2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
< ? php
* EGroupware - Document merge print
* @ link http :// www . egroupware . org
* @ author Ralf Becker < RalfBecker - AT - outdoor - training . de >
* @ package api
* @ subpackage storage
* @ copyright ( c ) 2007 - 16 by Ralf Becker < RalfBecker - AT - outdoor - training . de >
* @ license http :// opensource . org / licenses / gpl - license . php GPL - GNU General Public License
* @ version $Id $
namespace EGroupware\Api\Storage ;
use EGroupware\Api ;
use EGroupware\Stylite ;
use DOMDocument ;
use XSLTProcessor ;
use tidy ;
use ZipArchive ;
// explicit import old, non-namespaced phpgwapi classes
use uiaccountsel ;
* Document merge print
* @ todo move apply_styles call into merge_string to run for each entry merged and not all together to lower memory requirements
abstract class Merge
* Instance of the addressbook_bo class
* @ var addressbook_bo
var $contacts ;
* Datetime format according to user preferences
* @ var string
var $datetime_format = 'Y-m-d H:i' ;
* Fields that are to be treated as datetimes , when merged into spreadsheets
var $date_fields = array ();
* Mimetype of document processed by merge
* @ var string
var $mimetype ;
* Plugins registered by extending class to create a table with multiple rows
* $$table / $plugin $ $ ... $$endtable $ $
* Callback returns replacements for row $n ( stringing with 0 ) or null if no further rows
* @ var array $plugin => array callback ( $plugin , $id , $n )
var $table_plugins = array ();
* Export limit in number of entries or some non - numerical value , if no export allowed at all , empty means no limit
* Set by constructor to $GLOBALS [ egw_info ][ server ][ export_limit ]
* @ var int | string
public $export_limit ;
* Configuration for HTML Tidy to clean up any HTML content that is kept
public static $tidy_config = array (
'output-xml' => true , // Entity encoding
'show-body-only' => true ,
'output-encoding' => 'utf-8' ,
'input-encoding' => 'utf-8' ,
'quote-ampersand' => false , // Prevent double encoding
'quote-nbsp' => true , // XSLT can handle spaces easier
'preserve-entities' => true ,
'wrap' => 0 , // Wrapping can break output
* Parse HTML styles into target document style , if possible
* Apps not using html in there own data should set this with Customfields :: use_html ( $app )
* to avoid memory and time consuming html processing .
protected $parse_html_styles = true ;
* Enable this to report memory_usage to error_log
* @ var boolean
public $report_memory_usage = false ;
* Constructor
function __construct ()
// Common messages are in preferences
Api\Translation :: add_app ( 'preferences' );
// All contact fields are in addressbook
Api\Translation :: add_app ( 'addressbook' );
$this -> contacts = new Api\Contacts ();
$this -> datetime_format = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ] . ' ' .
( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] == 12 ? 'h:i a' : 'H:i' );
$this -> export_limit = self :: getExportLimit ();
* Hook returning options for export_limit_excepted groups
* @ param array $config
public static function hook_export_limit_excepted ( $config )
$accountsel = new uiaccountsel ();
return '<input type="hidden" value="" name="newsettings[export_limit_excepted]" />' .
$accountsel -> selection ( 'newsettings[export_limit_excepted]' , 'export_limit_excepted' , $config [ 'export_limit_excepted' ], 'both' , 4 );
* Get all replacements , must be implemented in extending class
* Can use eg . the following high level methods :
* - contact_replacements ( $contact_id , $prefix = '' )
* - format_datetime ( $time , $format = null )
* @ param int $id id of entry
* @ param string & $content = null content to create some replacements only if they are use
* @ return array | boolean array with replacements or false if entry not found
abstract protected function get_replacements ( $id , & $content = null );
* Return if merge - print is implemented for given mime - type ( and / or extension )
* @ param string $mimetype eg . text / plain
* @ param string $extension only checked for applications / msword and . rtf
static public function is_implemented ( $mimetype , $extension = null )
static $zip_available = null ;
if ( is_null ( $zip_available ))
$zip_available = check_load_extension ( 'zip' ) &&
class_exists ( 'ZipArchive' ); // some PHP has zip extension, but no ZipArchive (eg. RHEL5!)
switch ( $mimetype )
case 'application/msword' :
if ( strtolower ( $extension ) != '.rtf' ) break ;
case 'application/rtf' :
case 'text/rtf' :
return true ; // rtf files
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // oo text
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' : // oo spreadsheet
if ( ! $zip_available ) break ;
return true ; // open office write xml files
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' : // ms word 2007 xml format
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.d' : // mimetypes in vfs are limited to 64 chars
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' : // ms excel 2007 xml format
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.shee' :
if ( ! $zip_available ) break ;
return true ; // ms word xml format
case 'application/xml' :
return true ; // alias for text/xml, eg. ms office 2003 word format
case 'message/rfc822' :
return true ; // ToDo: check if you are theoretical able to send mail
case 'application/x-yaml' :
return true ; // yaml file, plain text with marginal syntax support for multiline replacements
default :
if ( substr ( $mimetype , 0 , 5 ) == 'text/' )
return true ; // text files
break ;
return false ;
// As browsers not always return correct mime types, one could use a negative list instead
//return !($mimetype == Api\Vfs::DIR_MIME_TYPE || substr($mimetype,0,6) == 'image/');
* Return replacements for a contact
* @ param int | string | array $contact contact - array or id
* @ param string $prefix = '' prefix like eg . 'user'
* @ param boolean $ignore_acl = false true : no acl check
* @ return array
public function contact_replacements ( $contact , $prefix = '' , $ignore_acl = false )
if ( ! is_array ( $contact ))
$contact = $this -> contacts -> read ( $contact , $ignore_acl );
if ( ! is_array ( $contact )) return array ();
$replacements = array ();
foreach ( array_keys ( $this -> contacts -> contact_fields ) as $name )
$value = $contact [ $name ];
switch ( $name )
case 'created' : case 'modified' :
if ( $value ) $value = Api\DateTime :: to ( $value );
break ;
case 'bday' :
if ( $value )
2016-06-06 10:09:05 +02:00
try {
$value = Api\DateTime :: to ( $value , true );
2016-06-06 11:03:22 +02:00
catch ( \Exception $e ) {
2016-06-06 10:09:05 +02:00
unset ( $e ); // ignore exception caused by wrongly formatted date
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
break ;
case 'owner' : case 'creator' : case 'modifier' :
$value = Api\Accounts :: username ( $value );
break ;
case 'cat_id' :
if ( $value )
// if cat-tree is displayed, we return a full category path not just the name of the cat
$use = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'cat_tab' ] == 'Tree' ? 'path' : 'name' ;
$cats = array ();
foreach ( is_array ( $value ) ? $value : explode ( ',' , $value ) as $cat_id )
$cats [] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> categories -> id2name ( $cat_id , $use );
$value = implode ( ', ' , $cats );
break ;
case 'jpegphoto' : // returning a link might make more sense then the binary photo
if ( $contact [ 'photo' ])
$value = ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ][ 0 ] == '/' ?
( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ] ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) . $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ] : '' ) .
$GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> link ( '/index.php' , $contact [ 'photo' ]);
break ;
case 'tel_prefer' :
if ( $value && $contact [ $value ])
$value = $contact [ $value ];
break ;
case 'account_id' :
if ( $value )
$replacements [ '$$' . ( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . 'account_lid$$' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $value );
break ;
if ( $name != 'photo' ) $replacements [ '$$' . ( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . $name . '$$' ] = $value ;
// set custom fields, should probably go to a general method all apps can use
// need to load all cfs for $ignore_acl=true
foreach ( $ignore_acl ? Customfields :: get ( 'addressbook' , true ) : $this -> contacts -> customfields as $name => $field )
$name = '#' . $name ;
$replacements [ '$$' . ( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . $name . '$$' ] =
// use raw data for yaml, no user-preference specific formatting
$this -> mimetype == 'application/x-yaml' ? ( string ) $contact [ $name ] :
Customfields :: format ( $field , ( string ) $contact [ $name ]);
// Add in extra cat field
$cats = array ();
foreach ( is_array ( $contact [ 'cat_id' ]) ? $contact [ 'cat_id' ] : explode ( ',' , $contact [ 'cat_id' ]) as $cat_id )
if ( ! $cat_id ) continue ;
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> categories -> id2name ( $cat_id , 'main' ) != $cat_id )
$path = explode ( ' / ' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> categories -> id2name ( $cat_id , 'path' ));
unset ( $path [ 0 ]); // Drop main
$cats [ $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> categories -> id2name ( $cat_id , 'main' )][] = implode ( ' / ' , $path );
} elseif ( $cat_id ) {
$cats [ $cat_id ] = array ();
foreach ( $cats as $main => $cat ) {
$replacements [ '$$' . ( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . 'categories$$' ] .= $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> categories -> id2name ( $main , 'name' )
. ( count ( $cat ) > 0 ? ': ' : '' ) . implode ( ', ' , $cats [ $main ]) . " \n " ;
return $replacements ;
* Get links for the given record
* Uses egw_link system to get link titles
* @ param app Name of current app
* @ param id ID of current entry
* @ param only_app Restrict links to only given application
* @ param exclude Exclude links to these applications
* @ param style String One of :
* 'title' - plain text , just the title of the link
* 'link' - URL to the entry
* 'href' - HREF tag wrapped around the title
protected function get_links ( $app , $id , $only_app = '' , $exclude = array (), $style = 'title' )
$links = Api\Link :: get_links ( $app , $id , $only_app );
$link_titles = array ();
foreach ( $links as $link_info )
// Using only_app only returns the ID
if ( ! is_array ( $link_info ) && $only_app && $only_app [ 0 ] !== '!' )
$link_info = array (
'app' => $only_app ,
'id' => $link_info
if ( $exclude && in_array ( $link_info [ 'id' ], $exclude )) continue ;
$title = Api\Link :: title ( $link_info [ 'app' ], $link_info [ 'id' ]);
if ( class_exists ( 'EGroupware\Stylite\Vfs\Links\StreamWrapper' ) && $link_info [ 'app' ] != Api\Link :: VFS_APPNAME )
$title = Stylite\Vfs\Links\StreamWrapper :: entry2name ( $link_info [ 'app' ], $link_info [ 'id' ], $title );
if ( $style == 'href' || $style == 'link' )
$link = Api\Link :: view ( $link_info [ 'app' ], $link_info [ 'id' ], $link_info );
if ( $link_info [ 'app' ] != Api\Link :: VFS_APPNAME )
// Set app to false so we always get an external link
2016-04-07 22:42:06 +02:00
$link = str_replace ( ',' , '%2C' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> framework -> link ( '/index.php' , $link , false ));
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
2016-04-07 22:42:06 +02:00
$link = Api\Framework :: link ( $link , array ());
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
// Prepend site
if ( $link { 0 } == '/' )
$link = ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ] || $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'enforce_ssl' ] ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) .
( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'hostname' ] ? $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'hostname' ] : $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ]) . $link ;
$title = $style == 'href' ? Api\Html :: a_href ( Api\Html :: htmlspecialchars ( $title ), $link ) : $link ;
$link_titles [] = $title ;
return implode ( " \n " , $link_titles );
* Get all link placeholders
* Calls get_links () repeatedly to get all the combinations for the content .
* @ param $app String appname
* @ param $id String ID of record
* @ param $prefix
* @ param $content String document content
protected function get_all_links ( $app , $id , $prefix , & $content )
$array = array ();
2016-04-26 19:07:42 +02:00
$pattern = '@\$(links_attachments|links|attachments|link)\/?(title|href|link)?\/?([a-z]*)\$@' ;
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
static $link_cache = null ;
$matches = null ;
if ( preg_match_all ( $pattern , $content , $matches ))
foreach ( $matches [ 0 ] as $i => $placeholder )
$placeholder = substr ( $placeholder , 1 , - 1 );
if ( $link_cache [ $id ][ $placeholder ])
$array [ $placeholder ] = $link_cache [ $id ][ $placeholder ];
continue ;
switch ( $matches [ 1 ][ $i ])
case 'link' :
// Link to current record
$title = Api\Link :: title ( $app , $id );
if ( class_exists ( 'EGroupware\Stylite\Vfs\Links\StreamWrapper' ) && $app != Api\Link :: VFS_APPNAME )
$title = Stylite\Vfs\Links\StreamWrapper :: entry2name ( $app , $id , $title );
$link = Api\Link :: view ( $app , $id );
if ( $app != Api\Link :: VFS_APPNAME )
// Set app to false so we always get an external link
2016-04-07 22:42:06 +02:00
$link = str_replace ( ',' , '%2C' , $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> framework -> link ( '/index.php' , $link , false ));
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
2016-04-07 22:42:06 +02:00
$link = Api\Framework :: link ( $link , array ());
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
// Prepend site
if ( $link { 0 } == '/' )
$link = ( $_SERVER [ 'HTTPS' ] || $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'enforce_ssl' ] ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) .
( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'hostname' ] ? $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'hostname' ] : $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_HOST' ]) . $link ;
$array [( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . $placeholder ] = Api\Html :: a_href ( Api\Html :: htmlspecialchars ( $title ), $link );
break ;
case 'links' :
2016-04-26 19:07:42 +02:00
$link_app = $matches [ 3 ][ $i ] ? $matches [ 3 ][ $i ] : '!' . Api\Link :: VFS_APPNAME ;
$array [( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . $placeholder ] = $this -> get_links ( $app , $id , $link_app , array (), $matches [ 2 ][ $i ]);
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
break ;
case 'attachments' :
$array [( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . $placeholder ] = $this -> get_links ( $app , $id , Api\Link :: VFS_APPNAME , array (), $matches [ 2 ][ $i ]);
break ;
default :
$array [( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . $placeholder ] = $this -> get_links ( $app , $id , $matches [ 3 ][ $i ], array (), $matches [ 2 ][ $i ]);
break ;
$link_cache [ $id ][ $placeholder ] = $array [ $placeholder ];
// Need to set each app, to make sure placeholders are removed
foreach ( array_keys ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ]) as $_app )
$array [( $prefix ? $prefix . '/' : '' ) . " links/ $app " ] = $this -> get_links ( $app , $id , $_app );
return $array ;
* Format a datetime
* @ param int | string | DateTime $time unix timestamp or Y - m - d H : i : s string ( in user time ! )
* @ param string $format = null format string , default $this -> datetime_format
* @ deprecated use Api\DateTime :: to ( $time = 'now' , $format = '' )
* @ return string
protected function format_datetime ( $time , $format = null )
trigger_error ( __METHOD__ . ' is deprecated, use Api\DateTime::to($time, $format)' , E_USER_DEPRECATED );
if ( is_null ( $format )) $format = $this -> datetime_format ;
return Api\DateTime :: to ( $time , $format );
* Checks if current user is excepted from the export - limit :
* a ) access to admin application
* b ) he or one of his memberships is named in export_limit_excepted config var
* @ return boolean
public static function is_export_limit_excepted ()
static $is_excepted = null ;
if ( is_null ( $is_excepted ))
$is_excepted = isset ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ][ 'admin' ]);
// check export-limit and fail if user tries to export more entries then allowed
if ( ! $is_excepted && ( is_array ( $export_limit_excepted = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'export_limit_excepted' ]) ||
is_array ( $export_limit_excepted = unserialize ( $export_limit_excepted ))))
$id_and_memberships = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> memberships ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ], true );
$id_and_memberships [] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
$is_excepted = ( bool ) array_intersect ( $id_and_memberships , $export_limit_excepted );
return $is_excepted ;
* Checks if there is an exportlimit set , and returns
* @ param string $app = 'common' checks and validates app_limit , if not set returns the global limit
* @ return mixed - no if no export is allowed , false if there is no restriction and int as there is a valid restriction
* you may have to cast the returned value to int , if you want to use it as number
public static function getExportLimit ( $app = 'common' )
static $exportLimitStore = array ();
if ( empty ( $app )) $app = 'common' ;
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' called with app:'.$app);
if ( ! array_key_exists ( $app , $exportLimitStore ))
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' -> '.$app_limit.' '.function_backtrace());
$exportLimitStore [ $app ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'export_limit' ];
if ( $app != 'common' )
2016-05-11 20:58:10 +02:00
$app_limit = Api\Hooks :: single ( 'export_limit' , $app );
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
if ( $app_limit ) $exportLimitStore [ $app ] = $app_limit ;
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' building cache for app:'.$app.' -> '.$exportLimitStore[$app]);
if ( empty ( $exportLimitStore [ $app ]))
$exportLimitStore [ $app ] = false ;
return false ;
if ( is_numeric ( $exportLimitStore [ $app ]))
$exportLimitStore [ $app ] = ( int ) $exportLimitStore [ $app ];
$exportLimitStore [ $app ] = 'no' ;
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' -> '.$exportLimit);
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' app:'.$app.' -> '.$exportLimitStore[$app]);
return $exportLimitStore [ $app ];
* hasExportLimit
* checks wether there is an exportlimit set , and returns true or false
* @ param mixed $app_limit app_limit , if not set checks the global limit
* @ param string $checkas [ AND | ISALLOWED ], AND default ; if set to ISALLOWED it is checked if Export is allowed
* @ return bool - true if no export is allowed or a limit is set , false if there is no restriction
public static function hasExportLimit ( $app_limit , $checkas = 'AND' )
if ( strtoupper ( $checkas ) == 'ISALLOWED' ) return ( empty ( $app_limit ) || ( $app_limit != 'no' && $app_limit > 0 ) );
if ( empty ( $app_limit )) return false ;
if ( $app_limit == 'no' ) return true ;
if ( $app_limit > 0 ) return true ;
* Merges a given document with contact data
* @ param string $document path / url of document
* @ param array $ids array with contact id ( s )
* @ param string & $err error - message on error
* @ param string $mimetype mimetype of complete document , eg . text /* , application / vnd . oasis . opendocument . text , application / rtf
* @ param array $fix = null regular expression => replacement pairs eg . to fix garbled placeholders
* @ return string | boolean merged document or false on error
public function & merge ( $document , $ids , & $err , $mimetype , array $fix = null )
if ( ! ( $content = file_get_contents ( $document )))
$err = lang ( " Document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! " , $document );
return false ;
if ( self :: hasExportLimit ( $this -> export_limit ) && ! self :: is_export_limit_excepted () && count ( $ids ) > ( int ) $this -> export_limit )
$err = lang ( 'No rights to export more than %1 entries!' ,( int ) $this -> export_limit );
return false ;
// fix application/msword mimetype for rtf files
if ( $mimetype == 'application/msword' && strtolower ( substr ( $document , - 4 )) == '.rtf' )
$mimetype = 'application/rtf' ;
try {
$content = $this -> merge_string ( $content , $ids , $err , $mimetype , $fix );
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
$err = $e -> getMessage ();
return false ;
return $content ;
protected function apply_styles ( & $content , $mimetype , $mso_application_progid = null )
if ( ! isset ( $mso_application_progid ))
$matches = null ;
$mso_application_progid = $mimetype == 'application/xml' &&
preg_match ( '/' . preg_quote ( '<?mso-application progid="' ) . '([^"]+)' . preg_quote ( '"?>' ) . '/' , substr ( $content , 0 , 200 ), $matches ) ?
$matches [ 1 ] : '' ;
// Tags we can replace with the target document's version
$replace_tags = array ();
switch ( $mimetype . $mso_application_progid )
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // open office
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' :
// It seems easier to split the parent tags here
$replace_tags = array (
'/<(ol|ul|table)( [^>]*)?>/' => '</text:p><$1$2>' ,
'/<\/(ol|ul|table)>/' => '</$1><text:p>' ,
//'/<(li)(.*?)>(.*?)<\/\1>/' => '<$1 $2>$3</$1>',
$content = preg_replace ( array_keys ( $replace_tags ), array_values ( $replace_tags ), $content );
$doc = new DOMDocument ();
$xslt = new XSLTProcessor ();
2016-05-17 16:36:37 +02:00
$doc -> load ( EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/api/templates/default/Merge/openoffice.xslt' );
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
$xslt -> importStyleSheet ( $doc );
//echo $content;die();
break ;
case 'application/xmlWord.Document' : // Word 2003*/
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' : // ms office 2007
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
// It seems easier to split the parent tags here
$replace_tags = array (
// Tables, lists don't go inside <w:p>
'/<(ol|ul|table)( [^>]*)?>/' => '</w:t></w:r></w:p><$1$2>' ,
'/<\/(ol|ul|table)>/' => '</$1><w:p><w:r><w:t>' ,
// Fix for things other than text (newlines) inside table row
'/<(td)( [^>]*)?>((?!<w:t>))(.*?)<\/td>[\s]*?/' => '<$1$2><w:t>$4</w:t></td>' ,
// Remove extra whitespace
'/<li([^>]*?)>[^:print:]*?(.*?)<\/li>/' => '<li$1>$2</li>' , // This doesn't get it all
'/<w:t>[\s]+(.*?)<\/w:t>/' => '<w:t>$1</w:t>' ,
// Remove spans with no attributes, linebreaks inside them cause problems
'/<span>(.*?)<\/span>/' => '$1'
$content = preg_replace ( array_keys ( $replace_tags ), array_values ( $replace_tags ), $content );
In the case where you have something like < span >< span ></ w : t >< w : br />< w : t ></ span ></ span > ( invalid - mismatched tags ),
it takes multiple runs to get rid of both spans . So , loop .
OO . o files have not yet been shown to have this problem .
$count = $i = 0 ;
$content = preg_replace ( '/<span>(.*?)<\/span>/' , '$1' , $content , - 1 , $count );
$i ++ ;
} while ( $count > 0 && $i < 10 );
$doc = new DOMDocument ();
$xslt = new XSLTProcessor ();
$xslt_file = $mimetype == 'application/xml' ? 'wordml.xslt' : 'msoffice.xslt' ;
2016-05-17 16:36:37 +02:00
$doc -> load ( EGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . '/api/templates/default/Merge/' . $xslt_file );
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
$xslt -> importStyleSheet ( $doc );
break ;
// XSLT transform known tags
if ( $xslt )
// does NOT work with php 5.2.6: Catchable fatal error: argument 1 to transformToXml() must be of type DOMDocument
//$element = new SimpleXMLelement($content);
$element = new DOMDocument ( '1.0' , 'utf-8' );
$result = $element -> loadXML ( $content );
if ( ! $result )
throw new Api\Exception ( 'Unable to parse merged document for styles. Check warnings in log for details.' );
$content = $xslt -> transformToXml ( $element );
// Word 2003 needs two declarations, add extra declaration back in
if ( $mimetype == 'application/xml' && $mso_application_progid == 'Word.Document' && strpos ( $content , '<?xml' ) !== 0 ) {
$content = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>' . $content ;
// Validate
$doc = new DOMDocument ();
$doc -> loadXML ( $content );
$doc -> schemaValidate ( * Schema ( xsd ) file * );
* Merges a given document with contact data
* @ param string $_content
* @ param array $ids array with contact id ( s )
* @ param string & $err error - message on error
* @ param string $mimetype mimetype of complete document , eg . text /* , application / vnd . oasis . opendocument . text , application / rtf
* @ param array $fix = null regular expression => replacement pairs eg . to fix garbled placeholders
* @ param string $charset = null charset to override default set by mimetype or export charset
* @ return string | boolean merged document or false on error
public function & merge_string ( $_content , $ids , & $err , $mimetype , array $fix = null , $charset = null )
$matches = null ;
if ( $mimetype == 'application/xml' &&
preg_match ( '/' . preg_quote ( '<?mso-application progid="' ) . '([^"]+)' . preg_quote ( '"?>' ) . '/' , substr ( $_content , 0 , 200 ), $matches ))
$mso_application_progid = $matches [ 1 ];
$mso_application_progid = '' ;
// alternative syntax using double curly brackets (eg. {{cat_id}} instead $$cat_id$$),
// agressivly removing all xml-tags eg. Word adds within placeholders
$content = preg_replace_callback ( '/{{[^}]+}}/i' , create_function ( '$p' , 'return \'$$\'.strip_tags(substr($p[0],2,-2)).\'$$\';' ), $_content );
// Handle escaped placeholder markers in RTF, they won't match when escaped
if ( $mimetype == 'application/rtf' )
$content = preg_replace ( '/\\\{\\\{([^\\}]+)\\\}\\\}/i' , '$$\1$$' , $content );
// make currently processed mimetype available to class methods;
$this -> mimetype = $mimetype ;
// fix garbled placeholders
if ( $fix && is_array ( $fix ))
$content = preg_replace ( array_keys ( $fix ), array_values ( $fix ), $content );
list ( $contentstart , $contentrepeat , $contentend ) = preg_split ( '/\$\$pagerepeat\$\$/' , $content , - 1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); //get differt parts of document, seperatet by Pagerepeat
if ( $mimetype == 'text/plain' && count ( $ids ) > 1 )
// textdocuments are simple, they do not hold start and end, but they may have content before and after the $$pagerepeat$$ tag
// header and footer should not hold any $$ tags; if we find $$ tags with the header, we assume it is the pagerepeatcontent
$nohead = false ;
if ( stripos ( $contentstart , '$$' ) !== false ) $nohead = true ;
if ( $nohead )
$contentend = $contentrepeat ;
$contentrepeat = $contentstart ;
$contentstart = '' ;
if ( $mimetype == 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' && count ( $ids ) > 1 )
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$pagerepeat' ) === false )
//for odt files we have to split the content and add a style for page break to the style area
list ( $contentstart , $contentrepeat , $contentend ) = preg_split ( '/office:body>/' , $content , - 1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); //get differt parts of document, seperatet by Pagerepeat
$contentstart = substr ( $contentstart , 0 , strlen ( $contentstart ) - 1 ); //remove "<"
$contentrepeat = substr ( $contentrepeat , 0 , strlen ( $contentrepeat ) - 2 ); //remove "</";
// need to add page-break style to the style list
list ( $stylestart , $stylerepeat , $styleend ) = preg_split ( '/<\/office:automatic-styles>/' , $content , - 1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); //get differt parts of document style sheets
$contentstart = $stylestart . '<style:style style:name="P200" style:family="paragraph" style:parent-style-name="Standard"><style:paragraph-properties fo:break-before="page"/></style:style></office:automatic-styles>' ;
$contentstart .= '<office:body>' ;
$contentend = '</office:body></office:document-content>' ;
// Template specifies where to repeat
list ( $contentstart , $contentrepeat , $contentend ) = preg_split ( '/\$\$pagerepeat\$\$/' , $content , - 1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); //get different parts of document, seperated by pagerepeat
if ( $mimetype == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' && count ( $ids ) > 1 )
//for Word 2007 XML files we have to split the content and add a style for page break to the style area
list ( $contentstart , $contentrepeat , $contentend ) = preg_split ( '/w:body>/' , $content , - 1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); //get differt parts of document, seperatet by Pagerepeat
$contentstart = substr ( $contentstart , 0 , strlen ( $contentstart ) - 1 ); //remove "</"
$contentrepeat = substr ( $contentrepeat , 0 , strlen ( $contentrepeat ) - 2 ); //remove "</";
$contentstart .= '<w:body>' ;
$contentend = '</w:body></w:document>' ;
list ( $Labelstart , $Labelrepeat , $Labeltend ) = preg_split ( '/\$\$label\$\$/' , $contentrepeat , - 1 , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); //get the Lable content
preg_match_all ( '/\$\$labelplacement\$\$/' , $contentrepeat , $countlables , PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$countlables = count ( $countlables [ 0 ]);
preg_replace ( '/\$\$labelplacement\$\$/' , '' , $Labelrepeat , 1 );
if ( $countlables > 1 ) $lableprint = true ;
if ( count ( $ids ) > 1 && ! $contentrepeat )
$err = lang ( 'for more than one contact in a document use the tag pagerepeat!' );
return false ;
if ( $this -> report_memory_usage ) error_log ( __METHOD__ . " (count(ids)= " . count ( $ids ) . " ) strlen(contentrepeat)= " . strlen ( $contentrepeat ) . ', strlen(labelrepeat)=' . strlen ( $Labelrepeat ));
if ( $contentrepeat )
$content_stream = fopen ( 'php://temp' , 'r+' );
fwrite ( $content_stream , $contentstart );
$joiner = '' ;
switch ( $mimetype )
case 'application/rtf' :
case 'text/rtf' :
$joiner = '\\par \\page\\pard\\plain' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' :
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' :
case 'application/xml' :
case 'text/html' :
$joiner = '' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' :
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
$joiner = '<w:br w:type="page" />' ;
break ;
case 'text/plain' :
$joiner = " \r \n " ;
break ;
default :
$err = lang ( '%1 not implemented for %2!' , '$$pagerepeat$$' , $mimetype );
return false ;
foreach (( array ) $ids as $n => $id )
if ( $contentrepeat ) $content = $contentrepeat ; //content to repeat
if ( $lableprint ) $content = $Labelrepeat ;
// generate replacements; if exeption is thrown, catch it set error message and return false
if ( ! ( $replacements = $this -> get_replacements ( $id , $content )))
$err = lang ( 'Entry not found!' );
return false ;
catch ( Api\Exception\WrongUserinput $e )
// if this returns with an exeption, something failed big time
$err = $e -> getMessage ();
return false ;
if ( $this -> report_memory_usage ) error_log ( __METHOD__ . " () $n : $id " . Api\Vfs :: hsize ( memory_get_usage ( true )));
// some general replacements: current user, date and time
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$user/' ) !== null && ( $user = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ], 'person_id' )))
$replacements += $this -> contact_replacements ( $user , 'user' );
$replacements [ '$$user/primary_group$$' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ], 'account_primary_group' ));
$replacements [ '$$date$$' ] = Api\DateTime :: to ( 'now' , true );
$replacements [ '$$datetime$$' ] = Api\DateTime :: to ( 'now' );
$replacements [ '$$time$$' ] = Api\DateTime :: to ( 'now' , false );
// does our extending class registered table-plugins AND document contains table tags
if ( $this -> table_plugins && preg_match_all ( '/\\$\\$table\\/([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\\$\\$(.*?)\\$\\$endtable\\$\\$/s' , $content , $matches , PREG_SET_ORDER ))
// process each table
foreach ( $matches as $match )
$plugin = $match [ 1 ]; // plugin name
$callback = $this -> table_plugins [ $plugin ];
$repeat = $match [ 2 ]; // line to repeat
$repeats = '' ;
if ( isset ( $callback ))
for ( $n = 0 ; ( $row_replacements = $this -> $callback ( $plugin , $id , $n , $repeat )); ++ $n )
$_repeat = $this -> process_commands ( $repeat , $row_replacements );
$repeats .= $this -> replace ( $_repeat , $row_replacements , $mimetype , $mso_application_progid );
$content = str_replace ( $match [ 0 ], $repeats , $content );
$content = $this -> process_commands ( $this -> replace ( $content , $replacements , $mimetype , $mso_application_progid , $charset ), $replacements );
// remove not existing replacements (eg. from calendar array)
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$' ) !== null )
$content = preg_replace ( '/\$\$[a-z0-9_\/]+\$\$/i' , '' , $content );
if ( $contentrepeat )
fwrite ( $content_stream , ( $n == 0 ? '' : $joiner ) . $content );
if ( $lableprint )
$contentrep [ is_array ( $id ) ? implode ( ':' , $id ) : $id ] = $content ;
if ( $Labelrepeat )
$countpage = 0 ;
$count = 0 ;
$contentrepeatpages [ $countpage ] = $Labelstart . $Labeltend ;
foreach ( $contentrep as $Label )
$contentrepeatpages [ $countpage ] = preg_replace ( '/\$\$labelplacement\$\$/' , $Label , $contentrepeatpages [ $countpage ], 1 );
$count = $count + 1 ;
if (( $count % $countlables ) == 0 && count ( $contentrep ) > $count ) //new page
$countpage = $countpage + 1 ;
$contentrepeatpages [ $countpage ] = $Labelstart . $Labeltend ;
$contentrepeatpages [ $countpage ] = preg_replace ( '/\$\$labelplacement\$\$/' , '' , $contentrepeatpages [ $countpage ], - 1 ); //clean empty fields
switch ( $mimetype )
case 'application/rtf' :
case 'text/rtf' :
return $contentstart . implode ( '\\par \\page\\pard\\plain' , $contentrepeatpages ) . $contentend ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' :
return $contentstart . implode ( '<text:line-break />' , $contentrepeatpages ) . $contentend ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' :
return $contentstart . implode ( '</text:p><text:p>' , $contentrepeatpages ) . $contentend ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' :
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
return $contentstart . implode ( '<w:br w:type="page" />' , $contentrepeatpages ) . $contentend ;
case 'text/plain' :
return $contentstart . implode ( " \r \n " , $contentrep ) . $contentend ;
$err = lang ( '%1 not implemented for %2!' , '$$labelplacement$$' , $mimetype );
return false ;
if ( $contentrepeat )
fwrite ( $content_stream , $contentend );
rewind ( $content_stream );
return stream_get_contents ( $content_stream );
if ( $this -> report_memory_usage ) error_log ( __METHOD__ . " () returning " . Api\Vfs :: hsize ( memory_get_peak_usage ( true )));
return $content ;
* Replace placeholders in $content of $mimetype with $replacements
* @ param string $content
* @ param array $replacements name => replacement pairs
* @ param string $mimetype mimetype of content
* @ param string $mso_application_progid = '' MS Office 2003 : 'Excel.Sheet' or 'Word.Document'
* @ param string $charset = null charset to override default set by mimetype or export charset
* @ return string
protected function replace ( $content , array $replacements , $mimetype , $mso_application_progid = '' , $charset = null )
switch ( $mimetype )
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // open office
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' :
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' : // ms office 2007
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
case 'application/xml' :
case 'text/xml' :
$is_xml = true ;
$charset = 'utf-8' ; // xml files --> always use utf-8
break ;
case 'text/html' :
$is_xml = true ;
$matches = null ;
if ( preg_match ( '/<meta http-equiv="content-type".*charset=([^;"]+)/i' , $content , $matches ))
$charset = $matches [ 1 ];
elseif ( empty ( $charset ))
$charset = 'utf-8' ;
break ;
default : // div. text files --> use our export-charset, defined in addressbook prefs
if ( empty ( $charset )) $charset = $this -> contacts -> prefs [ 'csv_charset' ];
break ;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$document', ... ,$mimetype) --> $charset (egw=".Api\Translation::charset().', export='.$this->contacts->prefs['csv_charset'].')');
// do we need to convert charset
if ( $charset && $charset != Api\Translation :: charset ())
$replacements = Api\Translation :: convert ( $replacements , Api\Translation :: charset (), $charset );
// Date only placeholders for timestamps
if ( is_array ( $this -> date_fields ))
foreach ( $this -> date_fields as $field )
if (( $value = $replacements [ '$$' . $field . '$$' ]))
$time = Api\DateTime :: createFromFormat ( '+' . Api\DateTime :: $user_dateformat . ' ' . Api\DateTime :: $user_timeformat . '*' , $value );
$replacements [ '$$' . $field . '/date$$' ] = $time ? $time -> format ( Api\DateTime :: $user_dateformat ) : '' ;
if ( $is_xml ) // zip'ed xml document (eg. OO)
// Numeric fields
$names = array ();
// Tags we can replace with the target document's version
$replace_tags = array ();
// only keep tags, if we have xsl extension available
if ( class_exists ( XSLTProcessor ) && class_exists ( DOMDocument ) && $this -> parse_html_styles )
switch ( $mimetype . $mso_application_progid )
case 'text/html' :
$replace_tags = array (
'<b>' , '<strong>' , '<i>' , '<em>' , '<u>' , '<span>' , '<ol>' , '<ul>' , '<li>' ,
'<table>' , '<tr>' , '<td>' , '<a>' , '<style>' ,
break ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // open office
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' :
$replace_tags = array (
'<b>' , '<strong>' , '<i>' , '<em>' , '<u>' , '<span>' , '<ol>' , '<ul>' , '<li>' ,
'<table>' , '<tr>' , '<td>' , '<a>' ,
break ;
case 'application/xmlWord.Document' : // Word 2003*/
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' : // ms office 2007
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
$replace_tags = array (
'<b>' , '<strong>' , '<i>' , '<em>' , '<u>' , '<span>' , '<ol>' , '<ul>' , '<li>' ,
'<table>' , '<tr>' , '<td>' ,
break ;
// clean replacements from array values and html or html-entities, which mess up xml
foreach ( $replacements as $name => & $value )
// set unresolved array values to empty string
if ( is_array ( $value ))
$value = '' ;
continue ;
// decode html entities back to utf-8
if ( is_string ( $value ) && ( strpos ( $value , '&' ) !== false ) && $this -> parse_html_styles )
$value = html_entity_decode ( $value , ENT_QUOTES , $charset );
// remove all non-decodable entities
if ( strpos ( $value , '&' ) !== false )
$value = preg_replace ( '/&[^; ]+;/' , '' , $value );
if ( ! $this -> parse_html_styles )
// Encode special chars so they don't break the file
$value = htmlspecialchars ( $value , ENT_NOQUOTES );
else if ( is_string ( $value ) && ( strpos ( $value , '<' ) !== false ))
// Clean HTML, if it's being kept
if ( $replace_tags && extension_loaded ( 'tidy' )) {
$tidy = new tidy ();
$cleaned = $tidy -> repairString ( $value , self :: $tidy_config );
// Found errors. Strip it all so there's some output
if ( $tidy -> getStatus () == 2 )
error_log ( $tidy -> errorBuffer );
$value = strip_tags ( $value );
$value = $cleaned ;
// replace </p> and <br /> with CRLF (remove <p> and CRLF)
$value = strip_tags ( str_replace ( array ( " \r " , " \n " , '<p>' , '</p>' , '<div>' , '</div>' , '<br />' ),
array ( '' , '' , '' , " \r \n " , '' , " \r \n " , " \r \n " ), $value ),
implode ( '' , $replace_tags ));
// Change <tag>...\r\n</tag> to <tag>...</tag>\r\n or simplistic line break below will mangle it
// Loop to catch things like <b><span>Break:\r\n</span></b>
if ( $mso_application_progid )
$count = $i = 0 ;
$value = preg_replace ( '/<(b|strong|i|em|u|span)\b([^>]*?)>(.*?)' . " \r \n " . '<\/\1>/u' , '<$1$2>$3</$1>' . " \r \n " , $value , - 1 , $count );
$i ++ ;
} while ( $count > 0 && $i < 10 ); // Limit of 10 chosen arbitrarily just in case
// replace all control chars (C0+C1) but CR (\015), LF (\012) and TAB (\011) (eg. vertical tabulators) with space
// as they are not allowed in xml
$value = preg_replace ( '/[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\177-\237]/u' , ' ' , $value );
if ( is_numeric ( $value ) && $name != '$$user/account_id$$' ) // account_id causes problems with the preg_replace below
$names [] = preg_quote ( $name , '/' );
// Look for numbers, set their value if needed
if ( $this -> numeric_fields || count ( $names ))
foreach (( array ) $this -> numeric_fields as $fieldname ) {
$names [] = preg_quote ( $fieldname , '/' );
$this -> format_spreadsheet_numbers ( $content , $names , $mimetype . $mso_application_progid );
// Look for dates, set their value if needed
if ( $this -> date_fields || count ( $names ))
$names = array ();
foreach (( array ) $this -> date_fields as $fieldname ) {
$names [] = $fieldname ;
$this -> format_spreadsheet_dates ( $content , $names , $replacements , $mimetype . $mso_application_progid );
// replace CRLF with linebreak tag of given type
switch ( $mimetype . $mso_application_progid )
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // open office writer
$break = '<text:line-break/>' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' : // open office calc
$break = '</text:p><text:p>' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' : // ms word 2007
$break = '</w:t><w:br/><w:t>' ;
break ;
case 'application/xmlExcel.Sheet' : // Excel 2003
$break = ' ' ;
break ;
case 'application/xmlWord.Document' : // Word 2003*/
$break = '</w:t><w:br/><w:t>' ;
break ;
case 'text/html' :
$break = '<br/>' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' : // ms excel 2007
default :
$break = " \r \n " ;
break ;
// now decode &, < and >, which need to be encoded as entities in xml
// Check for encoded >< getting double-encoded
if ( $this -> parse_html_styles )
$replacements = str_replace ( array ( '&' , " \r " , " \n " , '&lt;' , '&gt;' ), array ( '&' , '' , $break , '<' , '>' ), $replacements );
2016-04-11 17:21:16 +02:00
// Need to at least handle new lines, or it'll be run together on one line
$replacements = str_replace ( array ( " \r " , " \n " ), array ( '' , $break ), $replacements );
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
if ( $mimetype == 'application/x-yaml' )
$content = preg_replace_callback ( '/^( +)([^$\n]*)(\$\$.+?\$\$)/m' , function ( $matches ) use ( $replacements )
// allow with {{name/replace/with}} syntax to replace eg. commas with linebreaks: "{{name/, */\n}}"
$parts = null ;
if ( preg_match ( '|^\$\$([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^$]*)\$\$$|' , $matches [ 3 ], $parts ) && isset ( $replacements [ '$$' . $parts [ 1 ] . '$$' ]))
$replacement =& $replacements [ '$$' . $parts [ 1 ] . '$$' ];
$replacement = preg_replace ( '/' . $parts [ 2 ] . '/' , strtr ( $parts [ 3 ], array (
'\\n' => " \n " , '\\r' => " \r " , '\\t' => " \t " , '\\v' => " \ v " , '\\\\' => '\\' , '\\f' => " \ f " ,
)), $replacement );
$replacement =& $replacements [ $matches [ 3 ]];
// replacement with multiple lines --> add same number of space as before placeholder
if ( isset ( $replacement ))
return $matches [ 1 ] . $matches [ 2 ] . implode ( " \n " . $matches [ 1 ], preg_split ( " / \r ? \n / " , $replacement ));
return $matches [ 0 ]; // regular replacement below
}, $content );
return str_replace ( array_keys ( $replacements ), array_values ( $replacements ), $content );
* Convert numeric values in spreadsheets into actual numeric values
protected function format_spreadsheet_numbers ( & $content , $names , $mimetype )
foreach (( array ) $this -> numeric_fields as $fieldname ) {
$names [] = preg_quote ( $fieldname , '/' );
switch ( $mimetype )
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' : // open office calc
$format = '/<table:table-cell([^>]+?)office:value-type="[^"]+"([^>]*?)(?:calcext:value-type="[^"]+")?>.?<([a-z].*?)[^>]*>(' . implode ( '|' , $names ) . ')<\/\3>.?<\/table:table-cell>/s' ;
$replacement = '<table:table-cell$1office:value-type="float" office:value="$4"$2 calcext:value-type="float"><$3>$4</$3></table:table-cell>' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // tables in open office writer
$format = '/<table:table-cell([^>]+?)office:value-type="[^"]+"([^>]*?)>.?<([a-z].*?)[^>]*>(' . implode ( '|' , $names ) . ')<\/\3>.?<\/table:table-cell>/s' ;
$replacement = '<table:table-cell$1office:value-type="float" office:value="$4"$2><text:p text:style-name="Standard">$4</text:p></table:table-cell>' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // open office writer
case 'application/xmlExcel.Sheet' : // Excel 2003
$format = '/' . preg_quote ( '<Data ss:Type="String">' , '/' ) . '(' . implode ( '|' , $names ) . ')' . preg_quote ( '</Data>' , '/' ) . '/' ;
$replacement = '<Data ss:Type="Number">$1</Data>' ;
break ;
if ( $format && $names )
// Dealing with backtrack limit per AmigoJack 10-Jul-2010 comment on php.net preg-replace docs
do {
$result = preg_replace ( $format , $replacement , $content , - 1 );
// try to increase/double pcre.backtrack_limit failure
while ( preg_last_error () == PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR && self :: increase_backtrack_limit ());
if ( $result ) $content = $result ; // On failure $result would be NULL
* Increase / double prce . backtrack_limit up to 1 / 4 of memory_limit
* @ return boolean true : backtrack_limit increased , may try again , false limit already to high
protected static function increase_backtrack_limit ()
static $backtrack_limit = null , $memory_limit = null ;
if ( ! isset ( $backtrack_limit ))
$backtrack_limit = ini_get ( 'pcre.backtrack_limit' );
if ( ! isset ( $memory_limit ))
$memory_limit = ini_get ( 'memory_limit' );
switch ( strtoupper ( substr ( $memory_limit , - 1 )))
case 'G' : $memory_limit *= 1024 ;
case 'M' : $memory_limit *= 1024 ;
case 'K' : $memory_limit *= 1024 ;
if ( $backtrack_limit < $memory_limit / 8 )
ini_set ( 'pcre.backtrack_limit' , $backtrack_limit *= 2 );
return true ;
error_log ( " pcre.backtrack_limit exceeded @ $backtrack_limit , some cells left as text. " );
return false ;
* Convert date / timestamp values in spreadsheets into actual date / timestamp values
protected function format_spreadsheet_dates ( & $content , $names , & $values , $mimetype )
if ( ! in_array ( $mimetype , array (
'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' , // open office calc
'application/xmlExcel.Sheet' , // Excel 2003
//'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet'//Excel WTF
))) return ;
// Some different formats dates could be in, depending what they've been through
$formats = array (
'!' . Api\DateTime :: $user_dateformat . ' ' . Api\DateTime :: $user_timeformat . ':s' ,
'!' . Api\DateTime :: $user_dateformat . '*' . Api\DateTime :: $user_timeformat . ':s' ,
'!' . Api\DateTime :: $user_dateformat . '* ' . Api\DateTime :: $user_timeformat ,
'!' . Api\DateTime :: $user_dateformat . '*' ,
'!' . Api\DateTime :: $user_dateformat ,
// Properly format values for spreadsheet
foreach ( $names as $idx => & $field )
$key = '$$' . $field . '$$' ;
$field = preg_quote ( $field , '/' );
if ( $values [ $key ])
if ( ! is_numeric ( $values [ $key ]))
// Try the different formats, stop when one works
foreach ( $formats as $f )
try {
$date = Api\DateTime :: createFromFormat (
$f ,
$values [ $key ],
Api\DateTime :: $user_timezone
if ( $date ) break ;
2016-06-06 11:03:22 +02:00
} catch ( \Exception $e ) {
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
if ( ! $date )
// Couldn't get a date out of it... skip it
trigger_error ( " Unable to parse date $key = ' { $values [ $key ] } ' - left as text " , E_USER_NOTICE );
unset ( $names [ $idx ]);
continue ;
$date = new Api\DateTime ( $values [ $key ]);
if ( $mimetype == 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ) //Excel WTF
$interval = $date -> diff ( new Api\DateTime ( '1900-01-00 0:00' ));
$values [ $key ] = $interval -> format ( '%a' ) + 1 ; // 1900-02-29 did not exist
// 1440 minutes in a day - fractional part
$values [ $key ] += ( $date -> format ( 'H' ) * 60 + $date -> format ( 'i' )) / 1440 ;
$values [ $key ] = date ( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s' , Api\DateTime :: to ( $date , 'ts' ));
unset ( $names [ $idx ]);
switch ( $mimetype )
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' : // open office calc
// Removing these forces calc to respect our set value-type
$content = str_ireplace ( 'calcext:value-type="string"' , '' , $content );
$format = '/<table:table-cell([^>]+?)office:value-type="[^"]+"([^>]*?)>.?<([a-z].*?)[^>]*>\$\$(' . implode ( '|' , $names ) . ')\$\$<\/\3>.?<\/table:table-cell>/s' ;
$replacement = '<table:table-cell$1office:value-type="date" office:date-value="\$\$$4\$\$"$2><$3>\$\$$4\$\$</$3></table:table-cell>' ;
break ;
case 'application/xmlExcel.Sheet' : // Excel 2003
$format = '/' . preg_quote ( '<Data ss:Type="String">' , '/' ) . '..(' . implode ( '|' , $names ) . ')..' . preg_quote ( '</Data>' , '/' ) . '/' ;
$replacement = '<Data ss:Type="DateTime">\$\$$1\$\$</Data>' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
break ;
if ( $format && $names )
// Dealing with backtrack limit per AmigoJack 10-Jul-2010 comment on php.net preg-replace docs
do {
$result = preg_replace ( $format , $replacement , $content , - 1 );
// try to increase/double pcre.backtrack_limit failure
while ( preg_last_error () == PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR && self :: increase_backtrack_limit ());
if ( $result ) $content = $result ; // On failure $result would be NULL
* Expand link_to custom fields with the merge replacements from the app
* but only if the template uses them .
public function cf_link_to_expand ( $values , $content , & $replacements , $app = null )
if ( $app == null )
$app = str_replace ( '_merge' , '' , get_class ( $this ));
$cfs = Api\Storage\Customfields :: get ( $app );
// Cache, in case more than one sub-placeholder is used
$app_replacements = array ();
// Custom field placeholders look like {{#name}}
// Placeholders that need expanded will look like {{#name/placeholder}}
$matches = null ;
preg_match_all ( '/\${2}(([^\/#]*?\/)?)#([^$\/]+)\/(.*?)[$}]{2}/' , $content , $matches );
list ( $placeholders , , , $cf , $sub ) = $matches ;
foreach ( $cf as $index => $field )
if ( $cfs [ $field ])
if ( in_array ( $cfs [ $field ][ 'type' ], array_keys ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ])))
$field_app = $cfs [ $field ][ 'type' ];
2016-05-01 11:57:48 +02:00
else if ( $cfs [ $field ][ 'type' ] == 'api-accounts' || $cfs [ $field ][ 'type' ] == 'select-account' )
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
2016-05-01 11:57:48 +02:00
// Special case for api-accounts -> contact
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
$field_app = 'addressbook' ;
$account = $GLOBALS [ 'egw' ] -> accounts -> read ( $values [ '#' . $field ]);
$app_replacements [ $field ] = $this -> contact_replacements ( $account [ 'person_id' ]);
else if (( $list = explode ( '-' , $cfs [ $field ][ 'type' ]) && in_array ( $list [ 0 ], array_keys ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'apps' ]))))
// Sub-type - use app
$field_app = $list [ 0 ];
continue ;
// Get replacements for that application
if ( ! $app_replacements [ $field ])
$classname = " { $field_app } _merge " ;
$class = new $classname ();
// If we send the real content, it can result in infinite loop of lookups
// This means you can't do {{#other_app/#other_app_cf/n_fn}}
$content = '' ;
$app_replacements [ $field ] = $class -> get_replacements ( $values [ '#' . $field ], $content );
$replacements [ $placeholders [ $index ]] = $app_replacements [ $field ][ '$$' . $sub [ $index ] . '$$' ];
if ( $cfs [ $field ][ 'type' ] == 'date' || $cfs [ $field ][ 'type' ] == 'date-time' ) $this -> date_fields [] = '#' . $field ;
* Process special flags , such as IF or NELF
* @ param content Text to be examined and changed
* @ param replacements array of markers => replacement
* @ return changed content
private function process_commands ( $content , $replacements )
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$IF' ) !== false )
{ //Example use to use: $$IF n_prefix~Herr~Sehr geehrter~Sehr geehrte$$
$this -> replacements =& $replacements ;
$content = preg_replace_callback ( '/\$\$IF ([#0-9a-z_\/-]+)~(.*)~(.*)~(.*)\$\$/imU' , Array ( $this , 'replace_callback' ), $content );
unset ( $this -> replacements );
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$NELF' ) !== false )
{ //Example: $$NEPBR org_unit$$ sets a LF and value of org_unit, only if there is a value
$this -> replacements =& $replacements ;
$content = preg_replace_callback ( '/\$\$NELF ([#0-9a-z_\/-]+)\$\$/imU' , Array ( $this , 'replace_callback' ), $content );
unset ( $this -> replacements );
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$NENVLF' ) !== false )
{ //Example: $$NEPBRNV org_unit$$ sets only a LF if there is a value for org_units, but did not add any value
$this -> replacements =& $replacements ;
$content = preg_replace_callback ( '/\$\$NENVLF ([#0-9a-z_\/-]+)\$\$/imU' , Array ( $this , 'replace_callback' ), $content );
unset ( $this -> replacements );
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$LETTERPREFIX$$' ) !== false )
{ //Example use to use: $$LETTERPREFIX$$
$LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM = '$$LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family$$' ;
$content = str_replace ( '$$LETTERPREFIX$$' , $LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM , $content );
if ( strpos ( $content , '$$LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM' ) !== false )
{ //Example use to use for a custom Letter Prefix: $$LETTERPREFIX n_prefix title n_family$$
$this -> replacements =& $replacements ;
$content = preg_replace_callback ( '/\$\$LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM ([#0-9a-z_-]+)(.*)\$\$/imU' , Array ( $this , 'replace_callback' ), $content );
unset ( $this -> replacements );
return $content ;
* Callback for preg_replace to process $$IF
* @ param array $param
* @ return string
private function replace_callback ( $param )
if ( array_key_exists ( '$$' . $param [ 4 ] . '$$' , $this -> replacements )) $param [ 4 ] = $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $param [ 4 ] . '$$' ];
if ( array_key_exists ( '$$' . $param [ 3 ] . '$$' , $this -> replacements )) $param [ 3 ] = $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $param [ 3 ] . '$$' ];
$pattern = '/' . preg_quote ( $param [ 2 ], '/' ) . '/' ;
if ( strpos ( $param [ 0 ], '$$IF' ) === 0 && ( trim ( $param [ 2 ]) == " EMPTY " || $param [ 2 ] === '' ))
$pattern = '/^$/' ;
$replace = preg_match ( $pattern , $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $param [ 1 ] . '$$' ]) ? $param [ 3 ] : $param [ 4 ];
switch ( $this -> mimetype )
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' : // open office
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' :
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' : // ms office 2007
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
case 'application/xml' :
case 'text/xml' :
case 'text/html' :
$is_xml = true ;
break ;
switch ( $this -> mimetype )
case 'application/rtf' :
case 'text/rtf' :
$LF = '}\par \pard\plain{' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' :
$LF = '<text:line-break/>' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' : // open office calc
$LF = '</text:p><text:p>' ;
break ;
case 'application/xmlExcel.Sheet' : // Excel 2003
$LF = ' ' ;
break ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' :
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
$LF = '</w:t></w:r></w:p><w:p><w:r><w:t>' ;
break ;
case 'application/xml' ;
$LF = '</w:t></w:r><w:r><w:br w:type="text-wrapping" w:clear="all"/></w:r><w:r><w:t>' ;
break ;
default :
$LF = " \n " ;
if ( $is_xml ) {
$this -> replacements = str_replace ( array ( '&' , '&amp;' , '<' , '>' , " \r " , " \n " ), array ( '&' , '&' , '<' , '>' , '' , $LF ), $this -> replacements );
if ( strpos ( $param [ 0 ], '$$NELF' ) === 0 )
{ //sets a Pagebreak and value, only if the field has a value
if ( $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $param [ 1 ] . '$$' ] != '' ) $replace = $LF . $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $param [ 1 ] . '$$' ];
if ( strpos ( $param [ 0 ], '$$NENVLF' ) === 0 )
{ //sets a Pagebreak without any value, only if the field has a value
if ( $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $param [ 1 ] . '$$' ] != '' ) $replace = $LF ;
if ( strpos ( $param [ 0 ], '$$LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM' ) === 0 )
{ //sets a Letterprefix
$replaceprefixsort = array ();
// ToDo Stefan: $contentstart is NOT defined here!!!
$replaceprefix = explode ( ' ' , substr ( $param [ 0 ], 21 , - 2 ));
foreach ( $replaceprefix as $nameprefix )
if ( $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $nameprefix . '$$' ] != '' ) $replaceprefixsort [] = $this -> replacements [ '$$' . $nameprefix . '$$' ];
$replace = implode ( $replaceprefixsort , ' ' );
return $replace ;
* Download document merged with contact ( s )
* @ param string $document vfs - path of document
* @ param array $ids array with contact id ( s )
* @ param string $name = '' name to use for downloaded document
* @ param string $dirs comma or whitespace separated directories , used if $document is a relative path
* @ return string with error - message on error , otherwise it does NOT return
public function download ( $document , $ids , $name = '' , $dirs = '' )
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$document', ".array2string($ids).", '$name', dirs='$dirs') ->".function_backtrace());
if (( $error = $this -> check_document ( $document , $dirs )))
return $error ;
$content_url = Api\Vfs :: PREFIX . $document ;
switch (( $mimetype = Api\Vfs :: mime_content_type ( $document )))
case 'message/rfc822' :
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$document', ".array2string($ids).", '$name', dirs='$dirs')=>$content_url ->".function_backtrace());
$mail_bo = Api\Mail :: getInstance ();
$mail_bo -> openConnection ();
$msgs = $mail_bo -> importMessageToMergeAndSend ( $this , $content_url , $ids , $_folder = '' );
catch ( Api\Exception\WrongUserinput $e )
// if this returns with an exeption, something failed big time
return $e -> getMessage ();
//error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Message after importMessageToMergeAndSend:'.array2string($msgs));
$retString = '' ;
if ( count ( $msgs [ 'success' ]) > 0 ) $retString .= count ( $msgs [ 'success' ]) . ' ' . ( count ( $msgs [ 'success' ]) + count ( $msgs [ 'failed' ]) == 1 ? lang ( 'Message prepared for sending.' ) : lang ( 'Message(s) send ok.' )); //implode('<br />',$msgs['success']);
//if (strlen($retString)>0) $retString .= '<br />';
foreach ( $msgs [ 'failed' ] as $c => $e )
$errorString .= lang ( 'contact' ) . ' ' . lang ( 'id' ) . ':' . $c . '->' . $e . '.' ;
if ( count ( $msgs [ 'failed' ]) > 0 ) $retString .= count ( $msgs [ 'failed' ]) . ' ' . lang ( 'Message(s) send failed!' ) . '=>' . $errorString ;
return $retString ;
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' :
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' :
$ext = $mimetype == 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text' ? '.odt' : '.ods' ;
$archive = tempnam ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'temp_dir' ], basename ( $document , $ext ) . '-' ) . $ext ;
copy ( $content_url , $archive );
$content_url = 'zip://' . $archive . '#' . ( $content_file = 'content.xml' );
2016-05-24 21:48:41 +02:00
$this -> parse_html_styles = true ;
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
break ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.d' : // mimetypes in vfs are limited to 64 chars
$mimetype = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' :
$archive = tempnam ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'temp_dir' ], basename ( $document , '.docx' ) . '-' ) . '.docx' ;
copy ( $content_url , $archive );
$content_url = 'zip://' . $archive . '#' . ( $content_file = 'word/document.xml' );
$fix = array ( // regular expression to fix garbled placeholders
'/' . preg_quote ( '$$</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellStart"/><w:r><w:t>' , '/' ) . '([a-z0-9_]+)' .
preg_quote ( '</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellEnd"/><w:r><w:t>' , '/' ) . '/i' => '$$\\1$$' ,
'/' . preg_quote ( '$$</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellStart"/><w:r><w:rPr><w:lang w:val="' , '/' ) .
'([a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2})' . preg_quote ( '"/></w:rPr><w:t>' , '/' ) . '([a-z0-9_]+)' .
preg_quote ( '</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellEnd"/><w:r><w:rPr><w:lang w:val="' , '/' ) .
'([a-z]{2}-[A-Z]{2})' . preg_quote ( '"/></w:rPr><w:t>$$' , '/' ) . '/i' => '$$\\2$$' ,
'/' . preg_quote ( '$</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellStart"/><w:r><w:t>' , '/' ) . '([a-z0-9_]+)' .
preg_quote ( '</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellEnd"/><w:r><w:t>' , '/' ) . '/i' => '$\\1$' ,
'/' . preg_quote ( '$ $</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellStart"/><w:r><w:t>' , '/' ) . '([a-z0-9_]+)' .
preg_quote ( '</w:t></w:r><w:proofErr w:type="spellEnd"/><w:r><w:t>' , '/' ) . '/i' => '$ $\\1$ $' ,
break ;
case 'application/xml' :
$fix = array ( // hack to get Excel 2003 to display additional rows in tables
'/ss:ExpandedRowCount="\d+"/' => 'ss:ExpandedRowCount="9999"' ,
break ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.shee' :
$mimetype = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' ;
case 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet' :
$fix = array ( // hack to get Excel 2007 to display additional rows in tables
'/ss:ExpandedRowCount="\d+"/' => 'ss:ExpandedRowCount="9999"' ,
$archive = tempnam ( $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'temp_dir' ], basename ( $document , '.xlsx' ) . '-' ) . '.xlsx' ;
copy ( $content_url , $archive );
$content_url = 'zip://' . $archive . '#' . ( $content_file = 'xl/sharedStrings.xml' );
break ;
$err = null ;
if ( ! ( $merged =& $this -> merge ( $content_url , $ids , $err , $mimetype , $fix )))
//error_log(__METHOD__."() !this->merge() err=$err");
return $err ;
// Apply HTML formatting to target document, if possible
// check if we can use the XSL extension, to not give a fatal error and rendering whole merge-print non-functional
if ( class_exists ( XSLTProcessor ) && class_exists ( DOMDocument ) && $this -> parse_html_styles )
$this -> apply_styles ( $merged , $mimetype );
2016-06-06 11:03:22 +02:00
catch ( \Exception $e )
2016-04-05 20:43:46 +02:00
// Error converting HTML styles over
error_log ( $e -> getMessage ());
error_log ( " Target document: $content_url , IDs: " . array2string ( $ids ));
// Try again, but strip HTML so user gets something
$this -> parse_html_styles = false ;
if ( ! ( $merged =& $this -> merge ( $content_url , $ids , $err , $mimetype , $fix )))
return $err ;
if ( $this -> report_memory_usage ) error_log ( __METHOD__ . " () after HTML processing " . Api\Vfs :: hsize ( memory_get_peak_usage ( true )));
if ( ! empty ( $name ))
if ( empty ( $ext ))
$ext = '.' . pathinfo ( $document , PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
$name .= $ext ;
$name = basename ( $document );
if ( isset ( $archive ))
$zip = new ZipArchive ;
if ( $zip -> open ( $archive , ZipArchive :: CHECKCONS ) !== true )
error_log ( __METHOD__ . __LINE__ . " !ZipArchive::open(' $archive ',ZIPARCHIVE " . " ::CHECKCONS) failed. Trying open without validating " );
if ( $zip -> open ( $archive ) !== true ) throw new Api\Exception ( " !ZipArchive::open(' $archive ',|ZIPARCHIVE::CHECKCONS) " );
if ( $zip -> addFromString ( $content_file , $merged ) !== true ) throw new Api\Exception ( " !ZipArchive::addFromString(' $content_file ', \$ merged) " );
if ( $zip -> close () !== true ) throw new Api\Exception ( " !ZipArchive::close() " );
unset ( $zip );
unset ( $merged );
if ( substr ( $mimetype , 0 , 35 ) == 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.' && // only open office archives need that, ms word files brake
file_exists ( '/usr/bin/zip' ) && version_compare ( PHP_VERSION , '5.3.1' , '<' )) // fix broken zip archives generated by current php
exec ( '/usr/bin/zip -F ' . escapeshellarg ( $archive ));
if ( $this -> report_memory_usage ) error_log ( __METHOD__ . " () after ZIP processing " . Api\Vfs :: hsize ( memory_get_peak_usage ( true )));
Api\Header\Content :: type ( $name , $mimetype , filesize ( $archive ));
readfile ( $archive , 'r' );
if ( $mimetype == 'application/xml' )
if ( strpos ( $merged , '<?mso-application progid="Word.Document"?>' ) !== false )
$mimetype = 'application/msword' ; // to open it automatically in word or oowriter
elseif ( strpos ( $merged , '<?mso-application progid="Excel.Sheet"?>' ) !== false )
$mimetype = 'application/vnd.ms-excel' ; // to open it automatically in excel or oocalc
Api\Header\Content :: type ( $name , $mimetype );
echo $merged ;
exit ;
* Download document merged with contact ( s )
* frontend for HTTP POST requests
* accepts POST vars and calls internal function download ()
* string data_document_name : the document name
* string data_document_dir : the document vfs directory
* string data_checked : contact id ( s ) to merge with ( can be comma separated )
* @ return string with error - message on error , otherwise it does NOT return
public function download_by_request ()
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'data_document_name' ])) return false ;
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'data_document_dir' ])) return false ;
if ( empty ( $_POST [ 'data_checked' ])) return false ;
return $this -> download (
$_POST [ 'data_document_name' ],
explode ( ',' , $_POST [ 'data_checked' ]),
'' ,
$_POST [ 'data_document_dir' ]
* Get a list of document actions / files from the given directory
* @ param string $dirs Directory ( s comma or space separated ) to search
* @ param string $prefix = 'document_' prefix for array keys
* @ param array | string $mime_filter = null allowed mime type ( s ), default all , negative filter if $mime_filter [ 0 ] === '!'
* @ return array List of documents , suitable for a selectbox . The key is document_ < filename >.
public static function get_documents ( $dirs , $prefix = 'document_' , $mime_filter = null , $app = '' )
$export_limit = self :: getExportLimit ( $app );
if ( ! $dirs || ( ! self :: hasExportLimit ( $export_limit , 'ISALLOWED' ) && ! self :: is_export_limit_excepted ())) return array ();
// split multiple comma or whitespace separated directories
// to still allow space or comma in dirnames, we also use the trailing slash of all pathes to split
if ( count ( $dirs = preg_split ( '/[,\s]+\//' , $dirs )) > 1 )
foreach ( $dirs as $n => & $d )
if ( $n ) $d = '/' . $d ; // re-adding trailing slash removed by split
if ( $mime_filter && ( $negativ_filter = $mime_filter [ 0 ] === '!' ))
if ( is_array ( $mime_filter ))
unset ( $mime_filter [ 0 ]);
$mime_filter = substr ( $mime_filter , 1 );
$list = array ();
foreach ( $dirs as $dir )
if (( $files = Api\Vfs :: find ( $dir , array ( 'need_mime' => true ), true )))
foreach ( $files as $file )
// return only the mime-types we support
$parts = explode ( '.' , $file [ 'name' ]);
if ( ! self :: is_implemented ( $file [ 'mime' ], '.' . array_pop ( $parts ))) continue ;
if ( $mime_filter && $negativ_filter === in_array ( $file [ 'mime' ], ( array ) $mime_filter )) continue ;
$list [ $prefix . $file [ 'name' ]] = Api\Vfs :: decodePath ( $file [ 'name' ]);
return $list ;
* From this number of documents , show them in submenus by mime type
* Get insert - in - document action with optional default document on top
* If more than SHOW_DOCS_BY_MIME_LIMIT = 10 documents found , they are displayed in submenus by mime type .
* @ param string $dirs Directory ( s comma or space separated ) to search
* @ param int $group see nextmatch_widget :: egw_actions
* @ param string $caption = 'Insert in document'
* @ param string $prefix = 'document_'
* @ param string $default_doc = '' full path to default document to show on top with action == 'document' !
* @ param int | string $export_limit = null export - limit , default $GLOBALS [ 'egw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'export_limit' ]
* @ return array see nextmatch_widget :: egw_actions
public static function document_action ( $dirs , $group = 0 , $caption = 'Insert in document' , $prefix = 'document_' , $default_doc = '' ,
$export_limit = null )
$documents = array ();
if ( $export_limit == null ) $export_limit = self :: getExportLimit (); // check if there is a globalsetting
if ( $default_doc && ( $file = Api\Vfs :: stat ( $default_doc ))) // put default document on top
if ( ! $file [ 'mime' ])
$file [ 'mime' ] = Api\Vfs :: mime_content_type ( $default_doc );
$file [ 'path' ] = $default_doc ;
$documents [ 'document' ] = array (
'icon' => Api\Vfs :: mime_icon ( $file [ 'mime' ]),
'caption' => Api\Vfs :: decodePath ( Api\Vfs :: basename ( $default_doc )),
'group' => 1 ,
'postSubmit' => true , // download needs post submit (not Ajax) to work
if ( $file [ 'mime' ] == 'message/rfc822' )
self :: document_mail_action ( $documents [ 'document' ], $file );
$files = array ();
if ( $dirs )
// split multiple comma or whitespace separated directories
// to still allow space or comma in dirnames, we also use the trailing slash of all pathes to split
if ( count ( $dirs = preg_split ( '/[,\s]+\//' , $dirs )) > 1 )
foreach ( $dirs as $n => & $d )
if ( $n ) $d = '/' . $d ; // re-adding trailing slash removed by split
foreach ( $dirs as $dir )
$files += Api\Vfs :: find ( $dir , array (
'need_mime' => true ,
'order' => 'fs_name' ,
'sort' => 'ASC' ,
), true );
$dircount = array ();
foreach ( $files as $key => $file )
// use only the mime-types we support
$parts = explode ( '.' , $file [ 'name' ]);
if ( ! self :: is_implemented ( $file [ 'mime' ], '.' . array_pop ( $parts )) ||
! Api\Vfs :: check_access ( $file [ 'path' ], Api\Vfs :: READABLE , $file ) || // remove files not readable by user
$file [ 'path' ] === $default_doc ) // default doc already added
unset ( $files [ $key ]);
$dirname = Api\Vfs :: dirname ( $file [ 'path' ]);
if ( ! isset ( $dircount [ $dirname ]))
$dircount [ $dirname ] = 1 ;
$dircount [ $dirname ] ++ ;
foreach ( $files as $file )
if ( count ( $dircount ) > 1 )
$name_arr = explode ( '/' , $file [ 'name' ]);
$current_level = & $documents ;
for ( $count = 0 ; $count < count ( $name_arr ); $count ++ )
if ( $count == 0 )
$current_level = & $documents ;
$current_level = & $current_level [ $prefix . $name_arr [( $count - 1 )]][ 'children' ];
switch ( $count )
case ( count ( $name_arr ) - 1 ) :
$current_level [ $prefix . $file [ 'name' ]] = array (
'icon' => Api\Vfs :: mime_icon ( $file [ 'mime' ]),
'caption' => Api\Vfs :: decodePath ( $name_arr [ $count ]),
'group' => 2 ,
'postSubmit' => true , // download needs post submit (not Ajax) to work
if ( $file [ 'mime' ] == 'message/rfc822' )
self :: document_mail_action ( $current_level [ $prefix . $file [ 'name' ]], $file );
break ;
default :
if ( ! is_array ( $current_level [ $prefix . $name_arr [ $count ]]))
// create parent folder
$current_level [ $prefix . $name_arr [ $count ]] = array (
'icon' => 'phpgwapi/foldertree_folder' ,
'caption' => Api\Vfs :: decodePath ( $name_arr [ $count ]),
'group' => 2 ,
'children' => array (),
break ;
else if ( count ( $files ) >= self :: SHOW_DOCS_BY_MIME_LIMIT )
if ( ! isset ( $documents [ $file [ 'mime' ]]))
$documents [ $file [ 'mime' ]] = array (
'icon' => Api\Vfs :: mime_icon ( $file [ 'mime' ]),
'caption' => Api\MimeMagic :: mime2label ( $file [ 'mime' ]),
'group' => 2 ,
'children' => array (),
$documents [ $file [ 'mime' ]][ 'children' ][ $prefix . $file [ 'name' ]] = array (
'caption' => Api\Vfs :: decodePath ( $file [ 'name' ]),
'postSubmit' => true , // download needs post submit (not Ajax) to work
if ( $file [ 'mime' ] == 'message/rfc822' )
self :: document_mail_action ( $documents [ $file [ 'mime' ]][ 'children' ][ $prefix . $file [ 'name' ]], $file );
$documents [ $prefix . $file [ 'name' ]] = array (
'icon' => Api\Vfs :: mime_icon ( $file [ 'mime' ]),
'caption' => Api\Vfs :: decodePath ( $file [ 'name' ]),
'group' => 2 ,
'postSubmit' => true , // download needs post submit (not Ajax) to work
if ( $file [ 'mime' ] == 'message/rfc822' )
self :: document_mail_action ( $documents [ $prefix . $file [ 'name' ]], $file );
return array (
'icon' => 'etemplate/merge' ,
'caption' => $caption ,
'children' => $documents ,
// disable action if no document or export completly forbidden for non-admins
'enabled' => ( boolean ) $documents && ( self :: hasExportLimit ( $export_limit , 'ISALLOWED' ) || self :: is_export_limit_excepted ()),
'hideOnDisabled' => true , // do not show 'Insert in document', if no documents defined or no export allowed
'group' => $group ,
* Set up a document action for an eml ( email ) document
* Email ( . eml ) documents get special action handling . They don ' t send a file
* back to the client like the other documents . Merging for a single selected
* contact opens a compose window , multiple contacts just sends .
* @ param Array & $action Action to be modified for mail
* @ param Array $file Array of information about the document from Api\Vfs :: find
* @ return void
private static function document_mail_action ( Array & $action , $file )
unset ( $action [ 'postSubmit' ]);
// Lots takes a while, confirm
$action [ 'confirm_multiple' ] = lang ( 'Do you want to send the message to all selected entries, WITHOUT further editing?' );
// These parameters trigger compose + merge - only if 1 row
$extra = array (
'from=merge' ,
'document=' . $file [ 'path' ],
'merge=' . get_called_class ()
// egw.open() used if only 1 row selected
$action [ 'egw_open' ] = 'edit-mail--' . implode ( '&' , $extra );
$action [ 'target' ] = 'compose_' . $file [ 'path' ];
// long_task runs menuaction once for each selected row
$action [ 'nm_action' ] = 'long_task' ;
$action [ 'popup' ] = Api\Link :: get_registry ( 'mail' , 'edit_popup' );
$action [ 'message' ] = lang ( 'insert in %1' , Api\Vfs :: decodePath ( $file [ 'name' ]));
$action [ 'menuaction' ] = 'mail.mail_compose.ajax_merge&document=' . $file [ 'path' ] . '&merge=' . get_called_class ();
* Check if given document ( relative path from document_actions ()) exists in one of the given dirs
* @ param string & $document maybe relative path of document , on return true absolute path to existing document
* @ param string $dirs comma or whitespace separated directories
* @ return string | boolean false if document exists , otherwise string with error - message
public static function check_document ( & $document , $dirs )
if ( $document [ 0 ] !== '/' )
// split multiple comma or whitespace separated directories
// to still allow space or comma in dirnames, we also use the trailing slash of all pathes to split
if ( $dirs && ( $dirs = preg_split ( '/[,\s]+\//' , $dirs )))
foreach ( $dirs as $n => $dir )
if ( $n ) $dir = '/' . $dir ; // re-adding trailing slash removed by split
if ( Api\Vfs :: stat ( $dir . '/' . $document ) && Api\Vfs :: is_readable ( $dir . '/' . $document ))
$document = $dir . '/' . $document ;
return false ;
elseif ( Api\Vfs :: stat ( $document ) && Api\Vfs :: is_readable ( $document ))
return false ;
//error_log(__METHOD__."('$document', dirs='$dirs') returning 'Document '$document' does not exist or is not readable for you!'");
return lang ( " Document '%1' does not exist or is not readable for you! " , $document );
* Get a list of supported extentions
public static function get_file_extensions ()
return array ( 'txt' , 'rtf' , 'odt' , 'ods' , 'docx' , 'xml' , 'eml' );
* Format a number according to user prefs with decimal and thousands separator
* Reimplemented from etemplate to NOT use user prefs for Excel 2003 , which gives an xml error
* @ param int | float | string $number
* @ param int $num_decimal_places = 2
* @ param string $_mimetype = ''
* @ return string
static public function number_format ( $number , $num_decimal_places = 2 , $_mimetype = '' )
if (( string ) $number === '' ) return '' ;
switch ( $_mimetype )
case 'application/xml' : // Excel 2003
case 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet' : // OO.o spreadsheet
return number_format ( str_replace ( ' ' , '' , $number ), $num_decimal_places , '.' , '' );
return Api\Etemplate :: number_format ( $number , $num_decimal_places );