forked from extern/egroupware
pending translations from our translation server
This commit is contained in:
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ deleted addressbook de gelöscht
deletes the photo addressbook de Löscht das Foto
department common de Abteilung
departments addressbook de Abteilungen
directory with documents to insert contacts addressbook de Verzeichnis mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von Kontakten
directory with documents to insert contacts addressbook de Ordner mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von Kontakten
disable addressbook de Deaktivieren
disable last/next event column addressbook de Spalte Letzer/nächster Termin deaktivieren
display contact addressbook de Kontakte Anzeigen
@ -9,12 +9,14 @@
%1 rights for %2 and applications %3 admin cs %1 práva pro %2 a aplikace %3
%1 user %2 admin cs %1 uživatel %2
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin cs (obvykle Ne, ponechte prázdné, pokud nepoužíváte)
(no subject) admin cs (žádný předmět)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin cs (Uložená hesla zde nebudou zobrazena)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin cs (Pro instalaci nových aplikací použijte<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Setup</a> [Spravovat aplikace] !!!)
- type admin cs - typ
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin cs Přístupový protokol a obrana proti útoku hrubou silou
account %1 %2 admin cs Účet %1 %2
account '%1' deleted. admin cs Účet '%1' byl smazán.
account '%1' not found !!! admin cs Účet '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
account active admin cs Účet aktivní
account has been created common cs Účet byl vytvořen
account has been deleted common cs Účet byl smazán
@ -31,6 +33,7 @@ action admin cs Akce
actions admin cs Akce
activate admin cs Aktivovat
activate wysiwyg-editor admin cs aktivovat WYSIWYG editor
active templates admin cs Aktivní šablony
add a category admin cs přidat kategorii
add a group admin cs přidat skupinu
add a new account. admin cs Přidat nový účet
@ -45,16 +48,20 @@ add global category for %1 admin cs Přidat globální kategorii pro %1
add group admin cs Přidat skupinu
add new account admin cs Přidat nový účet
add new application admin cs Přidat novou aplikaci
add new email address: admin cs Přidat novou e-mailovou adresu:
add peer server admin cs Přidat peer server
add profile admin cs Přidat profil
add sub-category admin cs Přidat podkategorii
admin dn admin cs Dn (distiguished name) administrátora
admin email admin cs E-mail administrátora
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin cs E-mailové adresy správce (oddělené čárkou) pro zasílání upozornění o blokování (ponechte prázdné pokud nechcete upozornění odesílat)
admin name admin cs Jméno administrátora
admin password admin cs Heslo administrátora
admin queue and history admin cs Fronta a historie administrátora
admin username admin cs Uživatelské jméno administrátora
administration admin cs Administrace
admins admin cs Administrátoři
advanced options admin cs rozšířené volby
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 15) ? admin cs Po kolika neúspěšných pokusech o přihlášení má být účet zablokován (výchozí 3)?
advanced options admin cs Rozšířené volby
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin cs Po kolika neúspěšných pokusech o přihlášení má být IP zablokována (výchozí 3)?
aliases admin cs Aliasy
all applications admin cs všechny aplikace
@ -63,11 +70,14 @@ all records and account information will be lost! admin cs Všechny záznamy a i
all users admin cs Všichni uživatelé
allow anonymous access to this app admin cs Povolit anonymní přístup k této aplikaci
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin cs Povolit vzdálenou administraci z následujících instalačních ID (oddělených čárkami)
alternate email address admin cs alternativní e-mailová adresa
alternate email address admin cs Alternativní e-mailová adresa
anonymous user admin cs Anonymní uživatel
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin cs Anonymní uživatel (nezobrazuje se v seznamu relací)
anonymous user does not exist! admin cs Anonymní uživatel NEexistuje!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin cs Anonymní uživatel NEMÁ oprávnění ke spuštění aplikace!
any application admin cs Kterákoli aplikace
any group admin cs Kterákoli skupina
any user admin cs Kterýkoli uživatel
appearance admin cs Vzhled
application admin cs Aplikace
application '%1' not found (maybe not installed or misspelled)! admin cs Aplikace '%1' nebyla nalezena (buď není nainstalována nebo se jmenuje jinak)!
@ -97,11 +107,19 @@ attribute mailalternateaddress explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i
attribute mailforwardingaddress explained admin cs Toto pracuje s atributem <b><i>-mailForwardingAddress-</i></b> z QMAIL schématu a pokud je nastavené, nesmí být prázdné.
authentication / accounts admin cs Autentikace / Účty
auto create account records for authenticated users admin cs Automaticky vytvořit záznamy pro autentikované uživatele
back to admin/grouplist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Skupiny uživatelů
back to admin/userlist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Uživatelské účty
back to the list admin cs zpět na seznam
bad login name or password. admin cs Chybné přihlašovací jméno nebo heslo.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin cs Chybný nebo špatně fomulovaný požadavek. Server odpověděl: %s
bad request: %s admin cs Chybný požadavek: %s
bi-dir passthrough admin cs průchozí v obou směrech
bi-directional admin cs obousměrné
bottom admin cs Dolní okraj
calculate next run admin cs Vypočítat další spuštění
can be used by application admin cs Může být použit aplikací
can be used by group admin cs Může být použit skupinou
can be used by user admin cs Může být použit uživatelem
can change password admin cs Může změnit heslo
cancel testjob! admin cs Ukočit testovací úlohu
cancel this scheduled command admin cs Ukončit tento naplánovaný příkaz
@ -123,11 +141,16 @@ color admin cs Barva
command scheduled to run at %1 admin cs Spuštění příkazu naplánováno na %1
commercial: all sorts of companies admin cs Komerční: všechny typy společností
config password or md5 hash from the admin cs Heslo konfigurace nebo MD5 hash ze souboru
connection dropped by imap server. admin cs Připojení ukončeno IMAP serverem.
continue admin cs Pokračovat
cookie domain (default empty means use full domain name, for sitemgr eg. "" allows to use the same cookie for and admin cs Cookie doména (výchozí prázdná hodnota znamená použití celého doménového jména; ve Správci webu např. "" dovoluje použít stejnou cookie pro i
cookie path (allows multiple egw sessions with different directories, has problemes with sitemgr!) admin cs Cookie cesta (umožňuje několik eGW relací s různými adresáři, nefunguje korektně ve Správci webu!)
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin cs Nemohu dokončit požadavek. Důvod: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin cs Nemohu otevřít zabezpečené připojení na IMAP server. %s : %s.
could not remote execute the command admin cs Příkaz nebylo možné vzdáleně spustit.
country admin cs Země
country selection admin cs Výběr země
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin cs CRAM-MD5 nebo DIGEST-MD5 vyžadují nainstalovaný balíček Auth_SASL.
create group admin cs Vytvořit skupinu
created admin cs Vytvořeno
created with id #%1 admin cs vytvořeno s ID #%1
@ -135,11 +158,12 @@ creates a new field admin cs vytvoří novou položku
crontab only (recomended) admin cs jen crontab (doporučeno)
custom fields admin cs Uživatelsky definované položky
cyrus imap server admin cs Cyrus IMAP Server
cyrus imap server administration admin cs Administrace Cyrus IMAP serveru
data admin cs Data
day admin cs Den
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin cs Den týdne <br>(0-6, 0=Ne)
db backup and restore admin cs Záloha a obnova databáze
default admin cs Výchozí
default admin cs výchozí
default file system space per user admin cs Výchozí kapacita na souborovém systému na uživatele
default file system space per user/group ? admin cs Výchozí kapacita na souborovém systému na uživatele/skupinu?
deinstall crontab admin cs Odinstalace crontabu
@ -159,7 +183,7 @@ delete this log entry admin cs Smazat tento záznam v logu
delete this user admin cs smazat tohoto uživatele
deleted admin cs smazáno
deletes this field admin cs smaže tuto položku
deliver extern admin cs doručit extern
deliver extern admin cs doručit externě
deny access admin cs Zakázat přístup
deny access to access log admin cs Zablokovat přístup k přístupovému protokolu
deny access to application registery admin cs Zablokovat přístup do registru aplikací
@ -183,15 +207,20 @@ disable "auto completion" of the login form admin cs Zakázat funkci "automatick
disable wysiwyg-editor admin cs zakázat WYSIWYG editor
disabled (not recomended) admin cs zakázáno (nedoporučuje se)
display admin cs Zobrazit
displaying html messages is disabled admin cs zobrazování HTML zpráv je zakázáno
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin cs NEmazat kategorii a vrátit se zpět na seznam
do not validate certificate admin cs Neověřovat certifikát
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete také smazat všechny globální kategorie ?
do you really want to delete this profile admin cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento profil
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin cs Opravdu chcete vyresetovat filtr pro seznam profilů
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin cs Chcete smazat všechny globální podkategorie?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin cs Chcete přesunout všechny globální podkategorie o jednu úroveň níže ?
document root (default) admin cs Kořenový adresář dokumentů (výchozí)
domainname admin cs Doménové jméno
down admin cs dolů
edit account admin cs Editovat účet
edit application admin cs Editovat aplikaci
edit email settings admin cs editovat nastavení e-mailu
edit email settings admin cs Editovat nastavení e-mailu
edit global category admin cs Editovat globální kategorii
edit global category for %1 admin cs Editovat globální kategorii pro %1
edit group admin cs Editovat skupinu
@ -207,15 +236,23 @@ educational: universities, schools, ... admin cs Vzdělávací: školy, univerzi
egroupware directory admin cs Adresář eGroupWaru
egroupware version admin cs Verze eGroupWaru
either install id and config password needed or the remote hash! admin cs Je zapotřebí instalační ID a konfigurační heslo nebo vzdálený hash!
email account active admin cs e-mailový účet aktivní
email address admin cs e-mailová adresa
email account active admin cs E-mailový účet aktivní
email address admin cs E-mailová adresa
email settings common cs Nastavení e-mailu
emailadmin admin cs Administrátor pošty
emailadmin: group assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přidělený skupině
emailadmin: user assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přidělený uživateli
enable admin cs povolit
enable cyrus imap server administration admin cs Povolit administraci Cyrus IMAP serveru
enable debug-messages admin cs Povolit debugovací zprávy
enable sieve admin cs Povolit Sieve
enable spellcheck in rich text editor admin cs Povolit kontrolu pravopisu v richtext editoru?
enable the soap service admin cs Povolit službu soap
enable the xmlrpc service admin cs Povolit službu xmlrpc
enabled - hidden from navbar admin cs Povoleno - Skryto z navigační lišty
enabled - popup window admin cs Povoleno - Překryvné okno
encrypted connection admin cs Šifrované připojení
encryption settings admin cs Nastavení šifrování
enter a description for the category admin cs zadejte popis pro kategorii
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin cs Zadejte náhodný text pro šifrování<br>aplikační relace (vyžaduje mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin cs Zadejte barvu pozadí pro přihlašovací stránku
@ -229,26 +266,30 @@ enter the site password for peer servers admin cs Zadejte heslo webu pro peer se
enter the site username for peer servers admin cs Zadejte uživatelské jméno webu pro peer servery
enter the title for your site admin cs Zadejte nadpis pro Váš web
enter the title of your logo admin cs Zadejte nadpis pro Vaše logo
enter the url or filename (in api/templates/default/images) of your logo admin cs Zadejte URL nebo název souboru (v adresáři api/templates/default/images) pro Vaše logo
enter the url or filename (in your templates image directory) of your favicon (the little icon that appears in the browsers tabs) admin cs Zadejte URL nebo název souboru (musí být uložen v adresáři obrázků k šablonám) pro ikonu, která se zobrazí v adresním řádku nebo panelu prohlížeče
enter the url where your logo should link to admin cs Zadejte URL, kam by Vaše logo mělo odkazovat
enter the vfs-path where additional images, icons or logos can be placed (and found by egroupwares applications). the path must start with /,and be readable by all users admin cs Zadejte VFS cestu, kam mohou být umístěny dodatečné obrázky, ikony a loga (kde budou k dispozici pro aplikace eGroupWaru). Cesta MUSÍ začínat lomítkem / a mít nastaveno oprávnění ke čtení pro všechny uživatele.
enter your default ftp server admin cs Zadejte Váš výchozí FTP server
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin cs Zadejte Vaší výchozí poštovní doménu ( Od: uživatel@doména )
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin cs Zadejte Vaši výchozí poštovní doménu (z: uživatel@doména)
enter your http proxy server admin cs Zadejte Váš HTTP proxy server
enter your http proxy server port admin cs Zadejte port Vašeho HTTP proxy serveru
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin cs Zadejte doménové jméno nebo IP adresu Vašeho SMTP serveru
enter your smtp server port admin cs Zadejte port Vašeho SMTP serveru
entry saved admin cs Záznam uložen
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin cs Chyba při ukočení časovače, patrně není žádný nastaven !!!
error changing the password for %1 !!! admin cs Chyba při změně hesla pro 1% !!!
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server: [%s] %s.
error deleting log entry! admin cs Chyba při mazání záznamu v logu!
error saving admin cs Chyba při ukládání
error saving account! admin cs Chyba při ukládání účtu!
error saving the command! admin cs Chyba při ukládání příkazu!
error saving the entry!!! admin cs Chyba při ukládání záznamu!!!
error saving to db: admin cs Chyba při ukládání do databáze:
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin cs Chyba při nastavení časovače, špatná syntaxe nebo už jeden časovač běží !!!
error! no appname found admin cs Chyba! Název aplikace nenalezen
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin cs Chyba: %1 nenalezen nebo jiná chyba !!!
event details follow admin cs Následují detaily události
expires admin cs Vyprší
explanation of ldapman admin cs Tento modul byl zatím testován pro Postfix,LDAP,Courier-IMAP a potřebuje schémata CORE a QMAIL (OID7914). Více informací k používání a konfiguraci tohoto systému naleznete v souboru README.ldapman ve podsložce doc složky admin.
failed to change password. admin cs Nepodařilo se změnit heslo.
@ -257,15 +298,19 @@ false admin cs ne
field '%1' already exists !!! admin cs Položka '%1' již existuje !!!
file space admin cs Prostor pro soubory
file space must be an integer admin cs Prostor pro soubory musí být celé číslo
filtered by account admin cs filtrováno podle účtu
filtered by group admin cs filtrováno podle skupiny
for the times above admin cs pro výše uvedené časy
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin cs pro níže uvedené časy (prázdné hodnoty se berou jako '*', vše prázdné = každou minutu)
force selectbox admin cs Vynuit rozbalovací nabídku
forward also to admin cs přeposlat také na
forward also to admin cs Přeposlat také na
forward email's to admin cs Přeposílat e-maily na
forward emails to admin cs přeposlat e-maily na
forward only admin cs jen přeposlat
forward only admin cs Jen přeposlat
full name admin cs Celé jméno
general admin cs Obecné
global categories common cs Globální kategorie
global options admin cs Globální volby
go directly to admin menu, returning here the next time you click on administration. admin cs Jít přímo do administračního menu; sem se vrátíte jakmile příště kliknete na administraci.
governmental: incl. state or municipal authorities or services admin cs Vládní: včetně státních nebo obecních úřadů a služeb
grant admin cs Povolit
@ -279,6 +324,7 @@ group name admin cs Název skupiny
hash admin cs Hash
hide php information admin cs skrýt php informace
home directory admin cs Domovský adresář
home screen message admin cs Zpráva na hlavní obrazovce
host information admin cs Informace o serveru (host)
hour<br>(0-23) admin cs Hodina<br>(0-23)
how big should thumbnails for linked images be (maximum in pixels) ? admin cs Jaká by měla být maximální velikost náhledů k odkazovaným obrázkům (v pixelech)?
@ -290,7 +336,21 @@ icon admin cs Ikona
idle admin cs nečinný
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin cs Pokud pro uživatele nebo žádnou ze skupin které je členem neexistují ACL záznamy
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin cs Pokud používáte LDAP, chcete spravovat atributy pro domovský adresář a login shell?
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin cs Pokud chcete používat SSL nebo TLS, musíte mít nahráno openssl rozšíření PHP.
imap admin password admin cs Heslo IMAP administrátora
imap admin user admin cs Uživatelský účet IMAP administrátora
imap c-client version < 2001 admin cs IMAP C-klient verze < 2001
imap server admin cs IMAP Server
imap server closed the connection. admin cs IMAP server ukončil spojení.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin cs IMAP server ukončil spojení. Server odpověděl: %s
imap server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa IMAP serveru
imap server logintyp admin cs Typ přihlášení na IMAP server
imap server name admin cs Název IMAP serveru
imap server port admin cs Port IMAP serveru
imap/pop3 server name admin cs Název IMAP/POP3 serveru
importance admin cs Důležitost
in mbyte admin cs v MBytech
inactive admin cs neaktivní
inbound admin cs příchozí
initial admin cs Počáteční
install crontab admin cs Instalovat crontab
@ -317,6 +377,7 @@ last login from admin cs poslední příhlášení z
last submission: admin cs Naposledy odesláno:
last time read admin cs Naposledy přečteno
ldap accounts context admin cs LDAP kontext účtů
ldap basedn admin cs LDAP basedn
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin cs LDAP výchozí prefix domovského adresáře (např. /home pro /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin cs LDAP výchozí shell (např. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin cs LDAP typ šifrování
@ -324,6 +385,12 @@ ldap groups context admin cs LDAP kontext skupin
ldap host admin cs LDAP server
ldap root password admin cs LDAP root heslo
ldap rootdn admin cs LDAP rootdn
ldap server admin cs LDAP server
ldap server accounts dn admin cs DN (distinguished name) účtů na LDAP serveru
ldap server admin dn admin cs DN (distinguished name) administrátora LDAP serveru
ldap server admin password admin cs Heslo administrátora LDAP serveru
ldap server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa LDAP serveru
ldap settings admin cs LDAP nastavení
leave empty for no quota admin cs ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li kvótu
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat kategorii bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin cs ponechat skupinu bez změny a vrátit se zpět na seznam
@ -345,8 +412,8 @@ logintime admin cs Čas přihlášení
logoutime admin cs Čas odhlášení
mail settings admin cs Nastavení pošty
main email-address admin cs Hlavní e-mailová adresa
home screen message admin cs Zpráva na hlavní obrazovce
manage mapping admin cs Spravovat mapování
manage stationery templates admin cs Spravovat šablony dopisů
manager admin cs Správce
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin cs Maximální id účtu (např. 65535 nebo 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin cs Maximální počet záznamů v historii kliknutí
@ -360,20 +427,26 @@ modified admin cs Změměno
month admin cs Měsíc
more secure admin cs bezpečnější
name must not be empty !!! admin cs Název nemůže být prázdný !!!
name of organisation admin cs Název organizace
name of the egroupware instance, eg. default admin cs Název instace eGroupWaru, např. default
new group name admin cs Název nové skupiny
new name admin cs nový název
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin cs Nové heslo [ Ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li měnit ]
next run admin cs Další spuštění
no algorithms available admin cs žádný algoritmus není k dispozici
no alternate email address admin cs žádná alternativní e-mailová adresa
no alternate email address admin cs bez alternativní e-mailové adresy
no encryption admin cs bez šifrování
no forwarding email address admin cs bez e-mailové adresy pro přeposílání
no jobs in the database !!! admin cs Žádné úlohy v databázi!!!
no login history exists for this user admin cs Pro tohoto uživatele neexistuje historie přihlášení
no matches found admin cs Nenalezeny žádné záznamy
no message returned. admin cs Žádná zpráva se nevrátila.
no modes available admin cs žádné režimy nejsou k dispozici
no permission to add groups admin cs nemáte oprávnění přidávat skupiny
no permission to add users admin cs nemáte oprávnění přidávat uživatele
no permission to create groups admin cs nemáte oprávnění vytvářet skupiny
no plain text part found admin cs nebyla nalezena část ve formě prostého textu
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin cs Nebyla nalezena žádná podporovaná metoda IMAP autentikace.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin cs Neziskové: kluby, asociace, ...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin cs Upozornění: SSL je k dispozici jen v případě, že je PHP zkompilováno s podporou curl
number of active users admin cs počet aktivních uživatelů
@ -388,6 +461,7 @@ one week admin cs jeden týden
only below displayed information is directly submitted to %s. admin cs Na server %s jsou odeslány jen informace zobrazené níže.
operating system admin cs Operační systém
order admin cs Pořadí
organisation admin cs Organizace
outbound admin cs odchozí
own install id: admin cs Vlastní instalační ID:
passthrough admin cs průchozí
@ -410,12 +484,24 @@ please enter a name admin cs Prosím zadejte jméno
please enter a name for that server ! admin cs Zadejte prosím název serveru !
please run setup to become current admin cs Spusťte prosím setup pro aktualizaci
please select admin cs Prosím zvolte
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin cs Plesk nemůže přejmenovávat uživatele --> požadavek ignorován
plesk imap server (courier) admin cs Plesk IMAP server (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin cs Plesk poštovní skript '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin cs Plesk vyžaduje, aby měla hesla nejméně 5 znaků a neobsahovala název účtu --> heslo nebylo nastaveno!!!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin cs Plesk SMTP server (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa POP3 serveru
pop3 server port admin cs Port POP3 serveru
port admin cs port
postfix with ldap admin cs Postfix s LDAP
postpone for admin cs Odložit o
preferences admin cs Předvolby
primary group admin cs primární skupina
profile access rights admin cs přístupová práva profilu
profile is active admin cs Profil je aktivní
profile list admin cs Seznam profilů
profile name admin cs Název profilu
qmaildotmode admin cs Tečkový režim Qmail
quota settings admin cs nastavení kvóty
quota settings admin cs Nastavení kvóty
quota size in mbyte admin cs velikost kvóty v MBytech
re-enter password admin cs Zadejte heslo znovu
read this list of methods. admin cs Načíst seznam metod.
@ -423,11 +509,11 @@ register application hooks admin cs Registrovat aplikace
remote administration instances admin cs Instance vzdálené administrace
remote administration need to be enabled in the remote instance under admin > site configuration! admin cs Vzdálená administrace musí být povolena na vzdálené instanci pod položkou Administrátor > Konfigurace webu!
remote instance saved admin cs Vzdálená instance uložena
remove admin cs odstranit
remove admin cs Odstranit
remove all users from this group admin cs Odstranit všechny uživatele z této skupiny
remove all users from this group ? admin cs Odstranit všechny uživatele z této skupiny ?
requested admin cs Požadovaný
return to view account admin cs Návrat na zobrazení účtu
reset filter admin cs vyresetovat filtr
rights admin cs Práva
route all mails to admin cs Směrovat všechny zprávy na
rows admin cs Ŕádky
@ -447,14 +533,19 @@ select accounts for which the custom field should be visible admin cs Vybrat ú
select group managers admin cs Vybrat skupinové správce
select permissions this group will have admin cs Vybrat oprávnění pro tuto skupinu
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin cs Vyberte rodičovskou kategorii. Pokud se jedná o hlavní kategorii, zvolte NO CATEGORY
select type of imap server admin cs Vyberte typ IMAP serveru
select type of imap/pop3 server admin cs Vyberte typ IMAP/POP3 serveru
select type of smtp server admin cs Vyberte typ SMTP serveru
select users for inclusion admin cs Vyberte uživatele k zařazení
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukládat/načítat informace o souborovém systému
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin cs Vyberte kam/odkud chcete ukládat/načítat informace o uživatelských účtech
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin cs Vyberte umístění této aplikace v navigační liště, od nejnižšího(vlevo) k nejvyššímu (vpravo)
selectbox admin cs Rozbalovací nabídka
send using this email-address admin cs Odeslat s touto e-mailovou adresou
server %1 has been updated admin cs Server %1 byl zaktualizován
server list admin cs Seznam serverů
server password admin cs Heslo serveru
server settings admin cs Nastavení serveru
server type(mode) admin cs Typ (režim) serveru
server url admin cs URL serveru
server username admin cs Uživatelské jméno serveru
@ -468,19 +559,29 @@ show current action admin cs Zobrazit aktuální akci
show error log admin cs Zobrazit chybový protokol
show phpinfo() admin cs Zobrazit phpinfo()
show session ip address admin cs Zobrazit IP adresu relace
sieve server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa Sieve serveru
sieve server port admin cs Port Sieve serveru
sieve settings admin cs Nastavení Sieve
site admin cs Web
smtp authentication admin cs SMTP autentikace
smtp options admin cs Volby SMTP
smtp server name admin cs Jméno SMTP serveru
smtp settings admin cs Nastavení SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa SMTP serveru
smtp-server port admin cs Port SMTP serveru
soap admin cs SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin cs Lituji, takové jméno skupiny už bylo použito.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, výše uvedení uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin cs Lituji, následující uživatelé jsou stále členy skupiny %1
sort the entries admin cs třídit záznamy
ssl admin cs SSL
standard admin cs standardní
standard imap server admin cs standardní IMAP server
standard pop3 server admin cs standardní POP3 server
standard smtp-server admin cs standardní SMTP server
standard admin cs Standardní
standard imap server admin cs Standardní IMAP server
standard pop3 server admin cs Standardní POP3 server
standard smtp-server admin cs Standardní SMTP server
start admin cs Start
start testjob! admin cs Zahájit testovací úlohu
stationery admin cs Šablony
submit changes admin cs Odeslat změny
submit displayed information? admin cs Odeslat zobrazené informace?
submit statistic information admin cs Odeslat statistické údaje
@ -491,6 +592,7 @@ subversion checkout admin cs Kontrola subversion
success admin cs podařilo se
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin cs vypněte, pokud jsou uživatelé náhodně vyhazováni
template selection admin cs Výběr šablony
templates admin cs Šablony
text entry admin cs Textový záznam
that application name already exists. admin cs Takové jméno aplikace již existuje.
that application order must be a number. admin cs Pořadí aplikace musí být číslo.
@ -501,9 +603,11 @@ the api is current admin cs API je aktuální
the api requires an upgrade admin cs API vyžaduje aktualizaci
the cumulated and anonymised data will be publically available: admin cs Souhrnné anonymní údaje budou veřejně k dispozici na:
the groups must include the primary group admin cs Skupiny musí obsahovat i primární skupinu
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin cs Vypadá to, že IMAP server nepodporuje vybranou autentikační metodu. Zkontaktujte prosím Vašeho systémového administrátora.
the install id of an instance can be found under admin > site configuration admin cs Instalační ID instance je možné najít pod Administrátor > Konfigurace webu
the login and password can not be the same admin cs Přihlašovací jméno a heslo se nesmí shodovat
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin cs Přihlašovací id nesmí být delší než osm znaků
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin cs Mimeparser nemůže zpracovat tuto zprávu.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin cs název používaný interně (<= 20 znaků), je změna způsobí nedostupnost stávajících dat
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin cs Testovací úloha Vám pošle e-mail při každém spuštění.
the text displayed to the user admin cs text zobrazený uživateli
@ -514,10 +618,12 @@ they must be removed before you can continue admin cs Musí být odstraněni, ab
this application is current admin cs Tato aplikace je aktuální
this application requires an upgrade admin cs Tato aplikace vyžaduje aktualizaci
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin cs Tuto kategorii v současné době používají aplikace jako rodičovskou.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin cs Toto PHP nemá zkompilovanou podporu IMAPu.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin cs Časový limit vypršení dat aplikační relace v sekundách (výchozí hodnota je 86400 = 1 den)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin cs Časový limit vypršení relace v sekundách (výchozí hodnota je 14400 = 4 hodiny)
times admin cs Časy
to allow us to track the growth of your individual installation use this submit id, otherwise delete it: admin cs Pokud nám chcete umožnit sledovat vývoj Vaší instalace, použijte následující ID. V opačném případě ho smažte:
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin cs Pro použití TLS připojení musíte provozovat verzi PHP 5.1.0 nebo vyšší.
top admin cs nahoře
total of %1 id's changed. admin cs Celkem změněno %1 ID.
total records admin cs Celkem záznamů
@ -532,21 +638,41 @@ two weeks admin cs dva týdny
type '%1' already exists !!! admin cs typ '%1' již existuje !!!
type of customfield admin cs Typ uživatelsky definované položky
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin cs Pod Windows musíte nainstalovat asynchronní službu %1ručně%2 nebo použít náhradní režim. Náhradní režim funguje tak, že úlohy jsou zkontrolovány jen po každém zobrazení stránky !!!
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na Digest-MD5 odpověď.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz LOGIN.
unknown account: %1 !!! admin cs Neznámý účet: %1 !!!
unknown command %1! admin cs Neznámý příkaz %1!
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin cs Neznámá IMAP odpověď server. Odpověděl: %s
unknown option %1 admin cs Neznámá volba %1
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin cs Nepodporovaná akce '%1' !!!
up admin cs nahoru
update current email address: admin cs Aktualizovat současnou e-mailovou adresu:
updated admin cs aktualizováno
url of the egroupware installation, eg. admin cs URL instalace eGroupWaru, např.
usage admin cs Využití
use cookies to pass sessionid admin cs Požívat cookies pro předání id relace
use default admin cs Použít výchozí
use ldap defaults admin cs Použít výchozí hodnoty LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin cs Použít předdefinované uživatelské jméno a heslo uvedené níže
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin cs Používat HTML kompatibilní kód (zatím není zcela funkční)
use smtp auth admin cs Použít SMTP autentikaci
use theme admin cs Použít téma
use tls authentication admin cs Použít TLS autentikaci
use tls encryption admin cs Použít TLS šifrování
user accounts admin cs Uživatelské účty
user can edit forwarding address admin cs Uživatel smí editovat adresu pro přeposílání
user data common cs Uživatelská data
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin cs Uživatel pro SMTP autentikaci (ponechte prázdné, není-li autentikace vyžadována)
user groups admin cs Skupiny uživatelů
userdata admin cs uživatelská data
username (standard) admin cs uživatelské jméno (standardní)
username/password defined by admin admin cs Uživatelské jméno/Heslo definované administrátorem
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin cs uživatelskéjméno@doména (Virtuální správce pošty)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat vlastní poštovní účty
users can define their own identities admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní identity
users can define their own signatures admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní podpisy
users can utilize these stationery templates admin cs Uživatelé mohou využívat tyto šablony dopisů
users choice admin cs Uživatelská volba
value for column %1 is not unique! admin cs Hodnota pro sloupec %1 není unikátní!
view access log admin cs Zobrazit přístupový protokol
@ -556,6 +682,7 @@ view error log admin cs Zobrazit chybový protokol
view sessions admin cs Zobrazit relace
view this user admin cs Zobrazit uživatele
view user account admin cs Zobrazit uživatelský účet
virtual mail manager admin cs Virtuální správce pošty
we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better understanding of egroupware's user base and it's needs. admin cs Tyto údaje poptáváme jen pro statistické účely, abychom získali obecný přehled o používání eGroupWaru ve světě.
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin cs Neuchováváme žádné údaje o Vaší identitě.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin cs Komu chcete přesunout VŠECHNY záznamy vlastněné smazaným uživatelem?
@ -569,6 +696,7 @@ wrong admin-account or -password !!! admin cs Špatný účet administrátora ne
xml-rpc admin cs XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin cs Zadal(a) jste neplatné datum expirace
you have no email address for your user set !!! admin cs Nenastavil(a) jste uživateli žádnou emailovou adresu !!!
you have received a new message on the admin cs Přišla Vám nová zpráva na
you have to enter a name, to create a new field!!! admin cs Musíte zadat název pro vytvoření nové položky!!!
you have to enter a name, to create a new type! admin cs Musíte zadat název pro vytvoření nového typu!
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin cs Musíte zadat nejméně jedno oprávnění nebo skupinu k tomuto účtu
@ -583,162 +711,5 @@ you must select at least one group member. admin cs Musíte vybrat alespoň jedn
you need to enter install id and password! admin cs Musíte zadat instalační ID a heslo!
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin cs Než smažete tuto kategorii, musíte smazat všechny podkategorie !
your last submission was less then %1 days ago! admin cs Naposledy jste odeslal(a) údaje před méně jak %1 dnem/dny.
your session could not be verified. admin cs Vaše relace nemohla být ověřena.
(no subject) admin cs (žádný předmět)
account '%1' not found !!! admin cs Účet '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
active templates admin cs Aktivní šablony
add new email address: admin cs Přidat novou e-mailovou adresu:
add profile admin cs Přidat profil
admin dn admin cs Dn (distiguished name) administrátora
admin password admin cs Heslo administrátora
admin username admin cs Uživatelské jméno administrátora
advanced options admin cs Rozšířené volby
alternate email address admin cs Alternativní e-mailová adresa
any application admin cs Kterákoli aplikace
any group admin cs Kterákoli skupina
any user admin cs Kterýkoli uživatel
back to admin/grouplist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Skupiny uživatelů
back to admin/userlist admin cs Zpět na Administrátor/Uživatelské účty
bad login name or password. admin cs Chybné přihlašovací jméno nebo heslo.
bad or malformed request. server responded: %s admin cs Chybný nebo špatně fomulovaný požadavek. Server odpověděl: %s
bad request: %s admin cs Chybný požadavek: %s
can be used by application admin cs Může být použit aplikací
can be used by group admin cs Může být použit skupinou
can be used by user admin cs Může být použit uživatelem
connection dropped by imap server. admin cs Připojení ukončeno IMAP serverem.
continue admin cs Pokračovat
could not complete request. reason given: %s admin cs Nemohu dokončit požadavek. Důvod: %s
could not open secure connection to the imap server. %s : %s. admin cs Nemohu otevřít zabezpečené připojení na IMAP server. %s : %s.
cram-md5 or digest-md5 requires the auth_sasl package to be installed. admin cs CRAM-MD5 nebo DIGEST-MD5 vyžadují nainstalovaný balíček Auth_SASL.
cyrus imap server admin cs Cyrus IMAP Server
cyrus imap server administration admin cs Administrace Cyrus IMAP serveru
default admin cs výchozí
deliver extern admin cs doručit externě
displaying html messages is disabled admin cs zobrazování HTML zpráv je zakázáno
do not validate certificate admin cs Neověřovat certifikát
do you really want to delete this profile admin cs Opravdu chcete smazat tento profil
do you really want to reset the filter for the profile listing admin cs Opravdu chcete vyresetovat filtr pro seznam profilů
domainname admin cs Doménové jméno
edit email settings admin cs Editovat nastavení e-mailu
email account active admin cs E-mailový účet aktivní
email address admin cs E-mailová adresa
email settings common cs Nastavení e-mailu
emailadmin admin cs Administrátor pošty
emailadmin: group assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přidělený skupině
emailadmin: user assigned profile common cs Administrátor pošty: profil přidělený uživateli
enable cyrus imap server administration admin cs Povolit administraci Cyrus IMAP serveru
enable sieve admin cs Povolit Sieve
encrypted connection admin cs Šifrované připojení
encryption settings admin cs Nastavení šifrování
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin cs Zadejte Vaši výchozí poštovní doménu (z: uživatel@doména)
entry saved admin cs Záznam uložen
error connecting to imap server. %s : %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server. %s : %s.
error connecting to imap server: [%s] %s. admin cs Chyba spojení na IMAP server: [%s] %s.
error saving account! admin cs Chyba při ukládání účtu!
error saving the entry!!! admin cs Chyba při ukládání záznamu!!!
event details follow admin cs Následují detaily události
filtered by account admin cs filtrováno podle účtu
filtered by group admin cs filtrováno podle skupiny
forward also to admin cs Přeposlat také na
forward email's to admin cs Přeposílat e-maily na
forward only admin cs Jen přeposlat
global options admin cs Globální volby
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin cs Pokud chcete používat SSL nebo TLS, musíte mít nahráno openssl rozšíření PHP.
imap admin password admin cs Heslo IMAP administrátora
imap admin user admin cs Uživatelský účet IMAP administrátora
imap c-client version < 2001 admin cs IMAP C-klient verze < 2001
imap server admin cs IMAP Server
imap server closed the connection. admin cs IMAP server ukončil spojení.
imap server closed the connection. server responded: %s admin cs IMAP server ukončil spojení. Server odpověděl: %s
imap server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa IMAP serveru
imap server logintyp admin cs Typ přihlášení na IMAP server
imap server name admin cs Název IMAP serveru
imap server port admin cs Port IMAP serveru
imap/pop3 server name admin cs Název IMAP/POP3 serveru
importance admin cs Důležitost
in mbyte admin cs v MBytech
inactive admin cs neaktivní
ldap basedn admin cs LDAP basedn
ldap server admin cs LDAP server
ldap server accounts dn admin cs DN (distinguished name) účtů na LDAP serveru
ldap server admin dn admin cs DN (distinguished name) administrátora LDAP serveru
ldap server admin password admin cs Heslo administrátora LDAP serveru
ldap server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa LDAP serveru
ldap settings admin cs LDAP nastavení
leave empty for no quota admin cs ponechte prázdné, nechcete-li kvótu
mail settings admin cs Nastavení pošty
manage stationery templates admin cs Spravovat šablony dopisů
name of organisation admin cs Název organizace
no alternate email address admin cs bez alternativní e-mailové adresy
no encryption admin cs bez šifrování
no forwarding email address admin cs bez e-mailové adresy pro přeposílání
no message returned. admin cs Žádná zpráva se nevrátila.
no plain text part found admin cs nebyla nalezena část ve formě prostého textu
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin cs Nebyla nalezena žádná podporovaná metoda IMAP autentikace.
order admin cs Pořadí
organisation admin cs Organizace
plesk can't rename users --> request ignored admin cs Plesk nemůže přejmenovávat uživatele --> požadavek ignorován
plesk imap server (courier) admin cs Plesk IMAP server (Courier)
plesk mail script '%1' not found !!! admin cs Plesk poštovní skript '%1' nebyl nalezen !!!
plesk requires passwords to have at least 5 characters and not contain the account-name --> password not set!!! admin cs Plesk vyžaduje, aby měla hesla nejméně 5 znaků a neobsahovala název účtu --> heslo nebylo nastaveno!!!
plesk smtp-server (qmail) admin cs Plesk SMTP server (Qmail)
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa POP3 serveru
pop3 server port admin cs Port POP3 serveru
port admin cs port
postfix with ldap admin cs Postfix s LDAP
profile access rights admin cs přístupová práva profilu
profile is active admin cs Profil je aktivní
profile list admin cs Seznam profilů
profile name admin cs Název profilu
qmaildotmode admin cs Tečkový režim Qmail
quota settings admin cs Nastavení kvóty
quota size in mbyte admin cs velikost kvóty v MBytech
remove admin cs Odstranit
reset filter admin cs vyresetovat filtr
select type of imap server admin cs Vyberte typ IMAP serveru
select type of imap/pop3 server admin cs Vyberte typ IMAP/POP3 serveru
select type of smtp server admin cs Vyberte typ SMTP serveru
send using this email-address admin cs Odeslat s touto e-mailovou adresou
server settings admin cs Nastavení serveru
sieve server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa Sieve serveru
sieve server port admin cs Port Sieve serveru
sieve settings admin cs Nastavení sieve
smtp authentication admin cs SMTP autentikace
smtp options admin cs Volby SMTP
smtp server name admin cs Jméno SMTP serveru
smtp settings admin cs Nastavení SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin cs DNS jméno nebo IP adresa SMTP serveru
smtp-server port admin cs Port SMTP serveru
standard admin cs Standardní
standard imap server admin cs Standardní IMAP server
standard pop3 server admin cs Standardní POP3 server
standard smtp-server admin cs Standardní SMTP server
stationery admin cs Šablony
templates admin cs Šablony
the imap server does not appear to support the authentication method selected. please contact your system administrator. admin cs Vypadá to, že IMAP server nepodporuje vybranou autentikační metodu. Zkontaktujte prosím Vašeho systémového administrátora.
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin cs Mimeparser nemůže zpracovat tuto zprávu.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin cs Toto PHP nemá zkompilovanou podporu IMAPu.
to use a tls connection, you must be running a version of php 5.1.0 or higher. admin cs Pro použití TLS připojení musíte provozovat verzi PHP 5.1.0 nebo vyšší.
unexpected response from server to authenticate command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz AUTHENTICATE.
unexpected response from server to digest-md5 response. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na Digest-MD5 odpověď.
unexpected response from server to login command. admin cs Neočekávaná odpověď serveru na příkaz LOGIN.
unknown imap response from the server. server responded: %s admin cs Neznámá IMAP odpověď server. Odpověděl: %s
unsupported action '%1' !!! admin cs Nepodporovaná akce '%1' !!!
update current email address: admin cs Aktualizovat současnou e-mailovou adresu:
use default admin cs Použít výchozí
use ldap defaults admin cs Použít výchozí hodnoty LDAP
use predefined username and password defined below admin cs Použít předdefinované uživatelské jméno a heslo uvedené níže
use smtp auth admin cs Použít SMTP autentikaci
use tls authentication admin cs Použít TLS autentikaci
use tls encryption admin cs Použít TLS šifrování
user can edit forwarding address admin cs Uživatel smí editovat adresu pro přeposílání
username (standard) admin cs uživatelské jméno (standardní)
username/password defined by admin admin cs Uživatelské jméno/Heslo definované administrátorem
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin cs uživatelskéjméno@doména (Virtuální správce pošty)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat vlastní poštovní účty
users can define their own identities admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní identity
users can define their own signatures admin cs Uživatelé smí definovat své vlastní podpisy
users can utilize these stationery templates admin cs Uživatelé mohou využívat tyto šablony dopisů
virtual mail manager admin cs Virtuální správce pošty
you have received a new message on the admin cs Přišla Vám nová zpráva na
your name admin cs Vaše jméno
your session could not be verified. admin cs Vaše relace nemohla být ověřena.
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? ad
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin de Wenn Sie SSL oder TLS benutzen, müssen Sie die openssl PHP Erweiterung geladen haben.
if you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all entries get deleted! admin de Wenn Sie den Benutzer löschen, ohne jemanden auszuwählen, zu dem die Daten verschoben werden sollen, werden alle Einträge gelöscht!
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin de Falls Sie den Fehler als Administrator ignorieren, sollten Sie "%1" abhacken!
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin de Wenn Sie als SIEVE Server Port 5190 eintragen, wird für die Kommunikation mit dem SIEVE-Server eine SSL-Verbindung verwendet (der Server muss das natürlich unterstützen)
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin de Wenn Sie als Sieve Server Port 5190 eintragen, wird für die Kommunikation mit dem Sieve-Server eine SSL-Verbindung verwendet (der Server muss das natürlich unterstützen)
if you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images. admin de Wenn Sie zufällig ausgewählte Bilder haben möchten, können Sie mehrere Bilder hochladen.
imap admin password admin de IMAP Administrator Passwort
imap admin user admin de IMAP Administrator Benutzer
@ -215,8 +215,8 @@ check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin en Check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 fo
children admin en Children
clear cache and register hooks admin en Clear cache and register hooks
clear credentials admin en Clear credentials
clear security tokens admin en Clear security tokens
clear mail credentials admin en Clear mail credentials
clear security tokens admin en Clear security tokens
click to select a color admin en Click to select a color
color admin en Color
comma-separated ip addresses white-listed from above blocking (:optional number of attempts) admin en Comma-separated IP addresses white-listed from above blocking (:optional number of attempts)
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? ad
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin en If using SSL or TLS, you must have the PHP openssl extension loaded.
if you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all entries get deleted! admin en If you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all entries get deleted!
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin en If you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"!
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin en if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that)
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin en if you specify port 5190 as Sieve server port, you enforce ssl for Sieve (server must support that)
if you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images. admin en If you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images.
imap admin password admin en IMAP admin password
imap admin user admin en IMAP admin user
@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ no permission to add users admin en No permission to add users!
no permission to create groups admin en No permission to create groups!
no plain text part found admin en no plain text part found
no profile defined for user %1 admin en No profile defined for user %1
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin en No sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off.
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin en No Sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off.
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin en No supported IMAP authentication method could be found.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin en Non profit: Clubs, Associations, ...
not enabled admin en Not enabled
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? ad
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin es-es Si usa SSL o TLS, debe tener cargada la extensión openssl de PHP.
if you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all entries get deleted! admin es-es Si elimina al usuario sin seleccionar una cuenta para mover los datos, ¡todas las entradas se eliminarán!
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin es-es Si ignora ese error como administrador, ¡debería marcar "%1"!
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin es-es si especifica el puerto 5190 como puerto del servidor de sieve, aplicará SSL para el sieve (el servidor debe admitirlo)
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin es-es si especifica el puerto 5190 como puerto del servidor de Sieve, aplicará SSL para el Sieve (el servidor debe admitirlo)
if you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images. admin es-es Si desea tener imágenes seleccionadas al azar, puede cargar varias imágenes.
imap admin password admin es-es contraseña del administrador IMAP
imap admin user admin es-es usuario administrador IMAP
@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ no permission to add users admin es-es No tiene permiso para añadir usuarios
no permission to create groups admin es-es No tiene permiso para crear grupos
no plain text part found admin es-es No se encontró ninguna parte con texto sencillo
no profile defined for user %1 admin es-es No se ha definido un perfil para el usuario %1
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin es-es No se detectó soporte de sieve, arregle la configuración manualmente o déjelo apagado.
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin es-es No se detectó soporte de Sieve, arregle la configuración manualmente o déjelo apagado.
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin es-es No se pudo encontrar ningún método soportado de identificación IMAP.
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin es-es Sin ánimo de lucro: clubs, asociaciones...
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin es-es Nota: SSL está disponible sólo si PHP está compilado con soporte curl
@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ account '%1' deleted. admin fr Compte '%' supprimé.
account '%1' not found !!! admin fr Le compte %1 n'a pas été trouvé!!!
account active admin fr Compte actif
account deleted. admin fr Compte supprimé.
account editable by user admin fr compte modifiable par l'utilisateur
account has been created common fr Le compte a été créé.
account has been deleted common fr Le compte a été supprimé.
account has been updated common fr Le compte a été mis à jour.
@ -98,7 +97,6 @@ admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty
admin name admin fr Nom de l'administrateur
admin password admin fr Mot de passe administrateur
admin queue and history admin fr Adminstration des files et historiques
admin user admin fr Administrateur
admin username admin fr Nom d'utilisateur de l'administrateur
administration admin fr Administration
admins admin fr Administrateurs
@ -106,8 +104,6 @@ advanced options admin fr Options avancées
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin fr Après combien de tentatives infructueuses de connexion, un compte doit-il être bloqué. (3 par défaut)
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin fr Après combien de tentatives infructueuses de connexion, une adresse IP doit-elle être bloquée. (15 par défaut)
aliases admin fr Alias
aliases+forwards admin fr Alias+Transferts
aliases, forwarding, quota, ... admin fr Alias,Transferts, Quota,...
all accounts admin fr Tous les comptes
all acls admin fr Tous les ACLs
all applications admin fr Toutes les applications
@ -119,7 +115,6 @@ allow anonymous access to this app admin fr Autoriser l'accès anonyme à cette
allow remote administration from following install id's (comma separated) admin fr Autoriser l'administration à distance depuis les ID d'installation suivantes, séparé par des virgules.
allow user to set 'remember me' token admin fr AUtoriser les utilisateurs à utiliser "Se souvenir de moi"
allow users to change forwards admin fr Autoriser les utilisateurs à changer les transferts
allow users to create further identities admin fr autoriser les utilisateurs à créer d'autres identités
allow users to create identities for aliases admin fr Autoriser les utilisateurs à créer des identités pour les alias
allowed just as second factor admin fr autorisé uniquement en second facteur
alternate email address admin fr Adresse email alternative
@ -144,14 +139,12 @@ applications run rights updated. admin fr Droits d'execution de l'application mi
applies the changes admin fr Appliquer les changements
apply changes admin fr Appliquer les changements
apply the changes admin fr Appliquer les changements
archive folder admin fr Répertoire d'archives
archive: zip or tar admin fr Archiver: zip ou tar
are you sure you want to %1 mail for selected accounts? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir %1 email pour les comptes sélectionnés ?
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer l'application %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce compte ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette application ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie ?
are you sure you want to delete this category? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie ?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cette catégorie globale ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce groupe ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin fr Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer ce serveur ?
@ -169,7 +162,6 @@ authentication admin fr Authentication
authentication / accounts admin fr Authentification / Comptes
auto create account records for authenticated users admin fr Créer automatiquement les enregistrements de comptes pour les utilisateurs authentifiés
available placeholders admin fr Mots clés disponibles
b admin fr B
back to admin/grouplist admin fr Retour à l'admin / liste des groupes
back to admin/userlist admin fr Retour à l'admin / liste des utilisateurs
back to the list admin fr Retour à la liste
@ -440,20 +432,17 @@ file space admin fr Espace fichiers
file space must be an integer admin fr La valeur Espace fichiers doit être un entier
filtered by account admin fr Filtrage par compte
filtered by group admin fr Filtrage par groupe
folder admin fr Répertoire
folder acl admin fr ACL sur le dossier
for the times above admin fr pour le timing ci-dessus
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin fr Pour le timing ci-dessous (les valeurs vides comptent comme '*', tout vide = chaque minute)
forbid users to create identities admin fr Interdire aux utilisateurs de créer des identités
force selectbox admin fr Forcer la boîte de sélection
force users to change their password regularily?(empty for no,number for after that number of days admin fr Définir la récurrence du changement forcé de mot de passe. Définir le nombre de jours. Vide = Non
forced preferences admin fr Préférences forcées
forward also to admin fr Transférer aussi à
forward email's to admin fr Transférer les emails à
forward emails to admin fr Transférer le emails à
forward only admin fr Seulement transférer
full name admin fr Nom complet
gb admin fr Go
general admin fr Général
generate certificate admin fr Générer le Certificat
git clone admin fr Git clone
@ -497,19 +486,17 @@ icon admin fr Icône
identity admin fr Identité
identity deleted admin fr Identité supprimée
identity saved. admin fr Identité enregistrée.
identity&signature admin fr Identité&Signature
identity+signature admin fr Identité+Signature
idle admin fr Disponible
if different from email address admin fr Si différent de l'adresse mail
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin fr Si pas d'enregistrements dans les droits d'accès pour l'utilisateur ou n'importe quel groupe, l'utilisateur est membre de
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin fr Si vous utilisez LDAP, voulez-vous gérer les attributs répertoire maison et shell de connexion?
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin fr Si vous utilisez SSl ou TLS, vous devez avoir chargé l'extension PHP openssl
if you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all entries get deleted! admin fr Si vous supprimez l'utilisateur sans sélectionner un compte vers lequel déplacer les données, toutes les entrées sont supprimées !
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin fr Si vous ignorer cette erreur en tant qu'administrateur, vous devez cocher "%1" !
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin fr Si vous spécifiez le port 5190 comme port du serveur SIEVE, vous forcer le SSL pour SIEVE (et le serveur doit le supporter...)
imap admin fr IMAP
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin fr Si vous spécifiez le port 5190 comme port du serveur Sieve, vous forcer le SSL pour Sieve (et le serveur doit le supporter...)
if you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images. admin fr Si vous souhaitez avoir des images sélectionnées au hasard, vous pouvez télécharger plusieurs images.
imap admin password admin fr Mot de passe de l'administrateur IMAP
imap admin user admin fr ID administrateur IMAP
imap administration admin fr Administration IMAP
imap c-client version < 2001 admin fr IMAP C-Client Version < 2001
imap server admin fr Serveur IMAP
imap server closed the connection. admin fr Le serveur IMAP a interrompu la connexion.
@ -523,8 +510,6 @@ importance admin fr Importance
in mbyte admin fr en Mo
inactive admin fr Inactif
inbound admin fr Entrant
inbox admin fr Boîte de réception
incoming mail admin fr Courrier entrant
initial admin fr Initial
install crontab admin fr Installer le crontab
install id admin fr ID d'installation
@ -544,8 +529,6 @@ invalid value "%1" use yes or no! admin fr Valeur "%1" invalide, utilisez oui ou
invalid value "%1", use only: admin fr Valeur "%1" invalide, utilisez seulement :
ip admin fr IP
jobs admin fr Travaux
junk folder admin fr Dossier des indésirables
kb admin fr Ko
kill admin fr Tuer
kill session admin fr Tuer la session
kill these sessions admin fr Tuer ces sessions
@ -613,7 +596,6 @@ manager admin fr Gestionnaire
manual entry admin fr Entrée manuelle
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin fr Numéro de compte maximum (p.e. 65535 ou 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin fr Nombre maximal d'entrées dans l'historique des clics sur les liens
mb admin fr Mo
mb used admin fr Mo utilisés
members admin fr Membres
message has been updated admin fr Le message a été mis à jour
@ -650,13 +632,12 @@ no permission to add users admin fr Aucune permission pour ajouter des utilisate
no permission to create groups admin fr Aucune permission pour créer des groupes !
no plain text part found admin fr aucune section texte plein trouvée
no profile defined for user %1 admin fr Aucun profil défini pour l'utilisateur %1
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin fr Aucun support Sieve n'a été détecté, corrigez la configuration manuellement ou laissez-le désactivé.
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin fr Il n'a été trouvé aucune méthode d'authentification IMAP supportée
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin fr Sans but lucratif : clubs, associations, ...
not enabled admin fr Désactivé
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin fr Note: SSL disponible si PHP est compilé avec le support de CURL
notification folders updated. admin fr Dossiers de notification mis à jour
notification mail admin fr Email de notification
notify about new mail in this folders admin fr Notifer des nouveaux message dans ces dossiers
notify user by email admin fr Notifier l'utilisateur par email
notifying account "%1" %2 failed! admin fr Echec de la notification du compte "%1" %2 !
number applications serially admin fr Numéroter les applications séquentiellement
@ -677,7 +658,6 @@ order admin fr Ordre
organisation admin fr Organisation
other security configuration admin fr Autres paramètres de sécurité
outbound admin fr sortant
outgoing mail admin fr courrier sortant
own categories admin fr Catégories personnelles
own install id admin fr ID d'installation propre
own install id: admin fr ID d'installation propre :
@ -723,14 +703,12 @@ port admin fr port
postfix with ldap admin fr Postfix avec support LDAP
postpone for admin fr Reporter à
preferences admin fr Préférences
preferences saved. admin fr Préférences enregistrées.
primary group admin fr Groupe primaire
profile access rights admin fr Droits d'accès du profil
profile is active admin fr Le profil est actif
profile list admin fr Liste des profils
profile name admin fr Nom de profil
qmaildotmode admin fr qmaildotmode
quota (mb) admin fr Quota (Mo)
quota settings admin fr Paramètres de quota
quota size in mbyte admin fr Taille des quota en Mo
re-enter password admin fr Entrez à nouveau le mot de passe
@ -755,7 +733,6 @@ rows admin fr Lignes
rpm or debian package admin fr Paquet RPM ou Debian
run admin fr exécuter
run asynchronous services admin fr Exécuter les Services asynchrones
s/mime admin fr S/MIME
save as default admin fr Sauvegarder comme défaut
save changes admin fr Sauvegarder les modifications
save the category admin fr Enregistrer la catégorie
@ -785,7 +762,6 @@ select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin fr Choisissez où vo
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin fr Choisissez à quel endroit cette application devra apparaître dans la barre de navigation, du plus bas (ou à gauche) au plus haut (ou à droite)
selectbox admin fr Boîte de sélection
send using this email-address admin fr Envoyer en utilisant cette adresse email
sent folder admin fr Dossiers Envoyés
server %1 has been updated admin fr Le serveur %1 a été mis à jour
server list admin fr Liste de serveurs
server password admin fr Mot de passe du serveur
@ -793,7 +769,6 @@ server settings admin fr Configuration du serveur
server type(mode) admin fr Type de serveur (mode)
server url admin fr URL du serveur
server username admin fr Nom d'utilisateur du serveur
serverside filtering admin fr filtrage côté serveur
sessions admin fr Sessions
sessions last 30 days admin fr Sessions des 30 derniers jours
set a random password admin fr Définir un mot de passe aléatoire
@ -808,16 +783,12 @@ show error log admin fr Afficher le journal des erreurs
show members admin fr Afficher les membres
show phpinfo() admin fr Afficher phpinfo()
show session ip address admin fr Afficher les adresses IP des sessions
sieve admin fr Sieve
sieve server admin fr Serveur Sieve
sieve server hostname or ip address admin fr Nom ou adresse IP du serveur Sieve
sieve server port admin fr Port Sieve
sieve settings admin fr Paramètres Sieve
site admin fr Site
skip imap admin fr Sauter la configuration IMAP
skipping imap configuration! admin fr Sauter la configuration IMAP !
smime admin fr SMIME
smtp admin fr SMTP
smtp authentication admin fr Authentication SMTP
smtp options admin fr Options SMTP
smtp server admin fr Serveur SMTP
@ -841,10 +812,6 @@ start admin fr Début
start testjob! admin fr Démarrer le Travail de test!
starts with admin fr commence par
stationery admin fr Entrepôt
step 1: imap - incoming mail admin fr Etape 1 : IMAP - Courrier entrant
step 2: folder admin fr Etape 2 : Dossier
step 3: sieve - server side mail filtering admin fr Etape 3 : Sieve - filtrage côté serveur
step 4: smtp - outgoing mail admin fr Etape 4 : SMTP - Courrier sortant
strictly required, user can not login without admin fr absolument nécessaire, l'utilisateur ne pas se connecter sans
submit changes admin fr Soumettre les changements
submit displayed information? admin fr Envoyer les informations affichées
@ -858,7 +825,6 @@ successful connected to %1 server%2. admin fr Connexion réussie sur %1 serveur%
switch it off, if users are randomly thrown out admin fr Décocher si des utilisateurs sont déconnectés par hasard
template selection admin fr Sélection du style
templates admin fr Templates
templates folder admin fr Dossiers modèles
text entry admin fr Entrée de texte
that application name already exists. admin fr Ce nom d'application existe déjà.
that application order must be a number. admin fr Cet ordre d'application doit être un nombre.
@ -896,7 +862,6 @@ total of %1 accounts deleted. admin fr Total de %1 compte(s) supprimé(s)
total of %1 id's changed. admin fr Total de %1 id changés
total records admin fr Enregistrements totaux
translation admin fr Traduction
trash folder admin fr Dosseir Corbeille
true admin fr Vrai
trust level admin fr Niveau de confiance
trust relationship admin fr Relation de confiance
@ -973,7 +938,6 @@ we ask for the data to improve our profile in the press and to get a better unde
we hope you understand the importance for this voluntary statistic and not deny it lightly. admin fr Nous n'enregistrons aucune donnée concernant votre identité.
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin fr A qui voudriez-vous tranférer tous les enregistrements appartenant à l'utilisateur effacé ?
who would you like to transfer records owned by the deleted user to? admin fr Souhaitez vous aussi transférer les enregistrements dont l'utilisateur est propriétaire ?
wizard admin fr Assistant
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin fr Voulez-vous qu'EGroupware mette le tableau d'informations egw en cache ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin fr Voulez-vous que EGroupware vérifie les mises à jour<br>quand un administrateur se connecte ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin fr Voudriez-vous que EGroupware vérifie s'il y a de nouvelles versions d'applications quand les administrateurs se connectent ?
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? ad
if using ssl or tls, you must have the php openssl extension loaded. admin it Se stai usando SSL oppure TLS, devi aver caricato l'estensione SSL in PHP
if you delete the user without selecting an account to move the data to, all entries get deleted! admin it Se elimini un account senza selezionare un nuovo utente intestatario, i dati verranno rimossi!
if you ignore that error as admin, you should check "%1"! admin it Se si ignorerà questo errore come amministratore, si dovrà selezionare "%1"!
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin it se viene indicata la porta 5190 come porta del server sieve, verrà abilitato SSL per sieve (il serve deve supportarlo)
if you specify port 5190 as sieve server port, you enforce ssl for sieve (server must support that) admin it se viene indicata la porta 5190 come porta del server Sieve, verrà abilitato SSL per Sieve (il serve deve supportarlo)
if you wish to have randomly selected images you may upload multiple images. admin it Se vuoi utilizzare immagini selezionate casualmente, puoi caricare più di un'immagine.
imap admin password admin it Password amministratore IMAP
imap admin user admin it User amministratore IMAP
@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ no permission to add users admin it nessun permesso di aggiunta utenti
no permission to create groups admin it nessun permesso di creazione gruppi
no plain text part found admin it non è stata trovata una parte in testo semplice
no profile defined for user %1 admin it Profilo non definito per l'utente %1
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin it Non è stato rilevato il supporto per sieve, verificare la configurazione manualmente o disabilitarlo.
no sieve support detected, either fix configuration manually or leave it switched off. admin it Non è stato rilevato il supporto per Sieve, verificare la configurazione manualmente o disabilitarlo.
no supported imap authentication method could be found. admin it Non è stato trovato alcun metodo di autenticazione supportato da IMAP
non profit: clubs, associations, ... admin it Non profit: Club, Associazioni, ...
not enabled admin it Non abilitato
@ -816,7 +816,7 @@ show phpinfo() admin it Visualizza phpinfo()
show session ip address admin it Visualizza l'indirizzo IP della sessione
sieve server hostname or ip address admin it Nome host o IP server Sieve
sieve server port admin it porta server Sieve
sieve settings admin it impostazioni SIeve
sieve settings admin it impostazioni Sieve
site admin it Sito
skip imap admin it Salta IMAP
skipping imap configuration! admin it Salta la configurazione IMAP
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
%1 acl records of not (longer) existing accounts deleted. admin pt Os %1 registos ACL de contas (já) não existentes foram eliminados.
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin pt %1 não foi encontrado ou não é executável !!!
(default no, leave it off if you dont use it) admin pt (por omissão: Não, mantenha-o assim se não o utilizar)
(no subject) admin pt (sem assunto)
(stored password will not be shown here) admin pt (Senha guardada não será exibida aqui)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin pt (Para instalar novas aplicações clique em <br><a href="setup/" target="setup">Configurações</a> [Aplicações de Gestão] !!!)
- type admin pt - tipo
@ -34,14 +35,17 @@ add group admin pt Adicionar grupos
add new account admin pt Adicionar nova conta
add new application admin pt Adicionar nova aplicação
add peer server admin pt Adicionar servidor remoto
add profile admin pt Adicionar perfil
add sub-category admin pt Adicionar subcategorias
admin dn admin pt DN do administrador
admin email admin pt Endereço de correio electrónico do Administrador
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin pt Endereços de correio electrónico de administradores (separados por vírgula) a avisar sobre o bloqueamento (deixar vazio para não avisar)
admin name admin pt Nome do Administrador
admin password admin pt Senha do administrador
admin username admin pt Nome do utilizador do administrador
administration admin pt Administração
admins admin pt Administradores
advanced options admin pt opções avançadas
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 15) ? admin pt Uma conta deve ser bloqueada após quantas tentativas de acesso sem sucesso (por omissão 3) ?
advanced options admin pt Opções avançadas
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 15) ? admin pt Um IP deve ser bloqueado após quantas tentativas de acesso sem sucesso (por omissão 3) ?
aliases admin pt Sinónimos
all applications admin pt Todas as aplicações
@ -49,11 +53,13 @@ all categories admin pt Todas as categorias
all records and account information will be lost! admin pt Todos registos e dados de contas serão perdidos!
all users admin pt Todos os utilizadores
allow anonymous access to this app admin pt Permitir acesso anónimo a esta aplicação
alternate email address admin pt endereço de correio electrónico alternativo
alternate email address admin pt Endereço de correio electrónico alternativo
anonymous user admin pt Utilizador anónimo
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin pt Utilizador anónimo (não exibido na lista de sessões)
anonymous user does not exist! admin pt O utilizador anónimo NÃO existe!
anonymous user has no run-rights for the application! admin pt O utilizador anónimo NÃO tem permissões para correr a aplicação!
any application admin pt Qualquer aplicação
any group admin pt Qualquer grupo
appearance admin pt Aparência
application admin pt Aplicação
application name admin pt Nome da aplicação
@ -85,6 +91,8 @@ bi-dir passthrough admin pt bi-dir passthrough
bi-directional admin pt bi-direcional
bottom admin pt Fundo
calculate next run admin pt Calcular execução seguinte
can be used by application admin pt Pode ser utilizado pela aplicação
can be used by group admin pt Pode ser utilizado pelo grupo
can change password admin pt Não é possível alterar a senha
cancel testjob! admin pt Cancelar trabalho de teste
categories list admin pt Lista de categorias
@ -97,14 +105,18 @@ check ip address of all sessions admin pt Verificar endereço IP de todas as ses
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin pt Marcar items de <b>%1</b> a %2 para %3
click to select a color admin pt Clique aqui para seleccionar uma cor
color admin pt Cor
continue admin pt Continuar
could not append message: admin pt Não foi possível anexar Mensagem:
country admin pt País
country selection admin pt Selecção de País
create group admin pt Criar Grupo
create new account admin pt criar nova conta
created admin pt Criado
creates a new field admin pt cria um novo campo
crontab only (recomended) admin pt Apenas crontab (recomendado)
custom fields admin pt Campos personalizados
cyrus imap server admin pt Servidor Cyrus IMAP
cyrus imap server admin pt Servidor IMAP Cyrus
cyrus imap server administration admin pt Administração do servidor IMAP Cyrus
data admin pt Dados
day admin pt Dia
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin pt Dia da semana<br>(0-6, 0=Dom)
@ -150,14 +162,18 @@ disable "auto completion" of the login form admin pt Desactivar a funcionalidade
disable wysiwyg-editor admin pt Desactivar o editor do WYSIWYG
disabled (not recomended) admin pt Desactivado (não recomendado)
display admin pt Visualizar
displaying html messages is disabled admin pt exibir mensagens em HTML é desativada
displaying plain messages is disabled admin pt exibição de mensagens simples é desativado
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin pt NÃO eliminar a categoria e voltar para a lista
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pt Deseja eliminar também todas subcategorias gerais ?
do you really want to delete this profile admin pt Deseja relamente eliminar este perfil
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin pt Deseja eliminar todas as subcategorias gerais ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin pt Deseja mover todas as subcategorias gerais para um nível mais abaixo ?
domainname admin pt Nome de domínio
down admin pt baixo
edit account admin pt Editar conta
edit application admin pt Editar aplicações
edit email settings admin pt Editar definições do correio electrónico
edit email settings admin pt Editar configurações do correio electrónico
edit global category admin pt Editar categoria geral
edit global category for %1 admin pt Editar categoria global para %1
edit group admin pt Editar grupos
@ -169,14 +185,17 @@ edit this group admin pt editar este grupo
edit this user admin pt editar este utilizador
edit user admin pt editar utilizador
edit user account admin pt Editar conta de utilizador
email account active admin pt conta de correio electrónico activa
email address admin pt endereço de correio electrónico
email account active admin pt Conta de correio electrónico activa
email address admin pt Endereço de correio electrónico
enable admin pt Activar
enable cyrus imap server administration admin pt Activar administração do servidor IMAP Cyrus
enable debug-messages admin pt Activar mensagens de debug
enable sieve admin pt Activar Sieve
enable the soap service admin pt Activar o serviço soap
enable the xmlrpc service admin pt Activar o serviço xmlrpc
enabled - hidden from navbar admin pt Activo - Escondido da barra de navegação
enabled - popup window admin pt Activo - Janela Popup
encryption settings admin pt Definições de cifragem
enter a description for the category admin pt insira uma descrição para a categoria
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin pt Insira algum texto aleatório para a encriptação <br>da sessão da aplicação (requer mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin pt Escolha uma cor de fundo para a página de acesso
@ -190,18 +209,21 @@ enter the site password for peer servers admin pt Insira a senha do sítio para
enter the site username for peer servers admin pt Insira o nome de utilizador do sítio para servidores remotos
enter the title for your site admin pt Insira o título para o seu sítio
enter the title of your logo admin pt Insira o título do seu logótipo
enter the url or filename (in api/templates/default/images) of your logo admin pt Insira a URL ou nome do ficheiro (em api/templates/default/images) do seu logótipo
enter the url where your logo should link to admin pt Insira a url a que o seu logótipo deve estar ligado
enter your default ftp server admin pt Insira o seu servidor FTP por omissão
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin pt Insira o seu domínio de correio electrónico por omissão ( De: utilizador@domínio )
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin pt Insira o seu domínio de correio electrónico por omissão (de: utilizador@domínio)
enter your http proxy server admin pt Insira o endereço do seu servidor proxy HTTP
enter your http proxy server port admin pt Insira a porta do seu servidor proxy
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin pt Insira o endereço do seu servidor SMTP ou endereço IP
enter your smtp server port admin pt Insira a porta do seu servidor SMTP
entry saved admin pt Registo guardado
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin pt Erro ao cancelar cronómetro. Talvez nenhum esteja activo !!!
error saving the entry!!! admin pt Erro ao guardar o registo!!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin pt Erro ao activar cronómetro: sintaxe incorrecta ou já existe um em execução !!!
error! no appname found admin pt Erro! Nenhum nome de aplicação encontrado
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin pt Erro: %1 não encontrado ou outro erro !!!
event details follow admin pt Seguem detalhes do evento
exists admin pt Existe
expires admin pt Expira
explanation of ldapman admin pt Até ao momento, este módulo foi testado para POSTFIX, LDAP, Courier-IMAP e necessita de schemas CORE e QMAIL (OID7914). Para mais informações sobre a utilização e configuração deste sistema, consulte o ficheiro README.Idapman na pasta de documentos de ADMIN.
@ -209,17 +231,20 @@ failed to change password. admin pt Não foi possível alterar a senha.
fallback (after each pageview) admin pt Fallback (depois de cada visualização de página)
false admin pt Falso
field '%1' already exists !!! admin pt O campo '%1' já existe !!!
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin pt Arquivo rejeitado, sem% 2. É: 1%
file space admin pt Espaço do ficheiro
file space must be an integer admin pt O espaço do ficheiro tem de ser íntegro
for the times above admin pt para as ocasiões anteriores
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin pt para as ocasiões seguintes (valores vazios contam como '*', tudo vazio = todos os minutos)
force selectbox admin pt Forçar caixa de selecção
forward also to admin pt reencaminha também para
forward also to admin pt Reencaminhar também para
forward email's to admin pt Reencaminhar mensagens para
forward emails to admin pt reencaminhar mensagens para
forward only admin pt reencaminhar apenas
forward only admin pt Reencaminhar apenas
full name admin pt Nome completo
general admin pt Geral
global categories common pt Categorias gerais
global options admin pt Opções gerais
group ? admin pt grupo ?
group has been added common pt O grupo foi adicionado
group has been deleted common pt O grupo foi eliminado
@ -229,14 +254,26 @@ group manager admin pt Manutenção de grupos
group name admin pt Nome do grupo
hide php information admin pt Esconder informações de PHP
home directory admin pt Directório da instalação
home screen message admin pt Mensagem da página inicial
host information admin pt Informações do servidor
hostname or ip admin pt Nome do host ou IP
hour<br>(0-23) admin pt Hora<br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin pt Os registos devem ser permanecer no registo de acessos quantos dias até serem eliminados (por omissão 90) ?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 1) ? admin pt Uma conta ou IP deve ficar bloqueado durante quantos minutos (por omissão 30) ?
icon admin pt Ícone
idle admin pt Ocioso
if different from email address admin pt se for diferente do endereço de email
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin pt Se não houver registo de ACL para um utilizador ou grupo, o utilizador é membro do
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin pt Se estiver a utilizar o LDAP, deseja definir atributos de directoria principal e shell de acesso ?
imap admin password admin pt Senha do administrador IMAP
imap admin user admin pt Utilizador do administrador IMAP
imap c-client version < 2001 admin pt Versão C-Client IMAP < 2001
imap server admin pt Servidor IMAP
imap server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor IMAP
imap server logintyp admin pt Tipo de acesso do servidor IMAP
imap server port admin pt Porto do servidor IMAP
imap/pop3 server name admin pt Nome do servidor IMAP/POP3
importance admin pt Importância
in mbyte admin pt em MBytes
inbound admin pt Entrada
install crontab admin pt Instalar crontab
@ -253,6 +290,7 @@ last login admin pt último acesso
last login from admin pt último acesso de
last time read admin pt Última vez lido
ldap accounts context admin pt contexto de contas LDAP
ldap basedn admin pt Base DN LDAP
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin pt prefixo de diretório home padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /home para /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin pt shell por omissão LDAP (Exemplo: /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin pt tipo de encriptação LDAP
@ -260,7 +298,13 @@ ldap groups context admin pt contexto de grupos LDAP
ldap host admin pt servidor LDAP
ldap root password admin pt senha do super utilizador LDAP
ldap rootdn admin pt super utilizador LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin pt Vazio para não definir quota
ldap server admin pt Servidor LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin pt DN das contas de servidor LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin pt DN do administrador de servidor LDAP
ldap server admin password admin pt Senha do administrador de servidor LDAP
ldap server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor LDAP
ldap settings admin pt Configurações do LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin pt Deixar vazio para quota sem limites
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin pt Deixa a categoria e volta para a lista
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin pt Deixa o grupo e volta para a lista
leave without saveing the entry admin pt Continua sem guardar o registo
@ -277,7 +321,6 @@ login time admin pt Hora de acesso
loginid admin pt ID do utilizador
mail settings admin pt Configurações do correio electrónico
main email-address admin pt Endereço de correio electrónico principal
home screen message admin pt Mensagem da página inicial
manage mapping admin pt Gerenciar mapeamento
manager admin pt Gestor
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin pt ID máximo para contas (Exemplo: 65535 ou 1000000)
@ -291,12 +334,14 @@ mode admin pt Modo
modified admin pt Modificado
month admin pt Mês
name must not be empty !!! admin pt O campo do nome não pode ficar vazio !!!
name of organisation admin pt Nome da empresa
new group name admin pt Nome do novo Grupo
new name admin pt novo nome
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin pt Nova senha [ Deixe em branco para não alterar ]
next run admin pt Execução seguinte
no algorithms available admin pt nenhum algoritmo disponível
no alternate email address admin pt nenhum endereço de correio electrónico alternativo
no alternate email address admin pt Sem endereço de correio electrónico alternativo
no forwarding email address admin pt Sem endereço de correio electrónico para reencaminhamento
no jobs in the database !!! admin pt Nenhum trabalho na base de dados !!!
no login history exists for this user admin pt Não existe histórico de acessos para este utilizador
no matches found admin pt Nenhuma ocorrência encontrada
@ -304,11 +349,13 @@ no modes available admin pt nenhum modo disponível
no permission to add groups admin pt sem permissão para adicionar grupos
no permission to add users admin pt sem permissão para adicionar utilizadores
no permission to create groups admin pt sem permissão para criar grupos
no plain text part found admin pt nenhuma parte de texto simples encontrado
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin pt Nota: SSL disponível apenas se o PHP estiver compilado com suporte curl.
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box admin pt Número de linhas para um campo multi-linha ou linhas de uma caixa de selecção múltipla.
one month admin pt um mês
one week admin pt uma semana
order admin pt Ordenar
order admin pt Ordem
organisation admin pt Empresa
outbound admin pt Saída
passthrough admin pt Atravessar
password for smtp-authentication admin pt Senha para autenticação SMTP
@ -327,19 +374,24 @@ please enter a name admin pt Por favor, insira um nome
please enter a name for that server ! admin pt Por favor, insira um nome para esse servidor !
please run setup to become current admin pt Por favor, execute a configuração para actualizar o sistema
please select admin pt Por favor, seleccione
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor POP3
pop3 server port admin pt Porto de servidor POP3
postfix with ldap admin pt Postfix com LDAP
preferences admin pt Preferências
primary group admin pt Grupo principal
profile access rights admin pt Perfil de direitos de acesso
profile list admin pt Lista de perfis
profile name admin pt Nome do perfil
qmaildotmode admin pt Quota do correio electrónico no modo Idot
quota settings admin pt definições de quota
quota settings admin pt Configurações da quota
quota size in mbyte admin pt tamanho da quota em MBytes
re-enter password admin pt Re-insira a senha
read this list of methods. admin pt Ler esta lista de métodos
register application hooks admin pt Registar pontos de entrada de aplicações
remove admin pt remover
remove admin pt Remover
remove all users from this group admin pt Remover todos os utilizadores deste grupo
remove all users from this group ? admin pt Deseja remover todos os utilizadores deste grupo ?
return to view account admin pt Voltar à visualização de conta
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin pt Classe PEAR requeridos Correio / mimeDecode.php não encontrado.
route all mails to admin pt Encaminhar todas as mensagens para
rows admin pt Linhas
run asynchronous services admin pt Executar serviços assíncronos
@ -355,6 +407,8 @@ security admin pt Segurança
select group managers admin pt Seleccionar gestores de grupos
select permissions this group will have admin pt Seleccione as permissões concedidas a este grupo
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin pt Seleccione a categoria principal. Se esta é a categoria principal, não seleccione nenhuma categoria.
select type of imap/pop3 server admin pt Seleccionar tipo de servidor IMAP/POP3
select type of smtp server admin pt Seleccionar tipo de servidor SMTP
select users for inclusion admin pt Seleccione utilizadores para inclusão
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin pt Seleccione onde você deseja guardar as informações de sistema de arquivos
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin pt Seleccione onde você deseja guardar as contas de utilizadores
@ -363,6 +417,7 @@ selectbox admin pt Caixa de seleção
server %1 has been updated admin pt Servidor %1 foi actualizado
server list admin pt Lista de servidores
server password admin pt Senha do servidor
server settings admin pt Definições do servidor
server type(mode) admin pt Tipo de servidor (modo)
server url admin pt URL do servidor
server username admin pt Utilizador do servidor
@ -374,7 +429,16 @@ show current action admin pt Exibir acção actual
show error log admin pt Exibir registo de erro
show phpinfo() admin pt Exibir informação php()
show session ip address admin pt Exibir endereço IP da sessão
sieve server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor Sieve
sieve server port admin pt Porto do servidor Sieve
sieve settings admin pt Configurações do Sieve
site admin pt Sítio
smtp authentication admin pt Autenticação SMTP
smtp options admin pt Opções do SMTP
smtp server name admin pt Nome do servidor SMTP
smtp settings admin pt Definições do SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor SMTP
smtp-server port admin pt Porto do servidor SMTP
soap admin pt SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin pt Desculpe, mas já existe um grupo com esse nome.
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin pt Desculpe, mas os utilizadores em cima ainda são membros do grupo %1
@ -391,6 +455,7 @@ submit changes admin pt Enviar alterações
submit the search string admin pt Enviar termo de pesquisa
subtype admin pt Subtipo
template selection admin pt Selecção de modelos
templates admin pt Templates
text entry admin pt Entrada de texto
that application name already exists. admin pt Este nome de aplicação já existe.
that application order must be a number. admin pt O campo ordem da aplicação tem d ser um número.
@ -402,6 +467,7 @@ the api requires an upgrade admin pt A base (API) do EGroupware precisa ser actu
the groups must include the primary group admin pt Os grupos têm de incluir o grupo primário
the login and password can not be the same admin pt O nome de utilizador e a senha não podem ser iguais
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin pt O nome de utilizador não pode ter mais de 8 caracteres
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin pt O mimeparser não pode analisar estas mensagem.
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible admin pt o nome utilizado internamente (<= 20 caracteres), alterá-lo torna os dados existentes indisponíveis
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin pt O "trabalho de teste" envia-lhe uma mensagem sempre que for chamado.
the text displayed to the user admin pt o texto apresentado ao utilizador
@ -412,6 +478,7 @@ they must be removed before you can continue admin pt Devem ser removidos antes
this application is current admin pt Esta aplicação está actualizada
this application requires an upgrade admin pt Esta aplicação necessita de ser actualizada
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin pt Esta categoria está sendo usada por aplicações como categoria pai.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin pt O PHP não tem suporte de IMAP compilado!!
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin pt Os dados da sessão da aplicação expiram em segundos (por omissão 86400 = 1 dia)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin pt As sessões expiram em segundos (por omissão 14400 = 4 horas)
times admin pt Tempo
@ -428,13 +495,22 @@ under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallb
up admin pt para cima
updated admin pt Actualizado
use cookies to pass sessionid admin pt Utilizar cookies para transmitir id de sessão
use default admin pt Utilizar definições por omissão
use ldap defaults admin pt Utilizar definições por omissão do LDAP
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin pt Usar puro código HTML (não funciona totalmente ainda)
use smtp auth admin pt Utilizar autenticação SMTP
use theme admin pt Utilizar tema
use tls authentication admin pt Utilizar autenticação TLS
use tls encryption admin pt Utilizar cifra TLS
user accounts admin pt Contas de utilizadores
user can edit forwarding address admin pt O utilizador pode editar endereços reencaminhados
user data common pt Dados de utilizadores
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin pt Utilizador para autenticação SMTP (deixar vazio se a autenticação não for necessária)
user groups admin pt Grupos de utilizadores
userdata admin pt Dados de utilizadores
username (standard) admin pt Nome de utilizador (por omissão)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin pt utilizador@dominio (Gestor virtual de correio electrónico)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin pt Os utilizadores podem definir as suas contas de correio electrónico
users choice admin pt Personalizar...
view access log admin pt Ver registo de acessos
view account admin pt Ver conta
@ -443,6 +519,7 @@ view error log admin pt Ver registo de erros
view sessions admin pt Ver sessões
view this user admin pt ver este utilizador
view user account admin pt Ver conta do utilizador
virtual mail manager admin pt Gestor virtual de correio electrónico
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin pt Para quem deseja transferir TODOS os registos do utilizador eliminado ?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin pt Deseja que o EGroupware faça cache do vector de informações egw ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin pt Deseja que o EGroupware verifique a existência de uma nova versão<br>quando os administradores acederem ?
@ -462,109 +539,5 @@ you must enter an application name. admin pt É necessário atribuir um nome à
you must enter an application title. admin pt É necessário atribuir um título à aplicação.
you must select a file type admin pt É necessário seleccionar um tipo de ficheiro
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin pt É necessário remover as subcategorias para poder eliminar esta categoria !
your session could not be verified. admin pt A sua sessão expirou
(no subject) admin pt (sem assunto)
add profile admin pt Adicionar perfil
admin dn admin pt DN do administrador
admin password admin pt Senha do administrador
admin username admin pt Nome do utilizador do administrador
advanced options admin pt Opções avançadas
alternate email address admin pt Endereço de correio electrónico alternativo
any application admin pt Qualquer aplicação
any group admin pt Qualquer grupo
can be used by application admin pt Pode ser utilizado pela aplicação
can be used by group admin pt Pode ser utilizado pelo grupo
continue admin pt Continuar
could not append message: admin pt Não foi possível anexar Mensagem:
create new account admin pt criar nova conta
cyrus imap server admin pt Servidor IMAP Cyrus
cyrus imap server administration admin pt Administração do servidor IMAP Cyrus
default admin pt Por omissão
deliver extern admin pt Entrega externa
displaying html messages is disabled admin pt exibir mensagens em HTML é desativada
displaying plain messages is disabled admin pt exibição de mensagens simples é desativado
do you really want to delete this profile admin pt Deseja relamente eliminar este perfil
domainname admin pt Nome de domínio
edit email settings admin pt Editar configurações do correio electrónico
email account active admin pt Conta de correio electrónico activa
email address admin pt Endereço de correio electrónico
enable cyrus imap server administration admin pt Activar administração do servidor IMAP Cyrus
enable sieve admin pt Activar Sieve
encryption settings admin pt Definições de cifragem
enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) admin pt Insira o seu domínio de correio electrónico por omissão (de: utilizador@domínio)
entry saved admin pt Registo guardado
error saving the entry!!! admin pt Erro ao guardar o registo!!!
event details follow admin pt Seguem detalhes do evento
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 admin pt Arquivo rejeitado, sem% 2. É: 1%
forward also to admin pt Reencaminhar também para
forward email's to admin pt Reencaminhar mensagens para
forward only admin pt Reencaminhar apenas
global options admin pt Opções gerais
hostname or ip admin pt Nome do host ou IP
if different from email address admin pt se for diferente do endereço de email
imap admin password admin pt Senha do administrador IMAP
imap admin user admin pt Utilizador do administrador IMAP
imap c-client version < 2001 admin pt Versão C-Client IMAP < 2001
imap server admin pt Servidor IMAP
imap server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor IMAP
imap server logintyp admin pt Tipo de acesso do servidor IMAP
imap server port admin pt Porto do servidor IMAP
imap/pop3 server name admin pt Nome do servidor IMAP/POP3
importance admin pt Importância
in mbyte admin pt em MBytes
ldap basedn admin pt Base DN LDAP
ldap server admin pt Servidor LDAP
ldap server accounts dn admin pt DN das contas de servidor LDAP
ldap server admin dn admin pt DN do administrador de servidor LDAP
ldap server admin password admin pt Senha do administrador de servidor LDAP
ldap server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor LDAP
ldap settings admin pt Configurações do LDAP
leave empty for no quota admin pt Deixar vazio para quota sem limites
mail settings admin pt Configurações do correio electrónico
name of organisation admin pt Nome da empresa
no alternate email address admin pt Sem endereço de correio electrónico alternativo
no forwarding email address admin pt Sem endereço de correio electrónico para reencaminhamento
no plain text part found admin pt nenhuma parte de texto simples encontrado
order admin pt Ordem
organisation admin pt Empresa
pop3 server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor POP3
pop3 server port admin pt Porto de servidor POP3
postfix with ldap admin pt Postfix com LDAP
profile access rights admin pt Perfil de direitos de acesso
profile list admin pt Lista de perfis
profile name admin pt Nome do perfil
qmaildotmode admin pt Quota do correio electrónico no modo Idot
quota settings admin pt Configurações da quota
quota size in mbyte admin pt tamanho da quota em MBytes
remove admin pt Remover
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. admin pt Classe PEAR requeridos Correio / mimeDecode.php não encontrado.
select type of imap/pop3 server admin pt Seleccionar tipo de servidor IMAP/POP3
select type of smtp server admin pt Seleccionar tipo de servidor SMTP
server settings admin pt Definições do servidor
sieve server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor Sieve
sieve server port admin pt Porto do servidor Sieve
sieve settings admin pt Configurações do SIeve
smtp authentication admin pt Autenticação SMTP
smtp options admin pt Opções do SMTP
smtp server name admin pt Nome do servidor SMTP
smtp settings admin pt Definições do SMTP
smtp-server hostname or ip address admin pt Nome do servidor ou endereço IP do servidor SMTP
smtp-server port admin pt Porto do servidor SMTP
standard admin pt Por omissão
standard imap server admin pt Servidor IMAP por omissão
standard pop3 server admin pt Servidor POP3 por omissão
standard smtp-server admin pt Servidor SMTP por omissão
templates admin pt Templates
the mimeparser can not parse this message. admin pt O mimeparser não pode analisar estas mensagem.
this php has no imap support compiled in!! admin pt O PHP não tem suporte de IMAP compilado!!
use default admin pt Utilizar definições por omissão
use ldap defaults admin pt Utilizar definições por omissão do LDAP
use smtp auth admin pt Utilizar autenticação SMTP
use tls authentication admin pt Utilizar autenticação TLS
use tls encryption admin pt Utilizar cifra TLS
user can edit forwarding address admin pt O utilizador pode editar endereços reencaminhados
username (standard) admin pt Nome de utilizador (por omissão)
username@domainname (virtual mail manager) admin pt utilizador@dominio (Gestor virtual de correio electrónico)
users can define their own emailaccounts admin pt Os utilizadores podem definir as suas contas de correio electrónico
virtual mail manager admin pt Gestor virtual de correio electrónico
your name admin pt O seu nome
your session could not be verified. admin pt A sua sessão expirou
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ delete this recurrence calendar de Diese Wiederholung löschen
delete this series of recurring events calendar de Diese Serie von wiederholenden Terminen löschen
deleted calendar de Gelöscht
deny resources reservation for private events calendar de Verbiete die Reservierung von Ressourcen für private Termine
directory with documents to insert entries calendar de Verzeichnis mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von Kalendereinträgen
directory with documents to insert entries calendar de Ordner mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von Kalendereinträgen
display holidays or birthdays as events in dayview calendar de Zeige Feier- oder Geburtstage in der Tagesansicht als Termine
display in header calendar de Im Titel anzeigen
display status of events calendar de Status von Terminen anzeigen
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ ical successful imported calendar de iCal erfolgreich importiert
if start day differs calendar de Wenn die Starttage abweichen
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar de Wenn Sie hier kein Passwort angeben, ist die Information für jeden verfügbar, der die Adresse (URL) kennt!!!
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar de Falls Sie einen Bereich (Monat, Woche, Tag) anstatt einer Liste von Einträge ausgewählt haben, können Sie folgende Platzhalter für Ihre Felder definieren.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar de Wenn Sie hier ein Verzeichnis (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar de Wenn Sie hier ein Ordner (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar de Wenn Sie hier ein Dokument (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 ein zusätzliches Dokumenten Icon. Dieses Icon erlaubt das Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export calendar de Wählen Sie eine Export Definition für den Export.
ignore conflict calendar de Konflikt ignorieren
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ delete this recurrence calendar en Delete this recurrence
delete this series of recurring events calendar en Delete this series of recurring events
deleted calendar en Deleted.
deny resources reservation for private events calendar en Deny resources reservation for private events
directory with documents to insert entries calendar en Directory with documents to insert entries
directory with documents to insert entries calendar en Folder with documents to insert entries
display holidays or birthdays as events in dayview calendar en Display holidays or birthdays as events in dayview
display in header calendar en Display in header
display status of events calendar en Display status of events
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ ical successful imported calendar en iCal successful imported.
if start day differs calendar en If start day differs
if you dont set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar en If you don't set a password here, the information is available to everyone, who knows the URL!
if you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available calendar en If you select a range (month, week, etc) instead of a list of entries, these extra fields are available.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar en If you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar en If you specify a folder (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. calendar en If you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export calendar en If you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export
ignore conflict calendar en Ignore conflict
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
%1 already exists as a file filemanager de %1 existiert schon als Datei
%1 already mounted on %2! filemanager de %1 bereits auf %2 gemounted!
%1 directories and %2 files copied. filemanager de %1 Verzeichnisse und %2 Dateien kopiert
%1 directories and %2 files deleted. filemanager de %1 Verzeichnisse und %2 Dateien gelöscht
%1 directories and %2 files copied. filemanager de %1 Ordner und %2 Dateien kopiert
%1 directories and %2 files deleted. filemanager de %1 Ordner und %2 Dateien gelöscht
%1 elements linked. filemanager de %1 Elemente verknüpft
%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)! filemanager de %1 Fehler beim Kopieren (%2 Verzeichnisse und %3 Dateien kopiert)!
%1 errors deleteting (%2 directories and %3 files deleted)! filemanager de %1 Fehler beim Löschen (%2 Verzeichnisse und %3 Dateien gelöscht)!
%1 errors copying (%2 diretories and %3 files copied)! filemanager de %1 Fehler beim Kopieren (%2 Ordner und %3 Dateien kopiert)!
%1 errors deleteting (%2 directories and %3 files deleted)! filemanager de %1 Fehler beim Löschen (%2 Ordner und %3 Dateien gelöscht)!
%1 errors deleting! filemanager de %1 Fehler beim Löschen!
%1 errors linking (%2)! filemanager de %1 Fehler beim Verknüpfen (%2)!
%1 errors moving (%2 files moved)! filemanager de %1 Fehler beim Verschieben (%2 Dateien verschoben)!
@ -13,12 +13,13 @@
%1 files copied. filemanager de %1 Dateien kopiert
%1 files deleted. filemanager de %1 Dateien gelöscht
%1 files moved. filemanager de %1 Dateien verschoben
%1 files or directories deleted in %2 seconds. filemanager de %1 Dateinen oder Verzeichnisse in %2 Sekunden gelöscht
%1 files or directories deleted in %2 seconds. filemanager de %1 Dateinen oder Ordner in %2 Sekunden gelöscht
%1 files unlocked. filemanager de %1 Dateien entsperrt
%1 shares deleted. filemanager de %1 Freigaben gelöscht
%1 starts with '%2' filemanager de %1 beginnt mit '%2'
%1 successful unmounted. filemanager de %1 erfolgreich unmounted
%1 successful uploaded. filemanager de %1 erfolgreich hochgeladen
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager de Die folgenden Dateien in das aktuelle Verzeichnis %1
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager de die folgenden Dateien in den aktuellen Ordner %1
%1 urls %2 to clipboard. filemanager de %1 Adressen in die Zwischenablage %2
%d errors while copying, %d files successfully copied. filemanager de %d Fehler beim Kopieren (%d Dateien erfolgreich kopiert)!
%d errors while moving, %d files successfully moved. filemanager de %d Fehler beim Verschieben (%d Dateien erfolgreich verschoben)!
@ -35,20 +36,20 @@ actions filemanager de Befehle
add to clipboard filemanager de In die Zwischenablage hinzufügen
administrators filemanager de Administratoren
all files filemanager de Alle Dateien
all subdirectories filemanager de Alle Unterverzeichnisse
all subdirectories filemanager de Alle Unterordner
all types filemanager de Alle Typen
allow a maximum of the above configured folderlinks to be configured in settings admin de Erlaube das oben eingestellte Maximum an Einstellungen für Verzeichnisverweise
allow a maximum of the above configured folderlinks to be configured in settings admin de Erlaube das oben eingestellte Maximum an Einstellungen für Ordnerverweise
and all it's childeren filemanager de und alle seine Kinderelemente
application fields filemanager de Anwendungsfelder
applications common de Anwendungen
backend filemanager de Backend
backend url filemanager de Backend URL
backend url to mount filemanager de Backend URL zum mounten
basedirectory filemanager de Basisverzeichnis
can't open directory %1! filemanager de Kann Verzeichnis %1 nicht öffnen!
basedirectory filemanager de Basisordner
can't open directory %1! filemanager de Kann Ordner %1 nicht öffnen!
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager de Beende das Bearbeiten von %1 ohne zu Speichern
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager de Die Erstellung des Verzeichnisses schlug fehl, da es mit einem Leerzeichen beginnt oder endet
cautiously rejecting to remove folder '%1'! filemanager de Löschen des Verzeichnisses '%1' aus Vorsicht zurück gewiesen!
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager de Die Erstellung des Ordners schlug fehl, da es mit einem Leerzeichen beginnt oder endet
cautiously rejecting to remove folder '%1'! filemanager de Löschen des Ordners '%1' aus Vorsicht zurück gewiesen!
check all filemanager de Alle auswählen
check virtual filesystem common de Virtuelles Dateisystem überprüfen
classic filemanager de Symbolleisten
@ -71,41 +72,41 @@ could not delete %1 filemanager de Konnte %1 nicht löschen
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager de Konnte %1 nicht nach %2 verschieben
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager de Konnte %1 nicht in %2 umbenennen
create a link filemanager de Verknüpfung anlegen
create directory filemanager de Verzeichnis anlegen
create directory filemanager de Ordner anlegen
create file filemanager de Datei erstellen
create folder filemanager de Verzeichnis erstellen
create folder filemanager de Ordner erstellen
created filemanager de erstellt
created %1,%2 filemanager de erstellt %1, %2
created directory %1 filemanager de Verzeichnis %1 erstellt
current directory filemanager de Aktuelles Verzeichnis
created directory %1 filemanager de Ordner %1 erstellt
current directory filemanager de Aktueller Ordner
custom fields filemanager de Benutzerdefinierte Felder
cut filemanager de Ausschneiden
cut to clipboard filemanager de Ausschneiden in die Zwischenablage
default action on double-click filemanager de Aktion beim Doppelklick einer Datei
default behavior is no. the link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this paricular location as startfolder or folderlink. filemanager de Vorgabe ist NEIN. Der Verweis wird nicht angezeigt, Sie können aber immer zu diesem Verzeichnis navigieren, Sie können aber das Verzeichnis als Startverzeichnis oder als Verzeichnisverweis konfigurieren.
default behavior is no. the link will not be shown, but you are still able to navigate to this location, or configure this paricular location as startfolder or folderlink. filemanager de Vorgabe ist NEIN. Der Verweis wird nicht angezeigt, Sie können aber immer zu diesem Ordner navigieren, Sie können aber den Ordner als Startordner oder als Ordnerverweis konfigurieren.
default document to insert entries filemanager de Standarddokument zum Einfügen von Daten
defines how to handle double click action on a document file. images are always opened in the expose-view and emails with email application. all other mime-types are handled by the browser itself. filemanager de Legt fest, wie Dokumente behandelt werden beim Doppelklick auf die Datei. Bilder werden immer in der Exposé-Ansicht geöffnet und E-Mails mit der E-Mail-Anwendung. Alle anderen MIME-Typen werden vom Browser selbst behandelt.
defines how to open a merge print document filemanager de Definiert, wie ein Seriendruckdokument geöffnet wird.
delete all older versions and deleted files older then %s days filemanager de Lösche alle alten Versionen und gelöschte Dateien älter als %s Tage
delete these files or directories? filemanager de Diese Dateien oder Verzeichnisse löschen?
delete these files or directories? filemanager de Diese Dateien oder Ordner löschen?
delete these shares? filemanager de Diese Freigaben löschen?
delete this extended acl? filemanager de Diese erweiterten Zugriffrechte löschen?
delete this file or directory filemanager de Datei oder Verzeichnis löschen
delete this file or directory filemanager de Datei oder Ordner löschen
deleted %1 filemanager de %1 gelöscht
directories sorted in filemanager de Verzeichnisse einsortiert
directory filemanager de Verzeichnis
directory "%1" not found! filemanager de Verzeichnis "%1" NICHT gefunden!
directory %1 already exists filemanager de Verzeichnis %1 existiert bereits
directory %1 does not exist filemanager de Verzeichnis %1 existiert nicht
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager de Verzeichnis wurde nicht gefunden oder Sie haben keine Rechte um darauf zuzugreifen!
directory successfully created. filemanager de Verzeichnis erfolgreich angelegt
directory with documents to insert entries filemanager de Verzeichnis mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von Daten
directories sorted in filemanager de Ordner einsortiert
directory filemanager de Ordner
directory "%1" not found! filemanager de Ordner "%1" NICHT gefunden!
directory %1 already exists filemanager de Ordner %1 existiert bereits
directory %1 does not exist filemanager de Ordner %1 existiert nicht
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager de Ordner wurde nicht gefunden oder Sie haben keine Rechte um darauf zuzugreifen!
directory successfully created. filemanager de Ordner erfolgreich angelegt
directory with documents to insert entries filemanager de Ordner mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von Daten
disable filemanager de Ausschalten
disable versioning for this mountpoint filemanager de Versionierung für diesen Mountpoint ausschalten
display and modification of content filemanager de Anzeigen und Verändern des Inhaltes
display of content filemanager de Anzeigen des Inhaltes
do you want more information about epl subscription? common de Wollen Sie mehr Informationen über die EGroupware Vollversion EPL?
do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in directory %2? filemanager de Wollen Sie die bestehende Datei %1 im Verzeichnis %2 überschreiben?
do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in directory %2? filemanager de Wollen Sie die bestehende Datei %1 im Ordner %2 überschreiben?
do you want to overwrite the existing file %1? filemanager de Wollen Sie die existierende Datei %1 überschreiben?
download filemanager de Herunterladen
download documents filemanager de Dokument herunterladen
@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ enable versioning for given mountpoint filemanager de Versionierung für angegeb
enter setup user and password filemanager de Superuser Benutzer und Passwort eingeben
enter setup user and password to get root rights filemanager de Superuser Benutzer und Passwort eingeben um Superuser-Rechte zu erhalten
enter the complete vfs path to specify a fast access link to a folder filemanager de Geben Sie den kompletten VFS Pfad ein, um einen Verweis zu diesem Ordner im Seitenmenü zu erzeugen
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager de Geben Sie den kompletten VFS Pfad zu Ihrem gewünschten Anfangsverzeichnis ein
enter the complete vfs path to specify your desired start folder. filemanager de Geben Sie den kompletten VFS Pfad zu Ihrem gewünschten Anfangsordner ein
enter your file name filemanager de Dateiname
error adding the acl! filemanager de Fehler beim Hinzufügen des Zugriffsrechts!
error creating symlink to target %1! filemanager de Fehler beim Anlegen einer Verknüpfung zu %1!
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ error deleting the acl entry! filemanager de Fehler beim Löschen des Zugriffsre
error mounting %1 on %2! filemanager de Fehler beim mounten von %1 nach %2!
error unmounting %1! filemanager de Fehler beim unmounten von %1!
error uploading file! filemanager de Fehler beim Hochladen der Datei!
error while creating directory. filemanager de Fehler beim Anlegen des Verzeichnisses
error while creating directory. filemanager de Fehler beim Anlegen des Ordners
everyone filemanager de Jeder
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. filemanager de Beispiel: {{IF n_prefix~Herr~Sehr geehrter~Sehr geehrte}} - Suche im Feld "n_prefix", wenn es "Herr" enthält, dann schreibe "Sehr geehrter", wenn nicht schreibe "Sehr geehrte".
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller filemanager de Beispiel: {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Beispiel: Herr Dr. Hans Müller
@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ export definition to use for nextmatch export filemanager de Exportdefinition f
extended access control list filemanager de Erweiterte Zugriffsrechte
extended acl filemanager de Erweiterte Zugriffsrechte
failed to change permissions of %1! filemanager de Konnte Zugriffsrechte von %1 nicht ändern!
failed to create directory! filemanager de Konnte Verzeichnis nicht anlegen!
failed to create directory! filemanager de Konnte Ordner nicht anlegen!
favorites filemanager de Favoriten
file common de Datei
file %1 already exists filemanager de Es gibt schon eine Datei %1
@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filema
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager de Datei ablegen ist nur mit einem EPL-Vertrag verfügbar.
file deleted. filemanager de Datei gelöscht
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager de Dateinamen dürfen "%1" nicht enthalten
file or directory not found! filemanager de Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden!
file or directory not found! filemanager de Datei oder Ordner nicht gefunden!
file successful uploaded. filemanager de Datei erfolgreich hochgeladen
filemanager common de Dateimanager
filemanager configuration admin de Konfiguration Dateimanager
@ -156,30 +157,30 @@ filemanager fields: filemanager de Dateimanager Felder:
filename must not be empty! filemanager de Dateiname darf nicht leer sein!
files common de Dateien
files from links filemanager de Zeige Dateien aus verknüpften Einträgen
files from subdirectories filemanager de Dateien aus Unterverzeichnissen
files in this directory filemanager de Dateien in diesem Verzeichnis
files from subdirectories filemanager de Dateien aus Unterordners
files in this directory filemanager de Dateien in diesem Ordner
filesystem filemanager de Dateisystem
filesystem check reported no problems. filemanager de Überprüfung des Dateisystems ergab keine Probleme
filesystem: mount directory (inside /var/lib/egroupware!) from host filesystem filemanager de Dateisystem: mounted Verzeichnisse (innerhalb von /var/lib/egroupware) vom Dateisystem des Hosts
finally delete filemanager de Endgültig löschen
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager de Ältere Versionen und gelöschte Dateien unter dem angegebenen Verzeichnis endgültig löschen.\n\nDas kann NICHT rückgängig gemacht werden!
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager de Ältere Versionen und gelöschte Dateien unter dem angegebenen Ordner endgültig löschen.\n\nDas kann NICHT rückgängig gemacht werden!
finally delete this version filemanager de Diese Version endgültig löschen
fix reported problems filemanager de Gefundene Probleme beheben
folder up filemanager de Übergeordnetes Verzeichnis
folder up filemanager de Übergeordneter Ordner
for files linked to an application entry (inside /apps/appname/id/) the placeholders for that application are also available. see the specific application for a list of available placeholders. filemanager de Die Platzhalter für Verknüpfte Eintrage bzw. Dateien (unter /apps/appname/id) der entsprechenden Anwendung stehen Ihnen hier auch zur Verfügung. Sie können die Platzhalter auch unter der Liste der Platzhalter der entsprechenden Anwendung einsehen
for files linked to an application entry (inside /apps/appname/id/) the placeholders for that application are also available. see the specific application for a list of placeholders filemanager de Die Platzhalter für Verknüpfte Eintrage bzw. Dateien (unter /apps/appname/id) der entsprechenden Anwendung stehen Ihnen hier auch zur Verfügung. Sie können die Platzhalter auch unter der Liste der Platzhalter der entsprechenden Anwendung einsehen
for serial letter use this tag. put the content, you want to repeat between two tags. filemanager de Nutzen Sie dieses Symbol für Serienbriefe. Stellen Sie den Inhalt, den Sie wiederholen möchten, zwischen zwei Symbole
general filemanager de Allgemein
general fields: filemanager de Allgemeine Platzhalter
go home filemanager de Gehe zum Heimverzeichnis
go home filemanager de Gehe zum Heimordner
go to filemanager de Gehe zu
go to your home directory filemanager de Zu Ihrem Heimverzeichnis wechseln
go up filemanager de in das übergeordnete Verzeichnis wechseln
go to your home directory filemanager de Zu Ihrem Heimordner wechseln
go up filemanager de in den übergeordneten Ordner wechseln
hidden upload filemanager de Hochladen nicht einsehbar
hidden uploads filemanager de Hochladen nicht einsehbar
hostname/ip for webdav and smb filemanager de Hostname/IP für WebDAV und SMB
id filemanager de ID
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. filemanager de Wenn Sie hier ein Verzeichnis angeben (vollständiger Pfad des virtuellen Dateisystems), zeigt %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument an. Dieser Befehl erlaubt es, das Dokument mit %1 Daten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. filemanager de Wenn Sie hier ein Ordner angeben (vollständiger Pfad des virtuellen Dateisystems), zeigt %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument an. Dieser Befehl erlaubt es, das Dokument mit %1 Daten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. filemanager de Wenn Sie hier ein Dokument angeben (vollständiger Pfad des virtuellen Dateisystems), zeigt %1 ein zusätzliches Dokumentsymbol für jeden Eintrag an. Dieses Symbol erlaubt es, das Dokument mit eingefügten Daten herunterzuladen.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export filemanager de Wenn Sie eine Exportdefinition angeben wird diese für den Export angewendet.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export* filemanager de Wenn Sie eine Exportdefinition angeben wird diese für den Export angewendet.
@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ inherited filemanager de Geerbt
last accessed filemanager de Letzter Zugriff
link filemanager de verknüpfen
link %1: %2 filemanager de %1. Verknüpfung: %2
link into folder filemanager de Verknüpfung in ein Verzeichnis
link into folder filemanager de Verknüpfung in ein Ordner
link target filemanager de Ziel der Verknüpfung
link target %1 not found! filemanager de Verknüpfungsziel %1 nicht gefunden!
list view filemanager de Listenansicht
@ -196,12 +197,12 @@ lock filemanager de Gesperrt
log out as superuser filemanager de Superuser abmelden
mail files filemanager de Dateien per E-Mail versenden
mail paste filemanager de per E-Mail versenden
max folderlinks admin de maximale Anzahl von Links zu Verzeichnissen
max folderlinks admin de maximale Anzahl von Links zu Ordner
merge print open handler filemanager de Handler für das Einfügen in Dokument
mime type filemanager de MIME-Typ
modified filemanager de verändert
modified between filemanager de verändert zwischen
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager de Änderungen auf alle Unterverzeichnisse und ihre Inhalte anwenden
modify all subdirectories and their content filemanager de Änderungen auf alle Unterordner und ihre Inhalte anwenden
mount filemanager de Mount
mount /etemplates to allow customizing of etemplates filemanager de /etemplates mounten um eTemplate anpassen zu können
mountpoints filemanager de Mountpoints
@ -210,11 +211,11 @@ move into folder filemanager de Verschieben in Ordner
move to filemanager de Verschieben nach
moved %1 to %2 filemanager de %1 nach %2 verschoben
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too filemanager de Name des aktuellen Benutzers, alle anderen Kontakt Felder können Sie hier auch verwenden.
new directory common de Neues Verzeichnis
new directory common de Neuer Ordner
no access filemanager de Kein Zugriff
no files in this directory. filemanager de Keine Dateien in diesem Verzeichnis
no files in this directory. filemanager de Keine Dateien in diesem Ordner
no preview available filemanager de Keine Vorschau verfügbar
no version history for this file/directory filemanager de Keine Versionshistorie für diese Datei oder dieses Verzeichnis
no version history for this file/directory filemanager de Keine Versionshistorie für diese Datei oder diesen Ordner
noone filemanager de Niemand
notebookbar filemanager de In Registern
older versions or deleted files filemanager de Ältere Versionen oder gelöschte Dateien
@ -225,7 +226,7 @@ open odt documents with collabeditor filemanager de odt Dokumente mit CollabEdit
operation filemanager de Vorgang
password for webdav and smb, use $pass for password of logged in user filemanager de Passwort für WebDAV und SMB, benutzer $pass für das Passwort des angemeldeten Benutzers
paste link filemanager de Als Verknüpfung einfügen
path %1 not found or not a directory! filemanager de Pfad %1 nicht gefunden oder kein Verzeichnis!
path %1 not found or not a directory! filemanager de Pfad %1 nicht gefunden oder kein Ordner!
path and query-parameters, smb: share and optional path (with /) filemanager de Pfad und Suchparameter, SMB: Freigabe und optionaler Pfad (mit /)
percentage filemanager de Prozentual
permission denied! filemanager de Zugriff verweigert!
@ -255,7 +256,7 @@ root filemanager de root
root access granted. filemanager de Superuser Zugriff gewährt
root access stopped. filemanager de Superuser Zugriff gestoppt
save %1 filemanager de %1 speichern
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager de %1 speichern und zurück zur Verzeichnisansicht
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager de %1 speichern und zurück zur Ordneransicht
save as zip filemanager de Als ZIP-Datei speichern
save changes filemanager de Änderungen speichern
saved %1 filemanager de %1 gespeichert
@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ saving setting for document merge failed! filemanager de Speichern der Einstellu
search for '%1' filemanager de nach %1 suchen
searchstring filemanager de Suchbegriff
select action... filemanager de Befehl auswählen...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager de Datei(en) zum hochladen in das aktuelle Verzeichnis auswählen
select file to upload in current directory filemanager de Datei(en) zum hochladen in den aktuellen Ordner auswählen
select file(s) from vfs common de Datei(en) aus dem EGroupware Dateimanager auswählen
setting for document merge saved. filemanager de Einstellungen für Serienbriefe gespeichert
share files filemanager de Dateien freigeben
@ -276,9 +277,9 @@ show hidden files filemanager de Zeige versteckte Dateien
show link "%1" in side box menu? filemanager de Zeige die Verknüpfung "%1" im Seitenmenü
show link "users and groups" in side box menu? filemanager de Möchten Sie die Verknüpfung "Benutzer und Gruppen" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs anzeigen?
show link "users and groups*" in side box menu?* filemanager de Möchten Sie die Verknüpfung "Benutzer und Gruppen" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs anzeigen?
show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Ihr Home Verzeichnis" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Ihr Home Verzeichnis" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager de Zeige die Verknüpfung zum Basisverzeichnis (/) des Dateimanagers im Seitenmenü?
show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Ihr Heimatordner" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager de Möchten Sie den Verknüpfung "Ihr Heimatordner" innerhalb des Seitenmenüs angezeigt bekommen?
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager de Zeige die Verknüpfung zum Basisordner (/) des Dateimanagers im Seitenmenü?
size filemanager de Größe
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager de SMB, WebDAVs und VFS benötigen einen Benutzernamen!
smb: mount samba or windows fileserver shares filemanager de SMB: mounten von Freigaben eines Samba oder Windows Dateiserver
@ -291,18 +292,18 @@ superuser filemanager de Superuser
superuser (root) filemanager de Superuser (root)
symlink to %1 created. filemanager de Verknüpfung nach %1 angelegt
tag to mark positions for address labels filemanager de Symbol um die Position von Adressetiketten anzuzeigen
the default start folder is your personal folder. the default is used, if you leave this empty, the path does not exist or you lack the neccessary access permissions. filemanager de Die Vorgabe für das Anfangsverzeichnis ist Ihr persönlicher Ordner. Die Vorgabe wird verwendet, wenn Sie hier nichts eintragen, der Pfad nicht existiert oder Ihnen die notwendigen Zugriffsrechte fehlen
the default start folder is your personal folder. the default is used, if you leave this empty, the path does not exist or you lack the neccessary access permissions. filemanager de Die Vorgabe für das Anfangsordner ist Ihr persönlicher Ordner. Die Vorgabe wird verwendet, wenn Sie hier nichts eintragen, der Pfad nicht existiert oder Ihnen die notwendigen Zugriffsrechte fehlen
the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (%1full list of placeholder names%2). filemanager de Das Dokument kann Platzhalter wie {{%3}} enthalten, diese werden mit den entsprechenden Daten ersetzt (%1Liste der Platzhalter%2)
the following document-types are supported: filemanager de Die folgenden Dokumenttypen werden unterstützt:
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager de Der angeforderte Verzeichnispfad %1 steht nicht zur Verfügung
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager de Der angeforderte Ordnerpfad %1 steht nicht zur Verfügung
the uploaded file is only visible to the person sharing these files with you, not to yourself or other people knowing this sharing link. filemanager de Die hochgeladene Datei ist nur für die Person sichtbar, die Ihnen diese Dateien zur Verfügung gestellt hat, nicht für Sie selbst oder andere Personen die diesen Sharing Link kennen.
there's already a directory with that name! filemanager de Es gibt bereits ein Verzeichnis mit diesem Namen!
there's already a directory with that name! filemanager de Es gibt bereits ein Ordner mit diesem Namen!
there's already a file with that name! filemanager de Es gibt bereits eine Datei mit diesem Namen!
tile view filemanager de Kachelansicht
to overwrite the existing file store again. filemanager de Zum Überschreiben der Datei nochmal speichern.
total files filemanager de Gesamtanzahl Dateien
ui mode filemanager de Benutzeroberfläche
under directory filemanager de unter dem Verzeichnis
under directory filemanager de unter dem Ordner
unlock filemanager de entsperren
unmount filemanager de Unmount
unused space filemanager de Nicht benutzter Platz
@ -329,10 +330,10 @@ you are not allowed to upload a script! filemanager de Sie dürfen KEINE Skripte
you can only grant additional rights, you can not take rights away! filemanager de Sie können nur zusätzliche Rechte gewähren, Rechte können NICHT weg genommen werden!
you can use regular upload [+] button to upload files. filemanager de Sie können Dateien über den regulären [+] Button hochladen.
you do not have access to %1 filemanager de Sie besitzen keine Zugriffsrechte für %1
you need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory! filemanager de Sie müssen Superuser sein, um die Versionierung für ein Verzeichnis ein- oder auszuschalten!
you need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory! filemanager de Sie müssen Superuser sein, um die Versionierung für ein Ordner ein- oder auszuschalten!
you need to select an owner! filemanager de Sie müssen einen Eigentümer auswählen!
you need to select some files first! filemanager de Sie müssen zuerst die Dateien auswählen!
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Heimatverzeichnis geleitet
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Anfangs- / Startverzeichnis geleitet
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager de Ihr Heimatverzeichnis hat nicht existiert. EGroupware hat ein neues für Sie angelegt.
your home directory filemanager de Ihr persönliches Verzeichnis
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Heimatordner geleitet
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager de Sie werden zu Ihrem Anfangs- / Startordner geleitet
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager de Ihr Heimatordner hat nicht existiert. EGroupware hat ein neues für Sie angelegt.
your home directory filemanager de Ihr persönlicher Ordner
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%1 starts with '%2' filemanager en %1 starts with '%2'
%1 successful unmounted. filemanager en %1 successful unmounted.
%1 successful uploaded. filemanager en %1 successfully uploaded.
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager en %1 the following files into current directory
%1 the following files into current directory filemanager en %1 the following files into current folder
%1 urls %2 to clipboard. filemanager en %1 URLs %2 to clipboard
%d errors while copying, %d files successfully copied. filemanager en %d errors while copying, %d files successfully copied.
%d errors while moving, %d files successfully moved. filemanager en %d errors while moving, %d files successfully moved.
@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ applications common en Applications
backend filemanager en Backend
backend url filemanager en Backend URL
backend url to mount filemanager en Backend URL to mount
basedirectory filemanager en Base directory
can't open directory %1! filemanager en Can't open directory %1!
basedirectory filemanager en Base folder
can't open directory %1! filemanager en Can't open folder %1!
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager en Cancel editing %1 without saving
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager en Can not create directory because it begins or ends in a space.
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager en Can not create folder because it begins or ends in a space.
cautiously rejecting to remove folder '%1'! filemanager en Cautiously rejecting to remove folder '%1'!
check all filemanager en Check all
check virtual filesystem common en Check virtual filesystem
@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ could not delete %1 filemanager en Could not delete %1
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager en Could not move %1 to %2
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager en Could not rename %1 to %2
create a link filemanager en Create a link
create directory filemanager en Create directory
create directory filemanager en Create folder
create file filemanager en Create file
create folder filemanager en Create folder
created filemanager en Created
created %1,%2 filemanager en Created %1,%2
created directory %1 filemanager en Created directory %1
current directory filemanager en Current directory
created directory %1 filemanager en Created folder %1
current directory filemanager en Current folder
custom fields filemanager en Custom fields
cut filemanager en Cut
cut to clipboard filemanager en Cut to clipboard
@ -91,22 +91,22 @@ delete all older versions and deleted files older then %s days filemanager en De
delete these files or directories? filemanager en Delete these files or directories?
delete these shares? filemanager en Delete these shares?
delete this extended acl? filemanager en Delete this extended ACL?
delete this file or directory filemanager en Delete this file or directory
delete this file or directory filemanager en Delete this file or folder
deleted %1 filemanager en Deleted %1
directories sorted in filemanager en Directories sorted in
directory filemanager en Directory
directory "%1" not found! filemanager en Directory "%1" NOT found!
directory %1 already exists filemanager en Directory %1 already exists.
directory %1 does not exist filemanager en Directory %1 does not exist.
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager en Directory not found or no permission to access it!
directory successfully created. filemanager en Directory successfully created.
directory with documents to insert entries filemanager en Directory with documents to insert entries
directory filemanager en Folder
directory "%1" not found! filemanager en Folder "%1" NOT found!
directory %1 already exists filemanager en Folder %1 already exists.
directory %1 does not exist filemanager en Folder %1 does not exist.
directory not found or no permission to access it! filemanager en Folder not found or no permission to access it!
directory successfully created. filemanager en Folder successfully created.
directory with documents to insert entries filemanager en Folder with documents to insert entries
disable filemanager en Disable
disable versioning for this mountpoint filemanager en Disable versioning for this mountpoint
display and modification of content filemanager en Display and modification of content
display of content filemanager en Display of content
do you want more information about epl subscription? common en Do you want more information about EPL subscription?
do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in directory %2? filemanager en Do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in directory %2?
do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in directory %2? filemanager en Do you want to overwrite existing file %1 in folder %2?
do you want to overwrite the existing file %1? filemanager en Do you want to overwrite the existing file %1?
download filemanager en Download
download documents filemanager en download documents
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ error deleting the acl entry! filemanager en Error deleting the ACL entry!
error mounting %1 on %2! filemanager en Error mounting %1 on %2!
error unmounting %1! filemanager en Error unmounting %1!
error uploading file! filemanager en Error uploading file!
error while creating directory. filemanager en Error while creating directory
error while creating directory. filemanager en Error while creating folder
everyone filemanager en Everyone
example {{if n_prefix~mr~hello mr.~hello ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "mr", if found, write hello mr., else write hello ms. filemanager en Example {{IF n_prefix~Mr~Hello Mr.~Hello Ms.}} - search the field "n_prefix", for "Mr", if found, write Hello Mr., else write Hello Ms.
example {{letterprefixcustom n_prefix title n_family}} - example: mr dr. james miller filemanager en Example {{LETTERPREFIXCUSTOM n_prefix title n_family}} - Example: Mr Dr. James Miller
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ export definition to use for nextmatch export filemanager en Export definition t
extended access control list filemanager en Extended access control list
extended acl filemanager en Extended ACL
failed to change permissions of %1! filemanager en Failed to change permissions of %1!
failed to create directory! filemanager en Failed to create directory!
failed to create directory! filemanager en Failed to create folder!
favorites filemanager en Favorites
file common en File
file %1 already exists filemanager en File %1 already exists
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ file %1 may be too big. contact your systemadministrator for further info filema
file a file is only available with an epl subscription. filemanager en File a file is only available with an EPL subscription.
file deleted. filemanager en File deleted.
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager en File names cannot contain "%1"
file or directory not found! filemanager en File or directory not found!
file or directory not found! filemanager en File or folder not found!
file successful uploaded. filemanager en File successfully uploaded.
filemanager common en File Manager
filemanager configuration admin en File Manager configuration
@ -158,12 +158,12 @@ filename must not be empty! filemanager en File name must not be empty!
files common en Files
files from links filemanager en Files from links
files from subdirectories filemanager en Files from sub directories
files in this directory filemanager en Files in this directory
files in this directory filemanager en Files in this Folder
filesystem filemanager en Filesystem
filesystem check reported no problems. filemanager en Filesystem check reported no problems.
filesystem: mount directory (inside /var/lib/egroupware!) from host filesystem filemanager en Filesystem: mount directory (inside /var/lib/egroupware!) from host filesystem
finally delete filemanager en Finally delete
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager en Finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nThis can NOT be undone!
finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given directory.\n\nthis can not be undone! filemanager en Finally delete all older versions and deleted files under given folder.\n\nThis can NOT be undone!
finally delete this version filemanager en Finally delete this version
fix reported problems filemanager en Fix reported problems
folder up filemanager en Folder up
@ -174,14 +174,14 @@ general filemanager en General
general fields: filemanager en General fields:
go home filemanager en Go home
go to filemanager en Go to
go to your home directory filemanager en Go to your home directory
go to your home directory filemanager en Go to your home folder
go up filemanager en Go up
hidden upload filemanager en Hidden upload
hidden uploads filemanager en Hidden uploads
hostname/ip for webdav and smb filemanager en Hostname/IP for WebDAV and SMB
id filemanager en ID
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. filemanager en If you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. filemanager en If you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. filemanager en If you specify a folder (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. filemanager en If you specify a folder (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export filemanager en If you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export* filemanager en If you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export*
inherited filemanager en Inherited
@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ move into folder filemanager en Move into folder
move to filemanager en Move to
moved %1 to %2 filemanager en Moved %1 to %2
name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too filemanager en Name of current user, all other contact fields are valid too
new directory common en New directory
new directory common en New folder
no access filemanager en No access
no files in this directory. filemanager en No files in this directory.
no files in this directory. filemanager en No files in this folder.
no preview available filemanager en No preview available.
no version history for this file/directory filemanager en No version history for this file/directory.
no version history for this file/directory filemanager en No version history for this file/folder.
noone filemanager en Noone
notebookbar filemanager en Tabbed
older versions or deleted files filemanager en Older versions or deleted files
@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ open odt documents with collabeditor filemanager en open odt documents with Coll
operation filemanager en Operation
password for webdav and smb, use $pass for password of logged in user filemanager en Password for WebDAV and SMB, use $pass for password of logged in user
paste link filemanager en Paste Link
path %1 not found or not a directory! filemanager en Path %1 not found or not a directory!
path %1 not found or not a directory! filemanager en Path %1 not found or not a folder!
path and query-parameters, smb: share and optional path (with /) filemanager en Path and query-parameters, SMB: share and optional path (with /)
percentage filemanager en Percentage
permission denied! filemanager en Permission denied!
@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ saving setting for document merge failed! filemanager en Saving setting for docu
search for '%1' filemanager en Search for '%1'
searchstring filemanager en Search string
select action... filemanager en Select action...
select file to upload in current directory filemanager en Select file to upload in current directory
select file to upload in current directory filemanager en Select file to upload in current folder
select file(s) from vfs common en Select file(s) from VFS
setting for document merge saved. filemanager en Setting for document merge saved.
share files filemanager en Share files
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ show hidden files filemanager en Show hidden files
show link "%1" in side box menu? filemanager en Show link "%1" in side menu
show link "users and groups" in side box menu? filemanager en Show link "Users and groups" in side box menu?
show link "users and groups*" in side box menu?* filemanager en Show link "Users and groups*" in side box menu?*
show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager en Show link "Your home directory" in side box menu?
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager en Show link "Your home directory*" in side box menu?*
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager en Show link to File Manager's base directory (/) in side menu?
show link "your home directory" in side box menu? filemanager en Show link "Your home folder" in side box menu?
show link "your home directory*" in side box menu?* filemanager en Show link "Your home folder*" in side box menu?*
show link to filemanagers basedirectory (/) in side box menu? filemanager en Show link to File Manager's base folder (/) in side menu?
size filemanager en Size
smb, webdavs and vfs require a username! filemanager en SMB, WebDAVs and VFS require a username!
smb: mount samba or windows fileserver shares filemanager en SMB: mount Samba or Windows fileserver shares
@ -298,13 +298,13 @@ the document can contain placeholder like {{%3}}, to be replaced with the data (
the following document-types are supported: filemanager en The following document-types are supported:
the requested path %1 is not available. filemanager en The requested path %1 is not available!
the uploaded file is only visible to the person sharing these files with you, not to yourself or other people knowing this sharing link. filemanager en The uploaded file is only visible to the person sharing these files with you, not to yourself or other people knowing this sharing link.
there's already a directory with that name! filemanager en There's already a directory with that name!
there's already a directory with that name! filemanager en There's already a folder with that name!
there's already a file with that name! filemanager en There's already a file with that name!
tile view filemanager en Tile view
to overwrite the existing file store again. filemanager en To overwrite the existing filestore again
total files filemanager en Total files
ui mode filemanager en Standard Toolbar
under directory filemanager en under directory
under directory filemanager en under folder
unlock filemanager en Unlock
unmount filemanager en Unmount
unused space filemanager en Unused space
@ -331,10 +331,10 @@ you are not allowed to upload a script! filemanager en You are NOT allowed to up
you can only grant additional rights, you can not take rights away! filemanager en You can only grant additional rights, you can NOT take rights away!
you can use regular upload [+] button to upload files. filemanager en You can use regular upload [+] button to upload files.
you do not have access to %1 filemanager en You do not have access to %1
you need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory! filemanager en You need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory!
you need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a directory! filemanager en You need to become root, to enable or disable versioning on a folder!
you need to select an owner! filemanager en You need to select an owner!
you need to select some files first! filemanager en You need to select some files first!
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager en You will be redirected to your home directory.
you will be redirected to your home directory. filemanager en You will be redirected to your home folder.
you will be redirected to your start folder. filemanager en You will be redirected to your start folder.
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager en Your Home Dir did not exist, EGroupware created a new one.
your home directory filemanager en Home directory
your home directory filemanager en Home folder
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ use definition filter importexport de Definitionsfilter benutzen
use field from csv if possible importexport de Verwendet Werte der CSV-Datei, falls dort vorhanden.
use search results common de Suchergebnis nutzen
user preference importexport de Einstellen verwenden
user template folder importexport de Vorlagenverzeichnis verwenden
user template folder importexport de Vorlagenordner verwenden
users allowed to create their own definitions importexport de Benutzern erlauben, Ihre eigenen Definitionen zu erstellen.
users allowed to share their own definitions importexport de Benutzer dürfen Ihre Profile auch anderen Nutzern zur Verfügung stellen.
warnings importexport de Warnungen
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ deletes this field infolog de löscht dieses Feld
deletes this status infolog de löscht diesen Status
description infolog de Beschreibung
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog de legt die Reihenfolge fest in der die Felder angezeigt werden
directory with documents to insert entries infolog de Verzeichnis mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von InfoLogs
directory with documents to insert entries infolog de Ordner mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen von InfoLogs
disables a status without deleting it infolog de deaktiviert einen Status ohne ihn zu löschen
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog de Wollen Sie eine Bestätigung des Verantwortlichen bei: Annahme, Beendigung der Aufgabe oder bei beidem
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog de Wollen Sie eine Benachrichtigung erhalten, wenn Einträge einer Benutzergruppe aktualisiert werden, deren Sie angehören?
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ id infolog de ID
id# infolog de ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog de Wenn ein Typ einen Gruppeneigentümer hat, gehören alle Einträge dieses Typs der angegebenen Gruppe und NICHT dem Benutzer der sie angelegt hat!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog de Falls nicht gesetzt, wird die Suche und die Filter ausgeblendet für weniger Einträge als "maximale Treffer pro Seite" (in ihren allgemeinen Einstellungen definiert).
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog de Wenn Sie hier ein Verzeichnis (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog de Wenn Sie hier ein Ordner (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 einen Befehl für jedes Dokument darin. Diese Befehle erlauben das angegebene Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog de Wenn Sie hier ein Dokument (kompletter VFS Pfad) angeben, zeigt das %1 ein zusätzliches Dokumenten Icon. Dieses Icon erlaubt das Dokument mit Kontaktdaten eingefügt herunterzuladen.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog de Wählen Sie eine Export-Definition für den Export
import next set infolog de Nächsten Satz importieren
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ deletes this field infolog en Deletes this field
deletes this status infolog en Deletes this status
description infolog en Description
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog en Determines the order the fields are displayed
directory with documents to insert entries infolog en Directory with documents to insert entries
directory with documents to insert entries infolog en Folder with documents to insert entries
disables a status without deleting it infolog en Disables a status without deleting it
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog en Do you want a confirmation of the responsible on accepting, finishing the task or both
do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ? infolog en Do you want a notification if items owned by groups you are part of get updated ?
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ id infolog en ID
id# infolog en ID#
if a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and not the user who created it! infolog en If a type has a group owner, all entries of that type will be owned by the given group and NOT the user who created it!
if not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries then "max matches per page" (as defined in your common preferences). infolog en If not set, the line with search and filters is hidden for less entries than "max matches per page", as defined in your common preferences.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog en If you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog en If you specify a folder (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. That action allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. infolog en If you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. That icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export infolog en If you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export
import next set infolog en Import next set
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
%1 is not writable by you! mail bg % 1 НЕ е писан от вас!
%1 mails selected mail bg % 1 избрани писма
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail bg (*) Моля, да имате в предвид, че пренасочването към няколко адреса няма да работи, ако броят на адресите надвишава зададения лимит. За повечето Пощенски сървъри лимитът е 4 (по подразбиране). Моля, свържете се с Администратора на вашия Пощенски сървър за допълнителна информация.
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. mail bg (*) могат да се използват "заместващи символи" (* ,?) Ако се опитвате да съчетаете помежду си * или ?, трябва да ги избегнете с наклонена черта (\). Ако поставите отметка „Използване на регулярни изрази“, трябва да използвате валидни регулярни изрази.
sieve_edit_instructions mail bg (*) могат да се използват "заместващи символи" (* ,?) Ако се опитвате да съчетаете помежду си * или ?, трябва да ги избегнете с наклонена черта (\). Ако поставите отметка „Използване на регулярни изрази“, трябва да използвате валидни регулярни изрази. За да избегнете удивителен знак (!) в началото, който не се използва като "НЕ", използвайте регекс и обратна черта (\) (например \!)
(no subject) mail bg (без тема)
(not connected) mail bg (няма връзка)
(select mails by clicking on the line, like a checkbox) mail bg (изберете имейли, като щракнете върху линията, като например: квадратче за отметка)
@ -50,6 +48,7 @@ always allow external sources from %1 mail bg Винаги позволява в
always show html emails mail bg Винаги показва HTML съобщения
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail bg Възникна грешка, докато се опитвате да премахнете ACL права от акаунта %1!
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail bg И правилото с приоритет %1, сега получи приоритет %2
answered mail bg отговори
any of mail bg някой от
any status mail bg без значение
append mail bg Добавяне
@ -68,7 +67,6 @@ attachments mail bg Приложения
attachments, ... mail bg приложения, ...
authentication mail bg Заверка
available personal email-accounts/profiles mail bg налични лични имейл акаунти / профили
be aware by adding all selected files as %1 mode, it will also change all existing attachments in the list to %2 mode as well. \n\r \n\r would you like to proceed? mail bg Имайте в предвид, че като добавите всички избрани файлове като стил %1, той също така ще промени всички съществуващи прикачени файлове в списъка в стил %2. \n\r\n\r Искате ли да продължите?
be aware that all attachments will be sent as %1! mail bg Имайте предвид, че всички прикачени файлове ще бъдат изпратени като %1!
before reply, visible during compose mail bg Да бъде видим докато се съставя, преди отговор
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail bg Имейли от "черния списък" да се маркират като спам
@ -152,9 +150,9 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail bg Наистина ли искате да превключите етикета %1 за ВСИЧКИ съобщения в текущия изглед?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail bg Искате ли да ви бъде поискано потвърждение, преди да прикачите избрани съобщения към нов имейл?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail bg Потвърждение преди преместване на избрани съобщения в друга папка?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail bg Искате ли да предотвратите редактирането/настройката на правила за филтриране (, дори и при активиран SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail bg Искате ли да предотвратите редактирането/настройката на известията по пощата на други e-mail адреси, ако пристигнат (, дори и при активиран SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail bg Искате ли да предотвратите редактирането/настройката на известието за отсъствие/почивка (, дори и при активиран SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail bg Искате ли да предотвратите редактирането/настройката на правила за филтриране (, дори и при активиран Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail bg Искате ли да предотвратите редактирането/настройката на известията по пощата на други e-mail адреси, ако пристигнат (, дори и при активиран Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail bg Искате ли да предотвратите редактирането/настройката на известието за отсъствие/почивка (, дори и при активиран Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail bg Желаете ли да забраните управлението на папките (създаване, права на достъп И абонамент)?
does not contain mail bg не съдържа
does not exist on imap server. mail bg не съществува на IMAP сървъра.
@ -165,6 +163,7 @@ don't use sent mail bg Не използвай "Изпратени"
don't use template folder mail bg Не използвай папка "Шаблони"
don't use trash mail bg Не използвай "Кошче"
download attachments mail bg Изтеглете прикачени файлове
draft mail bg Проект
draft folder mail bg папка "Чернови"
drafts mail bg Чернови
drafts folder mail bg Папка "Чернови"
@ -288,9 +287,11 @@ import of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 mail
import of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. mail bg Импортирането на съобщение% 1 не бе успешно. Дестинация папка% 2 не съществува.
inbox mail bg Входящи
junk mail bg Нежелани
junk folder mail bg Папка с нежелани файлове
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail bg запазване на копие от съобщението във Входящи
kilobytes mail bg килобайта
less than mail bg по-малко от
mail filter mail bg Пощенски филтър
mail settings mail bg Настройки на пощата
mark as deleted mail bg Маркирай като изтрито
matches mail bg съвпада с
@ -333,7 +334,11 @@ save message to disk mail bg запис на съобщението на дис
select all mail bg Избиране на всичко
sent mail bg Изпратени
sent folder mail bg Папка "Изпратени"
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail bg Филтърните правила от страна на сървъра (Sieve) не са активирани
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail bg Съобщенията за отсъствие от страна на сървъра (чрез Sieve) не са активирани
set flags mail bg Маркирайте имейл като
sieve script name mail bg име на sieve скрипт
sieve_edit_instructions mail bg (*) могат да се използват "заместващи символи" (* ,?) Ако се опитвате да съчетаете помежду си * или ?, трябва да ги избегнете с наклонена черта (\). Ако поставите отметка „Използване на регулярни изрази“, трябва да използвате валидни регулярни изрази. За да избегнете удивителен знак (!) в началото, който не се използва като "НЕ", използвайте регекс и обратна черта (\) (например \!)
signature mail bg Подпис
size(...->0) mail bg Размер (...->0)
size(0->...) mail bg Размер (0->...)
@ -2,8 +2,6 @@
%1 is not writable by you! mail cs Pro %1 nemáte oprávnění k zápisu!
%1 mails selected mail cs %1 e-mailů vybráno
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail cs (*) Pamatujte, že přeposlání na více adres nemusí fungovat správně, pokud počet adres přesáhne stanovený limit. Většina poštovních serverů má tento limit stanoven na 4 - požádejte správce svého poštovního serveru o další informace.
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. mail cs (*) Můžete použít zástupné znaky (*,?). Pokud chcete hledat znaky * nebo ? jako takové, je nutné před ně vložit zpětné lomítko \. Pokud zaškrtnete možnost regulárního dotazu, musíte zadat platný regulární výraz.
sieve_edit_instructions mail cs (*) Můžete použít zástupné znaky (*,?). Pokud chcete hledat znaky * nebo ? jako takové, je nutné před ně vložit zpětné lomítko \. Pokud zaškrtnete možnost regulárního dotazu, musíte zadat platný regulární výraz. Pokud v regulárním výrazu potřebujete použít vykřičník, který ale nemá reprezentovat negaci (NOT), je nutné před něj vložit zpětné lomítko \ (např. \!).
(leave empty for no quota) mail cs (ponechte prázdné, pokud nechcete omezovat velikost)
(no subject) mail cs (žádný předmět)
(not connected) mail cs (nepřipojeno)
@ -36,6 +34,7 @@ allways a new window mail cs Vždy nové okno
always show html emails mail cs Vždy zobrazovat HTML e-maily
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail cs Při pokusu o odebrání ACL práv z účtu %1 došlo k chybě!
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail cs a pravidlo s prioritou %1 nyní získalo prioritu %2
answered mail cs odpověděl
any of mail cs kterýkoli z
any status mail cs jakýkoli status
append mail cs Doplnit
@ -126,9 +125,9 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail cs Opravdu chcete přidělit štítek %1 pro všechny zprávy v aktuálním pohledu?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail cs Chcete být před přidáním vybraných e-mailů do nové zprávy požádáni o potvrzení?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail cs Chcete být požádáni o potvrzení při přesouvání vybraných zpráv do jiné složky?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail cs Chcete zablokovat změny v pravidlech pro filtrování pošty (i když je povolen SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail cs Chcete zablokovat změny v zasílání upozornění na příchod zprávy (i když je povolen SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail cs Chcete zablokovat změny ve zprávách o nepřítomnosti (i když je povolen SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail cs Chcete zablokovat změny v pravidlech pro filtrování pošty (i když je povolen Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail cs Chcete zablokovat změny v zasílání upozornění na příchod zprávy (i když je povolen Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail cs Chcete zablokovat změny ve zprávách o nepřítomnosti (i když je povolen Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail cs Chcete zablokovat správu poštovních složek (vytváření, přidělování přístupových práv a přihlášení k odebírání)?
does not contain mail cs neobsahuje
does not exist on imap server. mail cs neexistuje na IMAP serveru.
@ -139,6 +138,7 @@ don't use sent mail cs Nepoužívat Odeslané
don't use template folder mail cs Nepoužívat složku šablon
don't use trash mail cs Nepoužívat Koš
download attachments mail cs Stáhnout přílohy
draft mail cs návrh
draft folder mail cs Rozepsané
drafts mail cs Rozepsané
drafts folder mail cs Složka pro koncepty
@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ error: could not save message as draft mail cs Chyba: Zprávu nebylo možné ulo
error: could not save rule mail cs Chyba: Nelze uložit pravidlo
error: could not send message. mail cs Chyba: Zprávu není možné odeslat
error: message could not be displayed. mail cs Chyba: Zprávu nelze zobrazit.
error:could not save the acl because some names are empty mail cs Chyba: Není možné uložit ACL, protože některá jména jsou prázdná!
esync will fail without a working email configuration! mail cs Synchronizace eSync nebude bez správné konfigurace eMailu funkční!
event details follow mail cs Následují detaily události
everyone mail cs všichni
@ -220,7 +219,6 @@ get acl rights failed from imap server! mail cs Získání práv ACL ze serveru
greater than mail cs větší než
header mail cs Záhlaví
header lines mail cs Řádky hlavičky
hide mail cs Schovat
hold %1 to drag files to your computer mail cs Stiskněte a držte %1 pro přetažení souborů do vašeho počítače
home page folders mail cs Složky domovské stránky
hostname or ip mail cs Jméno nebo IP adresa serveru
@ -404,14 +402,11 @@ save as infolog mail cs Uložit jako úkol
save as infolog on send mail cs Uložit jako úkol při odeslání
save as ticket mail cs Uložit do sledovacího systému
save as tracker on send mail cs Uložit do sledovacího systému při odeslání
save into vfs mail cs Uložit do VFS
save message to disk mail cs Uložit zprávu na disk
save message to filemanager mail cs Uložení správce souborů EGroupware
save of message %1 failed. could not save message to folder %2 due to: %3 mail cs Uložení zprávy %1 nebylo úspěšné. Není možné uložit zprávu do složky %2 z důvodu: %3
save the drafted message as eml file into vfs mail cs Uložit zozepsanou zprávu jako EML fo VFS
save to disk mail cs Uložit jako ...
save to filemanager mail cs Uložit do správce souborů
save to vfs mail cs Uložit do VFS
save: mail cs Uložit:
saves subscription changes mail cs Uložit změny v odebírání
saves this acl mail cs Uložit tato ACL
@ -440,6 +435,7 @@ serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail cs Pravidla na serveru (Si
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail cs Automatický odpovídač na serveru (přes Sieve) není aktivován
set / remove flags mail cs Označit / Odznačit
set / remove labels mail cs Přidat / odebrat štítek
set flags mail cs Označit e-mail jako
set it as default: mail cs Nastavit jako výchozí
should new messages show up on the home page mail cs Mají se nové zprávy zobrazit na Hlavní stránce?
should signature be inserted after (standard) or before a reply or inline forward, and should signature be visible and changeable during compose. mail cs Má se podpis vložit za (výchozí), nebo před odpověď při odpovědi nebo přeposílání zprávy a má být podpis viditelný a upravitelný během vytváření odpovědi?
@ -455,8 +451,9 @@ show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail cs Zobrazit / skrýt náhled v sez
sieve mail cs Sieve
sieve connection status mail cs Stav podmínek Sieve
sieve not activated mail cs Sieve není aktivovaný
sieve script name mail cs Jméno sieve skriptu
sieve script name mail cs Jméno Sieve skriptu
sieve server mail cs Sieve server
sieve_edit_instructions mail cs (*) Můžete použít zástupné znaky (*,?). Pokud chcete hledat znaky * nebo ? jako takové, je nutné před ně vložit zpětné lomítko \. Pokud zaškrtnete možnost regulárního dotazu, musíte zadat platný regulární výraz. Pokud v regulárním výrazu potřebujete použít vykřičník, který ale nemá reprezentovat negaci (NOT), je nutné před něj vložit zpětné lomítko \ (např. \!).
signature mail cs Podpis
signature at top mail cs Podpis nahoře
signature position and visibility mail cs Pozice a viditelnost podpisu
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
(no subject) mail da (ingen emne)
add to addressbook mail da tilføj til adressebog
always show html emails mail da Vis altid HTML e-mails
answered mail da besvaret
attachments mail da vedhæftet filer
compose mail da Ny meddelse
compress folder mail da Komprimere mappe
@ -19,6 +20,10 @@ does not match mail da passer ikke sammen
does not match regexp mail da passer ikke til regexp
don't use sent mail da Brug ikke Sendt
don't use trash mail da Brug ikke skraldespand
draft mail da Udkast
draft folder mail da Udkast til mappe
drafts mail da Udkast
drafts folder mail da Mappe med udkast
edit account mail da Redigér konto
empty trash mail da tøm skraldespanden
enable mail da aktivere
@ -63,6 +68,7 @@ replyto mail da Besvar Til
save all mail da Gem alle
select all mail da Vælg alle
sent folder mail da Sendt Mappe
set flags mail da Markér e-mail som
signature mail da Signatur
size(...->0) mail da Størrelse (...->0)
size(0->...) mail da Størrelse (0->...)
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ always show html emails mail de HTML-E-Mails immer anzeigen
always show notifiction mail de Benachrichtigungen immer anzeigen
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail de Ein Fehler trat auf beim Versuch die Zugriffskontrollrechte vom Konto %1 zu entfernen!
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail de Die Regel mit Priorität %1 hat jetzt die Priorität %2
answered mail de beantworted
any of mail de mit einem
any status mail de Alle Status
append mail de hinzufügen
@ -129,8 +130,7 @@ default sorting order mail de Wählen Sie die Standard-Sortierreihenfolge aus.
default toolbar actions shown in mail's html editor mail de Aktivierte Funktionen in der HTML-Editor-Symbolleiste beim E-Mail verfassen
default value for remembering s/mime passphrase in minutes mail de Standardwert für die Erinnerung an die S/MIME-Passphrase in Minuten
default your name and email common de z.B. Ihr Name und Ihre E-Mail-Adresse
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail de Legt fest, was als Kontaktbeschriftung für hinzugefügte Kontakte in An/Kopie/Blindkopie
beim Verfassen einer E-Mail angezeigt werden soll. Standard ist Vorname Nachname und leer bedeutet, dass alles mögliche verwendet wird.
defines what to show as contact label for added contact into to/cc/bcc when composing an email. default is firstname lastname and empty means include eveything available. mail de Legt fest, was als Kontaktbeschriftung für hinzugefügte Kontakte in An/Kopie/Blindkopie
defines what to show as identity label on mail folder header common de Definiert, was im Kopf des E-Mail-Postfach angezeigt werden soll.
delete folder mail de Ordner löschen
delete folder %1 ? mail de Ordner %1 löschen?
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ deleted! mail de gelöscht!
deleting %1 folders in progress ... mail de %1 Ordner in Bearbeitung zum Löschen
deleting folders mail de Ordner werden gelöscht
deny certain groups access to following features mail de Den Zugriff auf bestimmte Funktionen im E-Mail-Modul einschränken.
directories have to be shared. mail de Verzeichnisse müssen freigegeben werden.
directories have to be shared. mail de Ordner müssen freigegeben werden.
disable mail de Deaktivieren
disable caching of flags mail de Caching von Flags ausschalten
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail de Signatur-Trennzeichen ausblenden
@ -167,9 +167,9 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail de Wollen Sie wirklich den Wert für das Schlagwort %1 für alle Nachrichten in der aktuellen Ansicht umschalten?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail de Möchten Sie vor dem Anhängen von einer oder mehreren (ausgewählten) E-Mails an eine neue E-Mail gefragt werden?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail de Möchten Sie vor dem Verschieben von E-Mails in andere Ordner gefragt werden?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail de Möchten Sie das Editieren/Einstellen von Filterregeln (via SIEVE) unterbinden?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail de Möchten Sie das Editieren/Einstellen von Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail (via SIEVE), wenn neue Nachrichten eintreffen, unterbinden?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail de Möchten Sie das Editieren/Einstellen einer Abwesenheitsnotiz (via SIEVE) unterbinden?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail de Möchten Sie das Editieren/Einstellen von Filterregeln (via Sieve) unterbinden?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail de Möchten Sie das Editieren/Einstellen von Benachrichtigungen per E-Mail (via Sieve), wenn neue Nachrichten eintreffen, unterbinden?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail de Möchten Sie das Editieren/Einstellen einer Abwesenheitsnotiz (via Sieve) unterbinden?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail de Möchten Sie die Verwaltung von Ordnern verhindern (anlegen, abonnieren, Zugriffsrechte)?
does not contain mail de enthält nicht
does not exist on imap server. mail de existiert nicht auf dem IMAP Server
@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ don't use sent mail de Keinen gesendeten E-Mails speichern
don't use template folder mail de Keinen Vorlagen-Ordner verwenden
don't use trash mail de Keinen Papierkorb verwenden
download attachments mail de Anhänge herunterladen
draft mail de Entwurf
draft folder mail de Entwurfs-Ordner
drafts mail de Entwürfe
drafts folder mail de Ordner für Entwürfe
@ -548,6 +549,7 @@ serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail de Serverseitige Filterreg
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail de Serverseitige Abwesenheitsbenachrichtigungen (via Sieve) sind nicht aktiviert
set / remove flags mail de Markierung
set / remove labels mail de Schlagworte setzen / entfernen
set flags mail de E-Mail markieren als
set it as default: mail de als Vorgabe speichern
set predefined values for compose... mail de Vordefinierte Werte für das Verfassen ...
should new messages show up on the home page mail de Wie sollen Nachrichten auf der Startseite angezeigt werden?
@ -687,7 +689,7 @@ yes, show all debug information available for the user mail de Ja, zeige alle de
yes, show basic info only mail de Ja, nur Basis Informationen anzeigen
you can either choose to save as infolog or tracker, not both. mail de Sie können eine E-Mail entweder als InfoLog-, ODER als Ticket-Eintrag speichern, nicht beides gleichzeitig.
you can use $$start$$ for the above start date and $$end$$ for the end date. mail de Sie können $$start$$ für das obige Start- und $$end$$ für das Enddatum verwenden.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail de Sie können dieses Zertifikat in Ihren Kontakt speichern, wenn dieser Signatur trauen.
you may add this certificate into your contact, if you trust this signature. mail de Sie können dieses Zertifikat in Ihren Kontakt speichern, wenn Sie dieser Signatur trauen.
you need to enter your s/mime passphrase to send this message. mail de Sie müssen Ihr S/MIME-Passwort eingeben um diese Nachricht zu senden.
you need to install mailvelope plugin available for chrome and firefox from %1. mail de Sie müssen das Mailvelope Plugin für Chrome oder Firefox von %1 installieren.
you need to save the message as draft first before to be able to save it into vfs mail de Sie müssen die E-Mail zuerst als Entwurf speichern, bevor Sie die Mail im EGroupware Dateimanager speichern können.
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ always allow external sources from %1 mail el Να επιτρέπονται πά
always show html emails mail el να εμφανίζονται πάντοτε τα μυνήματα τύπου HTML
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail el Συνέβη κάποιο σφάλμα κατά την προσπάθεια αφαίρεσης δικαιωμάτων ACL από τον λογαριασμό %1!
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail el Και ο κανόνας με την προτεραιότητα %1 τώρα έλαβε την προτεραιότητα %2
answered mail el απάντησε το
any of mail el οποιοδήποτε
any status mail el οποιαδήποτε κατάσταση
append mail el προσάρτηση
@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ don't use sent mail el Μην χρησιμοποιείτε τα Σταλθέντ
don't use template folder mail el Απενεργοποίηση φακέλου προτύπων
don't use trash mail el Απενεργοποίηση κάδου απορριμάτων
download attachments mail el Λήψη συνημμένων
draft mail el Σχέδιο
draft folder mail el Φάκελος για προσχέδια
drafts mail el Προσχέδια
drafts folder mail el φάκελος για προσχέδια
@ -413,6 +415,7 @@ send files as mail el Αποστολή αρχείου ως
sender mail el αποστολέας
sent mail el Αποστολή
sent folder mail el Φάκελος σταλθέντων
set flags mail el Σημειώστε το e-mail ως
set it as default: mail el ορίστε το ως προεπιλογή:
show mail el εμφάνιση
show all addresses mail el Εμφάνιση όλων των διευθύνσεων
@ -426,10 +429,10 @@ show them this time only mail el Εφάνισε τα μόνο αυτή τη φο
show vertical mail el εμφάνιση κάθετα
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail el Εμφάνιση/απόκρυψη περιοχής πορεπικόπισης στην λίστα των μηνυμάτων
sieve mail el Sieve
sieve connection status mail el Κατάσταση επικοινωνίας sieve
sieve not activated mail el Η λειτουργία sieve δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη
sieve script name mail el όνομα sieve σεναρίου
sieve server mail el Εξυπηρετητής sieve
sieve connection status mail el Κατάσταση επικοινωνίας Sieve
sieve not activated mail el Η λειτουργία Sieve δεν είναι ενεργοποιημένη
sieve script name mail el όνομα Sieve σεναρίου
sieve server mail el Εξυπηρετητής Sieve
sign your message with smime certificate mail el Εφαρμόστε ένα πιστοποιητικό S/MIME στο μήνυμά σας
signature mail el Υπογραφή
signature at top mail el υπογραφή στο πάνω μέρος
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ always show html emails mail en always show HTML emails
always show notifiction mail en Always show notification
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail en An error happend while trying to remove ACL rights from the account %1!
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail en And the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2
answered mail en Answered
any of mail en any of
any status mail en any status
append mail en append
@ -140,7 +141,7 @@ deleted! mail en deleted!
deleting %1 folders in progress ... mail en Deleting %1 folders in progress ...
deleting folders mail en Deleting folders
deny certain groups access to following features mail en Deny certain groups access to following features
directories have to be shared. mail en Directories have to be shared.
directories have to be shared. mail en Folder have to be shared.
disable mail en Disable
disable caching of flags mail en Disable caching of flags
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail en disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature
@ -166,9 +167,9 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail en Do you really want to toggle the label %1 for ALL messages in the current view?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail en Do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail en Do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail en Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if SIEVE is enabled)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail en Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if SIEVE is enabled)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail en Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if SIEVE is enabled)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail en Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if Sieve is enabled)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail en Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if Sieve is enabled)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail en Do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if Sieve is enabled)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail en Do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights AND subscribtion)?
does not contain mail en does not contain
does not exist on imap server. mail en does not exist on IMAP Server.
@ -179,6 +180,7 @@ don't use sent mail en Don't use Sent
don't use template folder mail en Don't use template folder
don't use trash mail en Don't use Trash
download attachments mail en Download attachments
draft mail en Draft
draft folder mail en draft folder
drafts mail en Drafts
drafts folder mail en Drafts folder
@ -547,6 +549,7 @@ serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail en Serverside Filterrules
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail en Serverside absent notice messages (via Sieve) are not activated
set / remove flags mail en Set / Remove Flags
set / remove labels mail en Set / Remove Labels
set flags mail en set flags
set it as default: mail en set it as default:
set predefined values for compose... mail en Set predefined values for compose ...
should new messages show up on the home page mail en Should new messages show up on the Home page
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
%1 is not writable by you! mail es-es ¡NO tiene permiso de escritura en %1!
%1 mails selected mail es-es %1 correos seleccionados
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail es-es (*) Por favor considere, reenviar a varias direcciones no funcionará si el número de direcciones excede el límite. Para la mayoría de los servidores de correo, el límite es 4 por defecto; póngase en contacto con el administrador del servidor de correo para obtener más información.
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. mail es-es (*) Se pueden utilizar comodines (*,?). Si está intentando igualar * o? en sí, debe escapar estos con una barra invertida (\). Si marca "Utilizar expresiones regulares" debe utilizar expresiones regulares válidas.
sieve_edit_instructions mail es-es (*) Se pueden utilizar comodines (*,?). Si está intentando igualar * o? en sí, debe escapar estos con una barra invertida (\). Si marca "Utilizar expresiones regulares" debe utilizar expresiones regulares válidas. Con el fin de escapar de signo de exclamación (!) en el inicio no siendo usado "NO", utilizar regex y barra invertida (\) (e.g. \!)
(leave empty for no quota) mail es-es (Dejar vacío para sin cuota)
(no subject) mail es-es (sin asunto)
(not connected) mail es-es (no conectado)
@ -54,6 +52,7 @@ always allow external sources from %1 mail es-es Siempre permitir fuentes extern
always show html emails mail es-es Mostrar siempre los correos HTML
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail es-es Se ha producido un error al intentar eliminar los derechos ACL (lista de control de acceso) de la cuenta %1.
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail es-es Y la regla con prioridad% 1, ahora tiene la prioridad %2
answered mail es-es respondió
any of mail es-es cualquiera de
any status mail es-es cualquier estado
append mail es-es adjuntar
@ -153,9 +152,9 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail es-es ¿Desea realmente cambiar la etiqueta %1 para TODOS los mensajes en la vista actual?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail es-es ¿Desea que se le pida confirmación antes de adjuntar los mensajes seleccionados al correo nuevo?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail es-es ¿Desea que se le pida confirmación antes de mover los mensajes seleccionados a otra carpeta?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail es-es ¿Desea prevenir la edición o configuración de las reglas de filtrado (incluso si SIEVE está activado)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail es-es ¿Desea prevenir la edición o configuración de la notificación a otras direcciones si llegan correos (incluso si SIEVE está activado)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail es-es ¿Desea prevenir la edición o configuración de la notificación de ausencia o vacaciones (incluso si SIEVE está activado)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail es-es ¿Desea prevenir la edición o configuración de las reglas de filtrado (incluso si Sieve está activado)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail es-es ¿Desea prevenir la edición o configuración de la notificación a otras direcciones si llegan correos (incluso si Sieve está activado)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail es-es ¿Desea prevenir la edición o configuración de la notificación de ausencia o vacaciones (incluso si Sieve está activado)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail es-es ¿Desea prevenir la gestión de carpetas (creación, derechos de acceso Y suscripción)?
does not contain mail es-es No contiene
does not exist on imap server. mail es-es No existe en el servidor IMAP
@ -166,6 +165,7 @@ don't use sent mail es-es No usar Enviados
don't use template folder mail es-es No usar la carpeta de plantillas
don't use trash mail es-es No usar Papelera
download attachments mail es-es Descargas adjuntos
draft mail es-es Borrador
draft folder mail es-es carpeta de borradores
drafts mail es-es Borradores
drafts folder mail es-es Carpeta de borradores
@ -459,8 +459,11 @@ send files as mail es-es Enviar archivos como
sender mail es-es remitente
sent mail es-es Enviados
sent folder mail es-es carpeta de enviados
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail es-es Las reglas de filtrado del lado del servidor (Sieve) no están activadas
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail es-es Los mensajes de aviso de ausencia del servidor (vía Sieve) no están activados
set / remove flags mail es-es Establecer / quitar marcas
set / remove labels mail es-es Establecer / quitar etiquetas
set flags mail es-es Marcar el correo electrónico como
set it as default: mail es-es establezca como predeterminado:
should new messages show up on the home page mail es-es Nuevos mensajes deberían aparecer en la página principal
show mail es-es Mostrar
@ -471,7 +474,12 @@ show horizontal mail es-es mostrar horizontal
show horizontal, hide if none selected mail es-es mostrar horizontal, ocultar si no hay seleccionados
show new messages on home page mail es-es mostrar nuevos mensajes en la página principal
show vertical mail es-es mostrar vertical
sieve mail es-es Sieve
sieve connection status mail es-es Estado de la conexión Sieve
sieve not activated mail es-es Sieve no está activado
sieve script name mail es-es nombre del script sieve
sieve server mail es-es Servidor Sieve
sieve_edit_instructions mail es-es (*) Se pueden utilizar comodines (*,?). Si está intentando igualar * o? en sí, debe escapar estos con una barra invertida (\). Si marca "Utilizar expresiones regulares" debe utilizar expresiones regulares válidas. Con el fin de escapar de signo de exclamación (!) en el inicio no siendo usado "NO", utilizar regex y barra invertida (\) (e.g. \!)
signature mail es-es Firma
signature at top mail es-es firma en la parte superior
signature position and visibility mail es-es Posición y visibilidad de la firma
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
all of mail et kõik välja
always show html emails mail et Alati näita HTML emaile
answered mail et vastas
any status mail et kõik staatused
by date mail et Kuupäeva järgi
contains mail et sisaldab
@ -18,6 +19,7 @@ displaying html messages is disabled mail et html kirjade näitamine on välja l
does not contain mail et ei sisalda
don't use sent mail et Ära kasuta Sent
don't use trash mail et Ära kasuta Trash
draft mail et Eelnõu
edit account mail et Muuda kontot
empty trash mail et tühjenda prügi
enable mail et luba
@ -49,6 +51,7 @@ remove immediately mail et Eemalda koheselt!
replied mail et vastatud
reply mail et Vasta
select all mail et Märgi kõik
set flags mail et Märgista e-kiri kui
size(...->0) mail et Suurus (...->0)
size(0->...) mail et Suurus (0->...)
small view mail et väike vaade
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ all of mail fi kaikki /
allow images from external sources in html emails mail fi Salli kuvat HTML sähköposteissa
allways a new window mail fi Aina uusi ikkuna
always show html emails mail fi Näytä aina HTML sähköpostit
answered mail fi vastasi
any of mail fi Mikä tahansa
any status mail fi Mikä tahansa tila
attachments mail fi Liitteet
@ -31,9 +32,9 @@ display only when no plain text is available mail fi Näytä vain kun "pelkkä t
displaying html messages is disabled mail fi HTML viestien näyttäminen on estetty
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail fi haluatko, että sinulta varmistetaan asia ennenkuin liität tiedostoja?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail fi Haluatko, että sinulta varmistetaan asia ennenkuin siirrät valitut viestit toiseen kansioon?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fi Haluatko estää suodatinsääntöjen (Filter rules) muokkauksen/käyttöönoton, (vaikka SIEVE on käytössä)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fi Haluatko estää houmautussviestien muokkauksen /käyttöönoton, kun sähköpostin saapuessa tiettyyn kansioon huomautusvieti lähetettäisiin toiseen kansioon, (vaikka SIEVE on käytössä)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fi Haluatko estää lomaviestien (Vacation notice) muokkauksen /käyttöönoton, (vaikka SIEVE on käytössä)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fi Haluatko estää suodatinsääntöjen (Filter rules) muokkauksen/käyttöönoton, (vaikka Sieve on käytössä)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fi Haluatko estää houmautussviestien muokkauksen /käyttöönoton, kun sähköpostin saapuessa tiettyyn kansioon huomautusvieti lähetettäisiin toiseen kansioon, (vaikka Sieve on käytössä)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fi Haluatko estää lomaviestien (Vacation notice) muokkauksen /käyttöönoton, (vaikka Sieve on käytössä)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail fi Haluatko estää kansioiden muokkauksen /käyttöönoton, (Kansioiden luominen, ACL-oikeuksien myöntäminen ja kansioiden näkyvyys sähköpostitilillä)?
does not contain mail fi Ei sisällä
does not exist on imap server. mail fi Ei löydy IMAP palvelimelta.
@ -43,6 +44,7 @@ don't use draft folder mail fi Älä käytä Luonnokset -kansiota
don't use sent mail fi Älä käytä Lähetetyt -kansiota
don't use template folder mail fi Älä käytä Mallipohjat -kansiota
don't use trash mail fi Älä käytä Roskakori -kansiota
draft mail fi Luonnos
draft folder mail fi Luonnokset -kansio
drafts mail fi Luonnokset
edit account mail fi Muokkaa käyttäjätiliä
@ -150,7 +152,9 @@ send message and move to send folder (if configured) mail fi Lähetä viesti ja
sender mail fi Lähettäjä
sent mail fi Lähetetyt
sent folder mail fi Lähetetyt kansio
sieve script name mail fi SIEVE skriptin nimi
set flags mail fi Merkitse sähköposti
sieve mail fi Sieve
sieve script name mail fi Sieve skriptin nimi
signature mail fi Allekirjoitus
size(...->0) mail fi Koko (...->0)
size(0->...) mail fi Koko (0->...)
@ -5,16 +5,12 @@
%1 has been removed from whiltelisted email addresses mail fr %1 retiré de la la liste blanche
%1 is not writable by you! mail fr %1 n'est pas accessible en écriture !
%1 mails selected mail fr % mails sélectionnés
%1 more mail fr %1 plus
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail fr (*) Veuillez considérer que le fait d'envoyer à plusieurs destinataires peut ne pas fonctionner selon la limite définie par le serveur. Veuillez contacter votre administrateur pour plus d'informations.
(leave empty for no quota) mail fr (laisser vide pour ne ne pas mettre de quota)
(no subject) mail fr Pas de sujet
(not connected) mail fr (non connecté)
(select mails by clicking on the line, like a checkbox) mail fr (sélectionner des emails en cliquant sur la ligne, comme pour une case à cocher)
(with checkbox enforced) mail fr avec les cases à cocher forcées
... mail fr ...
/ mail fr /
a mail fr A
account editable by user mail fr compte modifiable par l'utilisateur
acl rights retrieved successfully mail fr Droits ACL récupérés avec succès
action mail fr Action
@ -30,7 +26,6 @@ add files as %1 mail fr Ajouter les fichiers comme %1
add folder mail fr Ajouter un dossier
add this certificate into contact mail fr Ajouter ce certificat sur le contact
add to addressbook mail fr Ajouter au carnet d'adresses
add user or email mail fr Ajouter un utilisateur ou email
add your domain as "%1" in options to list of email providers and enable api. mail fr Ajouter votre domaine comme "%1" dans les options pour lister tous les fournisseurs et activer les API.
after reply, visible during compose mail fr Après la réponse, visible pendant la rédaction
aliases+forwards mail fr Alias + Transferts
@ -55,12 +50,12 @@ always show html emails mail fr Toujours afficher les messages HTML
always show notifiction mail fr Toujours afficher les notifications
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail fr Une erreur est apparue lors de la suppression des ACL depuis le compte %1 !
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail fr Et la règle avec la priorité %1 a maintenant la priorité %2
answered mail fr a répondu
any of mail fr un de
any status mail fr n'importe quel statut
append mail fr Ajouter
appended after reply before sending mail fr Ajouté après la réponse avant l'envoi
application mail expected but got: %1 mail fr Application mail attendue mais résultat obtenu : %1
apply the changes mail fr Appliquer
archive folder mail fr Dossier Archives
are you sure you want to delete all selected folders? mail fr Souhaitez-vous supprimer tous les dossiers sélectionnés ?
are you sure you want to move folder %1 to folder %2? mail fr Souhaitez-vous transférer le dossier %1 dans le dossier %2
@ -80,27 +75,19 @@ before reply, visible during compose mail fr Avant la réponse, visible pendant
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail fr Les mails en liste noire sont marqués comme spam
but check shared folders mail fr sauf les dossiers partagés sélectionnés
by date mail fr Par date
c mail fr C
can not open imap connection mail fr Ne peut pas ouvrir de connexion IMAP
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail fr Impossible de lire le fichier winmail.dat !
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail fr Suppression annulée par une interaction utilisateur
certificate details mail fr Détail sur le certificat
certificate in text mail fr Certificat en texte
certificate info for email %1 mail fr Info de certificat pour l'email %1
certificate issued by mail fr Certificat émis par
certificate validity in days mail fr Validité du certificat en jours
change editor type mail fr changer l'éditeur vers le mode HTML
changed profile mail fr Profil changé
changing subject failed because of %1 mail fr Changement de l'objet échoué parce que %1
check message against next rule also mail fr Vérifiez le message avec la prochaine règle également
check to encrypt the message on send mail fr cocher pôur chiffrer le message lors de l'envoi
check to receive a notification when the message is read (note: not all clients support this and/or the receiver may not authorize the notification) mail fr cocher pour recevoir une notification lorsque le message est lu (note : tous les clients de messagerie ne supportent pas cette fonction et tous les destinataires n'autorisent pas la notification)
check to save as calendar event on send mail fr cocher pour sauvegarder comme Evénement après l'envoi
check to save as infolog on send mail fr cocher pour sauvegarder comme Infolog après l'envoi
check to save as tracker entry on send mail fr cocher pour sauvegarder comme Traqueur après l'envoi
check to sign the message on send mail fr cocher pour signer le message lors de l'envoi
choose file mail fr Sélectionner un fichier
closes this window mail fr Fermer cette fenêtre
common acl mail fr ACL communs
compose mail fr Composer
compose as new mail fr Composer comme nouveau
@ -121,12 +108,10 @@ copied %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail fr %1 message(s) copié(s) de %2 vers %3
copy to mail fr Copier vers
could not append message: mail fr Impossible d'ajouter au message:
could not save the acl because some names are empty mail fr Echec à l'enregistrement de l'ACL ! Certains noms sont vides !
country mail fr Pays
create new account mail fr Créer un nouveau compte
current folder mail fr Dossier actif
current subject mail fr Sujet actuel
currently: mail fr Actuellement :
d mail fr D
date(newest first) mail fr Date (plus récente d'abord)
date(oldest first) mail fr Date (plus ancienne d'abord)
deactive mail fr Désactiver
@ -148,7 +133,6 @@ disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail fr Désactiver l'
disabled! mail fr désactivé !
discard mail fr annuler
discard message mail fr annuler le message
display mail subject in notification: mail fr Afficher les objets des message lors de la notification :
display messages in multiple windows mail fr afficher les messages dans plusieurs fenêtres
display of html emails mail fr Afficher les messages HTML
display of identities admin fr Affichage des identités
@ -164,38 +148,34 @@ do you really want to mark all messages as read in the current folder? mail fr V
do you really want to remove all labels from all messages in the current folder? mail fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer TOUS les labels de TOUS le message du dossier actif ?
do you really want to remove all rights from this account? mail fr Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer tous les droits de ce compte ?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail fr Voulez-vous recevoir une notification de confirmation avant de déplacer les messages sélectionnés dans un autre dossier ?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fr Voulez-vous prévenir l'édition/configuration des règles de filtrages (même si SIEVE est activé) ?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fr Voulez-vous prévenir l'édition/configuration de la notification par email à d'autres adresses emails si des emails arrivent (même si SIEVE est activé) ?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fr Voulez-vous prévenir l'édition/configuration de la notification d'absences/vacances (même si SIEVE est activé) ?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fr Voulez-vous prévenir l'édition/configuration des règles de filtrages (même si Sieve est activé) ?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fr Voulez-vous prévenir l'édition/configuration de la notification par email à d'autres adresses emails si des emails arrivent (même si Sieve est activé) ?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail fr Voulez-vous prévenir l'édition/configuration de la notification d'absences/vacances (même si Sieve est activé) ?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail fr Voulez-vous prévenir la gestion des dossiers (création, gestion des droits d'accès et abonnement) ?
does not contain mail fr ne contient pas
does not exist on imap server. mail fr n'existe pas sur le serveur IMAP
does not match mail fr ne correspond pas
does not match regexp mail fr ne correspond pas à la regexp
domains mail fr domaines
don't use draft folder mail fr Ne pas utiliser un dossier Brouillon
don't use sent mail fr Ne pas utiliser Eléments envoyés
don't use template folder mail fr Ne pas utiliser le dossier des modèles
don't use trash mail fr Ne pas utiliser la Corbeille
download attachments mail fr Télécharger les pièces jointes
draft mail fr Brouillon
draft folder mail fr dossier brouillon
drafts mail fr Projets
drafts folder mail fr Dossier brouillons
e mail fr E
edit account mail fr Modifier le compte
edit account ... mail fr Modifier le compte
edit folder acl mail fr Modifier le dossier ACL
edit folder acl ... mail fr Modifier le dossier ACL
edit vacation settings mail fr Modifier les paramètres de vacances
effective only if server supports acl at all admin fr Ne fonctionne que si le serveur supporte les ACL
email address mail fr Adresse email
email notification settings mail fr Paramètres de notification
email notification successfully updated! mail fr La mise à jour de la notification par mail a été effectuée avec succès
email notification update failed mail fr la mise à jour de la notification par email a échoué
email notification update failed! you need to set an email address! mail fr Echec de la notification ! Vous devez définir une adresse email !
emailaddress admin fr adresse email
emailadmin: profilemanagement mail fr eMailAdmin : gestion des profils
emails mail fr emails
emails in blacklisted domains are marked as spam mail fr Les emails des domaines de la liste noire sont marqués comme spam
empty junk mail fr Vider le dossier Courrier Indésirable / Junk / Spam
empty trash mail fr Vider la Corbeille
@ -205,9 +185,7 @@ enabled! mail fr autorisé !
encrypt mail fr Chiffre
encrypt your message with smime certificate mail fr Chiffre votre message avec le certificat smime
encryption mail fr Chiffrement
end mail fr Fin
enter the name for the new folder: mail fr Entrer le nom du nouveau dossier :
entry mail fr entrée
error saving %1! mail fr Erreur durant l'enregistrement de %1 !
error while setting acl for folder %1! mail fr Erreur au paramétrage des ACL du dossier du dossier %1 !
error while setting folder mail fr Erreur au paramétrage du dossier
@ -221,17 +199,14 @@ esync will fail without a working email configuration! mail fr eSync ne peut fon
event details follow mail fr Les détails de l'événement suivent
everyone mail fr Tout le monde
extended mail fr Etendu.
external email address: mail fr Adresses email externes
extra sent folders mail fr Dossiers supplémentaires pour les messages envoyés
failed to delete %1 mail fr Impossible de supprimer %1
failed to delete %1 ! reason: %2 mail fr Impossible de supprimer %1! Motif : %2
failed to delete %1. server responded: mail fr Impossible de supprimer %1. Le serveur a retourné :
failed to move %1 ! reason: %2 mail fr Impossible de déplacer %1! Motif : 2%
failed to rename %1 ! reason: %2 mail fr Impossible de renommer %1! Motif : 2%
failed to rename %1 ! reason: %2 is not allowed! mail fr Impossible de renommer %1! Motif : 2% n'est pas autorisé !
failed to subscribe folder %1! mail fr Impossible de vous abonner au dossier %1!
failed to unsubscribe folder %1! mail fr Impossible de vous désabonner du dossier %1!
fetching content of this message failed mail fr Echec à la récupération du contenu de ce message
file into mail fr Fichier dans
file into: mail fr Fichier dans :
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 mail fr Fichier rejeté, pas de %2. Fichiers permis : %1
@ -258,7 +233,6 @@ forward messages to: mail fr Transférer les messages à
forward messages: mail fr Transférer les messages
forward to mail fr Transférer à
forward to address (*): mail fr Transférer aux adresses (*)
forwarding of this message failed mail fr Echec lors du transfert de ce message
forwards mail fr Transférés
from mail fr De
from(a->z) mail fr De (A->Z)
@ -277,7 +251,6 @@ how should the available information on identities be displayed admin fr Comment
how to forward messages mail fr Comment les messages doivent-ils être transférés ?
html mail fr Html
html mode mail fr mode HTML
i mail fr I
identity mail fr Identité
identity label mail fr Label d'identité
identity+signature mail fr Identité + signature
@ -307,16 +280,12 @@ insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose d
job mail fr traité
junk mail fr Indésirables
junk folder mail fr Dossier des indésirables
k mail fr K
keep a copy of the message in your inbox mail fr Garder une copie du message dans votre boite de réception
kilobytes mail fr kilo-octets
l mail fr L
later mail fr Plus tard
less than mail fr Moins que
mail common fr Mail
mail account mail fr Compte mail
mail acl mail fr ACL Mail
mail cleanup mail fr Nettoyage de mail
mail filter mail fr Filtre de mail
mail filter rule mail fr Règle de filtrre de message
mail settings mail fr Réglages email
@ -336,13 +305,11 @@ message preview area mail fr Zone de prévisualisation
message saved successfully. mail fr Message sauvegardé avec succès
message send failed: %1 mail fr Echec du message envoyé : %1
message send successfully. mail fr Message envoyé avec succès
minutes. mail fr minutes.
miscellaneous mail fr Divers
modify subject mail fr Modifier le sujet
modify subject of this message mail fr Modifier l'objet de cet message
move mail fr Déplacer
move folder mail fr Déplacer le dossier
move folder: mail fr Déplacer le dossier :
move selected mails to archive mail fr Déplacer les mails sélectionnés vers le dossier archives
move selected to mail fr Déplacer le choix vers
move to mail fr Déplacer vers
@ -389,11 +356,8 @@ open in html mode mail fr Ouvrir en mode HTML
open in text mode mail fr Ouvrir en mode texte
organisation admin fr organisation
organization mail fr Entreprise
original email content mail fr Contenu du mail d'origine
original message mail fr message d'origine
outbox mail fr Boîte d'envoi
p mail fr P
passphrase mail fr mot de passe
password protect mail fr protection par mot de passe
permission denied mail fr Permission refusée
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail fr Veuillez configurer l'accès à un compte IMAP individuel existant.
@ -415,7 +379,6 @@ quicksearch mail fr Recherche Rapide
quicksearch (with cc) mail fr Recherche rapide (avec les CC)
quota not provided by server mail fr Quota non indiqué par le serveur
quota: %1 mail fr Quota : %1
r mail fr R
read mail fr Lu
read / unread mail fr Lu / Non lu
readable mail fr lisible
@ -424,7 +387,6 @@ real name email mail fr Non réel [Email]
real name organization email mail fr Non réel de l'organisation [Email]
reason! mail fr motif !
receive notification mail fr Recevoir une notification
received mail fr Reçu
recursively mail fr Récursivement
refresh time in minutes mail fr Temps de rafraîchissement en minutes
refused to delete folder inbox mail fr Impossible de supprimer le dossier "boîte de réception"
@ -452,7 +414,6 @@ reply to mail fr Répondre à
replyto mail fr Répondre A
report as ham mail fr Marqué comme HAM
report as spam mail fr Marqué comme SPAM
request for passphrase mail fr Demander le mot de passe
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. mail fr Classe PEAR class Mail/mimeDecode.php non trouvée.
resend after how many days? mail fr Ré-envoyer après combien de jours ?
respond to mail sent to: mail fr Répondre à l'email envoyé à :
@ -462,7 +423,6 @@ row order style mail fr style d'ordonnancement de ligne
rule priority position mail fr position des règles
rule with priority mail fr règle avec la priorité
rules mail fr règles
s mail fr S
save all mail fr Enregistrer tout
save all attachments to filemanager mail fr Enregistrer toutes les pièces jointes vers le gestionnaire de fichiers
save as calendar mail fr Enregistrer dans le Calendrier
@ -484,7 +444,6 @@ save to filemanager mail fr Enregistrer dans le gestionnaire de fichier
save: mail fr Enregistrer :
saves subscription changes mail fr Enregistrer les changements dans les abonnements
saves this acl mail fr Enregistrer cette ACL
saves this entry mail fr Enregistrer cette entrée
saves this rule mail fr Enregistrer cette règle
saving of message %1 failed. destination folder %2 does not exist. mail fr Echec de l'enregistrement du message %1. Le dossier de destination %2 n'existe pas.
saving of message %1 succeeded. check folder %2. mail fr Message %1 enregistré. Vérifier le dossier %2
@ -508,8 +467,11 @@ send message and move to send folder (if configured) mail fr Envoyer le message
sender mail fr Emetteur
sent mail fr Envoyés
sent folder mail fr Dossier contenant les messages envoyés
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail fr Les règles de filtrage côté serveur (Sieve) ne sont pas activées
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail fr Les messages d'avis d'absence côté serveur (via Sieve) ne sont pas activés.
set / remove flags mail fr Marquer
set / remove labels mail fr Etiquettes
set flags mail fr Marquer l'e-mail comme
set it as default: mail fr Définir par défaut :
should new messages show up on the home page mail fr Est-ce que les nouveaux messages doivent apparaître sur la page d'accueil
show mail fr Afficher
@ -521,7 +483,7 @@ show horizontal, hide if none selected mail fr Afficher à l'horizontale, cacher
show new messages on home page mail fr Afficher les nouveaux messages sur la page d'accueil
show vertical mail fr Afficher à la verticale
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail fr Afficher/Maquer le panneau de prévisualisation dans la vue liste
sieve mail fr sieve
sieve mail fr Sieve
sieve connection status mail fr Statut de connexion à Sieve
sieve not activated mail fr Sieve non activé
sieve script name mail fr nom du script sieve
@ -531,7 +493,6 @@ sign your message with smime certificate mail fr Chiffrer votre message avec un
signature mail fr Signature
signature at top mail fr Signature en haut
signature position and visibility mail fr Position et visibilité de la signature
signed by mail fr Signé par
size(...->0) mail fr Taille (MAX -> 0)
size(0->...) mail fr Taille (0 -> MAX)
small view mail fr Affichage réduit
@ -540,10 +501,7 @@ sneak preview in list mail fr Masquer la prévisualisation
sort order mail fr Ordre de tri
source mail fr Source
sources mail fr Sources
st. mail fr St.
start mail fr Début
start new messages with mime type plain/text or html? mail fr Créer les nouveaux messages au format plain/text ou HTML ?
status: mail fr Statut :
step 1: imap - incoming mail mail fr Etape 1 : mail entrant
step 2: folder mail fr Etape 2 : Dossier
step 3: sieve - server side mail filtering mail fr Etape 3 : Sieve, les règles de courrier côté serveur
@ -558,7 +516,6 @@ subscription folders mail fr Abonnement dossiers
subscription successfully saved. mail fr Abonnement sauvegardé avec succès
successfully connected mail fr Connecté avec succès !
switch off encryption? mail fr Désactiver l'encryption
t mail fr T
template folder mail fr Dossier de modèles
templates mail fr Modèles
templates folder mail fr Dossier de modèles
@ -598,7 +555,6 @@ validate addresses on submit: mail fr Valider les adresses à la soumission :
validate selected addresses on submit: mail fr Valider les adresses sélectionnées à la soumission :
view full mail source mail fr Voir le code source du message
view header lines mail fr voir les lignes d'entête
w mail fr W
what do do with html email mail fr Que faire avec les emails en HTML
what order the list columns are in mail fr Quel ordre pour les colonnes de la liste ?
what to do when you delete a message mail fr Ce qu'il faut faire quand vous supprimez un message
@ -615,7 +571,6 @@ wizard mail fr Assistant
writable sharing requires epl version! mail fr Les partages ouverts en écriture nécessitent la version EPL !
write mail fr Ecrire
wrote mail fr Ecrivait
x mail fr X
yes, but mask all passwords mail fr Oui, mais masquer les mots de passe
yes, but mask all usernames and passwords mail fr Oui, mais masquer les noms d'utilisateur et mots de passe
yes, offer copy option mail fr oui, proposer une option de copie
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ all of mail hu összes innnen
allow images from external sources in html emails mail hu Külső forrásból származó képek megjelenítése a HTML email-ekben
allways a new window mail hu mindig új ablak
always show html emails mail hu Mindig jelenítse meg a HTML üzenetet
answered mail hu válaszolt
any of mail hu bármennyi
any status mail hu bármilyen állapot
attachments mail hu Mellékletek
@ -30,9 +31,9 @@ display of html emails mail hu HTML email-ek megjelenítése
display only when no plain text is available mail hu Csak akkor jelenítse meg, ha nincs egyszerű szöveg
displaying html messages is disabled mail hu HTML levelek megjelenítése tiltva
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail hu Szeretnél megerősítést a kijelölt üzenetek áthelyezése előtt?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail hu Meg szeretnéd akadályozni a szűrő szabályok létrehozását és alkalmazását? (engedélyezett SIEVE esetén is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail hu Meg szeretnéd akadályozni más címre küldött figyelmeztető e-mail beállítását beérkező üzenet esetén? (engedélyezett SIEVE esetén is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail hu Meg szeretnéd akadályozni a "szabadságon vagyok" üzenet módosításának lehetőségét? (engedélyezett SIEVE esetén is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail hu Meg szeretnéd akadályozni a szűrő szabályok létrehozását és alkalmazását? (engedélyezett Sieve esetén is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail hu Meg szeretnéd akadályozni más címre küldött figyelmeztető e-mail beállítását beérkező üzenet esetén? (engedélyezett Sieve esetén is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail hu Meg szeretnéd akadályozni a "szabadságon vagyok" üzenet módosításának lehetőségét? (engedélyezett Sieve esetén is)
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail hu Meg szeretnéd akadályozni a mappák létrehozásának és módosításának lehetőségét? (létrehozás, hozzáférés korlátozás, feliratkozás)
does not contain mail hu nem tartalmazza
does not exist on imap server. mail hu nincs létrehozva az IMAP szerveren
@ -42,6 +43,8 @@ don't use draft folder mail hu Ne használd a 'Vázlat' mappát
don't use sent mail hu Ne használja a 'Elküldött' mappát
don't use template folder mail hu Ne használja a "Sablonok" mappát
don't use trash mail hu Ne használja a 'Szemetes' mappát
download attachments mail hu Letöltés mellékletek
draft mail hu Vázlat
draft folder mail hu vázlat mappa
drafts mail hu Piszkozatok
edit account mail hu Azonosító szerkesztése
@ -133,7 +136,9 @@ select all mail hu Minden kiválasztása
sender mail hu Feladó
sent mail hu Elköldött üzenetek
sent folder mail hu 'Elküldött' mappa
sieve script name mail hu sieve szűrő szkript neve
set flags mail hu Jelölje meg az e-mailt
sieve mail hu Sieve
sieve script name mail hu Sieve szűrő szkript neve
signature mail hu Aláírás
size(...->0) mail hu Méret (...->0)
size(0->...) mail hu Méret (0->...)
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ always allow external sources from %1 mail it Permetti sempre sorgenti esterne/r
always show html emails mail it Visualizza sempre le e-mail HTML
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail it Errore di rimozione permessi ACL dall'account %1!
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail it E la regola con priorità %1, ha adesso priorità %2
answered mail it ha risposto
any of mail it qualsiasi di
any status mail it qualsiasi stato
append mail it apponi
@ -145,9 +146,9 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail it Sicuro di voler cambiare l'etichetta %1 per tutti i messaggi nella vista corrente?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail it Vuoi una richiesta di conferma prima di allegare i messaggi selezionati al nuovo email?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail it Vuoi una richiesta di conferma prima di spostare i messaggi selezionati ad un altra cartella?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail it Vuoi inibire la modifica/impostazione di regole di filtraggio, anche se SIEVE è abilitato?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail it Vuoi inibire la modifica/impostazione della notifica per email ad altri indirizzi email se arrivassero messaggi, anche se SIEVE è abilitato?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail it Vuoi inibire la modifica/impostazione della notifica di assenza/vacanza, anche se SIEVE è abilitato?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail it Vuoi inibire la modifica/impostazione di regole di filtraggio, anche se Sieve è abilitato?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail it Vuoi inibire la modifica/impostazione della notifica per email ad altri indirizzi email se arrivassero messaggi, anche se Sieve è abilitato?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail it Vuoi inibire la modifica/impostazione della notifica di assenza/vacanza, anche se Sieve è abilitato?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail it Vuoi inibire la gestione delle cartelle? (creazione, accesso e sottoscrizione)
does not contain mail it non contiene
does not exist on imap server. mail it Non esiste sul server IMAP
@ -158,6 +159,7 @@ don't use sent mail it Non usare Posta Inviata
don't use template folder mail it Non usare la cartella Modelli
don't use trash mail it Non usare il Cestino
download attachments mail it Scarica allegati
draft mail it Bozza
draft folder mail it Cartella Bozze
drafts mail it Bozze
drafts folder mail it Cartella bozze
@ -482,10 +484,11 @@ sender mail it Mittente
sent mail it Inviata
sent folder mail it Cartella Posta Inviata
server supports special-use folders mail it Il server supporta le cartelle speciali
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail it Le regole di filtro (sieve) non sono attivate
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail it Le notifiche di assenza lato server (via sieve) non sono abilitate
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail it Le regole di filtro (Sieve) non sono attivate
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail it Le notifiche di assenza lato server (via Sieve) non sono abilitate
set / remove flags mail it Imposta / Rimuovi flag
set / remove labels mail it Imposta / Rimuovi etichette
set flags mail it Segna l'e-mail come
set it as default: mail it imposta come predefinito
should new messages show up on the home page mail it I nuovi messaggi devono apparire in Home Page
should signature be inserted after (standard) or before a reply or inline forward, and should signature be visible and changeable during compose. mail it La firma dovrebbe essere inserita dopo (standard) o prima del testo di risposta o inoltro? La firma deve essere visibile e modificabile in fase di composizione?
@ -503,10 +506,10 @@ show them this time only mail it Mostrali solo per questa volta
show vertical mail it mostra in verticale
show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail it Mostra/Nascondi pannello di anteprima nella vista elenco mail
sieve mail it Sieve
sieve connection status mail it Salva lo stato della connessione
sieve connection status mail it Stato della connessione Sieve
sieve not activated mail it Sieve non attivato
sieve script name mail it Nome script sieve
sieve server mail it Server sieve
sieve script name mail it Nome script Sieve
sieve server mail it Server Sieve
sieve_edit_instructions mail it (*) possono essere usate le wildcard (jolly). Se si cerca il carattere * o ? invece, bisogna usare (\) davanti. Se si seleziona "Usa espressioni regolari" è necessario usare espressioni regolari valide. Per il punto esclamativo quando non usato come operatore "NOT", usare regex e backslash (\) ( \!)
signature mail it Firma
signature at top mail it firma in cima
@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
%1 attachments mail nl %1 bijlagen
%1 is not writable by you! mail nl %1 is NIET door uw te bewerken
%1 mails selected mail nl %1 bericht(en) geselcteerd
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. mail nl (*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. If you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). If you check "Use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions.
sieve_edit_instructions mail nl *) wildcards (*,?) may be used. If you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). If you check "Use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. In order to escape of exclamation mark (!) at the begining not being used as "NOT", use regex and backslash (\) (e.g. \!)
(leave empty for no quota) mail nl (laat leeg indien geen quota)
(no subject) mail nl (geen onderwerp)
(not connected) mail nl (niet verbonden)
@ -31,6 +29,7 @@ allow users to create further identities mail nl Sta gebruikers toe meer identit
allways a new window mail nl altijd in een nieuw venster
always show html emails mail nl Altijd HTML-emails weergeven
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail nl Regel met pioriteit %1, heeft nu prioriteit %2
answered mail nl beantwoord
any of mail nl iedere van
any status mail nl iedere status
append mail nl Voeg toe
@ -96,12 +95,11 @@ do not auto create folders mail nl Maak niet automatisch mappen aan
do you really want to apply %1 to all messages in the current view? mail nl Wilt u werkelijk ALLE berichten %1 in het huidige overzicht ?
do you really want to delete folder %1 ? mail nl Wilt u werkelijk map %1 verwijderen
do you really want to mark all messages as read in the current folder? mail nl Wilt u werkelijk ALLE berichten markeren als gelezen in de huidige map?
do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in current view? mail nl Wilt u werkelijk ALLE berichten toggle %1 in het huidig overzicht ?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail nl Wilt u om bevestiging gevraagd worden voordat u het geslecteerde bericht aan nieuwe berichten toevoegt ?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail nl Wilt u een bevestigingsvraag krijgen voordat de geselecteerde berichten naar een andere folder worden verplaatst?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail nl Wilt u het bewerken/aanmaken van filters op regels voorkomen (, zelfs als SIEVE actief is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail nl Wilt u het bewerken/aanmaken van meldingen van berichten van andere adressen voorkomen, als een bericht wordt ontvangen(; zelfs als SIEVE actief is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail nl Wilt u het bewerken/aanmaken van niet aanwezig/vakantie berichten voorkomen (, zelfs als SIEVE actief is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail nl Wilt u het bewerken/aanmaken van filters op regels voorkomen (, zelfs als Sieve actief is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail nl Wilt u het bewerken/aanmaken van meldingen van berichten van andere adressen voorkomen, als een bericht wordt ontvangen(; zelfs als Sieve actief is)
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail nl Wilt u het bewerken/aanmaken van niet aanwezig/vakantie berichten voorkomen (, zelfs als Sieve actief is)
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail nl Wilt het beheren van mappen voorkomen (aanmaken, toegangsrechten en abonneren) ?
does not contain mail nl bevat niet
does not exist on imap server. mail nl bestaat niet op IMAP server.
@ -111,6 +109,8 @@ don't use draft folder mail nl Concepten map niet gebruiken
don't use sent mail nl 'Map Verzonden' niet gebruiken
don't use template folder mail nl Sjablonen map niet gebruiken
don't use trash mail nl 'Prullenmand' niet gebruiken
download attachments mail nl Bijlagen downloaden
draft mail nl Concept
draft folder mail nl concepten map
drafts mail nl Concepten
drafts folder mail nl Concept map
@ -137,7 +137,6 @@ error: could not save message as draft mail nl Fout: Bericht kon niet worden opg
error: could not save rule mail nl Fout: Kon regel niet bewaren
error: could not send message. mail nl Fout: Kon bericht niet verzenden
error: message could not be displayed. mail nl Fout: Bericht kan niet worden getoond
error:could not save the acl because some names are empty mail nl Fout: Kan de ACL niet bewaren! Sommige namen zijn leeg !
esync will fail without a working email configuration! mail nl eSync zal NIET WERKEN zonder een eMail configuratie
event details follow mail nl Afspraak details volgen
everyone mail nl Iedereen
@ -174,7 +173,6 @@ forward inline mail nl doorsturen in het bericht
forward messages to: mail nl Stuur berichten door aan:
forward messages: mail nl Suur bercihten door :
forward to mail nl doorsturen naar
forward to address: mail nl Stuur door aan adres
forwards mail nl Doorgestuurd
from mail nl Van
from(a->z) mail nl Van (A->Z)
@ -359,9 +357,11 @@ sender mail nl Afzender
sent mail nl Verzonden
sent folder mail nl Verzondenmap
server supports special-use folders mail nl Server ondersteund Speciaal gebruik mappen
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail nl Filter regels ISieve) zijn niet geactiveerd op de Server
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail nl Filter regels (Sieve) zijn niet geactiveerd op de Server
serverside vacationnotice (via sieve) are not activated mail nl Serverside afwezigheidsberichten (via Sieve) zijn niet geactiveerd
set / remove flags mail nl Maak / Verwijder flags
set / remove labels mail nl Maak / Verwijder labels
set flags mail nl Markeer e-mail als
set it as default: mail nl Maak dit standaard
should new messages show up on the home page mail nl Moeten nieuwe bercihten getoond worden op beginpagina
show all folders mail nl Toon alle mappen
@ -374,6 +374,7 @@ sieve connection status mail nl Status Sieve connectie
sieve not activated mail nl Sieve niet geactiveerd
sieve script name mail nl sieve script naam
sieve server mail nl Sieve server
sieve_edit_instructions mail nl *) wildcards (*,?) may be used. If you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). If you check "Use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. In order to escape of exclamation mark (!) at the begining not being used as "NOT", use regex and backslash (\) (e.g. \!)
signature mail nl Handtekening
signature at top mail nl Ondertekeing bovenaan
size(...->0) mail nl Grootte (...->0)
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ all of mail pl wszystkie z
allow images from external sources in html emails mail pl Zezwalaj na wyświetlanie obrazkow z zewnętrznych serwerów w wiadomościach HTML
allways a new window mail pl zawsze w nowym oknie
always show html emails mail pl Zawsze pokazuj maile napisane w HTML
answered mail pl odpowiedział
any of mail pl dowolny z
any status mail pl dowolny status
attachments mail pl Załączniki
@ -30,9 +31,9 @@ display of html emails mail pl Wyświetlaj wiadomość w HTML
display only when no plain text is available mail pl Wyświetlaj jedynie, jeżeli nie ma wersji tekstowej
displaying html messages is disabled mail pl Wyświetlanie wiadomości w HTML jest wyłączone
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail pl Czy chcesz być pytany o potwierdzenie przed przeniesieniem wybranej wiadomości do innego folderu?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail pl Czy chcesz zapobiec edycji / konfigurowaniu reguł filtra (nawet jeśli SITO jest włączone)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail pl Czy chcesz zapobiec edycji / konfigurowaniu powiadomienia wysyłanego na inne adresy email jeśli pojawią się nowe wiadomości (nawet jeśli SITO jest włączone)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail pl Czy chcesz zapobiec edycji / konfigurowaniu powiadomienia o wakacjach (nawet jeśli SITO jest włączone)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail pl Czy chcesz zapobiec edycji / konfigurowaniu reguł filtra (nawet jeśli Sieve jest włączone)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail pl Czy chcesz zapobiec edycji / konfigurowaniu powiadomienia wysyłanego na inne adresy email jeśli pojawią się nowe wiadomości (nawet jeśli Sieve jest włączone)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail pl Czy chcesz zapobiec edycji / konfigurowaniu powiadomienia o wakacjach (nawet jeśli Sieve jest włączone)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail pl Czy chcesz zapobiec zarządzaniu folderami (tworzenie, prawa dostępu i subskrypcja)?
does not contain mail pl nie zawiera
does not exist on imap server. mail pl nie istnije na serwerze IMAP
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ don't use draft folder mail pl Nie używaj folderu szkiców
don't use sent mail pl Nie używaj Wysłanych
don't use template folder mail pl Nie używaj folderu szablonów
don't use trash mail pl Nie używaj Kosza
draft mail pl Szkic
draft folder mail pl folder szkiców
drafts mail pl Szkice
edit account mail pl Edytuj konto użytkownika
@ -148,7 +150,9 @@ selected date range (with quicksearch) mail pl Zakres dat ( z szybkim wyszukiwan
sender mail pl nadawca
sent mail pl Wysłano
sent folder mail pl Folder Wysłane
sieve script name mail pl Nazwa skryptu sita ('sieve')
set flags mail pl Oznacz e-mail jako
sieve mail pl Sieve
sieve script name mail pl Nazwa skryptu Sieve
signature mail pl Sygnaturka
size(...->0) mail pl Rozmiar (...->0)
size(0->...) mail pl Rozmiar (0->...)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ allow images from external sources in html emails mail pt-br Todas as imagens de
allow users to create further identities mail pt-br permitir aos usuários criar novas identidades
allways a new window mail pt-br sempre uma nova janela
always show html emails mail pt-br Sempre mostar mensagens em HMTL
answered mail pt-br respondeu
any of mail pt-br qualquer
any status mail pt-br qualquer status
append mail pt-br anexar
@ -88,6 +89,8 @@ don't use draft folder mail pt-br Não usar pasta Rascunhos
don't use sent mail pt-br Não usar pasta Mensagens Enviadas
don't use template folder mail pt-br Não usar pasta Modelos
don't use trash mail pt-br Não usar pasta Lixeira
download attachments mail pt-br Download de anexos
draft mail pt-br rascunho
draft folder mail pt-br Pasta Rascunho
drafts mail pt-br Rascunhos
drafts folder mail pt-br pasta Rascunhos
@ -194,6 +197,9 @@ save message to disk mail pt-br Salvar mensagem no disco
select file(s) from vfs mail pt-br Selecione o arquivo (s) a partir de VFS
sent mail pt-br Enviado
sent folder mail pt-br Pasta Enviadas
set / remove flags mail pt-br Colocar / Remover Bandeiras
set / remove labels mail pt-br Ajustar / Remover Etiquetas
set flags mail pt-br Bandeiras de bandeira
sieve script name mail pt-br nome do script sieve
signature mail pt-br Assinatura
size(...->0) mail pt-br Tamanho (...->0)
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ allow images from external sources in html emails mail pt permitir imagens de fo
allow users to create further identities mail pt permitir aos usuários criar novas identidades
allways a new window mail pt Sempre numa nova janela
always show html emails mail pt Exibir sempre mensagens HTML
answered mail pt respondeu
any of mail pt algum de
any status mail pt qualquer estado
append mail pt anexar
@ -87,6 +88,8 @@ don't use draft folder mail pt Não use pasta de rascunhos
don't use sent mail pt Não utilizar a pasta Enviados
don't use template folder mail pt Não use pasta de modelo
don't use trash mail pt Não utilizar a pasta Lixo
download attachments mail pt Descarregar anexos
draft mail pt rascunho
draft folder mail pt pasta de rascunhos
drafts mail pt Rascunhos
drafts folder mail pt Pasta Rascunhos
@ -144,7 +147,6 @@ forward inline mail pt linha para a frente
forward messages to: mail pt Encaminhar mensagens para:
forward messages: mail pt Encaminhar mensagens:
forward to mail pt encaminhar à
forward to address: mail pt Encaminhar para o endereço:
forwards mail pt Forwards
from mail pt De
from(a->z) mail pt De (A->Z)
@ -309,6 +311,7 @@ server supports special-use folders mail pt Server suporta Special-Use pastas
serverside filterrules (sieve) are not activated mail pt Serverside Filterrules (Sieve) não são ativados
set / remove flags mail pt Set / Remover Bandeiras
set / remove labels mail pt Set / Remover Rótulos
set flags mail pt Bandeiras de bandeira
set it as default: mail pt defini-lo como padrão:
should new messages show up on the home page mail pt Caso as novas mensagens aparecem na página inicial
show all folders mail pt mostrar todas as pastas
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ allow external images mail ru Разрешить внешние изображе
allow images from external sources in html emails mail ru Разрешать изображения из внешних источников в письмах формата HTML
allways a new window mail ru Всегда новое окно
always show html emails mail ru Всегда показывать письма формата HTML
answered mail ru ответил
any of mail ru Любой из
any status mail ru Любое состояние
append mail ru Дополнить
@ -58,9 +59,9 @@ displaying plain messages is disabled mail ru Показ сообщений ка
do not auto create folders mail ru Не создавать заголовки автоматически
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail ru Вы хотите получать запрос на подтверждение о вложении выбранных сообщений в новое письмо?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail ru Вы хотите получать запрос на подтверждение перемещения выбранных сообщений в другую папку?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail ru Вы хотите предотвратить редактирование/установку правил фильтрации, даже если SIEVE включен?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail ru Вы хотите предотвратить редактирование/установку уведомлений по эл.почте на другие адреса эл.почты когда приходят сообщения, даже если SIEVE включен?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail ru Вы хотите предотвратить редактирование/установку автоответчика,даже если SIEVE включен?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail ru Вы хотите предотвратить редактирование/установку правил фильтрации, даже если Sieve включен?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail ru Вы хотите предотвратить редактирование/установку уведомлений по эл.почте на другие адреса эл.почты когда приходят сообщения, даже если Sieve включен?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail ru Вы хотите предотвратить редактирование/установку автоответчика,даже если Sieve включен?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail ru Вы хотите предотвратить управление папками-создание, права доступа и подписки?
does not contain mail ru Не содержит
does not exist on imap server. mail ru Не существует на сервере IMAP.
@ -70,6 +71,7 @@ don't use draft folder mail ru Не использовать папку Draft (
don't use sent mail ru Не использовать папку Sent (Отправленные)
don't use template folder mail ru Не использовать папку шаблонов
don't use trash mail ru Не использовать Trash (Корзина)
draft mail ru Каталог
draft folder mail ru Каталог черновиков
drafts mail ru Черновики
edit account mail ru Редактировать учётную запись
@ -238,14 +240,15 @@ send message and move to send folder (if configured) mail ru Отправить
sender mail ru Отправитель
sent mail ru Отправленные
sent folder mail ru Отправленные
set flags mail ru Пометить электронную почту как
should new messages show up on the home page mail ru отображать новые сообщения на домашней странице
show all folders mail ru Отображать все каталоги
show all folders, (subscribed and unsubscribed) in main screen folder pane mail ru Отображать в панели команд главной страницы все каталоги, как подписные, так и те, на которые пользователь не подписан
show new messages on home page mail ru отображать новые сообщения на домашней странице
show test connection section and control the level of info displayed? mail ru показать пункт меню "Проверка подключения"?
sieve mail ru SIEVE
sieve mail ru Sieve
sieve connection status mail ru Статус соединения Sieve
sieve script name mail ru название скрипта sieve
sieve script name mail ru название скрипта Sieve
signature mail ru Подпись
signature at top mail ru Подпись сверху
size(...->0) mail ru Размер (...->0)
@ -6,8 +6,6 @@
%1 is not writable by you! mail sk na %1 NEmáte právo zápisu!
%1 mails selected mail sk %1 správ označených
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail sk Prosím, zvážte to. Preposlanie správy na mnoho adries nebude fungovať ak počet adries presiahne určený limit. Pre väčšinu poštových serverov je maximum 4 adresy. Informácie o vašom limite si vyžiadajte od správcu vášho poštového servera.
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. mail sk (*) Dajú sa použiť žolíky (*,?). Ak chcete hľadať práve tieto znaky (* alebo ?), musíte pred ne vložiť opačnú lomku (\). Keď zaškrtnete "použiť regulérne výrazy", musíte používať platné regulérne výrazy.
sieve_edit_instructions mail sk (*) Dajú sa použiť žolíky (*,?). Ak chcete hľadať práve tieto znaky (* alebo ?), musíte pred ne vložiť opačnú lomku (\). Keď zaškrtnete "použiť regulérne výrazy", musíte používať platné regulérne výrazy. Výkričník sa používa ako logický negátor (znak NIE). Ak chcete použiť výkričník ako bežný znak, musíte predeň vložiť opačnú lomku (\).
(leave empty for no quota) mail sk (Ak nechcete kvótu, ponechajte prázdne)
(no subject) mail sk (bez predmetu)
(not connected) mail sk (nepripojené)
@ -73,7 +71,6 @@ attachments mail sk Prílohy
attachments, ... mail sk prílohy, ...
authentication mail sk Overenie
available personal email-accounts/profiles mail sk Dostupné osobné e-mailové účty/profily
be aware by adding all selected files as %1 mode, it will also change all existing attachments in the list to %2 mode as well. \n\r \n\r would you like to proceed? mail sk Upozornenie: pridaním všetkých označených súborov do režimu %1, rovnako sa zmenia aj všetky existujúce prílohy v zozname do režimu %2. \n\r \n\r Chcete pokračovať?
be aware that all attachments will be sent as %1! mail sk Upozornenie: všetky prílohy budú odoslané ako %1!
before reply, visible during compose mail sk Pred odpoveď, viditeľné počas písania
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail sk E-maily na čiernej listine sa označia ako Spam
@ -157,9 +154,9 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail sk Naozaj chcete nastaviť menovku %1 pre VŠETKY správy v súčasnom zobrazení?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail sk Vyžadovať potvrdenie pred priložením vybraných správ k e-mailu?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail sk Vyžadovať potvrdenie pred presunutím vybraných správ do iného priečinka?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sk Zabrániť úpravám/nastaveniam pre filtrovacie pravidlá (, aj keď je povolený SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sk Zabrániť úpravám/nastaveniam pre e-mailové upozornenia na iné e-mailové adresy (, aj keď je povolený SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sk Zabrániť úpravám/nastaveniam pre správy o absencii/dovolenke (aj keď je povolený SIEVE)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sk Zabrániť úpravám/nastaveniam pre filtrovacie pravidlá (, aj keď je povolený Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sk Zabrániť úpravám/nastaveniam pre e-mailové upozornenia na iné e-mailové adresy (, aj keď je povolený Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sk Zabrániť úpravám/nastaveniam pre správy o absencii/dovolenke (aj keď je povolený Sieve)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail sk Zabrániť správe priečinkov (vytváranie, prístupové práva A členstvo)?
does not contain mail sk Neobsahuje
does not exist on imap server. mail sk Neexistuje na IMAP serveri.
@ -529,6 +526,7 @@ sieve connection status mail sk Stav spojenia Sieve
sieve not activated mail sk Sieve nie je zapnutý
sieve script name mail sk Názov Sieve skriptu
sieve server mail sk Sieve server
sieve_edit_instructions mail sk (*) Dajú sa použiť žolíky (*,?). Ak chcete hľadať práve tieto znaky (* alebo ?), musíte pred ne vložiť opačnú lomku (\). Keď zaškrtnete "použiť regulérne výrazy", musíte používať platné regulérne výrazy. Výkričník sa používa ako logický negátor (znak NIE). Ak chcete použiť výkričník ako bežný znak, musíte predeň vložiť opačnú lomku (\).
sign your message with smime certificate mail sk Podpísať správu pomocou S/MIME certifikátu
signature mail sk Podpis
signature at top mail sk Podpis navrchu
@ -5,10 +5,7 @@
%1 has been removed from whiltelisted email addresses mail sl %1 je bil odstranjen iz e-poštnih naslovov, v katerih so bili vpisani
%1 is not writable by you! mail sl Nimate pravice pisanja v %1!
%1 mails selected mail sl %1 Izbrane e-pošte
%1 more mail sl %1 še več
(*) please consider, forward to multiple addresses will not work if number of addresses exceeds the limit. for most mail servers the limit is 4 by default, please contact your mail server administrator for further info. mail sl (*) Upoštevajte, posredovanje več naslovom ne bo delovalo, če število naslovov presega omejitev. Za večino poštnih strežnikov je omejitev 4 privzeto, za dodatne informacije se obrnite na skrbnika poštnega strežnika.
(*) wildcards (*,?) may be used. if you are trying to match * or ? itself, you must escape them with a backslash (\). if you check "use regular expressions" you must use valid regular expressions. mail sl (*) se lahko uporabijo nadomestni znaki (* ,?). Če se želite ujemati * ali? sami, jih morate pobegniti s poševnico (\). Če preverite "Uporabi regularne izraze", morate uporabiti veljavne regularne izraze.
sieve_edit_instructions mail sl (*) se lahko uporabijo nadomestni znaki (* ,?). Če se želite ujemati * ali? sami, jih morate pobegniti s poševnico (\). Če preverite "Uporabi regularne izraze", morate uporabiti veljavne regularne izraze. Da bi pobegnili z vlamalnim znakom (!) Na začetku, ki se ne uporablja kot "NE", uporabite regex in poševnico (\) (npr. \!)
(leave empty for no quota) mail sl (Pusti prazno brez kvote)
(no subject) mail sl (brez zadeve)
(not connected) mail sl (brez povezave)
@ -19,8 +16,6 @@ acl rights retrieve failed, seems there are no rights set! mail sl Pridobivanje
acl rights retrieved successfully mail sl ACL pravice so bile uspešno pridobljene
action mail sl Ukrep
activating by date requires a start- and end-date! mail sl Aktiviranje glede na datum zahteva določitev začetnega in končnega datuma!
active mail sl Aktivno
add mail sl Dodaj
add "%1" into blacklisted domains mail sl Dodajte "%1" v domene na črno listo
add "%1" into blacklisted emails mail sl Dodajte "%1" v e-poštna sporočila na črno listo
add "%1" into whiltelisted domains mail sl Dodajte "%1" v domene, ki so pod zvrstjo
@ -34,7 +29,6 @@ add to addressbook mail sl Dodaj v adresar
add your domain as "%1" in options to list of email providers and enable api. mail sl Dodajte svojo domeno kot "%1" v možnosti na seznam ponudnikov e-pošte in omogočite API.
adding %1 to blacklisted email addresses failed because of %2 mail sl Dodajanje %1 na črne e-poštne naslove ni uspelo zaradi %2
adding %1 to whiltelisted email addresses failed because of %2 mail sl Dodajanje %1 v privzete e-poštne naslove ni uspelo zaradi %2
admin mail sl Skrbnik
after reply, visible during compose mail sl Po odgovoru, viden med sestavljanjem
aliases+forwards mail sl Psevdonim+Posredovanje
all mail sl Vse
@ -56,7 +50,6 @@ always mail sl Vedno
always allow external sources from %1 mail sl vedno prikaži html e-pošto
always show html emails mail sl Vedno prikaži HTML sporočila
an error happend while trying to remove acl rights from the account %1! mail sl Pri poskusu odstranitve pravic ACL iz računa %1 je prišlo do napake.
and mail sl in
and the rule with priority %1, now got the priority %2 mail sl In pravilo s prioriteto %1 je zdaj dobilo prednost %2
any of mail sl Katerikoli od
any status mail sl Katerikoli status
@ -74,16 +67,13 @@ attachment mail sl Priponka
attachments mail sl Priponke
authentication mail sl Autentifikacija
available personal email-accounts/profiles mail sl razpoložljivi osebni računi EMail-a / Profili
bcc mail sl bcc
before reply, visible during compose mail sl Pred odgovorom, ki je viden med sestavljanjem
blacklisted mails are marked as spam mail sl Črna pošta je označena kot vsiljena pošta
but check shared folders mail sl vendar preverite mape v skupni rabi
by date mail sl Po datumu
can not open imap connection mail sl Povezave IMAP ni mogoče odpreti
can not resolve the winmail.dat attachment! mail sl V priponki winmail.dat ni mogoče rešiti!
cancel mail sl Prekliči
canceled deletion due to user interaction mail sl preklican izbris zaradi interakcije uporabnika
cc mail sl cc
certificate info for email %1 mail sl Podatki o certifikatu za e-poštni naslov %1
change editor type mail sl preklopite urejevalnik v način HTML
changed profile mail sl spremenjen profil
@ -93,7 +83,6 @@ check to save as calendar event on send mail sl preverite, ali želite shraniti
check to save as infolog on send mail sl preverite, ali želite shraniti kot infolog pri pošiljanju
check to save as tracker entry on send mail sl preverite, ali želite shraniti kot zapis za sledenje pri pošiljanju
choose file mail sl Izberite datoteko
close mail sl Zapri
common acl mail sl Skupni ACL
compose mail sl Novo sporočilo
compose as new mail sl Sestavi kot novo
@ -117,13 +106,11 @@ could not save the acl because some names are empty mail sl ACL ni bilo mogoče
create new account mail sl ustvariti nov račun
current folder mail sl trenutna mapa
currently: mail sl Trenutno:
date mail sl datum
date(newest first) mail sl Datum (najprej novejši)
date(oldest first) mail sl Datum (najprej starejši)
deactive mail sl Neaktiven
default sorting order mail sl Privzet način razvrščanja
default your name and email common sl privzeto ime in e-pošto
delete mail sl Izbriši
delete folder mail sl Briši mapo
delete folder %1 ? mail sl DELETE Mapa %1 ?
delete this acl mail sl Izbrišite ta ACL
@ -134,11 +121,9 @@ deleting %1 folders in progress ... mail sl Brisanje %1 map v teku ...
deleting folders mail sl Brisanje map
deny certain groups access to following features mail sl Nekatere skupine onemogočite dostop do naslednjih funkcij
directories have to be shared. mail sl Imeniki morajo biti v skupni rabi.
directory mail sl Imenik
disable mail sl Onemogoči
disable horizontal rule for separation of mail body from signature mail sl onemogočite horizontalno pravilo za ločitev telesa pošte od podpisa
disable use of flowed lines in plain text mails (rfc3676) mail sl Onemogočite uporabo pretočnih vrstic v navadnih besedilnih poštah (RFC3676)
disabled mail sl Onemogočeno
disabled! mail sl onemogočeno!
discard mail sl Zavrzi
discard message mail sl Zavrzi sporočilo
@ -160,15 +145,14 @@ do you really want to toggle flag %1 for all messages in the current view? mail
do you really want to toggle label %1 for all messages in the current view? mail sl Ali zares želite preklopiti oznako %1 za VSE sporočila v trenutnem pogledu?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before attaching selected messages to new mail? mail sl Želite potrditi, preden pritrdite izbrana sporočila v novo pošto?
do you want to be asked for confirmation before moving selected messages to another folder? mail sl Želite biti vprašani za potrditev pred premikanjem izbranih sporočil v drugo mapo?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sl Želite preprečiti urejanje/nastavljanje pravil filtrov (tudi če je SIEVE omogočen)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sl Želite preprečiti urejanje/nastavljanje obvestil po pošti na drugi e-naslov, če pride sporočilo (tudi če je SIEVE omogočen)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sl Želite preprečiti urejanje/nastavljanje obvestila o odsotnosti/dopustu (tudi če je SIEVE omogočen)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of filter rules (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sl Želite preprečiti urejanje/nastavljanje pravil filtrov (tudi če je Sieve omogočen)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of notification by mail to other emailadresses if emails arrive (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sl Želite preprečiti urejanje/nastavljanje obvestil po pošti na drugi e-naslov, če pride sporočilo (tudi če je Sieve omogočen)?
do you want to prevent the editing/setup of the absent/vacation notice (, even if sieve is enabled)? mail sl Želite preprečiti urejanje/nastavljanje obvestila o odsotnosti/dopustu (tudi če je Sieve omogočen)?
do you want to prevent the managing of folders (creation, accessrights and subscribtion)? mail sl Želite preprečiti upravljanje map (ustvarjanje, pravice dostopa in naročila)?
does not contain mail sl Ne vsebuje
does not exist on imap server. mail sl Ne obstaja na strežniku IMAP.
does not match mail sl Se ne ujema
does not match regexp mail sl Se ne ujema z regularnim izrazom
domains mail sl domene
don't use draft folder mail sl Ne uporabljaj mape Osnutki
don't use sent mail sl Ne uporabljaj mape Poslano (Sent)
don't use template folder mail sl Ne uporabljaj mape s predlogami
@ -188,7 +172,6 @@ email notification update failed mail sl Posodobitev obvestila elektronske pošt
email notification update failed! you need to set an email address! mail sl posodobitev e-poštnega obvestila ni uspela! Morate nastaviti e-poštni naslov!
emailaddress admin sl Poštni naslov
emailadmin: profilemanagement mail sl eMailAdmin: Profilmanagement
emails mail sl ePošta
emails in blacklisted domains are marked as spam mail sl E-poštna sporočila v domenah na črnem seznamu so označena kot vsiljena pošta
emails in whitelisted domains are not marked as spam mail sl E-poštna sporočila v domenah s seznamom dovoljenih prostorov niso označena kot vsiljena pošta
empty junk mail sl prazno mapo za neželeno / neželeno pošto
@ -200,8 +183,6 @@ enabled! mail sl omogočeno!
encrypt mail sl Šifriraj
encryption mail sl Šifriranje
enter the name for the new folder: mail sl Vnesite ime za novo mapo:
entry mail sl vnos
error mail sl napaka
error saving %1! mail sl Napaka pri shranjevanju %1!
error while setting acl for folder %1! mail sl Napaka pri nastavljanju ACL za mapo %1!
error while setting folder mail sl Napaka med nastavljanjem mape
@ -223,7 +204,6 @@ failed to move %1 ! reason: %2 mail sl ni uspel premakniti %1 ! Razlog: %2
failed to rename %1 ! reason: %2 mail sl ni uspelo preimenovati %1 ! Razlog: %2
failed to subscribe folder %1! mail sl Mape %1 ni bilo mogoče naročiti!
failed to unsubscribe folder %1! mail sl Mapa za odjavo ni uspela %1 !
fetching content of this message failed mail sl Prenašanje vsebine tega sporočila ni uspelo
file into mail sl Shrani v
file into: mail sl Datoteka v:
file rejected, no %2. is:%1 mail sl Datoteka zavrnjena, ne %2. Je: %1
@ -254,7 +234,6 @@ forward messages to: mail sl Posreduj sporočila na:
forward messages: mail sl Posredovanje sporočil:
forward to mail sl Posreduj
forward to address (*): mail sl Posreduj na naslov (*):
forwarding of this message failed mail sl Posredovanje tega sporočila ni uspelo
forwarding of this message failed because the content of this message seems to be encrypted and can not be decrypted properly. if you still wish to forward content of this encrypted message, you may try to use forward as attachment instead. mail sl Posredovanje tega sporočila ni uspelo, ker je vsebina tega sporočila šifrirana in je ni mogoče pravilno dešifrirati. Če še vedno želite posredovati vsebino tega šifriranega sporočila, lahko poskusite uporabiti naprej kot pripono.
forwards mail sl Napredovanje
from mail sl Od
@ -271,7 +250,6 @@ high mail sl visoko
hold %1 to drag files to your computer mail sl Držite %1, da povlečete datoteke v računalnik
home page folders mail sl mape domače strani
hostname or ip mail sl Ime gostitelja ali IP
how many days to sync in the past when client does not specify a date-range (default %1) mail sl Koliko dni se sinhronizira v preteklosti, ko odjemalec ne določa časovnega obdobja (privzeta %1)
how often to check with the server for new mail mail sl Kako pogosto preverite s strežnikom za novo pošto
how should the available information on identities be displayed admin sl kako naj se prikažejo razpoložljive informacije o identitetah
how to forward messages mail sl Kako naj se posreduje sporočilo
@ -307,7 +285,6 @@ important mail sl pomembno
in mailbox: %1, with id: %2, and partid: %3 mail sl V nabiralniku: %1, z ID: %2 in PartID: %3
in order to protect your privacy all external sources within this email are blocked. mail sl Da bi zaščitili vašo zasebnost, so vsi zunanji viri v tem e-poštnem sporočilu blokirani.
inbox mail sl Prejeto
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem mail sl Inicializacija pošte ni uspela. Prosimo, uporabite čarovnika za obvladovanje težave
initialization of mail failed. please use the wizard to cope with the problem. mail sl Inicializacija pošte ni uspela. Prosimo, uporabite čarovnika za obvladovanje težave.
inline mail sl V vrsti
insert the signature at top of the new (or reply) message when opening compose dialog (you may not be able to switch signatures) mail sl vstavite podpis na vrh novega sporočila (ali odgovora), ko odprete pogovorno okno za sestavljanje (morda ne boste mogli zamenjati podpisov)
@ -320,10 +297,8 @@ later mail sl Pozneje
learning as ham (not spam) failed because of %1 mail sl Učenje kot ham (ni vsiljena pošta) ni uspelo zaradi %1
learning as spam failed because of %1 mail sl Učenje kot spam ni uspelo zaradi %1
less than mail sl Manj kot
low mail sl nizka
mail common sl Pošta
mail acl mail sl Pošta ACL
mail cleanup mail sl Čiščenje pošte
mail filter mail sl Mail filter
mail settings mail sl E-poštne nastavitve
mail source mail sl Poštni vir
@ -340,7 +315,6 @@ match: mail sl Ujemanje:
matches mail sl Se ujema z
matches regexp mail sl Se ujema z regularnim izrazom
mbstring.func_overload=0 is required for correct mail processing! mail sl mbstring.func_overload = 0 potreben za pravilno obdelavo pošte!
menu mail sl Meni
message body mail sl telo sporočila
message learned as ham (not spam) and moved back to inbox mail sl Sporočilo se je naučilo kot ham(ni spam) in se je vrnilo v mapo »Prejeto«
message learned as spam and moved to spam folder mail sl Sporočilo se je naučilo kot vsiljeno pošto in preselilo v mapo z neželeno pošto
@ -348,9 +322,7 @@ message preview area mail sl Območje za predogled sporočila
message saved successfully. mail sl Sporočilo je bilo uspešno shranjeno.
message send failed: %1 mail sl Poslano sporočilo ni uspelo:% 1
message send successfully. mail sl Sporočilo je uspešno poslano.
minutes. mail sl minut.
miscellaneous mail sl Razno
more mail sl več
move mail sl Premakni se
move folder mail sl Premakni mapo
move selected mails to archive mail sl Premakni izbrana e-poštna sporočila v arhiv
@ -361,12 +333,10 @@ move to trash mail sl Premakni v smeti
moved %1 message(s) from %2 to %3 mail sl premaknil %1 sporočil od %2 do %3
moving folders from one mailaccount to another is not supported mail sl Premikanje map iz enega poštnega računa v drugega ni podprto
name of account mail sl Ime računa
never mail sl Nikoli
never display html emails mail sl Nikoli ne prikaži sporočil HTML
never show mail sl nikoli ne pokaži
new mail notification mail sl Novo obvestilo o pošti
new message type mail sl Nova vrsta sporočila
no mail sl Ne
no (valid) send folder set in preferences mail sl Ne (veljavno) Pošljite nastavljeno mapo v nastavitvah
no access mail sl Ni dostopa
no action defined! mail sl Nobeno dejanje ni definirano!
@ -380,7 +350,6 @@ no recipient address given! mail sl Ni nobenega nsalove prejemnika!
no send folder set in preferences mail sl Ne pošljite mape nastavljene v nastavitvah
no signature mail sl brez podpisa
no sneak preview in list mail sl Na seznamu ni predogleda
no subject mail sl brez zadeve
no subject given! mail sl Ni zadeve!
no subject supplied mail sl ni nobene zadeve
no text body supplied, check attachments for message text mail sl brez priloženega besedilnega telesa, preverite priloge za besedilo sporočila
@ -388,7 +357,6 @@ no vacation notice text provided. please enter a message. mail sl Brez besedila
no valid %1 folder configured! mail sl Ni veljavne mape %1 !
non mail sl Ne
none, create all mail sl Prazno, ustvari vse
normal mail sl normalno
nothing to change. mail sl Brez sprememb.
notify about new mail in this folders mail sl V teh mapah obvestite o novi pošti
notify when new mails arrive in these folders mail sl obvestite, kdaj v te mape pride nova pošta
@ -398,18 +366,14 @@ only makes sense, if you transport password through a different channel / outsid
only needed for some servers, that do not return all folders on root level queries to retrieve all folders for that level mail sl potrebni samo za nekatere strežnike, ki ne vrnejo vseh map v poizvedbah korenskega nivoja, da bi naložili vse mape za to raven
only one window mail sl Le eno okno
only send message, do not copy a version of the message to the configured sent folder mail sl pošljite samo sporočilo, ne kopirajte različice sporočila v nastavljeno mapo
open mail sl Odprto
open in html mode mail sl Odpri v načinu HTML
open in text mode mail sl Odpri v besedilnem načinu
or mail sl ali
organisation admin sl Organizacija
organization mail sl Organizacija
original email content mail sl Originalna e-poštna vsebina
original message mail sl Izvirno sporočilo
outbox mail sl V pošiljanju
password protect mail sl zaščita z geslom
permission denied mail sl Dostop zavrnjen
personal mail sl osebno
please configure access to an existing individual imap account. mail sl nastavite dostop do obstoječega računa IMAP.
please configure your s/mime certificate in encryption tab located at edit account dialog. mail sl Konfigurirajte svoj S / MIME potrdilo na kartici Šifriranje, ki se nahaja v pogovornem oknu Urejanje računa.
please contact your administrator to validate if your server supports serverside filterrules, and how to enable them in egroupware for your active account (%1) with id:%2. mail sl Obrnite se na skrbnika, da potrdite, ali vaš strežnik podpira filtre za strežnike in kako jih omogočite v programu EGroupware za vaš aktivni račun (%1) z ID: %2.
@ -454,7 +418,6 @@ remove immediately mail sl Takoj odstrani
removed folder %1 mail sl Odstranjena mapa %1
removing %1 from blacklisted email addresses failed because of %2 mail sl Odstranjevanje %1 iz e-poštnih naslovov, naštetih na črno, ni uspelo zaradi %2
removing %1 from whiltelisted email addresses failed because of %2 mail sl Odstranjevanje %1 iz e-poštnih naslovov z zavihki ni uspelo zaradi %2
rename mail sl Preimenuj
rename folder mail sl Preimenuj mapo
rename folder %1 ? mail sl Preimenuj mapo %1 ?
rename folder %1 to: mail sl Preimenuj mapo %1 na:
@ -464,14 +427,12 @@ reply mail sl Odgovori
reply all mail sl Odgovori vsem
reply message type mail sl Vrsta odgovora
reply to mail sl Odgovori na naslov
replying to this message failed mail sl Odgovor na to sporočilo ni uspel
replying to this message failed because the content of this message seems to be encrypted and can not be decrypted properly. if you still wish to include content of this encrypted message, you may try to use forward as attachment instead. mail sl Odgovarjanje na to sporočilo ni uspelo, ker je vsebina tega sporočila šifrirana in je ni mogoče pravilno dešifrirati. Če še vedno želite vključiti vsebino tega šifriranega sporočila, lahko poskusite uporabiti naprej kot pripono.
replyto mail sl Odgovori na
report as ham mail sl Poročaj kot Ham
report as spam mail sl Prijavite kot neželeno pošto
report this email content as ham (not spam) - spam solutions like spamtitan will learn mail sl Prijavite to e-poštno vsebino kot Ham (ne vsiljena pošta) - rešitve neželene pošte, kot je spamTitan, se bodo naučile
report this email content as spam - spam solutions like spamtitan will learn mail sl Prijavite to e-poštno vsebino kot spam-spam rešitve, kot je spamTitan
request for passphrase mail sl Zahteva za geslo
required pear class mail/mimedecode.php not found. mail sl Potreben PEAR razred Mail / mimeDecode.php ni našel.
resend after how many days? mail sl Ponovno pošlji po številu dni?
respond to mail sent to: mail sl Odgovorite na pošto, poslano na:
@ -481,9 +442,7 @@ row order style mail sl Slog zaporednih vrstic
rule priority position mail sl Položaj prednostnega pravila
rule with priority mail sl pravilo s prednostjo
rules mail sl pravila
save mail sl shranite
save all mail sl Shrani vse
save as mail sl Shrani kot
save as calendar mail sl Shrani kot koledar
save as default mail sl shranite kot privzeto
save as draft mail sl Shrani kot osnutek
@ -498,7 +457,6 @@ save the drafted message as eml file into vfs mail sl Shranite pripeto sporočil
save to disk mail sl Shrani na disk
save to filemanager mail sl Shrani v filemanager
save: mail sl Shrani:
saveonetovfs mail sl shrani One To Vfs
saves subscription changes mail sl Shrani spremembe naročnine
saves this acl mail sl Shranite ta ACL
saves this rule mail sl Shrani to pravilo
@ -507,7 +465,6 @@ saving of message %1 succeeded. check folder %2. mail sl Shranjevanje sporočila
saving the rule failed: mail sl Shranjevanje pravila ni uspelo:
security mail sl Varnost
see attachments for content of the orignial mail mail sl Glejte Priponke za vsebino originalne pošte
select mail sl Izberite
select all mail sl Izberi vse
select an existing entry in order to append mail content to it mail sl Izberite obstoječi vnos, če želite dodati e-poštno vsebino
select an item to read mail sl Izberite element, ki ga želite prebrati
@ -518,12 +475,10 @@ select files to upload mail sl Izberite datoteke za nalaganje
select multiple mail sl Izberite več
selected mail sl izbran
selected date range (with quicksearch) mail sl Izbrano časovno obdobje (s hitrim iskanjem)
send mail sl Pošlji
send a reject message: mail sl Pošiljanje zavrnjenega sporočila:
send files as mail sl Pošiljanje datotek kot
send message and move to send folder (if configured) mail sl pošiljanje sporočila in premik v mapo za pošiljanje (če je konfigurirana)
sender mail sl pošiljatelja
sending mail to "%1" failed mail sl Pošiljanje pošte na »% 1« ni uspelo
sent mail sl Poslano
sent folder mail sl Mapa s poslanimi
server supports special-use folders mail sl Strežnik podpira mape s posebnimi potrebami
@ -550,12 +505,12 @@ show/hide preview pane in mail list view mail sl Pokaži / Skrij podokno za pred
sieve mail sl Sieve
sieve connection status mail sl Stanje povezave
sieve not activated mail sl Sito ni aktivirano
sieve script name mail sl Ime skripte sieve
sieve script name mail sl Ime skripte Sieve
sieve server mail sl Sieve strežnik
sieve_edit_instructions mail sl (*) se lahko uporabijo nadomestni znaki (* ,?). Če se želite ujemati * ali? sami, jih morate pobegniti s poševnico (\). Če preverite "Uporabi regularne izraze", morate uporabiti veljavne regularne izraze. Da bi pobegnili z vlamalnim znakom (!) Na začetku, ki se ne uporablja kot "NE", uporabite regex in poševnico (\) (npr. \!)
signature mail sl Podpis
signature at top mail sl podpis na vrhu
signature position and visibility mail sl Položaj podpisa in prepoznavnost
site configuration mail sl Konfiguracija strani
size(...->0) mail sl Velikost (... -> 0)
size(0->...) mail sl Velikost (0 -> ...)
small view mail sl Skrčen pogled
@ -574,10 +529,8 @@ step 2: folder mail sl 2. korak: Mapa
step 3: sieve - server side mail filtering mail sl Korak 3: Sieve - filtriranje strani na strani strežnika
step 4: smtp - outgoing mail mail sl 4. korak: SMTP - odhodna pošta
store to folder mail sl Shranite v mapo
subject mail sl Zadeva
subject(a->z) mail sl Zadeva (A->Z)
subject(z->a) mail sl Zadeva (Z->A)
submit mail sl potrdi
subscribe folder mail sl Naroči mapo
subscribe folder ... mail sl Naroči mapo ...
subscribe to folder %1 mail sl Naročite se na mapo %1
@ -605,7 +558,6 @@ then mail sl THEN
there is no imap server configured. mail sl Noben strežnik IMAP ni nastavljen.
this message is smime encrypted and password protected. mail sl To sporočilo je šifrirano smime in zaščiteno z geslom.
timeout on connections to your imap server mail sl Časovna omejitev povezave s strežnikom IMAP
to mail sl Za
to do mail sl narediti
toggle all folders view for %1 mail sl Preklopi pogled vseh map% 1
trash mail sl Koš
@ -617,7 +569,6 @@ turn off horizontal line between signature and composed message (this is not acc
unable to fetch vacation! mail sl Ni mogoče pridobiti počitnic!
undelete mail sl Obnovi
unflagged mail sl Brez zastavice
unknown mail sl neznano
unread mail sl Neprebrano
unsubscribe folder mail sl Mapa za odjavo
unsubscribe from folder %1 mail sl Odjava iz mape %1
@ -658,7 +609,6 @@ wizard mail sl Čarovnik
writable sharing requires epl version! mail sl Za souporabo, ki omogoča pisanje, je potrebna različica EPL!
write mail sl Zapiši
wrote mail sl Je napisal
yes mail sl Da
yes, but mask all passwords mail sl da, vendar prikrije vse gesla
yes, but mask all usernames and passwords mail sl da, vendar masko vsa uporabniška imena in gesla
yes, offer copy option mail sl Da, ponudi možnost Kopija
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ add to addressbook mail sv Lägg till i Adressbok
all of mail sv Alla
allways a new window mail sv Alltid nytt fönster
always show html emails mail sv Visa alltid HTML e-post
answered mail sv svarade
any of mail sv Någon av
any status mail sv Alla status
attachments mail sv Bilagor
@ -31,7 +32,10 @@ does not match regexp mail sv Matchar inte regexp
don't use draft folder mail sv Använd inte Utkast
don't use sent mail sv Använd inte Skickat
don't use trash mail sv Använd inte Borttaget
draft mail sv Utkast
draft folder mail sv Utkast katalog
drafts mail sv Utkast
drafts folder mail sv Utkast katalog
edit account mail sv Ändra konto
edit vacation settings mail sv Ändra frånvaro alternativ
emailaddress admin sv E-post adress
@ -101,6 +105,8 @@ save as infolog mail sv Spara som InfoLogg
save message to disk mail sv Spara meddelanden till disk
select all mail sv Välj samtliga
sent folder mail sv Skickat katalog
set flags mail sv Markera e-post som
sieve mail sv Sieve
sieve script name mail sv Sieve skript namn
signature mail sv Signatur
size(...->0) mail sv Storlek (...->0)
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 - preferences preferences de %1 - Einstellungen
%1 hours preferences de %1 Stunden
%1 is no existing vfs directory! preferences de Das VFS Verzeichnis %1 existiert nicht!
%1 is no existing vfs directory! preferences de Der VFS Ordner %1 existiert nicht!
%1 is no existing vfs file! preferences de Die VFS Datei %1 existiert nicht!
12 hour preferences de 12 Stunden
24 hour preferences de 24 Stunden
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
%1 - preferences preferences en %1 - Preferences
%1 hours preferences en %1 hour
%1 is no existing vfs directory! preferences en %1 is no existing vfs directory!
%1 is no existing vfs directory! preferences en %1 is no existing vfs folder!
%1 is no existing vfs file! preferences en %1 is no existing vfs file!
12 hour preferences en 12 hour
24 hour preferences en 24 hour
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ delete this status timesheet de Diesen Status löschen
deleted timesheet de gelöscht
deletes this field timesheet de Dieses Feld löschen
determines the order the fields are displayed timesheet de verändert die Reihenfolge der angezeigten Felder
directory with documents to insert entries timesheet de Verzeichnis mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen.
directory with documents to insert entries timesheet de Ordner mit Dokumenten zum Einfügen.
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] timesheet de jeder Wert ist eine Zeile in dem Format <id>[=|label>]
edit status common de Status bearbeiten
edit this entry timesheet de diesen Eintrag bearbeiten
@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ history timesheet de Historie
history logging admin de Protokollierung der Historie
html link to the current record timesheet de HTML-Verknüpfung zum aktuellen Eintrag
id timesheet de ID
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. timesheet de Wenn Sie hier das Verzeichnis (vollständiger Pfad im virtuellen Dateisystem vfs) angeben, zeigt %1 eine Aktion für jedes Dokument. Diese Aktion erlaubt es das angegebene Dokument herunterzuladen mit den %1 Daten eingefügt.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. timesheet de Wenn Sie hier das Verzeichnis (vollständiger Pfad im virtuellen Dateisystem vfs) angeben, zeigt %1 ein einzelnes Dokument-Symbol für jeden Eintrag. Dieses Symbol erlaubt es das angegebene Dokument herunterzuladen mit den %1 Daten eingefügt.
if you specify a directory (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an action for each document. that action allows to download the specified document with the %1 data inserted. timesheet de Wenn Sie hier den Ordner (vollständiger Pfad im virtuellen Dateisystem vfs) angeben, zeigt %1 eine Aktion für jedes Dokument. Diese Aktion erlaubt es das angegebene Dokument herunterzuladen mit den %1 Daten eingefügt.
if you specify a document (full vfs path) here, %1 displays an extra document icon for each entry. that icon allows to download the specified document with the data inserted. timesheet de Wenn Sie hier den Ordner (vollständiger Pfad im virtuellen Dateisystem vfs) angeben, zeigt %1 ein einzelnes Dokument-Symbol für jeden Eintrag. Dieses Symbol erlaubt es das angegebene Dokument herunterzuladen mit den %1 Daten eingefügt.
if you specify an export definition, it will be used when you export timesheet de Wenn Sie eine Exportdefinition angeben wird diese beim Export angewendet.
ignore timesheet de Ignorieren
import options timesheet de Import Optionen
Reference in New Issue
Block a user