2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
< ? php
2004-07-10 09:19:40 +02:00
V4 . 50 6 July 2004 ( c ) 2000 - 2004 John Lim . All rights reserved .
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
Released under both BSD license and Lesser GPL library license .
Whenever there is any discrepancy between the two licenses ,
the BSD license will take precedence .
Set tabs to 4 for best viewing .
2004-07-10 09:19:40 +02:00
Latest version is available at http :// adodb . sourceforge . net
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
Sybase driver contributed by Toni ( toni . tunkkari @ finebyte . com )
- MSSQL date patch applied .
Date patch by Toni 15 Feb 2002
2004-07-10 09:19:40 +02:00
// security - hide paths
if ( ! defined ( 'ADODB_DIR' )) die ();
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
class ADODB_sybase extends ADOConnection {
var $databaseType = " sybase " ;
//var $dataProvider = 'sybase';
var $replaceQuote = " '' " ; // string to use to replace quotes
var $fmtDate = " 'Y-m-d' " ;
var $fmtTimeStamp = " 'Y-m-d H:i:s' " ;
var $hasInsertID = true ;
var $hasAffectedRows = true ;
var $metaTablesSQL = " select name from sysobjects where type='U' or type='V' " ;
2004-03-15 23:17:52 +01:00
// see http://sybooks.sybase.com/onlinebooks/group-aw/awg0800e/dbrfen8/@ebt-link;pt=5981;uf=0?target=0;window=new;showtoc=true;book=dbrfen8
var $metaColumnsSQL = " SELECT c.column_name, c.column_type, c.width FROM syscolumn c, systable t WHERE t.table_name='%s' AND c.table_id=t.table_id AND t.table_type='BASE' " ;
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
" select c.name,t.name,c.length from
syscolumns c join systypes t on t . xusertype = c . xusertype join sysobjects o on o . id = c . id
where o . name = '%s' " ;
var $concat_operator = '+' ;
var $arrayClass = 'ADORecordSet_array_sybase' ;
var $sysDate = 'GetDate()' ;
var $leftOuter = '*=' ;
var $rightOuter = '=*' ;
function ADODB_sybase ()
// might require begintrans -- committrans
function _insertid ()
return $this -> GetOne ( 'select @@identity' );
// might require begintrans -- committrans
function _affectedrows ()
return $this -> GetOne ( 'select @@rowcount' );
function BeginTrans ()
if ( $this -> transOff ) return true ;
$this -> transCnt += 1 ;
$this -> Execute ( 'BEGIN TRAN' );
return true ;
function CommitTrans ( $ok = true )
if ( $this -> transOff ) return true ;
if ( ! $ok ) return $this -> RollbackTrans ();
$this -> transCnt -= 1 ;
$this -> Execute ( 'COMMIT TRAN' );
return true ;
function RollbackTrans ()
if ( $this -> transOff ) return true ;
$this -> transCnt -= 1 ;
$this -> Execute ( 'ROLLBACK TRAN' );
return true ;
// http://www.isug.com/Sybase_FAQ/ASE/section6.1.html#6.1.4
function RowLock ( $tables , $where )
if ( ! $this -> _hastrans ) $this -> BeginTrans ();
$tables = str_replace ( ',' , ' HOLDLOCK,' , $tables );
return $this -> GetOne ( " select top 1 null as ignore from $tables HOLDLOCK where $where " );
function SelectDB ( $dbName ) {
$this -> databaseName = $dbName ;
if ( $this -> _connectionID ) {
return @ sybase_select_db ( $dbName );
else return false ;
/* Returns : the last error message from previous database operation
Note : This function is NOT available for Microsoft SQL Server . */
function ErrorMsg ()
if ( $this -> _logsql ) return $this -> _errorMsg ;
$this -> _errorMsg = sybase_get_last_message ();
return $this -> _errorMsg ;
// returns true or false
function _connect ( $argHostname , $argUsername , $argPassword , $argDatabasename )
2004-07-10 09:19:40 +02:00
if ( ! function_exists ( 'sybase_connect' )) return null ;
2004-03-15 23:17:52 +01:00
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
$this -> _connectionID = sybase_connect ( $argHostname , $argUsername , $argPassword );
if ( $this -> _connectionID === false ) return false ;
if ( $argDatabasename ) return $this -> SelectDB ( $argDatabasename );
return true ;
// returns true or false
function _pconnect ( $argHostname , $argUsername , $argPassword , $argDatabasename )
2004-07-10 09:19:40 +02:00
if ( ! function_exists ( 'sybase_connect' )) return null ;
2004-03-15 23:17:52 +01:00
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
$this -> _connectionID = sybase_pconnect ( $argHostname , $argUsername , $argPassword );
if ( $this -> _connectionID === false ) return false ;
if ( $argDatabasename ) return $this -> SelectDB ( $argDatabasename );
return true ;
// returns query ID if successful, otherwise false
function _query ( $sql , $inputarr )
if ( $ADODB_COUNTRECS == false && ADODB_PHPVER >= 0x4300 )
return sybase_unbuffered_query ( $sql , $this -> _connectionID );
return sybase_query ( $sql , $this -> _connectionID );
// See http://www.isug.com/Sybase_FAQ/ASE/section6.2.html#6.2.12
function & SelectLimit ( $sql , $nrows =- 1 , $offset =- 1 , $inputarr = false , $secs2cache = 0 )
2004-03-15 23:17:52 +01:00
if ( $secs2cache > 0 ) { // we do not cache rowcount, so we have to load entire recordset
$rs =& ADOConnection :: SelectLimit ( $sql , $nrows , $offset , $inputarr , $secs2cache );
return $rs ;
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
$cnt = ( $nrows > 0 ) ? $nrows : 0 ;
if ( $offset > 0 && $cnt ) $cnt += $offset ;
$this -> Execute ( " set rowcount $cnt " );
2004-03-15 23:17:52 +01:00
$rs =& ADOConnection :: SelectLimit ( $sql , $nrows , $offset , $inputarr , $secs2cache );
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
$this -> Execute ( " set rowcount 0 " );
return $rs ;
// returns true or false
function _close ()
return @ sybase_close ( $this -> _connectionID );
function UnixDate ( $v )
return ADORecordSet_array_sybase :: UnixDate ( $v );
function UnixTimeStamp ( $v )
return ADORecordSet_array_sybase :: UnixTimeStamp ( $v );
# Added 2003-10-05 by Chris Phillipson
# Used ASA SQL Reference Manual -- http://sybooks.sybase.com/onlinebooks/group-aw/awg0800e/dbrfen8/@ebt-link;pt=16756?target=%25N%15_12018_START_RESTART_N%25
# to convert similar Microsoft SQL*Server (mssql) API into Sybase compatible version
// Format date column in sql string given an input format that understands Y M D
function SQLDate ( $fmt , $col = false )
if ( ! $col ) $col = $this -> sysTimeStamp ;
$s = '' ;
$len = strlen ( $fmt );
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $len ; $i ++ ) {
if ( $s ) $s .= '+' ;
$ch = $fmt [ $i ];
switch ( $ch ) {
case 'Y' :
case 'y' :
$s .= " datename(yy, $col ) " ;
break ;
case 'M' :
$s .= " convert(char(3), $col ,0) " ;
break ;
case 'm' :
$s .= " replace(str(month( $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'Q' :
case 'q' :
$s .= " datename(qq, $col ) " ;
break ;
case 'D' :
case 'd' :
$s .= " replace(str(datepart(dd, $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'h' :
$s .= " substring(convert(char(14), $col ,0),13,2) " ;
break ;
case 'H' :
$s .= " replace(str(datepart(hh, $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'i' :
$s .= " replace(str(datepart(mi, $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 's' :
$s .= " replace(str(datepart(ss, $col ),2),' ','0') " ;
break ;
case 'a' :
case 'A' :
$s .= " substring(convert(char(19), $col ,0),18,2) " ;
break ;
default :
if ( $ch == '\\' ) {
$i ++ ;
$ch = substr ( $fmt , $i , 1 );
$s .= $this -> qstr ( $ch );
break ;
return $s ;
2004-03-15 23:17:52 +01:00
# Added 2003-10-07 by Chris Phillipson
# Used ASA SQL Reference Manual -- http://sybooks.sybase.com/onlinebooks/group-aw/awg0800e/dbrfen8/@ebt-link;pt=5981;uf=0?target=0;window=new;showtoc=true;book=dbrfen8
# to convert similar Microsoft SQL*Server (mssql) API into Sybase compatible version
function MetaPrimaryKeys ( $table )
$sql = " SELECT c.column_name " .
" FROM syscolumn c, systable t " .
" WHERE t.table_name=' $table ' AND c.table_id=t.table_id " .
" AND t.table_type='BASE' " .
" AND c.pkey = 'Y' " .
" ORDER BY c.column_id " ;
$a = $this -> GetCol ( $sql );
if ( $a && sizeof ( $a ) > 0 ) return $a ;
return false ;
2003-10-19 21:05:23 +02:00
Class Name : Recordset
global $ADODB_sybase_mths ;
$ADODB_sybase_mths = array (
'JAN' => 1 , 'FEB' => 2 , 'MAR' => 3 , 'APR' => 4 , 'MAY' => 5 , 'JUN' => 6 ,
'JUL' => 7 , 'AUG' => 8 , 'SEP' => 9 , 'OCT' => 10 , 'NOV' => 11 , 'DEC' => 12 );
class ADORecordset_sybase extends ADORecordSet {
var $databaseType = " sybase " ;
var $canSeek = true ;
// _mths works only in non-localised system
var $_mths = array ( 'JAN' => 1 , 'FEB' => 2 , 'MAR' => 3 , 'APR' => 4 , 'MAY' => 5 , 'JUN' => 6 , 'JUL' => 7 , 'AUG' => 8 , 'SEP' => 9 , 'OCT' => 10 , 'NOV' => 11 , 'DEC' => 12 );
function ADORecordset_sybase ( $id , $mode = false )
if ( $mode === false ) {
if ( ! $mode ) $this -> fetchMode = ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC ;
else $this -> fetchMode = $mode ;
return $this -> ADORecordSet ( $id , $mode );
/* Returns : an object containing field information .
Get column information in the Recordset object . fetchField () can be used in order to obtain information about
fields in a certain query result . If the field offset isn 't specified, the next field that wasn' t yet retrieved by
fetchField () is retrieved . */
function & FetchField ( $fieldOffset = - 1 )
if ( $fieldOffset != - 1 ) {
$o = @ sybase_fetch_field ( $this -> _queryID , $fieldOffset );
else if ( $fieldOffset == - 1 ) { /* The $fieldOffset argument is not provided thus its -1 */
$o = @ sybase_fetch_field ( $this -> _queryID );
// older versions of PHP did not support type, only numeric
if ( $o && ! isset ( $o -> type )) $o -> type = ( $o -> numeric ) ? 'float' : 'varchar' ;
return $o ;
function _initrs ()
$this -> _numOfRows = ( $ADODB_COUNTRECS ) ? @ sybase_num_rows ( $this -> _queryID ) :- 1 ;
$this -> _numOfFields = @ sybase_num_fields ( $this -> _queryID );
function _seek ( $row )
return @ sybase_data_seek ( $this -> _queryID , $row );
function _fetch ( $ignore_fields = false )
if ( $this -> fetchMode == ADODB_FETCH_NUM ) {
$this -> fields = @ sybase_fetch_row ( $this -> _queryID );
} else if ( $this -> fetchMode == ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC ) {
$this -> fields = @ sybase_fetch_row ( $this -> _queryID );
if ( is_array ( $this -> fields )) {
$this -> fields = $this -> GetRowAssoc ( ADODB_ASSOC_CASE );
return true ;
return false ;
} else {
$this -> fields = @ sybase_fetch_array ( $this -> _queryID );
if ( is_array ( $this -> fields )) {
return true ;
return false ;
/* close () only needs to be called if you are worried about using too much memory while your script
is running . All associated result memory for the specified result identifier will automatically be freed . */
function _close () {
return @ sybase_free_result ( $this -> _queryID );
// sybase/mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
function UnixDate ( $v )
return ADORecordSet_array_sybase :: UnixDate ( $v );
function UnixTimeStamp ( $v )
return ADORecordSet_array_sybase :: UnixTimeStamp ( $v );
class ADORecordSet_array_sybase extends ADORecordSet_array {
function ADORecordSet_array_sybase ( $id =- 1 )
$this -> ADORecordSet_array ( $id );
// sybase/mssql uses a default date like Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
function UnixDate ( $v )
global $ADODB_sybase_mths ;
//Dec 30 2000 12:00AM
if ( ! ereg ( " ([A-Za-z] { 3})[-/ \ . ]+([0-9] { 1,2})[-/ \ . ]+([0-9] { 4}) "
, $v , $rr )) return parent :: UnixDate ( $v );
if ( $rr [ 3 ] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR ) return 0 ;
$themth = substr ( strtoupper ( $rr [ 1 ]), 0 , 3 );
$themth = $ADODB_sybase_mths [ $themth ];
if ( $themth <= 0 ) return false ;
// h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
return mktime ( 0 , 0 , 0 , $themth , $rr [ 2 ], $rr [ 3 ]);
function UnixTimeStamp ( $v )
global $ADODB_sybase_mths ;
//11.02.2001 Toni Tunkkari toni.tunkkari@finebyte.com
//Changed [0-9] to [0-9 ] in day conversion
if ( ! ereg ( " ([A-Za-z] { 3})[-/ \ . ]([0-9 ] { 1,2})[-/ \ . ]([0-9] { 4}) +([0-9] { 1,2}):([0-9] { 1,2}) *([apAP] { 0,1}) "
, $v , $rr )) return parent :: UnixTimeStamp ( $v );
if ( $rr [ 3 ] <= TIMESTAMP_FIRST_YEAR ) return 0 ;
$themth = substr ( strtoupper ( $rr [ 1 ]), 0 , 3 );
$themth = $ADODB_sybase_mths [ $themth ];
if ( $themth <= 0 ) return false ;
switch ( strtoupper ( $rr [ 6 ])) {
case 'P' :
if ( $rr [ 4 ] < 12 ) $rr [ 4 ] += 12 ;
break ;
case 'A' :
if ( $rr [ 4 ] == 12 ) $rr [ 4 ] = 0 ;
break ;
default :
break ;
// h-m-s-MM-DD-YY
return mktime ( $rr [ 4 ], $rr [ 5 ], 0 , $themth , $rr [ 2 ], $rr [ 3 ]);