Et2Dialog changes

- improve documentation
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nathan 2022-03-21 09:52:09 -06:00
parent ff471946b5
commit b600059b68

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@ -33,10 +33,94 @@ export interface DialogButton
* Et2Dialog widget
* You can use the static methods to get a dialog.
* A common dialog widget that makes it easy to inform users or prompt for information.
* It is possible to have a custom dialog by using a template, but you can also use
* the static method Et2Dialog.show_dialog(). At its simplest, you can just use:
* ```ts
* Et2Dialog.show_dialog(false, "Operation completed");
* ```
* Or a more complete example:
* ```js
* let callback = function (button_id)
* {
* if(button_id == Et2Dialog.YES_BUTTON)
* {
* // Do stuff
* }
* else if (button_id == Et2Dialog.NO_BUTTON)
* {
* // Other stuff
* }
* else if (button_id == Et2Dialog.CANCEL_BUTTON)
* {
* // Abort
* }
* }.
* let dialog = Et2Dialog.show_dialog(
* callback, "Erase the entire database?","Break things", {} // value
* );
* ```
* Or, using Promises instead of a callback:
* ```ts
* let result = await Et2Dialog.show_prompt(null, "Name").getComplete();
* if(result.button_id == Et2Dialog.OK_BUTTON)
* {
* // Do stuff with result.value
* }
* ```
* The parameters for the above are all optional, except callback (which can be null) and message:
* callback - function called when the dialog closes, or false/null.
* The ID of the button will be passed. Button ID will be one of the Et2Dialog.*_BUTTON constants.
* The callback is _not_ called if the user closes the dialog with the X in the corner, or presses ESC.
* message - (plain) text to display
* title - Dialog title
* value (for prompt)
* buttons - Et2Dialog BUTTONS_* constant, or an array of button settings. Use DialogButton interface.
* dialog_type - Et2Dialog *_MESSAGE constant
* icon - URL of icon
* Note that these methods will _not_ block program flow while waiting for user input unless you use "await" on getComplete().
* The user's input will be provided to the callback.
* You can also create a custom dialog using an etemplate, even setting all the buttons yourself.
* ```ts
* // Pass egw in the constructor
* let dialog = new Et2Dialog(my_egw_reference);
* // Set attributes. They can be set in any way, but this is convenient.
* dialog.transformAttributes({
* // If you use a template, the second parameter will be the value of the template, as if it were submitted.
* callback: function(button_id, value) {...}, // return false to prevent dialog closing
* buttons: [
* // These ones will use the callback, just like normal. Use DialogButton interface.
* {label: egw.lang("OK"),id:"OK", default: true},
* {label: egw.lang("Yes"),id:"Yes"},
* {label: egw.lang("Sure"),id:"Sure"},
* {label: egw.lang("Maybe"),click: function() {
* // If you override, 'this' will be the dialog DOMNode.
* // Things get more complicated.
* // Do what you like here
* }},
* ],
* title: 'Why would you want to do this?',
* template:"/egroupware/addressbook/templates/default/edit.xet",
* value: { content: {...default values}, sel_options: {...}...}
* });
* // Add to DOM, dialog will auto-open
* document.body.appendChild(dialog);
* // If you want, wait for close
* let result = await dialog.getComplete();
* Because of how LionDialog does its layout and rendering, it's easiest to separate the dialog popup from
* the dialog content. This allows us to easily preserve the WebComponent styling.
* the dialog content. This allows us to easily preserve the WebComponent styling. You should interact with the
* Et2Dialog though, and ignore the Et2DialogOverlay & Et2DialogContent.
export class Et2Dialog extends Et2Widget(ScopedElementsMixin(SlotMixin(LionDialog)))