advanced mailserver config

This commit is contained in:
Ralf Becker 2009-12-06 10:28:49 +00:00
parent 61c48fb5c0
commit 082b870051

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@ -42,8 +42,7 @@ $config = array(
'start_webserver' => '/etc/init.d/httpd',
'autostart_webserver' => '/sbin/chkconfig --level 345 httpd on',
'distro' => 'rh',
'auth_type' => 'sql',
'account_repository' => 'sql',
'account-auth' => 'sql,sql',
'account_min_id' => '',
'ldap_suffix' => 'dc=local',
'ldap_host' => 'localhost',
@ -55,6 +54,11 @@ $config = array(
'ldap_context' => 'ou=accounts,$base',
'ldap_search_filter' => '(uid=%user)',
'ldap_group_context' => 'ou=groups,$base',
'mailserver' => 'localhost,imap,$domain',
'smtpserver' => 'localhost,25',
'postfix' => '', // see setup-cli.php --help config
'cyrus' => '',
'sieve' => '',
// read language from LANG enviroment variable
@ -197,10 +201,14 @@ if (!file_exists($config['header']) || filesize($config['header']) < 200) // def
// check if ldap is required and initialise it
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg('auth_type='.$config['auth_type']);
// we need to specify account_repository and auth_type to --install as extra config, otherwise install happens for sql!
@list($config['account_repository'],$config['auth_type'],$rest) = explode(',',$config['account-auth'],3);
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg('account_repository='.$config['account_repository']);
if ($config['auth_type'] == 'ldap' || $config['account_repository'] == 'ldap')
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg('auth_type='.(empty($config['auth_type']) ? $config['account_repository'] : $config['auth_type']));
if (empty($rest)) unset($config['account-auth']);
if ($config['account_repository'] == 'ldap' || $config['auth_type'] == 'ldap')
// set account_min_id to 1100 if not specified to NOT clash with system accounts
$extra_config .= ' '.escapeshellarg('account_min_id='.(!empty($config['account_min_id']) ? $config['account_min_id'] : 1100));
$setup_ldap = $setup_cli.' --setup-cmd-ldap sub_command='.
@ -246,9 +254,12 @@ if (!file_exists($config['header']) || filesize($config['header']) < 200) // def
' --files-dir '.escapeshellarg($config['data_dir'].'/files').' --backup-dir '.escapeshellarg($config['data_dir'].'/backup');
// create dummy mailserver config, as fmail otherwise gives fatal error otherwise
$setup_mailserver = $setup_cli.' --config '.escapeshellarg($config['domain'].','.$config['config_user'].','.$config['config_passwd']).
' --mailserver localhost,imap --smtpserver localhost,25';
// create mailserver config (fmail requires at least minimal config given as default, otherwise fatal error)
$setup_mailserver = $setup_cli.' --config '.escapeshellarg($config['domain'].','.$config['config_user'].','.$config['config_passwd']);
foreach(array('account-auth','smtpserver','postfix','mailserver','cyrus','sieve') as $name)
if (!empty($config[$name])) $setup_mailserver .= ' --'.$name.' '.escapeshellarg($config[$name]);
// create first user