Add new 3-layer cats editor

This commit is contained in:
Miles Lott 2001-10-02 13:35:04 +00:00
parent 3415933051
commit 8ab7b9f771
3 changed files with 602 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
* phpGroupWare - Admin - Global categories *
* *
* Written by Bettina Gille [] *
* ----------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
class bocategories
var $cats;
var $start;
var $query;
var $sort;
var $order;
var $filter;
var $cat_id;
var $total;
var $debug = False;
function bocategories()
$this->cats = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories');
/* _debug_array($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']); */
/* Might change this to '' at the end---> */
$start = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['start'] ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['start'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['start'];
$query = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['query'] ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['query'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['query'];
$sort = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['sort'] ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['sort'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['sort'];
$order = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['order'] ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['order'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['order'];
$cat_id = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_id'] ? $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_id'] : $GLOBALS['HTTP_GET_VARS']['cat_id'];
if(!empty($start) || $start == '0' || $start == 0)
if($this->debug) { echo '<br>overriding start: "' . $this->start . '" now "' . $start . '"'; }
$this->start = $start;
if((empty($query) && !empty($this->query)) || !empty($query))
if($this->debug) { echo '<br>setting query to: "' . $query . '"'; }
$this->query = $query;
$this->cat_id = $cat_id;
if($cat_id == '0' || $cat_id == 0 || $cat_id == '')
$this->sort = $sort;
$this->order = $order;
function save_sessiondata($data)
if($this->debug) { echo '<br>Save:'; _debug_array($data); }
function read_sessiondata()
$data = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','admin_cats');
if($this->debug) { echo '<br>Read:'; _debug_array($data); }
$this->start = $data['start'];
$this->query = $data['query'];
$this->sort = $data['sort'];
$this->order = $data['order'];
$this->cat_id = $data['cat_id'];
function get_list()
if($this->debug) { echo '<br>querying: "' . $this->query . '"'; }
return $this->cats->return_array('all',$this->start,True,$this->query,$this->sort,$this->order,True);
function edit($data)
return $this->cats->edit($data);
function add($data)
return $this->cats->add($data);
function exists($data)
$data['type'] = $data['type'] ? $data['type'] : '';
$data['cat_id'] = $data['cat_id'] ? $data['cat_id'] : '';
return $this->cats->exists($data['type'],$data['cat_name'],$data['cat_id']);
function formatted_list($data)
return $this->cats->formated_list($data['select'],$data['all'],$data['cat_parent']);
function delete($cat_id,$subs=False)
return $this->cats->delete($cat_id,$subs);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
* phpGroupWare - Admin - Global categories *
* *
* Written by Bettina Gille [] *
* ----------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
/* $Id$ */
class uicategories
var $bo;
var $template;
var $start;
var $query;
var $sort;
var $order;
var $cat_id;
var $debug = False;
var $public_functions = array(
'index' => True,
'add' => True,
'edit' => True,
'delete' => True
function uicategories()
$this->bo = CreateObject('admin.bocategories');
$this->template = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template;
$this->nextmatchs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.nextmatchs');
$this->start = $this->bo->start;
$this->query = $this->bo->query;
$this->sort = $this->bo->sort;
$this->order = $this->bo->order;
$this->cat_id = $this->bo->cat_id;
if($this->debug) { $this->_debug_sqsof(); }
function _debug_sqsof()
$data = array(
'start' => $this->start,
'query' => $this->query,
'sort' => $this->sort,
'order' => $this->order,
'cat_id' => $this->cat_id
echo '<br>UI:<br>';
/* Called only by index() */
function save_sessiondata()
$data = array(
'start' => $this->start,
'query' => $this->query,
'sort' => $this->sort,
'order' => $this->order,
$data['cat_id'] = $this->cat_id;
function index()
echo parse_navbar();
'cat_list_t' => 'listcats.tpl',
'cat_list' => 'listcats.tpl'
$common_hidden_vars = '<input type="hidden" name="sort" value="' . $this->sort . '">' . "\n"
. '<input type="hidden" name="order" value="' . $this->order . '">' . "\n"
. '<input type="hidden" name="query" value="' . $this->query . '">' . "\n"
. '<input type="hidden" name="start" value="' . $this->start . '">' . "\n"
. '<input type="hidden" name="filter" value="' . $this->filter . '">' . "\n";
$this->template->set_var('lang_action',lang('Category list'));
$this->template->set_var('title_categories',lang('Global categories'));
$start = 0;
$this->bo->cats->app_name = 'phpgw';
$categories = $this->bo->get_list();
$left = $this->nextmatchs->left('/index.php',$this->start,$this->bo->cats->total_records,'menuaction=admin.uicategories.index');
$right = $this->nextmatchs->right('/index.php',$this->start,$this->bo->cats->total_records,'menuaction=admin.uicategories.index');
$this->template->set_var('lang_sub',lang('Add sub'));
for ($i=0;$i<count($categories);$i++)
$tr_color = $this->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color($tr_color);
$id = $categories[$i]['id'];
$level = $categories[$i]['level'];
if ($level > 0)
$space = '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
$spaceset = str_repeat($space,$level);
$name = $spaceset . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($categories[$i]['name']);
$descr = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($categories[$i]['description']);
if (!$descr) { $descr = '&nbsp;'; }
if ($level == 0)
$name = '<font color="FF0000"><b>' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($categories[$i]['name']) . '</b></font>';
$descr = '<font color="FF0000"><b>' . $descr . '</b></font>';
$this->template->set_var(array('name' => $name,
'descr' => $descr));
$this->template->set_var('add_sub',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.add&cat_parent=' . $id));
$this->template->set_var('lang_sub_entry',lang('Add sub'));
$this->template->set_var('edit',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.edit&cat_id=' . $id));
$this->template->set_var('delete',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.delete&cat_id=' . $id));
function add()
echo parse_navbar();
$new_parent = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['new_parent'];
$submit = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['submit'];
$cat_parent = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_parent'];
$cat_name = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_name'];
$cat_description = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_description'];
$this->template->set_file(array('form' => 'category_form.tpl'));
$this->bo->cats->app_name = 'phpgw';
if ($new_parent)
$cat_parent = $new_parent;
if ($submit)
$errorcount = 0;
if (!$cat_name)
$error[$errorcount++] = lang('Please enter a name');
if (!$error)
if (!$cat_parent)
$exists = $this->bo->exists(array(
'type' => 'appandmains',
'cat_name' => $cat_name,
'cat_id' => ''
$exists = $this->bo->exists(array(
'type' => 'appandsubs',
'cat_name' => $cat_name,
'cat_id' => ''
if ($exists == True)
$error[$errorcount++] = lang('That name has been used already');
if (!$error)
'parent' => $cat_parent,
'descr' => $cat_description,
'name' => $cat_name,
'access' => 'public'
if ($errorcount)
if (($submit) && (! $error) && (! $errorcount))
$this->template->set_var('message',lang('Category x has been added !', $cat_name));
if ((! $submit) && (! $error) && (! $errorcount))
$this->template->set_var('title_categories',lang('Add global category'));
$this->template->set_var('hidden_vars','<input type="hidden" name="cat_id" value="' . $cat_id . '">');
$this->template->set_var('lang_parent',lang('Parent category'));
$this->template->set_var('category_list',$this->bo->formatted_list(array('select' => 'select','all' => 'all','cat_parent' => $cat_parent)));
$this->template->set_var('lang_reset',lang('Clear Form'));
function edit()
if (!$this->cat_id)
Header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.index'));
echo parse_navbar();
$new_parent = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['new_parent'];
$submit = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['submit'];
$cat_parent = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_parent'];
$cat_name = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_name'];
$cat_description = $GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['cat_description'];
$this->template->set_file(array('form' => 'category_form.tpl'));
$this->bo->cats->app_name = 'phpgw';
$hidden_vars = '<input type="hidden" name="cat_id" value="' . $this->cat_id . '">' . "\n";
if ($new_parent)
$cat_parent = $new_parent;
if ($submit)
$errorcount = 0;
if (!$cat_name)
$error[$errorcount++] = lang('Please enter a name');
if (!$error)
if (!$cat_parent)
$exists = $this->bo->exists(array(
'type' => 'appandmains',
'cat_name' => $cat_name,
'cat_id' => $this->cat_id
$exists = $this->bo->exists(array(
'type' => 'appandsubs',
'cat_name' => $cat_name,
'cat_id' => $this->cat_id
if ($exists == True)
$error[$errorcount++] = lang('That name has been used already');
if (!$error)
'access' => 'public',
'parent' => $cat_parent,
'descr' => $cat_description,
'name' => $cat_name,
'id' => $this->cat_id
if ($errorcount)
if (($submit) && (!$error) && (!$errorcount))
$this->template->set_var('message',lang('Category x has been updated !',$cat_name));
if ((!$submit) && (!$error) && (!$errorcount))
$cats = $this->bo->cats->return_single($this->cat_id);
$this->template->set_var('title_categories',lang('Edit global category'));
$this->template->set_var('lang_parent',lang('Parent category'));
$this->template->set_var('deleteurl',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.delete&cat_id=' . $this->cat_id));
$this->template->set_var('category_list',$this->bo->formatted_list(array('select' => 'select','all' => 'all', 'cat_parent' => $cats[0]['parent'])));
function delete()
if (!$this->cat_id)
Header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.index'));
$this->bo->cats->app_name = 'phpgw';
if ($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['confirm'])
if ($GLOBALS['HTTP_POST_VARS']['subs'])
Header('Location: ' . $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.index'));
$hidden_vars = '<input type="hidden" name="cat_id" value="' . $this->cat_id . '">' . "\n";
$this->template->set_file(array('category_delete' => 'delete_cat.tpl'));
$nolink = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.index&cat_id=' . $this->cat_id);
$apps_cats = $this->bo->exists(array(
'type' => 'subs',
'cat_name' => '',
'cat_id' => $this->cat_id
echo parse_navbar();
if ($apps_cats)
$this->template->set_var('messages',lang('This category is currently being used by applications as a parent category') . '<br>'
. lang('You will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete the parent category'));
$this->template->set_var('messages',lang('Are you sure you want to delete this category ?'));
$exists = $this->bo->exists(array(
'type' => 'subs',
'cat_name' => '',
'cat_id' => $this->cat_id
if ($exists)
$this->template->set_var('lang_subs',lang('Do you also want to delete all global subcategories ?'));
$this->template->set_var('subs','<input type="checkbox" name="subs" value="True">');
$this->template->set_var('subs', '');
$this->template->set_var('action_url',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.delete&cat_id=' . $this->cat_id));

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
if (! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('global_categories_access',1,'admin'))
$file['Global Categories'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/admin/categories.php');
$file['Global Categories'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=admin.uicategories.index');
if (! $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('mainscreen_message_access',1,'admin'))