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2010-05-21 13:51:40 +02:00
Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.
For licensing, see LICENSE.html or
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( 'styles',
requires : [ 'selection' ]
* Registers a function to be called whenever a style changes its state in the
* editing area. The current state is passed to the function. The possible
* states are {@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON} and {@link CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF}.
* @param {} The style to be watched.
* @param {Function} The function to be called when the style state changes.
* @example
* // Create a style object for the <b> element.
* var style = new { element : 'b' } );
* var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
* editor.attachStyleStateChange( style, function( state )
* {
* if ( state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON )
* alert( 'The current state for the B element is ON' );
* else
* alert( 'The current state for the B element is OFF' );
* });
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.attachStyleStateChange = function( style, callback )
// Try to get the list of attached callbacks.
var styleStateChangeCallbacks = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks;
// If it doesn't exist, it means this is the first call. So, let's create
// all the structure to manage the style checks and the callback calls.
if ( !styleStateChangeCallbacks )
// Create the callbacks array.
styleStateChangeCallbacks = this._.styleStateChangeCallbacks = [];
// Attach to the selectionChange event, so we can check the styles at
// that point.
this.on( 'selectionChange', function( ev )
// Loop throw all registered callbacks.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < styleStateChangeCallbacks.length ; i++ )
var callback = styleStateChangeCallbacks[ i ];
// Check the current state for the style defined for that
// callback.
// If the state changed since the last check.
if ( callback.state !== currentState )
// Call the callback function, passing the current
// state to it. this, currentState );
// Save the current state, so it can be compared next
// time.
callback.state !== currentState;
// Save the callback info, so it can be checked on the next occurence of
// selectionChange.
styleStateChangeCallbacks.push( { style : style, fn : callback } );
var blockElements = { address:1,div:1,h1:1,h2:1,h3:1,h4:1,h5:1,h6:1,p:1,pre:1 };
var objectElements = { a:1,embed:1,hr:1,img:1,li:1,object:1,ol:1,table:1,td:1,tr:1,th:1,ul:1,dl:1,dt:1,dd:1,form:1};
var semicolonFixRegex = /\s*(?:;\s*|$)/; = function( styleDefinition, variablesValues )
if ( variablesValues )
styleDefinition = styleDefinition );
replaceVariables( styleDefinition.attributes, variablesValues );
replaceVariables( styleDefinition.styles, variablesValues );
var element = this.element = ( styleDefinition.element || '*' ).toLowerCase();
this.type =
( element == '#' || blockElements[ element ] ) ?
: objectElements[ element ] ?
this._ =
definition : styleDefinition
}; =
apply : function( document )
{ this, document, false );
remove : function( document )
{ this, document, true );
applyToRange : function( range )
return ( this.applyToRange =
: this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_BLOCK ?
: this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT ?
: null ).call( this, range );
removeFromRange : function( range )
return ( this.removeFromRange =
: null ).call( this, range );
applyToObject : function( element )
setupElement( element, this );
* Get the style state inside an element path. Returns "true" if the
* element is active in the path.
checkActive : function( elementPath )
switch ( this.type )
return this.checkElementRemovable( elementPath.block || elementPath.blockLimit, true );
var elements = elementPath.elements;
for ( var i = 0, element ; i < elements.length ; i++ )
element = elements[ i ];
if ( this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_INLINE
&& ( element == elementPath.block || element == elementPath.blockLimit ) )
if( this.type == CKEDITOR.STYLE_OBJECT
&& !( element.getName() in objectElements ) )
if ( this.checkElementRemovable( element, true ) )
return true;
return false;
checkApplicable : function( elementPath )
switch ( this.type )
return elementPath.lastElement.getAscendant( this.element, true );
return true;
// Checks if an element, or any of its attributes, is removable by the
// current style definition.
checkElementRemovable : function( element, fullMatch )
if ( !element )
return false;
var def = this._.definition,
// If the element name is the same as the style name.
if ( element.getName() == this.element )
// If no attributes are defined in the element.
if ( !fullMatch && !element.hasAttributes() )
return true;
attribs = getAttributesForComparison( def );
if ( attribs._length )
for ( var attName in attribs )
if ( attName == '_length' )
var elementAttr = element.getAttribute( attName ) || '';
if ( attName == 'style' ?
compareCssText( attribs[ attName ], normalizeCssText( elementAttr, false ) )
: attribs[ attName ] == elementAttr )
if ( !fullMatch )
return true;
else if ( fullMatch )
return false;
if ( fullMatch )
return true;
return true;
// Check if the element can be somehow overriden.
var override = getOverrides( this )[ element.getName() ] ;
if ( override )
// If no attributes have been defined, remove the element.
if ( !( attribs = override.attributes ) )
return true;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attribs.length ; i++ )
attName = attribs[i][0];
var actualAttrValue = element.getAttribute( attName );
if ( actualAttrValue )
var attValue = attribs[i][1];
// Remove the attribute if:
// - The override definition value is null;
// - The override definition value is a string that
// matches the attribute value exactly.
// - The override definition value is a regex that
// has matches in the attribute value.
if ( attValue === null ||
( typeof attValue == 'string' && actualAttrValue == attValue ) ||
attValue.test( actualAttrValue ) )
return true;
return false;
// Builds the preview HTML based on the styles definition.
buildPreview : function()
var styleDefinition = this._.definition,
html = [],
elementName = styleDefinition.element;
// Avoid <bdo> in the preview.
if ( elementName == 'bdo' )
elementName = 'span';
html = [ '<', elementName ];
// Assign all defined attributes.
var attribs = styleDefinition.attributes;
if ( attribs )
for ( var att in attribs )
html.push( ' ', att, '="', attribs[ att ], '"' );
// Assign the style attribute.
var cssStyle = styleDefinition );
if ( cssStyle )
html.push( ' style="', cssStyle, '"' );
html.push( '>',, '</', elementName, '>' );
return html.join( '' );
// Build the cssText based on the styles definition. = function( styleDefinition )
// If we have already computed it, just return it.
var stylesDef = styleDefinition._ST;
if ( stylesDef )
return stylesDef;
stylesDef = styleDefinition.styles;
// Builds the StyleText.
var stylesText = ( styleDefinition.attributes && styleDefinition.attributes[ 'style' ] ) || '',
specialStylesText = '';
if ( stylesText.length )
stylesText = stylesText.replace( semicolonFixRegex, ';' );
for ( var style in stylesDef )
var styleVal = stylesDef[ style ],
text = ( style + ':' + styleVal ).replace( semicolonFixRegex, ';' );
// Some browsers don't support 'inherit' property value, leave them intact. (#5242)
if ( styleVal == 'inherit' )
specialStylesText += text;
stylesText += text;
// Browsers make some changes to the style when applying them. So, here
// we normalize it to the browser format.
if ( stylesText.length )
stylesText = normalizeCssText( stylesText );
stylesText += specialStylesText;
// Return it, saving it to the next request.
return ( styleDefinition._ST = stylesText );
function applyInlineStyle( range )
var document = range.document;
if ( range.collapsed )
// Create the element to be inserted in the DOM.
var collapsedElement = getElement( this, document );
// Insert the empty element into the DOM at the range position.
range.insertNode( collapsedElement );
// Place the selection right inside the empty element.
range.moveToPosition( collapsedElement, CKEDITOR.POSITION_BEFORE_END );
var elementName = this.element;
var def = this._.definition;
var isUnknownElement;
// Get the DTD definition for the element. Defaults to "span".
var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd[ elementName ] || ( isUnknownElement = true, CKEDITOR.dtd.span );
// Bookmark the range so we can re-select it after processing.
var bookmark = range.createBookmark();
// Expand the range.
// Get the first node to be processed and the last, which concludes the
// processing.
var boundaryNodes = range.getBoundaryNodes();
var firstNode = boundaryNodes.startNode;
var lastNode = boundaryNodes.endNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
// Probably the document end is reached, we need a marker node.
if ( !lastNode )
var marker;
lastNode = marker = document.createText( '' );
lastNode.insertAfter( range.endContainer );
// The detection algorithm below skips the contents inside bookmark nodes, so
// we'll need to make sure lastNode isn't the &nbsp; inside a bookmark node.
var lastParent = lastNode.getParent();
if ( lastParent && lastParent.getAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' ) )
lastNode = lastParent;
if ( lastNode.equals( firstNode ) )
// If the last node is the same as the the first one, we must move
// it to the next one, otherwise the first one will not be
// processed.
lastNode = lastNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
// It may happen that there are no more nodes after it (the end of
// the document), so we must add something there to make our code
// simpler.
if ( !lastNode )
lastNode = marker = document.createText( '' );
lastNode.insertAfter( firstNode );
var currentNode = firstNode;
var styleRange;
while ( currentNode )
var applyStyle = false;
if ( currentNode.equals( lastNode ) )
currentNode = null;
applyStyle = true;
var nodeType = currentNode.type;
var nodeName = nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ? currentNode.getName() : null;
if ( nodeName && currentNode.getAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' ) )
currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode( true );
// Check if the current node can be a child of the style element.
if ( !nodeName || ( dtd[ nodeName ]
&& ( !def.childRule || def.childRule( currentNode ) ) ) )
var currentParent = currentNode.getParent();
// Check if the style element can be a child of the current
// node parent or if the element is not defined in the DTD.
if ( currentParent
&& ( ( currentParent.getDtd() || CKEDITOR.dtd.span )[ elementName ] || isUnknownElement )
&& ( !def.parentRule || def.parentRule( currentParent ) ) )
// This node will be part of our range, so if it has not
// been started, place its start right before the node.
// In the case of an element node, it will be included
// only if it is entirely inside the range.
styleRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( document );
styleRange.setStartBefore( currentNode );
// Non element nodes, or empty elements can be added
// completely to the range.
if ( nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT || ( nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && !currentNode.getChildCount() ) )
var includedNode = currentNode;
var parentNode;
// This node is about to be included completelly, but,
// if this is the last node in its parent, we must also
// check if the parent itself can be added completelly
// to the range.
while ( !includedNode.$.nextSibling
&& ( parentNode = includedNode.getParent(), dtd[ parentNode.getName() ] )
&& ( !def.childRule || def.childRule( parentNode ) ) )
includedNode = parentNode;
styleRange.setEndAfter( includedNode );
// If the included node still is the last node in its
// parent, it means that the parent can't be included
// in this style DTD, so apply the style immediately.
if ( !includedNode.$.nextSibling )
applyStyle = true;
applyStyle = true;
applyStyle = true;
// Get the next node to be processed.
currentNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode();
// Apply the style if we have something to which apply it.
if ( applyStyle && styleRange && !styleRange.collapsed )
// Build the style element, based on the style object definition.
var styleNode = getElement( this, document );
// Get the element that holds the entire range.
var parent = styleRange.getCommonAncestor();
// Loop through the parents, removing the redundant attributes
// from the element to be applied.
while ( styleNode && parent )
if ( parent.getName() == elementName )
for ( var attName in def.attributes )
if ( styleNode.getAttribute( attName ) == parent.getAttribute( attName ) )
styleNode.removeAttribute( attName );
for ( var styleName in def.styles )
if ( styleNode.getStyle( styleName ) == parent.getStyle( styleName ) )
styleNode.removeStyle( styleName );
if ( !styleNode.hasAttributes() )
styleNode = null;
parent = parent.getParent();
if ( styleNode )
// Move the contents of the range to the style element.
styleRange.extractContents().appendTo( styleNode );
// Here we do some cleanup, removing all duplicated
// elements from the style element.
removeFromInsideElement( this, styleNode );
// Insert it into the range position (it is collapsed after
// extractContents.
styleRange.insertNode( styleNode );
// Let's merge our new style with its neighbors, if possible.
mergeSiblings( styleNode );
// As the style system breaks text nodes constantly, let's normalize
// things for performance.
// With IE, some paragraphs get broken when calling normalize()
// repeatedly. Also, for IE, we must normalize body, not documentElement.
// IE is also known for having a "crash effect" with normalize().
// We should try to normalize with IE too in some way, somewhere.
if ( ! )
// Style applied, let's release the range, so it gets
// re-initialization in the next loop.
styleRange = null;
// Remove the temporary marking node.(#4111)
marker && marker.remove();
range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
// Minimize the result range to exclude empty text nodes. (#5374)
range.shrink( CKEDITOR.SHRINK_TEXT );
function removeInlineStyle( range )
* Make sure our range has included all "collpased" parent inline nodes so
* that our operation logic can be simpler.
var bookmark = range.createBookmark(),
startNode = bookmark.startNode;
if ( range.collapsed )
var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startNode.getParent() ),
// The topmost element in elementspatch which we should jump out of.
for ( var i = 0, element ; i < startPath.elements.length
&& ( element = startPath.elements[i] ) ; i++ )
* 1. If it's collaped inside text nodes, try to remove the style from the whole element.
* 2. Otherwise if it's collapsed on element boundaries, moving the selection
* outside the styles instead of removing the whole tag,
* also make sure other inner styles were well preserverd.(#3309)
if ( element == startPath.block || element == startPath.blockLimit )
if ( this.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
var endOfElement = range.checkBoundaryOfElement( element, CKEDITOR.END ),
startOfElement = !endOfElement && range.checkBoundaryOfElement( element, CKEDITOR.START );
if ( startOfElement || endOfElement )
boundaryElement = element;
boundaryElement.match = startOfElement ? 'start' : 'end';
* Before removing the style node, there may be a sibling to the style node
* that's exactly the same to the one to be removed. To the user, it makes
* no difference that they're separate entities in the DOM tree. So, merge
* them before removal.
mergeSiblings( element );
removeFromElement( this, element );
// Re-create the style tree after/before the boundary element,
// the replication start from bookmark start node to define the
// new range.
if ( boundaryElement )
var clonedElement = startNode;
for ( i = 0 ;; i++ )
var newElement = startPath.elements[ i ];
if ( newElement.equals( boundaryElement ) )
// Avoid copying any matched element.
else if ( newElement.match )
newElement = newElement.clone();
newElement.append( clonedElement );
clonedElement = newElement;
clonedElement[ boundaryElement.match == 'start' ?
'insertBefore' : 'insertAfter' ]( boundaryElement );
* Now our range isn't collapsed. Lets walk from the start node to the end
* node via DFS and remove the styles one-by-one.
var endNode = bookmark.endNode,
me = this;
* Find out the style ancestor that needs to be broken down at startNode
* and endNode.
function breakNodes()
var startPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( startNode.getParent() ),
endPath = new CKEDITOR.dom.elementPath( endNode.getParent() ),
breakStart = null,
breakEnd = null;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < startPath.elements.length ; i++ )
var element = startPath.elements[ i ];
if ( element == startPath.block || element == startPath.blockLimit )
if ( me.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
breakStart = element;
for ( i = 0 ; i < endPath.elements.length ; i++ )
element = endPath.elements[ i ];
if ( element == endPath.block || element == endPath.blockLimit )
if ( me.checkElementRemovable( element ) )
breakEnd = element;
if ( breakEnd )
endNode.breakParent( breakEnd );
if ( breakStart )
startNode.breakParent( breakStart );
// Now, do the DFS walk.
var currentNode = startNode.getNext();
while ( !currentNode.equals( endNode ) )
* Need to get the next node first because removeFromElement() can remove
* the current node from DOM tree.
var nextNode = currentNode.getNextSourceNode();
if ( currentNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && this.checkElementRemovable( currentNode ) )
// Remove style from element or overriding element.
if ( currentNode.getName() == this.element )
removeFromElement( this, currentNode );
removeOverrides( currentNode, getOverrides( this )[ currentNode.getName() ] );
* removeFromElement() may have merged the next node with something before
* the startNode via mergeSiblings(). In that case, the nextNode would
* contain startNode and we'll have to call breakNodes() again and also
* reassign the nextNode to something after startNode.
if ( nextNode.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && nextNode.contains( startNode ) )
nextNode = startNode.getNext();
currentNode = nextNode;
range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
function applyObjectStyle( range )
var root = range.getCommonAncestor( true, true ),
element = root.getAscendant( this.element, true );
element && setupElement( element, this );
function applyBlockStyle( range )
// Serializible bookmarks is needed here since
// elements may be merged.
var bookmark = range.createBookmark( true );
var iterator = range.createIterator();
iterator.enforceRealBlocks = true;
var block;
var doc = range.document;
var previousPreBlock;
while ( ( block = iterator.getNextParagraph() ) ) // Only one =
var newBlock = getElement( this, doc );
replaceBlock( block, newBlock );
range.moveToBookmark( bookmark );
// Replace the original block with new one, with special treatment
// for <pre> blocks to make sure content format is well preserved, and merging/splitting adjacent
// when necessary.(#3188)
function replaceBlock( block, newBlock )
var newBlockIsPre = 'pre' );
var blockIsPre = 'pre' );
var isToPre = newBlockIsPre && !blockIsPre;
var isFromPre = !newBlockIsPre && blockIsPre;
if ( isToPre )
newBlock = toPre( block, newBlock );
else if ( isFromPre )
// Split big <pre> into pieces before start to convert.
newBlock = fromPres( splitIntoPres( block ), newBlock );
block.moveChildren( newBlock );
newBlock.replace( block );
if ( newBlockIsPre )
// Merge previous <pre> blocks.
mergePre( newBlock );
* Merge a <pre> block with a previous sibling if available.
function mergePre( preBlock )
var previousBlock;
if ( !( ( previousBlock = preBlock.getPreviousSourceNode( true, CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT ) )
&& 'pre') ) )
// Merge the previous <pre> block contents into the current <pre>
// block.
// Another thing to be careful here is that currentBlock might contain
// a '\n' at the beginning, and previousBlock might contain a '\n'
// towards the end. These new lines are not normally displayed but they
// become visible after merging.
var mergedHtml = replace( previousBlock.getHtml(), /\n$/, '' ) + '\n\n' +
replace( preBlock.getHtml(), /^\n/, '' ) ;
// Krugle: IE normalizes innerHTML from <pre>, breaking whitespaces.
if ( )
preBlock.$.outerHTML = '<pre>' + mergedHtml + '</pre>';
preBlock.setHtml( mergedHtml );
* Split into multiple <pre> blocks separated by double line-break.
* @param preBlock
function splitIntoPres( preBlock )
// Exclude the ones at header OR at tail,
// and ignore bookmark content between them.
var duoBrRegex = /(\S\s*)\n(?:\s|(<span[^>]+_fck_bookmark.*?\/span>))*\n(?!$)/gi,
blockName = preBlock.getName(),
splitedHtml = replace( preBlock.getOuterHtml(),
function( match, charBefore, bookmark )
return charBefore + '</pre>' + bookmark + '<pre>';
} );
var pres = [];
splitedHtml.replace( /<pre\b.*?>([\s\S]*?)<\/pre>/gi, function( match, preContent ){
pres.push( preContent );
} );
return pres;
// Wrapper function of String::replace without considering of head/tail bookmarks nodes.
function replace( str, regexp, replacement )
var headBookmark = '',
tailBookmark = '';
str = str.replace( /(^<span[^>]+_fck_bookmark.*?\/span>)|(<span[^>]+_fck_bookmark.*?\/span>$)/gi,
function( str, m1, m2 ){
m1 && ( headBookmark = m1 );
m2 && ( tailBookmark = m2 );
return '';
} );
return headBookmark + str.replace( regexp, replacement ) + tailBookmark;
* Converting a list of <pre> into blocks with format well preserved.
function fromPres( preHtmls, newBlock )
var docFrag = new CKEDITOR.dom.documentFragment( newBlock.getDocument() );
for ( var i = 0 ; i < preHtmls.length ; i++ )
var blockHtml = preHtmls[ i ];
// 1. Trim the first and last line-breaks immediately after and before <pre>,
// they're not visible.
blockHtml = blockHtml.replace( /(\r\n|\r)/g, '\n' ) ;
blockHtml = replace( blockHtml, /^[ \t]*\n/, '' ) ;
blockHtml = replace( blockHtml, /\n$/, '' ) ;
// 2. Convert spaces or tabs at the beginning or at the end to &nbsp;
blockHtml = replace( blockHtml, /^[ \t]+|[ \t]+$/g, function( match, offset, s )
if ( match.length == 1 ) // one space, preserve it
return '&nbsp;' ;
else if ( !offset ) // beginning of block
return '&nbsp;', match.length - 1 ) + ' ';
else // end of block
return ' ' + '&nbsp;', match.length - 1 );
} ) ;
// 3. Convert \n to <BR>.
// 4. Convert contiguous (i.e. non-singular) spaces or tabs to &nbsp;
blockHtml = blockHtml.replace( /\n/g, '<br>' ) ;
blockHtml = blockHtml.replace( /[ \t]{2,}/g,
function ( match )
return '&nbsp;', match.length - 1 ) + ' ' ;
} ) ;
var newBlockClone = newBlock.clone();
newBlockClone.setHtml( blockHtml );
docFrag.append( newBlockClone );
return docFrag;
* Converting from a non-PRE block to a PRE block in formatting operations.
function toPre( block, newBlock )
// First trim the block content.
var preHtml = block.getHtml();
// 1. Trim head/tail spaces, they're not visible.
preHtml = replace( preHtml, /(?:^[ \t\n\r]+)|(?:[ \t\n\r]+$)/g, '' );
// 2. Delete ANSI whitespaces immediately before and after <BR> because
// they are not visible.
preHtml = preHtml.replace( /[ \t\r\n]*(<br[^>]*>)[ \t\r\n]*/gi, '$1' );
// 3. Compress other ANSI whitespaces since they're only visible as one
// single space previously.
// 4. Convert &nbsp; to spaces since &nbsp; is no longer needed in <PRE>.
preHtml = preHtml.replace( /([ \t\n\r]+|&nbsp;)/g, ' ' );
// 5. Convert any <BR /> to \n. This must not be done earlier because
// the \n would then get compressed.
preHtml = preHtml.replace( /<br\b[^>]*>/gi, '\n' );
// Krugle: IE normalizes innerHTML to <pre>, breaking whitespaces.
if ( )
var temp = block.getDocument().createElement( 'div' );
temp.append( newBlock );
newBlock.$.outerHTML = '<pre>' + preHtml + '</pre>';
newBlock = temp.getFirst().remove();
newBlock.setHtml( preHtml );
return newBlock;
// Removes a style from an element itself, don't care about its subtree.
function removeFromElement( style, element )
var def = style._.definition,
attributes = {}, def.attributes, getOverrides( style )[ element.getName() ] ),
styles = def.styles,
// If the style is only about the element itself, we have to remove the element.
removeEmpty = attributes ) && styles );
// Remove definition attributes/style from the elemnt.
for ( var attName in attributes )
// The 'class' element value must match (#1318).
if ( ( attName == 'class' || style._.definition.fullMatch )
&& element.getAttribute( attName ) != normalizeProperty( attName, attributes[ attName ] ) )
removeEmpty = element.hasAttribute( attName );
element.removeAttribute( attName );
for ( var styleName in styles )
// Full match style insist on having fully equivalence. (#5018)
if ( style._.definition.fullMatch
&& element.getStyle( styleName ) != normalizeProperty( styleName, styles[ styleName ], true ) )
removeEmpty = removeEmpty || !!element.getStyle( styleName );
element.removeStyle( styleName );
removeEmpty && removeNoAttribsElement( element );
// Removes a style from inside an element.
function removeFromInsideElement( style, element )
var def = style._.definition,
attribs = def.attributes,
styles = def.styles,
overrides = getOverrides( style );
var innerElements = element.getElementsByTag( style.element );
for ( var i = innerElements.count(); --i >= 0 ; )
removeFromElement( style, innerElements.getItem( i ) );
// Now remove any other element with different name that is
// defined to be overriden.
for ( var overrideElement in overrides )
if ( overrideElement != style.element )
innerElements = element.getElementsByTag( overrideElement ) ;
for ( i = innerElements.count() - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- )
var innerElement = innerElements.getItem( i );
removeOverrides( innerElement, overrides[ overrideElement ] ) ;
* Remove overriding styles/attributes from the specific element.
* Note: Remove the element if no attributes remain.
* @param {Object} element
* @param {Object} overrides
function removeOverrides( element, overrides )
var attributes = overrides && overrides.attributes ;
if ( attributes )
for ( var i = 0 ; i < attributes.length ; i++ )
var attName = attributes[i][0], actualAttrValue ;
if ( ( actualAttrValue = element.getAttribute( attName ) ) )
var attValue = attributes[i][1] ;
// Remove the attribute if:
// - The override definition value is null ;
// - The override definition valie is a string that
// matches the attribute value exactly.
// - The override definition value is a regex that
// has matches in the attribute value.
if ( attValue === null ||
( attValue.test && attValue.test( actualAttrValue ) ) ||
( typeof attValue == 'string' && actualAttrValue == attValue ) )
element.removeAttribute( attName ) ;
removeNoAttribsElement( element );
// If the element has no more attributes, remove it.
function removeNoAttribsElement( element )
// If no more attributes remained in the element, remove it,
// leaving its children.
if ( !element.hasAttributes() )
// Removing elements may open points where merging is possible,
// so let's cache the first and last nodes for later checking.
var firstChild = element.getFirst();
var lastChild = element.getLast();
element.remove( true );
if ( firstChild )
// Check the cached nodes for merging.
mergeSiblings( firstChild );
if ( lastChild && !firstChild.equals( lastChild ) )
mergeSiblings( lastChild );
function mergeSiblings( element )
if ( !element || element.type != CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT || !CKEDITOR.dtd.$removeEmpty[ element.getName() ] )
mergeElements( element, element.getNext(), true );
mergeElements( element, element.getPrevious() );
function mergeElements( element, sibling, isNext )
if ( sibling && sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT )
var hasBookmark = sibling.getAttribute( '_fck_bookmark' );
if ( hasBookmark )
sibling = isNext ? sibling.getNext() : sibling.getPrevious();
if ( sibling && sibling.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && element.isIdentical( sibling ) )
// Save the last child to be checked too, to merge things like
// <b><i></i></b><b><i></i></b> => <b><i></i></b>
var innerSibling = isNext ? element.getLast() : element.getFirst();
if ( hasBookmark )
( isNext ? sibling.getPrevious() : sibling.getNext() ).move( element, !isNext );
sibling.moveChildren( element, !isNext );
// Now check the last inner child (see two comments above).
if ( innerSibling )
mergeSiblings( innerSibling );
function getElement( style, targetDocument )
var el;
var def = style._.definition;
var elementName = style.element;
// The "*" element name will always be a span for this function.
if ( elementName == '*' )
elementName = 'span';
// Create the element.
el = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( elementName, targetDocument );
return setupElement( el, style );
function setupElement( el, style )
var def = style._.definition;
var attributes = def.attributes;
var styles = def );
// Assign all defined attributes.
if ( attributes )
for ( var att in attributes )
el.setAttribute( att, attributes[ att ] );
// Assign all defined styles.
if ( styles )
el.setAttribute( 'style', styles );
return el;
var varRegex = /#\((.+?)\)/g;
function replaceVariables( list, variablesValues )
for ( var item in list )
list[ item ] = list[ item ].replace( varRegex, function( match, varName )
return variablesValues[ varName ];
// Returns an object that can be used for style matching comparison.
// Attributes names and values are all lowercased, and the styles get
// merged with the style attribute.
function getAttributesForComparison( styleDefinition )
// If we have already computed it, just return it.
var attribs = styleDefinition._AC;
if ( attribs )
return attribs;
attribs = {};
var length = 0;
// Loop through all defined attributes.
var styleAttribs = styleDefinition.attributes;
if ( styleAttribs )
for ( var styleAtt in styleAttribs )
attribs[ styleAtt ] = styleAttribs[ styleAtt ];
// Includes the style definitions.
var styleText = styleDefinition );
if ( styleText )
if ( !attribs[ 'style' ] )
attribs[ 'style' ] = styleText;
// Appends the "length" information to the object.
attribs._length = length;
// Return it, saving it to the next request.
return ( styleDefinition._AC = attribs );
* Get the the collection used to compare the elements and attributes,
* defined in this style overrides, with other element. All information in
* it is lowercased.
* @param {} style
function getOverrides( style )
if ( style._.overrides )
return style._.overrides;
var overrides = ( style._.overrides = {} ),
definition = style._.definition.overrides;
if ( definition )
// The override description can be a string, object or array.
// Internally, well handle arrays only, so transform it if needed.
if ( ! definition ) )
definition = [ definition ];
// Loop through all override definitions.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < definition.length ; i++ )
var override = definition[i];
var elementName;
var overrideEl;
var attrs;
// If can be a string with the element name.
if ( typeof override == 'string' )
elementName = override.toLowerCase();
// Or an object.
elementName = override.element ? override.element.toLowerCase() : style.element;
attrs = override.attributes;
// We can have more than one override definition for the same
// element name, so we attempt to simply append information to
// it if it already exists.
overrideEl = overrides[ elementName ] || ( overrides[ elementName ] = {} );
if ( attrs )
// The returning attributes list is an array, because we
// could have different override definitions for the same
// attribute name.
var overrideAttrs = ( overrideEl.attributes = overrideEl.attributes || new Array() );
for ( var attName in attrs )
// Each item in the attributes array is also an array,
// where [0] is the attribute name and [1] is the
// override value.
overrideAttrs.push( [ attName.toLowerCase(), attrs[ attName ] ] );
return overrides;
function normalizeProperty( name, value, isStyle )
var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
temp [ isStyle ? 'setStyle' : 'setAttribute' ]( name, value );
return temp[ isStyle ? 'getStyle' : 'getAttribute' ]( name );
function normalizeCssText( unparsedCssText, nativeNormalize )
var styleText;
if ( nativeNormalize !== false )
// Injects the style in a temporary span object, so the browser parses it,
// retrieving its final format.
var temp = new CKEDITOR.dom.element( 'span' );
temp.setAttribute( 'style', unparsedCssText );
styleText = temp.getAttribute( 'style' ) || '';
styleText = unparsedCssText;
// Shrinking white-spaces around colon and semi-colon (#4147).
// Compensate tail semi-colon.
return styleText.replace( /\s*([;:])\s*/, '$1' )
.replace( /([^\s;])$/, '$1;')
.replace( /,\s+/g, ',' ) // Trimming spaces after comma (e.g. font-family name)(#4107).
// Turn inline style text properties into one hash.
function parseStyleText( styleText )
var retval = {};
.replace( /&quot;/g, '"' )
.replace( /\s*([^ :;]+)\s*:\s*([^;]+)\s*(?=;|$)/g, function( match, name, value )
retval[ name ] = value;
} );
return retval;
function compareCssText( source, target )
typeof source == 'string' && ( source = parseStyleText( source ) );
typeof target == 'string' && ( target = parseStyleText( target ) );
for( var name in source )
// Value 'inherit' is treated as a wildcard,
// which will match any value.
if ( !( name in target &&
( target[ name ] == source[ name ]
|| source[ name ] == 'inherit'
|| target[ name ] == 'inherit' ) ) )
return false;
return true;
function applyStyle( document, remove )
// Get all ranges from the selection.
var selection = document.getSelection();
var ranges = selection.getRanges();
var func = remove ? this.removeFromRange : this.applyToRange;
// Apply the style to the ranges.
for ( var i = 0 ; i < ranges.length ; i++ ) this, ranges[ i ] );
// Select the ranges again.
selection.selectRanges( ranges );
CKEDITOR.styleCommand = function( style )
{ = style;
CKEDITOR.styleCommand.prototype.exec = function( editor )
var doc = editor.document;
if ( doc )
if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_OFF ) doc );
else if ( this.state == CKEDITOR.TRISTATE_ON ) doc );
return !!doc;
CKEDITOR.stylesSet = new CKEDITOR.resourceManager( '', 'stylesSet' );
// Backward compatibility (#5025).
CKEDITOR.addStylesSet = CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add, CKEDITOR.stylesSet );
CKEDITOR.loadStylesSet = function( name, url, callback )
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal( name, url, '' );
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load( name, callback );
* Gets the current styleSet for this instance
* @param {Function} The function to be called with the styles data.
* @example
* editor.getStylesSet( function( stylesDefinitions ) {} );
CKEDITOR.editor.prototype.getStylesSet = function( callback )
if ( !this._.stylesDefinitions )
var editor = this,
// Respect the backwards compatible definition entry
configStyleSet = editor.config.stylesCombo_stylesSet || editor.config.stylesSet || 'default';
// #5352 Allow to define the styles directly in the config object
if ( configStyleSet instanceof Array )
editor._.stylesDefinitions = configStyleSet;
callback( configStyleSet );
var partsStylesSet = configStyleSet.split( ':' ),
styleSetName = partsStylesSet[ 0 ],
externalPath = partsStylesSet[ 1 ],
pluginPath = CKEDITOR.plugins.registered.styles.path;
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.addExternal( styleSetName,
externalPath ?
partsStylesSet.slice( 1 ).join( ':' ) :
pluginPath + 'styles/' + styleSetName + '.js', '' );
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.load( styleSetName, function( stylesSet )
editor._.stylesDefinitions = stylesSet[ styleSetName ];
callback( editor._.stylesDefinitions );
} ) ;
callback( this._.stylesDefinitions );
* The "styles definition set" to use in the editor. They will be used in the
* styles combo and the Style selector of the div container. <br>
* The styles may be defined in the page containing the editor, or can be
* loaded on demand from an external file. In the second case, if this setting
* contains only a name, the styles definition file will be loaded from the
* "styles" folder inside the styles plugin folder.
* Otherwise, this setting has the "name:url" syntax, making it
* possible to set the URL from which loading the styles file.<br>
* Previously this setting was available as config.stylesCombo_stylesSet<br>
* @type String|Array
* @default 'default'
* @since 3.3
* @example
* // Load from the styles' styles folder (mystyles.js file).
* config.stylesSet = 'mystyles';
* @example
* // Load from a relative URL.
* config.stylesSet = 'mystyles:/editorstyles/styles.js';
* @example
* // Load from a full URL.
* config.stylesSet = 'mystyles:';
* @example
* // Load from a list of definitions.
* config.stylesSet = [
* { name : 'Strong Emphasis', element : 'strong' },
* { name : 'Emphasis', element : 'em' }, ... ];