Added obtaining phpGroupWare section

This commit is contained in:
sjb4891 2000-09-27 21:18:02 +00:00
parent f8deba56ec
commit 8327da456b
3 changed files with 91 additions and 47 deletions

View File

@ -44,11 +44,32 @@ Windows is supported, but there is no documentation for it currently.
<LI>PHP 3.0.15+ / PHP 4.0.x</LI>
<LI>Apache 1.3.x</LI>
<LI>MySQL 3.22.25 or PostgreSQL 7.0.x</LI>
<LI>Courier-IMAP 0.33+</LI>
<LI>qmail 1.03 (using the qmail POP3 server)</LI>
<LI>Courier-IMAP 0.33+ and/or qmail 1.03 for POP3 access</LI>
<P>We have reports of it working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle as the database.
<H2>2.3 Tested Systems</H2>
<H2>2.3 Obtaining phpGroupWare</H2>
<P>While we are still in the Beta phase of phpGroupWare, you may
want to track the CVS copy as closely as possible. The released
versions are more stable, but often contain bugs that have been fixed
in the CVS version.
<H3>Released Versions</H3>
<P>The downloads section on the
<A HREF=""></A> site
contains links to the most recent releases, and several mirror sites
for the releases.
<H3>Developer's version from CVS</H3>
<P>If you have never used CVS, you may want to read through the doucmentation
found at
<A HREF=""></A>.
The CVS pages for the core and apps projects can be found at
<A HREF="">phpGroupWare Core CVS</A>, and
<A HREF="">phpGroupWare Apps CVS</A>.
Follow the directions for <B>Anonymous CVS access</B> and you should
have the most recent development copy of phpGroupWare in no time.
<H2>2.4 Installing on Tested Systems</H2>
<P>After you have met the system requirements, unpack the tarball in the html
directory of your webserver. (eg, /home/httpd/html)
@ -66,7 +87,7 @@ Then add the language entries (used for translation purposes).
<P><CODE>$ psql -d phpgroupware -U username &lt; create_tables.pgsql</CODE>
Then add the language entries (used for translation purposes).
<P><CODE>$ psql -d phpgroupware -U username &lt; lang.sql</CODE>
<H2>2.4 Configure phpGroupWare</H2>
<H2>2.5 Configure phpGroupWare</H2>
<P>Copy the <CODE></CODE> file to
<CODE></CODE> and edit the file, following the

View File

@ -49,13 +49,35 @@
<item>PHP 3.0.15+ / PHP 4.0.x
<item>Apache 1.3.x
<item>MySQL 3.22.25 or PostgreSQL 7.0.x
<item>Courier-IMAP 0.33+
<item>qmail 1.03 (using the qmail POP3 server)
<item>Courier-IMAP 0.33+ and/or qmail 1.03 for POP3 access
We have reports of it working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle as the database.
<sect1>Tested Systems
<sect1>Obtaining phpGroupWare
While we are still in the Beta phase of phpGroupWare, you may
want to track the CVS copy as closely as possible. The released
versions are more stable, but often contain bugs that have been fixed
in the CVS version.
<sect2>Released Versions
The downloads section on the <url url=""> site
contains links to the most recent releases, and several mirror sites
for the releases.
<sect2>Developer's version from CVS
If you have never used CVS, you may want to read through the doucmentation
found at <url url="">.
The CVS pages for the core and apps projects can be found at
<url url="" name="phpGroupWare Core CVS">, and
<url url="" name="phpGroupWare Apps CVS">.
Follow the directions for <bf>Anonymous CVS access</bf> and you should
have the most recent development copy of phpGroupWare in no time.
<sect1>Installing on Tested Systems
After you have met the system requirements, unpack the tarball in the html
directory of your webserver. (eg, /home/httpd/html)
@ -121,6 +143,7 @@
logout.php that will look in the temp directory for any stale uploads and delete
them. But, once again, it becomes a performance issue.
<sect>Testing the install
If your config is setup properly you can now login. Point your browser to the

View File

@ -17,10 +17,13 @@
2.1 Requirements
2.2 Tested Systems
2.3 Tested Systems
2.3.1 Installation with MySQL
2.3.2 Installation with PostgreSQL
2.4 Configure phpGroupWare
2.3 Obtaining phpGroupWare
2.3.1 Released Versions
2.3.2 Developer's version from CVS
2.4 Installing on Tested Systems
2.4.1 Installation with MySQL
2.4.2 Installation with PostgreSQL
2.5 Configure phpGroupWare
3. Testing the install
@ -61,9 +64,6 @@
phpGroupWare is a web based groupware application that includes
integrated features such as email, calendar, todo list, address book,
file manager, headline news, and a trouble ticket system.
You should use it if:
You would like a powerful groupware system that can be access from
@ -93,14 +93,35 @@
+o MySQL 3.22.25 or PostgreSQL 7.0.x
+o Courier-IMAP 0.33+
+o qmail 1.03 (using the qmail POP3 server)
+o Courier-IMAP 0.33+ and/or qmail 1.03 for POP3 access
We have reports of it working on Windows NT and OS/2, and using Oracle
as the database.
22..33.. TTeesstteedd SSyysstteemmss
22..33.. OObbttaaiinniinngg pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree
While we are still in the Beta phase of phpGroupWare, you may want to
track the CVS copy as closely as possible. The released versions are
more stable, but often contain bugs that have been fixed in the CVS
22..33..11.. RReelleeaasseedd VVeerrssiioonnss
The downloads section on the <> site
contains links to the most recent releases, and several mirror sites
for the releases.
22..33..22.. DDeevveellooppeerr''ss vveerrssiioonn ffrroomm CCVVSS
If you have never used CVS, you may want to read through the
doucmentation found at <>. The CVS pages for
the core and apps projects can be found at phpGroupWare Core CVS
<>, and phpGroupWare Apps CVS
<>. Follow the directions
for AAnnoonnyymmoouuss CCVVSS aacccceessss and you should have the most recent
development copy of phpGroupWare in no time.
22..44.. IInnssttaalllliinngg oonn TTeesstteedd SSyysstteemmss
After you have met the system requirements, unpack the tarball in the
html directory of your webserver. (eg, /home/httpd/html)
@ -109,7 +130,7 @@
In the doc directory there is a file called create_tables.(name of
your database)
22..33..11.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn wwiitthh MMyySSQQLL
22..44..11.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn wwiitthh MMyySSQQLL
We will assume that you are using the database named phpgroupware.
@ -118,7 +139,7 @@
$ mysql phpgroupware -u username -p < lang.sql
22..33..22.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn wwiitthh PPoossttggrreeSSQQLL
22..44..22.. IInnssttaallllaattiioonn wwiitthh PPoossttggrreeSSQQLL
We will assume that you are using the database named phpgroupware.
@ -127,10 +148,7 @@
$ psql -d phpgroupware -U username < lang.sql
22..44.. CCoonnffiigguurree pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree
22..55.. CCoonnffiigguurree pphhppGGrroouuppWWaarree
Copy the file to and edit the
file, following the directions in the comments.
@ -178,7 +196,6 @@
could add a few lines to logout.php that will look in the temp
directory for any stale uploads and delete them. But, once again, it
becomes a performance issue.
33.. TTeessttiinngg tthhee iinnssttaallll
If your config is setup properly you can now login. Point your
@ -196,6 +213,7 @@
application first, as most require you to create additional tables in
the database, and add additional translation data to the lang table
(typically a file called lang.sql)
You install the new application within the phpGroupWare install tree
by copying the application directory into the phpGroupWare install
location, and enabling the application through the Administration
@ -261,7 +279,6 @@
The phpGroupWare developers can often be seen hanging out in
#phpGroupWare on if you require real-time help.
Also check the FAQ in this directory for additional common questions,
it is available as FAQ.sgml, FAQ.txt and FAQ.html
@ -308,6 +325,9 @@
IMAP if you expect to have more than a few hundred messages in your
55..33.. WWhheenn II lloogg iinn II sseeee tthhee ddiirreeccttoorryy lliissttiinngg iinnsstteeaadd ooff aa wweebb ppaaggee
If you are using Apache, this often means you need to add .php to the
@ -327,7 +347,6 @@
This is often because you have php3 installed, which does not map .php
to the PHP engine.
For PHP3:
@ -374,6 +393,7 @@
v1.0 (July 6, 2000)
+o Built proper SGML version.
+o Included the FAQ.
@ -424,26 +444,6 @@