2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
< ? php
/************************************************************************** \
* phpGroupWare *
* http :// www . phpgroupware . org *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ **************************************************************************/
/* $Id$ */
// Little file to setup a demo install
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ] = array (
2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
'noheader' => True ,
'nonavbar' => True ,
'currentapp' => " home " ,
'noapi' => True
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
include ( './inc/functions.inc.php' );
2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
// Authorize the user to use setup app and load the database
// Does not return unless user is authorized
2001-12-11 05:42:55 +01:00
if ( ! $phpgw_setup -> auth ( 'Config' ) || $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'cancel' ])
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
Header ( 'Location: index.php' );
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
exit ;
2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
function add_account ( $username , $first , $last , $passwd , $type = 'u' )
2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
$account_info = array (
'account_type' => $type ,
'account_lid' => $username ,
'account_passwd' => $passwd ,
'account_firstname' => $first ,
'account_lastname' => $last ,
'account_status' => 'A' ,
'account_expires' => - 1
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> create ( $account_info );
return $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> name2id ( $username );
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
if ( ! $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'submit' ])
$tpl_root = $phpgw_setup -> setup_tpl_dir ( 'setup' );
$setup_tpl = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.Template' , $tpl_root );
$setup_tpl -> set_file ( array (
'T_head' => 'head.tpl' ,
'T_footer' => 'footer.tpl' ,
'T_alert_msg' => 'msg_alert_msg.tpl' ,
'T_login_main' => 'login_main.tpl' ,
'T_login_stage_header' => 'login_stage_header.tpl' ,
'T_setup_demo' => 'setup_demo.tpl'
$setup_tpl -> set_block ( 'T_login_stage_header' , 'B_multi_domain' , 'V_multi_domain' );
$setup_tpl -> set_block ( 'T_login_stage_header' , 'B_single_domain' , 'V_single_domain' );
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
$phpgw_setup -> show_header ( lang ( 'Demo Server Setup' ));
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'action_url' , 'setup_demo.php' );
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'description' , lang ( 'This will create 1 admin account and 3 demo accounts<br>The username/passwords are: demo/guest, demo2/guest and demo3/guest.<br><b>!!!THIS WILL DELETE ALL EXISTING ACCOUNTS!!!</b><br>' )
. ' ' . lang ( '(account deletion in SQL only)'
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'detailadmin' , lang ( 'Details for Admin account' ));
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'adminusername' , lang ( 'Admin username' ));
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'adminfirstname' , lang ( 'Admin first name' ));
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'adminlastname' , lang ( 'Admin last name' ));
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'adminpassword' , lang ( 'Admin password' ));
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'adminpassword2' , lang ( 'Re-enter password' ));
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'create_demo_accounts' , lang ( 'Create demo accounts' ));
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'lang_submit' , lang ( 'submit' ));
2001-12-11 05:42:55 +01:00
$setup_tpl -> set_var ( 'lang_cancel' , lang ( 'cancel' ));
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
$setup_tpl -> pparse ( 'out' , 'T_setup_demo' );
$phpgw_setup -> show_footer ();
/* Posted admin data */
$passwd = $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'passwd' ];
$passwd2 = $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'passwd2' ];
$username = $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'username' ];
$fname = $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'fname' ];
$lname = $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'lname' ];
if ( $passwd != $passwd2 )
echo lang ( 'Passwords did not match, please re-enter' ) . '.' ;
exit ;
if ( ! $username )
echo lang ( 'You must enter a username for the admin' ) . '.' ;
exit ;
$phpgw_setup -> loaddb ();
/* Load up some configured values */
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " SELECT config_name,config_value FROM phpgw_config WHERE config_name LIKE 'ldap%' OR config_name='account_repository' " , __LINE__ , __FILE__ );
while ( $phpgw_setup -> db -> next_record ())
$config [ $phpgw_setup -> db -> f ( 'config_name' )] = $phpgw_setup -> db -> f ( 'config_value' );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_host' ] = $config [ 'ldap_host' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_context' ] = $config [ 'ldap_context' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_group_context' ] = $config [ 'ldap_group_context' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_root_dn' ] = $config [ 'ldap_root_dn' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_root_pw' ] = $config [ 'ldap_root_pw' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_extra_attributes' ] = $config [ 'ldap_extra_attributes' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_account_home' ] = $config [ 'ldap_account_home' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_account_shell' ] = $config [ 'ldap_account_shell' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_encryption_type' ] = $config [ 'ldap_encryption_type' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'account_repository' ] = $config [ 'account_repository' ];
unset ( $config );
/* Create dummy class, then accounts object */
class phpgw
var $db ;
var $common ;
var $accounts ;
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] = new phpgw ;
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> db = $phpgw_setup -> db ;
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.common' );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' );
2001-12-12 17:02:51 +01:00
if (( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'account_repository' ] == 'ldap' ) &&
! $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> ds )
printf ( " <b>Error: Error connecting to LDAP server %s!</b><br> " , $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'ldap_host' ]);
exit ;
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
/* Begin transaction for acl, etc */
$phpgw_setup -> db -> transaction_begin ();
/* Now, clear out existing tables */
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( 'DELETE FROM phpgw_accounts' );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( 'DELETE FROM phpgw_preferences' );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( 'DELETE FROM phpgw_acl' );
2002-02-18 13:44:25 +01:00
$defaultprefs = 'a:3:{s:6:"common";a:10:{s:9:"maxmatchs";s:2:"15";s:12:"template_set";s:8:"verdilak";s:5:"theme";s:6:"purple";s:13:"navbar_format";s:5:"icons";s:9:"tz_offset";s:0:"";s:10:"dateformat";s:5:"m/d/Y";s:10:"timeformat";s:2:"12";s:4:"lang";s:2:"en";s:11:"default_app";s:0:"";s:8:"currency";s:1:"$";}s:11:"addressbook";a:1:{s:0:"";s:4:"True";}s:8:"calendar";a:4:{s:13:"workdaystarts";s:1:"7";s:11:"workdayends";s:2:"15";s:13:"weekdaystarts";s:6:"Monday";s:15:"defaultcalendar";s:9:"month.php";}}' ;
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
/* Create the demo groups */
$defaultgroupid = add_account ( 'Default' , 'Default' , 'Group' , $passwd , 'g' );
$admingroupid = add_account ( 'Admins' , 'Admin' , 'Group' , $passwd , 'g' );
2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
/* Creation of the demo accounts is now optional - the checkbox is on by default. */
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
if ( $HTTP_POST_VARS [ 'create_demo' ])
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
/* Create records for demo accounts */
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
$accountid = add_account ( 'demo' , 'Demo' , 'Account' , 'guest' );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_preferences (preference_owner, preference_value) VALUES (' $accountid ', ' $defaultprefs ') " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('preferences', 'changepassword', " . $accountid . " , 0) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('phpgw_group', ' " . $defaultgroupid . " ', $accountid , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('addressbook', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('filemanager', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('calendar', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('email', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('notes', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('todo', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$accountid = add_account ( 'demo2' , 'Demo2' , 'Account' , 'guest' );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_preferences (preference_owner, preference_value) VALUES (' $accountid ', ' $defaultprefs ') " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('preferences', 'changepassword', " . $accountid . " , 0) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_account, acl_location, acl_rights) VALUES ('phpgw_group', ' " . $defaultgroupid . " ', $accountid , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('addressbook', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('filemanager', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('calendar', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('email', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('notes', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('todo', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$accountid = add_account ( 'demo3' , 'Demo3' , 'Account' , 'guest' );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_preferences (preference_owner, preference_value) VALUES (' $accountid ', ' $defaultprefs ') " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('preferences', 'changepassword', " . $accountid . " , 0) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('phpgw_group', ' " . $defaultgroupid . " ', $accountid , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('addressbook', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('filemanager', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('calendar', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('email', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('notes', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('todo', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
2001-09-17 04:23:41 +02:00
/* Create records for administrator account */
2001-12-11 05:36:40 +01:00
$accountid = add_account ( $username , $fname , $lname , $passwd );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_preferences (preference_owner, preference_value) VALUES (' $accountid ', ' $defaultprefs ') " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('phpgw_group', ' " . $defaultgroupid . " ', $accountid , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('phpgw_group', ' " . $admingroupid . " ', $accountid , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('preferences', 'changepassword', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('admin', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('addressbook', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('filemanager', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('calendar', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('email', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('notes', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('nntp', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('todo', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> query ( " INSERT INTO phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) VALUES ('manual', 'run', " . $accountid . " , 1) " );
$phpgw_setup -> db -> transaction_commit ();
Header ( 'Location: index.php' );
exit ;
2001-07-30 17:59:25 +02:00