diff --git a/emailadmin/inc/class.emailadmin_script.inc.php b/emailadmin/inc/class.emailadmin_script.inc.php
index 1453b1d1f7..2778e6c5e1 100644
--- a/emailadmin/inc/class.emailadmin_script.inc.php
+++ b/emailadmin/inc/class.emailadmin_script.inc.php
@@ -92,14 +92,12 @@ class emailadmin_script {
return false;
- // if script doesn't yet exist, nothing to retrieve.
- // safe to write to this script file.
- #LK if (!AppSession::scriptExists($this->name)) {
- #LK $this->so = true;
- #LK return true;
- #LK }
- #print "
get Script ". $this->name ."
+ // If the called script name is not exist then create it
+ // otherwise we might get error due to non existance script
+ if (!in_array($this->name, $connection->listScripts()))
+ {
+ $this->updateScript($connection);
+ }
if(self::isError($script = $connection->getScript($this->name))) {
if ($this->debug) error_log(__CLASS__.'::'.__METHOD__.": error retrieving script: ".$script->getMessage());
@@ -249,7 +247,7 @@ class emailadmin_script {
$vacation_active = false;
$username = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['user']['account_lid'];
- $version = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['felamimail']['version'];
+ $version = $GLOBALS['egw_info']['apps']['mail']['version'];
//include "$default->lib_dir/version.php";
@@ -432,7 +430,7 @@ class emailadmin_script {
$defaultaddr = $sieve->user . '@' . $sieve->maildomain;
- if ($vacation['status'] == 'on' || $vacation['status'] == 'by_date' &&
+ if (($vacation['status'] == 'on' && strlen(trim($vacation['text']))>0)|| $vacation['status'] == 'by_date' &&
$vacation['start_date'] <= time() && time() < $vacation['end_date']+24*3600) // +24*3600 to include the end_date day
if (trim($vacation['forwards'])) {
@@ -447,17 +445,20 @@ class emailadmin_script {
$newscriptbody .= "\tkeep;\n}\n";
$vacation_active = true;
- if ($regexsupported)
+ if ($vacation['text'])
- $newscriptbody .= "if header :regex ".'"X-Spam-Status" '.'"\\\\bYES\\\\b"'."{\n\tstop;\n}\n"; //stop vacation reply if it is spam
- $regexused = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- // if there are no regex'es supported use a different Anti-Spam Rule: if X-Spam-Status holds
- // additional spamscore information (e.g. BAYES) this rule may prevent Vacation notification
- // TODO: refine rule without using regex
- $newscriptbody .= "if header :contains ".'"X-Spam-Status" '.'"YES"'."{\n\tstop;\n}\n"; //stop vacation reply if it is spam
+ if ($regexsupported)
+ {
+ $newscriptbody .= "if header :regex ".'"X-Spam-Status" '.'"\\\\bYES\\\\b"'."{\n\tstop;\n}\n"; //stop vacation reply if it is spam
+ $regexused = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // if there are no regex'es supported use a different Anti-Spam Rule: if X-Spam-Status holds
+ // additional spamscore information (e.g. BAYES) this rule may prevent Vacation notification
+ // TODO: refine rule without using regex
+ $newscriptbody .= "if header :contains ".'"X-Spam-Status" '.'"YES"'."{\n\tstop;\n}\n"; //stop vacation reply if it is spam
+ }
$newscriptbody .= "vacation :days " . $vacation['days'] . " :addresses [";
$first = 1;
@@ -530,7 +531,7 @@ class emailadmin_script {
$newscripthead = "";
$newscripthead .= "#Mail filter rules for " . $username . "\n";
- $newscripthead .= '#Generated by ' . $username . ' using FeLaMiMail ' . $version . ' ' . date($default->script_date_format);
+ $newscripthead .= '#Generated by ' . $username . ' using Mail ' . $version . ' ' . date($default->script_date_format);
$newscripthead .= "\n";
if ($activerules) {
@@ -545,9 +546,25 @@ class emailadmin_script {
$newscripthead .= "];\n\n";
} else {
// no active rules, but might still have an active vacation rule
+ $closeRequired = false;
if ($this->vacation && $vacation_active)
- $newscripthead .= "require [\"vacation\"];\n\n";
- if ($this->emailNotification && $this->emailNotification['status'] == 'on') $newscripthead .= "require [\"".($enotify?'e':'')."notify\"".($variables?',"variables"':'')."];\n\n"; // Added email notifications
+ {
+ $newscripthead .= "require [\"vacation\"";
+ if ($regexsupported && $regexused) $newscripthead .= ",\"regex\"";
+ $closeRequired=true;
+ }
+ if ($this->emailNotification && $this->emailNotification['status'] == 'on')
+ {
+ if ($this->vacation && $vacation_active)
+ {
+ $newscripthead .= ",\"".($enotify?'e':'')."notify\"".($variables?',"variables"':'')."];\n\n"; // Added email notifications
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $newscripthead .= "require [\"".($enotify?'e':'')."notify\"".($variables?',"variables"':'')."];\n\n"; // Added email notifications
+ }
+ }
+ if ($closeRequired) $newscripthead .= "];\n\n";
// generate the encoded script foot