2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
< ? php
/************************************************************************** \
* eGroupWare - Calendar *
* http :// www . eGroupWare . org *
* Maintained and further developed by RalfBecker @ outdoor - training . de *
* Based on Webcalendar by Craig Knudsen < cknudsen @ radix . net > *
* http :// www . radix . net /~ cknudsen *
* Originaly modified by Mark Peters < skeeter @ phpgroupware . org > *
* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your *
* option ) any later version . *
\ **************************************************************************/
/* $Id$ */
class bocalendar
var $public_functions = Array (
'read_entry' => True ,
'delete_entry' => True ,
'delete_calendar' => True ,
'change_owner' => True ,
'update' => True ,
'check_set_default_prefs' => True ,
'store_to_cache' => True ,
'export_event' => True ,
'send_alarm' => True ,
'reinstate' => True
var $soap_functions = Array (
'read_entry' => Array (
'in' => Array (
'out' => Array (
'delete_entry' => Array (
'in' => Array (
'out' => Array (
'delete_calendar' => Array (
'in' => Array (
'out' => Array (
'change_owner' => Array (
'in' => Array (
'out' => Array (
'update' => Array (
'in' => Array (
'array' ,
'array' ,
'array' ,
'array' ,
'out' => Array (
'store_to_cache' => Array (
'in' => Array (
'out' => Array (
'store_to_cache' => Array (
'in' => Array (
'out' => Array (
'categories' => array (
'in' => array ( 'bool' ),
'out' => array ( 'array' )
var $debug = False ;
// var $debug = True;
var $so ;
var $cached_events ;
var $repeating_events ;
var $day ;
var $month ;
var $year ;
var $prefs ;
var $owner ;
var $holiday_color ;
var $printer_friendly = False ;
var $cached_holidays ;
var $g_owner = 0 ;
var $filter ;
var $cat_id ;
var $users_timeformat ;
var $modified ;
var $deleted ;
var $added ;
var $is_group = False ;
var $soap = False ;
var $use_session = False ;
var $today ;
var $debug_string ;
var $sortby ;
var $num_months ;
var $xmlrpc = False ; // not called via xmlrpc
function bocalendar ( $session = 0 )
$this -> cat = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.categories' );
$this -> grants = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> acl -> get_grants ( 'calendar' );
@ reset ( $this -> grants );
if ( DEBUG_APP )
if ( floor ( phpversion ()) >= 4 )
$this -> debug_string = '' ;
ob_start ();
foreach ( $this -> grants as $grantor => $rights )
print_debug ( 'Grantor' , $grantor );
print_debug ( 'Rights' , $rights );
print_debug ( 'Read use_session' , $session );
if ( $session )
$this -> read_sessiondata ();
$this -> use_session = True ;
print_debug ( 'BO Filter' , $this -> filter );
print_debug ( 'Owner' , $this -> owner );
$this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'calendar' ];
$this -> check_set_default_prefs ();
$owner = get_var ( 'owner' , array ( 'GET' , 'POST' ), $GLOBALS [ 'owner' ]);
ereg ( 'menuaction=([a-zA-Z.]+)' , $_SERVER [ 'HTTP_REFERER' ], $regs );
$from = $regs [ 1 ];
if (( substr ( $_SERVER [ 'PHP_SELF' ], - 8 ) == 'home.php' && substr ( $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'defaultcalendar' ], 0 , 7 ) == 'planner'
|| $_GET [ 'menuaction' ] == 'calendar.uicalendar.planner' &&
$from != 'calendar.uicalendar.planner' && ! $this -> save_owner )
&& ( int ) $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'planner_start_with_group' ] > 0 )
// entering planner for the first time ==> saving owner in save_owner, setting owner to default
$this -> save_owner = $this -> owner ;
$owner = 'g_' . $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'planner_start_with_group' ];
elseif ( $_GET [ 'menuaction' ] != 'calendar.uicalendar.planner' &&
$this -> save_owner )
// leaving planner with an unchanged user/owner ==> setting owner back to save_owner
$owner = ( int )( isset ( $_GET [ 'owner' ]) ? $_GET [ 'owner' ] : $this -> save_owner );
unset ( $this -> save_owner );
elseif ( ! empty ( $owner ) && $owner != $this -> owner && $from == 'calendar.uicalendar.planner' )
// user/owner changed within planner ==> forgetting save_owner
unset ( $this -> save_owner );
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
if ( isset ( $owner ) && substr ( $owner , 0 , 2 ) == 'g_' )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$this -> set_owner_to_group (( int ) substr ( $owner , 2 ));
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
elseif ( isset ( $owner ) && $owner )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$this -> owner = ( int ) $owner ;
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
if ( !@ isset ( $this -> owner ) || !@ $this -> owner )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$this -> owner = ( int ) $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
elseif ( isset ( $this -> owner ) && $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $this -> owner ) == 'g' )
$this -> set_owner_to_group (( int ) $this -> owner );
$this -> prefs [ 'common' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ];
if ( $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] == '12' )
$this -> users_timeformat = 'h:ia' ;
$this -> users_timeformat = 'H:i' ;
$this -> holiday_color = ( substr ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'bg07' ], 0 , 1 ) == '#' ? '' : '#' ) . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'theme' ][ 'bg07' ];
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$friendly = ( int ) get_var ( 'friendly' , array ( 'GET' , 'POST' ), 0 );
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> printer_friendly = (( int ) $friendly == 1 ? True : False );
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'filter' ]) && ( $_POST [ 'filter' ] == ' all ' || $_POST [ 'filter' ] == ' privat ' ))
$this -> filter = $_POST [ 'filter' ];
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> filter = ' ' . $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'defaultfilter' ] . ' ' ;
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'sortby' ]) && ( $_POST [ 'sortby' ] == 'user' || $_POST [ 'sortby' ] == 'category' ))
$this -> sortby = $_POST [ 'sortby' ];
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> sortby = $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'defaultcalendar' ] == 'planner_user' ? 'user' : 'category' ;
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'cat_id' ])) { $this -> cat_id = ( int ) $_POST [ 'cat_id' ]; }
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $this -> owner ) == 'g' )
$this -> filter = ' all ' ;
$this -> so = CreateObject ( 'calendar.socalendar' ,
Array (
'owner' => $this -> owner ,
'filter' => $this -> filter ,
'category' => $this -> cat_id ,
'g_owner' => $this -> g_owner
$this -> rpt_day = array ( // need to be after creation of socalendar
MCAL_M_SUNDAY => 'Sunday' ,
MCAL_M_MONDAY => 'Monday' ,
MCAL_M_TUESDAY => 'Tuesday' ,
MCAL_M_WEDNESDAY => 'Wednesday' ,
MCAL_M_THURSDAY => 'Thursday' ,
MCAL_M_FRIDAY => 'Friday' ,
MCAL_M_SATURDAY => 'Saturday'
if ( $this -> bo -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'weekdaystarts' ] != 'Sunday' )
$mcals = array_keys ( $this -> rpt_day );
$days = array_values ( $this -> rpt_day );
$this -> rpt_day = array ();
list ( $n ) = $found = array_keys ( $days , $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'weekdaystarts' ]);
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 7 ; ++ $i , ++ $n )
$this -> rpt_day [ $mcals [ $n % 7 ]] = $days [ $n % 7 ];
$this -> rpt_type = Array (
MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY => 'Monthly (by day)' ,
MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY => 'Monthly (by date)' ,
$localtime = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> users_localtime ;
2004-08-23 10:16:38 +02:00
$this -> num_months = ( int ) get_var ( 'num_months' , array ( 'GET' , 'POST' ), 1 );
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$this -> date = ( int ) get_var ( 'date' , array ( 'GET' , 'POST' ));
if ( $this -> date )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$this -> year = ( int ) substr ( $this -> date , 0 , 4 );
$this -> month = ( int ) substr ( $this -> date , 4 , 2 );
$this -> day = ( int ) substr ( $this -> date , 6 , 2 );
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
foreach ( array ( 'year' => 'Y' , 'month' => 'm' , 'day' => 'd' ) as $var => $pat )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$this -> $var = ( int ) get_var ( $var , array ( 'POST' , 'GET' ), date ( $pat , $localtime ));
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
$this -> date = sprintf ( '%04d%02d%02d' , $this -> year , $this -> month , $this -> day );
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> today = date ( 'Ymd' , $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> users_localtime );
if ( DEBUG_APP )
print_debug ( 'BO Filter' , '(' . $this -> filter . ')' );
print_debug ( 'Owner' , $this -> owner );
print_debug ( 'Today' , $this -> today );
if ( floor ( phpversion ()) >= 4 )
$this -> debug_string .= ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
$this -> xmlrpc = is_object ( $GLOBALS [ 'server' ]) && $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> last_method ;
2004-09-01 14:58:09 +02:00
if ( ! is_object ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> bocalendar ))
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> bocalendar =& $this ; // make the bocalendar object availible for the sidebox menu hook
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
function list_methods ( $_type = 'xmlrpc' )
This handles introspection or discovery by the logged in client ,
in which case the input might be an array . The server always calls
this function to fill the server dispatch map using a string .
if ( is_array ( $_type ))
$_type = $_type [ 'type' ];
switch ( $_type )
case 'xmlrpc' :
$xml_functions = array (
'list_methods' => array (
'function' => 'list_methods' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcString )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Read this list of methods.' )
'read' => array (
'function' => 'read_entry' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcInt )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.' )
'read_entry' => array ( // deprecated, use read
'function' => 'read_entry' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcInt )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.' )
'write' => array (
'function' => 'update' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Add or update a single entry by passing the fields.' )
'add_entry' => array ( // deprecated, use write
'function' => 'update' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Add a single entry by passing the fields.' )
'update_entry' => array ( // deprecated, use write
'function' => 'update' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Update a single entry by passing the fields.' )
'delete' => array (
'function' => 'delete_entry' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcInt , xmlrpcInt )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Delete a single entry by passing the id.' )
'delete_entry' => array ( // deprecated, use delete
'function' => 'delete_entry' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcInt , xmlrpcInt )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Delete a single entry by passing the id.' )
'delete_calendar' => array (
'function' => 'delete_calendar' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcInt , xmlrpcInt )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Delete an entire users calendar.' )
'change_owner' => array (
'function' => 'change_owner' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcInt , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Change all events for $params[\'old_owner\'] to $params[\'new_owner\'].' )
'search' => array (
'function' => 'store_to_cache' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Read a list of entries.' )
'store_to_cache' => array ( // deprecated, use search
'function' => 'store_to_cache' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Read a list of entries.' )
'export_event' => array (
'function' => 'export_event' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcString , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'Export a list of entries in iCal format.' )
'categories' => array (
'function' => 'categories' ,
'signature' => array ( array ( xmlrpcStruct , xmlrpcStruct )),
'docstring' => lang ( 'List all categories.' )
return $xml_functions ;
break ;
case 'soap' :
return $this -> soap_functions ;
break ;
default :
return array ();
break ;
function set_owner_to_group ( $owner )
print_debug ( 'calendar::bocalendar::set_owner_to_group:owner' , $owner );
$this -> owner = ( int ) $owner ;
$this -> is_group = True ;
$this -> g_owner = Array ();
$members = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> member ( $owner );
if ( is_array ( $members ))
foreach ( $members as $user )
// use only members which gave the user a read-grant
if ( $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_READ , 0 , $user [ 'account_id' ]))
$this -> g_owner [] = $user [ 'account_id' ];
//echo "<p>".function_backtrace().": set_owner_to_group($owner) = ".print_r($this->g_owner,True)."</p>\n";
function member_of_group ( $owner = 0 )
$owner = ( $owner == 0 ? $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ] : $owner );
$group_owners = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> membership ();
while ( $group_owners && list ( $index , $group_info ) = each ( $group_owners ))
if ( $this -> owner == $group_info [ 'account_id' ])
return True ;
return False ;
function save_sessiondata ( $data = '' )
if ( $this -> use_session )
if ( ! is_array ( $data ))
$data = array (
'filter' => $this -> filter ,
'cat_id' => $this -> cat_id ,
'owner' => $this -> owner ,
'save_owner' => $this -> save_owner ,
'year' => $this -> year ,
'month' => $this -> month ,
'day' => $this -> day ,
'date' => $this -> date ,
'sortby' => $this -> sortby ,
'num_months' => $this -> num_months ,
'return_to' => $this -> return_to
if ( $this -> debug )
if ( floor ( phpversion ()) >= 4 )
ob_start ();
echo '<!-- ' . " \n " . 'Save:' . " \n " . _debug_array ( $data , False ) . " \n " . ' -->' . " \n " ;
if ( floor ( phpversion ()) >= 4 )
$this -> debug_string .= ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> session -> appsession ( 'session_data' , 'calendar' , $data );
function read_sessiondata ()
$data = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> session -> appsession ( 'session_data' , 'calendar' );
print_debug ( 'Read' , _debug_array ( $data , False ));
$this -> filter = $data [ 'filter' ];
$this -> cat_id = $data [ 'cat_id' ];
$this -> sortby = $data [ 'sortby' ];
$this -> owner = ( int ) $data [ 'owner' ];
$this -> save_owner = ( int ) $data [ 'save_owner' ];
$this -> year = ( int ) $data [ 'year' ];
$this -> month = ( int ) $data [ 'month' ];
$this -> day = ( int ) $data [ 'day' ];
$this -> num_months = ( int ) $data [ 'num_months' ];
$this -> return_to = $data [ 'return_to' ];
function read_entry ( $id , $ignore_acl = False )
$bolink = createObject ( 'infolog.bolink' );
if ( is_array ( $id ) && count ( $id ) == 1 )
list (, $id ) = each ( $id );
if ( $ignore_acl || $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_READ , $id ))
$event = $this -> so -> read_entry ( $id );
$linkIDs = $bolink -> get_links ( 'calendar' , $id );
if ( is_array ( $linkIDs ))
foreach ( $linkIDs as $linkData )
//$event['projectID'] = 8;
if ( $linkData [ 'app' ] == 'projects' )
$event [ 'projectID' ] = $linkData [ 'id' ];
continue ;
if ( ! isset ( $event [ 'participants' ][ $this -> owner ]) && $this -> user_is_a_member ( $event , $this -> owner ))
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'participants' , 'U' ,( int ) $this -> owner );
$this -> so -> add_entry ( $event );
$event = $this -> get_cached_event ();
return $this -> xmlrpc ? $this -> xmlrpc_prepare ( $event ) : $event ;
if ( $this -> xmlrpc )
$GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> xmlrpc_error ( $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcerr' ][ 'no_access' ], $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcstr' ][ 'no_access' ]);
return False ;
function delete_single ( $param )
if ( $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_DELETE ,( int ) $param [ 'id' ]))
$temp_event = $this -> get_cached_event ();
$event = $this -> read_entry (( int ) $param [ 'id' ]);
// if($this->owner == $event['owner'])
// {
$exception_time = mktime ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'min' ], 0 , $param [ 'month' ], $param [ 'day' ], $param [ 'year' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
$event [ 'recur_exception' ][] = ( int ) $exception_time ;
$this -> so -> cal -> event = $event ;
// print_debug('exception time',$event['recur_exception'][count($event['recur_exception']) -1]);
// print_debug('count event exceptions',count($event['recur_exception']));
$this -> so -> add_entry ( $event );
$cd = 16 ;
$this -> so -> cal -> event = $temp_event ;
unset ( $temp_event );
$cd = 60 ;
// }
return $cd ;
function delete_entry ( $id )
if ( is_array ( $id ) && count ( $id ) == 1 )
list (, $id ) = each ( $id );
if ( $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_DELETE , $id ))
$this -> so -> delete_entry ( $id );
if ( $this -> xmlrpc )
$this -> so -> expunge ( $id );
return $this -> xmlrpc ? True : 16 ;
if ( $this -> xmlrpc )
$GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> xmlrpc_error ( $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcerr' ][ 'no_access' ], $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcstr' ][ 'no_access' ]);
return 60 ;
function reinstate ( $params = '' )
if ( $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_EDIT , $params [ 'cal_id' ]) && isset ( $params [ 'reinstate_index' ]))
$event = $this -> so -> read_entry ( $params [ 'cal_id' ]);
@ reset ( $params [ 'reinstate_index' ]);
print_debug ( 'Count of reinstate_index' , count ( $params [ 'reinstate_index' ]));
if ( count ( $params [ 'reinstate_index' ]) > 1 )
while ( list ( $key , $value ) = each ( $params [ 'reinstate_index' ]))
print_debug ( 'reinstate_index [' . $key . ']' ,( int ) $value );
print_debug ( 'exception time' , $event [ 'recur_exception' ][( int ) $value ]);
unset ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ][( int ) $value ]);
print_debug ( 'count event exceptions' , count ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ]));
print_debug ( 'reinstate_index[0]' ,( int ) $params [ 'reinstate_index' ][ 0 ]);
print_debug ( 'exception time' , $event [ 'recur_exception' ][( int ) $params [ 'reinstate_index' ][ 0 ]]);
unset ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ][( int ) $params [ 'reinstate_index' ][ 0 ]]);
print_debug ( 'count event exceptions' , count ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ]));
$this -> so -> cal -> event = $event ;
$this -> so -> add_entry ( $event );
return 42 ;
return 43 ;
function delete_calendar ( $owner )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'apps' ][ 'admin' ])
$this -> so -> delete_calendar ( $owner );
function change_owner ( $params = '' )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'calendar_type' ] == 'sql' )
if ( is_array ( $params ))
$this -> so -> change_owner ( $params [ 'old_owner' ], $params [ 'new_owner' ]);
function expunge ()
reset ( $this -> so -> cal -> deleted_events );
while ( list ( $i , $event_id ) = each ( $this -> so -> cal -> deleted_events ))
$event = $this -> so -> read_entry ( $event_id );
if ( $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_DELETE , $event ))
$this -> send_update ( MSG_DELETED , $event [ 'participants' ], $event );
unset ( $this -> so -> cal -> deleted_events [ $i ]);
$this -> so -> expunge ();
function search_keywords ( $keywords )
$type = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $this -> owner );
if ( $type == 'g' )
$members = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> acl -> get_ids_for_location ( $this -> owner , 1 , 'phpgw_group' );
$members = array_keys ( $this -> grants );
if ( ! in_array ( $this -> owner , $members ))
$members [] = $this -> owner ;
foreach ( $members as $n => $uid )
if ( ! ( $this -> grants [ $uid ] & PHPGW_ACL_READ ))
unset ( $members [ $n ]);
return $this -> so -> list_events_keyword ( $keywords , $members );
function update ( $params = '' )
$l_cal = ( @ isset ( $params [ 'cal' ]) && $params [ 'cal' ] ? $params [ 'cal' ] : $_POST [ 'cal' ]);
$l_participants = ( @ $params [ 'participants' ] ? $params [ 'participants' ] : $_POST [ 'participants' ]);
$l_categories = ( @ $params [ 'categories' ] ? $params [ 'categories' ] : $_POST [ 'categories' ]);
$l_start = ( @ isset ( $params [ 'start' ]) && $params [ 'start' ] ? $params [ 'start' ] : $_POST [ 'start' ]);
$l_end = ( @ isset ( $params [ 'end' ]) && $params [ 'end' ] ? $params [ 'end' ] : $_POST [ 'end' ]);
$l_recur_enddate = ( @ isset ( $params [ 'recur_enddate' ]) && $params [ 'recur_enddate' ] ? $params [ 'recur_enddate' ] : $_POST [ 'recur_enddate' ]);
$send_to_ui = True ;
//if ((!is_array($l_start) || !is_array($l_end)) && !isset($_GET['readsess'])) // xmlrpc call
if ( $this -> xmlrpc ) // xmlrpc call
$send_to_ui = False ;
$l_cal = $params ; // no extra array
foreach ( array ( 'start' , 'end' , 'recur_enddate' ) as $name )
$var = 'l_' . $name ;
$$var = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> iso86012date ( $params [ $name ]);
unset ( $l_cal [ $name ]);
if ( ! is_array ( $l_participants ) || ! count ( $l_participants ))
$l_participants = array ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ] /*.'A'*/ );
$l_participants = array ();
foreach ( $params [ 'participants' ] as $user => $data )
if ( ! is_numeric ( $user ))
$user = name2id ( $user , 'account_email' );
$l_participants [] = $user /*.$data['status']*/ ;
unset ( $l_cal [ 'participants' ]);
if ( ! is_object ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> categories ))
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> categories = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.categories' );
$l_categories = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> xmlrpc2cats ( $params [ 'category' ]);
unset ( $l_cal [ 'category' ]);
// using access={public|private} in all modules via xmlrpc
$l_cal [ 'public' ] = $params [ 'access' ] != 'private' ;
unset ( $l_cal [ 'access' ]);
$fp = fopen ( '/tmp/xmlrpc.log' , 'a+' );
ob_start ();
echo " \n bocalendar::update( " ; print_r ( $params ); echo " ) \n " ;
//echo "\nl_start="; print_r($l_start);
//echo "\nl_end="; print_r($l_end);
fwrite ( $fp , ob_get_contents ());
ob_end_clean ();
fclose ( $fp );
print_debug ( 'ID' , $l_cal [ 'id' ]);
// don't wrap to the next day for no time
if ( $l_end [ 'hour' ] == 24 && $l_end [ 'min' ] == 0 )
$l_end [ 'hour' ] = 23 ;
$l_end [ 'min' ] = 59 ;
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'readsess' ]))
$event = $this -> restore_from_appsession ();
$event [ 'title' ] = stripslashes ( $event [ 'title' ]);
$event [ 'description' ] = stripslashes ( $event [ 'description' ]);
$datetime_check = $this -> validate_update ( $event );
if ( $datetime_check )
ExecMethod ( 'calendar.uicalendar.edit' ,
Array (
'cd' => $datetime_check ,
'readsess' => 1
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> phpgw_exit ( True );
$overlapping_events = False ;
if (( ! $l_cal [ 'id' ] && ! $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_ADD )) ||
( $l_cal [ 'id' ] && ! $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_EDIT , $l_cal [ 'id' ])))
if ( $this -> xmlrpc )
$GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> xmlrpc_error ( $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcerr' ][ 'no_access' ], $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcstr' ][ 'no_access' ]);
if ( ! $send_to_ui )
return array (( $l_cal [ 'id' ] ? 1 : 2 ) => 'permission denied' );
ExecMethod ( 'calendar.uicalendar.index' );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> phpgw_exit ();
// reading the old event-state, to preserver the participant status
$old_event = $l_cal [ 'id' ] ? $this -> so -> read_entry (( int ) $l_cal [ 'id' ]) : False ;
print_debug ( 'Prior to fix_update_time()' );
$this -> fix_update_time ( $l_start );
$this -> fix_update_time ( $l_end );
if ( ! isset ( $l_cal [ 'private' ]))
$l_cal [ 'private' ] = 'public' ;
if ( ! isset ( $l_categories ))
$l_categories = 0 ;
$is_public = ( int )( isset ( $l_cal [ 'public' ]) ? $l_cal [ 'public' ] : $l_cal [ 'private' ] == 'public' );
$this -> so -> event_init ();
$this -> add_attribute ( 'uid' , $l_cal [ 'uid' ]);
if ( count ( $l_categories ) >= 2 )
$this -> so -> set_category ( implode ( ',' , $l_categories ));
$this -> so -> set_category ( strval ( $l_categories [ 0 ]));
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
foreach ( array ( 'title' , 'description' , 'location' ) as $name )
$l_cal [ $name ] = strip_tags ( $l_cal [ $name ]);
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> so -> set_title ( $l_cal [ 'title' ]);
$this -> so -> set_description ( $l_cal [ 'description' ]);
$this -> so -> set_start ( $l_start [ 'year' ], $l_start [ 'month' ], $l_start [ 'mday' ], $l_start [ 'hour' ], $l_start [ 'min' ], 0 );
$this -> so -> set_end ( $l_end [ 'year' ], $l_end [ 'month' ], $l_end [ 'mday' ], $l_end [ 'hour' ], $l_end [ 'min' ], 0 );
$this -> so -> set_class ( $is_public );
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'reference' ,( @ isset ( $l_cal [ 'reference' ]) && $l_cal [ 'reference' ] ? $l_cal [ 'reference' ] : 0 ));
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'location' ,( @ isset ( $l_cal [ 'location' ]) && $l_cal [ 'location' ] ? $l_cal [ 'location' ] : '' ));
if ( $l_cal [ 'id' ])
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'id' , $l_cal [ 'id' ]);
if ( $l_cal [ 'rpt_use_end' ] != 'y' )
$l_recur_enddate [ 'year' ] = 0 ;
$l_recur_enddate [ 'month' ] = 0 ;
$l_recur_enddate [ 'mday' ] = 0 ;
elseif ( isset ( $l_recur_enddate [ 'str' ]))
$l_recur_enddate = $this -> jscal -> input2date ( $l_recur_enddate [ 'str' ], False , 'mday' );
switch (( int ) $l_cal [ 'recur_type' ])
$this -> so -> set_recur_none ();
break ;
$this -> so -> set_recur_daily (( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'year' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'month' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'mday' ],( int ) $l_cal [ 'recur_interval' ]);
break ;
foreach ( array ( 'rpt_sun' , 'rpt_mon' , 'rpt_tue' , 'rpt_wed' , 'rpt_thu' , 'rpt_fri' , 'rpt_sat' ) as $rpt_day )
$l_cal [ 'recur_data' ] += ( int ) $l_cal [ $rpt_day ];
if ( is_array ( $l_cal [ 'rpt_day' ]))
foreach ( $l_cal [ 'rpt_day' ] as $mask )
$l_cal [ 'recur_data' ] |= ( int ) $mask ;
2004-08-22 19:56:26 +02:00
if ( ! $l_cal [ 'recur_data' ]) // no day set ==> use the day of the startdate
$l_cal [ 'recur_data' ] = array_search ( date ( 'l' , $this -> maketime ( $l_start ) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ), $this -> rpt_day );
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> so -> set_recur_weekly (( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'year' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'month' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'mday' ],( int ) $l_cal [ 'recur_interval' ], $l_cal [ 'recur_data' ]);
break ;
$this -> so -> set_recur_monthly_mday (( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'year' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'month' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'mday' ],( int ) $l_cal [ 'recur_interval' ]);
break ;
$this -> so -> set_recur_monthly_wday (( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'year' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'month' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'mday' ],( int ) $l_cal [ 'recur_interval' ]);
break ;
$this -> so -> set_recur_yearly (( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'year' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'month' ],( int ) $l_recur_enddate [ 'mday' ],( int ) $l_cal [ 'recur_interval' ]);
break ;
// restoring the recur-exceptions from the old event
if ( $l_cal [ 'recur_type' ] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE && $old_event && count ( $old_event [ 'recur_exception' ]))
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'recur_exception' , $old_event [ 'recur_exception' ]);
if ( $l_participants )
$parts = $l_participants ;
$minparts = min ( $l_participants );
$part = Array ();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $parts ); $i ++ )
// fetching the accept-type from the old version of the event
$accept_type = $old_event && isset ( $old_event [ 'participants' ][ $parts [ $i ]]) ? $old_event [ 'participants' ][ $parts [ $i ]] : 'U' ;
$acct_type = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type (( int ) $parts [ $i ]);
if ( $acct_type == 'u' )
$part [( int ) $parts [ $i ]] = $accept_type ;
elseif ( $acct_type == 'g' )
$part [( int ) $parts [ $i ]] = $accept_type ;
$groups [] = $parts [ $i ];
/* This pulls ALL users of a group and makes them as participants to the event */
/* I would like to turn this back into a group thing. */
$acct = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.accounts' ,( int ) $parts [ $i ]);
$members = $acct -> member (( int ) $parts [ $i ]);
unset ( $acct );
if ( $members == False )
continue ;
while ( $member = each ( $members ))
$part [ $member [ 1 ][ 'account_id' ]] = $accept_type ;
$part = False ;
if ( $part )
@ reset ( $part );
while ( list ( $key , $accept_type ) = each ( $part ))
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'participants' , $accept_type ,( int ) $key );
if ( $groups )
@ reset ( $groups );
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'groups' ,( int ) $group_id );
$event = $this -> get_cached_event ();
if ( ! is_int ( $minparts ))
$minparts = $this -> owner ;
if ( !@ isset ( $event [ 'participants' ][ $l_cal [ 'owner' ]]))
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'owner' , $minparts );
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'owner' , $l_cal [ 'owner' ]);
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'priority' , $l_cal [ 'priority' ]);
foreach ( $l_cal as $name => $value )
if ( $name [ 0 ] == '#' ) // Custom field
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( $name , stripslashes ( $value ));
if ( isset ( $_POST [ 'preserved' ]) && is_array ( $preserved = unserialize ( stripslashes ( $_POST [ 'preserved' ]))))
foreach ( $preserved as $name => $value )
switch ( $name )
case 'owner' :
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( 'participants' , $value , $l_cal [ 'owner' ]);
break ;
default :
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( $name , str_replace ( array ( '&' , '"' , '<' , '>' ), array ( '&' , '"' , '<' , '>' ), $value ));
$event = $this -> get_cached_event ();
if ( $l_cal [ 'alarmdays' ] > 0 || $l_cal [ 'alarmhours' ] > 0 ||
$l_cal [ 'alarmminutes' ] > 0 )
$offset = ( $l_cal [ 'alarmdays' ] * 24 * 3600 ) +
( $l_cal [ 'alarmhours' ] * 3600 ) + ( $l_cal [ 'alarmminutes' ] * 60 );
$time = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]) - $offset ;
$event [ 'alarm' ][] = Array (
'time' => $time ,
'offset' => $offset ,
'owner' => $this -> owner ,
'enabled' => 1
$this -> store_to_appsession ( $event );
$datetime_check = $this -> validate_update ( $event );
print_debug ( 'bo->validated_update() returnval' , $datetime_check );
if ( $datetime_check )
if ( ! $send_to_ui )
return array ( $datetime_check => 'invalid input data' );
ExecMethod ( 'calendar.uicalendar.edit' ,
Array (
'cd' => $datetime_check ,
'readsess' => 1
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> phpgw_exit ( True );
if ( $event [ 'id' ])
$event_ids [] = $event [ 'id' ];
if ( $event [ 'reference' ])
$event_ids [] = $event [ 'reference' ];
$overlapping_events = $this -> overlap (
$this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]),
$this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]),
$event [ 'participants' ],
$event [ 'owner' ],
if ( $overlapping_events )
if ( $send_to_ui )
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'noheader' ]);
unset ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'flags' ][ 'nonavbar' ]);
ExecMethod ( 'calendar.uicalendar.overlap' ,
Array (
'o_events' => $overlapping_events ,
'this_event' => $event
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> phpgw_exit ( True );
return $overlapping_events ;
if ( ! $event [ 'id' ])
$this -> so -> add_entry ( $event );
$this -> send_update ( MSG_ADDED , $event [ 'participants' ], '' , $this -> get_cached_event ());
print_debug ( 'New Event ID' , $event [ 'id' ]);
print_debug ( 'Updating Event ID' , $event [ 'id' ]);
$new_event = $event ;
$old_event = $this -> read_entry ( $event [ 'id' ]);
// if old event has alarm and the start-time changed => update them
//echo "<p>checking ".count($old_event['alarm'])." alarms of event #$event[id] start moved from ".print_r($old_event['start'],True)." to ".print_r($event['start'],True)."</p>\n";
if ( $old_event [ 'alarm' ] &&
$this -> maketime ( $old_event [ 'start' ]) != $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]))
$this -> so -> delete_alarms ( $old_event [ 'id' ]);
foreach ( $old_event [ 'alarm' ] as $id => $alarm )
$alarm [ 'time' ] = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]) - $alarm [ 'offset' ];
$event [ 'alarm' ][] = $alarm ;
//echo "updated alarms<pre>".print_r($event['alarm'],True)."</pre>\n";
$this -> so -> cal -> event = $event ;
$this -> so -> add_entry ( $event );
$this -> prepare_recipients ( $new_event , $old_event );
$date = sprintf ( " %04d%02d%02d " , $event [ 'start' ][ 'year' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'month' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ]);
if ( isset ( $l_cal [ 'project' ]))
$bolink = createObject ( 'infolog.bolink' );
$bolink -> unlink ( 0 , 'calendar' , $event [ 'id' ]);
if ( $l_cal [ 'project' ] != 'no_project' )
$bolink -> link ( 'calendar' , $event [ 'id' ], 'projects' , $l_cal [ 'project' ]);
// just a hook
$singleHookValues = array
'location' => 'updateevent' ,
'hookValues' => $event
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> hooks -> process ( $singleHookValues );
if ( $send_to_ui )
$this -> read_sessiondata ();
if ( $this -> return_to )
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> redirect_link ( '/index.php' , 'menuaction=' . $this -> return_to );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> phpgw_exit ();
Execmethod ( 'calendar.uicalendar.index' );
return ( int ) $event [ 'id' ];
return True ;
/* Private functions */
function read_holidays ( $year = 0 )
if ( ! $year )
$year = $this -> year ;
$holiday = CreateObject ( 'calendar.boholiday' );
$holiday -> prepare_read_holidays ( $year , $this -> owner );
$this -> cached_holidays = $holiday -> read_holiday ();
unset ( $holiday );
function user_is_a_member ( $event , $user )
@ reset ( $event [ 'participants' ]);
$uim = False ;
$security_equals = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> membership ( $user );
while ( ! $uim && $event [ 'participants' ] && $security_equals && list ( $participant , $status ) = each ( $event [ 'participants' ]))
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $participant ) == 'g' )
@ reset ( $security_equals );
while ( list ( $key , $group_info ) = each ( $security_equals ))
if ( $group_info [ 'account_id' ] == $participant )
return True ;
$uim = True ;
return $uim ;
function maketime ( $time )
return mktime ( $time [ 'hour' ], $time [ 'min' ], $time [ 'sec' ], $time [ 'month' ], $time [ 'mday' ], $time [ 'year' ]);
@ function time2array
@ abstract returns a date - array suitable for the start - or endtime of an event from a timestamp
@ syntax time2array ( $time , $alarm = 0 )
@ param $time the timestamp for the values of the array
@ param $alarm ( optional ) alarm field of the array , defaults to 0
@ author ralfbecker
function time2array ( $time , $alarm = 0 )
return array (
'year' => ( int )( date ( 'Y' , $time )),
'month' => ( int )( date ( 'm' , $time )),
'mday' => ( int )( date ( 'd' , $time )),
'hour' => ( int )( date ( 'H' , $time )),
'min' => ( int )( date ( 'i' , $time )),
'sec' => ( int )( date ( 's' , $time )),
'alarm' => ( int )( $alarm )
@ function set_recur_date
@ abstract set the start - and enddates of a recuring event for a recur - date
@ syntax set_recur_date ( & $event , $date )
@ param $event the event which fields to set ( has to be the original event for start -/ end - times )
@ param $date the recuring date in form 'Ymd' , eg . 20030226
@ author ralfbecker
function set_recur_date ( & $event , $date )
$org_start = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]);
$org_end = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]);
$start = mktime ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'min' ], 0 , substr ( $date , 4 , 2 ), substr ( $date , 6 , 2 ), substr ( $date , 0 , 4 ));
$end = $org_end + $start - $org_start ;
$event [ 'start' ] = $this -> time2array ( $start );
$event [ 'end' ] = $this -> time2array ( $end );
function fix_update_time ( & $time_param )
if ( isset ( $time_param [ 'str' ]))
if ( ! is_object ( $this -> jscal ))
$this -> jscal = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.jscalendar' );
$time_param += $this -> jscal -> input2date ( $time_param [ 'str' ], False , 'mday' );
unset ( $time_param [ 'str' ]);
if ( $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] == '12' )
if ( $time_param [ 'ampm' ] == 'pm' )
if ( $time_param [ 'hour' ] <> 12 )
$time_param [ 'hour' ] += 12 ;
elseif ( $time_param [ 'ampm' ] == 'am' )
if ( $time_param [ 'hour' ] == 12 )
$time_param [ 'hour' ] -= 12 ;
if ( $time_param [ 'hour' ] > 24 )
$time_param [ 'hour' ] -= 12 ;
function validate_update ( $event )
$error = 0 ;
// do a little form verifying
if ( ! count ( $event [ 'participants' ]))
$error = 43 ;
elseif ( $event [ 'title' ] == '' )
$error = 40 ;
elseif (( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> time_valid ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'min' ], 0 ) == False ) || ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> time_valid ( $event [ 'end' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'min' ], 0 ) == False ))
$error = 41 ;
elseif (( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> date_valid ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'year' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'month' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ]) == False ) || ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> date_valid ( $event [ 'end' ][ 'year' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'month' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'mday' ]) == False ) || ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> date_compare ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'year' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'month' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'year' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'month' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'mday' ]) == 1 ))
$error = 42 ;
elseif ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> date_compare ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'year' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'month' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'year' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'month' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'mday' ]) == 0 )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> time_compare ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'min' ], 0 , $event [ 'end' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'end' ][ 'min' ], 0 ) == 1 )
$error = 42 ;
return $error ;
@ function participants_not_rejected ( $participants , $event )
@ abstract checks if any of the $particpants participates in $event and has not rejected it
function participants_not_rejected ( $participants , $event )
//echo "participants_not_rejected()<br>participants =<pre>"; print_r($participants); echo "</pre><br>event[participants]=<pre>"; print_r($event['participants']); echo "</pre>\n";
foreach ( $participants as $uid => $status )
//echo "testing event[participants][uid=$uid] = '".$event['participants'][$uid]."'<br>\n";
if ( isset ( $event [ 'participants' ][ $uid ]) && $event [ 'participants' ][ $uid ] != 'R' &&
$status != 'R' )
return True ; // found not rejected participant in event
return False ;
2004-08-07 19:20:41 +02:00
* Checks if two timespans overlap , starting at the exact time where the other span ends is Ok
* @ param int $start1 start 1. timespan
* @ param int $end1 end 1. timespan
* @ param int $start2 start 2. timespan
* @ param int $end2 end 2. timespan
* @ param int > 0 if there is an overlap , 0 otherwise
function overlaps ( $start1 , $end1 , $start2 , $end2 )
//echo "bocalendar::overlaps($start1=".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$start1).", $end1=".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$end1).", $start2=".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$start2).", $end2=".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$end2).")<br>\n";
if ( $start1 <= $start2 && $end2 <= $end1 ) // 1 contains 2 complete
//echo "==> 1 contains 2 complete<br>\n";
return 1 ;
if ( $start2 <= $start1 && $end1 <= $end2 ) // 2 contains 1 complete
//echo "==> 1 contains 2 complete<br>\n";
return 2 ;
if ( $start1 < $start2 && $start2 < $end1 ) // start of 2 is in 1
//echo "==> start of 2 is in 1<br>\n";
return 3 ;
if ( $start1 < $end2 && $end2 < $end1 ) // end of 2 is in 1
//echo "==> end of 2 is in 1<br>\n";
return 4 ;
return 0 ;
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
function overlap ( $starttime , $endtime , $participants , $owner = 0 , $ids = 0 , $restore_cache = False )
$retval = False ;
if ( $restore_cache )
$temp_cache_events = $this -> cached_events ;
$temp_start = ( int )( date ( 'Ymd' , $starttime ));
$temp_end = ( int )( date ( 'Ymd' , $endtime ));
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Temp_Start: ' . $temp_start . ' -->' . " \n " ;
echo '<!-- Temp_End: ' . $temp_end . ' -->' . " \n " ;
$users = Array ();
if ( count ( $participants ))
foreach ( $participants as $user => $status )
$users [] = $user ;
$users [] = $this -> owner ;
$possible_conflicts = $this -> store_to_cache (
Array (
'smonth' => substr ( strval ( $temp_start ), 4 , 2 ),
'sday' => substr ( strval ( $temp_start ), 6 , 2 ),
'syear' => substr ( strval ( $temp_start ), 0 , 4 ),
'emonth' => substr ( strval ( $temp_end ), 4 , 2 ),
'eday' => substr ( strval ( $temp_end ), 6 , 2 ),
'eyear' => substr ( strval ( $temp_end ), 0 , 4 ),
'owner' => $users
for ( $ts = $starttime ; $ts <= $endtime ; $ts += 24 * 60 * 60 )
$check_ymd = ( int ) date ( 'Ymd' , $ts );
if ( isset ( $possible_conflicts [ $check_ymd ]) && is_array ( $possible_conflicts [ $check_ymd ]) &&
count ( $possible_conflicts [ $check_ymd ]))
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Found ' . count ( $possible_conflicts [ $check_ymd ]) . ' possible conflicts for date ' . $check_ymd . ' -->' . " \n " ;
foreach ( $possible_conflicts [ $check_ymd ] as $event )
$found = False ;
if ( is_array ( $ids ))
foreach ( $ids as $event_id )
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Checking ' . $event [ 'id' ] . ' == ' . $event_id . ' -->' . " \n " ;
if ( $event [ 'id' ] == $event_id )
$found = True ; // conflict with original event, is no conflict
break ;
2004-08-07 19:20:41 +02:00
if ( ! $found )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-07 19:20:41 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- conflict with a different event: ' . ( $found ? 'No' : 'Yes' ) . ' -->' . " <br> \n " ;
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Checking event id #' . $event [ 'id' ];
2004-08-07 19:20:41 +02:00
$event_start = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]);
$event_end = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]);
if ( $this -> overlaps ( $starttime , $endtime , $event_start , $event_end ) &&
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> participants_not_rejected ( $participants , $event ))
if ( $this -> debug )
echo ' Conflicts' ;
2004-08-07 19:20:41 +02:00
if ( ! is_array ( $retval ) || ! in_array ( $event [ 'id' ], $retval )) $retval [] = $event [ 'id' ];
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
if ( $this -> debug )
echo ' -->' . " \n " ;
2004-08-07 19:20:41 +02:00
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
if ( $restore_cache )
$this -> cached_events = $temp_cache_events ;
return $retval ;
@ function check_perms ( )
@ syntax check_perms ( $needed , $event = 0 , $other = 0 )
@ abstract Checks if the current user has the necessary ACL rights
@ author ralfbecker
@ discussion The check is performed on an event or general on the cal of an other user
@ param $needed necessary ACL right : PHPGW_ACL_ { READ | EDIT | DELETE }
@ param $event event as array or the event - id or 0 for general check
@ param $other uid to check ( if event == 0 ) or 0 to check against $this -> owner
@ note Participating in an event is considered as haveing read - access on that event , \
even if you have no general read - grant from that user .
function check_perms ( $needed , $event = 0 , $other = 0 )
$event_in = $event ;
2004-09-02 23:37:25 +02:00
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
if ( is_int ( $event ) && $event == 0 )
$owner = $other > 0 ? $other : $this -> owner ;
if ( ! is_array ( $event ))
$event = $this -> so -> read_entry (( int ) $event );
if ( ! is_array ( $event ))
if ( $this -> xmlrpc )
$GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> xmlrpc_error ( $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcerr' ][ 'not_exist' ], $GLOBALS [ 'xmlrpcstr' ][ 'not_exist' ]);
return False ;
$owner = $event [ 'owner' ];
$private = $event [ 'public' ] == False || $event [ 'public' ] == 0 ;
2004-09-02 23:37:25 +02:00
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$user = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ];
2004-09-02 23:37:25 +02:00
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$grants = $this -> grants [ $owner ];
if ( is_array ( $event ) && $needed == PHPGW_ACL_READ )
2004-09-02 23:37:25 +02:00
/* grant read access if the $user is one of the participants. */
2004-08-19 17:32:49 +02:00
if ( isset ( $event [ 'participants' ]) && is_array ( $event [ 'participants' ]))
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-19 17:32:49 +02:00
foreach ( $event [ 'participants' ] as $uid => $accept )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-09-02 23:37:25 +02:00
if ( $uid == $user )
2004-08-19 17:32:49 +02:00
$grants |= PHPGW_ACL_READ ;
break ;
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $owner ) == 'g' && $needed == PHPGW_ACL_ADD )
2004-09-02 23:37:25 +02:00
$access = False ; /* a group can't be the owner of an event. why not?! */
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$access = $user == $owner || $grants & $needed && ( ! $private || $grants & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE );
2004-09-02 23:37:25 +02:00
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
//echo "<p>".function_backtrace()." check_perms($needed,$event_id,$other) for user $user and needed_acl $needed: event='$event[title]': owner=$owner, private=$private, grants=$grants ==> access=$access</p>\n";
return $access ;
function display_status ( $user_status )
if ( @ $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'display_status' ] && $user_status )
$user_status = substr ( $this -> get_long_status ( $user_status ), 0 , 1 );
return ' (' . $user_status . ')' ;
return '' ;
function get_long_status ( $status_short )
switch ( $status_short )
case 'A' :
$status = lang ( 'Accepted' );
break ;
case 'R' :
$status = lang ( 'Rejected' );
break ;
case 'T' :
$status = lang ( 'Tentative' );
break ;
case 'U' :
$status = lang ( 'No Response' );
break ;
return $status ;
function is_private ( $event , $owner )
if ( $owner == 0 )
$owner = $this -> owner ;
if ( $owner == $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ] || ( $event [ 'public' ] == 1 ) || ( $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE , $event ) && $event [ 'public' ] == 0 ) || $event [ 'owner' ] == $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ])
return False ;
elseif ( $event [ 'public' ] == 0 )
return True ;
elseif ( $event [ 'public' ] == 2 )
$is_private = True ;
$groups = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> membership ( $owner );
while ( list ( $key , $group ) = each ( $groups ))
if ( strpos ( ' ' . implode ( ',' , $event [ 'groups' ]) . ' ' , $group [ 'account_id' ]))
return False ;
return False ;
return $is_private ;
function get_short_field ( $event , $is_private = True , $field = '' )
if ( $is_private )
return 'private' ;
// cut off too long titles
elseif ( strlen ( $event [ $field ]) > 19 && ! $this -> printer_friendly && $field == " title " )
// elseif(strlen($event[$field]) > 19 && $this->printer_friendly)
// we dont use currently 160304
// return substr($event[$field], 0 , 19) . ' ...';
return $event [ $field ];
return $event [ $field ];
function long_date ( $first , $last = 0 )
if ( ! is_array ( $first ))
$first = $this -> time2array ( $raw = $first );
$first [ 'raw' ] = $raw ;
$first [ 'day' ] = $first [ 'mday' ];
if ( $last && ! is_array ( $last ))
$last = $this -> time2array ( $raw = $last );
$last [ 'raw' ] = $raw ;
$last [ 'day' ] = $last [ 'mday' ];
$datefmt = $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ];
$month_before_day = strtolower ( $datefmt [ 0 ]) == 'm' ||
strtolower ( $datefmt [ 2 ]) == 'm' && $datefmt [ 4 ] == 'd' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < 5 ; $i += 2 )
switch ( $datefmt [ $i ])
case 'd' :
$range .= $first [ 'day' ] . ( $datefmt [ 1 ] == '.' ? '.' : '' );
if ( $first [ 'month' ] != $last [ 'month' ] || $first [ 'year' ] != $last [ 'year' ])
if ( ! $month_before_day )
$range .= ' ' . lang ( strftime ( '%B' , $first [ 'raw' ]));
if ( $first [ 'year' ] != $last [ 'year' ] && $datefmt [ 0 ] != 'Y' )
$range .= ( $datefmt [ 0 ] != 'd' ? ', ' : ' ' ) . $first [ 'year' ];
if ( ! $last )
return $range ;
$range .= ' - ' ;
if ( $first [ 'year' ] != $last [ 'year' ] && $datefmt [ 0 ] == 'Y' )
$range .= $last [ 'year' ] . ', ' ;
if ( $month_before_day )
$range .= lang ( strftime ( '%B' , $last [ 'raw' ]));
$range .= ' - ' ;
$range .= ' ' . $last [ 'day' ] . ( $datefmt [ 1 ] == '.' ? '.' : '' );
break ;
case 'm' :
case 'M' :
$range .= ' ' . lang ( strftime ( '%B' , $month_before_day ? $first [ 'raw' ] : $last [ 'raw' ])) . ' ' ;
break ;
case 'Y' :
$range .= ( $datefmt [ 0 ] == 'm' ? ', ' : ' ' ) . ( $datefmt [ 0 ] == 'Y' ? $first [ 'year' ] . ( $datefmt [ 2 ] == 'd' ? ', ' : ' ' ) : $last [ 'year' ] . ' ' );
break ;
return $range ;
function get_week_label ()
$first = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> gmtdate ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> get_weekday_start ( $this -> year , $this -> month , $this -> day ));
$last = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> gmtdate ( $first [ 'raw' ] + 518400 );
return ( $this -> long_date ( $first , $last ));
function normalizeminutes ( & $minutes )
$hour = 0 ;
$min = ( int ) $minutes ;
if ( $min >= 60 )
$hour += $min / 60 ;
$min %= 60 ;
settype ( $minutes , 'integer' );
$minutes = $min ;
return $hour ;
function splittime ( $time , $follow_24_rule = True )
$temp = array ( 'hour' , 'minute' , 'second' , 'ampm' );
$time = strrev ( $time );
$second = ( int )( strrev ( substr ( $time , 0 , 2 )));
$minute = ( int )( strrev ( substr ( $time , 2 , 2 )));
$hour = ( int )( strrev ( substr ( $time , 4 )));
$hour += $this -> normalizeminutes ( $minute );
$temp [ 'second' ] = $second ;
$temp [ 'minute' ] = $minute ;
$temp [ 'hour' ] = $hour ;
$temp [ 'ampm' ] = ' ' ;
if ( $follow_24_rule == True )
if ( $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] == '24' )
return $temp ;
$temp [ 'ampm' ] = 'am' ;
if (( int ) $temp [ 'hour' ] > 12 )
$temp [ 'hour' ] = ( int )(( int ) $temp [ 'hour' ] - 12 );
$temp [ 'ampm' ] = 'pm' ;
elseif (( int ) $temp [ 'hour' ] == 12 )
$temp [ 'ampm' ] = 'pm' ;
return $temp ;
function get_exception_array ( $exception_str = '' )
$exception = Array ();
if ( strpos ( ' ' . $exception_str , ',' ))
$exceptions = explode ( ',' , $exception_str );
for ( $exception_count = 0 ; $exception_count < count ( $exceptions ); $exception_count ++ )
$exception [] = ( int ) $exceptions [ $exception_count ];
elseif ( $exception_str != '' )
$exception [] = ( int ) $exception_str ;
return $exception ;
function build_time_for_display ( $fixed_time )
$time = $this -> splittime ( $fixed_time );
$str = $time [ 'hour' ] . ':' . (( int ) $time [ 'minute' ] <= 9 ? '0' : '' ) . $time [ 'minute' ];
if ( $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] == '12' )
$str .= ' ' . $time [ 'ampm' ];
return $str ;
function sort_event ( $event , $date )
$inserted = False ;
if ( isset ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ]))
$event_time = mktime ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'min' ], 0 ,( int )( substr ( $date , 4 , 2 )),( int )( substr ( $date , 6 , 2 )),( int )( substr ( $date , 0 , 4 ))) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
while ( $inserted == False && list ( $key , $exception_time ) = each ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ]))
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- checking exception datetime ' . $exception_time . ' to event datetime ' . $event_time . ' -->' . " \n " ;
if ( $exception_time == $event_time )
$inserted = True ;
if ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ] && $inserted == False )
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Cached Events found for ' . $date . ' -->' . " \n " ;
$year = substr ( $date , 0 , 4 );
$month = substr ( $date , 4 , 2 );
$day = substr ( $date , 6 , 2 );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Date : ' . $date . ' Count : ' . count ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ]) . ' -->' . " \n " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ]); $i ++ )
if ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'id' ] == $event [ 'id' ] || $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'reference' ] == $event [ 'id' ])
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Item already inserted! -->' . " \n " ;
$inserted = True ;
break ;
/* This puts all spanning events across multiple days up at the top. */
if ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'recur_type' ] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE )
if ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'start' ][ 'mday' ] != $day && $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'end' ][ 'mday' ] >= $day )
continue ;
if ( date ( 'Hi' , mktime ( $event [ 'start' ][ 'hour' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'min' ], $event [ 'start' ][ 'sec' ], $month , $day , $year )) < date ( 'Hi' , mktime ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'start' ][ 'hour' ], $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'start' ][ 'min' ], $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ][ 'start' ][ 'sec' ], $month , $day , $year )))
for ( $j = count ( $this -> cached_events [ $date ]); $j >= $i ; $j -- )
$this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $j ] = $this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $j - 1 ];
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Adding event ID: ' . $event [ 'id' ] . ' to cached_events -->' . " \n " ;
$inserted = True ;
$this -> cached_events [ $date ][ $i ] = $event ;
break ;
if ( ! $inserted )
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Adding event ID: ' . $event [ 'id' ] . ' to cached_events -->' . " \n " ;
$this -> cached_events [ $date ][] = $event ;
function check_repeating_events ( $datetime )
@ reset ( $this -> repeating_events );
$search_date_full = date ( 'Ymd' , $datetime );
$search_date_year = date ( 'Y' , $datetime );
$search_date_month = date ( 'm' , $datetime );
$search_date_day = date ( 'd' , $datetime );
$search_date_dow = date ( 'w' , $datetime );
$search_beg_day = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $search_date_month , $search_date_day , $search_date_year );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Search Date Full = ' . $search_date_full . ' -->' . " \n " ;
$repeated = $this -> repeating_events ;
$r_events = count ( $repeated );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $r_events ; $i ++ )
$rep_events = $this -> repeating_events [ $i ];
$id = $rep_events [ 'id' ];
$event_beg_day = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'month' ], $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ], $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'year' ]);
if ( $rep_events [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'month' ] != 0 && $rep_events [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'mday' ] != 0 && $rep_events [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'year' ] != 0 )
$event_recur_time = $this -> maketime ( $rep_events [ 'recur_enddate' ]);
$event_recur_time = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 2030 );
$end_recur_date = date ( 'Ymd' , $event_recur_time );
$full_event_date = date ( 'Ymd' , $event_beg_day );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- check_repeating_events - Processing ID - ' . $id . ' -->' . " \n " ;
echo '<!-- check_repeating_events - Recurring End Date - ' . $end_recur_date . ' -->' . " \n " ;
// only repeat after the beginning, and if there is an rpt_end before the end date
if (( $search_date_full > $end_recur_date ) || ( $search_date_full < $full_event_date ))
continue ;
if ( $search_date_full == $full_event_date )
$this -> sort_event ( $rep_events , $search_date_full );
continue ;
$freq = $rep_events [ 'recur_interval' ];
$type = $rep_events [ 'recur_type' ];
switch ( $type )
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- check_repeating_events - MCAL_RECUR_DAILY - ' . $id . ' -->' . " \n " ;
if ( $freq == 1 && $rep_events [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'month' ] != 0 && $rep_events [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'mday' ] != 0 && $rep_events [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'year' ] != 0 && $search_date_full <= $end_recur_date )
$this -> sort_event ( $rep_events , $search_date_full );
elseif ( floor (( $search_beg_day - $event_beg_day ) / 86400 ) % $freq )
continue ;
$this -> sort_event ( $rep_events , $search_date_full );
break ;
if ( floor (( $search_beg_day - $event_beg_day ) / 604800 ) % $freq )
continue ;
$check = 0 ;
switch ( $search_date_dow )
case 0 :
$check = MCAL_M_SUNDAY ;
break ;
case 1 :
$check = MCAL_M_MONDAY ;
break ;
case 2 :
$check = MCAL_M_TUESDAY ;
break ;
case 3 :
break ;
case 4 :
$check = MCAL_M_THURSDAY ;
break ;
case 5 :
$check = MCAL_M_FRIDAY ;
break ;
case 6 :
$check = MCAL_M_SATURDAY ;
break ;
if ( $rep_events [ 'recur_data' ] & $check )
$this -> sort_event ( $rep_events , $search_date_full );
break ;
if ((( $search_date_year - $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'year' ]) * 12 + $search_date_month - $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'month' ]) % $freq )
continue ;
if (( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> day_of_week ( $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'year' ], $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'month' ], $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ]) == $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> day_of_week ( $search_date_year , $search_date_month , $search_date_day )) &&
( ceil ( $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ] / 7 ) == ceil ( $search_date_day / 7 )))
$this -> sort_event ( $rep_events , $search_date_full );
break ;
if ((( $search_date_year - $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'year' ]) * 12 + $search_date_month - $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'month' ]) % $freq )
continue ;
if ( $search_date_day == $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'mday' ])
$this -> sort_event ( $rep_events , $search_date_full );
break ;
if (( $search_date_year - $rep_events [ 'start' ][ 'year' ]) % $freq )
continue ;
if ( date ( 'dm' , $datetime ) == date ( 'dm' , $event_beg_day ))
$this -> sort_event ( $rep_events , $search_date_full );
break ;
} // end for loop
} // end function
function store_to_cache ( $params )
if ( ! is_array ( $params ))
return False ;
if ( isset ( $params [ 'start' ]) && ( $datearr = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> iso86012date ( $params [ 'start' ])))
$syear = $datearr [ 'year' ];
$smonth = $datearr [ 'month' ];
$sday = $datearr [ 'mday' ];
$this -> xmlrpc = True ;
$syear = $params [ 'syear' ];
$smonth = $params [ 'smonth' ];
$sday = $params [ 'sday' ];
if ( isset ( $params [ 'end' ]) && ( $datearr = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> iso86012date ( $params [ 'end' ])))
$eyear = $datearr [ 'year' ];
$emonth = $datearr [ 'month' ];
$eday = $datearr [ 'mday' ];
$this -> xmlrpc = True ;
$eyear = ( isset ( $params [ 'eyear' ]) ? $params [ 'eyear' ] : 0 );
$emonth = ( isset ( $params [ 'emonth' ]) ? $params [ 'emonth' ] : 0 );
$eday = ( isset ( $params [ 'eday' ]) ? $params [ 'eday' ] : 0 );
if ( ! isset ( $params [ 'owner' ]) && @ $this -> xmlrpc )
$owner_id = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'user_id' ];
$owner_id = ( isset ( $params [ 'owner' ]) ? $params [ 'owner' ] : 0 );
if ( $owner_id == 0 && $this -> is_group )
unset ( $owner_id );
$owner_id = $this -> g_owner ;
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- owner_id in (' . implode ( ',' , $owner_id ) . ') -->' . " \n " ;
if ( ! $eyear && ! $emonth && ! $eday )
$edate = mktime ( 23 , 59 , 59 , $smonth + 1 , $sday + 1 , $syear );
$eyear = date ( 'Y' , $edate );
$emonth = date ( 'm' , $edate );
$eday = date ( 'd' , $edate );
if ( ! $eyear )
$eyear = $syear ;
if ( ! $emonth )
$emonth = $smonth + 1 ;
if ( $emonth > 12 )
$emonth = 1 ;
$eyear ++ ;
if ( ! $eday )
$eday = $sday + 1 ;
$edate = mktime ( 23 , 59 , 59 , $emonth , $eday , $eyear );
//echo "<p>bocalendar::store_to_cache(".print_r($params,True).") syear=$syear, smonth=$smonth, sday=$sday, eyear=$eyear, emonth=$emonth, eday=$eday, xmlrpc='$param[xmlrpc]'</p>\n";
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Start Date : ' . sprintf ( " %04d%02d%02d " , $syear , $smonth , $sday ) . ' -->' . " \n " ;
echo '<!-- End Date : ' . sprintf ( " %04d%02d%02d " , $eyear , $emonth , $eday ) . ' -->' . " \n " ;
if ( $owner_id )
$cached_event_ids = $this -> so -> list_events ( $syear , $smonth , $sday , $eyear , $emonth , $eday , $owner_id );
$cached_event_ids_repeating = $this -> so -> list_repeated_events ( $syear , $smonth , $sday , $eyear , $emonth , $eday , $owner_id );
$cached_event_ids = $this -> so -> list_events ( $syear , $smonth , $sday , $eyear , $emonth , $eday );
$cached_event_ids_repeating = $this -> so -> list_repeated_events ( $syear , $smonth , $sday , $eyear , $emonth , $eday );
$c_cached_ids = count ( $cached_event_ids );
$c_cached_ids_repeating = count ( $cached_event_ids_repeating );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- events cached : ' . $c_cached_ids . ' : for : ' . sprintf ( " %04d%02d%02d " , $syear , $smonth , $sday ) . ' -->' . " \n " ;
echo '<!-- repeating events cached : ' . $c_cached_ids_repeating . ' : for : ' . sprintf ( " %04d%02d%02d " , $syear , $smonth , $sday ) . ' -->' . " \n " ;
$this -> cached_events = Array ();
if ( $c_cached_ids == 0 && $c_cached_ids_repeating == 0 )
return ;
$cache_start = ( int )( sprintf ( " %04d%02d%02d " , $syear , $smonth , $sday ));
$cached_event = $this -> get_cached_event ();
if ( $c_cached_ids )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $c_cached_ids ; $i ++ )
$event = $this -> so -> read_entry ( $cached_event_ids [ $i ]);
if ( $event [ 'recur_type' ])
continue ; // fetch recuring events only in 2. loop
$startdate = ( int )( date ( 'Ymd' , $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ])));
2004-09-08 11:42:21 +02:00
// maketime($event['end'][)-1 to allow events to end on a full hour/day without the need to enter it as minute=59
$enddate = ( int )( date ( 'Ymd' , $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]) - 1 ));
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$this -> cached_events [ $startdate ][] = $event ;
if ( $startdate != $enddate )
$start [ 'year' ] = ( int )( substr ( $startdate , 0 , 4 ));
$start [ 'month' ] = ( int )( substr ( $startdate , 4 , 2 ));
$start [ 'mday' ] = ( int )( substr ( $startdate , 6 , 2 ));
for ( $j = $startdate , $k = 0 ; $j <= $enddate ; $k ++ , $j = ( int )( date ( 'Ymd' , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $start [ 'month' ], $start [ 'mday' ] + $k , $start [ 'year' ]))))
$c_evt_day = count ( $this -> cached_events [ $j ]) - 1 ;
if ( $c_evt_day < 0 )
$c_evt_day = 0 ;
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Date: ' . $j . ' Count : ' . $c_evt_day . ' -->' . " \n " ;
if ( $this -> cached_events [ $j ][ $c_evt_day ][ 'id' ] != $event [ 'id' ])
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Adding Event for Date: ' . $j . ' -->' . " \n " ;
$this -> cached_events [ $j ][] = $event ;
if ( $j >= $cache_start && ( @ $params [ 'no_doubles' ] || @ $this -> xmlrpc ))
break ; // add event only once on it's startdate
$this -> repeating_events = Array ();
if ( $c_cached_ids_repeating )
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $c_cached_ids_repeating ; $i ++ )
$this -> repeating_events [ $i ] = $this -> so -> read_entry ( $cached_event_ids_repeating [ $i ]);
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Cached Events ID: ' . $cached_event_ids_repeating [ $i ] . ' (' . sprintf ( " %04d%02d%02d " , $this -> repeating_events [ $i ][ 'start' ][ 'year' ], $this -> repeating_events [ $i ][ 'start' ][ 'month' ], $this -> repeating_events [ $i ][ 'start' ][ 'mday' ]) . ') -->' . " \n " ;
for ( $date = mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $smonth , $sday , $syear ); $date <= $edate ; $date += 86400 )
if ( $this -> debug )
$search_date = date ( 'Ymd' , $date );
echo '<!-- Calling check_repeating_events(' . $search_date . ') -->' . " \n " ;
$this -> check_repeating_events ( $date );
if ( $this -> debug )
echo '<!-- Total events found matching ' . $search_date . ' = ' . count ( $this -> cached_events [ $search_date ]) . ' -->' . " \n " ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $this -> cached_events [ $search_date ]); $i ++ )
echo '<!-- Date: ' . $search_date . ' [' . $i . '] = ' . $this -> cached_events [ $search_date ][ $i ][ 'id' ] . ' -->' . " \n " ;
$retval = Array ();
for ( $j = date ( 'Ymd' , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $smonth , $sday , $syear )), $k = 0 ; $j <= date ( 'Ymd' , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $emonth , $eday , $eyear )); $k ++ , $j = date ( 'Ymd' , mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $smonth , $sday + $k , $syear )))
if ( is_array ( $this -> cached_events [ $j ]))
if ( $this -> xmlrpc )
foreach ( $this -> cached_events [ $j ] as $event )
$retval [] = $this -> xmlrpc_prepare ( $event );
$retval [ $j ] = $this -> cached_events [ $j ];
//echo "store_to_cache(".print_r($params,True).")=<pre>".print_r($retval,True)."</pre>\n";
$this -> so -> cal -> event = $cached_event ;
return $retval ;
function xmlrpc_prepare ( & $event )
$event [ 'rights' ] = $this -> grants [ $event [ 'owner' ]];
foreach ( array ( 'start' , 'end' , 'modtime' , 'recur_enddate' ) as $name )
if ( isset ( $event [ $name ]))
$event [ $name ] = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> date2iso8601 ( $event [ $name ]);
if ( is_array ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ]))
foreach ( $event [ 'recur_exception' ] as $key => $timestamp )
$event [ 'recur_exception' ][ $key ] = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> date2iso8601 ( $timestamp );
static $user_cache = array ();
if ( ! is_object ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> perferences ))
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> perferences = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.preferences' );
foreach ( $event [ 'participants' ] as $user_id => $status )
if ( ! isset ( $user_cache [ $user_id ]))
$user_cache [ $user_id ] = array (
'name' => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> grab_owner_name ( $user_id ),
'email' => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $user_id , 'account_email' )
$event [ 'participants' ][ $user_id ] = $user_cache [ $user_id ] + array (
'status' => $status ,
if ( is_array ( $event [ 'alarm' ]))
foreach ( $event [ 'alarm' ] as $id => $alarm )
$event [ 'alarm' ][ $id ][ 'time' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> date2iso8601 ( $alarm [ 'time' ]);
if ( $alarm [ 'owner' ] != $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ])
unset ( $event [ 'alarm' ][ $id ]);
$event [ 'category' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> cats2xmlrpc ( explode ( ',' , $event [ 'category' ]));
// using access={public|privat} in all modules via xmlrpc
$event [ 'access' ] = $event [ 'public' ] ? 'public' : 'privat' ;
unset ( $event [ 'public' ]);
return $event ;
/* Begin Appsession Data */
function store_to_appsession ( $event )
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> session -> appsession ( 'entry' , 'calendar' , $event );
function restore_from_appsession ()
$this -> event_init ();
$event = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> session -> appsession ( 'entry' , 'calendar' );
$this -> so -> cal -> event = $event ;
return $event ;
/* End Appsession Data */
/* Begin of SO functions */
function get_cached_event ()
return $this -> so -> get_cached_event ();
function add_attribute ( $var , $value , $index = '**(**' )
$this -> so -> add_attribute ( $var , $value , $index );
function event_init ()
$this -> so -> event_init ();
function set_start ( $year , $month , $day = 0 , $hour = 0 , $min = 0 , $sec = 0 )
$this -> so -> set_start ( $year , $month , $day , $hour , $min , $sec );
function set_end ( $year , $month , $day = 0 , $hour = 0 , $min = 0 , $sec = 0 )
$this -> so -> set_end ( $year , $month , $day , $hour , $min , $sec );
function set_title ( $title = '' )
$this -> so -> set_title ( $title );
function set_description ( $description = '' )
$this -> so -> set_description ( $description );
function set_class ( $class )
$this -> so -> set_class ( $class );
function set_category ( $category = '' )
$this -> so -> set_category ( $category );
function set_alarm ( $alarm )
$this -> so -> set_alarm ( $alarm );
function set_recur_none ()
$this -> so -> set_recur_none ();
function set_recur_daily ( $year , $month , $day , $interval )
$this -> so -> set_recur_daily ( $year , $month , $day , $interval );
function set_recur_weekly ( $year , $month , $day , $interval , $weekdays )
$this -> so -> set_recur_weekly ( $year , $month , $day , $interval , $weekdays );
function set_recur_monthly_mday ( $year , $month , $day , $interval )
$this -> so -> set_recur_monthly_mday ( $year , $month , $day , $interval );
function set_recur_monthly_wday ( $year , $month , $day , $interval )
$this -> so -> set_recur_monthly_wday ( $year , $month , $day , $interval );
function set_recur_yearly ( $year , $month , $day , $interval )
$this -> so -> set_recur_yearly ( $year , $month , $day , $interval );
/* End of SO functions */
function prepare_matrix ( $interval , $increment , $part , $fulldate )
for ( $h = 0 ; $h < 24 ; $h ++ )
for ( $m = 0 ; $m < $interval ; $m ++ )
$index = (( $h * 10000 ) + (( $m * $increment ) * 100 ));
$time_slice [ $index ][ 'marker' ] = ' ' ;
$time_slice [ $index ][ 'description' ] = '' ;
foreach ( $this -> cached_events [ $fulldate ] as $event )
if ( $event [ 'participants' ][ $part ] == 'R' )
continue ; // dont show rejected invitations, as they are free time
$eventstart = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> localdates ( $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset );
$eventend = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> localdates ( $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset );
$start = ( $eventstart [ 'hour' ] * 10000 ) + ( $eventstart [ 'minute' ] * 100 );
$starttemp = $this -> splittime ( " $start " , False );
$subminute = 0 ;
for ( $m = 0 ; $m < $interval ; $m ++ )
$minutes = $increment * $m ;
if (( int ) $starttemp [ 'minute' ] > $minutes && ( int ) $starttemp [ 'minute' ] < ( $minutes + $increment ))
$subminute = ( $starttemp [ 'minute' ] - $minutes ) * 100 ;
$start -= $subminute ;
$end = ( $eventend [ 'hour' ] * 10000 ) + ( $eventend [ 'minute' ] * 100 );
$endtemp = $this -> splittime ( " $end " , False );
$addminute = 0 ;
for ( $m = 0 ; $m < $interval ; $m ++ )
$minutes = ( $increment * $m );
if ( $endtemp [ 'minute' ] < ( $minutes + $increment ) && $endtemp [ 'minute' ] > $minutes )
$addminute = ( $minutes + $increment - $endtemp [ 'minute' ]) * 100 ;
$end += $addminute ;
$starttemp = $this -> splittime ( " $start " , False );
$endtemp = $this -> splittime ( " $end " , False );
for ( $h = $starttemp [ 'hour' ]; $h <= $endtemp [ 'hour' ]; $h ++ )
$startminute = 0 ;
$endminute = $interval ;
$hour = $h * 10000 ;
if ( $h == ( int ) $starttemp [ 'hour' ])
$startminute = ( $starttemp [ 'minute' ] / $increment );
if ( $h == ( int ) $endtemp [ 'hour' ])
$endminute = ( $endtemp [ 'minute' ] / $increment );
$private = $this -> is_private ( $event , $part );
$time_display = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $eventstart [ 'raw' ], $this -> users_timeformat ) . '-' . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $eventend [ 'raw' ], $this -> users_timeformat );
$time_description = '(' . $time_display . ') ' . $this -> get_short_field ( $event , $private , 'title' ) . $this -> display_status ( $event [ 'participants' ][ $part ]);
for ( $m = $startminute ; $m < $endminute ; $m ++ )
$index = ( $hour + (( $m * $increment ) * 100 ));
$time_slice [ $index ][ 'marker' ] = '-' ;
$time_slice [ $index ][ 'description' ] = $time_description ;
$time_slice [ $index ][ 'id' ] = $event [ 'id' ];
return $time_slice ;
@ function set_status
@ abstract set the participant response $status for event $cal_id and notifies the owner of the event
function set_status ( $cal_id , $status )
$status2msg = array (
if ( ! isset ( $status2msg [ $status ]))
return False ;
$this -> so -> set_status ( $cal_id , $status );
$event = $this -> so -> read_entry ( $cal_id );
$this -> send_update ( $status2msg [ $status ], $event [ 'participants' ], $event );
return True ;
@ function update_requested
@ abstract checks if $userid has requested ( in $part_prefs ) updates for $msg_type
@ syntax update_requested ( $userid , $part_prefs , $msg_type , $old_event , $new_event )
@ param $userid numerical user - id
@ param $part_prefs preferces of the user $userid
@ param $msg_type type of the notification : MSG_ADDED , MSG_MODIFIED , MSG_ACCEPTED , ...
@ param $old_event Event before the change
@ param $new_event Event after the change
@ returns 0 = no update requested , > 0 update requested
function update_requested ( $userid , $part_prefs , $msg_type , $old_event , $new_event )
if ( $msg_type == MSG_ALARM )
return True ; // always True for now
$want_update = 0 ;
// the following switch fall-through all cases, as each included the following too
$msg_is_response = $msg_type == MSG_REJECTED || $msg_type == MSG_ACCEPTED || $msg_type == MSG_TENTATIVE ;
switch ( $ru = $part_prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'receive_updates' ])
case 'responses' :
if ( $msg_is_response )
++ $want_update ;
case 'modifications' :
if ( $msg_type == MSG_MODIFIED )
++ $want_update ;
case 'time_change_4h' :
case 'time_change' :
$diff = max ( abs ( $this -> maketime ( $old_event [ 'start' ]) - $this -> maketime ( $new_event [ 'start' ])),
abs ( $this -> maketime ( $old_event [ 'end' ]) - $this -> maketime ( $new_event [ 'end' ])));
$check = $ru == 'time_change_4h' ? 4 * 60 * 60 - 1 : 0 ;
if ( $msg_type == MSG_MODIFIED && $diff > $check )
++ $want_update ;
case 'add_cancel' :
if ( $old_event [ 'owner' ] == $userid && $msg_is_response ||
$msg_type == MSG_DELETED || $msg_type == MSG_ADDED )
++ $want_update ;
break ;
case 'no' :
break ;
//echo "<p>bocalendar::update_requested(user=$userid,pref=".$part_prefs['calendar']['receive_updates'] .",msg_type=$msg_type,".($old_event?$old_event['title']:'False').",".($old_event?$old_event['title']:'False').") = $want_update</p>\n";
return $want_update > 0 ;
@ function send_update
@ abstract sends update - messages to certain participants of an event
@ syntax send_update ( $msg_type , $to_notify , $old_event , $new_event = False )
@ param $msg_type type of the notification : MSG_ADDED , MSG_MODIFIED , MSG_ACCEPTED , ...
@ param $to_notify array with numerical user - ids as keys ( ! ) ( value is not used )
@ param $old_event Event before the change
@ param $new_event Event after the change
function send_update ( $msg_type , $to_notify , $old_event , $new_event = False , $user = False )
//echo "<p>bocalendar::send_update(type=$msg_type,to_notify="; print_r($to_notify); echo ", old_event="; print_r($old_event); echo ", new_event="; print_r($new_event); echo ", user=$user)</p>\n";
if ( ! is_array ( $to_notify ))
$to_notify = array ();
$owner = $old_event ? $old_event [ 'owner' ] : $new_event [ 'owner' ];
if ( $owner && ! isset ( $to_notify [ $owner ]) && $msg_type != MSG_ALARM )
$to_notify [ $owner ] = 'owner' ; // always include the event-owner
$version = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'apps' ][ 'calendar' ][ 'version' ];
$sender = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'email' ];
$temp_tz_offset = $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'tz_offset' ];
$temp_timeformat = $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ];
$temp_dateformat = $this -> prefs [ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ];
$tz_offset = (( 60 * 60 ) * ( int ) $temp_tz_offset );
if ( $old_event != False )
$t_old_start_time = $this -> maketime ( $old_event [ 'start' ]);
if ( $t_old_start_time < ( time () - 86400 ))
return False ;
$temp_user = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ];
if ( ! $user )
$user = $this -> owner ;
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> account_id != $user )
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> preferences ( $user );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> read_repository ();
$event = $msg_type == MSG_ADDED || $msg_type == MSG_MODIFIED ? $new_event : $old_event ;
if ( $old_event != False )
$old_starttime = $t_old_start_time - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
$starttime = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
$endtime = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
switch ( $msg_type )
$action = lang ( 'Canceled' );
$msg = 'Canceled' ;
$msgtype = '"calendar";' ;
$method = 'cancel' ;
break ;
$action = lang ( 'Modified' );
$msg = 'Modified' ;
$msgtype = '"calendar"; Version="' . $version . '"; Id="' . $new_event [ 'id' ] . '"' ;
$method = 'request' ;
break ;
case MSG_ADDED :
$action = lang ( 'Added' );
$msg = 'Added' ;
$msgtype = '"calendar"; Version="' . $version . '"; Id="' . $new_event [ 'id' ] . '"' ;
$method = 'request' ;
break ;
$action = lang ( 'Rejected' );
$msg = 'Response' ;
$msgtype = '"calendar";' ;
$method = 'reply' ;
break ;
$action = lang ( 'Tentative' );
$msg = 'Response' ;
$msgtype = '"calendar";' ;
$method = 'reply' ;
break ;
$action = lang ( 'Accepted' );
$msg = 'Response' ;
$msgtype = '"calendar";' ;
$method = 'reply' ;
break ;
case MSG_ALARM :
$action = lang ( 'Alarm' );
$msg = 'Alarm' ;
$msgtype = '"calendar";' ;
$method = 'publish' ; // duno if thats right
break ;
default :
$method = 'publish' ;
$notify_msg = $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'notify' . $msg ];
if ( empty ( $notify_msg ))
$notify_msg = $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'notifyAdded' ]; // use a default
$details = array ( // event-details for the notify-msg
'id' => $msg_type == MSG_ADDED ? $new_event [ 'id' ] : $old_event [ 'id' ],
'action' => $action ,
$event_arr = $this -> event2array ( $event );
foreach ( $event_arr as $key => $val )
$details [ $key ] = $val [ 'data' ];
2004-08-07 16:19:53 +02:00
$details [ 'participants' ] = $details [ 'participants' ] ? implode ( " \n " , $details [ 'participants' ]) : '' ;
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$details [ 'link' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ] . '/index.php?menuaction=calendar.uicalendar.view&cal_id=' . $event [ 'id' ];
// if url is only a path, try guessing the rest ;-)
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'webserver_url' ][ 0 ] == '/' )
$details [ 'link' ] = ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'enforce_ssl' ] ? 'https://' : 'http://' ) .
( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'hostname' ] ? $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'server' ][ 'hostname' ] : 'localhost' ) .
$details [ 'link' ];
if ( ! is_object ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> send ))
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> send = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.send' );
$send = & $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> send ;
foreach ( $to_notify as $userid => $statusid )
$userid = ( int ) $userid ;
if ( $statusid == 'R' || $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $userid ) == 'g' )
continue ; // dont notify rejected participants or groups
if ( $userid != $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ] || $msg_type == MSG_ALARM )
print_debug ( 'Msg Type' , $msg_type );
print_debug ( 'UserID' , $userid );
$preferences = CreateObject ( 'phpgwapi.preferences' , $userid );
$part_prefs = $preferences -> read_repository ();
if ( ! $this -> update_requested ( $userid , $part_prefs , $msg_type , $old_event , $new_event ))
continue ;
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_account_name ( $userid , $lid , $details [ 'to-firstname' ], $details [ 'to-lastname' ]);
$details [ 'to-fullname' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> display_fullname ( '' , $details [ 'to-firstname' ], $details [ 'to-lastname' ]);
$to = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $userid , 'account_email' );
if ( empty ( $to ) || $to [ 0 ] == '@' || $to [ 0 ] == '$' ) // we have no valid email-address
//echo "<p>bocalendar::send_update: Empty email adress for user '".$details['to-fullname']."' ==> ignored !!!</p>\n";
continue ;
print_debug ( 'Email being sent to' , $to );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz_offset' ] = $part_prefs [ 'common' ][ 'tz_offset' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] = $part_prefs [ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ] = $part_prefs [ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset = (( 60 * 60 ) * ( int ) $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz_offset' ]);
if ( $old_starttime )
$details [ 'olddate' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $old_starttime );
$details [ 'startdate' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $starttime );
$details [ 'enddate' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $endtime );
list ( $subject , $body ) = split ( " \n " , $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> parse_notify ( $notify_msg , $details ), 2 );
$subject = $send -> encode_subject ( $subject );
switch ( $part_prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'update_format' ])
case 'extended' :
$body .= " \n \n " . lang ( 'Event Details follow' ) . " : \n " ;
foreach ( $event_arr as $key => $val )
if ( $key != 'access' && $key != 'priority' && strlen ( $details [ $key ]))
$body .= sprintf ( " %-20s %s \n " , $val [ 'field' ] . ':' , $details [ $key ]);
break ;
case 'ical' :
$content_type = " calendar; method= $method ; name=calendar.ics " ;
/* would be nice , need to get it working
if ( $body != '' )
$boundary = '----Message-Boundary' ;
$body .= " \n \n \n $boundary\nContent -type: text/ $content_type\n " .
" Content-Disposition: inline \n Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT \n \n " ;
$content_type = '' ;
$body = ExecMethod ( 'calendar.boicalendar.export' , array (
'l_event_id' => $event [ 'id' ],
'method' => $method ,
'chunk_split' => False
break ;
$returncode = $send -> msg ( 'email' , $to , $subject , $body , '' /*$msgtype*/ , '' , '' , '' , $sender , $content_type /*,$boundary*/ );
//echo "<p>send(to='$to', sender='$sender'<br>subject='$subject') returncode=$returncode<br>".nl2br($body)."</p>\n";
if ( ! $returncode ) // not nice, but better than failing silently
echo '<p><b>bocalendar::send_update</b>: ' . lang ( " Failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! " , $to , $userid , htmlspecialchars ( $subject ), $sender ) . " <br> \n " ;
echo '<i>' . $send -> err [ 'desc' ] . " </i><br> \n " ;
echo lang ( 'This is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured SMTP server. Notify your administrator.' ) . " </p> \n " ;
echo '<p>' . lang ( 'Click %1here%2 to return to the calendar.' , '<a href="' . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> link ( '/calendar/' ) . '">' , '</a>' ) . " </p> \n " ;
unset ( $send );
if (( is_int ( $this -> user ) && $this -> user != $temp_user [ 'account_id' ]) ||
( is_string ( $this -> user ) && $this -> user != $temp_user [ 'account_lid' ]))
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ] = $temp_user ;
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'tz_offset' ] = $temp_tz_offset ;
$GLBOALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset = (( 60 * 60 ) * $temp_tz_offset );
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'timeformat' ] = $temp_timeformat ;
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'preferences' ][ 'common' ][ 'dateformat' ] = $temp_dateformat ;
return $returncode ;
function send_alarm ( $alarm )
//echo "<p>bocalendar::send_alarm("; print_r($alarm); echo ")</p>\n";
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ] = $this -> owner = $alarm [ 'owner' ];
if ( ! $alarm [ 'enabled' ] || ! $alarm [ 'owner' ] || ! $alarm [ 'cal_id' ] || ! ( $event = $this -> so -> read_entry ( $alarm [ 'cal_id' ])))
return False ; // event not found
if ( $alarm [ 'all' ])
$to_notify = $event [ 'participants' ];
elseif ( $this -> check_perms ( PHPGW_ACL_READ , $event )) // checks agains $this->owner set to $alarm[owner]
$to_notify [ $alarm [ 'owner' ]] = 'A' ;
return False ; // no rights
return $this -> send_update ( MSG_ALARM , $to_notify , $event , False , $alarm [ 'owner' ]);
function get_alarms ( $event_id )
return $this -> so -> get_alarm ( $event_id );
function alarm_today ( $event , $today , $starttime )
$found = False ;
@ reset ( $event [ 'alarm' ]);
$starttime_hi = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $starttime , 'Hi' );
$t_appt [ 'month' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $today , 'm' );
$t_appt [ 'mday' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $today , 'd' );
$t_appt [ 'year' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $today , 'Y' );
$t_appt [ 'hour' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $starttime , 'H' );
$t_appt [ 'min' ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $starttime , 'i' );
$t_appt [ 'sec' ] = 0 ;
$t_time = $this -> maketime ( $t_appt ) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
$y_time = $t_time - 86400 ;
$tt_time = $t_time + 86399 ;
print_debug ( 'T_TIME' , $t_time . ' : ' . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $t_time ));
print_debug ( 'Y_TIME' , $y_time . ' : ' . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $y_time ));
print_debug ( 'TT_TIME' , $tt_time . ' : ' . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $tt_time ));
while ( list ( $key , $alarm ) = each ( $event [ 'alarm' ]))
if ( $alarm [ 'enabled' ])
print_debug ( 'TIME' , $alarm [ 'time' ] . ' : ' . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $alarm [ 'time' ]) . ' (' . $event [ 'id' ] . ')' );
if ( $event [ 'recur_type' ] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE ) /* Recurring Event */
print_debug ( 'Recurring Event' );
if ( $alarm [ 'time' ] > $y_time && $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $alarm [ 'time' ], 'Hi' ) < $starttime_hi && $alarm [ 'time' ] < $t_time )
$found = True ;
elseif ( $alarm [ 'time' ] > $y_time && $alarm [ 'time' ] < $t_time )
$found = True ;
print_debug ( 'Found' , $found );
return $found ;
function prepare_recipients ( & $new_event , $old_event )
// Find modified and deleted users.....
while ( list ( $old_userid , $old_status ) = each ( $old_event [ 'participants' ]))
if ( isset ( $new_event [ 'participants' ][ $old_userid ]))
print_debug ( 'Modifying event for user' , $old_userid );
$this -> modified [( int ) $old_userid ] = $new_status ;
print_debug ( 'Deleting user from the event' , $old_userid );
$this -> deleted [( int ) $old_userid ] = $old_status ;
// Find new users.....
while ( list ( $new_userid , $new_status ) = each ( $new_event [ 'participants' ]))
if ( ! isset ( $old_event [ 'participants' ][ $new_userid ]))
print_debug ( 'Adding event for user' , $new_userid );
$this -> added [ $new_userid ] = 'U' ;
$new_event [ 'participants' ][ $new_userid ] = 'U' ;
if ( count ( $this -> added ) > 0 || count ( $this -> modified ) > 0 || count ( $this -> deleted ) > 0 )
if ( count ( $this -> added ) > 0 )
$this -> send_update ( MSG_ADDED , $this -> added , '' , $new_event );
if ( count ( $this -> modified ) > 0 )
$this -> send_update ( MSG_MODIFIED , $this -> modified , $old_event , $new_event );
if ( count ( $this -> deleted ) > 0 )
$this -> send_update ( MSG_DELETED , $this -> deleted , $old_event );
function remove_doubles_in_cache ( $firstday , $lastday )
$already_moved = Array ();
for ( $v = $firstday ; $v <= $lastday ; $v ++ )
if ( ! $this -> cached_events [ $v ])
continue ;
$cached = $this -> cached_events [ $v ];
$this -> cached_events [ $v ] = array ();
while ( list ( $g , $event ) = each ( $cached ))
$end = date ( 'Ymd' , $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]));
print_debug ( 'EVENT' , _debug_array ( $event , False ));
print_debug ( 'start' , $start );
print_debug ( 'v' , $v );
if ( ! isset ( $already_moved [ $event [ 'id' ]]) || $event [ 'recur_type' ] && $v > $end )
$this -> cached_events [ $v ][] = $event ;
$already_moved [ $event [ 'id' ]] = 1 ;
print_debug ( 'Event moved' );
function get_dirty_entries ( $lastmod =- 1 )
$events = false ;
$event_ids = $this -> so -> cal -> list_dirty_events ( $lastmod );
if ( is_array ( $event_ids ))
foreach ( $event_ids as $key => $id )
$events [ $id ] = $this -> so -> cal -> fetch_event ( $id );
unset ( $event_ids );
$rep_event_ids = $this -> so -> cal -> list_dirty_events ( $lastmod , $true );
if ( is_array ( $rep_event_ids ))
foreach ( $rep_event_ids as $key => $id )
$events [ $id ] = $this -> so -> cal -> fetch_event ( $id );
unset ( $rep_event_ids );
return $events ;
function _debug_array ( $data )
echo '<br>UI:' ;
_debug_array ( $data );
@ function rejected_no_show
@ abstract checks if event is rejected from user and he ' s not the owner and dont want rejected
@ param $event to check
@ returns True if event should not be shown
function rejected_no_show ( $event )
$ret = ! $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'show_rejected' ] &&
$event [ 'owner' ] != $this -> owner &&
$event [ 'participants' ][ $this -> owner ] == 'R' ;
//echo "<p>rejected_no_show($event[title])='$ret': user=$this->owner, event-owner=$event[owner], status='".$event['participants'][$this->owner]."', show_rejected='".$this->prefs['calendar']['show_rejected']."'</p>\n";
return $ret ;
/* This is called only by list_cals(). It was moved here to remove fatal error in php5 beta4 */
function list_cals_add ( $id , & $users , & $groups )
$name = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> grab_owner_name ( $id );
if (( $type = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> get_type ( $id )) == 'g' )
$arr = & $groups ;
$arr = & $users ;
$arr [ $name ] = Array (
'grantor' => $id ,
'value' => ( $type == 'g' ? 'g_' : '' ) . $id ,
'name' => $name
@ function list_cals
@ abstract generate list of user - / group - calendars for the selectbox in the header
@ returns alphabeticaly sorted array with groups first and then users
function list_cals ()
$users = $groups = array ();
foreach ( $this -> grants as $id => $rights )
$this -> list_cals_add ( $id , $users , $groups );
if ( $memberships = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> membership ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw_info' ][ 'user' ][ 'account_id' ]))
foreach ( $memberships as $group_info )
$this -> list_cals_add ( $group_info [ 'account_id' ], $users , $groups );
if ( $account_perms = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> acl -> get_ids_for_location ( $group_info [ 'account_id' ], PHPGW_ACL_READ , 'calendar' ))
foreach ( $account_perms as $id )
$this -> list_cals_add ( $id , $users , $groups );
uksort ( $users , 'strnatcasecmp' );
uksort ( $groups , 'strnatcasecmp' );
return $users + $groups ; // users first and then groups, both alphabeticaly
@ function event2array
@ abstract create array with name , translated name and readable content of each attributes of an event
@ syntax event2array ( $event , $sep = '<br>' )
@ param $event event to use
@ returns array of attributes with fieldname as key and array with the 'field' = translated name \
'data' = readable content ( for participants this is an array ! )
function event2array ( $event )
$ownerApps = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> acl -> get_user_applications ( $event [ 'owner' ]);
$var [ 'title' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Title' ),
'data' => $event [ 'title' ]
// Some browser add a \n when its entered in the database. Not a big deal
// this will be printed even though its not needed.
$var [ 'description' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Description' ),
'data' => $event [ 'description' ]
$cats = Array ();
$this -> cat -> categories ( $this -> bo -> owner , 'calendar' );
if ( strpos ( $event [ 'category' ], ',' ))
$cats = explode ( ',' , $event [ 'category' ]);
$cats [] = $event [ 'category' ];
foreach ( $cats as $cat_id )
list ( $cat ) = $this -> cat -> return_single ( $cat_id );
$cat_string [] = stripslashes ( $cat [ 'name' ]);
$var [ 'category' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Category' ),
'data' => implode ( ', ' , $cat_string )
$var [ 'location' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Location' ),
'data' => $event [ 'location' ]
$var [ 'startdate' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Start Date/Time' ),
'data' => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'start' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ),
$var [ 'enddate' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'End Date/Time' ),
'data' => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'end' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset )
$pri = Array (
1 => lang ( 'Low' ),
2 => lang ( 'Normal' ),
3 => lang ( 'High' )
$var [ 'priority' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Priority' ),
'data' => $pri [ $event [ 'priority' ]]
$var [ 'owner' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Created By' ),
'data' => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> grab_owner_name ( $event [ 'owner' ])
$var [ 'updated' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Updated' ),
'data' => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'modtime' ]) - $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset )
$var [ 'access' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Access' ),
'data' => $event [ 'public' ] ? lang ( 'Public' ) : lang ( 'Private' )
if ( $ownerApps [ 'projects' ] && $event [ 'projectID' ])
$boprojects = createObject ( 'projects.boprojects' );
$projectData = $boprojects -> read_single_project ( $event [ 'projectID' ]);
$var [ 'project' ] = Array
'field' => lang ( 'Project' ),
'data' => $projectData [ 'title' ] . ' [' . $projectData [ 'number' ] . ']'
if ( @ isset ( $event [ 'groups' ][ 0 ]))
$cal_grps = '' ;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < count ( $event [ 'groups' ]); $i ++ )
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> exists ( $event [ 'groups' ][ $i ]))
$cal_grps .= ( $i > 0 ? '<br>' : '' ) . $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> id2name ( $event [ 'groups' ][ $i ]);
$var [ 'groups' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Groups' ),
'data' => $cal_grps
2004-08-19 17:32:49 +02:00
if ( isset ( $event [ 'participants' ]) && is_array ( $event [ 'participants' ]))
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-19 17:32:49 +02:00
$participants = array ();
foreach ( $event [ 'participants' ] as $user => $short_status )
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
2004-08-19 17:32:49 +02:00
if ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> exists ( $user ))
$participants [ $user ] = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> grab_owner_name ( $user ) . ' (' . $this -> get_long_status ( $short_status ) . ')' ;
2004-07-24 22:52:49 +02:00
$var [ 'participants' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Participants' ),
'data' => $participants
// Repeated Events
if ( $event [ 'recur_type' ] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE )
$str = lang ( $this -> rpt_type [ $event [ 'recur_type' ]]);
$str_extra = array ();
if ( $event [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'mday' ] != 0 && $event [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'month' ] != 0 && $event [ 'recur_enddate' ][ 'year' ] != 0 )
$recur_end = $this -> maketime ( $event [ 'recur_enddate' ]);
if ( $recur_end != 0 )
$recur_end -= $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> datetime -> tz_offset ;
$str_extra [] = lang ( 'ends' ) . ': ' . lang ( $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> common -> show_date ( $recur_end , 'l' )) . ', ' . $this -> long_date ( $recur_end ) . ' ' ;
// only weekly uses the recur-data (days) !!!
if ( $event [ 'recur_type' ] == MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY )
$repeat_days = array ();
foreach ( $this -> rpt_day as $mcal_mask => $dayname )
if ( $event [ 'recur_data' ] & $mcal_mask )
$repeat_days [] = lang ( $dayname );
if ( count ( $repeat_days ))
$str_extra [] = lang ( 'days repeated' ) . ': ' . implode ( ', ' , $repeat_days );
if ( $event [ 'recur_interval' ] != 0 )
$str_extra [] = lang ( 'Interval' ) . ': ' . $event [ 'recur_interval' ];
if ( count ( $str_extra ))
$str .= ' (' . implode ( ', ' , $str_extra ) . ')' ;
$var [ 'recure_type' ] = Array (
'field' => lang ( 'Repetition' ),
'data' => $str ,
if ( ! isset ( $this -> fields ))
$this -> custom_fields = CreateObject ( 'calendar.bocustom_fields' );
$this -> fields = & $this -> custom_fields -> fields ;
$this -> stock_fields = & $this -> custom_fields -> stock_fields ;
// projects
if ( $ownerApps [ 'projects' ])
$this -> fields [ 'project' ][ 'disabled' ] = false ;
foreach ( $this -> fields as $field => $data )
if ( ! $data [ 'disabled' ])
if ( isset ( $var [ $field ]))
$sorted [ $field ] = $var [ $field ];
elseif ( ! isset ( $this -> stock_fields [ $field ]) && strlen ( $event [ $field ])) // Custom field
$lang = lang ( $name = substr ( $field , 1 ));
$sorted [ $field ] = array (
'field' => $lang == $name . '*' ? $name : $lang ,
'data' => $event [ $field ]
unset ( $var [ $field ]);
foreach ( $var as $name => $v )
$sorted [ $name ] = $v ;
return $sorted ;
@ function check_set_default_prefs
@ abstract sets the default prefs , if they are not already set ( on a per pref . basis )
@ note It sets a flag in the app - session - data to be called only once per session
function check_set_default_prefs ()
if (( $set = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> session -> appsession ( 'default_prefs_set' , 'calendar' )))
return ;
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> session -> appsession ( 'default_prefs_set' , 'calendar' , 'set' );
$default_prefs = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> default [ 'calendar' ];
$subject = lang ( 'Calendar Event' ) . ' - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$' . " \n " ;
$defaults = array (
'defaultcalendar' => 'week' ,
'mainscreen_showevents' => '0' ,
'summary' => 'no' ,
'receive_updates' => 'no' ,
'update_format' => 'extended' , // leave it to extended for now, as iCal kills the message-body
'notifyAdded' => $subject . lang ( 'You have a meeting scheduled for %1' , '$$startdate$$' ),
'notifyCanceled' => $subject . lang ( 'Your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled' , '$$startdate$$' ),
'notifyModified' => $subject . lang ( 'Your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2' , '$$olddate$$' , '$$startdate$$' ),
'notifyResponse' => $subject . lang ( 'On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4' , '$$date$$' , '$$fullname$$' , '$$action$$' , '$$startdate$$' ),
'notifyAlarm' => lang ( 'Alarm for %1 at %2 in %3' , '$$title$$' , '$$startdate$$' , '$$location$$' ) . " \n " . lang ( 'Here is your requested alarm.' ),
'show_rejected' => '0' ,
'display_status' => '1' ,
'weekdaystarts' => 'Monday' ,
'workdaystarts' => '9' ,
'workdayends' => '17' ,
'interval' => '30' ,
'defaultlength' => '60' ,
'planner_start_with_group' => $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> accounts -> name2id ( 'Default' ),
'planner_intervals_per_day' => '4' ,
'defaultfilter' => 'all' ,
'default_private' => '0' ,
'display_minicals' => '1' ,
'print_black_white' => '0'
foreach ( $defaults as $var => $default )
if ( ! isset ( $default_prefs [ $var ]) || $default_prefs [ $var ] == '' )
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> add ( 'calendar' , $var , $default , 'default' );
$need_save = True ;
if ( $need_save )
$prefs = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> save_repository ( False , 'default' );
$this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ] = $prefs [ 'calendar' ];
if ( $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'send_updates' ] && ! isset ( $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'receive_updates' ]))
$this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'receive_updates' ] = $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'send_updates' ];
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> add ( 'calendar' , 'receive_updates' , $this -> prefs [ 'calendar' ][ 'send_updates' ]);
$GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> delete ( 'calendar' , 'send_updates' );
$prefs = $GLOBALS [ 'phpgw' ] -> preferences -> save_repository ();
// return array with all infolog categories (for xmlrpc)
function categories ( $complete = False )
return $GLOBALS [ 'server' ] -> categories ( $complete );