script causes damage to your data. \n " ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo " These automated scripts can easily destroy your data. Please backup before going any further! \n " ;
echo " <form method= \" POST \" action= \" index.php \" > \n " ;
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" oldversion \" value= \" " . $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " oldver " ][ " phpgwapi " ] . " \" > \n " ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" useglobalconfigsettings \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" name= \" action \" value= \" Upgrade \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" name= \" action \" value= \" Delete all my tables and data \" > \n " ;
echo " </form> \n " ;
echo " <form method= \" POST \" action= \" config.php \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" submit \" name= \" action \" value= \" Dont touch my data \" > \n " ;
echo " </form> \n " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] == 5 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo " <table width= \" 100% \" > \n " ;
echo " <tr bgcolor= \" 486591 \" ><td><font color= \" fefefe \" > <b> $subtitle </b></font></td></tr> \n " ;
echo " <tr bgcolor= \" e6e6e6 \" ><td> $submsg </td></tr> \n " ;
echo " <tr bgcolor= \" 486591 \" ><td><font color= \" fefefe \" > <b>Table Change Messages</b></font></td></tr> \n " ;
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_setup -> db -> Halt_On_Error = " report " ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
include ( " ./sql/common_main.inc.php " );
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
$phpgw_setup -> db -> Halt_On_Error = " no " ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo " <tr bgcolor= \" 486591 \" ><td><font color= \" fefefe \" > <b>Status</b></font></td></tr> \n " ;
echo " <tr bgcolor= \" e6e6e6 \" ><td>If you did not recieve any errors, your tables have been $subaction .<br></tr> \n " ;
echo " </table> \n " ;
echo " <form method= \" POST \" action= \" index.php \" > \n " ;
echo " <br><input type= \" submit \" value= \" Re-Check My Installation \" > \n " ;
echo '</form>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] == 10 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/completed.gif" alt="X" border="0"></td><td>Your tables are current.' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo " <form method= \" POST \" action= \" index.php \" > \n " ;
echo " <input type= \" hidden \" name= \" oldversion \" value= \" new \" > \n " ;
echo " <br>Insanity: <input type= \" submit \" name= \" action \" value= \" Delete all my tables and data \" > \n " ;
echo '</form>' ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo ' <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="486591"><font color="fefefe">Step 3 - Configuration</td><td align="right" bgcolor="486591"> </td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
if ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " db " ] < 10 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>Not ready for this stage yet.</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " config " ] <= 1 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>Please configure phpGroupWare for your environment.' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo " <form method= \" POST \" action= \" config.php \" ><input type= \" submit \" value= \" Configure Now \" ></form> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " config " ] == 10 ) {
2000-12-19 23:40:54 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/completed.gif" alt="X" border="0"></td><td>Configuration completed.' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo " <form method= \" POST \" action= \" config.php \" ><input type= \" submit \" value= \" Edit Current Configuration \" ></form> " ;
echo '</td></tr>' ;
echo ' <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="486591"><font color="fefefe">Step 4 - language management</td><td align="right" bgcolor="486591"> </td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
if ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " config " ] < 10 ) {
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>Not ready for this stage yet.</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " lang " ] <= 1 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>You are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br></td></tr>' ;
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " lang " ] == 10 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/completed.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>This stage is completed<br></td></tr>' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo ' <tr><td align="left" bgcolor="486591"><font color="fefefe">Step 5 - Add-on Application Installation</td><td align="right" bgcolor="486591"> </td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
if ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " lang " ] < 10 ) {
2000-12-27 10:05:13 +01:00
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>Not ready for this stage yet.</td></tr>' ;
2000-12-27 20:59:23 +01:00
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " apps " ] <= 1 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/incomplete.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>You are ready for this stage, but this stage is not yet written.<br></td></tr>' ;
} elseif ( $phpgw_info [ " setup " ][ " stage " ][ " apps " ] == 10 ) {
echo '<tr><td align="center"><img src="' . $phpgw_info [ " server " ][ " app_images " ] . '/completed.gif" alt="O" border="0"></td><td>This stage is completed<br></td></tr>' ;
2000-12-04 09:45:30 +01:00
echo '</table>' ;
2000-12-01 19:25:01 +01:00
echo " </body></html> " ;
2000-12-02 04:07:35 +01:00