2016-03-05 12:14:01 +01:00
< ? php
* EGroupware time and timezone handling
* @ package api
* @ link http :// www . egroupware . org
* @ author Ralf Becker < RalfBecker @ outdoor - training . de >
* @ copyright 2009 - 16 by RalfBecker @ outdoor - training . de
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - license . php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @ version $Id $
namespace EGroupware\Api ;
// we do not have an own implementation/extensions
use DateTimeZone ;
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use DateInterval ;
2016-03-05 12:14:01 +01:00
* EGroupware time and timezone handling class extending PHP ' s DateTime
* Api\DateTime class knows 2 timezones :
* 1. Api\DateTime :: $user_timezone timezone of the user , defined in his prefs $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz' ]
* 2. Api\DateTime :: $server_timezone timezone of the server , read via date_default_timezone_get ()
* The class extends PHP5 . 2 ' s DateTime object to :
* - format date and time according to format in user prefs ( $type === true : date , $type === false : time , $type === '' date + time )
* - defaulting to a user timezone according to user prefs ( not server timezone as DateTime ! )
* - deal with integer unix timestamps and DB timestamps in server - time ( $type : 'ts' = 'integer' or 'server' timestamp in servertime )
* There are two static methods for simple conversation between server and user time :
* - Api\DateTime :: server2user ( $time , $type = null )
* - Api\DateTime :: user2server ( $time , $type = null )
* ( Replacing in 1.6 and previous used adding of tz_offset , which is only correct for current time )
* An other static method allows to format any time in several ways : Api\DateTime :: to ( $time , $type ) ( exceed date ( $type , $time )) .
* The constructor of Api\DateTime understand - in addition to DateTime - integer timestamps , array with values for
* keys : ( 'year' , 'month' , 'day' ) or 'full' plus 'hour' , 'minute' and optional 'second' or a DateTime object as parameter .
* It defaults to user - time , not server time as DateTime !
* The constructor itself throws an Exception in that case ( to be precise it does not handle the one thrown by DateTime constructor ) .
* Static methods server2user , user2server and to return NULL , if given time could not be parsed .
* @ link http :// www . php . net / manual / en / class . datetime . php
* @ link http :// www . php . net / manual / en / class . datetimezone . php
class DateTime extends \DateTime
* Database timestamp format : Y - m - d H : i : s
const DATABASE = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ;
* etemplate2 format for ignoring timezones in the browser
const ET2 = 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z' ;
* DateTimeZone of server , read from $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ], set by self :: init ()
* @ var DateTimeZone
static public $server_timezone ;
* DateTimeZone of user , read from user prefs , set by self :: init () or self :: setUserPrefs ()
* @ var DateTimeZone
static public $user_timezone ;
* Time format from user prefs , set by self :: setUserPrefs ()
* @ var string
static public $user_timeformat = 'H:i' ;
* Date format from user prefs , set by self :: setUserPrefs ()
* @ var string
static public $user_dateformat = 'Y-m-d' ;
* Constructor
* @ param int | string | array | DateTime $time = 'now' integer timestamp , string with date + time , DateTime object or
* array with values for keys ( 'year' , 'month' , 'day' ) or 'full' plus 'hour' , 'minute' and optional 'second'
* @ param DateTimeZone $tz = null timezone , default user time ( PHP DateTime default to server time ! )
* @ param string & $type = null on return type of $time ( optional )
* @ throws Exception if $time can NOT be parsed
public function __construct ( $time = 'now' , DateTimeZone $tz = null , & $type = null )
if ( is_null ( $tz )) $tz = self :: $user_timezone ; // default user timezone
switch (( $type = gettype ( $time )))
case 'NULL' :
case 'boolean' : // depricated use in calendar for 'now'
$time = 'now' ;
$type = 'string' ;
// fall through
case 'string' :
if ( ! ( is_numeric ( $time ) && ( $time > 21000000 || $time < 19000000 )))
$t_str = $time ;
if ( is_numeric ( $time ) && strlen ( $time ) == 8 ) $t_str .= 'T000000' ; // 'Ymd' string used in calendar to represent a date
// $time ending in a Z (Zulu or UTC time), is unterstood by DateTime class itself
try {
parent :: __construct ( $t_str , $tz );
break ;
catch ( Exception $e ) {
// if string is nummeric, ignore the exception and treat string as timestamp
if ( ! is_numeric ( $time )) throw $e ;
$type = 'integer' ;
// fall through for timestamps
case 'double' : // 64bit integer (timestamps > 2038) are treated on 32bit systems as double
case 'integer' :
/* ToDo : Check if PHP5 . 3 setTimestamp does the same , or always expects UTC timestamp
if ( PHP_VERSION >= 5.3 )
parent :: __construct ( 'now' , $tz );
$datetime -> setTimestamp ( $time );
else */
parent :: __construct ( date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $time ), $tz );
break ;
case 'array' :
parent :: __construct ( 'now' , $tz );
if ( isset ( $time [ 'Y' ])) // array format used in eTemplate
$time = array (
'year' => $time [ 'Y' ],
'month' => $time [ 'm' ],
'day' => $time [ 'd' ],
'hour' => $time [ 'H' ],
'minute' => $time [ 'i' ],
'second' => $time [ 's' ],
if ( ! empty ( $time [ 'full' ]) && empty ( $time [ 'year' ]))
$time [ 'year' ] = ( int ) substr ( $time [ 'full' ], 0 , 4 );
$time [ 'month' ] = ( int ) substr ( $time [ 'full' ], 4 , 2 );
$time [ 'day' ] = ( int ) substr ( $time [ 'full' ], 6 , 2 );
if ( isset ( $time [ 'year' ])) $this -> setDate (( int ) $time [ 'year' ],( int ) $time [ 'month' ], isset ( $time [ 'day' ]) ? ( int ) $time [ 'day' ] : ( int ) $time [ 'mday' ]);
$this -> setTime (( int ) $time [ 'hour' ],( int ) $time [ 'minute' ],( int ) $time [ 'second' ]);
break ;
case 'object' :
if ( $time instanceof \DateTime )
parent :: __construct ( $time -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), $time -> getTimezone ());
$this -> setTimezone ( $tz );
break ;
// fall through
default :
throw new egw_exception_assertion_failed ( " Not implemented for type ( $type ) $time ! " );
* Like DateTime :: add , but additional allow to use a string run through DateInterval :: createFromDateString
* @ param DateInterval | string $interval eg . '1 day' , '-2 weeks'
public function add ( $interval )
2016-03-21 10:45:10 +01:00
if ( is_string ( $interval )) $interval = DateInterval :: createFromDateString ( $interval );
2016-03-05 12:14:01 +01:00
parent :: add ( $interval );
* Set date to beginning of the week taking into account calendar weekdaystarts preference
public function setWeekstart ()
$wday = ( int ) $this -> format ( 'w' ); // 0=sun, ..., 6=sat
switch ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'calendar' ][ 'weekdaystarts' ])
case 'Sunday' :
$wstart = - $wday ;
break ;
case 'Saturday' :
$wstart = - ( 6 - $wday );
break ;
case 'Moday' :
default :
$wstart = - ( $wday ? $wday - 1 : 6 );
break ;
if ( $wstart ) $this -> add ( $wstart . 'days' );
* return SQL implementing filtering by date
* @ param string $name
* @ param int & $start
* @ param int & $end
* @ param string $column name of timestamp column to use in returned sql
* @ param array $filters $name => list ( $syear , $smonth , $sday , $sweek , $eyear , $emonth , $eday , $eweek ) pairs with offsets
* @ return string
public static function sql_filter ( $name , & $start , & $end , $column , array $filters = array ())
if ( $name == 'custom' && $start )
$start = new DateTime ( $start );
$start -> setTime ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
if ( $end )
$end = new DateTime ( $end );
$end -> setTime ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
$end -> add ( '+1day' );
$end = new DateTime ( $start );
$end -> add ( '+1week' );
if ( ! isset ( $filters [ $name ]))
return '1=1' ;
$start = new DateTime ( 'now' );
$start -> setTime ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
$end = new DateTime ( 'now' );
$end -> setTime ( 0 , 0 , 0 );
$year = ( int ) $start -> format ( 'Y' );
$month = ( int ) $start -> format ( 'm' );
list ( $syear , $smonth , $sday , $sweek , $eyear , $emonth , $eday , $eweek ) = $filters [ $name ];
// Handle quarters
if ( stripos ( $name , 'quarter' ) !== false )
$start -> setDate ( $year , (( int ) floor (( $smonth + $month ) / 3.1 )) * 3 + 1 , 1 );
$end -> setDate ( $year , (( int ) floor (( $emonth + $month ) / 3.1 ) + 1 ) * 3 + 1 , 1 );
elseif ( $syear || $eyear )
$start -> setDate ( $year + $syear , 1 , 1 );
$end -> setDate ( $year + $eyear , 1 , 1 );
elseif ( $smonth || $emonth )
$start -> setDate ( $year , $month + $smonth , 1 );
$end -> setDate ( $year , $month + $emonth , 1 );
elseif ( $sday || $eday )
if ( $sday ) $start -> add ( $sday . 'days' );
if ( $eday ) $end -> add ( $eday . 'days' );
elseif ( $sweek || $eweek )
$start -> setWeekstart ();
if ( $sweek ) $start -> add ( $sweek . 'weeks' );
$end -> setWeekstart ();
if ( $eweek ) $end -> add ( $eweek . 'weeks' );
// convert start + end from user to servertime for the filter
$sql = '(' . DateTime :: user2server ( $start , 'ts' ) . ' <= ' . $column . ' AND ' . $column . ' < ' . DateTime :: user2server ( $end , 'ts' ) . ')' ;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$name', ...) syear=$syear, smonth=$smonth, sday=$sday, sweek=$sweek, eyear=$eyear, emonth=$emonth, eday=$eday, eweek=$eweek --> start=".$start->format().', end='.$end->format().", sql='$sql'");
// returned timestamps: $end is an inclusive date, eg. for today it's equal to start!
$start = $start -> format ( 'ts' );
$end -> add ( '-1day' );
$end = $end -> format ( 'ts' );
return $sql ;
* Set user timezone , according to user prefs : converts current time to user time
* Does nothing if self :: $user_timezone is current timezone !
public function setUser ()
$this -> setTimezone ( self :: $user_timezone );
* Set server timezone : converts current time to server time
* Does nothing if self :: $server_timezone is current timezone !
public function setServer ()
$this -> setTimezone ( self :: $server_timezone );
* Format DateTime object as a specific type or string
* @ param string $type = '' 'integer' | 'ts' = timestamp , 'server' = timestamp in servertime , 'string' = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , 'object' = DateTime ,
* 'array' = array with values for keys ( 'year' , 'month' , 'day' , 'hour' , 'minute' , 'second' , 'full' , 'raw' ) or string with format
* true = date only , false = time only as in user prefs , '' = date + time as in user prefs
* @ return int | string | array | datetime see $type
public function format ( $type = '' )
switch (( string ) $type )
case '' : // empty string: date and time as in user prefs
//case '': // boolean false: time as in user prefs
case '1' : // boolean true: date as in user prefs
if ( is_bool ( $type ))
$type = $type ? self :: $user_dateformat : self :: $user_timeformat ;
$type = self :: $user_dateformat . ', ' . self :: $user_timeformat ;
break ;
case 'string' :
$type = self :: DATABASE ;
break ;
case 'server' : // timestamp in servertime
$this -> setServer ();
// fall through
case 'integer' :
case 'ts' :
// ToDo: Check if PHP5.3 getTimestamp does the same, or always returns UTC timestamp
return mktime ( parent :: format ( 'H' ), parent :: format ( 'i' ), parent :: format ( 's' ), parent :: format ( 'm' ), parent :: format ( 'd' ), parent :: format ( 'Y' ));
case 'object' :
case 'datetime' :
case 'egw_time' :
case 'DateTime' :
return clone ( $this );
case 'array' :
$arr = array (
'year' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'Y' ),
'month' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'm' ),
'day' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'd' ),
'hour' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'H' ),
'minute' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'i' ),
'second' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 's' ),
'full' => parent :: format ( 'Ymd' ),
$arr [ 'raw' ] = mktime ( $arr [ 'hour' ], $arr [ 'minute' ], $arr [ 'second' ], $arr [ 'month' ], $arr [ 'day' ], $arr [ 'year' ]);
return $arr ;
case 'date_array' : // array with short keys used by date: Y, m, d, H, i, s (used in eTemplate)
return array (
'Y' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'Y' ),
'm' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'm' ),
'd' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'd' ),
'H' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'H' ),
'i' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 'i' ),
's' => ( int ) parent :: format ( 's' ),
// default $type contains string with format
return parent :: format ( $type );
* Cast object to string
* @ return string eg . " Wednesday, 2009-11-11 11:11:11 (Europe/Berlin) "
public function __toString ()
return $this -> format ( 'l, ' . self :: DATABASE ) . ' (' . $this -> getTimezone () -> getName () . ')' ;
* Convert a server time into a user time
* @ param int | string | array | DateTime $time
* @ param string $type = null type or return - value , default ( null ) same as $time
* @ return int | string | array | datetime null if time could not be parsed
public static function server2user ( $time , $type = null )
$typeof = 'DateTime' ;
if ( ! ( $time instanceof DateTime ))
$time = new DateTime ( $time , self :: $server_timezone , $typeof );
catch ( Exception $e )
unset ( $e );
return null ; // time could not be parsed
$time -> setUser ();
if ( is_null ( $type )) $type = $typeof ;
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($time,$type) = ".print_r($format->format($type),true)."</p>\n";
return $time -> format ( $type );
* Convert a user time into a server time
* @ param int | string | array | datetime $time
* @ param string $type = null type or return - value , default ( null ) same as $time
* @ return int | string | array | datetime null if time could not be parsed
public static function user2server ( $time , $type = null )
$typeof = 'DateTime' ;
if ( ! ( $time instanceof DateTime ))
$time = new DateTime ( $time , self :: $user_timezone , $typeof );
catch ( Exception $e )
unset ( $e );
return null ; // time could not be parsed
$time -> setServer ();
if ( is_null ( $type )) $type = $typeof ;
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."($time,$type) = ".print_r($format->format($type),true)."</p>\n";
return $time -> format ( $type );
* Convert time to a specific format or string , static version of DateTime :: format ()
* @ param int | string | array | DateTime $time = 'now' see constructor
* @ param string $type = '' 'integer' | 'ts' = timestamp , 'server' = timestamp in servertime , 'string' = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , 'object' = DateTime ,
* 'array' = array with values for keys ( 'year' , 'month' , 'day' , 'hour' , 'minute' , 'second' , 'full' , 'raw' ) or string with format
* true = date only , false = time only as in user prefs , '' = date + time as in user prefs
* @ return int | string | array | datetime see $type , null if time could not be parsed
public static function to ( $time = 'now' , $type = '' )
if ( ! ( $time instanceof DateTime ))
$time = new DateTime ( $time );
catch ( Exception $e )
unset ( $e );
return null ; // time could not be parsed
return $time -> format ( $type );
* Setter for user timezone , should be called after reading user preferences
* @ param string $tz timezone , eg . 'Europe/Berlin' or 'UTC'
* @ param string $dateformat = '' eg . 'Y-m-d' or 'd.m.Y'
* @ param string | int $timeformat = '' integer 12 , 24 , or format string eg . 'H:i'
* @ throws egw_exception_wrong_userinput if invalid $tz parameter
* @ return DateTimeZone
public static function setUserPrefs ( $tz , $dateformat = '' , $timeformat = '' )
//echo "<p>".__METHOD__."('$tz','$dateformat','$timeformat') ".function_backtrace()."</p>\n";
if ( ! empty ( $dateformat )) self :: $user_dateformat = $dateformat ;
switch ( $timeformat )
case '' :
break ;
case '24' :
self :: $user_timeformat = 'H:i' ;
break ;
case '12' :
self :: $user_timeformat = 'h:i a' ;
break ;
default :
self :: $user_timeformat = $timeformat ;
break ;
try {
self :: $user_timezone = new DateTimeZone ( $tz );
catch ( Exception $e )
unset ( $e );
// silently use server timezone, as we have no means to report the wrong timezone to the user from this class
self :: $user_timezone = clone ( self :: $server_timezone );
return self :: $user_timezone ;
* Get offset in seconds between user and server time at given time $time
* Compatibility method for old code . It is only valid for the given time , because of possible daylight saving changes !
* @ param int | string | DateTime $time = 'now'
* @ return int difference in seconds between user and server time ( for the given time ! )
public static function tz_offset_s ( $time = 'now' )
if ( ! ( $time instanceof DateTime )) $time = new DateTime ( $time );
return self :: $user_timezone -> getOffset ( $time ) - self :: $server_timezone -> getOffset ( $time );
* Init static variables , reading user prefs
public static function init ()
// if no server timezone set, use date_default_timezone_get() to determine it
if ( empty ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ]))
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ] = date_default_timezone_get ();
// make sure we have a valid server timezone set
try {
self :: $server_timezone = new DateTimeZone ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ]);
catch ( Exception $e )
try {
self :: $server_timezone = new DateTimeZone ( date_default_timezone_get ());
catch ( Exception $e )
self :: $server_timezone = new DateTimeZone ( 'Europe/Berlin' );
error_log ( __METHOD__ . " () invalid server_timezone=' { $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ] } ' setting now ' " . self :: $server_timezone -> getName () . " '! " );
config :: save_value ( 'server_timezone' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ] = self :: $server_timezone -> getName (), 'phpgwapi' );
if ( ! isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz' ]))
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ];
self :: setUserPrefs ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz' ],
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ],
$GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ]);
* Return " beautified " timezone list :
* - no depricated timezones
* - return UTC and oceans at the end
* - if ( user lang is a european language ), move Europe to top
* @ return array continent | ocean => array ( tz - name => tz - label incl . current time )
public static function getTimezones ()
// prepare list of timezones from php, ignoring depricated ones and sort as follows
$tzs = array (
'Africa' => array (), // Contients
'America' => array (),
'Asia' => array (),
'Australia' => array (),
'Europe' => array (),
'Atlantic' => array (), // Oceans
'Pacific' => array (),
'Indian' => array (),
'Antarctica' => array (), // Poles
'Arctic' => array (),
'UTC' => array ( 'UTC' => 'UTC' ),
// no VTIMEZONE available in calendar_timezones --> do NOT return them
static $no_vtimezone = array (
'Europe/Tiraspol' ,
'America/Atka' ,
'America/Buenos_Aires' ,
'America/Catamarca' ,
'America/Coral_Harbour' ,
'America/Cordoba' ,
'America/Ensenada' ,
'America/Fort_Wayne' ,
'America/Indianapolis' ,
'America/Jujuy' ,
'America/Knox_IN' ,
'America/Mendoza' ,
'America/Porto_Acre' ,
'America/Rosario' ,
'America/Virgin' ,
'Asia/Ashkhabad' ,
'Asia/Beijing' ,
'Asia/Chungking' ,
'Asia/Dacca' ,
'Asia/Macao' ,
'Asia/Riyadh87' ,
'Asia/Riyadh88' ,
'Asia/Riyadh89' ,
'Asia/Tel_Aviv' ,
'Asia/Thimbu' ,
'Asia/Ujung_Pandang' ,
'Asia/Ulan_Bator' ,
'Australia/ACT' ,
'Australia/Canberra' ,
'Australia/LHI' ,
'Australia/North' ,
'Australia/NSW' ,
'Australia/Queensland' ,
'Australia/South' ,
'Australia/Tasmania' ,
'Australia/Victoria' ,
'Australia/West' ,
'Australia/Yancowinna' ,
'Pacific/Samoa' ,
foreach ( DateTimeZone :: listIdentifiers () as $name )
if ( in_array ( $name , $no_vtimezone )) continue ; // do NOT allow to set in EGroupware, as we have not VTIMEZONE component for it
list ( $continent ) = explode ( '/' , $name , 2 );
if ( ! isset ( $tzs [ $continent ])) continue ; // old depricated timezones
$datetime = new DateTime ( 'now' , new DateTimeZone ( $name ));
$tzs [ $continent ][ $name ] = str_replace ( array ( '_' , '/' ), array ( ' ' , ' / ' ), $name ) . " " . $datetime -> format ();
unset ( $datetime );
foreach ( $tzs as $continent => & $data )
natcasesort ( $data ); // sort cities
unset ( $data );
// if user lang or installed langs contain a european language --> move Europe to top of tz list
$langs = class_exists ( 'translation' ) ? translation :: get_installed_langs () : array ();
if ( array_intersect ( array ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'lang' ]) + array_keys ( $langs ),
array ( 'de' , 'fr' , 'it' , 'nl' , 'bg' , 'ca' , 'cs' , 'da' , 'el' , 'es-es' , 'et' , 'eu' , 'fi' , 'hr' , 'hu' , 'lt' , 'no' , 'pl' , 'pt' , 'sk' , 'sl' , 'sv' , 'tr' , 'uk' )))
$tzs = array_merge ( array ( 'Europe' => $tzs [ 'Europe' ]), $tzs );
return $tzs ;
* Get user timezones ( the ones user selected in his prefs ), plus evtl . an extra one
* @ param string $extra extra timezone to add , if not already included in user timezones
* @ return array tzid => label
public static function getUserTimezones ( $extra = null )
$tz = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz' ];
$user_tzs = explode ( ',' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz_selection' ]);
if ( count ( $user_tzs ) <= 1 )
$user_tzs = $tz ? array ( $tz ) : array ();
if ( $tz && ! in_array ( $tz , $user_tzs ))
$user_tzs = array_merge ( array ( $tz ), $user_tzs );
if ( ! $user_tzs ) // if we have no user timezones, eg. user set no pref --> use server default
$user_tzs = array ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'server_timezone' ]);
if ( $extra && ! in_array ( $extra , $user_tzs ))
$user_tzs = array_merge ( array ( $extra ), $user_tzs );
$ret_user_tzs = array_combine ( $user_tzs , $user_tzs );
foreach ( $ret_user_tzs as & $label )
$label = str_replace ( array ( '_' , '/' ), array ( ' ' , ' / ' ), $label );
return $ret_user_tzs ;
DateTime :: init ();
if ( isset ( $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ]) && $_SERVER [ 'SCRIPT_FILENAME' ] == __FILE__ ) // some tests
// test timestamps/dates before 1970
foreach ( array ( '19690811' , - 3600 , '-119322000' ) as $ts )
try {
echo " <p>DateTime::to( $ts ,'Y-m-d H:i:s')= " . DateTime :: to ( $ts , 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . " </p> \n " ;
$et = new DateTime ( $ts );
echo " <p>DateTime( $ts )->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')= " . $et -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . " </p> \n " ;
$dt = new DateTime ( $ts );
echo " <p>DateTime( $ts )->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')= " . $dt -> format ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . " </p> \n " ;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
echo " <p><b>Exception</b>: " . $e -> getMessage () . " </p> \n " ;
// user time is UTC
echo " <p>user timezone = " . ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz' ] = 'UTC' ) . " , server timezone = " . date_default_timezone_get () . " </p> \n " ;
$time = time ();
echo " <p>time= $time = " . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , $time ) . " (server) = " . DateTime :: server2user ( $time , 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . " (user) = " . DateTime :: server2user ( $time , 'ts' ) . " (user)= " . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' , DateTime :: server2user ( $time , 'ts' )) . " </p> \n " ;
echo " DateTime::to(array('full' => '20091020', 'hour' => 12, 'minute' => 0))=' " . DateTime :: to ( array ( 'full' => '20091020' , 'hour' => 12 , 'minute' => 0 )) . " '</p> \n " ;
$ts = DateTime :: to ( array ( 'full' => '20091027' , 'hour' => 10 , 'minute' => 0 ), 'ts' );
echo " <p>2009-10-27 10h UTC timestamp= $ts --> server time = " . DateTime :: user2server ( $ts , '' ) . " --> user time = " . DateTime :: server2user ( DateTime :: user2server ( $ts ), '' ) . " </p> \n " ;
$ts = DateTime :: to ( array ( 'full' => '20090627' , 'hour' => 10 , 'minute' => 0 ), 'ts' );
echo " <p>2009-06-27 10h UTC timestamp= $ts --> server time = " . DateTime :: user2server ( $ts , '' ) . " --> user time = " . DateTime :: server2user ( DateTime :: user2server ( $ts ), '' ) . " </p> \n " ;