<textbox size="20" no_lang="1" id="Row${row}[name]" statustext="need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from SQL, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_'"/>
<menupopup no_lang="1" id="Row${row}[type]" statustext="type of the column"/>
<int align="center" id="Row${row}[precision]" statustext="length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8"/>
<int id="Row${row}[scale]" statustext="scale for float"/>
<checkbox align="center" id="Row${row}[nullable]" statustext="can have special SQL-value NULL"/>
<checkbox align="center" id="Row${row}[uc]" statustext="DB ensures that every row has a unique value in that column"/>
<checkbox align="center" id="Row${row}[pk]" statustext="Primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed"/>
<checkbox align="center" id="Row${row}[ix]" statustext="an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!)"/>
<textbox size="20" align="center" id="Row${row}[fk]" statustext="name of other table where column is a key from"/>
<textbox size="20" id="Row${row}[default]" statustext="enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default"/>