fixed search for empty values

empty values can be '' or NULL
This commit is contained in:
Lars Kneschke 2006-03-21 06:49:10 +00:00
parent 932063bdba
commit 2bc928a6cb

View File

@ -264,11 +264,30 @@
return $this->read_single_entry($this->db->f(0),$fields);
/* send this the range, query, sort, order and whatever fields you want to see */
function read($start=0,$limit=0,$fields='',$query='',$filter='',$sort='',$order='', $lastmod=-1,$cquery='')
* Searches for contacts meating certain criteria and evtl. return only a range of them
* @param int $start=0 starting number of the range, if $limit != 0
* @param int $limit=0 max. number of entries to return, 0=all
* @param array $fields=null fields to return or null for all stock fields
* @param string $query='' search pattern or '' for none
* @param string $filter='' filters with syntax like <name>=<value>,<name2>=<value2> OR <name3>=<value3>,<name4>=!'' for not empty
* @param string $sort='' sorting: ASC or DESC
* @param string $order='' column to order, default ('') n_family,n_given,email ASC
* @param int $lastmod=-1 return only values modified after given timestamp, default (-1) return all
* @param string $cquery='' return only entries starting with given character, default ('') all
* @return array of contacts
function read($start=0,$limit=0,$fields=null,$query='',$filter='',$sort='',$order='', $lastmod=-1,$cquery='')
if(!$start) { $start = 0; }
if(!$limit) { $limit = 0; }
if (!$limit)
$limit = -1; // db::query uses -1 for all
elseif (!$start)
$start = 0;
if(!$filter) { $filter = 'tid=n'; }
if (!$fields || empty($fields)) { $fields = $this->stock_contact_fields; }
@ -329,9 +348,9 @@
$filterlist[] = $name . '=' . $value;
elseif ($value == "!") // check for not empty
elseif ($value == "!''") // check for not empty
$filterlist[] = $name . " IS NOT NULL";
$filterlist[] = $name . "!=''";
@ -379,6 +398,7 @@
$fand .= $filtermethod;
$grants = $this->grants;
@ -393,18 +413,7 @@
$fwhere .= ') '; $fand .= ') ';
// acl enhancement
/* $this->accounts =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts');
$groups = $this->accounts->membership();
$gwhere = " AND (published_groups IS NULL OR CONCAT(',',published_groups,',') LIKE '%,". $groups[0]['account_id']. ",%' ";
foreach((array)$groups as $group)
$gwhere .= " OR CONCAT(',',published_groups,',') LIKE '%,". $group['account_id']. ",%'";
$gwhere .= " ) ";
$fwhere .= $gwhere;
$fand .= $gwhere;*/
if ($DEBUG && $filtermethod)
echo '<br>DEBUG - Filtering with: #' . $filtermethod . '#';
@ -485,9 +494,14 @@
if (!$queryKey) continue;
$queryValue = strtoupper($this->db->db_addslashes($queryValue));
if(empty($queryValue)) {
$sql .= " ($queryKey IS NULL OR $queryKey = '') AND ";
$sqlcount .= " ($queryKey IS NULL OR $queryKey = '') AND ";
} else {
$sql .= " UPPER($queryKey) LIKE '$queryValue' AND ";
$sqlcount .= " UPPER($queryKey) LIKE '$queryValue' AND ";
$sql = substr($sql,0,-5) . ') ' . $fand . $filtermethod . $ordermethod;
$sqlcount = substr($sqlcount,0,-5) . ') ' . $fand . $filtermethod;
unset($queryKey); unset($queryValue);
@ -543,25 +557,10 @@
$this->total_records = $this->db->f(0);
if($start && $limit)
if($this->total_records <= $limit)
//echo "<p align=right>search() start=$start, limit=$limit, total=$this->total_records</p>\n";
if ($this->total_records < $start) $start = 0;
$i = 0;