diff --git a/mail/inc/class.mail_activesync.inc.php b/mail/inc/class.mail_activesync.inc.php
index 1103614a33..941b65048b 100644
--- a/mail/inc/class.mail_activesync.inc.php
+++ b/mail/inc/class.mail_activesync.inc.php
@@ -445,161 +445,94 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send
// initialize the new egw_mailer object for sending
$mailObject = new egw_mailer();
+ $this->mail->parseRawMessageIntoMailObject($mailObject,$rfc822);
// Horde SMTP Class uses utf-8 by default. as we set charset always to utf-8
$mailObject->Sender = $activeMailProfile['ident_email'];
$mailObject->From = $activeMailProfile['ident_email'];
$mailObject->FromName = $mailObject->EncodeHeader(mail_bo::generateIdentityString($activeMailProfile,false));
$mailObject->AddCustomHeader('X-Mailer: mail-Activesync');
- $mimeParams = array('decode_headers' => true,
- 'decode_bodies' => false,
- 'include_bodies' => true,
- 'input' => $rfc822,
- 'crlf' => "\r\n",
- 'charset' => 'utf-8');
- $mobj = new Mail_mimeDecode($mimeParams['input'], $mimeParams['crlf']);
- $message = $mobj->decode($mimeParams, $mimeParams['crlf']);
- //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__.array2string($message));
- $mailObject->Priority = $message->headers['priority'];
- //$mailObject->Encoding = 'quoted-printable'; //handled by horde
- if (isset($message->headers['date'])) $mailObject->RFCDateToSet = $message->headers['date'];
- if (isset($message->headers['return-path'])) $mailObject->Sender = $message->headers['return-path'];
- $mailObject->Subject = $message->headers['subject'];
- $mailObject->MessageID = $message->headers['message-id'];
- /* the client send garbage sometimes (blackberry->domain\username)
- // from
- foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($message->headers['from']):$message->headers['from'])) as $addressObject) {
- if (!$addressObject->valid) continue;
- if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("Header Sentmail From: ".array2string($addressObject).' vs. '.array2string($message->headers['from']));
- $mailObject->From = $addressObject->mailbox. ($addressObject->host ? '@'.$addressObject->host : '');
- $mailObject->FromName = $addressObject->personal;
- }
- */
// prepare addressee list; moved the adding of addresses to the mailobject down
// to
- foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($message->headers["to"]):$message->headers["to"])) as $addressObject) {
+ foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList($mailObject->getHeader("To")) as $addressObject) {
if (!$addressObject->valid) continue;
if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("Header Sentmail To: ".array2string($addressObject) );
//$mailObject->AddAddress($addressObject->mailbox. ($addressObject->host ? '@'.$addressObject->host : ''),$addressObject->personal);
$toMailAddr[] = imap_rfc822_write_address($addressObject->mailbox, $addressObject->host, $addressObject->personal);
// CC
- foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($message->headers["cc"]):$message->headers["cc"])) as $addressObject) {
+ foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList($mailObject->getHeader("Cc")) as $addressObject) {
if (!$addressObject->valid) continue;
if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("Header Sentmail CC: ".array2string($addressObject) );
//$mailObject->AddCC($addressObject->mailbox. ($addressObject->host ? '@'.$addressObject->host : ''),$addressObject->personal);
$ccMailAddr[] = imap_rfc822_write_address($addressObject->mailbox, $addressObject->host, $addressObject->personal);
// BCC
- foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($message->headers["bcc"]):$message->headers["bcc"])) as $addressObject) {
+ foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList($mailObject->getHeader("Bcc")) as $addressObject) {
if (!$addressObject->valid) continue;
if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("Header Sentmail BCC: ".array2string($addressObject) );
//$mailObject->AddBCC($addressObject->mailbox. ($addressObject->host ? '@'.$addressObject->host : ''),$addressObject->personal);
$bccMailAddr[] = imap_rfc822_write_address($addressObject->mailbox, $addressObject->host, $addressObject->personal);
- /*
- // AddReplyTo
- foreach(emailadmin_imapbase::parseAddressList((get_magic_quotes_gpc()?stripslashes($message->headers['reply-to']):$message->headers['reply-to'])) as $addressObject) {
- if (!$addressObject->valid) continue;
- if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("Header Sentmail REPLY-TO: ".array2string($addressObject) );
- $mailObject->AddReplyTo($addressObject->mailbox. ($addressObject->host ? '@'.$addressObject->host : ''),$addressObject->personal);
- }
- */
- // save some headers when forwarding mails (content type & transfer-encoding)
- $headers = "";
+ $mailObject->clearAllRecipients();
$use_orgbody = false;
- // clean up the transmitted headers
- // remove default headers because we are using our own mailer
- //$returnPathSet = false;
- //$body_base64 = false;
- $org_charset = "";
- foreach($message->headers as $k => $v) {
- if ($k == "subject" ||
- $k == "to" || $k == "cc" || $k == "bcc" || $k == "sender" || $k == "reply-to" || $k == 'from' || $k == 'return_path' ||
- $k == "message-id" || $k == 'date')
- continue; // already set
+ $k = 'Content-Type';
+ $ContentType =$mailObject->getHeader('Content-Type');
+ //error_log(__METHOD__.__LINE__." Header Sentmail original Header (filtered): " . $k. " = ".trim($ContentType));
+ // if the message is a multipart message, then we should use the sent body
+ if (preg_match("/multipart/i", $ContentType)) {
+ $use_orgbody = true;
+ }
- if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("Header Sentmail original Header (filtered): " . $k. " = ".trim($v));
- if ($k == "content-type") {
- // if the message is a multipart message, then we should use the sent body
- if (preg_match("/multipart/i", $v)) {
- $use_orgbody = true;
- $org_boundary = $message->ctype_parameters["boundary"];
- }
+ // save the original content-type header for the body part when forwarding
+ if ($smartdata['task'] == 'forward' && $smartdata['itemid'] && !$use_orgbody) {
+ //continue; // ignore
+ }
+ // horde/egw_ mailer does everything as utf-8, the following should not be needed
+ //$org_charset = $ContentType;
+ //$ContentType = preg_replace("/charset=([A-Za-z0-9-\"']+)/", "charset=\"utf-8\"", $ContentType);
+ // if the message is a multipart message, then we should use the sent body
+ if (($smartdata['task'] == 'new' || $smartdata['task'] == 'reply' || $smartdata['task'] == 'forward') &&
+ ((isset($smartdata['replacemime']) && $smartdata['replacemime'] == true) ||
+ $k == "Content-Type" && preg_match("/multipart/i", $ContentType))) {
+ $use_orgbody = true;
+ }
- // save the original content-type header for the body part when forwarding
- if ($smartdata['task'] == 'forward' && $smartdata['itemid'] && !$use_orgbody) {
- continue; // ignore
- }
- $org_charset = $v;
- $v = preg_replace("/charset=([A-Za-z0-9-\"']+)/", "charset=\"utf-8\"", $v);
- }
- if ($k == "content-transfer-encoding") {
-/* we do not use this, as we determine that by ourself by forcing Encoding=base64 on smartreply/forward
- // if the content was base64 encoded, encode the body again when sending
- if (trim($v) == "base64") $body_base64 = true;
- // save the original encoding header for the body part when forwarding
- if ($smartdata['task'] == 'forward' && $smartdata['itemid']) {
- continue; // ignore
- }
- }
- // if the message is a multipart message, then we should use the sent body
- if (($smartdata['task'] == 'new' || $smartdata['task'] == 'reply' || $smartdata['task'] == 'forward') &&
- ((isset($smartdata['replacemime']) && $smartdata['replacemime'] == true) ||
- $k == "content-type" && preg_match("/multipart/i", $v))) {
- $use_orgbody = true;
- }
- // all other headers stay, we probably dont use them, but we may add them with AddHeader/AddCustomHeader
- //if ($headers) $headers .= "\n";
- //$headers .= ucfirst($k) . ": ". trim($v);
- }
// if this is a simple message, no structure at all
- if ($message->ctype_primary=='text' && $message->body)
+ if (preg_match("/text/i", $ContentType))
- // we decode the body ourself
- $message->body = $this->mail->decodeMimePart($message->body,($message->headers['content-transfer-encoding']?$message->headers['content-transfer-encoding']:'WeDontKnowTheEncoding'));
- $body = $message->body;
- if ($message->ctype_secondary=='html')
- {
- $mailObject->setHtmlBody($body,null,false);
- }
- else
- {
- $mailObject->setBody($body);
- }
- $simpleBodyType = ($message->ctype_secondary=='html'?'text/html':'text/plain');
- if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("IMAP-Sendmail: fetched simple body as ".($message->ctype_secondary=='html'?'html':'text'));
+ $bodyObj = $mailObject->findBody(preg_match("/html/i", $ContentType) ? 'html' : 'plain');
+ $body = $bodyObj ?$bodyObj->getContents() : null;
+ $simpleBodyType = (preg_match("/html/i", $ContentType)?'text/html':'text/plain');
+ if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("IMAP-Sendmail: fetched simple body as ".(preg_match("/html/i", $ContentType)?'html':'text'));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $Body = ($text_body = $mailObject->findBody('plain')) ? $text_body->getContents() : null;
+ $AltBody = ($html_body = $mailObject->findBody('html')) ? $html_body->getContents() : null;
+ // prefer plain over html
+ $body = $Body ?$Body : $AltBody;
// if this is a multipart message with a boundary, we must use the original body
- $this->mail->createBodyFromStructure($mailObject, $message,NULL,$decode=true);
if ($this->debugLevel>2) debugLog(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' mailObject after Inital Parse:'.array2string($mailObject));
if ($use_orgbody) {
if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("IMAP-Sendmail: use_orgbody = true");
- $repl_body = $body = $mailObject->getMessageBody();
- // if it is a ClientSideMeetingRequest, we report it as send at all times
- if ($mailObject->AltExtendedContentType && stripos($mailObject->AltExtendedContentType,'text/calendar') !== false )
+ // if it is a ClientSideMeetingRequest, we report it as send at all times
+ if (stripos($ContentType,'text/calendar') !== false )
+ $body = ($text_body = $mailObject->findBody('calendar')) ? $text_body->getContents() : null;
if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("IMAP-Sendmail: we have a Client Side Meeting Request");
- // try figuring out the METHOD -> [AltExtendedContentType] => text/calendar; name=meeting.ics; method=REQUEST
- $tA = explode(' ',$mailObject->AltExtendedContentType);
+ // try figuring out the METHOD -> [ContentType] => text/calendar; name=meeting.ics; method=REQUEST
+ $tA = explode(' ',$ContentType);
foreach ((array)$tA as $k => $p) if (stripos($p,"method=")!==false) $cSMRMethod= trim(str_replace('METHOD=','',strtoupper($p)));
$ClientSideMeetingRequest = true;
- else {
- if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("IMAP-Sendmail: use_orgbody = false");
- $body = $mailObject->getMessageBody;
- }
// now handle the addressee list
$toCount = 0;
@@ -631,16 +564,9 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send
if ($toCount+$ccCount+$bccCount == 0) return 0; // noone to send mail to
if ($ClientSideMeetingRequest === true && $allowSendingInvitations===false) return true;
- if ($this->debugLevel>2) debugLog(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' MailAttachments:'.array2string($mailObject->GetAttachments()));
- // as we use our mailer (phpmailer) it is detecting / setting the mimetype by itself while creating the mail
- if (isset($smartdata['replacemime']) && $smartdata['replacemime'] == true &&
- isset($message->ctype_primary)) {
- //if ($headers) $headers .= "\n";
- //$headers .= "Content-Type: ". $message->ctype_primary . "/" . $message->ctype_secondary .
- // (isset($message->ctype_parameters['boundary']) ? ";\n\tboundary=".$message->ctype_parameters['boundary'] : "");
- }
+ // as we use our mailer (horde mailer) it is detecting / setting the mimetype by itself while creating the mail
if ($this->debugLevel>2) debugLog(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' retrieved Body:'.$body);
- $body = str_replace("\r",($mailObject->ContentType=='text/html'?'
':""),$body); // what is this for?
+ $body = str_replace("\r",(preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)?'
':""),$body); // what is this for?
if ($this->debugLevel>2) debugLog(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' retrieved Body (modified):'.$body);
// reply ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($smartdata['task'] == 'reply' && isset($smartdata['itemid']) &&
@@ -648,20 +574,12 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send
(!isset($smartdata['replacemime']) ||
(isset($smartdata['replacemime']) && $smartdata['replacemime'] == false)))
- //remember Content type of org messageFolder
- $orgMessageContentType = $mailObject->ContentType;
// now get on, and fetch the original mail
$uid = $smartdata['itemid'];
if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("IMAP Smartreply is called with FolderID:".$smartdata['folderid'].' and ItemID:'.$smartdata['itemid']);
$this->splitID($smartdata['folderid'], $account, $folder);
- // not needed, as the original header is always transmitted
- /*
- $headers = $this->mail->getMessageEnvelope($uid, $_partID, true, $folder);
- if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog(__METHOD__.__LINE__." Headers of Message with UID:$uid ->".array2string($headers));
- $body .= $this->mail->createHeaderInfoSection($headers,lang("original message"));
- */
$bodyStruct = $this->mail->getMessageBody($uid, 'html_only');
$bodyBUFF = $this->mail->getdisplayableBody($this->mail,$bodyStruct,true);
@@ -674,16 +592,16 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send
// plain text Message
if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("MIME Body".' Type:plain, fetch text:');
// if the new part of the message is html, we must preserve it, and handle that the original mail is text/plain
- if ($orgMessageContentType!='text/html') $mailObject->IsHTML(false);
+ if (!preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)) $mailObject->IsHTML(false);
$bodyStruct = $this->mail->getMessageBody($uid,'never_display');//'never_display');
$bodyBUFF = $this->mail->getdisplayableBody($this->mail,$bodyStruct);//$this->ui->getdisplayableBody($bodyStruct,false);
- if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("MIME Body ContentType ".$mailObject->ContentType);
- $bodyBUFF = ($mailObject->ContentType=='text/html'?'
':'').$bodyBUFF.($mailObject->ContentType=='text/html'?'':''); + if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("MIME Body ContentType ".$ContentType); + $bodyBUFF = (preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)?'
':'').$bodyBUFF.(preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)?'':''); } if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Body -> '.$bodyBUFF); - if (isset($simpleBodyType) && $simpleBodyType == 'text/plain' && $mailObject->ContentType == 'text/html') $body=nl2br($body); // this is (should be) the same as $orgMessageContentType == 'text/plain' && $mailObject->ContentType == 'text/html' + if (isset($simpleBodyType) && $simpleBodyType == 'text/plain' && preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)) $body=nl2br($body); // receive only body $body .= $bodyBUFF; //$mailObject->Encoding = 'base64'; //handled by horde @@ -726,13 +644,6 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send } else { -/* ToDo - as it may double text - // This is for forwarding and using the original body as Client may only include parts of the original mail - if (!$use_orgbody) - $nbody = $body; - else - $nbody = $repl_body; -*/ //$body .= $this->mail->createHeaderInfoSection($headers,lang("original message")); $bodyStruct = $this->mail->getMessageBody($uid, 'html_only'); $bodyBUFF = $this->mail->getdisplayableBody($this->mail,$bodyStruct,true); @@ -745,12 +656,11 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send // plain text Message if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("MIME Body".' Type:plain, fetch text:'); // as we glue together the send mail part, and the smartforward part, we stick to the ContentType of the to be sent-Mail - $mailObject->IsHTML($mailObject->ContentType=='text/html'); $bodyStruct = $this->mail->getMessageBody($uid,'never_display');//'never_display'); $bodyBUFF = $this->mail->getdisplayableBody($this->mail,$bodyStruct);//$this->ui->getdisplayableBody($bodyStruct,false); - if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("MIME Body ContentType ".$mailObject->ContentType); - $bodyBUFF = ($mailObject->ContentType=='text/html'?'
':'').$bodyBUFF.($mailObject->ContentType=='text/html'?'':''); + if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog("MIME Body ContentType ".$ContentType); + $bodyBUFF = (preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)?'
':'').$bodyBUFF.(preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)?'':''); } if ($this->debugLevel>0) debugLog(__METHOD__.__LINE__.' Body -> '.$bodyBUFF); // receive only body @@ -784,7 +694,8 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send } } } - if (isset($simpleBodyType) && $simpleBodyType == 'text/plain' && $mailObject->ContentType == 'text/html') $body=nl2br($body); + $ContentType =$mailObject->getHeader('Content-Type'); + if (isset($simpleBodyType) && $simpleBodyType == 'text/plain' && preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)) $body=nl2br($body); //$mailObject->Encoding = 'base64'; //handled by horde } // end forward @@ -808,9 +719,10 @@ class mail_activesync implements activesync_plugin_write, activesync_plugin_send $disableRuler = true; } $before = ""; + $ContentType =$mailObject->getHeader('Content-Type'); if ($disableRuler==false) { - if($mailObject->ContentType=='text/html') { + if(preg_match("^text/html^i", $ContentType)) { $before = ($disableRuler ?'