forked from extern/egroupware
Croation translations from Mladen Novosel <>
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar hr %1 %2 u %3
%1 matches found calendar hr Pronađeno %1 podataka koji ispunjavaju kriterij
%1 records imported addressbook hr %1 zapisa uvezeno
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) addressbook hr %1 zapisa pročitano (još nije uvezeno, možete se %2vratiti%3 i odznačiti Testiraj Uvoz)
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar hr %1 podataka pročitano (još nije uneseno, možete se vratiti i deselektirati testno unošenje)
(e.g. 1969) addressbook hr (npr. 1969)
(for weekly) calendar hr (Za tjedno ponavljanje)
(i/v)cal calendar hr (i/v)Cal
1 match found calendar hr Pronađen 1 zapis????????
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list addressbook hr <b>Nema konverzijskog tipa <nema> nemogu locirati.</b> Molim vas izaberite vrstu konverzije s liste
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! addressbook hr @-eval() je dostupan samo administratorima!!!
a calendar hr a
accept calendar hr Prihvati
accepted calendar hr Prihvaćeno
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar hr Akcija čija je posljedica poruka: Dodano, Prekinuto, Primljeno, Odbijeno, ...
actions addressbook hr Akcije
add a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook hr Dodaj jedan unos proslijeđujući polja
add alarm calendar hr Dodaj alarm
add contact calendar hr Dodaj kontakt
add custom field addressbook hr Dodaj proizvoljno polje
add or update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar hr Dodaj ili obnovi jedan unos proslijeđujući polja.
added calendar hr Dodano
address book common hr Adresar
address book - vcard in addressbook hr Adresar - VCard in
address book - view addressbook hr Adresar - pregled
address line 2 addressbook hr Adresa Linija 2
address line 3 addressbook hr Adresa Linija 3
address type addressbook hr Tip Adrese
addressbook common hr Adresar
addressbook preferences addressbook hr Postavke Adresara
addressbook-fieldname addressbook hr Adresar-Naziv polja
addvcard addressbook hr Dodaj VCard
alarm calendar hr Alarm
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar hr Alarm za %1 pri %2 u %3
alarm management calendar hr Upravljanje alarmom
alarm-management calendar hr Upravljanje-alarmom
alarms calendar hr Alarmi
all day calendar hr Cijeli dan
alt. csv import addressbook hr Alt. CSV Uvoz
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar hr Dali ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovu zemlju?
are you sure you want to delete this field? addressbook hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovo polje?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar hr Dali ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj praznik?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete these alarms? calendar hr Dali ste sigurni da želite\nobrisati ovaj alarm?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar hr Dali ste sigurni da želite\nobrisati ovaj podatak?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar hr Jeste li sigurni\nda želite\nobrisati ovaj zapis ?\n\nOvaj zapis će biti \nobrisan za sve korisnike.
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this single occurence ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar hr Da li ste sigurni\nda želite\nobrisati occurence ?\n\nOvaj zapis će biti \nobrisan za sve korisnike.
bbs phone addressbook hr BBS Telefon
before the event calendar hr prije obveze
birthday common hr Datum Rođenja
birthdays common hr Rođendani
blank addressbook hr Prazno
brief description calendar hr Kratki opis
business common hr Djelatnost - Poslovno
business address type addressbook hr Vrsta Poslovne Adrese
business city addressbook hr Tvrtka - Grad
business country addressbook hr Tvrtka - Država
business email addressbook hr Tvrtka - E-mail
business email type addressbook hr Tvrtka - Vrsta e-maila
business fax addressbook hr Tvrtka - Fax
business phone addressbook hr Tvrtka - Broj telefona
business state addressbook hr Tvrtka - Županija
business street addressbook hr Tvrtka - Ulica
business zip code addressbook hr Tvrtka - Poštanski broj
calendar common hr Kalendar
calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar hr Calendar - [iv]Cal Importer
calendar - add calendar hr Kalendar - Dodaj
calendar - edit calendar hr Kalendar - Obrada
calendar event calendar hr Kalendarska obveza
calendar holiday management admin hr uređivanje kalendarskih praznika
calendar preferences calendar hr Kalendarske postavke
calendar settings admin hr Kalendarske postavke
calendar-fieldname calendar hr Kalendal - Ime polja
canceled calendar hr Otkazano
car phone addressbook hr Telefon u Automobilu
cell phone addressbook hr Mobilni telefon
change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. calendar hr Promijeni sve obveze od $params['old_owner'] u $params['new_owner'].
change status calendar hr Status promjene
charset of file addressbook hr Kodna straioca datoteke
city common hr Grad
click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar hr Pritisnite %1ovdje%2 za povratak u kalendar.
company common hr Tvrtka
company name common hr Naziv tvrtke
configuration common hr Konfiguracija
contact common hr Kontakt
contact application admin hr Aplikacija kontakta
contact settings admin hr Podešenja kontakta
copied by %1, from record #%2. addressbook hr Kopirao %1, iz zapisa #%2.
countries calendar hr Zemlje
country common hr Država
created by calendar hr Napravio
csv-fieldname addressbook hr CSV-Ime Polja
csv-filename addressbook hr CSV-Ime Datoteke
custom addressbook hr Proizvoljno
custom fields addressbook hr Proizvoljno Polje
custom fields and sorting common hr Proizvoljna polja i sortiranje
daily calendar hr Dnevno
daily matrix view calendar hr Dnevni matrični pregled
days calendar hr dana
days repeated calendar hr dana ponavljano
dayview calendar hr Dnevni pregled
debug output in browser addressbook hr Prikaz poruka o izlaznim greškama unutar pretraživača
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar hr Početno vrijeme obveze (u minutama)
default calendar filter calendar hr Početna vrijednost kalendarskog filtra
default calendar view calendar hr Početni izgled kalendara
default filter addressbook hr Osnovni Filter
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar hr Početno postavljeno trajanje novostvorenih obveza. Trajanje je u minutama, tj. 60 za 1 sat
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar hr Definira veličinu u minutama linija u dnevnom pregledu.
delete a single entry by passing the id. addressbook hr Delete a single entry by passing the id.
delete an entire users calendar. calendar hr Obriši korisnikov cijelokupni kalendar.
delete selected contacts calendar hr Obriši izabrane kontakte
delete series calendar hr Obriši serije
delete single calendar hr Obriši jedan
deleted calendar hr Obrisano
department common hr Odjel
description calendar hr Opis
disable calendar hr Onesposobi
disabled calendar hr Onesposobljeno
display interval in day view calendar hr Prikaži interval u dnevnom izgledu
display mini calendars when printing calendar hr Prikaži smanjene kalendare prilikom ispisa
display status of events calendar hr Prikaži status obveza
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar hr Prikazuje vaš početno postavljen izgled kalendara na početnoj stranici (stranica koja se učita kada otvorite eGroupware ili kliknete na ikonu za početnu stranicu)?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar hr Da li želite biti obaviješteni o novim ili promijenjenim obvezama? Biti će te obaviješteni o promijenama kada ih sami napravite.<br>Obavijesti možete ograničiti na samo o određene promjene. Svaka obavijest uključuje događaje nabrojene gore. Sve promjene uključuju promjene naslova, opisa, sudionika, ali ne i odgovor sudionika. Ukoliko je vlasnik obveze zahtijevao neku obavijest, uvijek će dobiti sudionikov odgovor poput prihvata ali i odbijanja.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar hr Da li želite primati redoviti sažetak vaših obveza na vaš e-mail?<br>Sažetak će biti poslan na vašu e-mail adresu ujutro toga dana ili u ponedjeljak za tjedne sažetke.<br>Sažetak će biti poslan samo ako imate obvezu taj dan ili tjedan.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin hr Da li želite dinamičko automatizirano punjenje datoteka za praznike?
domestic addressbook hr Domaći
download addressbook hr Preuzmi sa poslužitelja
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) addressbook hr Preuzmi sa poslužitelja izvezenu datoteku (Odznači za prikaz poruka o izlaznim greškama unutar pretraživača)
duration calendar hr Trajanje
edit custom field addressbook hr Uredi proizvoljno polje
edit custom fields admin hr Uredi proizvoljna polja
edit series calendar hr Uredi serije
edit single calendar hr Uredi pojedinačan
email notification calendar hr Obavijesti o Emailu
email notification for %1 calendar hr Obavijesti o Emailu za %1
empty for all addressbook hr obriši za sve
enable calendar hr Omogući
enabled calendar hr Omogućeno
end date/time calendar hr Datum/Vrijeme kraja
enddate calendar hr Datum kraja
ends calendar hr Završava
enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) calendar hr Unesite ime izlazne datoteke: ( .vcs nastavak )
enter the path to the exported file here addressbook hr Unesi stazu do izvezene datoteke
event details follow calendar hr Slijede detalji obveze
exceptions calendar hr Iznimke
export calendar hr Export
export a list of entries in ical format. calendar hr Export a list of entries in iCal format.
export contacts addressbook hr Izvezi Kontakte
export file name addressbook hr Izvezi Datoteku
export from addressbook addressbook hr Izvezi iz Adresara
extended calendar hr Produži
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar hr Prošireni updates uvijek uključuju potpune detalje o obvezama. iCal-ove datoteke mogu uvezesti i određene kalendarske aplikacije.
external participants calendar hr Vanjski sudionici
extra addressbook hr Ekstra
failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! calendar hr Nisam uspio poslati poruku za '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!!
fax addressbook hr Fax
fax number common hr Fax - Broj
field %1 has been added ! addressbook hr Polje %1 je dodano !
field %1 has been updated ! addressbook hr Polje %1 ažurirano !
field name addressbook hr Ime Polja
fields to show in address list addressbook hr Polja za prikazati u listi adresa
fieldseparator addressbook hr Razmaknica polja
firstname of person to notify calendar hr Ime osobe za obavijestiti
format of event updates calendar hr Ažuriranje formata ili događaja
fr calendar hr P
free/busy calendar hr Obveze
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar hr Obveze: Nepoznat korisnik '%1', pogrešna zaporka ili nije dostupno neprijavljenim korisnicima !!!
frequency calendar hr Frekvencija / Učestalost
fri calendar hr Pet
full description calendar hr Puni opis
full name addressbook hr Puno Ime
fullname of person to notify calendar hr Puno ime osobe za obavijestiti
generate printer-friendly version calendar hr Verzija za ispis
geo addressbook hr GEO
global categories addressbook hr Globalne kategorije
global public and group public calendar hr Global Public and group public
global public only calendar hr Samo javno globalno
go! calendar hr Kreni!
grant addressbook access common hr Dozvole Pristupa Adresaru
grant calendar access common hr Dozvoli pristup kalendaru
group planner calendar hr Grupni planer
group public only calendar hr Samo javna grupa
here is your requested alarm. calendar hr Ovo je vaš zahtijevani alarm
high priority calendar hr Visoki prioritet
holiday calendar hr Praznik
holiday management calendar hr Uređivanje praznika
holiday-management calendar hr Upravljanje praznicima
holidays calendar hr Praznici
home address type addressbook hr Vrsta domaće adrese
home city addressbook hr Osobno - Grad
home country addressbook hr Osobno - Država
home email addressbook hr Osobno - Email
home email type addressbook hr Osobno - vrsat Email
home phone addressbook hr Osobno - Telefon
home state addressbook hr Osobno - Županija
home street addressbook hr Osobno - Ulica
home zip code addressbook hr Osobno - Poštanski broj
hours calendar hr sati
i participate calendar hr Sudjelujem
ical / rfc2445 calendar hr iCal / rfc2445
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar hr ukoliko izabrani, praznici koji padaju na subotu ili nedjelju, primjenjuju se na slijedeći ponedjeljak.
if you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar hr Ukoliko tu ne postavite zaporku, ova informacija je dostupna svima koji poznaju URL!!!
ignore conflict calendar hr Zanemari sukob
import addressbook hr Uvezi
import contacts addressbook hr Uvezi Kontakte
import csv-file common hr Uvezi CSV-File
import csv-file into addressbook addressbook hr Uvezi CSV-Datoteku u Adresar
import file addressbook hr Uvezi Datoteku
import from ldif, csv, or vcard addressbook hr Uvezi iz LDIF, CSV, ili VCard
import from outlook addressbook hr Uvezi iz Outlook
import next set addressbook hr Uvezi slijedeći set
import_instructions addressbook hr U Netscape, otvori Adresar i izaberi <b>Export</b> iz <b>File</b> menija. Izvezena datoteka biti će u LDIF formatu.<p>Ili, u Outlook, izaberite vaš Contacts mapu, izaberite <b>Import and Export...</b> iz <b>File</b> menija i izvezite vaše kontakte u tekst razmaknut zarezom (comma separated text (CSV)) datoteku. <p>Ili, u Palm Desktop 4.0 ili više, izaberite vaš adresar i izaberite <b>Export</b> iz <b>File</b> menija. Izvezena datoteka biti će u VCard formatu.
international addressbook hr Međunarodni
interval calendar hr Interval
intervals in day view calendar hr intervali u dnevnom pregledu
intervals per day in planner view calendar hr intervali po danu u planerskom preledu
invalid entry id. calendar hr Nevažeći unos indetiteta
isdn phone addressbook hr ISDN Telefon
label addressbook hr LAbela
last calendar hr poslijednji
lastname of person to notify calendar hr Prezime osobe za obavijestiti
ldap context for contacts admin hr LDAP kontekst za kontakte
ldap host for contacts admin hr LDAP poslužitelj za kontakte
ldap root dn for contacts admin hr LDAP root dn for contacts
ldap root pw for contacts admin hr LDAP root pw for contacts
ldif addressbook hr LDIF
length shown<br>(emtpy for full length) calendar hr Pruikazana dužina<br>(Ostavite prazno za punu dužinu)
length<br>(<= 255) calendar hr Dužina<br>(<= 255)
line 2 addressbook hr Linija 2
link calendar hr Link
link to view the event calendar hr Link to view the event
list all categories. calendar hr Prikaži sve kategorije.
load [iv]cal calendar hr Unesi [iv]Cal
location calendar hr Lokacija
location to autoload from admin hr Lokacija za automatsko unošenje forme
make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons? calendar hr Omogući pristup informacijama o obvezama korisnicima koji nisu prijavljeni
mark records as private addressbook hr Označi podatak kao privatan
matrixview calendar hr Matrični pregled
message phone addressbook hr Telefon za poruke
middle name addressbook hr Srednje Ime
minutes calendar hr minuta
mo calendar hr P
mobile addressbook hr Mobilni
mobile phone addressbook hr Mobilni Telefon
modem phone addressbook hr Modemski Telefon
modified calendar hr Promijenjeno
modify list of external participants calendar hr Promijeni listu vanjskih sudionika
mon calendar hr Pon
month calendar hr Mjesec
monthly calendar hr Mjesečno
monthly (by date) calendar hr Mjesečno (po datumima)
monthly (by day) calendar hr Mjesečno (po danima)
monthview calendar hr Mjesečni pregled
new entry calendar hr Novi unos
new name must not exist and not be empty!!! calendar hr Novo ime ne smije već postojati i ne smije biti prazno!!!
no matches found calendar hr Nemogu naći podudarnosti
no response calendar hr Nema odgovora
no vcard addressbook hr Bez VCard
notification messages for added events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o dodanim obvezama
notification messages for canceled events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o otkazanim obvezama
notification messages for modified events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o promijenjenim obvezama
notification messages for your alarms calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o vašim alarmima
notification messages for your responses calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o vašim odgovorima
number of intervals per day in planner view calendar hr Broj intervala po danu u pogledu planera
number of months calendar hr Broj mjeseci
number of records to read (%1) addressbook hr Broj zapisa za pročitati (%1)
observance rule calendar hr Pravilo nadgledanja
occurence calendar hr Učestalost
old startdate calendar hr Stari datum početka
olddate calendar hr Stari datum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar hr On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4
on all changes calendar hr za sve promjene
on all modification, but responses calendar hr Za sve promjene, ali i odzive
on any time change too calendar hr Promijeni bilo kad
on invitation / cancelation only calendar hr Samo za poziv/prekid
on participant responses too calendar hr I pri odgovoru sudionika
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar hr I pri promjeni vremena više od 4 sata
open todo's: calendar hr Open To Do Items:
order calendar hr Naredba
other number addressbook hr Drugi broj
other phone addressbook hr Drugi telefon
overlap holiday calendar hr overlap holiday
pager common hr Pager
parcel addressbook hr paketski
participant calendar hr Sudionik
participants calendar hr Sudionici
participates calendar hr Sudjeluje
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar hr Zaporka za neprijavljene korisnike za vaše informacije o obvezama?
people holiday calendar hr državni praznik
permission denied calendar hr Uskraćena dozvola
phone number common hr Broj Telefona
phone numbers common hr Brojevi Telefona
planner calendar hr Planer
planner by category calendar hr Planer po kategoriji
planner by user calendar hr Planer po korisniku
please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar calendar hr Molimo vas potvrdite, prihvatite, odbijte ili pregledajte promjene u odgovarajućem unosu u vašem kalendaru
please enter a filename !!! calendar hr Molimo vas unesite ime datoteke!!!
please enter a name for that field ! addressbook hr Molim vas unesite naziv za to polje !
postal common hr Poštanski
pref addressbook hr pref
prefix addressbook hr Prefiks
preselected group for entering the planner calendar hr Predizabrana grupa za unos planera
print calendars in black & white calendar hr Ispis crno bijelog kalendara
print the mini calendars calendar hr Ispis smanjenih kalendara
printer friendly calendar hr Verzija za ispis
privat calendar hr Privatno
private and global public calendar hr Private and Global Public
private and group public calendar hr Private and Group Public
private only calendar hr Samo privatno
public key addressbook hr Javni ključ
re-edit event calendar hr Ponovo uredi obvezu
read a list of entries. addressbook hr Pročitaj listu zapisa
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. addressbook hr Pročitaj jedan zapis proslijeđujući šifru i listu polja
read this list of methods. calendar hr Pročitaj listu metoda
receive email updates calendar hr Receive email updates
receive extra information in event mails calendar hr Receive extra information in event mails
receive summary of appointments calendar hr Primi sažetak obveza
record access addressbook hr Pristup Podacima
record owner addressbook hr Vlasnik Podataka
recurring event calendar hr ponavljajuća obveza
refresh calendar hr Obnovi
reinstate calendar hr Ponovi postavi
rejected calendar hr Odbijeno
repeat day calendar hr Ponovi na dan
repeat end date calendar hr Krajnji datum ponavljanja
repeat type calendar hr Tip ponavljanja
repeating event information calendar hr Informacije o ponavljajućoj obvezi
repetition calendar hr Ponavljanje
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar hr Detalji ponavljanja (ili prazno)
reset calendar hr Postavi ponovo
retrieve contacts admin hr Ispravi kontakte
rule calendar hr Pravilo
sa calendar hr Su
sat calendar hr Sub
scheduling conflict calendar hr Sukob u rasporedu
search results calendar hr Rezultat pretrage
select all addressbook hr Označi Sve
select the type of conversion addressbook hr Izaberite vrstu konverzije
select the type of conversion: addressbook hr Izaberite vrstu konverzije:
select where you want to store admin hr Izaberite gdje želite spremiti
selected contacts (%1) calendar hr Izabrani kontakti (%1)
send updates via email common hr Send updates via EMail
send/receive updates via email calendar hr Send/Receive updates via EMail
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar hr Set a Year only for one-time / non-regular holidays.
set new events to private calendar hr Postavi nove događaju u privatno
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar hr Da li će pozivi koje ste odbili i dalje biti prikazani u vašem kalendaru?<br>Možete ih prihvatiti kasnije (tj. kada su sukobi u rasporedu riješeni), ako su još uvijek prikazani u vašem kalendaru!
should new events created as private by default ? calendar hr Trebaju li se nove obvezei postaviti kao privatne?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar hr Da li želite da neprijavljenji korisnici vide informacije o vašim obvezama? Možete dodati još jednu dodatnu zaporku, različitu od vaše uobičajne zaporke, radi zaštite vaših informacija. Informacije o vašim obvezama su u iCal formatu i uključuju samo vremena kada ste zauzeti. Ne uključuje ime događaja, opis ili lokaciju. URL informacija o vašim obvezama je: %1.
should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? calendar hr Da li će se smanjeni kalendari ispisati / prikazati u verziji za ispis?
should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? calendar hr Da li će se verzija za ispis prikazati crno-bijelo ili u boji?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar hr Da li bi se status sudionika obveze (prihvaćen, odbijen, ...) trebao prikazati nakon imena sudionika u zagradama?
show birthday reminders on main screen addressbook hr Pokaži rođendanske podsjetnike na glavnom ekranu
show day view on main screen calendar hr Prikaži dnevni prikaz na glavnom ekranu
show default view on main screen calendar hr Prikaži početno postavljeni prikaz na glavnom ekranu
show high priority events on main screen calendar hr Prikaži obveze visokog prioriteta na glavnom ekranu
show invitations you rejected calendar hr Prikaži odbijene pozive
show list of upcoming events calendar hr Prikaži listu dolazećih obvezama
single event calendar hr jedna obveza
sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar hr Žao mi je, vlasnik je upravo obrisao ovu obvezu
sorry, this event does not exist calendar hr Nažalost, ova obveza ne postoji
sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined calendar hr Žao mi je, ova obveza nema definirane iznimke
sort by calendar hr Poredaj po
specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. calendar hr Specificira broj intervala prikazanih u pregledu planera.
start date/time calendar hr Datum/vrijeme početka
start- and enddates calendar hr Početni i krajnji datumi
startdate calendar hr Datum početka
startrecord addressbook hr Početni tzapis
state common hr Županija
street common hr Ulica
su calendar hr Ne
submit to repository calendar hr Submit to Repository
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. addressbook hr Uspješno uneseno %1 zapis(a) u vaš Adresar.
suffix addressbook hr Sufiks
sun calendar hr Ned
tentative calendar hr Probni
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) addressbook hr Testiraj Uvoz (prikaži zapise koji se mogu uvesti <u>samo</u> u internet pregledniku)
text calendar hr Tekst
th calendar hr Č
that field name has been used already ! addressbook hr Ovaj naziv polja je već u upotrebi !
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul> calendar hr Slijedeće se koosi sa predloženim vremenom:<ul>%1</ul>
the user %1 is not participating in this event! calendar hr Korisnik %1 ne sudjeluje o ovoj obvezi!
there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar hr Dogodila se greška prilikom spajanja na vašeg poslužitelja vijesti.<br>Molimo vas kontaktirajte vašeg administratora, radi provjere imena posljužitelja, korisničkog imena i zaporke.
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar hr Ovaj dan je prikazan kao prvi dan u tjednu u mjesečnom pregledu.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar hr Ovdje određujete kraj vašeg dnevnog pregleda. Obveze koje su poslije ovog vremena prikazane su ispod vašeg dnevnog pregleda.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar hr Ovdje određujete početak vašeg dnevnog pregleda. Obveze prije ovog vremena su prikazane iznad vašeg dnevnog pregleda.<br>Ovo vrijeme se također koristi kao početna vrijednost početka novih obveza.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar hr Ova grupa je predizabrana kada uđete u planer. Možete je promijeniti u planeru kad god hoćete.
this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. calendar hr Uzrok ovoga je vjerovatno nepodešen ili loše podešen SMTP server. Obavijestite vašeg administratora.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana za otkazane ili obrisane obveze.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana za promijenjene ili pomaknute obveze.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana svim sudionicima u obvezama koje posjedujete, a koji zahtijevaju poruku o novim događajima.<br>Možete upotrijebiti određene varijable koje su zamijenjene sa podacima o obvezi. Prva linija je tema e-mail poruke.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar hr Ova poruka se šalje kada prihvatite, probno prihvatite ili odbijete neku obvezu.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar hr Ova poruka se šalje kada postavite alarm za određene obveze. Uključite sve informacije koje bi mogli zatrebati.
this month calendar hr Ovog mjeseca
this person's first name was not in the address book. addressbook hr Ime ove osobe nije u Adresaru.
this person's last name was not in the address book. addressbook hr Prezime ove osobe nije u Adresaru.
this week calendar hr Ovog tjedna
this year calendar hr Ove godine
thu calendar hr Čet
title calendar hr Naslov
title of the event calendar hr Ime obveze
title-row calendar hr Title-row
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit addressbook hr to many might exceed your execution-time-limit
to-firstname calendar hr Prema - Imenu
to-fullname calendar hr Prema - Imenu i prezimenu
to-lastname calendar hr Prema - Prezimenu
today calendar hr Danas
today is %1's birthday! common hr Danas je %1's rođendan!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common hr Sutra je %1's rođendan.
translation addressbook hr Prijevod
tu calendar hr U
tue calendar hr Uto
update a single entry by passing the fields. addressbook hr Update a single entry by passing the fields.
updated calendar hr Updated
use country list addressbook hr Upotrijebi listu zemalja
use end date calendar hr Upotrijebi krajnji datum
vcard common hr VCard
vcards require a first name entry. addressbook hr VCard zahtijevaju unos imena
vcards require a last name entry. addressbook hr Vcard zahtijevaju unos prezimena
video phone addressbook hr Video telefon
view this entry calendar hr Prikaži ovaj unos
voice phone addressbook hr Glasovni telefon
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin hr UPOZORENJE!! LDAP je valjan samo ako NE upotrebljavate kontakte za spremanje korisničkih računa!
we calendar hr S
wed calendar hr Sri
week calendar hr Tjedan
weekday starts on calendar hr Početak radnog tjedna
weekly calendar hr Tjedno
weekview calendar hr Tjedni pregled
when creating new events default set to private calendar hr Prilikom stvaranja novih obveza početno postavi na privatno
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar hr Koje obveze želite vidjeti kada otvorite kalendar.
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar hr Koji kalendarski pregled želite imati kada pokrenete kalendar ?
work day ends on calendar hr Radni dan završava u
work day starts on calendar hr Radni dan počinje u
work phone addressbook hr Telefon na poslu
workdayends calendar hr Kraj radnog tjedna
yearly calendar hr Godišnje
yearview calendar hr Godišnji pregled
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar hr You can either set a Year or a Occurence, not both !!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar hr You can only set a year or a occurence !!!
you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu za dodavanje alarma na ovu obvezu !!!
you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu za brisanje ovog alarma !!!
you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu za aktiviranje/deaktiviranje ovog alarma!!!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu čitanja ovog zapisa
you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. common hr Danas imate %1 obveza visokog prioriteta.
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common hr Danas imate 1 obvezu visokog proioriteta.
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar hr Imate sastanak na rasporedu za %1
you have not entered a title calendar hr Nist unijeli ime
you have not entered a valid date calendar hr Niste unijeli važeći datum
you have not entered a valid time of day calendar hr Niste unijeli važeće vrijeme dana
you have not entered participants calendar hr Niste unijeli sudionike
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar hr Morate unijeti bar jednu ili više ključnih riječi za pretraživanje
you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) calendar hr Morate izabrati [iv]Cal. (*.[iv]cs)
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) addressbook hr Morate izabrati vcard. (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display addressbook hr Morate izabrati bar 1 kolumnu za prikazati
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar hr You need to set either a day or a occurence !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar hr Vaš sastanak na rasporedu za %1 je otkazan
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar hr Vaš sastanak zakazan za %1 je premiješten na %2
your suggested time of <b> %1 - %2 </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar hr Vaše predloženo vrijeme od<B> %1 - %2 </B> je u sukobu sa postojećim obvezama u kalendaru
zip code common hr Poštanski Broj
zip_note addressbook hr <p><b>Obavijest:</b> Datoteka može biti zip kolekcija .csv, .vcf, ili .ldif datoteka. Ipak, nemojte miješati vrste datoteka po uvozu.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
%1 - %2 of %3 user accounts admin hr %1 - %2 od %3 Korisničkih računa
%1 - %2 of %3 user groups admin hr %1 - %2 od %3 Korisniočkih grupa
%1 not found or not executable !!! admin hr %1 nisam našai ili nije izvršivo !!!
(stored password will not be shown here) admin hr (Spremljena zaporka se ovdje neće prikazivati)
(to install new applications use<br><a href="setup/" target="setup">setup</a> [manage applications] !!!) admin hr (Radi instalacije novih aplikacija upotrijebite<br><a href="setup/" target="setup"></a> [Uređivanje aplikacija] !!!)
accesslog and bruteforce defense admin hr AccessLog and BruteForce defense
account active admin hr Arhiva korisničkih računa
account has been created common hr Korisnički račun je napravljen
account has been deleted common hr Korisnički račun je obrisan
account has been updated common hr Korisnički račun je obnovljen
account list admin hr Lista korisničkih računa
account permissions admin hr Dozvole korisničkog računa
account preferences admin hr Postavke korisničkog računa
acl manager admin hr ACL Uređivanje
acl rights common hr ACL Prava
action admin hr Akcija (radnja)
activate wysiwyg-editor admin hr aktivacija WYSIWYG-uređivača
add a category admin hr dodaj kategoriju
add a group admin hr dodaj grupu
add a new account. admin hr Dodaj novi korisnički račun
add a subcategory admin hr dodaj podkategoriju
add a user admin hr dodaj korisnika
add account admin hr Dodaj korisnički račun
add application admin hr Dodaj aplikaciju
add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) admin hr Dodaj automatski napravljene korisnike u ovu grupu ('Početne postavke' će biti upotrijebljene ako ostavite prazno.)
add global category admin hr Dodaj globalnu kategoriju
add global category for %1 admin hr Dodaj globalnu kategoriju za %1
add group admin hr Dodaj grupu
add new account admin hr Dodaj novi korisnički račun
add new application admin hr Dodaj novu aplikaciju
add peer server admin hr Dodaj peer poslužitelj
add sub-category admin hr Dodaj podkategoriju
admin email admin hr E-mail adresa administratora
admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) admin hr E-mail adresa administratora (odvojen zarezima) za obavijesti o sustavu (ukoliko ostavite prazno obavijesti neće biti slane)
admin name admin hr Ime administratora
administration admin hr Administracija
admins admin hr Administratori
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? admin hr Nakon koliko neuspijelih pokušaja prijave treba zaključati korisnički račun (početna vrijednost 3) ?
after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? admin hr Nakon koliko neuspijelih pokušaja prijave treba zaključati IP adresu (početna vrijednost 3) ?
all records and account information will be lost! admin hr Svi zapisi i informacije o korisničkim računima će biti izgubljene!
all users admin hr Svi korisnici
allow anonymous access to this app admin hr Dozvoli nepoznatima pristup ovoj aplikaciji
anonymous user admin hr Nepoznati korisnik
anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) admin hr Nepoznati korisnik (ne prikazuje se u listi sessions)
appearance admin hr Izgled
application admin hr Aplikacija
application name admin hr Ime aplikacije
application title admin hr Naslov aplikacije
applications admin hr Aplikacije
applications list admin hr Lista aplikacija
apply admin hr primjeni
are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? admin hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu aplikaciju %1 ?
are you sure you want to delete this account ? admin hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj korisnički račun ?
are you sure you want to delete this application ? admin hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu aplikaciju ?
are you sure you want to delete this category ? common hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu kategoriju ?
are you sure you want to delete this global category ? admin hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu globalnu kategoriju ?
are you sure you want to delete this group ? admin hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu grupu ?
are you sure you want to delete this server? admin hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj poslužitelj ?
are you sure you want to kill this session ? admin hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovu session ?
async services last executed admin hr Async usluge zadnje izvršene
asynchronous timed services admin hr Asinkrono tempriane usluge
asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! admin hr Asinkrone usluge još nisu postavljene ili neka druga greška (%1) !!!
attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' admin hr Attempt to use correct mimetype for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream'
authentication / accounts admin hr Authentication / Accounts
auto create account records for authenticated users admin hr Automatsko stvaranje arhive korisničkih računa za autorizirane korisnike
back to the list admin hr Povratak na listu
bi-dir passthrough admin hr bi-dir passthrough
bi-directional admin hr bi-directional
bottom admin hr dno
calculate next run admin hr Izračunaj slijedeći niz (RUN))
can change password admin hr Može promijeniti zaporku
cancel testjob! admin hr Otkaži test
categories list admin hr Lista kategorija
category %1 has been saved ! admin hr Kategorija %1 je spremljena !
category list admin hr Lista kategorija
change acl rights admin hr promijeni ACL prava
change config settings admin hr Promijeni postavke konfiguracije
change main screen message admin hr Promijeni poruku na glavnom ekranu
check ip address of all sessions admin hr Provijeri IP adresu svih sessions
check items to <b>%1</b> to %2 for %3 admin hr Provijeri od <b>%1</b> do %2 za %3
click to select a color admin hr Izaberite boju
color admin hr Boja
country selection admin hr Odabir zemlje
create group admin hr Napravi grupu
crontab only (recomended) admin hr crontab only (recomended)
data admin hr Podaci
day admin hr Dan
day of week<br>(0-6, 0=sun) admin hr Dan u tjednu<br>(0-6, 0=Ned)
default admin hr Početno postavljena vrijednost
default file system space per user admin hr Početno postavljeni prostor za datoteke po korisniku
default file system space per user/group ? admin hr Početno postavljeni prostor za datoteke po korisniku/grupe?
deinstall crontab admin hr Deinstall crontab
delete account admin hr Obriši korisnički račun
delete all records admin hr Obriši sve zapise
delete application admin hr Obriši aplikaciju
delete category admin hr Obriši kategoriju
delete group admin hr Obriši grupu
delete peer server admin hr Pbriši peer poslužitelja
delete the category admin hr obriši kategoriju
delete the group admin hr obriši gurpu
delete this category admin hr obriši ovu kategoriju
delete this group admin hr obriši ovu grupu
delete this user admin hr obriši ovog korisnika
deny access to access log admin hr Uskrati pristup evidenciji pristupa
deny access to application registery admin hr Uskrati pristup registru aplikacija
deny access to applications admin hr Uskrati pristup aplikacijama
deny access to asynchronous timed services admin hr Uskrati pristup asinkrono tempiranim uslugama
deny access to current sessions admin hr Uskrati pristup trenutnoj session
deny access to error log admin hr Uskrati pristup evidenciji grešaka
deny access to global categories admin hr Uskrati pristup globalnim kategorijama
deny access to groups admin hr Uskrati pristup grupama
deny access to mainscreen message admin hr Uskrati pristup poruci na glavnom ekranu
deny access to peer servers admin hr Uskrati pristup peer poslužiteljima
deny access to phpinfo admin hr Uskrati pristup u phpinfo
deny access to site configuration admin hr Uskrati pristup konfiguraciji stranica
deny access to user accounts admin hr Uskrati pristup korisničkim računima
deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? admin hr Onemogući svim korisnicima mogućnost dodijeljivanja prava pristupa njihovim zapisima ?
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! admin hr Opis nemože biti dulji od 255 znakova !
disable "auto completion" of the login form admin hr Disable "auto completion" of the login form
disable wysiwyg-editor admin hr onemogući WYSIWYG-uređivač
disabled (not recomended) admin hr onemogućeno (nije preporučeno)
display admin hr Prikaz
do not delete the category and return back to the list admin hr NE obriši kategoriju i vrati se na listu
do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? admin hr Želite li obrisati i sve globalne podkategorije ?
do you want to delete all global subcategories ? admin hr Želite li obrisati i sve globalne podkategorije ?
do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? admin hr Želite li pomaknuti sve globalne podkategorije za jedan nivo prema dolje ?
edit account admin hr Uredi korisnički račun
edit application admin hr Uredi aplikaciju
edit global category admin hr Uredi globalnu kategoriju
edit global category for %1 admin hr Uredi globalnu kategoriju za %1
edit group admin hr Uredi grupu
edit group acl's admin hr Uredi grupin ACL's
edit login screen message admin hr Uredi poruku ekrana za prijavu
edit main screen message admin hr uredi poruku glavnog ekrana
edit peer server admin hr Uredi Peer poslužitelj
edit table format admin hr Uredi format tabela
edit this category admin hr uredi ovu kategoriju
edit this group admin hr uredi ovu grupu
edit this user admin hr uredi ovog korisnika
edit user admin hr uredi korisnika
edit user account admin hr Uredi korisničke račune
enable debug-messages admin hr Omogući poruke za ispravljanje pogrešaka
enabled - hidden from navbar admin hr Omogućeno - skriveno od gornjeg menija
enabled - popup window admin hr Omogućeno - novi prozor
enter a description for the category admin hr unesite opis z akategoriju
enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt) admin hr Enter some random text for app_session <br>encryption (requires mcrypt)
enter the background color for the login page admin hr Unesite pozadinsku boju stranice za prijavu
enter the background color for the site title admin hr Unesite pozadinsku boju naslova stranica
enter the full path for temporary files.<br>examples: /tmp, c:\temp admin hr Unesite punu stazu za privremene datoteke.<br>Primjeri: /tmp, C:\TEMP
enter the full path for users and group files.<br>examples: /files, e:\files admin hr Unesite punu stazu za korisnike i datoteke grupa.<br>Primjeri: /files, E:\FILES
enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running admin hr Unesite hostname poslužitelja na kojem se ova apiljacija izvršava
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hr Unesite lokaciju eGroupWare-ovog URL-a: ili /egroupware<br><b>Bez kose crte</b>
enter the location of phpgroupware's url.<br>example: or /phpgroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hr Enter the location of phpGroupWare's URL.<br>Example: or /phpgroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again admin hr Unesite niz znakova za pretraživanje. Radi prikazivanja svih zapisa, ispraznite ovo polje i ponovo kliknite na POŠALJI.
enter the site password for peer servers admin hr Unesite zaporku za peer poslužitelje
enter the site username for peer servers admin hr Unesite korisničko ime za peer poslužitelje
enter the title for your site admin hr Unesite naslov vaših stranica
enter the title of your logo admin hr Unesite naslov vašeg logtipa
enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo admin hr Unesite URL ili ime datoteke (u phpgwapi/templates/default/images) vašeg logotipa
enter the url where your logo should link to admin hr Unesite URL na što bi vaš logo trebao biti vezan
enter your default ftp server admin hr Unesite vaš početno postavljen FTP poslužitelj
enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) admin hr Unesite vašu početno postavljenu domenu za poštu ( Forma: user@domain )
enter your http proxy server admin hr Unesite vaš HTTP proxy poslužitelj
enter your http proxy server port admin hr Unesite port vašeg HTTP proxy poslužitelja
enter your smtp server hostname or ip address admin hr Unesite ime vašeg SMTP poslužitelja ili IP adresu
enter your smtp server port admin hr Unesite port vašeg SMTP poslužitelja
error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! admin hr Greška prilikom otkazivanja vremenskog brojenja, možda nije postavljen!!!
error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! admin hr Error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!!
error: %1 not found or other error !!! admin hr GREŠKA: %1 nije nađeno ili neka druga greška !!!
expires admin hr Istječe
fallback (after each pageview) admin hr fallback (after each pageview)
file space admin hr File space
file space must be an integer admin hr File space must be an integer
find and register all application hooks admin hr Find and Register all Application Hooks
for the times above admin hr za vremena prikazana iznad
for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) admin hr za vremena prikazana ispod (prazne vrijednosti vrijede kao '*', sve prazno = svake minute)
force selectbox admin hr Force Selectbox
global categories common hr Globalne kategorije
group ? admin hr grupa ?
group has been added common hr Grupa je dodana
group has been deleted common hr Grupa je obrisana
group has been updated common hr Grupa je obnovljena
group list admin hr Lista grupa
group manager admin hr Upravljanje grupama
group name admin hr Ime grupe
hide php information admin hr sakrij php informacije
home directory admin hr Home directory
host information admin hr Informacije poslužitelja
hour<br>(0-23) admin hr Sat<br>(0-23)
how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? admin hr Koliko dana bi zapisi trebali biti sačuvani u zapisu pristupa, prije brisanja (početno postavljeno 90) ?
how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? admin hr Koliko minuta bi korisnički račun ili IP trebali biti blokirani (početno postavljeno 30) ?
icon admin hr Ikona
idle admin hr idle
if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of admin hr Ukoliko nema ACL zapisa za korisnika ili bilo koju grupu kojoj korisnik pripada
if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? admin hr Ukoliko koristite LDAP, želite li upravljati atributima početnog direktorija i loginshell?
inbound admin hr dolazno
install crontab admin hr Instaliraj crontab
installed applications common hr Instalirane aplikacije
installed crontab admin hr Instaliran crontab
interface admin hr Sučelje
ip admin hr IP
jobs admin hr poslovi
kill admin hr Kill
kill session admin hr Kill session
last %1 logins admin hr Poslijednjih %1 prijava
last %1 logins for %2 admin hr Poslijednjih %1 prijava za %2
last login admin hr zadnja prijava
last login from admin hr zadnja prijava od
last time read admin hr Poslijednji put pročitano
ldap accounts context admin hr kontekst LDAP korisničkih računa
ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) admin hr Početno postavljnei prefiks LDAP početne mape (npr. /home za /home/username)
ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) admin hr LDAP Default shell (e.g. /bin/bash)
ldap encryption type admin hr LDAP tip enkripcije
ldap groups context admin hr kontekst LDAP grupa
ldap host admin hr LDAP poslužitelj
ldap root password admin hr LDAP root password
ldap rootdn admin hr LDAP rootdn
leave the category untouched and return back to the list admin hr ostavi kategoriju nedirnutu i varti se na listu
leave the group untouched and return back to the list admin hr Ostavi kategoriju nedirnutu i varti se na listu
list config settings admin hr Prikaži postavke konfiguracije
list current sessions admin hr Prikaži trenutne sessions
list of current users admin hr Lista trenutnih korisnika
login history common hr Povijest prijava
login message admin hr Poruka prijave
login screen admin hr Ekran prijave
login shell admin hr Login shell
login time admin hr Vrijeme prijave
loginid admin hr LoginID
mail settings admin hr Postavke pošte
main screen message admin hr Poruka glavnog ekrana
manager admin hr Upravitelj
maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) admin hr Najveći indetitet korisničkog računa (npr. 65535 ili 1000000)
maximum entries in click path history admin hr Maximum entries in click path history
message has been updated admin hr poruka je obnovljena
method admin hr Metoda
minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) admin hr Najmanji indetitet korisničkog računa (inp. 500 ili 100, itd.)
minute admin hr Minuta
mode admin hr Mode
month admin hr Mjesec
new group name admin hr Ime nove grupe
new password [ leave blank for no change ] admin hr Nova zaporka [ostavite prazno ukoliko ne želite mijenjati]
next run admin hr Next run
no algorithms available admin hr no algorithms available
no jobs in the database !!! admin hr Nema poslova u bazi podataka!!!
no login history exists for this user admin hr Za ovog korisnika ne postoji povijest prijava
no matches found admin hr Nisam našao podudarnosti
no modes available admin hr no modes available
no permission to add groups admin hr nemate dozvolu za dodati grupu
no permission to add users admin hr nemate dozvola za dodati korisnika
no permission to create groups admin hr nemate dozvolu za napraciti grupu
note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support admin hr Note: SSL available only if PHP is compiled with curl support
outbound admin hr izlazno
passthrough admin hr passthrough
password for smtp-authentication admin hr Zaporka za provjeru SMTP-autentičnosti
path information admin hr Path information
peer server list admin hr Lista Peer popslužitelja
peer servers admin hr Peer poslužitelji
percent of users that logged out admin hr Postotak korisnika koji su se odjavili
percent this user has logged out admin hr Percent this user has logged out
permissions admin hr Dozvole
permissions this group has admin hr Dozvole koje ima ova grupa
phpinfo admin hr PHP informacije
please enter a name admin hr Molimo vas unesite ime
please enter a name for that server ! admin hr Umolimo vas inesite ime poslužitelja !
please run setup to become current admin hr Please run setup to become current
please select admin hr Molimo vas izaberite
preferences admin hr Postavke
primary group admin hr primarna grupa
re-enter password admin hr Ponovo unesite zaporku
read this list of methods. admin hr Read this list of methods.
register application hooks admin hr Register application hooks
remove all users from this group admin hr Ukloni sve korisnike iz ove grupe
remove all users from this group ? admin hr Da uklonim sve korisnike iz ove grupe?
return to admin mainscreen admin hr povratak na glavnu stranicu admin
return to view account admin hr Return to view account
run asynchronous services admin hr Run Asynchronous services
save the category admin hr spremi kategoriju
save the category and return back to the list admin hr spremi kategoriju i vrati se na listu
search accounts admin hr Traži korisničke račune
search categories admin hr Traži kategorije
search groups admin hr Traži grupe
search peer servers admin hr Traži peer poslužitelje
security admin hr Sigurnost
select group managers admin hr Izaberite upravljače grupama
select permissions this group will have admin hr Izaberite koje će dozvole ova grupa imati
select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category admin hr Select the parent category. If this is a main category select NO CATEGORY
select users for inclusion admin hr Select users for inclusion
select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information admin hr Select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information
select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts admin hr Izaberite gdje želite spremati/dohvatiti korisničke račune
select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) admin hr Select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right)
selectbox admin hr Selectbox
server %1 has been updated admin hr Poslužitelj %1je obnovljen
server list admin hr Lista poslužitelja
server password admin hr Zaporka poslužitelja
server type(mode) admin hr Vrsta poslužitelja (mode)
server url admin hr URL poslušitelja
server username admin hr Korisničko ime poslužitelja
set preference values. admin hr Postavite vrijednosti postavki.
should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? admin hr Should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ?
show 'powered by' logo on admin hr Show 'powered by' logo on
show access log admin hr Prikaži listu zapisa pristupa
show current action admin hr Show current action
show error log admin hr Prikaži listu zapisa grešaka
show phpinfo() admin hr Prikaži phpinfo()
show session ip address admin hr Show session IP address
site admin hr Site
site configuration common hr Site configuration
soap admin hr SOAP
sorry, that group name has already been taken. admin hr Nažalost, to ime grupe je već zauzeto
sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 admin hr Nažalost, gornji korisnici su još uvijek pripadnici grupe %1
sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 admin hr Nažalost, slijedeći korisnici su još uvijek pripadnici grupe %1
sort the entries admin hr Rasporedi zapise
ssl admin hr ssl
standard admin hr standard
start testjob! admin hr Start TestJob!
submit changes admin hr Pošalji promjene
submit the search string admin hr Pošalji niz znakova za pretragu
template selection admin hr Izabir predloška
text entry admin hr Unos teksta
that application name already exists. admin hr Ime aplikacije već postoji
that application order must be a number. admin hr That application order must be a number.
that loginid has already been taken admin hr That loginid has already been taken
that name has been used already admin hr To ime je već upotrebljeno
that server name has been used already ! admin hr To ime poslužitelja j eveć upotrijebljeno!
the api is current admin hr The API is current
the api requires an upgrade admin hr The API requires an upgrade
the groups must include the primary group admin hr grupe moraju sadržavati primarne grupe
the login and password can not be the same admin hr Korisničko ime i zaporka nesmiju biti isti
the loginid can not be more then 8 characters admin hr The loginid can not be more then 8 characters
the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. admin hr The TestJob sends you a mail everytime it is called.
the two passwords are not the same admin hr Dvije unesene zaporke nisu iste
the users bellow are still members of group %1 admin hr korisnici ispod su još uvijek pripadnici grupe %1
there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid admin hr There already is a group with this name. Userid's can not have the same name as a groupid
they must be removed before you can continue admin hr Moraju biti uklonjeni prije nastavka
this application is current admin hr Ova aplikacija je trenutna
this application requires an upgrade admin hr ova aplikacija zahtijeva obnavljanje
this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category admin hr Ova kategorija je trenutno upotrebljavana od aplikacija kao osnovna kategorija.
timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) admin hr Timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day)
timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) admin hr Timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours)
times admin hr Times
top admin hr vrh
total records admin hr Ukupno zapisa
trust level admin hr Trust Level
trust relationship admin hr Trust Relationship
under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! admin hr Under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. Fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!!
use cookies to pass sessionid admin hr Use cookies to pass sessionid
use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) admin hr Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet)
use theme admin hr Upotrijebi temu
user accounts admin hr Korisnički računi
user data admin hr Podaci o korisnicima
user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) admin hr User for SMTP-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required)
user groups admin hr Korisničke grupe
userdata admin hr podaci o korisnicima
users choice admin hr Users Choice
view access log admin hr Prikaži zapis liste prijava
view account admin hr Prikaži korisnički račun
view category admin hr Prikaži kategoriju
view error log admin hr Prikaži zapis liste grešaka
view sessions admin hr View sessions
view this user admin hr Prikaži ovog korisnika
view user account admin hr Prikaži korisničke račune
who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? admin hr Kome bi željeli prenjeti SVE zapise koje je imao obrisani korisnik?
would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? admin hr Would you like eGroupWare to cache the egw info array ?
would you like egroupware to check for a new version<br>when admins login ? admin hr Da li želite da eGroupWare provijeri postojanje nove verzije<br>kada se administrator prijavi ?
would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? admin hr Da li želite da eGroupWare provijeri postojanje nove verzije aplikacije kada se administrator prijavi ?
would you like phpgroupware to cache the phpgw info array ? admin hr Would you like phpGroupWare to cache the phpgw info array ?
would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? admin hr Would you like to automatically load new langfiles (at login-time) ?
would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? admin hr Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ?
xml-rpc admin hr XML-RPC
you have entered an invalid expiration date admin hr You have entered an invalid expiration date
you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account admin hr You must add at least 1 permission or group to this account
you must enter a group name. admin hr Morate unijeti ime grupe.
you must enter a lastname admin hr Morate unijeti prezime.
you must enter a loginid admin hr You must enter a loginid
you must enter an application name and title. admin hr Morate unijeti ime i naslov aplikacije.
you must enter an application name. admin hr Morate unijeti ime aplikacije.
you must enter an application title. admin hr Morate unijeti naslov aplikacije.
you must select a file type admin hr Morate izabrati vrstu datoteke.
you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category admin hr Morate obrisati sve podkategorije prije noego što obrišete ovu kategoriju !
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,459 @@
%1 %2 in %3 calendar hr %1 %2 u %3
%1 matches found calendar hr Pronađeno %1 podataka koji zadovoljavaju kriterij
%1 records imported calendar hr Podataka %1 uneseno
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) admin hr %1 zapisa pročitano (još nije uvezeno, možete se %2vratiti%3 i odznačiti Testiraj Uvoz)
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) calendar hr %1 podataka pročitano (još nije uneseno, možete se vratiti i deselektirati testno unošenje)
(e.g. 1969) admin hr (npr. 1969)
(for weekly) calendar hr (Za tjedno ponavljanje)
(i/v)cal calendar hr (i/v)Cal
1 match found calendar hr Pronađen 1 zapis????????
<b>no conversion type <none> could be located.</b> please choose a conversion type from the list admin hr <b>Nema konverzijskog tipa <nema> nemogu locirati.</b> Molim vas izaberite vrstu konverzije s liste
@-eval() is only availible to admins!!! admin hr @-eval() je dostupan samo administratorima!!!
a calendar hr a
accept calendar hr Prihvati
accepted calendar hr Prihvaćeno
action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... calendar hr Akcija čija je posljedica poruka: Dodano, Prekinuto, Primljeno, Odbijeno, ...
actions admin hr Akcije
add a single entry by passing the fields. calendar hr Dodaj jedan unos proslijeđujući polja
add alarm calendar hr Dodaj alarm
add contact calendar hr Dodaj kontakt
add custom field admin hr Dodaj proizvoljno polje
add or update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar hr Dodaj ili obnovi jedan unos proslijeđujući polja.
added calendar hr Dodano
address book calendar hr Adresar
address book - vcard in admin hr Adresar - VCard in
address book - view admin hr Adresar - pregled
address line 2 admin hr Adresa Linija 2
address line 3 admin hr Adresa Linija 3
address type admin hr Tip Adrese
addressbook common hr Adresar
addressbook preferences admin hr Postavke Adresara
addressbook-fieldname admin hr Adresar-Naziv polja
addvcard admin hr Dodaj VCard
alarm calendar hr Alarm
alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 calendar hr Alarm za %1 pri %2 u %3
alarm management calendar hr Upravljanje alarmom
alarm-management calendar hr Upravljanje alarmom
alarms calendar hr Alarmi
all day calendar hr Cijeli dan
alt. csv import admin hr Alt. CSV Uvoz
are you sure you want to delete this country ? calendar hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovu zemlju?
are you sure you want to delete this field? admin hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovo polje?
are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? calendar hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj praznik?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete these alarms? calendar hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj alarm?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ? calendar hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj podatak?
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this entry ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar hr Jeste li sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj zapis ?\n\nOvaj zapis će biti obrisan za sve korisnike.
are you sure\nyou want to\ndelete this single occurence ?\n\nthis will delete\nthis entry for all users. calendar hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati occurence ?\n\nOvaj zapis će biti obrisan za sve korisnike.
bbs phone admin hr BBS Telefon
before the event calendar hr prije obveze
birthday common hr Datum Rođenja
birthdays common hr Rođendani
blank admin hr Prazno
brief description calendar hr Kratki opis
business calendar hr Poslovno
business address type admin hr Vrsta Poslovne Adrese
business city admin hr Tvrtka - Grad
business country admin hr Tvrtka - Država
business email admin hr Tvrtka - E-mail
business email type admin hr Tvrtka - Vrsta e-maila
business fax admin hr Tvrtka - Fax
business phone admin hr Tvrtka - Broj telefona
business state admin hr Tvrtka - Županija
business street admin hr Tvrtka - Ulica
business zip code admin hr Tvrtka - Poštanski broj
calendar common hr Kalendar
calendar - [iv]cal importer calendar hr Calendar - [iv]Cal Importer
calendar - add calendar hr Kalendar - Dodaj
calendar - edit calendar hr Kalendar - Obrada
calendar event calendar hr Kalendarska obveza
calendar holiday management admin hr Upravljanje kalendarskim praznicima
calendar preferences calendar hr Postavke kalendara
calendar settings admin hr Postavke kalendara
calendar-fieldname calendar hr Kalendar - Ime polja
canceled calendar hr Otkazano
car phone admin hr Telefon u Automobilu
cell phone admin hr Mobilni telefon
change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. calendar hr Promijeni sve obveze od $params['old_owner'] u $params['new_owner'].
change status calendar hr Status promjene
charset of file calendar hr Charset of file
city common hr Grad
click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. calendar hr Pritisnite %1ovdje%2 za povratak u kalendar.
company common hr Tvrtka
company name common hr Naziv tvrtke
configuration calendar hr Postavke
contact common hr Kontakt
contact application admin hr Aplikacija kontakta
contact settings admin hr Podešenja kontakta
copied by %1, from record #%2. admin hr Kopirao %1, iz zapisa #%2.
countries calendar hr Zemlje
country calendar hr Zemlja
created by calendar hr Napravio
csv-fieldname calendar hr CSV-Ime polja
csv-filename calendar hr CSV-Ime datoteke
custom admin hr Proizvoljno
custom fields calendar hr Proizvoljna polja
custom fields and sorting common hr Proizvoljna polja i sortiranje
daily calendar hr Dnevno
daily matrix view calendar hr Dnevni matrični pregled
days calendar hr dana
days repeated calendar hr dana ponavljano
dayview calendar hr Dnevni pregled
debug output in browser admin hr Prikaz poruka o izlaznim greškama unutar pretraživača
default appointment length (in minutes) calendar hr Početno vrijeme obveze (u minutama)
default calendar filter calendar hr Početna vrijednost kalendarskog filtra
default calendar view calendar hr Početni izgled kalendara
default filter admin hr Osnovni Filter
default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. calendar hr Početno postavljeno trajanje novostvorenih obveza. Trajanje je u minutama, tj. 60 za 1 sat
defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. calendar hr Definira veličinu u minutama linija u dnevnom pregledu.
delete a single entry by passing the id. calendar hr Obriši jedan unos proslijeđujući polja
delete an entire users calendar. calendar hr Obriši korisnikov cijelokupni kalendar.
delete selected contacts calendar hr Obriši izabrane kontakte
delete series calendar hr Obriši serije
delete single calendar hr Obriši jedan
deleted calendar hr Obrisano
department common hr Odjel
description calendar hr Opis
disable calendar hr Onesposobi
disabled calendar hr Onesposobljeno
display interval in day view calendar hr Prikaži interval u dnevnom izgledu
display mini calendars when printing calendar hr Prikaži smanjene kalendare prilikom ispisa
display status of events calendar hr Prikaži status obveza
displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? calendar hr Prikazuje vaš početno postavljen izgled kalendara na početnoj stranici (stranica koja se učita kada otvorite eGroupware ili kliknete na ikonu za početnu stranicu)?
do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.<br>you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. all modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. if the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too. calendar hr Da li želite biti obaviješteni o novim ili promijenjenim obvezama? Biti će te obaviješteni o promijenama kada ih sami napravite.<br>Obavijesti možete ograničiti na samo o određene promjene. Svaka obavijest uključuje događaje nabrojene gore. Sve promjene uključuju promjene naslova, opisa, sudionika, ali ne i odgovor sudionika. Ukoliko je vlasnik obveze zahtijevao neku obavijest, uvijek će dobiti sudionikov odgovor poput prihvata ali i odbijanja.
do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?<br>the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.<br>it is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week. calendar hr Da li želite primati redoviti sažetak vaših obveza na vaš e-mail?<br>Sažetak će biti poslan na vašu e-mail adresu ujutro toga dana ili u ponedjeljak za tjedne sažetke.<br>Sažetak će biti poslan samo ako imate obvezu taj dan ili tjedan.
do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? admin hr Da li želite dinamičko automatizirano punjenje datoteka za praznike?
domestic admin hr Domaći
download calendar hr Preuzmi sa poslužitelja
download export file (uncheck to debug output in browser) admin hr Preuzmi sa poslužitelja izvezenu datoteku (Odznači za prikaz poruka o izlaznim greškama unutar pretraživača)
duration calendar hr Trajanje
edit custom field admin hr Uredi proizvoljno polje
edit custom fields admin hr Uredi proizvoljna polja
edit series calendar hr Uredi serije
edit single calendar hr Uredi pojedinačan
email notification calendar hr Obavijesti putem e-maila
email notification for %1 calendar hr Obavijesti o Emailu za %1
empty for all calendar hr isprazni za sve
enable calendar hr Omogući
enabled calendar hr Omogućeno
end date/time calendar hr Datum/Vrijeme kraja
enddate calendar hr Datum kraja
ends calendar hr Završava
enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) calendar hr Unesite ime izlazne datoteke: ( .vcs nastavak )
enter the path to the exported file here admin hr Unesi stazu do izvezene datoteke
event details follow calendar hr Slijede detalji obveze
exceptions calendar hr Iznimke
export calendar hr Export
export a list of entries in ical format. calendar hr Export a list of entries in iCal format.
export contacts admin hr Izvezi Kontakte
export file name admin hr Izvezi Datoteku
export from addressbook admin hr Izvezi iz Adresara
extended calendar hr Produži
extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. calendar hr Prošireni updates uvijek uključuju potpune detalje o obvezama. iCal-ove datoteke mogu uvezesti i određene kalendarske aplikacije.
external participants calendar hr Vanjski sudionici
extra admin hr Ekstra
failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! calendar hr Nisam uspio poslati poruku za '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!!
fax admin hr Fax
fax number common hr Fax - Broj
field %1 has been added ! admin hr Polje %1 je dodano !
field %1 has been updated ! admin hr Polje %1 ažurirano !
field name admin hr Ime Polja
fields to show in address list admin hr Polja za prikazati u listi adresa
fieldseparator calendar hr Razmaknica polja
firstname of person to notify calendar hr Ime osobe za obavijestiti
format of event updates calendar hr Ažuriranje formata ili događaja
fr calendar hr P
free/busy calendar hr Obveze
freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! calendar hr Obveze: Nepoznat korisnik '%1', pogrešna zaporka ili nije dostupno neprijavljenim korisnicima !!!
frequency calendar hr Frekvencija / Učestalost
fri calendar hr Pet
full description calendar hr Puni opis
full name admin hr Puno Ime
fullname of person to notify calendar hr Puno ime osobe za obavijestiti
generate printer-friendly version calendar hr Verzija za ispis
geo admin hr GEO
global categories calendar hr Globalne kategorije
global public and group public calendar hr Global Public and group public
global public only calendar hr Samo javno globalno
go! calendar hr Kreni!
grant addressbook access common hr Dozvole Pristupa Adresaru
grant calendar access common hr Dozvoli pristup kalendaru
group planner calendar hr Grupni planer
group public only calendar hr Samo javna grupa
here is your requested alarm. calendar hr Ovo je vaš zahtijevani alarm
high priority calendar hr Visoki prioritet
holiday calendar hr Praznik
holiday management calendar hr Upravljanje praznicima
holiday-management calendar hr Upravljanje praznicima
holidays calendar hr Praznici
home address type admin hr Vrsta domaće adrese
home city admin hr Osobno - Grad
home country admin hr Osobno - Država
home email admin hr Osobno - Email
home email type admin hr Osobno - vrsat Email
home phone admin hr Osobno - Telefon
home state admin hr Osobno - Županija
home street admin hr Osobno - Ulica
home zip code admin hr Osobno - Poštanski broj
hours calendar hr sati
i participate calendar hr Sudjelujem
ical / rfc2445 calendar hr iCal / rfc2445
if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. calendar hr ukoliko izabrani, praznici koji padaju na subotu ili nedjelju, primjenjuju se na slijedeći ponedjeljak.
if you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the url!!! calendar hr Ukoliko tu ne postavite zaporku, ova informacija je dostupna svima koji poznaju URL!!!
ignore conflict calendar hr Zanemari sukob
import calendar hr Uvezi
import contacts admin hr Uvezi Kontakte
import csv-file common hr Uvezi CSV-File
import csv-file into addressbook admin hr Uvezi CSV-Datoteku u Adresar
import file admin hr Uvezi Datoteku
import from ldif, csv, or vcard admin hr Uvezi iz LDIF, CSV, ili VCard
import from outlook admin hr Uvezi iz Outlook
import next set admin hr Uvezi slijedeći set
import_instructions admin hr U Netscape, otvori Adresar i izaberi <b>Export</b> iz <b>File</b> menija. Izvezena datoteka biti će u LDIF formatu.<p>Ili, u Outlook, izaberite vaš Contacts mapu, izaberite <b>Import and Export...</b> iz <b>File</b> menija i izvezite vaše kontakte u tekst razmaknut zarezom (comma separated text (CSV)) datoteku. <p>Ili, u Palm Desktop 4.0 ili više, izaberite vaš adresar i izaberite <b>Export</b> iz <b>File</b> menija. Izvezena datoteka biti će u VCard formatu.
international admin hr Međunarodni
interval calendar hr Interval
intervals in day view calendar hr intervali u dnevnom pregledu
intervals per day in planner view calendar hr intervali po danu u planerskom preledu
invalid entry id. calendar hr Nevažeći unos indetiteta
isdn phone admin hr ISDN Telefon
label admin hr LAbela
last calendar hr poslijednji
lastname of person to notify calendar hr Prezime osobe za obavijestiti
ldap context for contacts admin hr LDAP kontekst za kontakte
ldap host for contacts admin hr LDAP poslužitelj za kontakte
ldap root dn for contacts admin hr LDAP root dn for contacts
ldap root pw for contacts admin hr LDAP root pw for contacts
ldif admin hr LDIF
length shown<br>(emtpy for full length) calendar hr Pruikazana dužina<br>(Ostavite prazno za punu dužinu)
length<br>(<= 255) calendar hr Dužina<br>(<= 255)
line 2 admin hr Linija 2
link calendar hr Link
link to view the event calendar hr Link to view the event
list all categories. calendar hr Prikaži sve kategorije.
load [iv]cal calendar hr Unesi [iv]Cal
location calendar hr Lokacija
location to autoload from admin hr Lokacija za automatsko unošenje forme
make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons? calendar hr Omogući pristup informacijama o obvezama korisnicima koji nisu prijavljeni
mark records as private admin hr Označi podatak kao privatan
matrixview calendar hr Matrični pregled
message phone admin hr Telefon za poruke
middle name admin hr Srednje Ime
minutes calendar hr minuta
mo calendar hr P
mobile admin hr Mobilni
mobile phone admin hr Mobilni Telefon
modem phone admin hr Modemski Telefon
modified calendar hr Promijenjeno
modify list of external participants calendar hr Promijeni listu vanjskih sudionika
mon calendar hr Pon
month calendar hr Mjesec
monthly calendar hr Mjesečno
monthly (by date) calendar hr Mjesečno (po datumima)
monthly (by day) calendar hr Mjesečno (po danima)
monthview calendar hr Mjesečni pregled
new entry calendar hr Novi unos
new name must not exist and not be empty!!! calendar hr Novo ime ne smije već postojati i ne smije biti prazno!!!
no matches found calendar hr Nemogu naći podudarnosti
no response calendar hr Nema odgovora
no vcard admin hr Bez VCard
notification messages for added events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o dodanim obvezama
notification messages for canceled events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o otkazanim obvezama
notification messages for modified events calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o promijenjenim obvezama
notification messages for your alarms calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o vašim alarmima
notification messages for your responses calendar hr Obavještavajuća poruka o vašim odgovorima
number of intervals per day in planner view calendar hr Broj intervala po danu u pogledu planera
number of months calendar hr Broj mjeseci
number of records to read (%1) calendar hr Broj zapisa za pročitati (%1)
observance rule calendar hr Pravilo nadgledanja
occurence calendar hr Učestalost
old startdate calendar hr Stari datum početka
olddate calendar hr Stari datum
on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 calendar hr On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4
on all changes calendar hr Za bilo koju promjenu
on all modification, but responses calendar hr Za sve promjene, ali i odgovore
on any time change too calendar hr Za bilo koju promjenu vremena
on invitation / cancelation only calendar hr Samo za poziv / otkaz
on participant responses too calendar hr Prlikomi odgovora sudionika
on time change of more than 4 hours too calendar hr Prlikomi promjeei vremena više od 4 sata
open todo's: calendar hr Open To Do Items:
order calendar hr Naredba
other number admin hr Drugi broj
other phone admin hr Drugi telefon
overlap holiday calendar hr overlap holiday
pager common hr Pager
parcel admin hr paketski
participant calendar hr Sudionik
participants calendar hr Sudionici
participates calendar hr Sudjeluje
password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? calendar hr Zaporka za neprijavljene korisnike za vaše informacije o obvezama?
people holiday calendar hr državni praznik
permission denied calendar hr Uskraćena dozvola
phone number common hr Broj Telefona
phone numbers common hr Brojevi Telefona
planner calendar hr Planer
planner by category calendar hr Planer po kategoriji
planner by user calendar hr Planer po korisniku
please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar calendar hr Molimo vas potvrdite, prihvatite, odbijte ili pregledajte promjene u odgovarajućem unosu u vašem kalendaru
please enter a filename !!! calendar hr Molimo vas unesite ime datoteke!!!
please enter a name for that field ! admin hr Molim vas unesite naziv za to polje !
postal common hr Poštanski
pref admin hr pref
prefix admin hr Prefiks
preselected group for entering the planner calendar hr Predizabrana grupa za unos planera
print calendars in black & white calendar hr Ispis crno bijelog kalendara
print the mini calendars calendar hr Ispis smanjenih kalendara
printer friendly calendar hr Verzija za ispis
privat calendar hr Privatno
private and global public calendar hr Private and Global Public
private and group public calendar hr Private and Group Public
private only calendar hr Samo privatno
public key admin hr Javni ključ
re-edit event calendar hr Ponovo uredi obvezu
read a list of entries. calendar hr Pročitaj listu svih unosa
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. calendar hr Pročitaj jedan zapis proslijeđujući šifru i listu polja
read this list of methods. calendar hr Pročitaj listu metoda
receive email updates calendar hr Receive email updates
receive extra information in event mails calendar hr Receive extra information in event mails
receive summary of appointments calendar hr Primi sažetak obveza
record access admin hr Pristup Podacima
record owner admin hr Vlasnik Podataka
recurring event calendar hr ponavljajuća obveza
refresh calendar hr Obnovi
reinstate calendar hr Ponovi postavi
rejected calendar hr Odbijeno
repeat day calendar hr Ponovi na dan
repeat end date calendar hr Krajnji datum ponavljanja
repeat type calendar hr Tip ponavljanja
repeating event information calendar hr Informacije o ponavljajućoj obvezi
repetition calendar hr Ponavljanje
repetitiondetails (or empty) calendar hr Detalji ponavljanja (ili prazno)
reset calendar hr Postavi ponovo
retrieve contacts admin hr Ispravi kontakte
rule calendar hr Pravilo
sa calendar hr Su
sat calendar hr Sub
scheduling conflict calendar hr Sukob u rasporedu
search results calendar hr Rezultat pretrage
select all admin hr Označi Sve
select the type of conversion admin hr Izaberite vrstu konverzije
select the type of conversion: admin hr Izaberite vrstu konverzije:
select where you want to store admin hr Izaberite gdje želite spremiti
selected contacts (%1) calendar hr Izabrani kontakti (%1)
send updates via email common hr Send updates via EMail
send/receive updates via email calendar hr Send/Receive updates via EMail
set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. calendar hr Set a Year only for one-time / non-regular holidays.
set new events to private calendar hr Postavi nove događaju u privatno
should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?<br>you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! calendar hr Da li će pozivi koje ste odbili i dalje biti prikazani u vašem kalendaru?<br>Možete ih prihvatiti kasnije (tj. kada su sukobi u rasporedu riješeni), ako su još uvijek prikazani u vašem kalendaru!
should new events created as private by default ? calendar hr Trebaju li se nove obvezei postaviti kao privatne?
should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include the times when you are busy. it does not include the event-name, description or locations. the url to your freebusy information is %1. calendar hr Da li želite da neprijavljenji korisnici vide informacije o vašim obvezama? Možete dodati još jednu dodatnu zaporku, različitu od vaše uobičajne zaporke, radi zaštite vaših informacija. Informacije o vašim obvezama su u iCal formatu i uključuju samo vremena kada ste zauzeti. Ne uključuje ime događaja, opis ili lokaciju. URL informacija o vašim obvezama je: %1.
should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? calendar hr Da li će se smanjeni kalendari ispisati / prikazati u verziji za ispis?
should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? calendar hr Da li će se verzija za ispis prikazati crno-bijelo ili u boji?
should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? calendar hr Da li bi se status sudionika obveze (prihvaćen, odbijen, ...) trebao prikazati nakon imena sudionika u zagradama?
show birthday reminders on main screen admin hr Pokaži rođendanske podsjetnike na glavnom ekranu
show day view on main screen calendar hr Prikaži dnevni prikaz na glavnom ekranu
show default view on main screen calendar hr Prikaži početno postavljeni prikaz na glavnom ekranu
show high priority events on main screen calendar hr Prikaži obveze visokog prioriteta na glavnom ekranu
show invitations you rejected calendar hr Prikaži odbijene pozive
show list of upcoming events calendar hr Prikaži listu dolazećih obvezama
single event calendar hr jedna obveza
sorry, the owner has just deleted this event calendar hr Žao mi je, vlasnik je upravo obrisao ovu obvezu
sorry, this event does not exist calendar hr Nažalost, ova obveza ne postoji
sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined calendar hr Žao mi je, ova obveza nema definirane iznimke
sort by calendar hr Poredaj po
specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. calendar hr Specificira broj intervala prikazanih u pregledu planera.
start date/time calendar hr Datum/vrijeme početka
start- and enddates calendar hr Početni i krajnji datumi
startdate calendar hr Datum početka
startrecord calendar hr Početak zapisa
state common hr Županija
street common hr Ulica
su calendar hr Ne
submit to repository calendar hr Submit to Repository
successfully imported %1 records into your addressbook. admin hr Uspješno uneseno %1 zapis(a) u vaš Adresar.
suffix admin hr Sufiks
sun calendar hr Ned
tentative calendar hr Probni
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) calendar hr Test Import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser)
text calendar hr Tekst
th calendar hr Č
that field name has been used already ! admin hr Ovaj naziv polja je već u upotrebi !
the following conflicts with the suggested time:<ul>%1</ul> calendar hr Slijedeće se koosi sa predloženim vremenom:<ul>%1</ul>
the user %1 is not participating in this event! calendar hr Korisnik %1 ne sudjeluje o ovoj obvezi!
there was an error trying to connect to your news server.<br>please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. calendar hr Dogodila se greška prilikom spajanja na vašeg poslužitelja vijesti.<br>Molimo vas kontaktirajte vašeg administratora, radi provjere imena posljužitelja, korisničkog imena i zaporke.
this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. calendar hr Ovaj dan je prikazan kao prvi dan u tjednu u mjesečnom pregledu.
this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. calendar hr Ovdje određujete kraj vašeg dnevnog pregleda. Obveze koje su poslije ovog vremena prikazane su ispod vašeg dnevnog pregleda.
this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.<br>this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. calendar hr Ovdje određujete početak vašeg dnevnog pregleda. Obveze prije ovog vremena su prikazane iznad vašeg dnevnog pregleda.<br>Ovo vrijeme se također koristi kao početna vrijednost početka novih obveza.
this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. calendar hr Ova grupa je predizabrana kada uđete u planer. Možete je promijeniti u planeru kad god hoćete.
this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. calendar hr Uzrok ovoga je vjerovatno nepodešen ili loše podešen SMTP server. Obavijestite vašeg administratora.
this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana za otkazane ili obrisane obveze.
this message is sent for modified or moved events. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana za promijenjene ili pomaknute obveze.
this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.<br>you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the email. calendar hr Ova poruka je poslana svim sudionicima u obvezama koje posjedujete, a koji zahtijevaju poruku o novim događajima.<br>Možete upotrijebiti određene varijable koje su zamijenjene sa podacima o obvezi. Prva linija je tema e-mail poruke.
this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. calendar hr Ova poruka se šalje kada prihvatite, probno prihvatite ili odbijete neku obvezu.
this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. calendar hr Ova poruka se šalje kada postavite alarm za određene obveze. Uključite sve informacije koje bi mogli zatrebati.
this month calendar hr Ovog mjeseca
this person's first name was not in the address book. admin hr Ime ove osobe nije u Adresaru.
this person's last name was not in the address book. admin hr Prezime ove osobe nije u Adresaru.
this week calendar hr Ovog tjedna
this year calendar hr Ove godine
thu calendar hr Čet
title calendar hr Naslov
title of the event calendar hr Ime obveze
title-row calendar hr Title-row
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit calendar hr to many might exceed your execution-time-limit
to-firstname calendar hr Prema - Imenu
to-fullname calendar hr Prema - Imenu i prezimenu
to-lastname calendar hr Prema - Prezimenu
today calendar hr Danas
today is %1's birthday! common hr Danas je %1's rođendan!
tomorrow is %1's birthday. common hr Sutra je %1's rođendan.
translation calendar hr Prijevod
tu calendar hr U
tue calendar hr Uto
update a single entry by passing the fields. calendar hr Update a single entry by passing the fields.
updated calendar hr Updated
use country list admin hr Upotrijebi listu zemalja
use end date calendar hr Upotrijebi krajnji datum
vcard common hr VCard
vcards require a first name entry. admin hr VCard zahtijevaju unos imena
vcards require a last name entry. admin hr Vcard zahtijevaju unos prezimena
video phone admin hr Video telefon
view this entry calendar hr Prikaži ovaj unos
voice phone admin hr Glasovni telefon
warning!! ldap is valid only if you are not using contacts for accounts storage! admin hr UPOZORENJE!! LDAP je valjan samo ako NE upotrebljavate kontakte za spremanje korisničkih računa!
we calendar hr S
wed calendar hr Sri
week calendar hr Tjedan
weekday starts on calendar hr Početak radnog tjedna
weekly calendar hr Tjedno
weekview calendar hr Tjedni pregled
when creating new events default set to private calendar hr Prilikom stvaranja novih obveza početno postavi na privatno
which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. calendar hr Koje obveze želite vidjeti kada otvorite kalendar.
which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? calendar hr Koji kalendarski pregled želite imati kada pokrenete kalendar ?
work day ends on calendar hr Radni dan završava u
work day starts on calendar hr Radni dan počinje u
work phone admin hr Telefon na poslu
workdayends calendar hr Kraj radnog tjedna
yearly calendar hr Godišnje
yearview calendar hr Godišnji pregled
you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! calendar hr You can either set a Year or a Occurence, not both !!!
you can only set a year or a occurence !!! calendar hr You can only set a year or a occurence !!!
you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu za dodavanje alarma na ovu obvezu !!!
you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu za brisanje ovog alarma !!!
you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu za aktiviranje/deaktiviranje ovog alarma!!!!
you do not have permission to read this record! calendar hr Nemate dozvolu čitanja ovog zapisa
you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. common hr Danas imate %1 obveza visokog prioriteta.
you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. common hr Danas imate 1 obvezu visokog proioriteta.
you have a meeting scheduled for %1 calendar hr Imate sastanak na rasporedu za %1
you have not entered a title calendar hr Nist unijeli ime
you have not entered a valid date calendar hr Niste unijeli važeći datum
you have not entered a valid time of day calendar hr Niste unijeli važeće vrijeme dana
you have not entered participants calendar hr Niste unijeli sudionike
you must enter one or more search keywords calendar hr Morate unijeti bar jednu ili više ključnih riječi za pretraživanje
you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) calendar hr Morate izabrati [iv]Cal. (*.[iv]cs)
you must select a vcard. (*.vcf) admin hr Morate izabrati vcard. (*.vcf)
you must select at least 1 column to display admin hr Morate izabrati bar 1 kolumnu za prikazati
you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! calendar hr You need to set either a day or a occurence !!!
your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled calendar hr Vaš sastanak na rasporedu za %1 je otkazan
your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 calendar hr Vaš sastanak zakazan za %1 je premiješten na %2
your suggested time of <b> %1 - %2 </b> conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: calendar hr Vaše predloženo vrijeme od<B> %1 - %2 </B> je u sukobu sa postojećim obvezama u kalendaru
zip code common hr Poštanski Broj
zip_note admin hr <p><b>Obavijest:</b> Datoteka može biti zip kolekcija .csv, .vcf, ili .ldif datoteka. Ipak, nemojte miješati vrste datoteka po uvozu.
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
%1 (%2 new) messages writen for application '%3' and languages '%4' etemplate hr %1 (%2 new) Messages writen for Application '%3' and Languages '%4'
%1 etemplates deleted etemplate hr %1 eTemplates deleted
%1 etemplates for application '%2' dumped to '%3' etemplate hr %1 eTemplates for Application '%2' dumped to '%3'
%1 etemplates found etemplate hr %1 eTemplates found
%1 matches on search criteria etemplate hr %1 matches on search criteria
%1 new etemplates imported for application '%2' etemplate hr %1 new eTemplates imported for Application '%2'
%s disabled etemplate hr %s disabled
%s needed etemplate hr %s needed
%s notranslation etemplate hr %s NoTranslation
%s onchange etemplate hr %s onChange
%s readonly etemplate hr %s readonly
'%1' has an invalid format !!! etemplate hr '%1' has an invalid format !!!
'%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!! etemplate hr '%1' is not a valid floatingpoint number !!!
'%1' is not a valid integer !!! etemplate hr '%1' is not a valid integer !!!
a pattern to be searched for etemplate hr a pattern to be searched for
add a new column (after the existing ones) etemplate hr Add a new column (after the existing ones)
add a new multi-column index etemplate hr Add a new multi-column index
add column etemplate hr Add Column
add index etemplate hr Add Index
add table etemplate hr Add Table
align etemplate hr Align
alignment of label and input-field in table-cell etemplate hr alignment of label and input-field in table-cell
alignment of the v/hbox containing table-cell etemplate hr Alignment of the V/HBox containing table-cell
am etemplate hr am
an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!) etemplate hr an indexed column speeds up querys using that column (cost space on the disk !!!)
application etemplate hr Application
application name needed to write a langfile or dump the etemplates !!! etemplate hr Application name needed to write a langfile or dump the eTemplates !!!
attach etemplate hr Attach
attach file etemplate hr attach file
blurtext etemplate hr blurText
border etemplate hr Border
border-line-thickness for the table-tag etemplate hr Border-line-thickness for the table-tag
can not have special sql-value null etemplate hr can not have special SQL-value NULL
cancel etemplate hr Cancel
category etemplate hr Category
cellpadding for the table-tag etemplate hr Cellpadding for the table-tag
cells etemplate hr Cells
cellspacing for the table-tag etemplate hr Cellspacing for the table-tag
center etemplate hr Center
check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!) etemplate hr check if content should only be displayed but not altered (the content is not send back then!)
check if field has to be filled by user etemplate hr check if field has to be filled by user
checkbox etemplate hr Checkbox
class etemplate hr Class
class, valign etemplate hr class, Valign
click here to attach the file etemplate hr click here to attach the file
click here to create the link etemplate hr click here to create the Link
click here to start the search etemplate hr Click here to start the search
click here to upload the file etemplate hr Click here to upload the file
click to order after that criteria etemplate hr click to order after that criteria
columnname etemplate hr ColumnName
comment etemplate hr Comment
create a new table for the application etemplate hr Create a new table for the application
creates an english ('hr') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in name) etemplate hr creates an english ('hr') langfile from label and helptexts (for application in Name)
css class for the table-tag etemplate hr CSS class for the table-tag
css-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = nextmatch header, 'nmr' = alternating nm row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' nm rows etemplate hr CSS-class name for this row, preset: 'nmh' = NextMatch header, 'nmr' = alternating NM row, 'nmr0'+'nmr1' NM rows
css-styles etemplate hr CSS-styles
date+time etemplate hr Date+Time
datum etemplate hr Datum
day etemplate hr Day
db ensures that every row has a unique value in that column etemplate hr DB ensures that every row has a unique value in that column
db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(fulltext) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col etemplate hr db-specific index options (comma-sep.), eg. mysql(FULLTEXT) or mysql(100) for the indexed length of a col
db-tools etemplate hr DB-Tools
deck etemplate hr Deck (internal)
default etemplate hr Default
delete etemplate hr Delete
delete a single entry by passing the id. etemplate hr Delete a single entry by passing the id.
delete all selected etemplates, without further inquiry etemplate hr delete ALL selected eTemplates, WITHOUT further inquiry
delete column etemplate hr Delete Column
delete index etemplate hr Delete Index
delete this etemplate etemplate hr delete this eTemplate
delete whole column (can not be undone!!!) etemplate hr delete whole column (can NOT be undone!!!)
deletes the above spez. etemplate from the database, can not be undone etemplate hr deletes the above spez. eTemplate from the database, can NOT be undone
deletes the etemplate spez. above etemplate hr deletes the eTemplate spez. above
deletes this column etemplate hr Deletes this column
deletes this index etemplate hr Deletes this index
discard changes etemplate hr discard changes
displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the submitbutton or image-filename) etemplate hr displayed in front of input or input is inserted for a '%s' in the label (label of the Submitbutton or Image-filename)
displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus etemplate hr displayed in statusline of browser if input-field gets focus
do you want to save the changes you made in table %s? etemplate hr Do you want to save the changes you made in table %s?
documentation etemplate hr Documentation
drop a table - this can not be undone etemplate hr Drop a table - this can NOT be undone
drop table etemplate hr Drop Table
dump4setup etemplate hr Dump4Setup
edit etemplate hr Edit
edit the etemplate spez. above etemplate hr edit the eTemplate spez. above
editable templates - db-tools etemplate hr Editable Templates - DB-Tools
editable templates - delete template etemplate hr Editable Templates - Delete Template
editable templates - editor etemplate hr Editable Templates - Editor
editable templates - search etemplate hr Editable Templates - Search
editable templates - show template etemplate hr Editable Templates - Show Template
embeded css styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!) etemplate hr embeded CSS styles, eg. '.red { background: red; }' (note the '.' before the class-name) or '@import url(...)' (class names are global for the whole page!)
enable javascript onchange submit etemplate hr enable JavaScript onChange submit
enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default etemplate hr enter '' for an empty default, nothing mean no default
enter a search pattern etemplate hr Enter a search pattern
enter filename to upload and attach, use [browse...] to search for it etemplate hr Enter filename to upload and attach, use [Browse...] to search for it
enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file etemplate hr enter the new version number here (> old_version), empty for no update-file
enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version) etemplate hr enter the new version number here (has to be > old_version)
entry saved etemplate hr Entry saved
error: template not found !!! etemplate hr Error: Template not found !!!
error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!! etemplate hr Error: webserver is not allowed to write into '%1' !!!
error: while saveing !!! etemplate hr Error: while saveing !!!
error: writeing !!! etemplate hr Error: writeing !!!
error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!! etemplate hr Error: writing file (no write-permission for the webserver) !!!
etemplate common hr eTemplate
etemplate '%1' imported, use save to put it in the database etemplate hr eTemplate '%1' imported, use Save to put it in the database
etemplate '%1' written to '%2' etemplate hr eTemplate '%1' written to '%2'
etemplate editor etemplate hr eTemplate Editor
etemplate referenz etemplate hr eTemplate Referenz
etemplate tutorial etemplate hr eTemplate Tutorial
exchange this row with the one above etemplate hr exchange this row with the one above
exchange this two columns etemplate hr exchange this two columns
export the loaded etemplate into a xml-file etemplate hr export the loaded eTemplate into a xml-file
export xml etemplate hr Export XML
extensions loaded: etemplate hr Extensions loaded:
field must not be empty !!! etemplate hr Field must not be empty !!!
file etemplate hr File
file contains more than one etemplate, last one is shown !!! etemplate hr File contains more than one eTemplate, last one is shown !!!
file writen etemplate hr File writen
fileupload etemplate hr FileUpload
first etemplate hr First
floating point etemplate hr Floating Point
foreign key etemplate hr Foreign Key
formatted text (html) etemplate hr Formatted Text (HTML)
go to the first entry etemplate hr go to the first entry
go to the last entry etemplate hr go to the last entry
go to the next page of entries etemplate hr go to the next page of entries
go to the previous page of entries etemplate hr go to the previous page of entries
hbox etemplate hr HBox
height etemplate hr Height
height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty etemplate hr height of row (in % or pixel), disable row: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable row if content of data is empty
height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate hr Height of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div
height, disabled etemplate hr Height, Disabled
help etemplate hr Help
horizontal rule etemplate hr Horizontal Rule
hour etemplate hr Hour
html etemplate hr Html
if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell etemplate hr if field is disabled an empty table-cell is displayed, for (temporal) removement of a field/cell
image etemplate hr Image
import etemplate hr Import
import an etemplate from a xml-file etemplate hr import an eTemplate from a xml-file
import table-definitions from existing db-table etemplate hr Import table-definitions from existing db-table
import xml etemplate hr Import XML
index/name of returned content (name of the template, link / method for image) etemplate hr index/name of returned content (name of the Template, Link / Method for Image)
indexed etemplate hr Indexed
indexoptions etemplate hr Indexoptions
insert new column behind this one etemplate hr insert new column behind this one
insert new column in front of all etemplate hr insert new column in front of all
insert new row after this one etemplate hr insert new row after this one
insert new row in front of first line etemplate hr insert new row in front of first Line
integer etemplate hr Integer
key etemplate hr Key
label etemplate hr Label
label:[bold][italic] text:[len][,max] numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] t.area:[rows][,cols] radiob.:value h.rule:[width] templ.:[indexincontent] select:[multiselect] date:[values: eg. 'y-m-d'] etemplate hr Label:[bold][italic] Text:[len][,max] Numbers:[min][,[max][,len]] T.area:[rows][,cols] Radiob.:value H.Rule:[width] Templ.:[IndexInContent] Select:[multiselect] Date:[values: eg. 'Y-m-d']
lang etemplate hr Lang
language-short (eg. 'hr' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '') etemplate hr language-short (eg. 'hr' for english) for language-dependent template ('' reads your pref. languages or the default, us 'default' to read the default template '')
last etemplate hr Last
left etemplate hr Left
length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8 etemplate hr length for char+varchar, precisions int: 2, 4, 8 and float: 4, 8
link etemplate hr Link
linklist etemplate hr LinkList
linkstring etemplate hr LinkString
linkto etemplate hr LinkTo
load this template into the editor etemplate hr load this template into the editor
minute etemplate hr Minute
month etemplate hr Month
multicolumn indices etemplate hr Multicolumn Indices
name etemplate hr Name
name of other table where column is a key from etemplate hr name of other table where column is a key from
name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '') etemplate hr name of phpgw-template set (e.g. verdilak): '' = default (will read pref. template, us 'default' to read default template '')
name of table to add etemplate hr Name of table to add
name of the etemplate, should be in form application.function[.subtemplate] etemplate hr name of the eTemplate, should be in form application.function[.subTemplate]
need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from sql, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_' etemplate hr need to be unique in the table and no reseved word from SQL, best prefix all with a common 2-digit short for the app, eg. 'et_'
new search etemplate hr New search
new table created etemplate hr New table created
newer version '%1' exists !!! etemplate hr newer version '%1' exists !!!
nextmatch etemplate hr Nextmatch
nextmatch filterheader etemplate hr Nextmatch Filterheader
nextmatch sortheader etemplate hr Nextmatch Sortheader
no file etemplate hr no file
no filename given or selected via browse... etemplate hr no filename given or selected via Browse...
not null etemplate hr NOT NULL
nothing found - try again !!! etemplate hr Nothing found - try again !!!
nothing matched search criteria !!! etemplate hr Nothing matched search criteria !!!
number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, css-class name (for the td tag) etemplate hr number of colums the field/cell should span or 'all' for the remaining columns, CSS-class name (for the TD tag)
number of rows/cols in a v/hbox, cellpadding, cellspacing etemplate hr number of rows/cols in a V/HBox, Cellpadding, Cellspacing
of etemplate hr of
only an other version found !!! etemplate hr only an other Version found !!!
optional note about the link etemplate hr optional note about the Link
options etemplate hr Options
overflow etemplate hr Overflow
padding etemplate hr Padding
please enter table-name first !!! etemplate hr Please enter table-name first !!!
pm etemplate hr pm
precision etemplate hr Precision
primary key etemplate hr Primary Key
primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed etemplate hr Primary key for the table, gets automaticaly indexed
radiobutton etemplate hr Radiobutton
read etemplate hr Read
read a list of entries. etemplate hr Read a list of entries.
read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. etemplate hr Read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.
read etemplate from database (for the keys above) etemplate hr read eTemplate from database (for the keys above)
remove row (can not be undone!!!) etemplate hr remove Row (can NOT be undone!!!)
remove this link (not the entry itself) etemplate hr Remove this link (not the entry itself)
returns savely, without deleting etemplate hr returns savely, WITHOUT deleting
right etemplate hr Right
save etemplate hr Save
save the etemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a saveas etemplate hr save the eTemplate under the above keys (name, ...), change them for a SaveAs
saves changes to etemplate hr saves changes to
scale etemplate hr Scale
scale for float etemplate hr scale for float
search etemplate hr Search
select a category etemplate hr select a Category
select a primary contact, to show in the list etemplate hr Select a primary contact, to show in the list
select access etemplate hr Select Access
select account etemplate hr Select Account
select an app first !!! etemplate hr Select an app first !!!
select an app to search in etemplate hr Select an App to search in
select an application etemplate hr Select an application
select an application, (*) = uninstalled etemplate hr Select an application, (*) = uninstalled
select an entry to link with etemplate hr Select an entry to link with
select an table of the application etemplate hr Select an table of the application
select application etemplate hr Select Application
select category etemplate hr Select Category
select country etemplate hr Select Country
select day etemplate hr Select Day
select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated) etemplate hr select if content of field should not be translated (label gets always translated)
select month etemplate hr Select Month
select number etemplate hr Select Number
select one ... etemplate hr Select One ...
select percentage etemplate hr Select Percentage
select priority etemplate hr Select Priority
select state etemplate hr Select State
select the indexed columns in their desired order etemplate hr Select the indexed columns in their desired order
select this etemplate to delete it etemplate hr select this eTemplate to delete it
select which values to show etemplate hr select which values to show
select year etemplate hr Select Year
selectbox etemplate hr Selectbox
sets today as date etemplate hr sets today as date
show etemplate hr Show
show (no save) etemplate hr Show (no save)
show values etemplate hr Show Values
showing etemplate hr showing
shows / allows you to enter values into the etemplate for testing etemplate hr shows / allows you to enter values into the eTemplate for testing
shows/displays etemplate for testing, does not save it before etemplate hr shows/displays eTemplate for testing, does NOT save it before
spacing etemplate hr Spacing
span, class etemplate hr Span, Class
stack etemplate hr Stack
start a new search, cancel this link etemplate hr start a new search, cancel this link
start new search for the above pattern etemplate hr start new search for the above pattern
submitbutton etemplate hr Submitbutton
table unchanged, no write necessary !!! etemplate hr Table unchanged, no write necessary !!!
tablename etemplate hr TableName
tabs etemplate hr Tabs
template etemplate hr Template
template deleted etemplate hr Template deleted
template saved etemplate hr Template saved
text etemplate hr Text
textarea etemplate hr Textarea
this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur) etemplate hr this text gets displayed if the input-field is empty and has no focus (blur)
time etemplate hr Time
to start the db-tools etemplate hr to start the DB-Tools
to start the etemplate editor etemplate hr to start the eTemplate editor
to start the search etemplate hr to start the search
today etemplate hr Today
type etemplate hr Type
type of the column etemplate hr type of the column
type of the field (select label if field should be empty) etemplate hr type of the field (select Label if field should be empty)
unique etemplate hr Unique
unlink etemplate hr Unlink
update a single entry by passing the fields. etemplate hr Update a single entry by passing the fields.
update from version '%s' to etemplate hr Update from Version '%s' to
upload etemplate hr Upload
value etemplate hr Value
value has to be at least '%1' !!! etemplate hr Value has to be at least '%1' !!!
value has to be at maximum '%1' !!! etemplate hr Value has to be at maximum '%1' !!!
vbox etemplate hr VBox
version etemplate hr Version
version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros) etemplate hr version-number, should be in the form: major.minor.revision.number (eg. all numbers filled up with zeros)
view this linked entry in its application etemplate hr view this linked entry in its application
what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides) etemplate hr what happens with overflowing content: visible (default), hidden, scroll, auto (browser decides)
width etemplate hr Width
width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty etemplate hr width of col (in % or pixel), disable col: [! = not]<value>[=<check>] eg: '!@data' disable col if content of data is empty
width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div etemplate hr Width of the table in % or pixels for the table-tag and (optional) div
width, disabled etemplate hr Width, Disabled
write <app>/setup/ etemplate hr Write <app>/setup/
write langfile etemplate hr Write Langfile
write tables etemplate hr Write Tables
writes a '' file (for application in name) in the setup-dir of the app etemplate hr writes a '' file (for application in Name) in the setup-dir of the app
xml-file to import etemplate hr xml-file to import
xslt template etemplate hr XSLT Template
year etemplate hr Year
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
%1 already exists as a file filemanager hr %1 već postoji kao datoteka
application filemanager hr Aplikacija
back to file manager filemanager hr Povratak na file manager
cancel editing %1 without saving filemanager hr Otkaži uređivanje %1 bez spremana
cannot create directory because it begins or ends in a space filemanager hr Nisam u mogućnosti napraviti mapu jer počinje i završava sa razmakom
cannot replace %1 because it is a directory filemanager hr Nemogu zamijeniti %1 jer je mapa.
command sucessfully run filemanager hr naredba uspješno provedena
comment filemanager hr Komentari
comments cannot contain "%1" filemanager hr Komentari ne mogu sadržavati "%1"
copied %1 to %2 filemanager hr Kopirano %1 u %2
copy to filemanager hr Kopiraj u
copy to: filemanager hr Kopiraj u:
could not copy %1 to %2 filemanager hr Nisam mogao kopirati %1u %2
could not copy file because no destination directory is given filemanager hr Nisam moigao kopirati datoteku jer odredišna mapa nije specificirana
could not create %1 filemanager hr Nisam mogao napraviti %1
could not create directory %1 filemanager hr Nisam mogao napraviti mapu %1
could not delete %1 filemanager hr Nisam mogao obrisati %1
could not move %1 to %2 filemanager hr Nisam mogao premjestiti %1 u %2
could not move file because no destination directory is given filemanager hr Nisam moigao premjestiti datoteku jer odredišna mapa nije specificirana
could not rename %1 to %2 filemanager hr Nisam mogao preimenovati %1 u %2
could not save %1 filemanager hr Nisam mogao spremiti %1
create file filemanager hr Napravi datoteku
create folder filemanager hr Napravi mapu
created filemanager hr Napravljeno
created %1 filemanager hr Napravljeno %1
created %1,%2 filemanager hr Napravljeno %1,%2
created by filemanager hr Napravio
created directory %1 filemanager hr Napravio mapu %1
date filemanager hr Datum
default number of upload fields to show filemanager hr Početno postavljen broj datoteka za prikazati
delete filemanager hr Obriši
deleted %1 filemanager hr Obrisano %1
directory filemanager hr Mapa
directory %1 already exists filemanager hr Mapa %1 već postoji
directory %1 does not exist filemanager hr Mapa %1 ne postoji
directory names cannot contain "%1" filemanager hr Imena mapa ne mogu sadržavati "%1"
display attributes filemanager hr Prikaži atribute
download filemanager hr Preuzmi sa poslužitelja
edit filemanager hr Uredi
edit comments filemanager hr Uredi komentar
error running command filemanager hr Greška prilikom provođenja naredbe
execute filemanager hr Izvrši
failed to create directory filemanager hr Neuspijelo stvaranje mape
fake base dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager hr Fake Base Dir did not exist, eGroupWare created a new one.
file filemanager hr Datoteka
file %1 already exists. please edit it or delete it first. filemanager hr Datoteka %1 već postoji. Molimo vas uredite ili obrišite prvo već postojeću datoteku.
file %1 could not be created. filemanager hr Nisam mogao napraviti %1 datoteku.
file name filemanager hr Ime datoteke
file names cannot contain "%1" filemanager hr Imena datoteka nemogu sadržavati "%1"
file names cannot contain \ or / filemanager hr Imena datoteka nemogu sadržavati \ ili /
filemanager common hr Filemanager
filemanager preferences filemanager hr FileManager postavke
files filemanager hr Datoteke
files in this directory filemanager hr Datoteke u ovoj mapi
folder filemanager hr Mapa
folder up filemanager hr Gornja mapa
go home filemanager hr go home
go to filemanager hr Idi u
go to %1 filemanager hr Idi u %1
go to your home directory filemanager hr Idi u mapu Home
go to: filemanager hr Idi u:
go up filemanager hr Idi gore
home filemanager hr Home
location filemanager hr Lokacija
locked filemanager hr Zaključano
mime type filemanager hr MIME Tip
modified filemanager hr Promijenjeno
modified by filemanager hr Promijenio
move to filemanager hr Premjesti
move to: filemanager hr Premjesti u:
moved %1 to %2 filemanager hr Premješteno %1 u %2
no files in this directory. filemanager hr Nema datoteka u ovoj mapi.
no version history for this file/directory filemanager hr Nema povijesti za ovu datoteku/mapu.
operation filemanager hr Operavija
other settings filemanager hr Druge postavke
owner filemanager hr Vlasnik
please select a file to delete. filemanager hr Molimo vas izaberite datoteku za obrisati
preview %1 filemanager hr Pregled %1
preview of %1 filemanager hr Pregled od %1
quick jump to filemanager hr Brzi prijelaz u
reload filemanager hr Ponovo otvori
rename filemanager hr Preimenuj
renamed %1 to %2 filemanager hr Preimenovano %1 u %2
replaced %1 filemanager hr Zamijenjeno %1
save %1 filemanager hr Spremi %1
save %1, and go back to file listing filemanager hr Spremi %1, i vrati se na listu datoteka
save all filemanager hr Spremi sve
save changes filemanager hr Spremi promjene
saved %1 filemanager hr Spremljeno %1
show filemanager hr Prikaži
show .. filemanager hr Prikaži...
show .files filemanager hr Prikaži .datoteke
show command line (experimental. dangerous.) filemanager hr Prikaži liniju naredbi (EKSPERIMENTALNO. OPASNO.)
show help filemanager hr Prikaži pomoć
size filemanager hr Veličina
sort by: filemanager hr Poredaj po:
the future filemanager, now for testing purposes only, please send bugreports filemanager hr The future filemanager, now for TESTING PURPOSES ONLY, please send bugreports
total files filemanager hr Ukupno datoteka
unknown mime-type defaults to text/plain when viewing filemanager hr Nepoznati MIME-tip, prikazuat ću u običnom tekstu.
unused space filemanager hr Neupotrebljeni prostor
up filemanager hr Gore
update filemanager hr Obnovi
updated comment for %1 filemanager hr Obnovi komentar za %1
upload filemanager hr Prenesi na poslužitelj
upload fields filemanager hr Prenesi polja na poslužitelj
upload files filemanager hr Prenesi datoteke na poslužitelj
use new experimental filemanager? filemanager hr Upotrijebi novi eksperimentalni filemanager?
used space filemanager hr Upotrijebljen prostor
users filemanager hr korisnici
version filemanager hr Verzija
view documents in new window filemanager hr Prikaži dokumente u novom prozoru
view documents on server (if available) filemanager hr Prikaži dokumente na poslužitelju (ukoliko ih ima)
who filemanager hr Tko
you do not have access to %1 filemanager hr Nemate pristupa za %1
your home dir did not exist, egroupware created a new one. filemanager hr Vaša mapa Home nije postojalj, stvorena vam je nova.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
%1 records imported infolog hr %1 zapisa uvezeno
%1 records read (not yet imported, you may go %2back%3 and uncheck test import) infolog hr %1 zapisa pročitano(još nije uvezeno, možete se %2back%3 i odizabrati testni uvoz)
- subprojects from infolog hr - Podprojekti od
0% infolog hr 0%
10% infolog hr 10%
20% infolog hr 20%
30% infolog hr 30%
40% infolog hr 40%
50% infolog hr 50%
60% infolog hr 60%
70% infolog hr 70%
80% infolog hr 80%
90% infolog hr 90%
<b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients infolog hr <b>file-attachments via symlinks</b> instead of uploads and retrieval via file:/path for direct lan-clients
a short subject for the entry infolog hr kratka tema za novi unos
abort without deleting infolog hr Prekini bez brisanja
accept infolog hr Prihvati
action infolog hr Djelovanje
add infolog hr Dodaj
add a file infolog hr Dodaj datoteku
add a new entry infolog hr Dodaj novi unos
add a new note infolog hr Dodaj novu bilješku
add a new phonecall infolog hr Dodaj novi poziv
add a new sub-task, -note, -call to this entry infolog hr Dodaj novi pod-zadatak, -bilješku, -poziv u ovaj unos
add a new todo infolog hr Dodaj novi zadatak
add file infolog hr Dodaj datoteku
add sub infolog hr Dodaj pod
add: infolog hr Dodaj:
all infolog hr Svi
all links and attachments infolog hr all links and attachments
allows to set the status of an entry, eg. set a todo to done if it's finished (values depend on entry-typ) infolog hr omogućuje postavljanje statusa zapisa, npr. postavi Za Napraviti na završeno ako je završeno (vrijednosti ovise o vrsti unosa)
applies the changes infolog hr Prihvaćanje promjena
are you shure you want to delete this entry ? infolog hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj unos?
are you sure you want to delete this entry infolog hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovaj unos
attach a file infolog hr Dodaj datoteku
attach file infolog hr Dodaj datoteku
back to main list infolog hr Povratak na glavnu listu
back to projectlist infolog hr Povratak na listu projekata
billed infolog hr naplaćeno
both infolog hr Oboje
call infolog hr nazovi
cancel infolog hr Otkaži
categories infolog hr Kategorije
category infolog hr Kategorija
change the status of an entry, eg. close it infolog hr Promijeni status ovog unosa, tj. zatvori ga
charset of file infolog hr Charset of file
check to set startday infolog hr Označi za datum početka
click here to create the link infolog hr click here to create the Link
click here to start the search infolog hr Pritisnite za početak pretrage
close infolog hr Zatvori
comment infolog hr Komentar
configuration infolog hr Konfiguracija
confirm infolog hr Potvrdi
contact infolog hr Kontakt
create new links infolog hr Create new links
creates a new field infolog hr stvara novo polje
creates a new status with the given values infolog hr stvara novi status sa danim vrijednostima
creates a new typ with the given name infolog hr stvara novi tip sa danim imenom
csv-fieldname infolog hr CSV-Ime Polja
csv-filename infolog hr CSV-Ime Datoteke
csv-import common hr CSV-Import
custom infolog hr Proizvoljno
custom contact-address, leave empty to use information from most recent link infolog hr Proizvoljna adresa za kontakt, ostavite prazno za upotrebu informacija iz zadnjeg lika-a
custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link infolog hr Custom contact-information, leave emtpy to use information from most recent link
custom fields infolog hr Proizvoljna polja
custom fields, typ and status common hr Proizvoljna polja, vrste i status
custom regarding infolog hr Custom regarding
custom status for typ infolog hr Proizvoljan status za tip
customfields infolog hr Proizvoljna polja
datecreated infolog hr Napravljeno dana
dates, status, access infolog hr Datumi, Status, Pristup
days infolog hr dana
default filter for infolog infolog hr Default Filter for InfoLog
default status for a new log entry infolog hr Početna vrijednost statusa za novi zapis
delegation infolog hr Delegacija
delete infolog hr Obriši
delete all subs (if not subs will be subs of this enties parent or have no parent) infolog hr Delete all subs (if not subs will be subs of this enties parent or have no parent)
delete one record by passing its id. infolog hr Obriši jedan zapis proslijeđujući njegov indetitet
delete the entry infolog hr Obriši zapis
delete this entry infolog hr Obriši ovaj zapis
deletes the selected typ infolog hr Obriši izabrane tipove
deletes this field infolog hr obriši ova polja
deletes this status infolog hr obriši ovaj status
description infolog hr Opis
description can not exceed 8000 characters in length infolog hr Opis ne može biti duži od 8000 znakova
determines the order the fields are displayed infolog hr Određuje redosljed prikazivanja polja
disables a status without deleting it infolog hr Onemogućuje status ne brišući ga
do you want a confirmation of the responsible on: accepting, finishing the task or both infolog hr želite li potvrdu odgovorne osobe u slučaju: prihvata, završetka ili oboje
done infolog hr gotovo
download infolog hr Prenesi sa poslužitelja
duration infolog hr Trajanje
each value is a line like <id>[=<label>] infolog hr each value is a line like <id>[=<label>]
edit infolog hr Uredi
edit or create categories for ingolog infolog hr Uredi ili napravi kategorije za IngoLog
edit status infolog hr Uredi status
edit the entry infolog hr Uredi zapis
edit this entry infolog hr Uredi ovaj zapis
empty for all infolog hr Isprazni za sve
enddate infolog hr Datum kraja
enddate can not be before startdate infolog hr Krajnji datum nesmije biti prije početnog
enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog hr enter a custom contact, leave empty if linked entry should be used
enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used infolog hr enter a custom phone/email, leave empty if linked entry should be used
enter a textual description of the log-entry infolog hr enter a textual description of the log-entry
enter the query pattern infolog hr Enter the query pattern
entry and all files infolog hr Svi zapisi i datoteke
existing links infolog hr Existing links
fax infolog hr Faks
fieldseparator infolog hr Razmaknica polja
finish infolog hr završi
for which types should this field be used infolog hr Za koje tipove se koristi ovo polje
from infolog hr Forma
high infolog hr visok
id infolog hr identitet
import infolog hr Uvezi
import next set infolog hr Uvezi slijedeći set
info log common hr InfoLog
infolog common hr InfoLog
infolog - delete infolog hr Info Log -Obriši
infolog - edit infolog hr InfoLog - Uredi
infolog - import csv-file infolog hr InfoLog - Uvezi CSV-Datoteku
infolog - new infolog hr InfoLog - Novo
infolog - new subproject infolog hr InfoLog - Novi podprojekt
infolog - subprojects from infolog hr InfoLog - Forma podprojekata
infolog list infolog hr InfoLog lista
infolog preferences common hr InfoLog postavke
infolog-fieldname infolog hr Info Log-Ime polja
invalid filename infolog hr Nevažeće ime datoteke
label<br>helptext infolog hr Label<br>Helptext
last changed infolog hr Zadnja promjena
last modified infolog hr Zadnja izmjena
leave without saveing the entry infolog hr napusti bez spremanja zapisa
leaves without saveing infolog hr napusti bez spremanja
length<br>rows infolog hr Duljina<br>Retci
link infolog hr Link
links infolog hr Links
links of this entry infolog hr Links of this entry
list all categories infolog hr Prikaži sve kategorije
list no subs/childs infolog hr Ne prikaži podmape
longer textual description infolog hr duži tekstualni opis
low infolog hr nizak
max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)] infolog hr max length of the input [, length of the inputfield (optional)]
max number of entries to display on the main screen infolog hr Max number of entries to display on the main screen
name must not be empty !!! infolog hr Ime nesmije biti prazno!!!
name of new type to create infolog hr Imena novih tipova za napraviti
new name infolog hr novo ime
new search infolog hr Nova pretraga
no - cancel infolog hr Ne - Otkaži
no entries found, try again ... infolog hr Nema pronađenih zapisa, probajte ponovo...
no filter infolog hr Nema Filtera
no links or attachments infolog hr no links or attachments
none infolog hr Nijedan
normal infolog hr normalan
not infolog hr ne
not assigned infolog hr nije dodijeljeno
note infolog hr napomena
number of records to read (%1) infolog hr Broj zapisa za pročitati (%1)
number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box infolog hr number of row for a multiline inputfield or line of a multi-select-box
offer infolog hr ponudi
ongoing infolog hr traje (trajući)
only the attachments infolog hr Samo privitke
only the links infolog hr only the links
only up to this number of entries are displayed on the main screen. infolog hr Only up to this number of entries are displayed on the main screen.
open infolog hr otvori
optional note to the link infolog hr optional note to the Link
order infolog hr Naredi
overdue infolog hr prošao rok
own infolog hr vlastiti
own open infolog hr otvori vlastiti
own overdue infolog hr prošao vlastiti rok
own upcoming infolog hr obnovljen vlastiti
path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/share infolog hr path on (web-)serverside<br>eg. /var/samba/Share
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! infolog hr Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the webservers document-root!!!
pattern for search in addressbook infolog hr uzorak za pretragu adresara
pattern for search in projects infolog hr uzorak za pretragu projekata
phone infolog hr Telefonski poziv
phone/email infolog hr Telefon/Email
phonecall infolog hr Telefonski poziv
priority infolog hr Prioritet
private infolog hr Privatno
project infolog hr Projekt
re: infolog hr Re:
read one record by passing its id. infolog hr Read one record by passing its id.
reg. expr. for local ip's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\. infolog hr reg. expr. for local IP's<br>eg. ^192\.168\.1\.
remark infolog hr Primjedba
remove this link (not the entry itself) infolog hr Remove this link (not the entry itself)
responsible infolog hr Odgovoran
responsible user, priority, ... infolog hr odgovoran korisnik, prioritet, ...
returns a list / search for records. infolog hr Vrati listu / traži zapise
save infolog hr Spremi
saves the changes made and leaves infolog hr sprema promjene i izlazi
saves this entry infolog hr Sprema ovaj zapis
search infolog hr Traži
search for: infolog hr Traži:
select infolog hr Izaberi
select a category for this entry infolog hr izaberi kategoriju za ovaj zapis
select a priority for this task infolog hr Izaberi prioritet za ovaj zadatak
select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task infolog hr select a responsible user: a person you want to delegate this task
select a typ to edit it's status-values or delete it infolog hr select a type to edit it's status-values or delete it
select an app to search in infolog hr Izaberite aplikaciju za pretragu
select an entry to link with infolog hr Select an entry to link with
should infolog display your open entries - not finised tasks, phonecalls or notes - on the main screen. works only if you dont selected an application for the main screen (in your preferences). infolog hr Treba li InfoLog prikazivati vaše otvorene zapise - nezavršene obveze, pozive ili napomene - na glavnom ekranu. Djeluje samu u slučaju ako ne izaberete aplikaciju za prikaz na glavnom ekranu (u vašim postavkama).
should infolog show subtasks, -calls or -notes in the normal view or not. you can always view the subs via there parent. infolog hr Treba li InfoLog prikazivati podzadatke, -pozive ili bilješke u normalnom pregledu ili ne.Uvijek možete vidjeti podpodatke preko glavnog zadatka
should infolog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the infolog list (normal view when u enter infolog). infolog hr Should InfoLog show the links to other applications and/or the file-attachments in the InfoLog list (normal view when u enter InfoLog).
should infolog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames. infolog hr Should InfoLog use full names (surname and familyname) or just the loginnames.
should this entry only be visible to you and people you grant privat access via the acl infolog hr terba li ovaj zapis biti vidljiv samo vama i osobama kojima dobustite pristup preko ACL-a
show full usernames infolog hr Prikaži puno ime i prezime korisnika
show in the infolog list infolog hr Prikaži InfoLog listu
show list of upcoming entries infolog hr Prikaži listu dolazećih zapisa
show open entries: tasks/calls/notes on main screen infolog hr Prikaži otvorene zapise: Zadatke/Pozive/Bilješke na glavnom ekranu
small view infolog hr smanji pogled
start a new search, cancel this link infolog hr Započni novu pretragu, prekini ovaj link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
startdate infolog hr Datum početka
startdate enddate infolog hr Datum početka i kraja
startrecord infolog hr Početak zapisa
status infolog hr Status
status ... infolog hr Status ...
sub infolog hr Sub
subject infolog hr Tema
task infolog hr Za obaviti
test import (show importable records <u>only</u> in browser) infolog hr Testni uvoz (prikaži datoteke koje se mogu uvesti <u>samo</u> u prozoru)
the name used internaly (<= 10 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog hr ime upotrebljavano interno (<= 10 znakova), mijenjanjem postoječe podatke činite nedostupnima
the name used internaly (<= 20 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog hr ime upotrebljavano interno (<= 20 znakova), mijenjanjem postoječe podatke činite nedostupnima
the name used internaly (<= 32 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible infolog hr the name used internaly (<= 32 chars), changeing it makes existing data unavailible
the text displayed to the user infolog hr Tekst prikazan korisniku
this is the filter infolog uses when you enter the application. filters limit the entries to show in the actual view. there are filters to show only finished, still open or futures entries of yourself or all users. infolog hr Ovo je filter koji InfoLog upotrebljava prilikom vašeg ulaska u aplikaciju. Filteri limitiraju zapise koji će se stvarno prikazati. Postoje filteri koji prikazuju samo završene, još otvorene ili buduće zapise vas ili svih korisnika.
til when should the todo or phonecall be finished infolog hr do kada bi Za obaviti ili poziv tebao trajati
to many might exceed your execution-time-limit infolog hr to many might exceed your execution-time-limit
today infolog hr Danas
todo infolog hr Za obaviti
translation infolog hr Prijevod
typ infolog hr Tip
typ '%1' already exists !!! infolog hr Tip '%1' već postoji !!!
type infolog hr Tip
type ... infolog hr Tip ...
type of the log-entry: note, phonecall or todo infolog hr Vrsta zapisa: Bilješka, Poziv ili za obaviti
unlink infolog hr Unlink
upcoming infolog hr nadolazeći
urgency infolog hr hitnost
urgent infolog hr hitan
use button to search for address infolog hr use Button to search for Address
use button to search for project infolog hr use Button to search for Project
valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\server\share or e:\ infolog hr valid path on clientside<br>eg. \\Server\Share or e:\
values for selectbox infolog hr Vrijednosti za izabrati
view all subs of this entry infolog hr Prikaži sve podzapise za ovaj zapis
view other subs infolog hr Prikažii druge podzapise
view parent infolog hr Prikaži glavni zapis
view subs infolog hr Prikaži podzapise
view the parent of this entry and all his subs infolog hr Prikaži glavni zapis i sve njegove podzapise
view this linked entry in its application infolog hr view this linked entry in its application
when should the todo or phonecall be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage) infolog hr when should the ToDo or Phone call be started, it shows up from that date in the filter open or own open (startpage)
will-call infolog hr Nazvat ću
write (add or update) a record by passing its fields. infolog hr Write (add or update) a record by passing its fields.
yes - delete infolog hr Da - Obriši
you can't delete one of the stock types !!! infolog hr Ne možete obrisati neku od vrsta zapisa!!!
you have entered an invalid ending date infolog hr Unijeli ste nevažeći datum kraja
you have entered an invalid starting date infolog hr Unijeli ste nevažeći datum početka
you have to enter a name, to create a new typ!!! infolog hr Morate unijeti ime, da bi napravili novi tip
you must enter a subject or a description infolog hr Morate unijeti temu ili opis
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,747 @@
%1 email addresses inserted common hr unešeno %1 e-mail adresa
%1 is not executable by the webserver !!! common hr %1 webserver ne može izvršiti!!!
%1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. common hr %1eGroupWare%2 je višekorisnički, web-bazirani groupware suite pisan u %3PHP%4.
(shift-)click or drag to change value jscalendar hr (Shift-)Click or drag to change value
- click on any of the time parts to increase it jscalendar hr - Click on any of the time parts to increase it
- hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. jscalendar hr - Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.
- or click and drag for faster selection. jscalendar hr - or click and drag for faster selection.
- or shift-click to decrease it jscalendar hr - or Shift-click to decrease it
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select month jscalendar hr - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select month
- use the %1, %2 buttons to select year jscalendar hr - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select year
00 (disable) admin hr 00 (disable)
13 (ntp) admin hr 13 (ntp)
3 number of chars for day-shortcut jscalendar hr 3 number of chars for day-shortcut
3 number of chars for month-shortcut jscalendar hr 3 number of chars for month-shortcut
80 (http) admin hr 80 (http)
\n tidying up the html source, please wait... htmlarea-HtmlTidy hr \n Tidying up the HTML source, please wait...
_delete row htmlarea-ContextMenu hr _Delete Row
_image properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr _Image Properties...
_modify link... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr _Modify Link...
_remove link... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr _Remove Link...
_table properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr _Table Properties...
about common hr O
about %1 common hr O %1
about the calendar jscalendar hr O Kalendaru
about this editor htmlarea hr O ovom uređivaču
access common hr Pristup
access not permitted common hr Pristup nije dozvoljen
account has been created common hr Račun je kreiran
account has been deleted common hr Račun je obrisan
account has been updated common hr Račun je ažuriran
account is expired common hr Račun je istekao
acl common hr ACL
action common hr Akcija
active common hr Aktivno
add common hr Dodaj
add %1 category for common hr Dodaj %1 kategoriju za
add category common hr Dodaj kategoriju
add sub common hr Dodaj pod
addressbook common hr Adresar
admin common hr Admin
administration common hr Administracija
afghanistan common hr AFGHANISTAN
albania common hr ALBANIA
algeria common hr ALGERIA
align htmlarea-TableOperations hr Poravnaj
all common hr Sve
all fields common hr sva polja
all four sides htmlarea-TableOperations hr Sve četiri strane
alphabet common hr a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
alternate style-sheet: common hr Alternativni style-sheet:
american samoa common hr AMERICAN SAMOA
andorra common hr ANDORRA
angola common hr ANGOLA
anguilla common hr ANGUILLA
antarctica common hr ANTARCTICA
antigua and barbuda common hr ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
apply common hr Primjeni
april common hr Travanj
are you sure you want to delete these entries ? common hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ove stavke ?
are you sure you want to delete this entry ? common hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ove stavku ?
argentina common hr ARGENTINA
armenia common hr ARMENIA
aruba common hr ARUBA
august common hr Kolovoz
australia common hr AUSTRALIA
austria common hr AUSTRIA
author common hr Autor
autohide sidebox menus common hr Automatski sakrij izbornike sa strane
automatically hide the sidebox menus? common hr Automatski sakrij izbornike sa strane?
autosave default category common hr Autosave Default Category
azerbaijan common hr AZERBAIJAN
back common hr Povratak
back to user login common hr Natrag na prijavu korisnika
background htmlarea-TableOperations hr Pozadina
background color htmlarea hr Pozadinska Boja
background color: common hr Pozadinska boja:
bad login or password common hr Krivo korisničko ime ili lozinka
bahamas common hr BAHAMAS
bahrain common hr BAHRAIN
bangladesh common hr BANGLADESH
barbados common hr BARBADOS
baseline htmlarea-TableOperations hr Baseline
bcc common hr Bcc
belarus common hr BELARUS
belgium common hr BELGIUM
belize common hr BELIZE
benin common hr BENIN
bermuda common hr BERMUDA
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blocked, too many attempts common hr Blokirano, previše pokušaja
bold htmlarea hr Bold
bolivia common hr BOLIVIA
border htmlarea-TableOperations hr Granica
borders htmlarea-TableOperations hr Granice
bosnia and herzegovina common hr BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
botswana common hr BOTSWANA
bottom htmlarea-TableOperations hr Dno
bouvet island common hr BOUVET ISLAND
brazil common hr BRAZIL
british indian ocean territory common hr BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
brunei darussalam common hr BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
bulgaria common hr BULGARIA
bulleted list htmlarea hr Bulleted List
burkina faso common hr BURKINA FASO
burundi common hr BURUNDI
c_ell properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr C_ell Properties...
calendar common hr Kalendar
cambodia common hr CAMBODIA
cameroon common hr CAMEROON
canada common hr CANADA
cancel common hr Otkaži
cape verde common hr CAPE VERDE
caption htmlarea-TableOperations hr Caption
categories common hr Kategorije
categories for common hr kategorije za
category common hr Kategorija
category %1 has been added ! common hr Kategorija %1 je dodana !
category %1 has been updated ! common hr Kategorija %1 je ažurirana !
cayman islands common hr CAYMAN ISLANDS
cc common hr Cc
cell properties htmlarea-TableOperations hr Postavke Ćelija
center htmlarea-TableOperations hr Centar
central african republic common hr CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
chad common hr CHAD
change common hr Promijeni
char htmlarea-TableOperations hr Char
charset common hr utf-8
chec_k link... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Chec_k Link...
check installation common hr Provjeri instalaciju
check now common hr Check Now
chile common hr CHILE
china common hr CHINA
choose list style type (for ordered lists) htmlarea-ListType hr Choose list style type (for ordered lists)
choose the category common hr Odaberi kategoriju
choose the parent category common hr Odaberi početnu kategoriju
christmas island common hr CHRISTMAS ISLAND
clear common hr Clear
clear form common hr Clear Form
click common hr Click
click or mouse over to show menus common hr Click or Mouse Over to show menus
click or mouse over to show menus? common hr Click or Mouse Over to show menus?
close common hr Zatvori
cocos (keeling) islands common hr COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
collapsed borders htmlarea-TableOperations hr Collapsed borders
colombia common hr COLOMBIA
color htmlarea-TableOperations hr Color
comoros common hr COMOROS
company common hr Tvrtka
congo common hr CONGO
congo, the democratic republic of the common hr CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
cook islands common hr COOK ISLANDS
copy common hr Kopiraj
copy selection htmlarea hr Kopiraj odabir
costa rica common hr COSTA RICA
cote d ivoire common hr COTE D IVOIRE
create common hr Create
create a link htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Create a link
created by common hr Created By
croatia common hr CROATIA
cuba common hr CUBA
currency common hr Valuta
current common hr Trenutni
current style htmlarea hr Trenutni stil
current url is htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Current URL is
current users common hr Trenutni korisnici
cut htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Izreži
cut selection htmlarea hr Cut selection
cyprus common hr CYPRUS
czech republic common hr CZECH REPUBLIC
date common hr Datum
date due common hr Date Due
date selection: jscalendar hr Date selection:
datetime port.<br>if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(port: 13 / host: admin hr Datetime port.<br>If using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.<br>(Port: 13 / Host:
de_lete column htmlarea-ContextMenu hr De_lete Column
december common hr Prosinac
decimal numbers htmlarea-ListType hr Decimal numbers
decrease indent htmlarea hr Decrease Indent
default category common hr Default Category
delete common hr Obriši
delete cell htmlarea-TableOperations hr Obriši ćeliju
delete column htmlarea-TableOperations hr Obriši stupac
delete row htmlarea-TableOperations hr Obriši redak
delete the current column htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Obriši trenutni stupac
delete the current row htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Obriši trenutni redak
denmark common hr DENMARK
description common hr Opis
detail common hr Detalj
details common hr Detalji
diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? common hr Diable the execution a bugfixscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images?
disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix common hr Disable Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
disable slider effects common hr Disable slider effects
disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. common hr Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? Opera and Konqueror users will probably must want this.
disabled common hr Onemogućeno
display %s first jscalendar hr Prikaži prvo %s
djibouti common hr DJIBOUTI
do you also want to delete all subcategories ? common hr Do you also want to delete all subcategories ?
domain common hr Domena
domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" common hr domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1"
domestic common hr Domestic
dominica common hr DOMINICA
dominican republic common hr DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
done common hr Done
drag to move jscalendar hr Drag to move
e-mail common hr E-Mail
east timor common hr EAST TIMOR
ecuador common hr ECUADOR
edit common hr Uredi
edit %1 category for common hr Uredi %1 kategoriju za
edit categories common hr Uredi Kategorije
edit category common hr Uredi kategoriju
egroupware api version %1 common hr eGroupWare API verzija %1
egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 common hr eGroupWare: login blokiran za korisnika '%1', IP %2
egypt common hr EGYPT
el salvador common hr EL SALVADOR
element... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Element...
email common hr E-Mail
email-address of the user, eg. "%1" common hr email-address of the user, eg. "%1"
enabled common hr Omogućeno
end date common hr End date
end time common hr End time
enlarge editor htmlarea hr Enlarge Editor
enter the location of egroupware's url.<br>example: or /egroupware<br><b>no trailing slash</b> admin hr Enter the location of eGroupWare's URL.<br>Example: or /egroupware<br><b>No trailing slash</b>
entry has been deleted sucessfully common hr Entry has been deleted sucessfully
entry updated sucessfully common hr Entry updated sucessfully
equatorial guinea common hr EQUATORIAL GUINEA
eritrea common hr ERITREA
error common hr Greška
error creating %1 %2 directory common hr Greška pri kreiranju %1 %2 mape
error deleting %1 %2 directory common hr Greška pri brisanju %1 %2 mape
error renaming %1 %2 directory common hr Greška pri preimenovanju %1 %2 mape
estonia common hr ESTONIA
ethiopia common hr ETHIOPIA
exact common hr exact
falkland islands (malvinas) common hr FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
faroe islands common hr FAROE ISLANDS
fax number common hr fax number
february common hr Veljača
fg color htmlarea-TableOperations hr FG Color
fields common hr Polja
fiji common hr FIJI
files common hr Datoteke
filter common hr Filter
finished list of mispelled words htmlarea-SpellChecker hr Finished list of mispelled words
finland common hr FINLAND
first name common hr First name
first name of the user, eg. "%1" common hr first name of the user, eg. "%1"
first page common hr Početna stranica
firstname common hr Ime
fixme! common hr FIXME!
float htmlarea-TableOperations hr Float
font color htmlarea hr Font Color
force selectbox common hr Force SelectBox
frames htmlarea-TableOperations hr Frames
france common hr FRANCE
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french southern territories common hr FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
friday common hr Petak
ftp common hr FTP
fullname common hr Puno ime
gabon common hr GABON
gambia common hr GAMBIA
general menu common hr General Menu
georgia common hr GEORGIA
germany common hr GERMANY
ghana common hr GHANA
gibraltar common hr GIBRALTAR
global common hr Global
global public common hr Global Public
go today jscalendar hr Go Today
grant access common hr Omogući pristup
greece common hr GREECE
greenland common hr GREENLAND
grenada common hr GRENADA
group common hr Grupa
group access common hr Grupni pristup
group has been added common hr Grupa je dodana
group has been deleted common hr Grupa je obrisana
group has been updated common hr Grupa je ažurirana
group name common hr group name
group public common hr Group Public
groups common hr Grupe
groups with permission for %1 common hr Groups with permission for %1
groups without permission for %1 common hr Groups without permission for %1
guadeloupe common hr GUADELOUPE
guam common hr GUAM
guatemala common hr GUATEMALA
guinea common hr GUINEA
guinea-bissau common hr GUINEA-BISSAU
guyana common hr GUYANA
haiti common hr HAITI
heard island and mcdonald islands common hr HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
height htmlarea-TableOperations hr Height
help common hr Help
help using editor htmlarea hr Help using editor
high common hr High
highest common hr Highest
holy see (vatican city state) common hr HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
home common hr Početna stranica
home email common hr home email
honduras common hr HONDURAS
hong kong common hr HONG KONG
horizontal rule htmlarea hr Horizontal Rule
how did you get here? (please report!) htmlarea-ContextMenu hr How did you get here? (Please report!)
how many columns would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations hr How many columns would you like to merge?
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. common hr How many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). Additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar.
how many rows would you like to merge? htmlarea-TableOperations hr How many rows would you like to merge?
html tidy htmlarea-HtmlTidy hr HTML Tidy
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row. htmlarea-TableOperations hr HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row.
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table. htmlarea-TableOperations hr HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table
htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table. htmlarea-TableOperations hr HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table.
hungary common hr HUNGARY
i will open it in a new page. htmlarea-SpellChecker hr I will open it in a new page.
i_nsert row before htmlarea-ContextMenu hr I_nsert Row Before
iceland common hr ICELAND
ignore htmlarea-SpellChecker hr Ignore
ignore all htmlarea-SpellChecker hr Ignore all
image url htmlarea-TableOperations hr Image URL
in_sert row after htmlarea-ContextMenu hr In_sert Row After
increase indent htmlarea hr Increase Indent
india common hr INDIA
indonesia common hr INDONESIA
insert _column before htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Insert _Column Before
insert a new column after the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Insert a new column after the current one
insert a new column before the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Insert a new column before the current one
insert a new row after the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Insert a new row after the current one
insert a new row before the current one htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Insert a new row before the current one
insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 common hr Insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3
insert c_olumn after htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Insert C_olumn After
insert cell after htmlarea-TableOperations hr Insert cell after
insert cell before htmlarea-TableOperations hr Insert cell before
insert column after htmlarea-TableOperations hr Insert column after
insert column before htmlarea-TableOperations hr Insert column before
insert image htmlarea hr Insert Image
insert row after htmlarea-TableOperations hr Insert row after
insert row before htmlarea-TableOperations hr Insert row before
insert table htmlarea hr Insert Table
insert web link htmlarea hr Insert Web Link
international common hr International
invalid ip address common hr Invalid IP address
invalid password common hr Invalid password
iran, islamic republic of common hr IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
iraq common hr IRAQ
ireland common hr IRELAND
israel common hr ISRAEL
it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password common hr It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version common hr It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
italic common hr Italic
italy common hr ITALY
jamaica common hr JAMAICA
january common hr January
japan common hr JAPAN
jordan common hr JORDAN
july common hr Srpanj
jun common hr Svibanj
june common hr Lipanj
justify htmlarea-TableOperations hr Justify
justify center common hr Justify Center
justify full common hr Justify Full
justify left common hr Justify Left
justify right common hr Justify Right
kazakstan common hr KAZAKSTAN
kenya common hr KENYA
keywords common hr Keywords
kiribati common hr KIRIBATI
korea, democratic peoples republic of common hr KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
korea, republic of common hr KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
kuwait common hr KUWAIT
kyrgyzstan common hr KYRGYZSTAN
language common hr Language
lao peoples democratic republic common hr LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
last name common hr Prezime
last name of the user, eg. "%1" common hr last name of the user, eg. "%1"
last page common hr Last page
lastname common hr Lastname
latvia common hr LATVIA
layout htmlarea-TableOperations hr Layout
lebanon common hr LEBANON
left htmlarea-TableOperations hr Left
lesotho preferences hr LESOTHO
liberia common hr LIBERIA
libyan arab jamahiriya common hr LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
license common hr License
liechtenstein common hr LIECHTENSTEIN
list common hr List
list members common hr List members
lithuania common hr LITHUANIA
local common hr Local
login common hr Prijava
loginid common hr LoginID
logout common hr Odjava
low common hr Low
lowest common hr Lowest
luxembourg common hr LUXEMBOURG
macau common hr MACAU
macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of common hr MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
madagascar common hr MADAGASCAR
mail domain, eg. "%1" common hr mail domain, eg. "%1"
main category common hr Main category
main screen common hr Main screen
maintainer common hr Maintainer
malawi common hr MALAWI
malaysia common hr MALAYSIA
maldives common hr MALDIVES
mali common hr MALI
malta common hr MALTA
march common hr March
marshall islands common hr MARSHALL ISLANDS
martinique common hr MARTINIQUE
mauritania common hr MAURITANIA
mauritius common hr MAURITIUS
max number of icons in navbar common hr Max number of icons in navbar
may common hr May
mayotte common hr MAYOTTE
medium common hr Medium
menu common hr Izbornik
message common hr Poruka
mexico common hr MEXICO
micronesia, federated states of common hr MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
moldova, republic of common hr MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
monaco common hr MONACO
monday common hr Ponedjeljak
mongolia common hr MONGOLIA
montserrat common hr MONTSERRAT
morocco common hr MOROCCO
mozambique common hr MOZAMBIQUE
myanmar common hr MYANMAR
name common hr Naziv
name of the user, eg. "%1" common hr name of the user, eg. "%1"
namibia common hr NAMIBIA
nauru common hr NAURU
nepal common hr NEPAL
netherlands common hr NETHERLANDS
netherlands antilles common hr NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
never common hr Never
new caledonia common hr NEW CALEDONIA
new entry added sucessfully common hr New entry added sucessfully
new main category common hr New main category
new value common hr New Value
new zealand common hr NEW ZEALAND
next common hr Slijedeći
next month (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Next month (hold for menu)
next page common hr Next page
next year (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Next year (hold for menu)
nicaragua common hr NICARAGUA
niger common hr NIGER
nigeria common hr NIGERIA
niue common hr NIUE
no common hr Ne
no entries found, try again ... common hr no entries found, try again ...
no history for this record common hr No history for this record
no subject common hr No Subject
none common hr None
norfolk island common hr NORFOLK ISLAND
normal common hr Normal
northern mariana islands common hr NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
norway common hr NORWAY
not assigned common hr not assigned
note common hr Note
notes common hr Notes
notify window common hr Notify Window
november common hr Studeni
october common hr Listopad
ok common hr Uredu
old value common hr Old Value
oman common hr OMAN
on *nix systems please type: %1 common hr On *nix systems please type: %1
on mouse over common hr On Mouse Over
only private common hr only private
only yours common hr only yours
open notify window common hr Open notify window
open popup window common hr Open popup window
ordered list htmlarea hr Ordered List
original common hr Original
other common hr Other
overview common hr Pregled
owner common hr Vlasnik
page common hr Stranica
page was generated in %1 seconds common hr Page was generated in %1 seconds
pakistan common hr PAKISTAN
palau common hr PALAU
palestinian territory, occupied common hr PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
panama common hr PANAMA
papua new guinea common hr PAPUA NEW GUINEA
paraguay common hr PARAGUAY
parcel common hr Parcel
parent category common hr Parent Category
password common hr Password
password could not be changed common hr Password could not be changed
password has been updated common hr Password has been updated
paste from clipboard htmlarea hr Paste from clipboard
path htmlarea hr Path
path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! common hr Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the webservers document-root!!!
pattern for search in addressbook common hr Pattern for Search in Addressbook
pattern for search in calendar common hr Pattern for Search in Calendar
pattern for search in projects common hr Pattern for Search in Projects
permissions to the files/users directory common hr permissions to the files/users directory
personal common hr Personal
peru common hr PERU
philippines common hr PHILIPPINES
phone number common hr phone number
pitcairn common hr PITCAIRN
please %1 by hand common hr Please %1 by hand
please enter a name common hr Please enter a name !
please run setup to become current common hr Please run setup to become current
please select common hr Please Select
please set your global preferences common hr Please set your global preferences !
please set your preferences for this application common hr Please set your preferences for this application !
please wait... common hr Please Wait...
poland common hr POLAND
portugal common hr PORTUGAL
postal common hr Postal
powered by phpgroupware version %1 common hr Powered by <a href="">phpGroupWare</a> version %1
preferences common hr Postavke
preferences for the idots template set common hr Preferences for the idots template set
prev. month (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Prev. month (hold for menu)
prev. year (hold for menu) jscalendar hr Prev. year (hold for menu)
previous page common hr Previous page
print common hr Print
priority common hr Priority
private common hr Private
project common hr Project
public common hr public
puerto rico common hr PUERTO RICO
qatar common hr QATAR
read common hr Read
read this list of methods. common hr Read this list of methods.
redoes your last action htmlarea hr Redoes your last action
reject common hr Reject
remove selected accounts common hr remove selected accounts
rename common hr Rename
returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large common hr Returns a full list of accounts on the system. Warning: This is return can be quite large
returns an array of todo items common hr Returns an array of todo items
returns struct of users application access common hr Returns struct of users application access
reunion common hr REUNION
revert htmlarea-SpellChecker hr Revert
right htmlarea-TableOperations hr Desno
ro_w properties... htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Ro_w Properties...
romania common hr ROMANIA
row properties htmlarea-TableOperations hr Svojstva Retka
rules htmlarea-TableOperations hr Pravila
rules will appear between all rows and columns htmlarea-TableOperations hr Rules will appear between all rows and columns
rules will appear between columns only htmlarea-TableOperations hr Rules will appear between columns only
rules will appear between rows only htmlarea-TableOperations hr Rules will appear between rows only
russian federation common hr RUSSIAN FEDERATION
rwanda common hr RWANDA
saint helena common hr SAINT HELENA
saint kitts and nevis common hr SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
saint lucia common hr SAINT LUCIA
saint pierre and miquelon common hr SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
saint vincent and the grenadines common hr SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
samoa common hr SAMOA
san marino common hr SAN MARINO
sao tome and principe common hr SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
saturday common hr Subota
saudi arabia common hr SAUDI ARABIA
save common hr Snimi
search common hr Search
search %1 '%2' common hr Search %1 '%2'
search or select accounts common hr Search or select accounts
section common hr Section
select common hr Select
select all %1 %2 for %3 common hr Select all %1 %2 for %3
select category common hr Select Category
select date common hr Select date
select group common hr Select group
select home email address common hr Select home email address
select one common hr Select one
select user common hr Select user
select work email address common hr Select work email address
selection common hr Selection
send common hr Send
senegal common hr SENEGAL
september common hr September
server %1 has been added common hr Server %1 has been added
server name common hr Server Name
session has been killed common hr Session has been killed
setup common hr Setup
setup main menu common hr Setup Main Menu
seychelles common hr SEYCHELLES
show all common hr show all
show all categorys common hr Show all categorys
show menu common hr show menu
show page generation time common hr Show page generation time
show page generation time on the bottom of the page? common hr Show page generation time on the bottom of the page?
show the image properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Show the image properties dialog
show the table cell properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Show the Table Cell Properties dialog
show the table properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Show the Table Properties dialog
show the table row properties dialog htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Show the Table Row Properties dialog
show_more_apps common hr show_more_apps
showing %1 common hr showing %1
showing %1 - %2 of %3 common hr showing %1 - %2 of %3
sierra leone common hr SIERRA LEONE
singapore common hr SINGAPORE
slovakia common hr SLOVAKIA
slovenia common hr SLOVENIA
solomon islands common hr SOLOMON ISLANDS
somalia common hr SOMALIA
sorry, your login has expired login hr Sorry, your login has expired
south africa common hr SOUTH AFRICA
south georgia and the south sandwich islands common hr SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
spacing htmlarea-TableOperations hr Razmak
spacing and padding htmlarea-TableOperations hr Spacing and padding
spain common hr SPAIN
spell check complete, didn't find any mispelled words. closing now... htmlarea-SpellChecker hr Spell check complete, didn't find any mispelled words. Closing now...
spell-check htmlarea-SpellChecker hr Spell-check
split cell htmlarea-TableOperations hr Split cell
split column htmlarea-TableOperations hr Split column
split row htmlarea-TableOperations hr Split row
sri lanka common hr SRI LANKA
start date common hr Start date
start time common hr Start time
start with common hr start with
status common hr Status
strikethrough htmlarea hr Strikethrough
style [css] htmlarea-TableOperations hr Style [CSS]
subject common hr Tema
submit common hr Submit
subscript htmlarea hr Subscript
substitutions and their meanings: common hr Substitutions and their meanings:
sudan common hr SUDAN
suggestions htmlarea-SpellChecker hr Suggestions
summary htmlarea-TableOperations hr Summary
sunday common hr Sunday
superscript htmlarea hr Superscript
suriname common hr SURINAME
svalbard and jan mayen common hr SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
swaziland common hr SWAZILAND
sweden common hr SWEDEN
switzerland common hr SWITZERLAND
syrian arab republic common hr SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
table properties htmlarea-TableOperations hr Table properties
taiwan common hr TAIWAN/TAIPEI
tajikistan common hr TAJIKISTAN
tanzania, united republic of common hr TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
text align htmlarea-TableOperations hr Text align
text color: common hr Text color:
thailand common hr THAILAND
the api is current common hr The API is current
the api requires an upgrade common hr The API requires an upgrade
the bottom side only htmlarea-TableOperations hr The bottom side only
the following applications require upgrades common hr The following applications require upgrades
the left-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations hr The left-hand side only
the mail server returned common hr The mail server returned
the right and left sides only htmlarea-TableOperations hr The right and left sides only
the right-hand side only htmlarea-TableOperations hr The right-hand side only
the top and bottom sides only htmlarea-TableOperations hr The top and bottom sides only
the top side only htmlarea-TableOperations hr The top side only
this application is current common hr This application is current
this application requires an upgrade common hr This application requires an upgrade
this name has been used already common hr This name has been used already !
this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. htmlarea-SpellChecker hr This will drop changes and quit spell checker. Please confirm.
thursday common hr Četvrtak
time common hr Vrijeme
time selection: jscalendar hr Odabir vremena:
time zone common hr Vremenska zona
time zone offset common hr Time zone offset
title common hr Naslov
to common hr To
to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the common hr To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
to go back to the msg list, click <a href= %1 >here</a> common hr To go back to the msg list, click <a href="%1">here</a>
today common hr Danas
todays date, eg. "%1" common hr todays date, eg. "%1"
toggle first day of week jscalendar hr Toggle first day of week
toggle html source htmlarea hr Toggle HTML Source
togo common hr TOGO
tokelau common hr TOKELAU
tonga common hr TONGA
too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 common hr Too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the IP %4
top htmlarea-TableOperations hr Vrh
total common hr Ukupno
trinidad and tobago common hr TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
tuesday common hr Utorak
tunisia common hr TUNISIA
turkey common hr TURKEY
turkmenistan common hr TURKMENISTAN
turks and caicos islands common hr TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
tuvalu common hr TUVALU
uganda common hr UGANDA
ukraine common hr UKRAINE
underline htmlarea hr Underline
undoes your last action htmlarea hr Undoes your last action
united arab emirates common hr UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
united kingdom common hr UNITED KINGDOM
united states common hr UNITED STATES
united states minor outlying islands common hr UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
unknown common hr Unknown
unlink the current element htmlarea-ContextMenu hr Unlink the current element
unset color htmlarea-TableOperations hr Unset color
update common hr Ažuriraj
upload image htmlarea-UploadImage hr Upload Image
upper latin letters htmlarea-ListType hr Upper latin letters
upper roman numbers htmlarea-ListType hr Upper roman numbers
url common hr URL
uruguay common hr URUGUAY
use button to search for common hr use Button to search for
use button to search for address common hr use Button to search for Address
use button to search for calendarevent common hr use Button to search for Calendarevent
use button to search for project common hr use Button to search for Project
user common hr Korisnik
user accounts common hr korisnički računi
user groups common hr korisničke grupe
username common hr Korisničko ime
users common hr korisnici
users choice common hr Users Choice
uzbekistan common hr UZBEKISTAN
vanuatu common hr VANUATU
venezuela common hr VENEZUELA
version common hr Verzija
vertical align htmlarea-TableOperations hr Vertical align
viet nam common hr VIETNAM
view common hr Pogled
virgin islands, british common hr VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
virgin islands, u.s. common hr VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
wallis and futuna common hr WALLIS AND FUTUNA
wednesday common hr Srijeda
welcome common hr Dobrodošli
western sahara common hr WESTERN SAHARA
which groups common hr Koje grupe
width htmlarea-TableOperations hr Širina
wk jscalendar hr wk
work email common hr E-mail poslovni
written by: common hr Napisao:
year common hr Godina
yemen common hr YEMEN
yes common hr Da
you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. htmlarea hr You are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWIG.
you are required to change your password during your first login common hr You are required to change your password during your first login
you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for common hr You are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for.
you have been successfully logged out login hr Uspješno ste odjavljeni
you have not entered a title common hr You have not entered a title
you have not entered a valid date common hr You have not entered a valid date
you have not entered a valid time of day common hr You have not entered a valid time of day
you have not entered participants common hr You have not entered participants
you have selected an invalid date common hr You have selected an invalid date !
you have selected an invalid main category common hr You have selected an invalid main category !
you have successfully logged out common hr Uspješno ste se odjavili
you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. common hr You need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'.
your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br> common hr Your message could <b>not</b> be sent!<br>
your message has been sent common hr Vaša poruka je poslana
your search returned %1 matchs common hr your search returned %1 matches
your search returned 1 match common hr Vaša pretraga je vratila 1 rezultat
your session could not be verified. login hr Vašu sesiju nije moguće potvrditi.
your settings have been updated common hr Vaše postavke su Ažurirane
yugoslavia common hr JUGOSLAVIJA
zambia common hr ZAMBIA
zimbabwe common hr ZIMBABWE
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
%1 - preferences preferences hr %1 - Postavke
%1 hours preferences hr %1 sati
12 hour preferences hr 12 sati
24 hour preferences hr 24 sata
a template defines the layout of phpgroupware and it contains icons for each application. preferences hr Predložak definira izgled eGroupware-a i sadrži ikone za svaku aplikaciju
a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. preferences hr Tema definira boje i vrstu slova koju upotrebljava predložak
acl grants have been updated preferences hr ACL je obnovljen
any listing in phpgw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.<br>to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. preferences hr Svako prikazivanje u eGroupware-u prikazuje zada broj zapisa ili linija po stranici.<br>Previše zapisa može usporiti prikazivanje stranice, dok premalo zapisa utječe na preglednost.
are you sure you want to delete this category ? preferences hr Da li ste sigurni da želite obrisati ovu kategoriju ?
change your password preferences hr Promijenite vašu zaporku
change your profile preferences hr Promijenite vaš profil
change your settings preferences hr Promijenite vaše postavke
click to select a color preferences hr Izaberite boju
color preferences hr Boja
country preferences hr Država
date format preferences hr Format datuma
default preferences hr početno postavljena vrijednost
default application preferences hr Početno postavljena aplikacija
default preferences preferences hr Početno postavljene postavke
delete categories preferences hr Obriši kategorije
description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! preferences hr Opis nemože biti dulji od 255 znakova!
do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. preferences hr Da li želite da vam se vrijeme prikazuje u 24 satnom formatu ili 12 satnom sa am/pm dodatkom.
edit custom fields preferences hr Uredi proizvoljna polja
enter your new password preferences hr Unesite vašu novu zaporku
error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 preferences hr Greška:nisam mogao naći datoteku postavki za %1 u %2
failed to change password. please contact your administrator. preferences hr Nisam mogao promijeniti zaporku. Molim vas kontaktirajte vašeg administratora
forced preferences preferences hr Prisiljene postavke
help off preferences hr Ugasi pomoć
hours preferences hr sati
how do you like to display accounts preferences hr Kako bi željeli prikazati korisničke račune
how do you like to select accounts preferences hr Kako bi željeli izabrati korisničke račune
how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.<br>if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. preferences hr Koliko ste sati prije ili poslije vašeg poslužitelja<br>Ukoliko ste u istoj vremenskoj zoni kao i vaš poslužitelj izaberite o sati, inače izaberite vaše lokalno vrijeme i datum.
how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. preferences hr Koliko ikona treba biti prikazano na vrhu stranice. Dodatne ikone će biti prikazane u otvarajućem meniju na desnoj strani vrha stranice.
how should phpgroupware display dates for you. preferences hr Kako da vam eGroupware prikazuje datume.
icon preferences hr Ikona
icons and text preferences hr Ikone i tekst
icons only preferences hr Samo ikone
in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. preferences hr U kojoj ste zemlji. Ovime se postavljaju određene postavke.
interface/template selection preferences hr Odabir predloška/sučelja
language preferences hr Jezik
max matches per page preferences hr Maksimalan broj podudarnosti po stranici
max number of icons in navbar preferences hr Maksimalan broj ikona na vrhu stranice
no default preferences hr Nema početnih vrijednosti
note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. preferences hr Napomena: Ovime ne mijenjate vašu zaporku. To će te morati napraviti samostalno.
please, select a new theme preferences hr Molim vas izaberite novu temu
popup with search preferences hr Popup with search
re-enter your password preferences hr Ponovo unesite vašu zaporku
select different theme preferences hr Izaberite drugačiju temu
select one preferences hr Izaberite jednu
select the language of texts and messages within phpgroupware.<br>some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. preferences hr Izaberite jezik i tekstove i poruke unutar eGroupWare-a.<br>Neki jezici ne sadrže sve poruke, tada će te dobiti poruke na engleskom
selectbox preferences hr Selectbox
selectbox with primary group and search preferences hr Selectbox with primary group and search
set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. preferences hr Set this to your liking. For security reasons, you might not want to show your Username in public.
should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. preferences hr Should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time.
should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. preferences hr Should these help messages always display when modifying preferences, or only on request.
show helpmessages by default preferences hr Show help messages by default
show navigation bar as preferences hr Show navigation bar as
show number of current users preferences hr Show number of current users
show text on navigation icons preferences hr Show text on navigation icons
show_more_apps common hr Show More Applications
text only preferences hr Text only
the default application will be started when you enter phpgroupware or click on the homepage icon.<br>you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application). preferences hr The default application will be started when you enter eGroupWare or click on the homepage icon.<br>You can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application).
the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. preferences hr The selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). The popup can search users by name or group.
the two passwords are not the same preferences hr The two passwords are not the same
theme (colors/fonts) selection preferences hr Theme (colors/fonts) Selection
this server is located in the %1 timezone preferences hr This server is located in the %1 timezone
time format preferences hr Time format
use default preferences hr Use default
users choice preferences hr Users choice
when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. preferences hr When you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar.
which currency symbol or name should be used in phpgroupware. preferences hr Which currency symbol or name should be used in eGroupWare.
you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. preferences hr You can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both.
you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! preferences hr You do not have permission to set ACL's in this mode!
you must enter a password preferences hr You must enter a password
your current theme is: %1 preferences hr your current theme is: %1
your preferences preferences hr Your Preferences
Reference in New Issue
Block a user